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The Number Of The Beast

Iron Maiden


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The Number Of The Beast
Album Summary

The Number of the Beast is the third studio album by English heavy metal band Iron Maiden. It was released on 22 March 1982 in the United Kingdom by EMI Records and in the United States by Harvest and Capitol Records. The album was their first to feature vocalist Bruce Dickinson and their last with drummer Clive Burr. The Number of the Beast was met with critical and commercial success, and became the band's first album to top the UK Albums Chart and reach the top 40 of the US Billboard 200. The album produced the singles "Run to the Hills" and "The Number of the Beast", the former of which became the band's first top-ten UK single. The album was also controversial, particularly in the United States, due to the religious references in its artwork and the title track's lyrics. Since the release of The Number of the Beast and its subsequent tour The Beast on the Road, "The Beast" has become an alternate name for Iron Maiden and was later used in the titles of some of their compilations and live releases, including Best of the Beast and Visions of the Beast.







  • Metal


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Fri Dec 03 2021

Ah, to be thirteen. To start wearing Lynx obsessively and masturbate for whole weekends at a time. And, of course, to own one's first Iron Maiden album. But then, at 15 you feel your first breast and try pot for the first time, so Iron Maiden loses its lustre. Of course, if neither happens, one unfortunately gets stuck on Iron Maiden and metal for the rest of one's days, and such a limited scape is no basis for a life's music. So yeah, I had cassettes of Iron Maiden, Killers, Piece of Mind and The Number of the Beast aged 13. But at 14, I got into The Doors and rediscovered my childhood love of punk, so Iron Maiden felt embarrassing in their juvenile appeal. So, I had real trepidation when Iron Maiden popped up. And I liked it. Juvenile appeal still appeals, and one occasionally yearns for Satanism, sci-fi references and songs about women with big boobies. Of course, one's diet shouldn't consist solely of ice ceam and Monster Munch, and too much Iron Maiden can be bad for one's appetite. Remember kids: if you find yourself falling asleep on the sofa at 4am clutching a three-quarters-empty bottle of Strongbow while the tenth episode that night of Red Dwarf blares from the telly, you've had a bit too much Iron Maiden.

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Sun Mar 06 2022

The Number of the Beast by Iron Maiden (1982) I remember when this record was released in 1982 that it caused quite a stir among conservative moralizers (such as myself), prompting boycotts of retailers and protests featuring album burnings. But I don’t remember ever paying attention to the lyrics. I seem to recall resting content that the album title and cover art were provocative enough to warrant its destruction, as in “I don’t need to listen to this trash to recognize that it comes directly from the Devil.” Now I’m in my mid-sixties, and it’s time to admit I was wrong. The ‘message’ of this album is not blasphemous; it does not promote Satanism; it is not obscene; it is not hateful; it is not threatening; it is not anti-Christian. Indeed, the only song that treats of the theme of devil worship (the title track “The Number of the Beast”) is somewhat ambivalent, giving a sympathetic view in the fourth verse and third chorus, but counterbalanced by fear and active opposition to the satanic in the remainder of the song—kind of like what one would expect when the apocalypse actually arrives, no? One could charitably interpret the song as setting forth the voices of a protagonist and an antagonist, without resolution. The rest of the album deals with themes of: (1) Viking incursions in England (“Invaders”) (2) Two (very excellent) British sci-fi movies of the early 60s (“Children of the Damned”) (3) A (very excellent) British TV spy-psy-sci-fi thriller (“The Prisoner”) (4) A plea for a woman to leave her life of prostitution (“22 Acacia Avenue”), (5) European American genocide Native Americans (“Run to the Hills”) (6) The horrors of gang violence (“Gangland”) (7) The psychological terror of a man condemned to die (“Hallowed Be Thy Name”) Anyone who is generally, indiscriminately, and piously indignant at themes of suffering and violence hasn’t read the Bible lately. The only thing morally objectionable about these lyrics is their sinfully low quality. Words like ‘trite’, ‘shallow’, ‘vacuous’, ‘cartoonish’, and ‘derivative’ come to mind. Let’s not dwell on it. It’s just bad poetry. The ‘message’ does not offend against the Good or the True; it only offends against the Beautiful. Now the music is dark, energetic, driving, heavy, scary, wild, elaborate, and creative. It’s done well, especially for 1982. Maybe the compositions are unduly repetitive, but they are all suitable for the lyrical themes—like a sonic expression of the banality of evil. Pity if there’s no room for that in one’s world view. 3/5

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Tue Feb 23 2021

When I fired this up I was thinking that if I had to pick one Maiden album to put on the list I don’t know that this is the one I’d go with. By the end of it I realized I was out of my goddamn mind. “Gangland” and “Invaders” aren’t favorites, but song for song it’s hard to argue with how melodically successful of an album this is for the band. (Or any band?) It ENDS with “Hallowed Be Thy Name” for ball’s sake, and every second of this record sounds better than most metal albums ever. I love it. The first show they play in South America after the pandemic is going to result in more pregnancies than a sperm bank.

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Mon Feb 15 2021

No mystery where Jack Black gets his metal voice inspiration from... although the vocals gets a bit irritating like a mini drone constantly hovering around. Guitar solos are pretty damn good. Would’ve been great to see live in the day. Pretty clear why Iron Maiden didn’t get a lot of airtime in our house while growing up 👹😈

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Mon Apr 12 2021

This one time - for a dare - I knelt down next to the exhaust on a powerful sports car while the driver stepped on the accelerator and generated maximum revs. It was very loud. However, aside from being distressed by the volume I wouldn't say if it was pleasant or unpleasant as there was no discernible variation in the noise. It just bore through me.

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Thu May 13 2021

The melodies and counter melody play with guitar and bass are awesome. Beautiful voice, good feeling. Fun music. Run to the Hills got me hooked on Iron Maiden.

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Mon Apr 12 2021

About as smart as you’d expect from a band called Iron Maiden with a singer called Bruce. And yet, there’s room in this world for big dumb fun, and a band with a zombie mascot. I enjoyed it.

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Mon Feb 06 2023

I’ve always had an aversion to heavy metal, and did an almighty roll of the eyes when this album came up on the list. Iron Maiden have never appealed to me and I’ve never sat through a song, let alone a full album. So I cued up “Invaders”, bracing myself to be thoroughly bored… and then something strange happened. Almost by itself, my head began to bob- at first imperceptibly, and then with gradually increasing vigour and enthusiasm. I felt the Devil knocking on my eardrums, looking for my very soul… and I let him in. That’s when I felt my hair getting greasier. Several species began to grow in the crevices of my armpits. For forty minutes alone, I became a metalhead. How did Iron Maiden grip me in its vice? The key ingredient here, which has been missing from the other metal albums I’ve heard so far, is the spoonful of sugary melodies to sit alongside all those high-fat riffs and cholesterol-loaded basslines. The chorus of “The Prisoner” is guiltless radio-friendly pop-rock, at no detriment to the song’s potency. The harmonised guitar solos- in “Children of the Damned” and later “Hallowed be thy Name”- are exemplary. Crisp motifs in major keys are much more this band’s currency than sludgy, bludgeoned riffs and tuneless yelling. Each member of Iron Maiden is a master of their field, with no room for faults. As well as crafting the majority of the songs, Steve Harris gives a star turn on bass, anchoring the songs when he needs to and milking the instrument elsewhere (“Invaders” verses, and the delicious rising figure capping off the solo in the title track). Drummer Clive Burr has a hell of a workout with the thrashy tempos, making excellent use of the ride cymbal. And little more needs to be said about Bruce Dickinson’s vocals and guitarists Dave Murray and Adrian Smith: gloriously theatrical, hammy for better or worse. The all-out highlight, bringing all of the above together in four exhilarating minutes, is “Run to the Hills”. Impossible not to either sing along to, flash the air-guitar or mime the drumming for the intro, even after just a couple of listens. I don’t think I’d ever heard it before, but it will now be forever lodged somewhere in my mind, to arise like an ancient prophecy at the mere mention of Iron Maiden. However, there’s only so much rope I’m willing to give: all the good feeling in the world can’t excuse the particularly laughable “22 Acacia Avenue.” The idea of a metal band earnestly peering around the door of a brothel to tell a sex worker to “stop screwing around” is comical for all the reasons they didn’t want. Devoting a six and a half minute song to the subject with a character named “Charlotte the Harlot” brings it closer to plain offensive, so it’s a good job there’s a characteristically emotive guitar solo to make it more bearable. So in short: yes, the lyrics are hackneyed and corny. Yes, the album retreads the same ground repeatedly across its short runtime. And yes, these songs are for body rather than soul. But there was something in the raw power of these songs which really got through to me. Removing all prejudice, it’s a thrilling listen.

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Mon Jul 11 2022

was expecting to hate this children of the damned - simple vocals, but captivating, tight guitar work, drum line around 2:45ish is beautiful; guitar solo is impressive prisoner - not my cup of tea, but vocals are good, lyrics are not 22 Acacia Avenue - this feels like the album is getting repetitive Number of the Beast - pretty eh, I liked the 666 part lol run to the hills - nothing special gangland - i'm getting sick of this repetitive song structure hallowed be thy name - the slow start is a nice change, outro was good length overall final thoughts - not my cup of tea, but I can tell it's a great work for the genre

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Wed Jul 20 2022

Iron Maiden album covers remind me of the ol' Goosebumps books series, both using the same formulaic palette of not-too-scary cartoonish skeletons and occult imagery that appeals to pre-teen boys (12 year old me would have loved this cover too). The music is predictably formulaic too, but it's a formula that works for them. Still, the guitar riffs and solos are bitchin', and the songs are performed with enough vigor and aggression to keep the 39 minute run time fairly enjoyable.

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Tue Jun 01 2021

One of my favourite hard rock albums ever - the musicianship, relatively raw production, and punctuated with two of the biggest hits of the genre: "Number of the Beast" and "Run to the Hills" - have made this a frequent listen for me for decades (although as a little kid I was a little scared of Number of the Beast :D....). This was the first Maiden album that put them into the stratosphere, introducing new vocalist Bruce Dickinson. Iron Maiden is probably not everyone's cup of tea so to speak, so if this early metal platter seems a turnoff, please start with "Run to the Hills" to appreciate the songwriting and musicianship. What initially attracted me to Maiden wasn't necessarily the volume and power but the strong sense of melody atop it all, something they'd perfect throughout the next 3 albums. "Hallowed Be Thy Name" and "The Prisoner" are the other standouts here. 9/10, only thing keeping this from perfection is a slightly weaker first half (side 1) but overall this is an all-time classic.

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Mon Feb 12 2024

This is my first album suggestion here for me. Know IM since my early youth in the north of the Netherlands, living nearby a town called Meeden. It was really a no future part of the country where I grew up. Kids wore IM patches and listening IM on their Walkmans. It was the way to rebel against the establishment back then. Years later I drove in the US through a First Nation area in Montana when Run To The Hills was aired on the radio. It instantly clicked. This is a wonderful album!

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Sat Mar 02 2024

Played it backwards, killed a goat.

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Sun Nov 28 2021

3 🌟. Really tough for a heavy metal album to score above a 3 for me. This has elements that I like. The drumming is excellent but the songs are all basically the same formula and the vocals are technically good but the style is off putting for me. So it's a good heavy metal album but not an album I'll ever want to give a 2nd listen to

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Thu May 06 2021

Not a bad album by any means, but still has all the things I don't like about metal: repetitive riffs, lack of a musical narrative, overwrought lyrics about how tortured the whiny white boy is. Best song: Run to the Hills. Worst song: Gangland.

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Tue Aug 09 2022

As soon as I saw the album I thought “oh no -another American heavy metal band that I hate. But I was wrong. The band’s English.

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Mon Jun 07 2021

Absolute classic, brings me back to my angsty years. So much energy, the epitome of Iron Maiden's sound

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Sat Jan 16 2021

One of my favorite albums of all time. Gangland and invaders aren't the best but everything else is awesome. I just got speakers for my turntable, ill listen to this one after work on that

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Sat Dec 04 2021

Simply a masterpiece in metal. Great vocals, classic production, harmonized solos, and catchy choruses to take it to the extra star.

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Sat Jan 23 2021

Though some moments on The Number of the Beast are clearly stronger than others, the album as a whole represented a high-water mark for heavy metal, striking a balance between accessible melodicism and challenging technique and intensity. Everything fell into place for Iron Maiden here at exactly the right time, and the result certainly ranks among the top five most essential heavy metal albums ever recorded. A cornerstone of the genre.

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Mon Jan 29 2024

Not my jam... It was funny to hear what everybody parodies, though.

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Tue May 07 2024

Lord. This is still not my kind of music. 2

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Fri May 10 2024

Metal is never going to be my favorite genre, though there are a couple-dozen songs that I enjoy. But on the whole, I find the genre a bit silly, and Bruce's vocals are exhibit A. I just can't with that operatic tone of his. Having said that, I didn't hate this album. The songs are pretty strong (if also perhaps a bit silly) and the playing is aces. But that singing. (Bonus point for that Prisoner clip, though.) Also, as a teen, I loved their album covers and posters. They're still pretty great. And that logo is iconic.

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Fri May 10 2024

Compared to other heavy metal albums, this was tolerable. Not overly keen on Bruce Dickinson‘s voice but I find that with most albums of this ilk. Run to the Hills was fun and kudos to any band that samples The Prisoner. classic 60s TV. I didn’t have to reach for the headache tablets at the end, so this was a marked improvement in my appreciation for teenage headbanging boy music.

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Mon Feb 01 2021

Zero stars for juvenile art, lyrics and performances. If I were a 13 year-old boy, *maybe* I could listen to this drivel. Nah, at 13 I was into the Beatles, MoTown, Bowie.

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Fri Jul 02 2021

Genuinely impressive that someone can produce something of such limited musical and artistic merit. Everything that is bad about the metal genre (which can be great) is here. Repetitive riffs, pretending to worship Satan, and lyrics about the struggle of a little white man. Imagining the lack of personal hygiene in the crowd is enough to steer well clear until the end of days. 1/5

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Wed May 19 2021

klockers, första albumet med bruce.

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Wed Jan 13 2021

Absolute banger of an album. One of the greatest from Iron Maiden for sure

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Thu Jan 14 2021

Run to the Hills is the best metal vocal ever.

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Thu Jan 28 2021

Excellent! So muhc energy on the track

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Wed Jun 02 2021

muahahahahahaha oh hell yea. gosh the bass line on Invaders is just everywhere. Goddamn even two songs in you can tell this is one of the best black metal albums ever made. Number Of The Beast still kicks the most ass.

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Tue Feb 23 2021

What can I say? It's Number of the goddamn Beast by Iron fucking Maiden. Five stars, and I'd give it another five if I could!

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Sun Jan 17 2021

Nunca había escuchado un disco de estos mens. Está bien chistoso, no paré de reír. Pero también es muy emocionante y divertidísimo. Esto debe ser increíble en vivo.

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Mon Mar 01 2021

One of the best rock albums ever, not surprised it's on the list and a regular listen for me since I was really young!

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Mon May 24 2021

A classic and one I own. good to listen again

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Mon Jun 14 2021

I really like Iron Maiden. Interesting that the Powerslave Album wasn't picked for this, since it is the more common choice I guess. Anyways, up the Irons!

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Tue Jun 08 2021


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Fri Aug 06 2021

This one of the true classic metal albums, top 5 of all time to be sure. Bruce Dickinson's voice is amazing, with a range few can match. The sound is intense but the musicianship is undeniable. Fave songs: Children of the Damned, Run to the Hills, Hallowed Be Thy Name

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Sat Aug 07 2021

What an album. Hallowed by thy name is such a legendary song.

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Mon Aug 16 2021

This one shreds! Great metal without trying too hard and still great music. And every song hits! Incredible album. Hallowed, Run to the Hills, and Prisoner were standouts, but zero skips. Immediately listened a second time.

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Fri Aug 20 2021

I wasn’t expecting to enjoy this particularly but it was awesome. Was considering 5 stars but the last track tipped it over the edge. Used on Jamie Thomas’ section on Toy Machine - Welcome to Hell. 🤘😝

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Tue Aug 24 2021

666!!! THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST!!! One of my all-time favorite metal albums, so badass

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Thu Sep 09 2021

Great old-school metal, this album is a classic. Run to the Hills is such a perfect song and this album is filled with great tunes. It's Metal but it's got a real craftsmanship to how it's all put together.

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Fri Sep 10 2021

This a quintessential metal album that everybody needs to hear. Great stuff from start to finish.

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Tue Sep 14 2021

it's not really my music, but I really enjoyed this album!

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Sat Sep 18 2021

Best album de Maiden et top métal 5/5

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Mon Oct 04 2021

Love this….. the maiden in their heyday! Rocking it!!

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Tue Oct 05 2021

a timeless classic of heavy rock/metal. didn't need to listen to it as i already love it, but enjoyed listening anyway :) hallowed be thy name is one of the best heavy rock songs of all time

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Tue Oct 05 2021

Invaders, title track, Run to the Hills, Hallowed Be Thy Name. good shit! Another one I've heard of for decades but never put on.

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Tue Oct 05 2021

Hi ha clàssics i clàssics. Aquest és dels de veritat. Punt d'inflexió de la NWOBHM, del heavy metal en general, i porta d'entrada al génere de milions de joves. Un cop hi entres... ja no hi ha marxa enrera. I aquest és una de les millors empentes per creuar la porta que es pot trobar

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Mon Oct 18 2021

This was a really good album. I had never listened to the full album before, but after this listen I can safely say I would listen to this album again and again.

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Tue Oct 19 2021

This album was awesome. Super great guitar parts and super creative songs and vocals. Incredibly iconic.

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Tue Oct 26 2021

Ba wi wi wewww, ba wa wa wewwww. Is it possible to listen to this album and not find another layer to love about it? A taste I am grateful for having taken the time to acquire.

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Mon Nov 08 2021

First time listening to Iron Maiden. I was surprised. I liked almost every track. I might listen to more albums.

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Tue Nov 09 2021

Bringing back that rock and roll!!

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Sat Nov 13 2021

Alles aan dit album klopt gewoonweg. Bruce Dickinson is een fantastisch zanger, en de nummers zijn erg goed opgebouwd.

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Fri Nov 19 2021

Such a solid and highly influential metal album. There's a reason why critics, metalheads, and even general music fans call this one of the greatest metal albums of all time. If I did have to criticise something, I'd agree that Gangland isn't as well written as most the other tracks on there (thankfully it's right before Hallowed Be Thy Name which is phenomenal)

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Thu Dec 09 2021

-Pretty slick riff in-between lines in the chorus in "Invaders" -Great drum intro on "Gangland" -"Children of the Damned," "22 Acacia Avenue," and "Hallowed Be Thy Name" are absolute bangers -"The Number of the Beast" and "Run to the Hills" are probably up there in my favorite tracks of all time. Truly incredible songs. Incredible storytelling, intensity, and raw power -Obvioualy the riffs and singing are legendary, but the drumming is incredible, especially on "Run to the Hills" and the reverse cymbals to end "Hallowed Be Thy Name" if I remember correctly. Also the bass is quite strong and has some great riffs, especially for a metal album

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Tue Dec 28 2021

Gli Iron Maiden hanno un'immagine di "METALLARI PESANTI™", ma in realtà le loro canzoni sono di un classico Hard Rock. La differenza particolare a mio avviso la fanno la caratteristica voce del cantante, le copertine degli album e i testi gotici. Ok sì, di Metal c'è anche quella tendenza a inutili virtuosismi (devo dire qui molto ben bilanciata). The number of the beast è spettacolare, brividi e una carica pazzesca. Le 4 precedenti offrono un crescendo verso questa canzone. La seguente 'Run to the Hills' è forse anche meglio, con il plus del testo. 'Gangland' e soprattutto 'hallowed by the name', anche se non sono al livello delle precedenti, mantengono un certo mood simile e molto cool. 5 stelle, facile.

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Thu Dec 30 2021

Not my personal favorite Maiden album, but it is certainly a beast (pun intended) and it's number is 5. Up the irons.

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Fri Jan 07 2022

Already heard this album, very good. No bad songs on this one!

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Mon Jan 10 2022

Had this album years ago and it was in heavy rotation along with Motley Crue. Still holds up

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Thu Jan 13 2022

Probably more of a 4.25 album, but it gets bonus points for MAIDEN! and then I round it up.

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Mon Jan 17 2022

I should have checked this out earlier in my life. Best track: Hallowed Be Thy Name

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Wed Jan 19 2022

Todo un disco de heavy-rock con guitarras aplastantes y auténticos temazos. Espectacular voz y temas muy cañeros

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Sun Feb 13 2022

02/12/22 Fucking awesome. Absolute 5-stars from start to finish. Loved this album!

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Mon Mar 07 2022

De største sangene trekker opp, de andre var helt greie

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Wed Mar 16 2022

Woe to you, oh earth and sea, for Maiden sent this beast with rock!

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Thu Mar 31 2022

Dumb fun metal music. Emphasis on fun.

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Sat Apr 09 2022

You just can't to wrong. Beating drums, heavy rifts and pure energy in the vocals. Just amazing

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Sat May 07 2022

These boys really are the cat's pajamas

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Mon May 16 2022

Awesome metal album! Long live Bruce Dickinson!

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Sun May 22 2022

Мне очень понравилось. Неожиданно мелодично.

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Sun Jun 05 2022

An album of fucking bangers. Maiden is a great hard rock band kind of disguised as a novelty act.

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