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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.

Pink Moon

Nick Drake


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Pink Moon
Album Summary

Pink Moon is the third and final studio album by the English musician Nick Drake, released in the UK by Island Records on 25 February 1972. It was the only one of Drake's studio albums to be released in North America during his lifetime. Pink Moon differs from Drake's previous albums in that it was recorded without a backing band, featuring just Drake on vocals, acoustic guitar and a brief piano riff overdubbed onto the title track. Released two years before Drake's death in November 1974, at the age of twenty-six, the lyrical content of Pink Moon has often been attributed to Drake's ongoing battle with depression. The songs are shorter than on his previous albums, with a total album running time of just over twenty-eight minutes. Pink Moon, like Drake's previous studio albums, did not sell well during his lifetime, and its stripped-back, intimate sound received a mixed response from critics. However, the album has since garnered significant critical acclaim.







  • Folk
  • Singer Songwriter


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Tue Mar 23 2021

“Pink Moon” by Nick Drake (1972) First time listening. An hour’s worth of music in a 28-minute recording. That is, 28 minutes listening and 32 minutes thinking about what I just heard. Musically spare, simple melodies, and gentle folk/jazz chord progressions. Virtually no backing instruments, and hardly any need for mixing, but some of the finest recording of accompanying acoustic guitar I’ve ever heard. Vocals are airy, weak, and withdrawn, with clipped phrase endings, a likely accommodation to limited control. But this underperformance is fitting for each song. This is not entertainment. Drake is putting his world on tape, inviting us in, take it or leave it. Very pleasant, resonant, and clean acoustic guitar, with some stumbles and drops in tempo, but otherwise very well played. Objectionable fret buzzing on “Know” (which cries out for backing instrumentals), but otherwise first rate. The poetry in the lyrics is generally of good quality, but it’s tragically underdeveloped (exceptions: “Things Behind the Sun” and “Parasite”). Drake successfully evokes a symbolic image, points the listener in a certain direction, but then leaves him/her hanging. Maybe that’s where he wants us. This album is a fine example of how very good music can be lost to culture, because business interests fail at “promotion”. A sad reflection on the music industry (an oxymoron if there ever was one). Almost a “five”. 4/5

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Wed Apr 21 2021

I actually had to listen to this album twice. The first time, I was doing stuff and it mostly just felt like generic 70s singer-songwriter stuff. But I could tell that I was missing something so I gave it another listen in the afternoon and yeah, the songwriting is really deep. The album is simple. It's just a single vocal and a single guitar. The focus is entirely on the songwriting which is quite good. It's dark and depressing. But very very good.

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Wed Apr 07 2021

The sparse arrangements really let his melodic genius shine through. Truly the master of melancholic understatement.

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Tue Jan 05 2021

The most beautiful 28 minutes ever recorded.

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Mon Jun 07 2021

I know it's ironic, considering what a troubled, tragic soul Nick Drake was, but this album has been a source of great comfort to me for years. Each song is a gentle lullaby, and if you ever need a soundtrack for a crisp autumn walk, this is it. That said, it's also perfect year round.

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Fri Feb 12 2021

I don't think a more intimate, tragic and emotional album has ever been recorded. Nick Drake takes us deep into his mind, as implied by the album art, it's dark, full of dichotomies and internal struggles. We experience his memories, desires, and self-hatred. The mixing of this album give the feeling of closeness, a similar feeling to as if you were in the room with him. His voice is mixed in a way that it sounds close and personal, the guitar perfectly balances this, and we have nothing else in these songs to get between you and Nick Drake. Despite the music being raw and simple in concept, the implementation is masterful. The melodies are gorgeous and they hit you like a truck, no gimmicks needed, this is accomplished purely by powerful songs played on a guitar. Throughout this abum we walk on a tightrope of strength and fragileness, volitility and apathy, love and hate, a picture of beauty painted by a true artist. Favorite track: Place to Be

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Mon Apr 19 2021

Beautiful music we all get to hear, seemingly made whether anyone was listening or not--and that's an uncommon thing. A late-career masterpiece with the intuitive confidence of a stellar debut. It's just a pity he didn't stick around to see how much everybody loved it.

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Tue Jan 19 2021

Maybe I should have expected it, but I was surprised to find an artist on this definitive list that I hadn't even heard of before. I was going to post a brief note about how this was a nice acoustic album, and how it reminded me of Junip without drums a little bit, and how it would have been better with drums. But after this brief, 28 minute collection of very minimalist songs was done, I was curious to learn more about this artist I had never heard of, and so I got to learn about the sad, short life of Nick Drake. His story was a lot like Van Gogh's: an artist suffering from significant mental illness and unappreciated during his own lifetime. I wish he could have gotten the help that he needed to have a better life. Nick received a great deal more recognition as the years went on after his passing, and many famous musicians consider him to be an important influence to them, so it definitely makes sense in hindsight to find him here. My personal enjoyment: 3/5 Did it belong on this list: 4.5/5

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Tue May 04 2021

Ooh, this is right up my alley – acoustic, singer-songwriter! I really liked this one and would definitely look up more from this artist.

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Fri Feb 12 2021

This is my second-favorite Nick Drake album, behind Five Leaves Left. However, I think Pink Moon is his most cohesive and well-executed. It seems like he had finally found his sound, which didn't need cellos and trumpets and violins to express the melancholic ache of his soul. I don't doubt that Drake felt most himself and most inspired when alone with some weirdly-tuned guitar. Every song on this album seems like the result of hours spent in a room with the curtains drawn, keeping the noise down so as not to disturb anyone in the house. Obviously, this was recorded in a studio, but it doesn't come off that way. Listening to this record, it makes sense why Drake didn't bother performing these songs on stage. Lyrically and musically, I don't think the message would have translated in some smoky London folk club. This is the music of solitude, and Drake invites each of us to partake in being alone with him. In this way, Pink Moon is the standard and pioneering work of emotionally confessional folk music. And all of this doesn't even speak to the immense achievement that Pink Moon is in terms of musicality, as Drake displays a mastery of odd time signatures, chordal variation, and melody. My two favorite songs on this album are "Place to Be" and "From the Morning", but all of the others are equally fantastic.

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Fri Nov 11 2022

The vocals on the first track (Pink Moon) physically hurt they were that bad. The rest of the album passed by with a couple of irritating moments when he tries to get 'avant garde' with the guitar. Overall a singer songwriter album that has nothing to recommend it and a few really bad spots.

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Wed Jan 20 2021

Subdued soft almost folk rock, chill vibes Music sounds vaguely familiar. Especially the humming in "Know" but can't quite grasp where I know this from. Maybe it's been sampled, used, adapted, etc into many other pieces of music. The album overall feels haunting, yet warming. I can imagine sitting in a cottage, by a fire, in a nice comfy chair, looking out a window while rain lashes down. Hot chocolate and a dog by my side. Makes me think of an old book, where the pages have yellowed a bit and smell vaguely smokey, that old book smell. Not in a bad way at all, comforting. Familiar.

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Mon Aug 02 2021

Nick Drake is often referred to as a folk artist, but he is a folk artist the way that Joni Mitchell is a folk artist, which is to say, not so much. Baroque acoustic pop comes much closer. His melodies and arrangement have a lulling quality. The way he often uses a pedal point contributes to a droning quality (this is a natural consequence of the non-standard tunings he uses). He also uses intricate, repetitive rhythms in his arrangements to trance-like effect. His melodies are unusual in that they aren't what the songs are built around; instead, they are woven into and are almost an extension of the arrangements. The final element is Drake's voice itself, which is intimate and confessional, insinuating instead of demanding attention. (I've ignored the lyrics, which I know are a huge part of Nick Drake's appeal.) The music on Pink Moon doesn't smack you over the head--it seeps into your consciousness. Unless you reject it outright, it irresistibly lulls you into its rhythms--in that sense, it's the ultimate mood music. It almost feels unfair to evaluate this music in terms of quality--it just is. But I can say that Nick is a competent guitarist, pianist, and arranger, and his singing is perfect for his music. I could complain that not one of the songs on Pink Moon stuck in my head, but that's almost besides the point. What matters here is atmosphere and mood, not earworm choruses. In fact, for what Nick Drake was going for, it's hard to imagine how you could improve on Pink Moon.

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Tue Aug 31 2021

The subtle imperfections of his perfect guitar playing gives the record soul and structure that makes the addition of any other instruments superfluous. His ability to create a soundscape with one instrument is raw talent.

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Tue May 03 2022

Nick Drake is absolutely captivating. His voice commands attention and his songwriting is wistful, melancholic, and deeply moving. His short career, lack of a public persona, and tragically short life lend an air of mystery to him. He was not appreciated in this time but has ascended to the upper echelons of British folk. I’ve been listening to him for quite a while now and he still sounds as crisp and relevant as ever.

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Wed Jan 13 2021

Buzzy, pleasant guitar sounds, delightful to listen to in the sunlight.

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Fri Feb 12 2021

I recognize this album distinctly, from a time when I'm pretty sure Andrew and/or Alden recommended it to me. I listened to it then, wasn't really impressed, and don't remember it at all. It's been in my itunes library since, untouched. It's an album I see a lot on people's "favorite albums" collages (including Alden I believe). I tend to bristle when I see the same albums being heralded over and over as "masterpieces," so I was nervous to hear this again. But now, wow. I'm so into this. I love how sparse and melancholy it is. There's a great deal of pain here, but also really impressive guitar-playing and great melodies. It reminds me a lot of Adrianne Lenker's Songs album (one of my favorites of 2020) that featured only vocals and guitar. As much as I love elaborate, fun production, there's something unbeatable about the purity of a singer/songwriter on a guitar. This was recorded in just two days?? And Nick Drake was only 23 years old??? There's more Nick Drake lore I need to dig into, as this was his last album before he died, but man, this is incredible. I've been wondering to myself if it would be possible for me to give a five-star rating to an album I didn't already know. While I may have heard this before, today feels like a first listen, and I'm honestly floored. This may be my favorite album we've had on the list so far. Favorite tracks: Kind of pointless since the whole thing is so good and cohesive, but Road, Place to Be, and Things Behind the Sun really grabbed me. Album art: Really, really love this one. I'm not sure it's iconic--not sure if the general population would recognize this one. But I've seen it so many times over the years and it's seared in my brain. Some sort of really depressing hybrid of Dali and Lewis Carroll. It's super cool. 5/5

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Tue Jan 19 2021

Amazing, beautiful voice, great guitar. Feels small, intimate, open. Also dark, sad and melancholy.

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Sat May 15 2021

Before I started listening to this, I had had it confused with Nick Cave. Needless to say, I was surprised once the record started spinning. Sad, mournful, soulful. I love his warm guitar sound and angelic voice. I am sorry that he was in so much pain, but I am glad that something beautiful could come out of it.

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Fri Apr 30 2021

Great album! After the second listen it really grew on me. What a great songwriter and guitarist/singer.

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Mon May 03 2021

Bleak and sparse, sad and melancholy. An achingly beautiful album. The more I listen to it, the more I'm drawn in and the more I can't help but love it . Make no mistake, this is a masterpiece.

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Wed Jun 09 2021

Pink Moon made me and a bunch of other people want a Volkswagen. Nick Drake made me want to explore folk music. His soft spoken voice and the fret buzz of his acoustic guitar conveys an understated sense of being and its perfect. This album taps into something beneath the surface and it all comes out. If Gustavo Sataolalla, Alexi Murdoch are are able paint pictures with their music, Nick Drake is able to make you feel it. I hear Gustavo in Horn and Alexi in Which Will and so many other songs. There can't be any musicians who've heard Pink Moon and been unaffected. This album and the whole Nick Drake story gets me emotional. An artist that kills himself after releasing two albums to lackluster reviews and thirty years its discovered by the world because of advertising. Unattainable desire. To become famous, to own and possess things you don't need. It’s difficult to point to anything good that’s come out of marketing since it’s inception. Pink Moon and Nick Drake may be the one thing.

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Tue Jun 08 2021

A lot of my favorite albums are complex and layered. What's so impressive about Nick Drake's albums is that he achieves so many of those same feelings with a much more minimal set of ingredients. That's not say this is simple music, just that he makes everything count. The album kind of pulls you in slowly before it hits you with the feels with "Which Will" and "Things Behind the Sun". I could do without "Know", but overall this album is a great experience.

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Thu Aug 19 2021

This album came from a guy who killed himself 2 years after recording it. You are listening to a guy who looked around and despised capitalism and comercialisation, so maybe this album wasn't intended to be heard. And if you did, that's awesome, and an incredible line of events that led you to this moment, listening to a record some guy made 60 years ago in two nights just for himself.

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Wed Oct 27 2021

A sad, beautiful album. Like Nick's life it's all too short at just 31 minutes bit with enough emotional impact to fill most box sets. Each song has a restrained beauty and the guitar playing is achingly gorgeous. 5 big 🌟

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Sat Feb 19 2022

As someone who has battled with depression on and off for most of my life, Nick Drake is one artist who I decided to avoid. His death was such a tragedy and the fact that his music was largely unsung during his lifetime is such a shame. So when I played this yesterday, I was expecting to come away crying like I do when I listen to Elliot Smith but instead I was struck by how beautiful Pink Moon, and what a lose it is to me that I had never given it a proper listen before. Contrary to my preconceptions this is a joyous album. I played it this morning on our lounge room speakers unsure if it was the right soundtrack to a restless Saturday morning. My wife said she enjoyed it and that it wasn't what she was expecting either. My daughter, just said, "this is really nice, I like this music". They both have great taste.

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Tue Feb 22 2022

Utterly brilliant. I remember exactly where I was when I first heard Nick Drake: Gatwick Airport HMV. I went straight to the counter and said 'Who's this, it sounds a bit like John Martyn?' The sales assistant said 'It's Nick Drake, he was a friend of John Martyn'. I bought the album and I've been a fan ever since. This is his masterwork. 6 stars.

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Tue Mar 29 2022

Super interesting. Amazing atmosphere he creates by just using an acoustic guitar and his voice.

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Fri May 27 2022

A perfect example of music that is both beautiful and sad at the same time. For those that followed the Nick Drake story in a chronological manner, this, the last Nick Drake release is a significant departure. It is stark and focused inward. It is very short, but beautifully effective, with vocals frequently in a whisper.

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Mon May 30 2022

I love this album. Both mysterious and beautiful; raw and almost uncomfortably dry with Nick's vocals right up in your face. Almost ironically the minimalist nature of this album makes me pay more attention to it than many "big" sounding records. Something about the chords and/or the tuning he used on these songs (just listen to the first/title track) are so unique (yet the simplicity occasionally lends itself to little chill moments (e.g. piano melody in "Pink Moon" which is also - I think - the only overdub on the album). Maybe not for everyone but the haunting melodic nature of this (and maybe combined with the very short running time) makes this an alltime favourite of mine. 9/10 5 stars.

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Fri Jul 15 2022

WOW, simply wow, it'll be difficult to find the words that are deserving enough to describe this album but I'll do my best. This was my first time listening to Pink Moon and it's the first I'd had heard of Nick Drake and almost immediately from the first chords I heard oof of the first track onbthe album I was instantly impressed and surprised, by the end of the first track I had seriously doubted my musical credentials and how I have gone this long in life not having come across such a talented musician. There is a wondrousness and melancholy to this album that touches on some larger sense of sadness while the melody has this wisfulness and lightness to it complimenting the somewhat complicated nature of the sentiment behind the lyrics. This is album is a must for anyone.

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Thu Sep 08 2022

I doubt you find a folk artist or band in the last 20 years who isn’t massively inspired by Drake (the one with a first name). While all of Drake’s albums are emotionally sublime, there’s something deeply ominous about this, his last album. The production fits the tone of the compositions perfectly and both his guitar playing and vocal is haunting and eerily beautiful. Undoubtedly one of the best albums to clock in at just under half an hour.

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Tue Oct 04 2022

I spent a lot of this album focusing on the beautiful and varied sounds of Drake's acoustic guitar. This one felt especially intimate. I've sometimes felt that three albums from one artist was excessive in this list. Not so here. I am so sad there are no more. I will have to just go back and listen to these three again and again and be happy that they exist.

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Wed Dec 14 2022

And so, this rosy satellite briefly passed our vision. It's orbit, although unstable, was close enough to be felt on the skin and in the bones. And while it leaves our sight as the daytime approaches, it lingers in our chest, tugging gently past the horizon.

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Sun Dec 18 2022

nick drake like elliot smith killed himself. both created heartbreaking, individualistic albums. pink moon is THE nick drake album. its perfect. it is. im sad to say it. this guitar dude made a really great album in an era when someone else was nearby but not near enough. he was a standout. he made mood, mode, magic. im gonna go put this album on again, why not?

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Thu Mar 30 2023

I was not familiar with Nick Drake's music, and I'm not entirely sure I've ever even heard of him. When I put this on, I was really surprised; this is definitely not your typical folk music of the 70s! It reminds me of the singer-songwriter and indie music of the 2000s, and I'm certain that these artists have been drawing some inspiration from here. Others must have thought so at the time, as his music did not sell well during his lifetime, and this album is no exception. This album received much of its recognition after Drake's death. Ultimately, this album sounds so ahead of its time. This album is rather short and the instrumentation here is fairly simple, as are the vocals, but the beauty here is definitely in the simplicity. This album has a clear and unadulterated focus on Nick Drake's voice and his guitar work -- nothing else -- and his voice and guitar complement each other so well. His voice is soft and airy and sounds like a "chest voice", rather than a "head voice". It's a singing voice that is unique; you just don't hear a voice like his very often. His guitar work on the album is soft, intricate, engaging, and soothing. This album's credits tout only a few names besides Nick's, and those names are all on the production side, not the music side; this album is for all intents and purposes a one man effort. Needless to say, I was pleasantly surprised by Nick Drake and by this album. It proved to be a peaceful, intimate, and engaging listen. It's a bit sad, and yet comforting. I hate that it did not receive its accolades during the time of its release and during Drake's lifetime, but its inclusion here is a testament to how greatness can be lost to time or circumstance. I looked ahead and found out that all three of his studio albums are on this project, and I really do look forward to hearing more from Nick Drake. On first listen, this was a 4. I couldn't help but listen again, and now it's so close to a 5 that I feel inspired to bump it up at this point.

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Sat Apr 06 2024

After an exhausting day, this album provides a well-earned serenity that recharges and prepares you for tomorrow.

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Mon Apr 15 2024

Rarely does an album consisting almost entirely of only acoustic guitar and voice truly captivate me. For over 20 years now, Pink Moon has been one of the very few exceptions to that statement. Throughout Pink Moon, Drake’s dexterous guitar arrangements move in a labyrinthine manner. His lead lines propel the songs while chiming drone notes and chords punctuate their movements, making for a meditative and slightly hypnotic listening experience. He is both the lead guitarist and rhythm guitarist simultaneously…all while singing. Pink Moon is a tour de force; one that, sadly, didn’t achieve its full impact during Nick Drake’s lifetime.

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Mon Jul 08 2024

I adore this album. Solumn, simplistic, introspective and beautiful.

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Wed Jan 13 2021

I liked it. It's felt familiar yet unique. I kept thinking of Iron & Wine, Elliot Smith, and Jose Gonzalez. Not super into them but I've also appreciated their works. Loved the melachonic vibe but I didnt catch a lot of the lyrics. I had it on as background music so I didnt get a true impression but from what I heard I liked.

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Wed Jun 09 2021

Listening to the first couple of tracks, I was quickly drawn in by the hauntingly spare sound, honest lyrics and atypical tunings. Surprised that I hadn't heard of Nick Drake before, I looked him up. What a tragic story of a great talent underappreciated in his time and taken far too soon. I can hear influences of Cat Stevens and Van Morrison in his work, and can hear how his sound may have influenced a whole host of singer/songwriters that followed him. Some of the songs are a little bleak (understandably), but others feel hopeful and celebratory of our (pained) existence. The musicianship is mostly very strong, with his reedy voice well-suited for introspection. I will definitely listen to him more and will seek out his other work. How sad that there is so little of it.

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Thu Dec 09 2021

I really enjoyed this one! The whole album is great and feels complete despite its short length. The production and arrangements could not be simpler with most songs just featuring an acoustic guitar and vocals; however, this is not a drawback as it feels more intimate and timeless because of this stylistic choice. With this type of approach to a recording, my enjoyment of the songs typically rely on how much I can tolerate the artist's voice, and I feel that Nick Drake did a fantastic job enhancing his dark lyrics with his strong vocal performance. This is definitely one I will throw on again in the future (feels like a nice winter or rainy day album), and I can see myself diving deeper into Drake's catalog after this (I am surprised I have never heard of him). 4/5. NOTE: I was shocked to find out that he died only a couple of years after this album at the young age of 26 (!). After knowing this, it does feel like I am listening to a lost soul through his creation which makes it a bit more tragic. I am happy he left such a great impression before leaving this world with this beautiful set of tracks.

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Tue Sep 05 2023

I’ve listened to one Nick Drake album already (Bryter Later) which absolutely blew me away. I remember living that album so much that I went to trusty Wikipedia and ended up with a broken heart after reading about Nick. I’m looking forward to listening to this one. Songs I already knew: none Favourites: Pink Moon, Which Will, Parasite I love how minimalist this album is. It feels like sitting in a room with Nick and his guitar and having him softly sing to you. There is certainly something nice to be said about music that isn’t overly produced, as is commonly heard these days. The track Know felt possibly a little too stripped back for my taste, but everything else felt oh so cosy. I’ve listened to two Nick Drake albums now and have really enjoyed both.

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Wed Oct 20 2021

i'm sad. makes me feel lonely, which is probably a testament to drake's skill

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Mon May 29 2023

Ok slow music. Not much range. Got bored listening to the whole album.

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Mon Apr 15 2024

Last few albums have been killers to the ears and this one follows suit. Pretty sure we're up the 3 or 4 albums by this dude and I'm they are the exact same sound and style, slow, mumbling and incredibly boring. Not my style and I really can't find anything I would want to revisit. Hoping this is the last time we hear from Nick Drake and we are not punished with anything from that other Drake. 2

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Tue Nov 24 2020

I fucking love Nick Drake. 9/10

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Sat Apr 03 2021

Should’ve listened to this earlier than just now, but it did not disappoint. So good

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Wed Jan 27 2021

Excellent album. It is uplifting, but sad at the same time. Nick Drake has a great voice.

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Wed Jan 13 2021

Not a new album to me. Amazing guitar playing and singing. Perfect for a drive or a Sunday morning with coffee.

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Thu Mar 04 2021

One of my favorite folk / singer-songwriter albums. Even with a few not so great songs, overall the album is amazing.

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Wed Jan 13 2021

A classic, perfect winter afternoon listening

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Fri May 07 2021

Love pink moon. Need to listen again w lyrics

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Tue Mar 09 2021

And so it came to pass, the moon was pink and all was well. Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick, Nick Nick Drake.

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Tue Jun 01 2021

Perfect just for the first song, the title track.

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Sun Jan 17 2021

Better than I remember. Already own.

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Fri Feb 12 2021

Every song I expected John Denver to belt out the next lyrics. But was not disappointed by the relaxing flow of vocals from Drake. I can’t list a tract I didn’t like. Especially since the album cover confused me completely. Acoustic guitar was so good. The lyrics very deep. When he sang Place To Be, I imaged the colors greener than a hill and palest blues . So wild how he brought those images to my mind. It was sad to read he was battling depression, because his talent was so maximal for a minimalist production. I respect a musician who does all his own writing ,playing and singing. Great album .

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Fri Mar 26 2021

yesssss more sad mellow tunez

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Mon Mar 29 2021

De naam Nick Drake altijd onbewust geassocieerd met de rapper Drake, dus nooit echt veel aandacht voor gehad. Maar dat is nu voorgoed verleden tijd. Meteen al zijn andere albums opgezet. Ik ben fan!

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Tue Mar 16 2021

It was amazing. I didn't know him before, so it was a completely different thing for me. The songs are chill, relaxed and the lyrics can warm every heart. (Also, the album cover is very pretty, look at the colors!)

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Tue Jun 08 2021

I'd heard of Nick Drake for about 15 years now, but somehow never got around to listening. Overwhelmingly emotional album... not really my typical genre, but it left quite the mark.

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Tue Jun 08 2021

Just puts me in a great headspace...Sounds like laying in a meadow on a cloudy day.

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Wed Jun 09 2021

I dig me some Nick Drake. I often play him when I’m super stressed—mellows me out. Also has some nostalgia for me of my days in Los Angeles.

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Fri May 14 2021

This album is amazing each song is very interesting and enjoyable how short it is and I thought that how simple the songs are really added to the music. It's so crazy to me that this album sold less than 5,000 copies. My only complaint the songs kinda sound the same but only just a little bit. love this album 9/10 closer to a 10 than a 9

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Mon Jun 14 2021

Fantastic album. Had been a decade or so since I had last heard it.

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Mon Aug 02 2021

This album is great. Dark, melancholy, beautiful. Reminds me a lot of Mark Lanegan's solo work (and come to think about it, I think Nick Drake was mentioned as an influence in Lanegan's autobiography).

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Fri Aug 06 2021

So delicate and ephemeral. It’s magic.

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Fri Sep 17 2021

One of my all-time favorites

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Sat Oct 09 2021

Drugi i zapewne ostatni na liscie album pana Nicka Drake, ostatni takze w jego dyskografii, bo byla to ostatnia to ostatnia plyta ktora udalo mu sie nagrac przed smiercia, material z roku 72 w swojej formie jest jeszcze bardziej minimalistyczny, surowy, ale takze przez to bardziej autentyczny niz poprzedni Bryter Layter, bo glownym i jedynym instrumentem, poza wystepujacymi na otwierajacym pink moon klawiszami, jest akustyk, o ktorym juz pisalem w ramach poprzedniej plyty, tutaj jest on jeszcze bardziej wyeksponowany przez granie solowe jeszcze wyrazniej czuc unikalna technike gry Nicka, ciekawym faktem jest takze to, ze zarowno gitara jak i wokal nagrywane byly na jednym traku, wiec jedynym overdubem plyty sa wspomniane klawisze na pink moonie, co daje ultimejtowy folk feeling czlowieka wylewajacego z siebie co mu lezy na sercu prosto na instrument, prawdziwa rzadkosc wsrod nagrywanej muzyki, a co mogl wylewac z siebie pan Drake, ktory cala swoja krotka kariere zmagal sie z depresja i szukaniem sukcesu w muzyce, co bezposrednio przelozylo sie na tematyke ostatniej plyty, ale na tym materiale slychac juz jakby pogodzenie z stanem w jakim jest jego kariera i podejscie do sprawy z troche wyzszej perspektywy, szczere teksty 24 letniego staruszka przez ktore przemawiaja przewijajace sie metafory cial niebieskich, por dnia, kolorow ciezkie do jednoznacznej interpretacji to wlasnie chleb powszedni plyty, bo czym moze byc tytulowy pink moon, po rozwiazaniu zagadki tego pytania plyta calkowicie zmienia swoj klucz, calosc zostala nagrana zaledwie w dwoch nocnych sesjach, pomimo tego, ze jest to tylko 11 kawalkow na 28 minutach materialu nie zmienia tego, ze jest to jeden z ulubionych krazkow w mojej biblioteczce do ktorego lubie wracac, na plejke nie bede nic dodawal, bo i tak juz album jest w spotifajowej kolekcji, kolejny przesluch i kolejne pytania, jak czlowiek sukcesu moze skonczyc tak nieszczesliwie, czy brak sukcesu jest az tak dotkliwszy dla kogos na sukcesie wychowanym niz dla czlowieka juz dawno przegranego, kiedy pogon za sukcesem staje sie pulapka w ktora czlowiek sam sie zapedza, to tylko niektore z pytan ktore mozna sobie postawic po takim seansiku, nie jest to album ktory spodoba sie kazdemu, jeszcze mniej ludzi go zrozumie, ale jest to cos naprawde wyjatkowego zapisanego na tasmie

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Wed Oct 13 2021

Beautiful album. This is why I use this website, so I can come across music like this that I hadn't otherwise heard of

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Sat Oct 16 2021

Как буд-то в гости к другу сходил

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Thu Oct 21 2021

Loved it! John Denver meets Pink Floyd? Unique singer/songwriter experience.

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Sun Oct 31 2021

What a great reminder on how much I love this album.

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Fri Nov 12 2021

Soundtrack of my teens. Nick Drake is morphine for the ears

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Sat Nov 13 2021

This is pretty great. Introspective. I’d listened to Nick Drake a while back, but never to entire albums. Enjoyable.

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Mon Nov 15 2021

A good friend gifted me this album with no context in a time I needed it most. Beautiful. 5 stars.

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Mon Nov 22 2021

Folksy, relaxing, excellent choice for a morning coffee / tea. First time listen will listen again for sure.

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Wed Dec 08 2021

This album is beautiful, simple and magical. It feels so intimate and really makes you think about the true emotional power of music. I'm a huge fan.

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Tue Dec 14 2021

have loved this one for a long time

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Sat Jan 01 2022

First time Iv heard of Nick Drake. Wow so simple so intimate and emotional, brilliant. I can see this becoming a go to album for me.

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Tue Jan 04 2022

Authentic tenderness accompanied with varied and interesting fingerpicking guitar

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