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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.

(What's The Story) Morning Glory



(What's The Story) Morning Glory
Album Summary

(What's the Story) Morning Glory? is the second studio album by English rock band Oasis. Released on 2 October 1995 by Creation Records, it was produced by Owen Morris and the group's guitarist and main songwriter Noel Gallagher. The structure and arrangement style of the album were a significant departure from the group's previous album Definitely Maybe (1994). Gallagher's compositions were more focused in balladry and placed more emphasis on "huge" choruses, with the string arrangements and more varied instrumentation contrasting with the rawness of the group's debut album. Morning Glory was the group's first album with drummer Alan White, who replaced Tony McCarroll (though McCarroll still appeared on the album, drumming on the track "Some Might Say"). The record propelled Oasis from being a crossover indie act to a worldwide rock phenomenon, and is seen by critics as a significant record in the timeline of British indie music. Morning Glory sold a record-breaking 345,000 copies in its first week in the UK, spent 10 weeks at number one on the UK Albums Chart. It was also the band's breakthrough in America, reaching number four on the US Billboard 200 and being certified 4× platinum there. The album yielded four major hit singles in the band's native Britain: "Some Might Say" and "Don't Look Back in Anger" reached number one, and "Roll with It" and "Wonderwall" peaked at number two; the latter spent a then lengthy 30 consecutive weeks on the chart during its initial run and emerged as the band's biggest selling UK hit. "Champagne Supernova" and "Wonderwall" reached number one on the Billboard Alternative Songs chart. At the 1996 Brit Awards, the album won Best British Album. Over several months in 1995 and 1996, the band supported the album with an extensive world tour, which saw them play to among the largest audiences ever at the time. Although a commercial success, the record initially received lukewarm reviews from mainstream critics; many reviewers deemed it inferior to Definitely Maybe, with the songwriting and production particular points of criticism. However, allegedly because of perceived greater marketability potential over their Britpop rival Blur's simultaneous release, The Great Escape, the critical tone set for the album quickly changed in the eyes of the media. Critical opinion towards the album completely reversed in the ensuing months and years, with critics recognising its strengths and its "populist appeal". Despite the acclaim surrounding it being lesser today due to its intensive media hype at the time, Morning Glory is still considered a seminal record of both the Britpop era and the 1990s in general. The album has also appeared on several lists of the greatest albums in rock music, and at the 2010 Brit Awards, it was named the greatest British album since 1980. It has sold over 22 million copies worldwide, making it one of the best-selling albums of all time. As of October 2018, it is the UK's fifth best-selling album and third best-selling studio album of all time, having been certified 16× platinum and selling 4.94 million copies. It was also the UK's best-selling album of the 1990s, and is currently the second-longest charting studio album in the UK, having spent over 500 weeks on the UK Album Chart.







  • Rock
  • Britpop
  • Indie


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Feb 09 2022
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I've been doing these reviews for the past few months and it's been a decent experience. I've gotten to listen to albums that I haven't heard or learn about artists that I don't know much about. But the review process takes a lot. I always think about how I need more time. But, I've got my mind made up now. Funny in these reviews that nobody ever mentions the weather, but you gotta roll with it and when writing these, you gotta say what you say, don't let anybody get in your way. Like I said, writing reviews is arduous and often need more time. I think by now, I should've somehow realized they take a significant chunk of my day. Sure, the word is on the street that the fire in my heart is out. Enough said, I mean it's hard trying to start a revolution from my bed, but I really shouldn't put my life in the hands of a rock and roll band, and I feel no shame. Because there are people standing at the station in need of an education. Though it's hard, I can't help but feel that these reviews are taking my soul and stealing my pride. I just need a little time to wake up, need a little time to rest my mind. You know, the people who write these reviews, you and I, we live and die, I don't exactly know why. Regardless, not many special people change, especially in the rain... but I do remember where I was when I was getting high. ... I was in college and I was listening to this album.

Mar 16 2021
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I went to a wedding where the French bridal party re-wrote Wonderwall to be the story of how the bride and groom met. Seven drunk French girls used google translate to write these new English lyrics then sang it to the entire wedding. It was not a good translation. Oh and I love this album.

May 27 2023
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I told my girlfriend that I had to listen to Wonderwall today, and she laughed at me.

Jan 11 2022
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The upsetting thing about listening to this in 2022, is that I'm currently scooping human shit out of a plughole whilst it plays. Whilst normally I enjoy the chore, (why else would I shit there?), today it just fills me with an overwhelming sense of melancholy. It's the most mournful shit scooping I've done this year. I do look back in anger. I look back at all the shits I've done before. I mentally rank them in order of shade and size and I sigh. I long for 1995 when I spent my time shaving hairy children's back for cigarette money. Oasis were constantly playing and the world was largely more pleasant. WHERE HAVE YOU PUT MY COMB, DEIRDRE, YOU DUMB BITCH?

Jun 22 2022
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6 year old me, just getting into football after initially hating it, played and lost his first ever penalty shootout one evening at Beavers (almost entirely down to Daniel's pathetically statuesque performance in net - cheers Daniel). As the credits rolled on this tragic, so-near-yet-so-far defeat, the melody to Don't Look Back In Anger inexplicably started playing in my head. I didn't know the words, what it was called, or who it was by, but I tried humming it to my mum, who reckoned it might be an old song about flamingoes. Incredibly, when I unwrapped a CD-shaped present on Christmas Day that year, it wasn't the flamingo song but WTSMG. I was finally able to put a name to my glorious failure anthem. But wait! There's that Roll With It song that the kids at school are always trying to sing! I recognise this 'Wonderwall' tune too! And that's the story of my first ever album. It began a love affair with music and losing penalty shootouts that remains to this day.

Mar 03 2023
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Liam Gallagher is one of popular musics absolute worst singers. Wonderwall sounds like a South Park character doing a Kurt cobain impression. His voice is devoid of any personality or dynamics. Thank god he at least sorta sings in key

Nov 03 2022
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I do not like Oasis. They are a waste of precious resources. I did not listen to this album (that I’ve heard before anyway) and instead listened to the same album my listening pal got today (Bollywood movie soundtrack) Shalimar! I’d give the sound track a solid 3 stars. Indian music is not super familiar to me but I liked that you could hear a definite 70s vibe in the music. That disco-funk thing was universal apparently. As for this Oasis album, the Gallaghers can eat a dick. I’d give it zero stars if that were an option.

Oct 09 2021
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Aggressive, noisy, raw. To start with. Slides into mediocre lager rock which is alternately boring and annoying.

Feb 18 2021
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2/17 Phenomenal album, I’ve been looking for this sound for awhile, and they brought it with a crazy production level. Standout Tracks: Hello, Roll With It, Don’t Look Back In Anger, Hey Now!, She’s Electric, Champagne Supernova

Oct 05 2024
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The defining album of my generation (late gen x, final year of high school, Cool fuckin Britannia to the core) and I can still remember release day, cutting out of said high school to buy this CD right as HMV opened and then rush home to quickly get it on tape in order to be the first to play it on the form room stereo. Everyone was rapt in anticipation, some were disassociating from raw hype alone... Thank fuck it delivered banger after banger. This and their Knebworth shows were the high water mark for Britpop as a movement, the tide was turning long before Be Here Now jizzed itself onto the public a few years later and the Gallagher brothers and other associated band members became pastiches of their former selves, but it doesn't make this any less impactful. Now they're back, and I'm old as fuck. Almost 30 years later. Ain't life a bitch? But gods, we were kings back then... We were the masters of our fates. We were young, dumb, full of cum. We were mad for it. Anyway, here's Wonderwall...

Sep 16 2021
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I somehow went this many years in my life without really listening to Oasis. Or as I like to call them, Poor-Man's Sloan. (or as I like to call Sloan, Canadian Oasis, only better). Anyway, this is fine. Not as good as Sloan or anything, but it's alright. I don't know if it's because it's been a meme now for like 20 years, but Wonderwall is a shitty song. She's Electric is a really good song. Morning Glory may as well be a cover of REM's One I Love

Jan 11 2022
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memory music. absolutely dripping in nostalgia and reminiscence. particularly with the ever degrading state of the world we live in its quite nice to look back on happier times. its mad how it outsold definitely maybe by 100% in the uk, its nowhere near as good as that album. it'd be nice to see oasis play again, but we aren't gonna get it thanks to noels rancid ego. he's a smarmy cunt and his solo stuff is beyond shite.

Oct 18 2021
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This is the album that made Oasis a household name. And for good reason. It's an undeniable powerhouse of a record. There's not a bad track on here. Anyway, here's "Wonderwall."

Aug 28 2021
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Le générateur est dans une très grande forme en ce moment. Des efforts à ne pas relâcher au deuxième trimestre.

May 24 2021
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OK, I'll be generous. The 5* is for Wonderwall alone really. Was always more of a Roses man, but the song writing is good here. It veers into sweaty, noisy lad territory, but I've been there, and they are Mancs, so there's yr fiver

Nov 25 2023
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this one gets a lot of hype and to be honest, i agree with the hype. just a well made album overall, great melodies, a fun somewhat aggressive take on the britpop sound. i'd never listened to this one in full but knew a lot of the songs and i can say i will definitely come back to this one in the future.

May 16 2023
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I've always thought this was a bit shit, having endured the Champagne Supernonsense herein since its pre-release tape. Asinine pub rock lad anthems with leaden production, the template for the rest of their sorry existence. So many stolen riffs and melodies make this a veritable Paul's Boutique of dad rock. 3* grudgingly awarded due to the presence of their last great tune Some Might Say, which is the only track on here to feature the original drummer. Perhaps he was the one with the talent all along?

Aug 22 2022
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There are some nice, warm guitar tones throughout this album, and there's no question the songs are full of catchy pop hooks. But otherwise, there's not a lot of meat on this bone, at least to me.

Feb 13 2025
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If you don’t like at least a few of the songs on here I diagnose you as ignorant 5/5

Sep 11 2023
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You ever listen to an album and it's like: Banger! Banger! Banger! Banger! Banger!

Sep 01 2023
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What can I say? A fantastic album. A blast from the past. Before relistening, I was expecting to give it 4 stars, but now I’m convinced.

Jul 26 2023
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Holds up. Hopefully I can still say that in another 30 years.

Jul 19 2023
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One of my first CD's. Nostalgia through the roof so finding it hard to really be objective. Some of the more straightforward rock and roll tracks are maybe a bit bland but the more unusual sounding tracks were my highlights listening to it today. Pity they never really moved on from this sound and pushed themselves any more because they had all the raw ingredients to have a long and interesting career. This is probably harsh as they were obviously still incredibly successful but it's hard not to think of what could have been.

Jan 11 2022
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The brothers' Gallagher just got everything right on this one. The full spirit of the 90s....including the nod to Gary Glitter in 'Hello'. Whatever happened to him? It was an exciting time and this album chewed up all that youthful spirt and hope and spat it out I our faces with a curled lip and million dollar snarl. This Britpop-tinged monster reminds us of a world that no longer exists. There will be loads of people reviewing this saying they only know Wonderwall and honestly, it's the worst track on it.

Jul 28 2021
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Album full of bangers. Not as good as the debut but only just

Mar 29 2021
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its oasis morning glory ofc its a 5 stars

Feb 16 2021
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Wow, what an album. Almost all the songs are great, and after i finished i kept on repeating songs. 5 stars indeed fav. song: she's electric

Apr 06 2021
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Creo que este disco es como el suadero, corriente pero delicioso. Cínico pero honesto, Noel dice lo que quiere decir como lo quiere decir y pese a todas las fricciones, los demás están de acuerdo con ello. Ya no sueñan con ser una Rock'n'Roll Star, no quieren Live Forever ni se sienten Supersonic como en el primer disco, sino que Hello, están de regreso, van a Roll with it mientras dure y vivirán en una Champagne Supernova mientras el mundo despierta con plena Morning Glory. Hablan como gente común, tocan tan bien como pueden y ahí radica su éxito, le dan voz a lo que siente la gente normal. No es el disco más cuidado pero no necesita serlo y por eso a muchos nos fue más fácil identificarnos con lo que dicen. Songs: Champagne Supernova, Don't Look Back in Anger, Hello, What's the Story (Morning Glory

Mar 02 2021
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Such an amazing album. Really makes it connect how big they were in the 90s

Jul 19 2023
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If you allow me to be indulgent as always… I was always Team Blur during the great Britpop wars but have grown to enjoy Oasis now the dust has settled, similar to the Bret Hart v Shawn Michaels debate of the sane era, being Team Bret it took to the 2000s for me to appreciate Michaels… …and similar to Michaels, Oasis are oft imitated and probably much more influential but Oasis still seem completely unique. This was a great album, I can see why it got so much hype at the time and can see too why it became such a weight round their necks thst they could never surpass.

Jul 18 2023
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Oh, hello 15 year old me. Loses a star for the sheer unstoppable nonsense of the Gallagher brothers (so tedious), and, being brutally honest, there's some filler here, but what a ridiculously fine album this is.

Feb 18 2021
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Oh Yah! (What's The Story) Morning Glory is a fabulous album front to back. So glad to listen today!

Feb 14 2025
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Cast No Shadow is a little underrated; never really thought too much of this song until now. Great album, though I can see the criticism of it just being one big wall of sound. However, it’s just so ingrained as a classic in my eyes I can’t give it anything but a 5. Can’t wait to see these two absolutely kill one another live on stage in 2025.

Dec 22 2024
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THE album of my early teenage years, the first album I bought myself with my own money. I listened to it the whole way through, on repeat, for months, and even managed to wear out the CD - which shouldn't really be possible. An album where I know every cough, every seagull noise, every burst of radio static, and every note of every song. And even after all those listens, I was excited to have it pop up to listen to again. I f this is my final album (and it's pretty close if not), I can't think of a better album to finish up with.

Dec 21 2024
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Sometimes. You’ve heard about an album your entire life, sometimes, said album is one of your dad’s favorite albums, sometimes, said album is lauded as one of the greatest albums of all time, sometimes, said album is made by two British asshole brothers. Sometimes, you come in with low expectations when listening to something that’s universally beloved, maybe just to be a contrarian, maybe because you dislike the people who made it, maybe because you don’t think it’ll live up to the hype. Sometimes.. people get things right, and sometimes universally beloved albums are good. Sometimes they’re one of the best albums you’ve ever heard.

Dec 20 2024
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What is there to say? A whole album of rippers. Sounds incredibly lush and full. There just aren’t many records that are this fun to sing along with.

Dec 20 2024
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Some Might Say - this is Oasis’ best album This album is quintessentially Oasis. Everything is awash in that gritty rock sound without getting so muddy that you can’t pick out identify anything. The songs that take a bit of a step back from that still feel Oasis thanks to Liam and Noel’s very distinct singing styles, and I think the album flows well between the very driving crunchy songs and the more relaxed consumer friendly tracks. I don’t know if anything about them is really reinventing any wheels, but they just have a certain energy to them that draws me to them. It really is music for people who romanticize smoking cigs, and that’s rock and roll. Favorite - She’s Electric

Dec 18 2024
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Hello: Love the guitar, nice sound, like this guys voice. ITS NEVER GUNNA BE THE SAME! Ya this was great. Roll With It: I really like this guys voice, I actually think he has a great range. Love the chorus here, totally getting the vibe, super nice, very similar to the first song but I like it. Is that cowbell I hear in the background? Ya this is a great song. Super fun. Wondereall: Yup… work of art. Don’t Look Back In Anger: Nice and slow tempo, following in the steps of wonderwall, great bridge. Loving their slow stuff a bit more than their more fast paced work. I HEARD YOU SAAaaayyyy. Great lyrics. Wow this was a great song. Love the ending of this song. Hey Now!: I really like the story telling in this song. I feel like this album is so easy to listen to, it’s such a reliable feeling, if they continue with this vibe and this stamina with the lyrics and instrumentals and the build up, you can tell there will be very few skips on this album. Great song! The Swamp Song - Version 1: Woah faster pace, loving this guitar and just the supporting instrumentals, so good. Oh that’s it… ok skip… only bc it’s not a song, still very good, but logically a skip :( Some Might Say: Yep continuing that same vibe, so fun. I really like this, I’m curious if they keep this up in their following albums, I mean I know oasis is super famous but I doubt they keep this momentum bc I feel like I’d know them more, but I could be very wrong here. Great lyrics, super fun song. Oh and cool effects. YOU KNOW WHAT SOME MAY SAY! Cast No Shadow: Oh ya liking this already, LOVE THESE LIKE MAGICAL INSTRUMENTALS. Wow I did not expect this from them. Wow this is like probably my favorite song so far on the album, ya this is sweet, absolutely fantastic. She’s Electric: Yup, just great story telling, woah that falsetto! Ya this is great. I thought this was going to be a more generic telling of a rock romance kind of song but it was totally different than my expectations, super well made. Loved the ending, great song. Morning Glory: Oh boy it’s the album name it better be good. Oh ya, these effects and guitars, yuppppp. Wow this song felt pretty different than all the others, it almost feels like I’m listening to this live, it feels so alive, and I really like that feeling. The most different on the album so far and I really liked it. The Swamp Song - Version 2: Yup like the first, just kinda there, a skip :( Champagne Supernova: Oh wow slower, which is exciting because I think they thrive here. Oh I know this one, ya this is a classic, idk if I ever associated this song with oasis, but I’m happy I have a name for the face. Ya this is great, just a great way to close out an album, clearly taking its victory lap. Well deserved, and in doing this it is still one of the strongest pieces to the album. So so so good. Amazing background vocals, killer guitar, arguably the best on the album. FINAL IMPRESSIONS: Jeez. Like many other albums I am reviewing and have yet to review, I’ve always knew the name oasis, I knew Wonderwall, but never explored what Oasis had to give. Clearly I was wrong for not looking into their music, they are experts at their craft and I hope that this sticks in their other music. They clearly struck gold on this one. I loved how well they were able to adapt to a slow and fast tempo, I found myself gravitating towards their slower stuff but it was all great. Incredibly impressed, they will end up in my playlists, this was another flawless album. I could not have died without listening to this album.

Nov 24 2024
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The apex of Brit Pop. Over the top, expansive and pure rock bliss. This is perfection.

Nov 24 2024
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You really can’t go wrong with this classic album by these guys. Glad the feud is over and they are going to play again.

Nov 23 2024
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This album’s electric (can I be electric too…?)

Nov 23 2024
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One of the greatest albums of all time

Nov 20 2024
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Day319 - the best oasis album. i can’t wait for the tour next year to see if they can not kill each other

Nov 20 2024
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I love this album and IMO think it's close to flawless

Nov 19 2024
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Jag erkänner, jag är en fanboy och jag tycker Oasis var så jävla coola. Älskar den här skivan.

Sep 18 2024
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Pretty great. Definitely has Beatles vibes of course. Very listenable. No doubt why it was a hit. This could come out today and it would still be a hit or it could have come out in 1968. Too bad the brothers couldn’t get along. A few more albums like this and they would have been the band of the decade.

Sep 18 2024
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All the stars. No bad songs. Nearly perfect album. Although the titular song should be the opener

Sep 13 2024
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Aye right in time for the reunion tour! This could’ve consisted of 12 Wonderwalls and it still would’ve been a five for me.

Sep 11 2024
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Brit pop either opens your eyes to possibilities and is amazing or is extremely mid there's no in between

Sep 08 2024
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5 bloody stars and I won't hear any different.

Sep 04 2024
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I love groups that come out of the gate with such definitive, iconic, and genre & era-defining albums with their first release. It’s like seeing a unicorn in the forest; it just doesn’t happen. The old guard music industry was you got a three record deal to allow for an artist or band at least one album to grow and define their sound. Oasis? Nope! They knew exactly what they were from the jump with Definitely Maybe a year earlier, such confidence. I’m not so sure they knew they’d then go from that explosion out the gate to then create one of the best albums of the 90s that still resonates a quarter century later. If Dedinitely Maybe was all bombastic rockers, Morning Glory gives more flavors of sounds including ballads so it’s the stronger release to me…just slightly.

Sep 03 2024
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One of the best albums so far. Wow!

Aug 29 2024
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Amazing fucking album. This would be in my top ten albums for the 90s and definitely my favorite of the brit pop albums. It has one banger after another. 5 stars for sure!

Aug 27 2024
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Great album front to back! Interesting timing from the "random" generator.

Aug 20 2024
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Probably suffers a bit from “Seinfeld is Unfunny” syndrome since it spawned so many imitators and “Wonderwall” has become so closely identified with douchebags with guitars. But it still rocks, even though it sounds a little generic now.

Apr 09 2024
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One of the first albums I really fell in love with and I keep coming back to it. It's funny, Wonderwall was a huge hit and it's gotten to Free Bird/Stairway to Heaven levels of ubiquity, but Champagne Supernova was the big deal to younger me. I think the way the album is put together, this actually makes sense. In the flow of the album the latter feels like what the whole album has been building towards and it successfully pays off on that kinetic energy.

Apr 08 2024
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Anyway, here's Wonderwall. This album has 3 of the most iconic songs of the '90s (or ever?) on it. You get "Wonderwall" and "Don't Look Back In Anger" back-to-back on the front half, and then "Champagne Supernova" to close it out. All of these have been played to death in the last 29 years ("Wonderwall" in particular), but honestly they're all still phenomenal songs. I'm particularly fond of "Don't Look Back In Anger", but that two-song stretch has to be one of the most famous stretches on any album (the only one I can think of off the top of my head that might beat it is the three-song stretch on Thriller, but even that is probably close). I was really impressed by the depth of this album though. I've had a few Britpop albums on here where the well-known songs were great, but the rest fell a bit flat. That wasn't the case here at all for me. There's two short transition songs and one other song that was just ok, but other than that I really enjoyed everything on here. On the surface this album doesn't really feel like it should work as well as it does, it's a bit plain at times really. But the Gallaghers are able to capture this like melancholic feeling that runs through the album. It's beautiful and slightly sad feeling. The sound just really seems to capture an era well. This 1001 albums list might be a bit heavy-handed on Britpop, but this one certainly deserves its place. Favorite song: Don't Look Back In Anger Other: Hello, Roll With It, Wonderwall, Some Might Say, Cast No Shadow, She's Electric, Morning Glory, Champagne Supernova 4/7/24

Jun 29 2022
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Highlights: Hello, Roll with It, Don't Look Back in Anger, Cast No Shadow

Dec 31 2022
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One of the best albums from a couple of guys who can't stand each other.

Dec 27 2022
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Yeah, I sang along with a group of stoned tourists in an Amsterdam hostel lounge. I'm not proud.

Dec 22 2022
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There are parts of this album where the Beatles influence comes thru so strongly.

Oct 17 2022
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Still a great album. Love it a solid 5

Oct 14 2022
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A huge album that I remember coming out when I was 10 or so. Pumped out of glaring noisy rooms everywhere, an absolute classic

Oct 03 2022
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A masterpiece. Oasis are at the funny point that most overplayed and extremely popular bands find themselves in: they seem a bit naff. But when you judge the album on a song by song basis there’s no doubt they can write catchy era defining music. It’s not perfect: She’s Electric has some of the best/worst lyrics of all time and the opening track is weak. But pound for pound this has to be one of the greatest albums of all time.

Oct 03 2022
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Not much to say - just full of bangers. Of its time, but what a time that was. Prime cuts: Don't Look Back in Anger, She's Electric, Champagne Supernova.

Sep 06 2022
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Great album, every song is a hit. Great start for the challenge.

Sep 01 2022
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For us late gen-Xer's this album was ubiquitous mid-90's music. Probably one of the top 100 albums of all time. 5/5

Aug 31 2022
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Listening with fresh ears, this record is a total stunner with one great song after another. I was playing the 20th anniversary reissue and kept rolling through all the bonus tracks. The b-sides from this album ("Step Up", "Talk Tonight", etc.) are strong enough to make up their own album (which they are, it's called the Masterplan).

Jul 20 2022
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I didn't realize the impact that oasis had on music in the 90s other than the wonderwall joke. I had fun diving into the music and listening to their story and what the britpop scene was all about

Jul 15 2022
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I could listen to this again and again.

Jul 12 2022
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One of the most iconic albums of all time.

Jul 08 2022
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Automatic 5 stars because I already own this album, and it’s one of my favourites. I love Oasis. There’s not a single weak song on this album. This is the fifth album I’ve been assigned that I already knew.

Jul 05 2022
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Having heard quite a few of the tracks already, pleased to report the others are about as solid. Tired of Wonderwall but would be lying if I said I didn’t sing along to it

Jun 29 2022
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A classic. They’ve got a huge sound that must have been great in stadiums. You can put this on in the background and jam out or pay closer attention because the songwriting is excellent too. Liam Gallagher sounds great singing these big, John Lennon-esque melodies with a little added sneer. These are beautiful songs and he gives them a little extra rock edge. Oasis might be the only band I know to include transitional instrumental tracks on an album that rock instead of being slow, mood-setters. I love that. A lot of great songs but I think "Don't Look Back in Anger" is my favorite.

Jun 29 2022
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It's a wildly good pop / pop-rock album. Despite it's current place in the world as a meme song, Wonderwall is one of the best pop acoustic guitar songs of all time, and both "Don't Look Back in Anger" and "Champagne Supernova" could be single one-hit wonders that could make another artist's complete career- and Oasis have all three of them on one album. That factor alone makes this album a 5/5 for me, and yet there's still more tracks on the album that are fantastic, like "She's Electric" and "Some Might Say". (side note- if i'm recalling correctly, this is the first time i'm hitting consecutive 5 out of 5's!)

Jun 07 2022
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I had this album when it came out and played it to death. Haven't listened to it in years and didn't have the urge to. I've really enjoyed going back though. It's well made good indie \ britpop. Stand out tracks Don't look back in anger Champagne supernova Cast not shadow

May 22 2022
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I really loved this one. I probably didn't give Oasis enough credit when they came out with this one. Solid.

May 22 2022
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Really enjoyed this, especially the strong finish with She's Electric, Morning Glory, and Champagne Supernova. Sorry I missed it in the 90s.

May 22 2022
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A classic great rock album that I have loved for years! What can I say… it deserves all the praise. Favorite songs: Wonderwall, Cast No Shadow, Don’t Look Back In Anger, She’s Electric, Morning Glory, Champagne Supernova.

Apr 25 2022
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This is one of my most cherished memories from my childhood and youth, so I won’t act like I’m not gonna give it a straight up 5, but let’s see what I have to say about it 27 years later. Let’s start whit the cons: Yes, some of the the lyrics are a bit lazy or maybe Noel was just so confident about his work that did not care to polish them. Yes, the mixing is bloated and at times ridiculously loud (but yeah it kinda works!) …And I think that’s it! I don’t think I have anything bad to say about it. The album it is just so innocent, confident and honest in its (missed yes, but what an awesome try) aim to be the greatest rock n roll record of all time that it does deserve a place among the greatest. Remember those days? We could be waiting for the videos to air on MTV for ours and just be hypnotized by the huge rockstars they were, especially Liam, we could listen to Champagne Supernova all day long… Yes Wonderwall got bigger life (and a meme as all of the bigger than life things do), but it does not make it a bad song. Damn those were the days. We could go on revising the artistry of it all, but that’s the good thing about art, the important feel is the one you got from experiencing it the first time (even if as you get more experience your tastes refine). I got to see Oasis twice, Liam once (at Glasto) and Noel like 8 times and It is always a great experience, I sure wish I was in Knebworth back in 96 (I was 9 att) or could go to Knebworth in June but it’s just not in the cards… this is another big point to make in favor of it, it is music to be played and enjoyed live. Have you ever sang Don’t Look Back In Anger along with a crowd? Have you ever done it along with Noel Gallagher? Have you ever done it along with Liam? If the answer is yes, then I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. I read like 20 years ago a review that said they hoped that with the passing of time, Cast No Shadow would emerge as the crown gem from this album as it was the greatest song Oasis would have made. I don’t think that happened but I have always agreed that it is brilliant and a statement of the true genius of Noel Gallagher. Now, I know I said above something about the lyrics being lazy (the fishes and blisters an ovens and all that), but actually this album does have some lines to live by: “some might say, we will find a brighter day”. On my tombstone it will read “someday you will find me caught beneath the landslide, in a champagne supernova in the sky” even if it means nothing really lol. I have two copies of this album on vinyl, the dreadful 2014 re-issue (which will make you suffer so don’t buy it) and the much more superior 2009 re-issue. I hope a can get my hands on the original Creation version someday. For closing, doing this list I’ve encountered many records with extended versions and sometimes listen to the b-sides as part of the album, I think if people do that with this one are going to find weird how those songs Acquiesce or Masterplan are better than most of the album and no one talks about them. Noel should’ve kept those for Be Here Now… but that’s a story for another time.

Apr 23 2022
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04/22/2022 Filled with great songs. An absolute classic.

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