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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.

Wonderful Rainbow

Lightning Bolt


Wonderful Rainbow
Album Summary

Wonderful Rainbow is the third studio album by noise rock band Lightning Bolt. It is considered to be their most accessible album, featuring heavy but catchy bass guitar riffs and frenetic drums. This album is listed in the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die, which describes the band as creating "a mix of sheer abuse and welcome diversity, for a truly challenging listening experience".







  • Rock


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Thu Apr 07 2022

I was downloading this as I boarded a plane so I could listen on the flight. It barely completed downloading before the door was shut and we were on our way. Without internet I had no inkling of what it was I was about to listen to. Somewhere over Idaho around the third “song” the plane encountered rough turbulence. I couldn’t help but wonder if this was going to be the last album I hear. The thought started making me giggle. And as the cacophony continued in my headphones the plane bounced more intensely and drinks were spilled and I giggled harder and odd uncomfortable looks were coming my way. If only I could be playing this over the plane’s PA... a vision that turned my giggling into open laughter. If you’re reading this then it would seem I survived both the flight and listening to this album. I was on the verge of awarding this my second ever 1 star rating. Then again, it did manage to give my flight a mad tea party vibe. I also really love the album cover. “Wonderful Rainbow” is a great title against the soundscape it presents. No, this will not be joining my lowest rated album even though I likely will never make it through the whole album ever again.

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Sun Dec 19 2021

A conversation from the mid-2000s: The White Stripes - "Ooooooo look how much noise we make with only two people." Death From Above 1979 - "But we make even more noise with two people so there!" Lightening Bolt - "Hold my pint..."

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Fri Mar 10 2023

You know that old saying that if you give an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, they will eventually write the complete works of Shakespeare? Well, in this case, they were given a drum kit, and a bass guitar. And the result was not Shakespeare.

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Fri Aug 19 2022

Ridiculously fun and energetic, a missing link between metal and dance. Like throwing a box of firecrackers into a bonfire. One of the best discoveries I've made here, I just wish I'd been into them at the time.

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Sun Dec 19 2021

Alright, but that's enough of that.

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Thu Jan 06 2022

Don't know what it says about me but I'm able to focus on task at while listening to this. I'll listen again along with the genre.

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Fri Oct 14 2022

Incredible. It's like the rhythm is hanging on by a thread and they keep trying to cut it with a saw. Definitely best played loud, but it isn't just noise. There is real music in there. This is what I listen to this list for. Something completely new.

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Thu Feb 03 2022

2/10. Probably the least wonderful rainbow I've experienced. It was like someone took the noise of unplugging your earbuds in the middle of a song and made that into a whole damn album. There are definitely some bits where there is a bit of an interesting beat going, but not enough to redeem it in my eyes.

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Sun Oct 02 2022

3.5 - Fine as far as noise rock goes but hardly the most interesting, groundbreaking or truly excellent record of this genre. Dimery seems to have a blind spot for Japanese artists, otherwise Boredoms' "Super Ae" would be a much better noise rock selection that's weirder and more fun. Also more original since it was released 5 years prior to this record.

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Thu Feb 17 2022

Love this album. Lightning Bolt are one of the best live bands I've ever seen. Complete chaos. This is probably their best album too.

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Fri Sep 01 2023

I lived in Providence in 2003-2004, just after this album was released. I had moved there from Lawrence, Kansas, a cozy college town, home to a healthy indie music scene. When I arrived in Providence though, I quickly realized the musical landscape was quite a bit different from what I was used to - mainly that it seemed to center around semi-secretive warehouse shows, which were mostly noise and metal acts. One of the main record stores in town, Armageddon Shop, even focused pretty much exclusively on those two genres, and they are still able to survive to this day doing just that! Shows you how hungry people are for extreme music in Providence. This is largely due to the presence of the Rhode Island School of Design attracting folks who think WAYYY outside the box. Many of the bands there started as more or less performance pieces, and they generally have a strong visual component as a part their show. Check out Lightning Bolt drummer and RISD alum Brian Chippendale's artwork, he is a full fledged artist and illustrator in his own right. His style seems to complement the music in that he fills every possible space with intricate, almost overwhelming, detail. He drew the album cover for example. So, not only did the Providence scene have a sound, there was also a strong visual aesthetic as well, which seemed to mirror the music; being hyper-busy mutations of pop culture. Lightning Bolt were definitely the vanguard of the scene, being one of the main forces behind the Fort Thunder collective, whose physical space was unfortunately shut down shortly before I arrived in town. However, I was lucky enough to see a secret show of theirs before I moved away, and was converted to a lifelong fan during that experience. I have gone on to see them live several more times in various locations over the years. I see them every chance I get. And I'd recommend you do the same if you want to experience one of the most cathartic explosions of raw musical energy you will ever witness. Listening on earbuds isn't going to really do this justice. At the very least, try to play this at the loudest possible volume you can get away with on the largest speakers you have access to. When I first moved to Providence I was a little apprehensive about the music scene. It seemed somewhat intimidating to me coming from a background of fairly cozy indie rock and hip hop. A few punk house basement shows here and there was as wild as it got really. Noise and metal were two genres that I really hadn't explored yet, especially in a live setting. But eventually I was seduced, first by the artwork that surrounded it, and then by the music itself. It became clear to me that this was one of the most original and significant mutations in rock music I was going to witness in my lifetime. First, they strip everything down to its core (drums and bass with only occasional vocal punctuations), even the drum kit itself is stripped down to essentials. Then, they turn everything to 11: volume, distortion, and simply their own physical limits in terms of playing. It goes beyond punk and metal into transcendental art territory. Don't just listen to this either, look up a video of them playing on YouTube. The documentary "The Power of Salad" is a great introduction to the band. You will see that Brian Chippendale is the closest a human being can get to Animal from the Muppets. This shit is not just noise and cacaphony. They are tight as fuck and there are undeniable grooves underpinning everything. The album is like being shuffled instantly from one rollercoaster to another, to another, to another. You are left drained and woozy, but exhilarated. And the best part of all, to me at least, is that, as heavy as it may be, it isn't particularly dark music - it's more a sort of manic joy than anything. They are able to tap into an almost childlike wonder through the sheer power and intensity of their playing. I have to say though, it did take awhile for their sound to grow in me. And, had I not temporarily lived in the veritable heart of the US Noise scene, I might never have taken that time. In a way it was like exposure therapy or endurance training, but coming out on the other side, not only did I have a greater appreciation for heavier music, I had a greater appreciation for music in general. Listening to Lightning Bolt made me truly appreciate music itself as a sort of raw material - a transference of energy. It didn't blow my ears out, rather, it retrained them to hear nuances in things that I previously didn't think had any nuance whatsoever. It's the closest thing to taking a musical drug that I've ever experienced, besides maybe some of Steve Reich's early works. Lightning Bolt and others from that scene expanded my palette and gave me more stamina and patience to listen to the expression of the music itself, rather than fixate on things like words or beauty. Their sound might stop you in your tracks, but if you can overcome that impulse to immediately flee, you could be rewarded with powerful, even liberating feelings, that you might not be able to access otherwise. Lightning Bolt are aptly named, they are a force of nature.

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Wed Jan 05 2022

Never heard of them. Went in blind. Ooooh, yeah, vibes. Love this. Instantly reminded of And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead. Not sure why you'd bother with the vocal track except as possibly a hint? It's def growing on me. Crown of Thorns had an AC/DC guitar riff vibe to it. Fun! Okay, yep. Def an Elaine album. Certainly not for everyone, but I'm down with a well-done noise rock album for background music.

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Fri Oct 28 2022

30 seconds in and I was miserable. How was I going to get through the whole thing? But after about 2 minutes something clicked and I really dug the groove. I like the mix of noise, chaos, metal, dance, and jazz. Moreover, unlike a lot of the more esoteric albums on this list, I feel like these guys are *talented*, *know what they are doing*, and most importantly *are having fun*. That mood really comes out and infects the listener. Don't know if I can go all the way to 4, but I'm in the high 3s for sure. Consider my interest piqued!

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Fri Jan 07 2022

This album was shown to me in 2014 by the weirdest, nicest guy I ever knew in College. Shoutout to you, Pat! A challenging listen at times, but the bass grooves are sick and really get me into a rythym. More accessible than a lot of noise rock haha. It probably should be a four, but I'm rounding up for positive memories and my bias for cool bass.

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Thu Sep 29 2022

You haven’t lived until you’ve seen Lightning Bolt live. You think this record is noisy, chaotic and heavier than Brendan Fraser in The Whale? This is a mere appetizer for the insanity of a Lightning Bolt show.

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Sun Aug 13 2023

A one-paced, incessant racket.

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Sun Dec 19 2021

SHACK has me locked in his bedroom. Help.

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Wed Dec 29 2021

I do like me some noise rock. Reminds me of hold your horse is, and they did come out only a year apart I suppose. I really enjoy the chaotic math rock rhythms, but there's some solid guitar work too. Gets a bit repetitive in places but overall good stuff, I was a little surprised it was on the list since it's not that well known and a bit niche

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Wed Dec 07 2022


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Thu Dec 30 2021

A windblown furore of noise. The book describes it as being challenging to listen to. Couldn’t have said it better

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Wed Jan 05 2022

This is bracing for a Tuesday morning. Crazy, inane, frenetic. Not an album I'd ever put on for fun, but a wild ride. I still bear the scars from seeing these guys at All Tomorrow's Parties festival. Not counting the time security made the crowd sit down; those guys are real killjoys.

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Mon Apr 11 2022

Equally influenced by jazz as noise and punk. Inventive and brutal.

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Fri Jul 01 2022

Sounds like my brain is getting completely disintegrated in an atomic blast... in a good way. You know how people say that metal music makes them feel strong, like they could punch an elephant? This makes me feel like I should go to the nearest gym and ask to get punched in the face by the buffest guy there (again, in a good way).

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Fri Aug 19 2022

Despite its label of "noise rock", this album never encourages the listener to tune out. The indistinguishable vocals aid the album in becoming a discordant parody of rock tropes. With enough fresh bizarre riffs and melodies to keep each track distinct from the last, the fun of this album is the chaos it creates, and seeing just what it will throw at you next.

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Wed Nov 09 2022

That's utterly crazy, it's quite the opposite of what I like and still it's so damn interesting, I would listen to it again and that's absolutely unexpected considering my taste. I wouldn't say it's one of my favourite until now at all, but still, the surprise sometimes is worth even more. Maybe it's just that I know nothing of the genre but I have never heard anything like this and it's amazing

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Thu Feb 16 2023

I've been on a run of classics I've already am familiar with or stuff I'm not interested in. This feels like the first genuine discovery in a while. Just awesome.

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Thu Mar 30 2023

I am a fan of noise rock. I know it is not everyone's favorite genre but I have always been a fan. This is very good noise rock. For me the litmus test is whether I hear pretty melodies within the noise. This passes that test with flying colors.

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Sun May 28 2023

Best Song: Dracula Mountain. Absolutely hellacious groove that somehow sounds exactly like I would imagine something called "Dracula Mountain" to sound like. Worst Song: Duel in the Deep. A kind of dull and drudging end to an otherwise electric album. Overall: After the first 30 seconds, I really didn't expect to like this album at all, but with each successive track I was amazed at how the music was so quickly able to get under my skin and agitate, scraping around under there until suddenly it felt like my whole body was resonating with the noise. The album does sometimes linger too long on amusical, cacophonous noise, but it really shines when it sinks through that noise to some primal groove underneath. I think you need to be in a very particular mood to listen to this album, but when you are it fucking goes.

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Fri Jun 09 2023

holy shit! hard as fuck. noisey as hell. explosion in my eardrums. this album is top of the damn mountain, the mountain top. the first half will impress you with being songs (sort of) and the second half will show off how rambunctious and raucous these dudes can be. too good. not for your grandparents. or maybe it is (cause they are cooler than you are)? shit slaps so so so so hard. moooaaaarrrrr. you need drums and overdrive? this is it. this is your stop.

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Sun Dec 12 2021

Pretty good & heavy. Some rocking tunes but got pretty annoying at times

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Fri Jan 07 2022

This kind of noise rock not my cup of tea, but these guys not bad. “2 Towers” was the standout for me.

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Mon Jan 17 2022

Kann man das performen ohne die erste Reihe den Genuss eines Amphetamin-Schweiß-Sprinklers zu schenken? Raw 2.5

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Wed Feb 09 2022

Was not expecting to see Lightning Bolt, of all bands, on this list. Occasionally locks into a groove that doesn't really go anywhere. It's like if Death From Above 1979 decided to go as un-commercial as possible. When it hits, it's a massive burst of energy in static colors. Favorite tracks: "Dracula Mountain", "Crown of Storms"

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Wed Apr 06 2022

Wow. Unique. I thought a two-piece band but bass and drums not guitar and drums? How's that going to sound? Pretty cool actually. It's a lot of noise, which is a bit of a knock. But the bass is absolutely pumping; wouldn't have minded a bit more variety from the drums instead of just bash them as hard and as fast as possible. And just cut out the vocals, if you can call them that. It wouldn't be all the time, but I can see some situations where I'd go back and put this on. I found myself rocking out to 2 Towers on my second listen. I love the bass work on this album; not a lot else. Good offsets the bad, enough for an average rating.

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Wed Apr 06 2022

I think calling this noise rock is a bit unfair. The first time I heard this, I started thinking of this as just noise. Now, there are some moments where it does get very repetitive, and a BIT more melody would be more helpful. But as a whole, it's pretty good. A whole album does get a little... on the nerves. A song or two on shuffle is a nice palate cleanser, but 45 minutes worth? Nope.

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Wed Apr 06 2022

Insane that this is just bass guitar and drums. There were some cool ideas here, but the charm kinda wears off quick. It's not bad, it just seems very one-dimensional. Worth checking out, though!

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Mon May 23 2022

Noise Rock is a different kind of genre, it certainly is not for everybody. I would not place it as one of my favorite genres but I do enjoy this album. "Assassins" feels like a Muse interlude or filler track. It is good it just is all build with no resolve. Honestly that entire sentiment tracks for the album, "2 Towers" is seven minutes of build which is anxiety inducing. The back half of "On Fire" was good minus the vocals on that. "Longstockings" is a great track until the scratchy breakdown at the end and again minus the strange vocal parts. I want to love this album and at the same time I want to hate this album. Some of the noise was a little too much for me and other parts were amazing. It sounds like a lot of different artists most of the time I was getting Muse and I also heard some RHCP elements in there too and some others that I can't place but know. It is also a fairly quietly mixed album and I had to bump up my volume to hear it clearly.

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Mon Jun 13 2022

IT'S VERY NOISY ISN'T IT?! I DID need to hear this before I died. Not sure if a quiet Sunday morning outside was the right time, but I hear you Lightening Bolt.

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Wed Jun 15 2022

This was.... interesting. Not something I would listen to on my own, but the instrumentation and manipulation of sound is intriguing. Not necessarily my cup of superdupercaffeinated tea... but ... interesting. I definitely didn't hate it.

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Tue Aug 08 2023

I hated this album through the first part of Assassins. Then at some point, I got lost in the repetitive, yet catchy, music. I found this to be the case for many songs. There are also several passages that are hard to take. Honestly, this also sounds like something that could be played at high volume intermittently to torture a prisoner. Torture only if you play 5 seconds at a time. Leave it on long enough and you start to feel the groove.

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Thu Aug 24 2023

This album felt like an anxiety attack but I kinda liked it. Dracula Mountain was my favorite song.

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Sun May 19 2024

This sounds like something I would have made on GarageBand when I was 12 by cranking all the instrument settings to max

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Fri Jan 07 2022

2.4 - challenging album to get through. “Crown of Storms” was a standout for me. That said, the album’s heavy, dissonant and lack of melodic sound made it a tough listen. I like bitterness in the right time and place - but I couldn’t eat a whole meal of it. Similarly, I could enjoy one or two of these songs to upend my palate, but I think less is more works best for me here.

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Fri Jun 17 2022

This caused me a tremendous amount of anxiety. Like I had to hurry up and finish the album because I needed to be somewhere. Not an enjoyable listen at all. Fantastic bass and drum skills. Really these guys are good, but it's just too chaotic to be an enjoyable listen. There are those songs that have super chaotic intros or devolve into chaos at the end but have an actual song in there. This album is a 21 min chaotic intro that devolves into 21 more minutes of chaos.

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Mon Dec 12 2022

Starting my morning with this, and I just can't. Wiki lists this album as "noise rock," and it's a fitting term. This is noise, with vocals that are barely audible, let alone decipherable. If you ever thought to yourself "Hey, I wonder what it would sound like if the noise a 56k modem makes became sentient and made an album?", then you now have your answer.

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Thu Sep 07 2023

I was hesitant going in, but this was interesting. Not an everyday listen, but well-done. There's some creative and nuanced uses of feedback and dissonance that are really appealing to me. It's fast paced, full of great energy, and even oddly pretty at moments. What really ultimately gets me though is that, although I enjoy a certain amount of noise in my music, this one really pushes the line into physically unpleasant to hear. One listen was enough. Fave Songs: Dracula Mountain, Assassins, Hello Morning, Crown of Storms, Longstockings

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Mon Oct 30 2023

From track one I hated it. From track three I thought, hang on, there is something very interesting in here. From track six I was exhausted and over it. I'd probably enjoy it played live, though.

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Sun Dec 19 2021

I listened and all I got from this was kill John Lennon. So to try and distract me from my murderous thoughts I’m going to dip my tiny hand into some curry powder and fist the neighbours dog. There’s a good boy shacky

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Sat Feb 03 2024

Wonderful Rainbow might be the worst possible description for this album. There is no colour, no joy, nothing beautiful about it. It’s droning noise and distorted screaming. 2.7/10

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Wed Feb 07 2024

Genuinely who the fuck is this shit for

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Mon Feb 12 2024

Nr. 126/1001 Hello Morning NR Assassins 1/5 (2x) Dracula Mountain 1/5 (2x) 2 Towers 1/5 (3x) On Fire 1/5 (2x) Crown of Storms 1/5 (2x) Longstockings 1/5 (2x) Wonderful Rainbow 2/5 30,000 Monkies 1/5 (2x) Duel in the Deep 1/5 (3x) Average: 1,05 Don't understand what's supposed to be artistic in this sound barrage. I didn't enjoy anything about this. This is now my worst rated album so far, taking over from Junkyard - Birtday Party (1,39). I hope it will stay the worst for some time.

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Wed Apr 03 2024

Ooft! Let’s not bother with this one again

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Wed May 01 2024

Lot of reviews saying, “wow you can kind of hear some elements of songs in here” and I agree. “Crown of Storms” is playing now and it sounds like the band knows what songs are and are kind of making a song-esque thing out of static and noise. But what I’m wondering is, why are we grading this band on a curve? Is this band some kind of human interest story about two people with a mental disability that prevents them from understanding what sounds good? Is it a triumph of the human spirit that these two goofy bastards ( made ten “songs” that almost sound like music? Is GMA going to do a feel good story about how the members of this band bravely overcame adversity to make something so close to real music? Because if not, I’m wondering why - if these guys know what music is - why they don’t just make that and not this?

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Fri May 24 2024

Honestly what the fuck is this doing on here. One of the ear grating, annoying albums I have ever had to listen to. The instrumentals would have been O.K. at best if they didn’t just loop for over 5 minutes at a time. Don’t even get me started about the little man drunkenly yelling into a megaphone on the lowest volume possible. What. the. FUCK! 1/10

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Wed May 29 2024

no. No. NO!! This is NOT music!

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Wed Jun 05 2024

When the Wikipedia only notes the album is on this list, to you know it's going to stink

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Wed Jun 19 2024

So for some reason, I thought that a 10-day vacation in The Cayman Islands might be a good time to catch-up on the 1,001 Albums assignment… Just sayin’ that vacation is an absolutely terrible time to try and catch-up on these… You know what else is fucking terrible, “Wonderful Rainbow”… So there is a genre known as “noise rock” huh – what utter, and complete BS… There is nothing catchy about this album, and there is not a single redeeming quality anywhere on it… I’ve only given a handful of 1’s – and would love to have given this a 0, but they won’t let me… A complete waste of time, and there is NO reason this album should be on this list… And as a footnote, “30,000 Monkies” is in the running for the worst song that I have ever listened to…

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Wed Jan 19 2022

In Apple Music unter „Punk“ geführt, rechnete ich bereits wieder mit dem üblichen Schlimmsten. Weit gefehlt. Das ist geil! Und ich bin erst beim vierten Song. Es bleibt auch nach dem zehnten Song dabei. Das ist geil! 2 x laut (!) durchgehört, meine Ohren fiepen. Das ist geil! Wie soll ich heute Nacht pennen?

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Thu Apr 28 2022

Like that part on an album when the band are tuning up or something gets unplugged, but thats the entire album... Superb

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Fri Sep 02 2022

One of my favorite band, One of my favorite album. What's good ? It is pure energy. Also try Thumper, a rythm-game made by Brian Chippendale. it's good! Appreciate that it is one of the 1001 best albums.

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Fri Oct 07 2022

Never heard of them but what a brilliant band! The mindblowing noise they make with just the two of them. Saw the once brilliant Editors live yesterday and it was boring. only light effects and bombastic stuff. This is the reminding me.of the dutch noise duo ZZZ.

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Thu Nov 10 2022

Strap on your seatbelts, this one rocks!

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Thu Dec 01 2022

Ich würde gerne 4 Sterne geben, habe aber irgendwie nichts konkretes an dem Album auszusetzen. Es ist, was es zu sein versucht und sehr gut darin.

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Sun Dec 18 2022

Very enjoyable, haven't heard of them before, but enough pop hooks in the noise landscape to keep me entertained. A few surprises, a few good crescendos, a few lingering questions, the most pressing one: why does Dracula Mountain sound like Shellac's squirrels are chasing me? Too noise: 30'000 Monkies; Best Song: Crown of Storms; Fun Song: Dracula Mountain; worth a mention: Duel in the Deep. Production 4/5 Songwriting 2/5 Musicality 3.5/5 Fun Factor 5/5 Nostalgia 5/5 (reminds me of Dÿse)

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Wed Feb 01 2023

A very light five out of five very cool

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Fri Feb 24 2023

Funny how this album is called Wonderful Rainbow because it is a rather apt description of it's neverending barrage of pummeling velocity that summons you into submission. Yet, for all of its abrasiveness, it is at least mindful enough to not only be headbanging but groovy in its own way. A very 21st Century sort of Sturm und Drang.

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Wed Mar 08 2023

Two-piece Drummer and bassist. Like a wildly aggressive White Stripes. Punk AF.

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Thu Mar 09 2023

What can I say, I'm a sucker for noise. Loved this.

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Thu May 11 2023

Aloin kuuntelee heh siinä työtä tehdessä.. ensimmäiset biisit siinä tossaja... sanoin että vai..VAI ON SEMMOINEN SOUNDI... oikein mielekäs siis heh.. Siinä sitten jahas.. niin vahvaa nelosta tekee albumi.. Vituttaahan se ei tällästä paskaa viiteen voi laittaa.. noh se loppuu kohta tokaisi meikäpoika.. heh ei loppunut.. monta biisiä soi iloksi vielä ja silloin kun biisit soivat iloksi... silloin kyseessä uskomaton albumi... ainakin työntekoon sopi niin PERKELEEN HYVIn... heh..työtä tekevälle.. Vaan Vei Väinö kissalta HÄNNÄN!! HÄNNÄN!!! HAHAHAHAH!!!!HAHA!! heh tuli siinä en jakanu yhtä rappua siinä olin epävarma kysyin miesherralta.. onkos saitko postinnupsukkaa.. noh mentiin katsomana siinä sitten oliko saanut.. heh.. sanoi... SANOI enkö muista ootko rappua jakanu!... Sanoin.. mutta hän ehti sanoa... Oletko juovuksissa! noh sanoin.. en kun musiikkia heh ja aivoja kaltoin kohdeltana muista enää.. ja sydäntä myös siellä häikkää sano lääkäri ei saa urheilla heh.. Noh sanoi hän.. EIKAI TSAA TSAA TSAATA.. heh snaoin ei...... Aaalbumeja yleensähän sitä tossanoin.......... Noise rockista sen verran vielä että tämä ei kyllä mitään parasta noisea ole mutta saatana sipilä ei perkele ylläpidosta päästä läpi niitä parempia...Hallitus jahas.. Protesti vitonen.. ei paljoa ole noisea saada kuuneltana... Ihan hyvä ja uniikki albuni tämäkin sen puoleen ole ihan pelkkä protesti vitonen.......Heh

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Fri Aug 25 2023

This was so much fun. It was the perfect intersection of noise rock, party music, and the vibes of an old nintendo game soundtrack.

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Wed Oct 25 2023

Rating: 9/10 Best songs: Assassins, Dracula mountain, 2 towers, On fire

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Wed Dec 20 2023

The Art of Noise by Lightning Bolt. It is perfect!

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Thu Dec 28 2023

If u get it u get it. "Incredible. It's like the rhythm is hanging on by a thread and they keep trying to cut it with a saw. Definitely best played loud, but it isn't just noise. There is real music in there. This is what I listen to this list for. Something completely new." Man i can hear things like death grips or Deaths Dynamic Shroud being heavily influnced by them. This shit rules hard.

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Wed Jan 10 2024

This being in the bottom 20 overall is insane, as soon as Led Zeppelin or The Rolling Stones shows up you're all like "oh we love rock music, this rocks!". But then when you get an album like this that ACTUALLY rocks, now you're crying about headaches and "it's too experimental and noisy for me" just because the music actually has some urgency to it for a change. bunch of fucking babies you people

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Wed Feb 07 2024

i don't care for this genre...

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Tue Feb 13 2024

Just an absolute triumph. Chaotic and beautiful all at once

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Mon Mar 11 2024

I think my music taste is broken.

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Thu Mar 21 2024

Really nice piece of sound art, well delivered! Active and focused listening required.

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Wed Apr 17 2024

chaotic and succinct. great representation of the noise rock genre

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Thu May 16 2024

This album, which I listened to for the first time yesterday, is a fun, cohesive and really experimental record. I do not really have anything to say, except that I've been mind-blown the whole time, and I definitely will be checking out the rest of their discography. Noise rock is a genre i never really got into before, but this is so vast and rich, that it came to me as a real discovery.

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Sun Jun 02 2024

Almost optimal chaos for my brain. Half of the tracks are perfect, the other half stray into noise, but barely. Still five stars.

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Mon Jun 10 2024

It’s barely classified as music, I loved it

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Sun Jul 14 2024

High energy aggressive noise. Excellent

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Sun Dec 19 2021

What a pleasant assault on the ears. I'd love to see these live just to watch the drummer. very tempted to give this a 5 but I think that might be a bit much.

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Sun Jan 23 2022

A barrage of sound but I found myself grooving to it. I don't always love noise rock but this was really good. 4/5 stars

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Thu Feb 03 2022

Scratched a very specific itch for me. 8/10

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Fri Feb 04 2022

If entropy liked rock and could sing, it would sound like this

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Fri Feb 18 2022

Completely new to me - never heard of these guys before. Fresh, I liked it

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Sun Feb 27 2022

Ça fesse!!! J'ai bien aimé l'expérience! Faut être prêt à écouter ça mais j'ai trouvé ça cohérent, tout les sons et délires que le gars sort d'une bass c'est fou! Bien aimé le drum, bref une découverte et je vais checker leurs autres albums Pas pour tout le temps ni en soupant mais des fois ça fait sortir le méchant !!

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Mon Mar 07 2022

wow, die zag ik even niet aankomen! lekkere bak herrie zeg..

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Mon Mar 21 2022

I love the density and noisyness of this album.

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Fri Apr 08 2022

Very interesting, a lot of noises here

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