Moon Safari
AirGreat chill ambient music
Great chill ambient music
Not as good as bjork's first album, and grates the ears after a while. Not harmonious at all.
Black keys are definitely a great reintroduction to blues rock, and by association. They've reintroduced me to a lot of other new artists that I really like. How can you go wrong with piano , guitar, and vocals.
Visit all right album with a couple of total classic hits. It's interesting to hear the title track, which I don't believe I've ever heard before, and then there's also a couple of things where it sounds like they're emulating other hits of the day. Like Billy Joel, we didn't start the fire. Overall it's not as full and Rich and deep a sound as I prefer these days. But I do very much remember playing this on repeat when I was in high school.
This is not really my style if I compare it to other artists. I like more from the era, like Janis Joplin. I find that guitar to be weak and I'm not a huge fan of Susie's vocals.
Not a fan. Too distorted and yelly.
Excellent producing but too dark for me
Excellent, catchy acoustic guitar with some kalimba, but vocals grate on the ear.
Nice ambient tracks but to loud for studying