Rage Against The Machine
Rage Against The MachinePolitically Poignant Today
Politically Poignant Today
Started off very rocky, but grew on me towards the end. Basically Bob Dylan from the UK
I usually think that the 80s didn't add much to the music discourse, but albums like this prove me wrong.
Chill vibes, just some people jamming for 40 minutes
Some classics in this album, but even the song I knew weren't that great in it entirety. Overall not that bad
Alright, but nothing here that I haven't heard before
Maybe I don't understand it but it sounded like noise, not music
Somone who knows their genre and excels in it.
Second half of the album made it. Possibility to be great but first half is very forgettable
Just a guy and a guitar
Average music from the 60s. Nothing really standing out
Started poorly, had a few good bit in between but the ending was not great. Averaged itself out.