Songs In The Key Of Life
Stevie WonderSome good staple songs Why the weird outside noises during the last 1-2 min ?? Bit repetitive on some songs
Some good staple songs Why the weird outside noises during the last 1-2 min ?? Bit repetitive on some songs
Dure it's great for people who like hip hop, i happen to abhor this genre. There is no melody of any kind in sight, the main instrument is traffic noise and alarms, and it's basically the same song 15 times over.
Chill vibes
Mélodies sympas mais la voix est trop breathy. Aurora did it better
Pas mon style, mais chaque morceau est bien réfléchi. Parfois plus théâtral que musical
Great, no song is like the others but all are the same quality
Perfect classic rock
Love it
Mouais... la mélodie pour beaucoup de chansons semble être composée de bruits et sons d'instruments assez aléatoires, peu de logique, pas beaucoup de lien entre les instrumentales et la voix (qui d'ailleurs ne varie pas beaucoup, c'est globalement une complainte monotone tout au long de l'album...) I dont get the appeal
Consistent album, maybe a bit repetitive, a bit poor in melody variation
Nice vibes
The recording quality is kinda bad and makes the album less pleasant to listen too. Also the lyrics if some songs are questionable
Nice rock'n'roll, enjoyed joplins energy, some very nice instrumental moments !
Les moments où sa voix part dans les aigus est assez insupportable. Malheureusement c'est 50% de chaque chanson.