Violent Femmes
Violent Femmes1. Blister In The Sun - quite good, but gets catchy after a while. At first, I didn't like it, but ca 1 min into the song, it got better. 2. Kiss Off - eh, decent. 3. Please Do Not Go - good strumming, like the instrumentals a lot, calming 4. Add It Up - don't like the cursing 5. Confessions - quite good 6. Prove My Love - I like it 7. Promise - I like the instrumentals. Catchy too. Lyrics are alright 8. To The Kill - I don't like the intro - stress 9. Gone Daddy Gone - Catchy, love the xylophone 10. Good Feeling - slow, calm, nice 11. Ugly - eh, alright 12. Gimme The Car - alright - Conclusion - the instrumentals are good, but I am not the biggest fan of the vocals. Very screamy