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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.

Moon Safari



Moon Safari
Album Summary

Moon Safari is the debut studio album by French electronic music duo Air, released on 16 January 1998 by Source and Virgin Records. Moon Safari was re-released on 14 April 2008 to mark the album's 10th anniversary, including a bound book, a DVD documentary about the duo, and a bonus CD with live performances and remixes. Moon Safari was acclaimed by critics. It is credited with setting the stage for the budding downtempo music style. By February 2012, it had sold 386,000 copies in the United States.







  • Pop
  • Electronica


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Oct 19 2021
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Breathy and tasty like a whipped chocolate mousse.

Jan 15 2021
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Psychedelic synth porn got me drooling omg. The basslines are varied both in melody and in tone with some upright, some electric, and lots of synth bass everywhere. It's like a retro Avalanches record. Which, notable difference is how analogue everything sounds and I can't really describe it any other way. I also love the mixing in this - very much an album for headphones and drugs. My only gripe is that Sexy Boy doesn't hit and some of the songs run a bit long.

Oct 07 2023
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Have you ever been out drinking with a few friends and it gets to that late hour where you can either go home or get weird? Your friend says he got a text from an acquaintance that is having a gathering across town. You put up a fake fight but inevitably will go because you don't want to be drunk alone at home. You all share a cab and with every block you drive you notice you're getting farther and farther from home. When you do arrive, the building as some jerryrigged lock system that you've been given vague instructions to and the four of you struggle for 10 minutes before a stranger just let's you in. You get up to the apartment and knock - the door is opened by a white guy with dreads...he hugs your friend and welcomes everyone in. It smells of incents, weed, and definitely a hint of cats. You look around and there are a few people there and they are all zonked out on the couch. You're told there's beer in the fridge and you go get the least offensive IPA of the bunch. You are then offered some sort of powder by your friend. Is it H? Is it K? Is it even possibly Coke? It's dark so who knows. So you say why not and take a line. I was definitely not cocaine. You go into a paranoid spiral about getting hooked on H because of this and get dizzy and try to find a place to sit. Your fucked up brain says - go to the bathroom and lay your face on the cold floor. So you do that...wondering when someone will walk in and freak out. You get up the energy to get out of bolt to your friend and say you gotta go. You fly down the stairs and get in the first cab you see, knowing it's gonna be super expensive...but if I start OD-ing there's a person to help. You get home after dozing in the cab...knowing the cabby was judging you. You climb up your stairs to your apartment. Drink a little water and lay down fully clothed, thinking of nonsense until you eventually fall asleep. That's what this album sounds like

Sep 14 2021
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Surprisingly enjoyable. I thought, upon hearing the first track “okay some more ephereal French flim flam - let’s see how this goes” but with a light hand on the tiller, Air guide us through the rivers of the world. Unusual, and quite unique sounding - there’s plenty of tonal variety and texture within the gestalt of waifish French flim flam. You know what? I’ve talked myself into a 4. In reality probably a 3.5, but I’m feeling good after that, so yeah. 4.

May 13 2021
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This record shows in some cases a similar style to Daft Punk, but with fewer extremely annoying "experimental" sirenes and blaring synthesizers that make you want to pierce your eardrums with a toothpick. However, some songs do depend too much on generic elevator/video-game menu music vibes, or take a little bit too long to become exciting. Songs that are worth being added to my collection, are Voyage, Ce matin-la, Femme d'argent, Kelly and All I Need. I feel that each of these songs adds something new to the experience, different instrumentals, different tempo but the same funky and relaxing atmosphere. With me liking exactly 50 percent of the album, I feel it deserves an overall score of 6/10.

Sep 14 2021
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Oh, it sounds like this?! Saw this album dozens of times as a kid without ever hearing it. Expected it to sound like proto-Landfill Indie but it actually sounds like a coma patient waking up. Because it renders 60's positivity with a 90's futurism whose grasp almost exceeds its reach, that patient could be any number of dead, buried and long-forgotten bands. And because the silly-spooky voices and cute piano figures are imbued with a wry whimsy, I'm guessing the band find their venture both fun and funny. I do too, without ever being totally roused out of my hospital bed. Also has the MASSIVE benefit of featuring THAT song from 10 Things I Hate About You, which I probably watched as many times as I saw this album cover in HMV.

Mar 02 2021
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So many memories of young adulthood. Original, immaculate and superbly produced album

Mar 27 2021
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Put this record on, fix yourself a cocktail, close your eyes and you can almost feel those Cafe Del Mar come-downs.

Jan 12 2021
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Man, I'd totally forgotten about this band. There was a short period where this album was on regular rotation in my college apartment. I had a roomate who became totally enamored with them after hearing one of their tracks on a commercial. I actually really like several of these tracks despite Air being part of that same European school of electronic music as Daft Punk. The repetitiveness of the songs tends to annoy me after three minutes in or so. The songs are, on average, about a minute longer than they should be. That said, it's an album full of good, chill, background jams. I still a fan of La Femme d'Argent, All I Need, and Talisman.

Feb 09 2021
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This is a sexy album. It conjures the vision of a chic lounge sparsely filled to capacity with beautiful, well dressed Parisians. Perhaps tonight I will dream of being invited in.

Feb 03 2021
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Starting to think this 1001 albums thing is bullshit. I can write a better book and curate a better list.

Jan 19 2021
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I’ve officially reached one full week of experiencing and giving my impressions of the 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die. It’s been a fun and rewarding project and this is album number seven. The second of which I knew absolutely nothing about.. The album of the day is titled Moon Safari by the French band Air. This effort was released in 1998, one of my favorite years in music in my lifetime in that I was old enough to really start making my own decisions in what I like but more importantly, when I was able to buy my own collection of cassettes and tapes. Full disclosure, I’m not all that knowledgeable about electronic music, EDM, techno and all other related music. I can’t name a single Daft Punk, The Chemical Brothers or The Prodigy song. (I do know Fire Starter though!) While I’ve never been able to relate to a lot of this style of music, I respect it and acknowledge it’s influential impact on many, many other genres, including my first love, hip hop. Now that I’ve gotten the homage paying part out of the way, I have to give my honest thoughts on Moon Safari with having only 24 hours with it... There are so many other better albums that could have taken the place of this mediocre record. I don’t intend to offend, but I doubt that I will. Sure, if you put this cassette in the tape deck of my 1988 Acura Integra in 1998, I won’t go rushing for the eject button. It’s not bad at all in any way. I really didn’t mind it. It just didn’t scratch any particular itch for me. I didn’t find myself yearning to hear any of these songs again. Sometimes I’ll listen to a new song obsessively on repeat. Not the case here. I do really like the bass on most tracks. The few songs that actually had vocals were okay. The 70’s synthesizers were dope. I’m not hating on Air or their debut album Moon Safari.. But.. In the end, I won’t go back to this album. I need re-playability in my music. If I’m watching a movie and hear a song from this cut in the soundtrack, I may not even recognize it. There are a couple stand out cuts from a project that, to me, sounded more like a demo from a couple of really talented producers that have yet to find their muse. The second song on the record, Sexy Boy, was the most satisfying with the synthetic voice as a catchy rift. The title song, Moon Safari, one of the two only songs that featured a singer, is a cool 90’s love song. I just feel like their are many other really good albums that should have had their place in this collection. Such as Salt’n Pepa’s Hot Cool and Vicious, or The Barenaked Ladies Stunt album released the same year as Moon Safari, a massive hit. Those are just two examples of monster records that were left off of the list. Oh well. At the end of the day, I didn’t write the book, I’m just consuming it. I’m enjoying every album no matter what. Please share your thoughts, memories and impressions, especially if you’ve experienced Moon Safari for the first time because of this post. If you know and love this album to death, and hold it dearly to your heart please feel free to tell me how wrong I am, because we all perceive music differently and that’s okay!! ✌️

Feb 18 2021
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Wow, it's incredible how boring they are able to be. I don't think I've heard many more boring albums in my entire life (OK, Bob Marley is still worse). Not sure why anyone would ever put this on except for just letting something play in the background that won't distract people and which they won't remember.

May 22 2022
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This album manages to create an entire atmosphere bubble in your living room. It's so original and fresh, I highly recommend the adventure!

Jun 01 2021
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31st May 2021 Listened on the drive home to London. Sometimes an album catches you perfectly, and this says a lot about the importance of when and where you listen to an album. Summer afternoon, window down, perfect. Air walked so Daft Punk could do the robot?

Jun 18 2024
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Great downtempo electronic ambient/dream pop music with vocals. Beautiful synths and piano. Smooth bass grooves and some additional horns. String arrangements at some song. Great vocals as well - both male and female.

Mar 01 2024
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01) La femme d'argent - 9,5 02) Sexy Boy - 10,0 03) All I Need - 10,0 04) Kelly Watch The Stars - 10,0 05) Talisman - 9,0 06) Remember - 9,0 07) You Make It Easy - 9,5 08) Ce matin là - 9,5 09) New Star in the Sky (Chanson pour Solal) - 9,0 10) Le voyage de Pénélope - 9,0 TOTAL: 9,45 (95/100) I was 20 years old when this came out and I loved it. "Sexy Boy" is one of my all time favorite tracks. 26 years on, and it still sounds fresh AF. Hell, all of the album makes me feel like I'm 20 again and like the whole world is mine... And you know what? Maybe it is...

Oct 04 2022
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I loved this album! It made me feel like a sexy spy or something.

Mar 27 2022
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What a breath of fresh air. It's easy to understand how this kind of thing could take over the world. I remember first hearing Air during the worst hangover I had in my life - new year's day after a night of too many different types of alcohol - beer, whiskey, wine, champagne, gin... I was debilitated, couldn't go out, couldn't move, and my friend put them on and it provided a nice cool atmosphere to make me feel, at least temporarily, a little less miserable. That memory aside, I found this album irresistible.

Mar 22 2022
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Really fantastic album, enjoyed it a lot. Kind of reminiscent of Portishead in the downtempo instrumentals with the occasional Daft Punk-esque vocoded vocals. Didn't know what to expect going in but it was excellent.

Mar 09 2022
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Loved this album when it was released, still love it now.

Mar 08 2022
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<3333 Prefs: La Femme d'Argent, Sexy Boy, Talisman, Ce Matin-Là, New Start in the Sky, Le Voyage de Pénélope Moins pref: Remember

Jan 26 2022
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We have really failed as a species considering the fact that we don't make more music that sounds like this.

Nov 05 2021
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So I was thinking, I've been handing out too many 5 stars lately, therefore Moon Safari needs to get 4 stars. But then I started listening to the album again after, admittedly, way too long a break. The bass lines on the first track (La femme d'argent) were all it took to make me shiver and recall taking the chance and buying the CD based on an old friend's recommendation. And then Sexy Boy, and then Beth Hirsch's voice, and on and on - each and every song on this album is something special. I'm sorry to say it, but this is "another" 5 stars album. How I loved Air! But I still need a lot of Air.

Mar 27 2021
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Blissfully drifted away on a sunny Friday morning. The mellow sounds made be want to swim in a tranquil sea...with a group of people, in order to stop the tyranny of our Hollywood paedophile overlords.

Feb 09 2021
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I can't believe this was released in 98! This was so influential when it came out, I was into Sophia Coppola's films at the time also, particularly Virgin Suicides so this really hit the spot. The way they were able to blend groovy sounds from the 60s and 70s into this new \"chill out\" sound was really innovative and this album holds up surprisingly well today.

Jan 18 2022
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dont give me this shit ever again

Mar 15 2025
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My bus has turned into a space ship and major tom is at the controls as we fly a sexy disco has started we are dancing away in a most peculiar way.......goodbye everyone....... Polymath

Mar 14 2025
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This is #day217 of my #1001albumsyoumusthearbeforeyoudie challenge, and... here’s to some evening cocktail music, right? If I’d listened to this in the morning like I usually do with albums in this challenge, I might’ve called it "morning cocktail music," but who drinks cocktails in the morning? Well, anyway... Somehow, I ended up listening to this record later into the night. And, of course, I’m lying when I say "somehow." It’s just that I was busy working in the morning—because, you know, that’s what you do when you’re older. By a lucky coincidence, though, the music ended up fitting perfectly with the time of day. Even luckier still, the album is called Moon Safari, so it kind of hints at the nighttime—or, you know, the very early morning, when you might still catch a glimpse of a crescent or full moon in the sky. It’s a beautiful record. "La femme d'argent," "Sexy Boy," and "All I Need" rang a bell immediately, but there are also other great moments here. A downtempo, dreamy, spacey synth odyssey is probably the best way to describe this album. Or, Kraftwerk marrying Pink Floyd marrying Brian Eno. I'm giving it a 5 out of 5. No wonder I rated the Virgin Suicides score a 4 back in the day. Looking forward to #day218.

Mar 04 2025
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At university in the late 1990s, I had a CD player with a timer function, and I used Moon Safari as my alarm - the first track fades in with rain noises so it’s good for waking up gently. Hearing it again made me feel like I was late for a lecture, but also reminded me why I liked it so much in the first place, and not just because it’s perfect for snoozing when you’re a student who struggles to drag her lazy arse out of bed.

Aug 30 2024
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112 albums in and finally a 5 star.

Aug 29 2024
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I’m glad I got at least one more album that rocks equally hard when high or sober. Super catchy French electronica and first two songs plus last one were my favs.

Mar 11 2025
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Like it a lot, hints of daft punk, Radiohead and such. Vocals aren’t quite to my liking but the instrumentals are fun and keep you listening.

Mar 11 2025
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Very evocative of a different time. It's very easy to listen to, quite soothing. I was listening on youtube and after the album finished the next couple of autoplay items were other Air tracks - and I didn't even notice the album had ended. It came get a bit beige and samey, but I would happily listen again.

Jan 07 2025
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Pretty all over the place. Might need to give another listen. UPDATE - gave this a re-listen, easy 4. Great production, great bass.

Aug 21 2024
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What a fabulous album—mellow and beautiful.

Aug 17 2024
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Ok so right off the bat, “Moon Safari” is an excellent name for an album and I love. “Air” isn’t a great name for a band or group, but I’ll allow it. This was cool. I’ve come to realize through this project that I do actually like electronic instrumental music. It’s all about the vibes and when it hits right, it’s amazing. There were a couple tracks I’d consider duds, but not many. A few really stood out. And that one last one kind of sounded like the melody from “Ain’t No Sunshine,” so that was weird. Maybe they were going for that? I dunno. This was cool. Four stars. Standout Tracks: La femme d’argent, Kelly Watch the Stars, Talisman

Jun 18 2024
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La femme d'argent // Sexy Boy // Talisman // You Make It Easy // Ce matin-là // Le voyage de Pénélope

Sep 26 2023
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Instant transport to 1998, and it stands up pretty well, if of its time. Loved it back then. As an album now, there are more longueurs than I remembered. But rather this a million times than that Simon and Garfunkel. Retrospectively demoting S&G to a 2, and giving this a 3.5, rounding up.

Sep 14 2023
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Not sure how I slept on this when it was released, given how much downtempo I enjoyed at the time it was released. Definitely rings of the Bristol trip-hop sound; bringing notes of Zero 7, Everything but the Girl (particularly "All I Need"), Massive Attack). Enjoyable listen, for sure.

Oct 12 2021
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I'm not sure how it's taken me almost a quarter of a century to listen to this, but I certainly won't be leaving it 23 years before its next spin. A brilliant album from start to finish. A really nice, vibe that hits the perfect spot between fun and relaxing. Some bangers that I was already familiar with, interspersed with chilled out tracks, giving this album a great flow and feel. Effortlessly cool and catchy without being cheesy. Instantly love it.

Mar 10 2025
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Something I’ve circled many times in my musical lifetime yet never fully sat down to listen to, until now. Vastly prefer the instrumental stuff to the stuff with vocals, as it feels like a stand-in for a movie score (hello Sofia Coppola’s Virgin Suicides) as opposed to some adult-contemporary, ‘90s French neu-pop (hello track 3, “All I Need.”) I do realize that this record is a big deal and I’ll be spending tonight digging into the context of “why,” but it didn’t gel with me overall! I can still get it being on an essential list, but it’s not on mine.

Sep 16 2024
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The French Pop duo AIR kickstarted their career with an album that neatly combines elements of Ambient Pop with spacey soundscapes and a relaxed and atmospheric feeling that fills every spot of the album. While it isn't anything boundary pushing or crazy experimental for its time, it's a nice combination of what other and older albums (like Mother Earth's Plantasia) tried to do. The album starts with its longest and pretty much best song 'La femme d'argent' which comes around with over 7 minutes of Space Age Pop, Downtempo and Neo-Psychedelia combined together with a little bit of Lounge and Nu Jazz similarities sprinkled throughout. It starts off with some rain sounds that stay for a while but get overshadowed by the bongo-like drums and that different other instruments including spacey Moog synths and an organ which create a hypnotic listen full of magical moments that keep it interesting the whole way through. It's a lovely song but not incredible enough to make feel stunned with what they did. It's not perfect by any means but definitely a great track that makes you really feel like you're on a Moon Safari even if I wished they pushed themselves and the sound further. 'Sexy Boy' plays with a much more electronic sound throughout. It feels very much like an early Daft Punk song with some slightly distorted vocals added on top. It's definitely not a bad song but they fail to use the repetition to their advantege. The detail work is done well with some nice moments throughout especially with the vocals but the structure is just a little stale and boring. The song's overall pretty good but not anything crazy at all. The first of two songs to feature additional vocals from Beth Hirsch who is technically a skilled vocalist but I am really not a fan of her style and how she uses her voice. It feels overdone and odd. The song itself is sadly very much based around these vocals and therefore can't really do much on its own although the final minute has some okay qualities. But as a whole, the song is okay with the vocals ruining a lot of it. It simply feels too average to be properly enjoyed. The slight Synth Funk additions on 'Kelly Watch the Stars' sadly don't work with the Ambient sound that it features in the background. The vocals are again not really good and fit just okay. The song overall just doesn't fit together in itself and simply doesn't work with anything that it tries. The technical and sometimes detailed additions around it do enhance it overall but not enough to still be a below average track. Luckily, 'Talisman' does its thing much better. There is a clear ambition of having some relaxed soundscapes but some tension added and the result works. It feels a lot like something you'd maybe hear in a spy movie with all the atmosphere that is dark and with enough tension to fuel it all while still having a Downtempo and relaxed song by itself. It's done really well and might be one of the better tracks the album has to offer even if it does feel a little repetetive towards the end. Even with the short length that 'Remember' has, it offers some nice blends of the strong electronic sound with some Soul elements in the vocals which are again distorted and some trippy soundscapes around it. It's a pretty nice song and it does have a place on the album even if I think that some of the vocal parts are a little annoying. The other song with Beth Hirsch, 'You Make It Easy', actually features some more obvious Jazz elements with a very Bossa Nova style combined with Trip Hop, Soul and Ambient elements. It's much better than the first song with her and actually a pretty nice song overall. Some of the synth and moog elements are a little annoying and the mixing isn't the best on the album (way to many drums on the left side at one point) but the songwriting is pretty good and the song overall is an alright track with some nice moments. 'Ce matin-là' is without a doubt the most relaxed song here. It's another entirely instrumental but this time it's much less spacey and full of hypnotic soundscapes. No, this is just some really nice and Jazzy Lounge music that's simply very light on the ears with few moments that really go out of it's way. It does feel a lot like an interlude of some sorts but bad at all. It's a pretty good song that's fairly enjoyable for what it is. Another relaxed one is 'New Star in the Sky (Chanson pour Solal)' which does have some more vocals (again, not the most interesting or good) and some nice synth additions but it does feel very boring and bland even with the few Field Recording additions of kids playing in the background. It's got only very few moments that are actually interesting and do that what it obviously tries. Most of it is either boring or annoying which makes the song as a whole end up pretty much as a very boring attempt and nothing more. The album finishes with 'Le voyage de Pénélope' which isn't too much of an upgrade compared to the previous song. It does close of the album and pretty much completes the album sonically with some more Nu-Jazz and Neo-Psychedelia on the established Downtempo electronica and it does have obvious attempts of closing the album like a real finale but for me it returns as a pretty good instead of really grand song but it's a nice ending with some really nice moments throughout. It is one of the better songs on the album. favourites: La femme d'argent, Le voyage de Pénélope, least favourites: New Star in the Sky (Chanson pour Solal), All I Need, Kelly Watch the Stars Rating: decent 6 for more ratings, reviews and takes

Sep 02 2024
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This is an odd one - it's perfectly nice, with some very nice noises, but it's also not very engaging. I feel calling it background music is really harsh, but if I was the kind of person to host dinner parties I think this would probably be the first album I'd reach for to play during dinner.

May 21 2024
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6/10 This was pretty good. It was like elevator music for a very sexy elevator. 5-20-2024

Dec 05 2023
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Day two. I got really excited for a moment there. I thought it was recommending an album by Moon Safari that I had never heard. But no, this is an album named Moon Safari, by Air. Okay. I've heard of this, but its a new listen for me. Its a very relaxing electronic album. Very chill vibes. Every song has had a cool bass groove. I can dig the dreamy vibe here, and it sounds great through the headphones, blocking out the silliness going on around me. But, its just kind of generic in the end. I've heard many similar albums that were just better. In the end, it just got me more excited for the new album by Moon Safari that is coming out this week. Himlabacken Vol. 2. Swedish prog rock with incredible vocal harmonies.

Oct 10 2023
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Dreamy, spacey electronic music. Some of the sounds are a little dated but overall it’s not a bad album. Easy to listen to and not repetitive like some songs on similar albums.

Sep 25 2023
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Sophisticated elevator music. Innovative but kind of boring.

Oct 19 2021
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There are some gorgeous songs here. These guys really know how to craft a relaxing and wondrous atmosphere to get lost in. Unfortunately, the line between "relaxing and wondrous" and "just kinda boring:" is a thin one, and it is nearly a coin flip to determine which side any song falls on. It is a nice album, but not consistent enough for me in its execution.

Sep 25 2024
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Did not enjoy. Too much synth, too repetitive, “frog music” vibes. Felt like I needed a lot of drugs to enjoy it.

Sep 17 2024
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So THESE are the guys to blame for 'low-tempo'?!?! Where's the time machine so I can go back and make sure lofi beats never existed😭 I had hope for about 10 seconds at the start of this when a fun bass kicked in and I thought it would be an intro and turn into rock... how wrong I was. Nothing clawed back anywhere near those first, innocent seconds. Funky at times, just not my thing.

Mar 08 2024
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A band like Air are the NFT salesmen of the music industry. Con artists slapping together lazy, worthless music and packaging it as a valuable commodity. They use a couple of instruments on each song, play a simple chord/note progression ad nauseam, and spice it up with reverb or some other shit to mask the monotony. Random Sci-Fi effects are then added to each track that sounds like they've been sourced off a Windows 95 soundboard. There's no artistry involved; it's gimmicky bollocks. These clowns don't even bother with vocals, they just pick a word or meaningless phrase and barf it up repeatedly. Any singing that does appear on this record is heavily distorted to ensure not a hint of talent could possibly seep through. This album is as soulless and vapid as any AI-generated art you'll see online today. It's the Bored Ape of music production. They're TikTokers cosplaying like they're Martin Scorsese. "Moon Safari" sounds the way Mark Zuckerberg's face looks. I fucking hate this shit. 👎👎

Feb 13 2023
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Jesus, another French techno band. Pretty sure back to back French groups is some kind of cruel joke my son is playing on me. And much like the French, I surrendered very early into this one. Think I took it easy on the previous album, probably because it was only 1/2 French. These guys should have waved the white flag right about the time they started the first song. Only listened once and will not listen again. Very slow, very boring. F the French and F this album. I see Van Halen coming up so at least I'll hear some great music soon. 0 Can't give zero, so 1 it is..........

Sep 13 2021
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Garbage. Boring repetitive garbage. One of the worst albums I've ever heard in my life.

Mar 27 2025
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Iconic album. I listened to it once with friends after a listening of "Mezzanine" by Massive Attack and we concluded that it's like a positive/opmistic version of that record. "Sexy Boy" and "All I Need" are two of my favorite electronic songs. more of a 4,75 but rounded up.

Mar 04 2025
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Holy Cow! I LOVE this album so much. This is perfect for chill listening during my workday. I added most of the album to a playlist I have for this and it may become a go-to album for me. I'm going to have to explore more of their music!

Feb 24 2025
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Maybe in my top ten favorite albums; I've listened to this more times than I can count.

Feb 18 2025
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In my opinion, this album is the best downtempo electronica ever made. Maybe you’re not in the mood for downtempo electronica or maybe downtempo electronica just isn’t for you. But, if you are ever in a place and time where you’re in the mood for this type of music, this is as good as it gets. An absolute classic of an album.

Feb 17 2025
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Gear: Abyss DIANA MR Artwork: 🎨🏃🏃‍♂️ Production: 🎧😘🤌 Music: ✨🚀🛋️ 🇫🇷🌆🦥 Rating: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕/5

Feb 12 2025
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I love this album, Air is one of my favorites. Very chill music but still catchy and sonically deep. I personally prefer Talkie Walkie, maybe because it was the first I'd heard, but Moon Safari is more cohesive and meditative. Awesome album.

Feb 01 2025
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Yes! So much of a relief after some of what we’ve been listening to. Not a drum solo to be heard!

Jan 31 2025
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A classic. I listened to this album a lot back in the day. This reminds me of the 2001 documentary and a scene near the end. One of the main subjects was driving their car and talking to the filmmaker and their camera in the passenger seat. Air’s song Remember happened to be playing in the background on the car stereo. After the documentary subject finished saying something emotionally intense (and probably hard to replicate) they joked the song was playing the entire time and now the film would have to pay Air if they turned it up. The filmmaker replied with “yeah…”, and then the subject turned up the music and started to groove. Thankfully the song worked pretty well for the scene. To see that clip search YouTube for: air remember.

Jan 25 2025
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Never heard of these guys or this album and will be a part of the usual playlists going forward. Good work music/background ambiance. Very unique. Played multiple times throughout the day.

Jan 24 2025
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9.5/10 oh this is fab, had defo heard a few of these songs before but never really listened as a whole album ! really very much enjoyed this, the instrumental tracks are some of my faves so far since doing this and I'm very happy I've found them, shall be adding to my future summer playlists

Jan 23 2025
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Gets better each listen. Stylish vibes without being over the top. Sexy Boy is not great but the rest of the album makes up for it.

Jan 23 2025
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super sympa. hyper cool. tres chouette. 5 etoiles.

Jan 20 2025
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Some super sexy film noir. Those bass lines are incredible.

Jan 20 2025
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Still as good as it was when it was first released. Great for a lazy Sunday afternoon or slumped on the sofa at 2am after a night out

Jan 20 2025
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This album takes electronica to the next level, which is level 47. Seriously though the sounds and ideas created are un matched, even they were unable to create anytging like this again. So what makes it good? Simple groovy funky French. Je ne sai pas.

Jan 19 2025
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Has become an alltime classic for me.

Jan 14 2025
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Day 81 - Jan 13th, 2024 THANK YOU FRENCH PEOPLE!!!!!!!!

Jan 09 2025
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Very unique and retro electronica vibe to it. Made for some nice and easy listening which was perfect for a chill morning at 2am. Highly enjoyable overall.

Jan 09 2025
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Didn’t know I would enjoy this album this much. French electronica tingled with some trip hop. Daft Punk on CBD.

Jan 07 2025
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I enjoyed this when it first came out, but unlike several albums from my youth that have appeared on here, I think I like this even better now than I did when I was a teenager. My reaction to seeing this pop up was that it would be a 4, but I think it's actually a 5. Lovely stuff.

Jan 07 2025
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Would like this on vinyl I think, made me feel very chill

Jan 07 2025
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Classic chilled electronica. One of the best albums of the 90s and wonderful to hear again, as I’ve not listened to it in its entirety for many years.

Jan 06 2025
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Absolutely stellar. (Lunar?) Electronic, but heavily indebted to classic pop from the 60s. Sophisticated, but not pretentious. "La femme d'argent" makes this clear from the beginning. Lush, otherworldly, fundamentally retro. Undisputed classic. Fav tracks: La femme d'argent, Sexy Boy, All I Need, Kelly Watch the Stars, You Make It Easy, New Star in the Sky

Jan 03 2025
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Like a chilled out Daft Punk. Dreamy electronic music that would be great for studying or just relaxing background noise. Would definitely listen again.

Dec 30 2024
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Another new addition to my Tidal library. While I don't love all of the tracks on this album, most of them are great, and it's definitely a five-star offering, in my book.

Dec 28 2024
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Really nice surprise. I expected some early 2000’s euro pop bullshit, but this slapped. 5/5 Highlights: La femme d’argent

Dec 27 2024
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What a nice surprise! It strikes a really great balance between being chill and interesting. The tracks have a lot of variety but mostly share the same relaxed and cozy vibe. And I like that even though the synths and electronic drums are present throughout, there's also guitar, bass, strings and piano that take centre stage at various points.

Dec 24 2024
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I was hoping this album would be on the list. Happy days.

Dec 24 2024
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9/10. Great vibe music. Creativity felt high to me as someone less experienced in the genre.

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