Cloud Nine
The TemptationsFantastic album and got me nicely in the Friday mood. Not a bad track on the album.
Fantastic album and got me nicely in the Friday mood. Not a bad track on the album.
I appreciate what he did for music but it doesn't hit the spot for me entirely.
My favourite artist of all time, but one of my least favourite albums of his. Valentine's Day is a superb tune though!
One of the greatest of all time. Easiest 5 stars.
Respect B.B as an artist, but not my favourite album.
Not really up my street, but I can respect what they've done for music.
One of the greatest. Wish there were less sex skits... Would feel far more comfortable playing it out a speaker.
Fantastic album. Bob was still very much in the height of his writing power for this album and it's a delight throughout.
Not my favourite album of theirs, but it's full over overlooked tracks in my opinion. The start of something rather extraordinary...