A Night At The Opera
QueenHave enjoyed this album dozens of listenings. Timeless and perfect every time.
Have enjoyed this album dozens of listenings. Timeless and perfect every time.
I’m a casual hip hop consumer at best. Enjoyed this album but the first half was just ok. Standard fair guest artist featured w Kanye on fair/good tracks. Second half of the album saw styles expand, get more creative and move away from standard hip hop tropes. Second half was preferred.
Impressive solo sophomore offering! Cinnamon Girl et al
Classic and excellent pop album! Def some gems within. But nowhere near the sublime quality of the all time perfection of Thriller or even Off the Wall.
This slick final Police offering boasts several radio hits. However, The their previous releases were superior.
Great package of music featuring clever production and a topical mix of styles.
Quality pop dance collection anchored by solid white boy funk. A few memorable standouts too.