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Hot Buttered Soul

Isaac Hayes


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Hot Buttered Soul
Album Summary

Hot Buttered Soul is the second studio album by American soul musician Isaac Hayes. Released in 1969, it is recognized as a landmark in soul music. Recorded with The Bar-Kays, the album features four lengthy tracks, including a 12-minute version of the Burt Bacharach/Hal David cover "Walk On By" and an almost 19-minute long version of Jimmy Webb's "By the Time I Get to Phoenix"; both songs were edited significantly and released as a double A-side single in July 1969.







  • Soul


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Sun Jan 17 2021

You could have told me this was written in 2020 and I would have believed it. Very modern feel with the guitar and orchestrations. Fantastic!

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Fri Jan 15 2021

First Isaac Hayes album I've ever listened to, and I absolutely dig the production. Walk on By is a whole vibe. Fantastic album to listen to while reading about Trump's impeachment fall out.

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Mon Jan 18 2021

loved the string arrangement on one woman. The longer the song the closer to god

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Mon Oct 31 2022

This album was better than I expected it to be. I was scared by the track lengths, but I really liked listening to this album. I do agree with others that the intro to By The Time I Get To Phoenix is longer than it needed to be. It's weird to hear his voice, because I'm so used to him voicing Chef on South Park, but I got past that pretty quickly. He definitely has a nice, soothing voice. It's perfect for this style of music. To think that this was 1969 is crazy. My favourite song was Walk On By.

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Thu Mar 18 2021

Starts with a great groove but dissolves later.

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Tue Mar 23 2021

Yeah, that's a no for me, dawg. I never realized, before listening to this album, that something could be simultaneously excessive and not enough. This album is SO MUCH. Long tracks, extended vocal and instrumental stretches, a whole, spoken-word story for some reason. And yet, it leaves me wanting and feeling like I'm missing something. There's a lack of substance that I just don't get. The only reason this was saved from a one-star review is that the musicianship is incredible even if it's not being leveraged to its full potential.

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Fri Jan 22 2021

Wow, what an incredible album, listened straight through twice. Had to take a second in between to appreciate that this was made in 1969! Cool, sexy, and incredibly well produced. Plus, any musician that borrows this many terms from neuroanatomy gets an extra point from me. Rest in peace, Chef.

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Fri Jan 22 2021

That voice needs a pregnancy warning and some great grooves, I imagine he must get sampled to death. Gets a bit wank with the 8 min spoken intro to By The Time I Get To Phoenix.

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Fri Jan 15 2021

Screams soul from the get go. Side one has some great full arrangements. Second side closes out in the best song/story telling I've heard in a while. Great produced album.

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Mon Oct 12 2020

Huge respect for Hayes. However, one of the problems with releasing a four-track album is that when one of them starts with a 9 minute monologue, it sort of brings the whole thing down. Best track: Hyperbolicsyllabicsesquedalymistic.

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Fri Feb 26 2021

Awesomely soulful. These instrumentals have been sampled for rap and hip hop time and time again.

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Sun Jun 20 2021

Literally one of the best albums of all time. I'm not kidding. If you haven't listened to it before I beg of you to do so. Three out of the four songs are kinda lengthy but I guarantee that the payoff is worth it.

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Sun Oct 15 2023

Looking forward to “Hot Buttered Thetans”, the 55th anniversary edition, coming out next year on OT III Records.

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Tue Mar 02 2021

Definitely funky. Very sexy. But songs were long and monotonous

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Thu Feb 04 2021

very nice album to listen to. the songs were really long though and i couldn't stay focused for their entirety.

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Fri Jan 22 2021

Before listening to this I only really knew Isaac Hayes thanks to his chocolate salty balls, the theme from Shaft and his dalliance with Scientology. I really enjoyed his version of ‘Walk on By’ and thought I was going to love the album, but the next three tracks were a bit less interesting. Didn’t love it, but it might have piqued my interest enough to go and check out some of his other stuff. Would probably have given it a 2.5 stars if I could.

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Thu Jun 10 2021

Good, but his waffle on the final track gets on my tits too much to rate higher than that

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Thu Dec 23 2021

Un Isaac Hayes un peu envahissant sur cet album. En effet dès les premières notes de cet album, ce dernier nous invite à toucher son crâne dégarni, d'une propreté il est vrai impeccable. Nous refusons poliment, mais ce dernier revient à la charge à plusieurs reprises, fonçant tête baissée en notre direction afin de juxtaposer son crâne parfaitement rasé à nos yeux ebahis. Nous ne lui en tiendrons pas rigueur au vu de la qualité exceptionnelle de ce crane.

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Thu Dec 23 2021

Un Isaac Hayes plus sexuel que jamais et cette-fois ci totalement décomplexé vis-à-vis de son crâne lisse et chauve qu'il n'hésite pas à nous glisser sous le nez à chaque fois qu'il en a l'occasion. Inutile d'essayer de l'éviter, autant poser ses narines à sa surface et renifler la couche de sébum qui le recouvre en profitant de l'instant présent.

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Wed Jan 27 2021

Every song has five minutes of psychedelic guitar and Issac Hayes talkdown before it actually starts and then another five minutes of jamming at the end. Five stars.

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Mon Feb 08 2021

This album is so good, oh my god. It's truly a masterpiece and it almost makes suffering through all of the filler albums worth it to find one like this.

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Sat Feb 19 2022

I’ve never heard something like this before. I didn’t know really long soul songs was what I was missing. This could bring me to tears under the right conditions. I love when an artist/band takes their sweet time to flesh out their ideas, and Hayes does just that. There were times where elements were introduced into a song and I was physically pushed back into my bed. Sinking. This album made me feel like I was on a cloud. Good shiz

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Fri Jan 12 2024

Isaac Hayes is one of those artists of such soul satisfying genius it almost makes me believe in Scientology.

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Wed Mar 27 2024

This is the first album on this list that I’ve listened to that made me go “wow I actually am glad I listened to that before I died.” Prior to listening to this album I would have described my soul as brittle, fragile, probably more on the cold side…but now? Oh BABY oh baby now I’ve got that hot buttered soul in me. I listened to this high in my car and it changed me as a woman. This album takes you on a ride. Every song is a JOURNEY. You will like the final destination. 10/10 album 10/10 title 10/10 cover 10/10 LYRICS “Cause I like it like that Your modus operandi Is really all right, out of sight Your sweet phalanges Know how to squeeze My gastronomical stupensity Is really satisfied when you're loving me” are you kidding me?? are you serious??? he did that??? “Verse 3] Let me stop procrastinating Standin' here and narrating Find my emancipator She's a love educator Cerebral, cerebellum, a medulla oblongata” shut the fuck up he’s got a whole ass anatomy lesson in those lyrics and it’s somehow sexy as hell????? “one woman” literally the most romantic song about cheating ever. I think I like get music now. Thx you.

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Tue May 25 2021

Fantastic early soul. I'm a fan of a four track, 45 minute album. Not something for everyday, but a nice treat every once and a while.

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Fri Jan 19 2024

Solid record. Classic Isaac Hayes. Musicianship is excellent, I love the grooves on this one. Arrangements are great. Wonderful voice on this man. By The Time I Get To Phoenix kind of starts off slow but picks up about hlafway through and finishes strong. I actually liked the shorter version better. Not a 5 star record, but a solid 3.5. Rounding up to 4 for the awesome sounding drums on this album.

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Wed Jan 31 2024

Good musicianship and great production - it's one of those albums best listened to in good headphones to really get the nuances of the various instrumental scoring. On my first listen, this was a 2-star album for me: too much torturing of each song, and too clever for its own good. But on a second listen, I was able to settle in and listen to it for what it is: a relaxed stroll through soulful ballads where the instruments play a call-and-response with Hayes' sultry pleading.

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Sat Feb 17 2024

Wow this was such a dope first listen. Opening track blew me away and I rode that all the way through the record. Sounds like fucken prog Soul sometimes, I'll have to listen to it again soon to see if I still like it this much. Fav songs: - Walk on by - One Woman - By the time I get to phoenix

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Sun Mar 31 2024

No one does a slow burn like Isaac Hayes

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Sat Apr 17 2021

The first three songs I can listen to every 3rd month... the 4th... is it a song? Left and came back to the same woman 7 times...

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Tue Feb 16 2021

Decent. A bit short. First 3 songs were good. Didn't like the 4th as it was spoken. First song is a mammoth 12 minutes, but very chilled. Would listen to again (minus the last song...)

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Wed May 05 2021

Great album name that fits the subject matter perfectly! Smooth as fuck, but the long ass intros add little.

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Wed May 05 2021

It's no Chocolate Salty Balls but it's still damn funky. First 3 tracks are real good but my word does that closer drag. Best track: Hyperbolicsyllabicsesquedalymistic

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Wed Jun 02 2021

Never listened to a whole album by Isaac Hayes. I like his voice, and the whole funk-soul aesthetic. The album only has four tracks, so they need to all be stonkers. The slow-burning, emotive-but-groovy feel works well across the first two long tracks. Unfortunately, the longest track, "By The Time I Get To Phoenix", isn't doing that much for me, with its rambling spoken word and extremely minimal/gradual pay-off. Overall, a 3 for this - I enjoyed it, but I'm somewhat ambivalent.

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Sat Jun 19 2021

Soul! 4 långa låtar mjuk krämig balsam bestående av fin saxofon och skönsång. By the Time I Get to Phoenix är en episk låt på närmare 19 minuter som börjar med att Isaac Hayes pratar (tidig rap???) i 5-6 minuter, och som senare bara stiger och stiger i intensitet i en halv evighet. Hyperbolicsyllabicsesquedalymistic vinner pris för bästa låttitel. För tankarna till Outkast, säkert inspirerade? Inledningslåten Walk on By är nog ändå den vassaste. En 12 minuter lång låt som fångar lyssnaren direkt med de otroligt vackra stråkarna i det instrumentala introt, och sedan aldrig släpper taget. Den uppmärksamme lyssnaren hör även ett beat i introt som finns samplat i The Notorious B.I.G.'s Warning. 3.5/5!!! Bästa låt: Walk on By

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Fri Aug 06 2021

I've heard a couple of songs from Isaac Hayes, but all of this album was new to me. I'm tempted to listen to "Hyperbolicsyllabicsesquedalymistic" again, because I'm sure I missed something in there. Hayes did say 'medulla oblongata' at some point in that song. The music was interesting too. "One Woman" wasn't quite my style, and the LONG spoken intro to "By the Time I Get to Phoenix" (9 of the 18 minutes) keeps this album in the "it's okay" category.

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Mon Aug 09 2021

First half starts off strong but that 18 minute track in the middle of the album loses the groove that had been established. "Hyperbollicsyllablesesquedalymistic" is a great title and a great track. That song is my hands down favorite of this album.

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Tue Aug 24 2021

This one is just good ol soul. It has a few touches that are different than what the genre dictates (making it progressive soul I guess), but overall it's just good soul music. It does have a bit where it's a spoken word poem over a beat which didn't fit the album feel, but other than that it was great. Favorite track: Walk On By

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Mon Oct 18 2021

I think Isaac Hayes might be a genius. The meat of this was great, but the build up to get there was quite slow (4 tracks, 45 mins). With familiarity from repeated listens, I expect the appreciation and enjoyment of this would grow, but based on one listen it's a 3/5.

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Wed Nov 10 2021

The parts were he didn’t talk we’re pretty good. Also wasn’t this guy a Scientologist?

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Fri Nov 12 2021

First thought: hey, I recognize this. Portishead sampled it. Second thought: wow, just four track in 45 minutes? Third thought (related to the second one): oh, man is this song still going? There's not an awful lot happening is there? Final thought(s): really liked the first song, the rest didn't really register much. 6/10

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Mon Nov 29 2021

Isaac Hayes has a smoky, yet articulate style. Harkening back to the lounge music era, this album puts the listener in the shoes of an audience member. A delightful experience, one is inspired to grab a cigar + whiskey in between a slow dance.

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Wed Dec 01 2021

Sexy and sweet. One of the songs gets a little out-there, both in length and its narrative of evil women. Overall positive experience.

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Tue Feb 01 2022

Far too cool for a Monday in January, still this was decent although suffered from Mr Hayes refusal to sing for parts and instead talk for 8 mins

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Tue Mar 01 2022

First couple of songs (only 4 very long tunes) are brilliant, then it gets talky and boring

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Tue May 31 2022

Isaac Hayes has to be the master of ultra smooth soul. This album, as the title suggests, is nothing but fully Hot Buttered Soul. Although the tracks are lengthy, it has a way about it that will just mellow you out and take you to another place. Best: Walk On By Worst: By The Time I Get To Phoenix

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Wed Jun 22 2022

I honestly didn’t mind listening to this one but why is there so much talking!?!? After the first time listening to the album you would have to skip wayyyy ahead on the last song.

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Sat Sep 04 2021

Slightly limp early work from a bona fide soul legend.

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Fri Jan 22 2021

Not much more to say about this album, groovy, delicious, buttery soul. Always been a favourite and always will be

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Wed Feb 17 2021

I really enjoyed this. I wish there were some shorter songs, and I wish the album cover wasn't so zoomed in on this guy's head. Otherwise, no complaints

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Fri Jan 22 2021

Hello children!! I loved this. What an artist, to take other people's work and reinvent them in such extraordinary ways, stamping his character all over them while being faithful to the feeling and respectful to the original. Then the other tracks are full of play, lyrically and musically. "Now I want your imagination. I want you to travel with me" - I'm there every time.

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Sun Feb 21 2021

I bought the album while listening to it

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Tue May 11 2021

Love the grooves, defs listen to this again

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Wed Aug 18 2021

Excellent album with an amazingly chill vibe.

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Thu Sep 16 2021

This is what soul should sound like

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Mon Sep 27 2021

Mmmm, first time music making me feel this way, damn.

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Sat Nov 20 2021

Wow. El mejor disco del 69, me cae.

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Sat Jan 15 2022

Väldigt bra, lyckas på alla fronter.

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Wed Jan 26 2022

كتبت 8 صفحات مالبوهالي و أنا نسمع فيه

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Mon Feb 07 2022

Very good. Surprised I liked it.

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Mon Feb 07 2022

Album cover alone tells the whole story. Legendary!

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Mon Mar 07 2022

Loved it! Very smooth voice and funky sounds.

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Tue Mar 08 2022

Good album, the tracks are epic and needs your full attention

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Thu Mar 17 2022

So funky I had a hard time falling asleep when I should have. That's the problem with starting to do this at bedtime.

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Tue Mar 29 2022

Favorite Track - Walk on By Where I was - Home How I listened - Vinyl Listen Again? - 100%

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Sun Apr 03 2022

Wow. This album is absolutely brilliant.

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Thu Apr 14 2022

A new classic. Sounds like early 90s. Great bass lines, great production.

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Fri May 06 2022

Amazing album. Wish I had more time to write my thoughts about this album

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Mon May 09 2022

Hot Hell, this album has amazing texture. The 1st & 2nd song Along with “Phoenix” are amazing. I’ll be it, some of the songs drag in some parts- but they resolve beautifully. Thanks Chef

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Mon May 16 2022

isaac hayes is cooler than me and he knows it

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Fri May 20 2022

This album is a great listen all the way through. It launched a thousand samples and exhibits a kind of mastery over production, instrumentation, and arrangement. Can't recommend enough.

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Mon May 30 2022

Un bonito y excelente álbum.

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Tue Jul 12 2022

Super smooth, super groovy. Love the bold choice of just 4 long songs. Because none of them are duds, you can just get in the zone and ride the hot buttery wave.

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Wed Jul 20 2022

thomas shelby's relationship with women

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Sat Jul 23 2022

Hot Buttered Soul and some Chocolate salty Balls, not a bad way to spend an evening.

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Mon Jul 25 2022

Rippers: Holy shit the horns on walk on by are incredible. one woman is also simply amazing. piano and horns give me the chills. damn, Skippers: Obviously, title of Hyperbolicsyllablecsesquedalymistic and the lyrics are ridiculous, but the music is still really great. Also not sure I need the 8:30 minute storytime before By the Time I get to Phoenix starts. Vibe: One Woman and Walk On By are fucking awesome. I want to cruise down deserted back roads at sunset in an enormous bronze Chrysler with the windows down. Gimme that and a fat joint and I'll park that old girl on the moon. Ashamed of myself for having never heard Hayes before.

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Mon Jul 25 2022

Terrific. Flawless. I could listen to him vibe over a soul instrumental for hours

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Mon Jul 25 2022

those four songs were some of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard in my life despite how long the songs were, I never felt bored of them, even the last song with that massive and simple intro was still super engaging the whole time this album is too good to rate

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Fri Aug 12 2022

This one was so fucking awesome. Hot, buttered and oh so smooth!

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Thu Aug 25 2022

Wow, what an album. Hayes makes these 4 tracks his own in this proggy soul album. His version of walk on by has to be one of the best songs I've ever heard. It sprawls over the 12 minute runtime perfectly, creating this grand masterpiece. The other 3 tracks are excellent as well. Hayes has such a strong presence and a great voice. The album cover is very charming as well. A true gem and an easy 5.

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