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New Wave

The Auteurs


New Wave
Album Summary

New Wave is the 1993 debut album by British alternative rock band The Auteurs. In 2014, British independent record label 3 Loop Music re-released the album on 180gsm Vinyl and as a 2CD Expanded Edition which included b-sides, rarities, radio session tracks and the original 4-track demos that led to the band's signing with Hut Records.







  • Pop
  • Rock


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Wed May 19 2021

- I really liked the Auteurs. Am I gay? - Yes, but for other reasons.

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Thu Mar 10 2022

I am 1/3 of the way through this list. There has been no Pearl Jam, no Snoop Dogg, no Alice in Chains, no Soundgarden, no Stone Temple Pilots, no Tool and yet I have to stomach third-tier BritPop garbage that sounds like Blur on clonazepam? No, man, no.

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Sun Jan 24 2021

Gotta be honest. I had never heard of this album or this band. This is a great album. It sounds like if Oasis had the creative sensibilities of Stephen Malkmus. Gritty, somewhat dark 90’s alt/brit rock. Good stuff.

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Mon Jun 14 2021

This was fine. It was okay. It'll do. Like how Chole described Franz Ferdinand as 'landfill indie', this is 'landfill 90s alt-rock'

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Thu Jun 29 2023

Not cool enough to be pixies. Not bare enough to be pavement. Just a bit drab. Like a quite good high school band.

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Wed Apr 28 2021

On the first listen, I really didn't like most of the LP. I liked the  first track but then they lost me for a while but I also liked the last three tunes.  This was somewhat bizarre since the  Spotify numbers show that nobody ever listens to (read likes) those last three tracks.  I thought I should listen  to it again and the second time through most of the songs from the dreaded middle section of the LP were OK. It kinda grew on me -kinda the way you start liking the jingle in a McDonald's commercial.  Perhaps I  was thrown by the name "New Wave" and was expecting something else. 

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Sat Jan 23 2021

I don’t know... it was okay. But I feel like I’ve heard that record a thousand times before from other bands.

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Wed Sep 27 2023

The epitome of bland. It kind of felt like eating a plain, unsalted cracker. And can you imagine giving yourself this name? Ugh.

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Thu Feb 01 2024

If you like the beatles but shittier in every way this album is for you.

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Fri Mar 15 2024

Top 5 alternative and indie rock records from 1993 which are excluded from this list that you should listen to instead of this album: 1. Yo La Tengo - Painful 2. Stereolab - Transient Random-Noise Bursts with Announcements 3. Archers of Loaf - Icky Mettle 4. Guided By Voices - Vampire on Titus 5. Dinosaur Jr - Where You Been?

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Tue Sep 15 2020

Woaaah, what a gem this was. Never heard of them previously, but this is some brilliant stuff. Not far off from bands like Suede, and more specifically the album Dog Man Star.

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Mon Mar 29 2021

Very good album, a little surprised at how much I liked it. Took me a couple listens to fully appreciate the album but glad I spent a little more time on it, definitely worth it Saved: Show Girl, How Could I Be Wrong, Idiot Brother

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Mon Jun 14 2021

In spite of arriving amid the Britpop boom of the early-mid 90s, this record has the feel of a lost classic. I can imagine how this might get lumped into that category at a superficial level, but the details and approach make me feel like those associations are more a coincidence of when this was released than an indication this was part of a scene. I'm hearing some Robyn Hitchcock in the melodic instincts, intricate arrangement, and sneering vocals. Nice variety between the more acoustic and fuzzy numbers on this one. Overall, I really enjoyed this introduction to a new (to me) artist. Favourite songs: "Don't Trust the Stars", "Valet Parking", and "Show Girl"

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Wed May 03 2023

Somehow I've managed to not know about this band but half way through the first song I'm loving it... although I've definitely heard this song before. I'm hearing Blur pretty strongly in here. Looking at it, it's the same year as Modern Life, makes sense. Problem is the album quickly settles into Britpop mediocrity. It's OK but it feels quite by-the-numbers. I was looking forward to later tracks because other reviews called up some of those as great tracks but they didn't break through the tedium to me. By the end of the album I just wanted it to be over. Yawn!

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Fri Jan 29 2021

I loved their sound! Reminded me of the Kooks. I will return to this album again in the future.

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Mon Feb 15 2021

Lowkey great vibes. Big fan of the Beatles-vocals.

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Tue May 04 2021

Absolutely loved it, every song is great. Also, the singer's voice sounds familiar, even though I have never heard anything from the band

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Wed Jun 23 2021

Never heard of this band but they are a new favorite. Death Cabbish but slightly grungier.

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Fri Nov 19 2021

"How Could I Be Wrong" came in and slapped me in the face for some reason. The whole album was really great. I didn't want to stop listening. I think this type of music is one of my favorite sounds of this project, to be honest.

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Wed Apr 06 2022

This is a great discovery. It's an interesting varied album. Vocally it's quite mellow and reminds me of The Monkees contrasted with some power pop (love the guitar sound). Some of the songs are quite moody ('Show Girl', Bailed Out') whereas others have a whimsical late sixties baroque-pop feel ('Junk Shop Clothes', 'Starstruck', 'Housebreaker', 'Valet Parking') with some musical colour from instruments like harpsichord, strings, celeste, piano, mouth harp. Others like 'How Can I Be Strong' have a heavier psychedelic edge. The lyrics are probably the weakest element but there's some nice melodies and arrangements to compensate. It's a bit of a quirky left field album ("critics favorite") and quite tellingly I was the only one in my group to give it a high rating. All in all, this is a very enjoyable album to play on spring afternoon, so I will definitely play it again when the weather is nicer than today!

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Mon Sep 12 2022

Awesome! Love the first track

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Sun Sep 25 2022

Tästä oli tosi helppo tykätä. Soittolistalle päätyivät ainakin Bailed Out, Junk Shop Clothes, Starstruck, How Could I Be Wrong ja Housebreaker.

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Fri Dec 23 2022

This was amazing - never heard of the auteurs, but such a fun variety of upbeat rockin melodies.

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Tue Jul 11 2023

9/10 incredibly fun I love the way it almost feels like alt-rock with its mixing and bass-heavy feel

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Tue Aug 22 2023

A band I never picked up on in the 90's so these were my first time listening to them. At my first listen, I really thought after the first two songs (and especially "Bailed Out") I found a new favourite band, but after that the album dropped off. Listening to this album a few more times and also the songs further up in the album started to shine, like "Idiot Brother" and "How Could I Be Wrong." Now after my 5th listen I can see how this would be classed as a 'forgotten masterpiece.' All songs are incredibly well written, superbly melodic - there's not a sound out of place - but there's a lot of rough edges. Or 'spiky' as a friend of mine would call it. Reading up on it, this debut is apparently not even their best album. I'll be looking into the rest! 4,5*

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Thu Nov 09 2023

I love 90s rock so much, this album did not disappoint!

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Fri Jan 26 2024

Brilliant proto-britpop, which I would have adored at the time if I had been a year or two older. Not quite sure why they didn't kick on from there, as this is better than anything Blur or Oasis were doing at the same time. But they didn't build on it, and by the time I was buying music papers each week, Luke had become a bit of a lost hero and/or a bit of a punchline whenever someone was getting (over-)excited about a new band. Tl;Dr - a great (lost?) album from the start of a genre that means a lot to me. Sounds like Suede, Nirvana and Blur fell in a melting pot - in a good way.

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Tue Feb 13 2024

I wish I would have know them in the 90. Great album, going to listen to it again.

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Fri Mar 22 2024

Very Big Star with a Smiths and Britpop edge

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Fri Apr 05 2024

I loved this! Like a cross between David Bowie and Weezer. The power guitars and the toy piano were great. Junk Shop Clothes and Valet Parking lyrics were awesome. I've already listened to the whole album twice.

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Thu Jun 13 2024

I was adding song after song to my "Songs I liked from 1001 Albums" playlist. Eventually it became undeniable - I fucking love this album. Plan to return to it often. Who knows if I'll actually do it, but I really want to, and that's the sign of a great album for me.

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Thu Jun 13 2024

Didn't know them and am happy about this find. Great album.

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Mon Jun 24 2024

This is why I’m doing the challenge: finding artists and albums that are totally new to me that click. This has a bit of a Sunday morning vibe to it that’s nice. Songwriting stands out; and while I hear a bit of George Harrison in the vocals and even the songwriting, it’s not a copy and stands out as unique. Based on this album, I’m looking forward to learning more about this group, for sure.

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Fri Jul 12 2024

I love Luke Haines voice. And knowing he was in Black Box Recording may color this rating in a good way. I liked it a lot. I'll be coming back

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Thu Apr 15 2021

This is good... no doubt requiring more intense scrutiny!

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Wed Mar 17 2021

A perfectly fine album just a genre that's not my usual fav. Good listening music though.

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Tue Jan 26 2021

very lovely Brazzaville vibes 4/5

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Thu Feb 18 2021

pleasant, heady britpop fav track: idiot brother

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Tue Apr 27 2021

Not sure if I ever heard of them before, but it was a pretty good album

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Sun Mar 21 2021

Production: 12/20 Songwriting: 15/20 Innovation: 13/20 Bangers: 10/20 Emotional response: 13/20 =63 I liked it. Low 4.

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Wed May 19 2021

no idea who these guys are, but it sounds fine!

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Thu Jan 21 2021

i wanted to give this a 3 1/2 but as i can’t i’m going to mark it up to a 4 purely for the instrumentation on the album, some of the melodies and guitar are really lovely, definitely my favourite thing about it.

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Sun Feb 14 2021

Brit pop at its best. Start of the genre in one of best possible ways, better than Blur (but not better than Suede)

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Wed Mar 24 2021

Strajk rokowy nadal trwa i kolejna dosc undergrundowa banda, tym razem wyspiarze, 3 osobowa banda z meskim wokalem i babom na basie, ktorzy jako para byli inicjatotorami powstania zespolu, dodatkowo pojawiaja sie wstawki z dudnienia perkusyjnego i organowego, ale tylko w dwoch trackach od dodatkowych muzykow, wiec granie minimalistyczno instrumentalne, ciezko mi okreslic gatunek tej plyty, bo niby rokowanie, ale jednak budowa piosenek jest dosc popowa, ale lirycznie jest zbyt ambitna na okreslenie tego po prostu popem, wiec cos w stylu rokowania bowiego, czy bolana, bo poza grwolersami i klatkowymi sloniami to wlasnie takie mialem skojarzenia sluchajac albumiku, kawalki ktore na pierwszy rzut oka wygladaja jak typowe milosne songi maja twisty jak w czarnych komediach, przykladem moze byc otwierajacy showgirl czy valet parking, ale wiekszosc kawalkow jest inspirowana dosc prozaicznymi rzeczami jak gitary czy ciucholandy ktore staja sie materialem do poruszania ciezszych tematow, jako ze jest to debiut tej grupy, to tytul new wave jest dosc pasujacy, bo nie czuc ze jest to album z lat 90, wiec wyprzedzil swoje czasy i nie zdobyt zbyt duzej popularnosci nawet na wyspach, ale mialem szczescie odkopac akurat takie zloto, na plejke dodaje show grila, how could I be wrong oraz home again

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Mon Jun 14 2021

I have a hard time understanding how The Auteurs didn't take off in the Brit Pop scene. The have a distinct folkly/chamber pop sound, clever lyrics and a front man that's not afraid to voice his cynical views on British imperialism. It's reminiscent of Ray Davies at the height of his powers, and they even carry a hint of 60's British Invasion in their music. Surprised this one passed under my radar. The production is a little bombastic at times, which dates it, but still enjoyable, as there is a tension between the cutting lyrics and the guitar-driven pop of the time. Fav Tracks: Don't Trust the Stars and Valet Parking. Rating: 3.5/5

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Mon Jun 14 2021

I really enjoyed this album. For a band that had not previously been on my radar I was really surprised how good this album is. I would consider this more Alt-pop then Britpop, Britpop seems dated and less inspired than this album. The influences leading up to this album and music that was influenced by this album show the staying power of this music vs the blip on the radar that was Britpop. Good album all around. Favorite songs: don't trust the stars, Valet Parking, Junk Shop Clothes. 4 stars

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Mon Jul 05 2021

Бля, ну нет ща у меня возможности гонять этот альбом репитом, хотя, возможно, и заслуживает. Вроде неплохой, внятные мотивы, оригинальный инструментал, приятный вокал. Опять же, скорее понимаю, чем ощущаю. В целом, положительное мнение кое-как формировано, хоть и хочется его проверить сомнениями. Но у нас тут тысячеальбомка за три года, нельзя себе такое позволять лишний раз.

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Tue Jun 22 2021

This album was a pleasant surprise. I liked most of the songs (my favourite is Home Again) and could see myself revisiting a lot of these, but there were a few songs that I didn't like. 4/5 stars.

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Mon May 31 2021

Really like this album. Will listen to again. 90s. Good flow. Bit like A Death Cab for Cutie.

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Tue Jun 15 2021

It was fine. A couple interesting tracks.

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Sun May 30 2021

Not a huge fan of the lead singer. Good songs though.

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Sat Jun 19 2021

Good album, underrated artists 3,5/5

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Mon Jun 28 2021

Good album! Definately an example of why I tend to be drawn to British musicians. Though I'd need a couple more listens to give a more detailed description. The album seems to fit more in with the late 80s alternative period than the new grunge scene in the states. I feel like I can hear sounds that would influence groups like the Arctic Monkeys a decade later. Favorite Songs: Early Years

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Thu Sep 09 2021

9/8 3.5/5. Cool grungy album. Standout Tracks: Starstruck, Valet Parking, Idiot Brother, Home Again

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Fri Nov 26 2021

This is a new album for me. I enjoyed it. Nice rocky sound good guitars fun lyrics

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Fri Dec 03 2021

yet another album i feel i should've enjoyed more than i actually did. i wish i had something to say about it. at one point, a song came on that got my attention; it was by some other artist, because this album had finished and spotify just grabbed whatever and played it, and that's how i knew it was over. on the other hand, the harmonies can be unexpectedly delicate, the guitar work is surprisingly compelling, and i honestly love homeboy's voice. it's just...somehow, despite all that, this one just kinda missed me. i'm giving it 4 because i feel like the problem this time around was me.

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Fri Dec 17 2021

Love this album. As into Britpop as I was, I cannot believe that I've never hear of this album, nor the band. I don't know I can give it a 5 but it's an album I'd come back to over and over.

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Fri Dec 17 2021

Very interesting from a band I had never heard of before. Thought it started out much stronger than it ended, but did enjoy. 4/5

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Fri Dec 24 2021

Rather reminded me of Crowded House, and that's always a good thing.

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Thu Dec 30 2021

Hi- Show Girl, Bailed Out, Starstruck New Wave opens with a strong trio of songs, Really nice brit-pop, which is right at home in a playlist of Mansun, Blur, Manic Street Preachers, and Oasis. I'll keep this one in my back pocket!

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Sun Jan 09 2022

Beatles like vocals with grunge-lite instrumentals. Was hoping some of the hooks would stay with me though. Fave tracks : “Don’t trust the stars” “Early Years” “American Guitars”

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Sun Jan 09 2022

Pretty decent. Probably a 3.5, as I liked listening to it but I'm sure I will forget this album. Getting tired of reading reviews of brit-pop albums though.

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Thu Jan 13 2022

I’ve, very chill and enjoyable, I like the production very much

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Fri Jan 21 2022

1993. Show Girl, How Could I Be Wrong

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Thu Dec 30 2021

Hi- Show Girl, Bailed Out, Starstruck New Wave opens with a strong trio of songs, Really nice brit-pop, which is right at home in a playlist of Mansun, Blur, Manic Street Preachers, and Oasis. I'll keep this one in my back pocket!

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Wed Mar 23 2022

I'd never heard of this group before and really enjoyed the vibe.

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Fri Mar 25 2022

Liked the whole album through. Simple but interesting.

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Sun Apr 10 2022

Great album. I liked it the first time I heard it last year. It just keeps getting better. Interesting sound. I'm glad this album was on this list so I got to know it. 4/5

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Fri Apr 29 2022

I bought this album aged 13. Thought it would make me look edgy and cool and intellectual and all the babes would want a piece as a result. It didn't achieve any of those goals. But it did soundtrack the beginning of years of rejection from the local female-folk. sad times.

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Fri Apr 29 2022

Three stars and a half ? Four stars ? The Auteurs is a band I've only been vaguely aware of before, and this app gave me the opportunity to delve further into that first record of theirs, *New Wave*. I'm not sure I'm totally sold about it being an *essential* listen, but it's been a pleasant ride nonetheless. Like many other reviewers in here, I think it has a strong start ("Show Girls", that instantly catchy "Bailed Out", and "American Guitars") and a nice end line, between "Early Years" and "Home Again" (which sounds a little like Elvis Costello's "Complicated Shadows", oddly enough). Maybe the middle of the album is too much of a notch under those particular songs, generally speaking. Well, except for that cello-enhanced "How Could I Be Wrong" (in comparison, a track such as "Don't Trust the Stars" is a little too linear and *middle-of-the-road* rock/britpop, for instance). But I'm all too aware those sorts of songs often grow on you as you keep on listening to them, so I'll give those somewhat less striking cuts the benefit of the doubt. I could actually see myself returning to this album, depending on my mood. I also feel like the lyrics make it worth it too--I spotted some very interesting and/or funny lines about quite picturesque scenes, but I have to admit I didn't pay a lot of attention to them this time. Speaking of other people's comments, I was quite intrigued by the fact that a few reviewers heard a little bit of Arctic Monkeys in The Auteurs' sound. I would have never thought of that by myself. But I have to admit that for certain subtle moments, the comparison made more than a little sense... Luke Haines seems to have a knack for snarls delivered in a laidback fashion. He might not exactly be a Alex Turner, but this particular arrow is maybe not so far off the mark, come to think of it... As a consequence, this may have a bearing on my own geeky list of 1001 albums. When the time comes for this app to suggest a minor Arctic Monkey album, as it will probably do, (say "Humbug" or "Suck It And See"), I might be inclined to just replace it with this "New Wave" here (and so have a broader scope on British pop/rock--and more importantly, leave some room for other sorts of records). That list won't be infinite. You can't have them all, can you? Number of records left to review or just listen to: 920 Number of albums from the list I find relevant enough to be mandatory listens: 42 Albums from the list I *might* include in mine later on: 20 (including this one) Albums from the list I will certainly *not* include in mine (many others are more important to me): 19

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Wed May 04 2022

Classy, sophisticated songwriting from the BritPop era yet not quite fitting the swaggering, posing mould of bands from that time, The Auteurs’ New Wave is a beautifully crafted album that rewards repeat listens.

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Fri May 13 2022

Rating: 7/10 Best songs: Show girl, How could I be wrong,

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Thu May 19 2022

What an odd discovery. This is right up my alley, released when I was in high school, and I had never heard of it. In another dimension, I saw this on 120 Minutes, ran out to buy the CD the next day, then recorded it for my best friend, telling her it reminded me of all of our favorite movie soundtracks combined. And yet, in reality, nothing, until 29 years later. I have some catching up to do.

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Thu Jun 30 2022

SUPER digging this album. Not a very unique sound, but one I enjoy.

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Fri Aug 12 2022

Ja vet int va ni e på ja rocka me de

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Thu Sep 01 2022

Never heard of The Auteurs, and judging by the brevity of this album’s wikipedia entry it kinda fluked its way onto the list. But I liked it! I thought the The Neil Tennant/Ian Broudie style vocals would start to annoy me but they didn’t. There are lots of nice melodies, decent 90s guitars and some interesting lines. 3.5, but I’ll round up because I think it deserves more love than it’s evidently had.

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Mon Sep 19 2022

Had a decent vibe and was something easy to listen to

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Tue Oct 04 2022

Nice early '90s alternative.

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Sun Oct 09 2022

Pretty cool post-punk album. No major complaints, other than it's not my favorite genre.

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Thu Oct 13 2022

Top notch Britpop. If one likes guitar driven anthemic rock, one could do worse than The Auteurs. Blur and Oasis received a lot of the press in the US, but The Auteurs delivered a solid debut. Luke Haines may or may not have "created" Britpop, although he clearly was ambivalent about the term. On his first outing, Haines witty lyricism is already apparent. The balance of cellos, chamber pop and guitars are compelling, and this is one of the better early 90s releases.

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Wed Nov 16 2022

Good album! I enjoyed this one! The lyrics were a bit, sketchy. But the singer had a good voice, good instrumentation. The lyrics are the only let down. Overall, a really solid album.

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