Very strong start and finish but lags in the middle, much like me having a shag.
Who's Next is the fifth studio album by English rock band the Who. It developed from the aborted Lifehouse project, a multi-media rock opera conceived by the group's guitarist Pete Townshend as a follow-up to the band's 1969 album Tommy. The project was cancelled owing to its complexity and to conflicts with Kit Lambert, the band's manager, but the group salvaged some of the songs, without the connecting story elements, to release as their next album. Eight of the nine songs on Who's Next were from Lifehouse, the lone exception being the John Entwistle-penned "My Wife". Ultimately, the remaining Lifehouse tracks would all be released on other albums throughout the next decade. The Who recorded Who's Next with assistance from recording engineer Glyn Johns. After producing the song "Won't Get Fooled Again" in the Rolling Stones Mobile Studio, they relocated to Olympic Studios to record and mix most of the album's remaining songs. They made prominent use of synthesizer on the album, particularly on "Won't Get Fooled Again" and "Baba O'Riley", which were both released as singles. The cover photo was shot by Ethan Russell; it made reference to the monolith in the 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey, as it featured group members standing by a concrete piling protruding from a slag heap in Easington Colliery, County Durham, apparently having urinated against it. The album was an immediate success when it was released on 14 August 1971. It has since been viewed by many critics as the Who's best album and one of the greatest albums of all time. It was reissued on CD several times, often with additional songs originally intended for Lifehouse included as bonus tracks.
Very strong start and finish but lags in the middle, much like me having a shag.
Dad rock but by actually talented musicians
Now here's a classic album. This marks the third album on here I have on vinyl (actually fourth since my Pink Moon vinyl arrived today). Opens with one of the greatest songs ever made. I'm a Baba O'Riley boy through and through. There are plenty of other bangers on here too, and I also enjoyed a handful of the tracks I'd never heard before. In total, I gave a little Apple Music heart to seven of the nine tracks--that's what we in the business of calling things things call a "hit machine." Honestly insane that this album opens AND closes with two of the greatest songs the Who has ever made. This album is undeniable. Plus, I fear if I gave this less than a perfect review that my younger self would materialize to kick my ass. Good thing it more than holds up. Favorite tracks: Baba (booey) O'Riley, Won't Get Fooled Again, Behind Blue Eyes, The Song Is Over. Album art: Iconic. This should honestly be on a short list for best album covers ever. Top 15 maybe? Four blokes in a quarry, around this man-made monolith type thing. The angle of the monolith is part of the charm too--it's not centered, but it feels centered. A strong, dark energy emanates from this one. Also, I love the stylization of the title: "Who's next" Not a question, nor a statement really. Maybe just an observation. 5/5
Who’s Next by The Who (1971) [Is this the best album cover ever?] How many of us first heard this album in our formative years, when we began to discover that hard rock was an art form, a catalyst for serious reflection on answers to the big questions, for markers along the trail toward maturity and contentment, for companionship in the pursuit of truth that we could not get from our teachers, pastors, coaches, father-figures, counselors, and drill sergeants? How many of us sat at the feet of a sage like Pete Townshend when we had tried and failed to distill life’s lessons from George McGovern, Walter Cronkite, Malcolm X, T.S. Eliot, Karl Marx, and Saints Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? How many of us were there? And how many of us are left? We learned from the songs we absorbed. We learned that the nature of love is sacrificial (“Bargain”), that love for spouse and offspring is not passive but active (“Love Ain’t for Keeping”), that in the midst of the anger and the vengefully voided conscience of being misunderstood, self restraint is wiser than violence (“Behind Blue Eyes”), that adolescent angst is only a ‘teenage wasteland’ (“Baba O’Riley”), and that this Revolution too will pass when the ‘slogans are effaced’ and ‘the beards have all grown longer’ (“Won’t Get Fooled Again”). Of course, all these truths could have been found in the Christian faith, but the searching was hard when the more popular theologians and moralists of the mid-twentieth century had so royally screwed it up. So how many of us became atheists who had to seek these truths elsewhere? But these priceless truths would be inaccessible without a suitable vehicle of expression. It had to be heavy (“Getting In Tune”), dexterous (“Going Mobile”), and punctuated with comic relief (“My Wife”). So this is where the music comes in—guitar, bass, drums, piano, synthesizer (yes, we were ready for that), and voices that could both melt hearts (“The Song Is Over”) and produce involuntary cris de coeur. Putting yourself in the context of a post-revolutionary survivor, patiently listen to “Won’t Get Fooled Again” (loud!) and take note of what happens in your upper thoracic region at the 7:43 mark. I dare you. The physicality is astonishing. The best (and most paternal) transition from Side One to Side Two in the history of recorded music: “The song is over Excepting one note, pure and easy Playing so free, like a breath rippling by . . . I’m singing this note . . . But I’m in tune, and I’m gonna tune right in on you.” This is the album that first compelled me to listen seriously. What album did that for you? 5/5
Anyone who doesn't rate this a 5 doesn't know what they are talking about. This is a nearly perfect album. Epic.
I mean, c'mon.
A lot of classics, but the ones that aren’t classics kind of drag. Even the big ones are more “great riff” than “6 minutes of excellence”.
Oh my let me use Who’s words to say Bargain the best I ever Had”. Buying this album is the best you’ll ever buy. I lost 2 pounds listening to this album. Baba Riley had me playing air guitar, air drums,keyboard and violin. I needed water half way through due to beltimg out the words to so many - so loud! My goodness what a piece of art from the 1st track to last. This is what a masterpiece sounds like . Belisamo!
The apotheosis of talent show rock (songs where all the band’s gifts are on display), nothing here is less than masterful. But what shines brightest is how consistently brilliant their final acts are. Baba O’Reilly’s gypsy coda is as great as its famous opening. Daltrey’s gravelly commitment to “When my fist clenches, crack it open” and “Put ya fingers down my throat” in Behind Blue Eyes’ finale is what tips it into all-time great. Won’t Get Fooled Again somehow finds a way to level-up at the end even though the whole song’s essentially the album’s final act. Even the lesser numbers pack a big finish: Bargain’s drum battering, My Wife’s creeping horn charts, Going Mobile’s squiggly synths. The sleeper is Getting in Tune, which re-routes its concept with each verse. First one’s about making music, second one’s about loneliness, third one’s about getting yourself right, fourth one’s about finding connection. Then they all get blitzed together. Something like that, anyway. When the material isn’t strong enough to fully embody, the McCartneyish try hard in Daltrey’s voice can be irritating; but when it is strong—which is most of the time here—it brings out the character actor in him and he puts the songs over like a motherfucker.
One of the greatest albums of all time. Top 5 ‘final track on an album’ ever…
This album starts and ends brilliantly. Baba O'Riley, Behind Blue Eyes and Won't Get Fooled Again are classics and still sound fresh in 2021, particularly the former. In the middle it is less memorable though, and seemed like fairly average rock. 3.5/5.
10/10, I feel like Joe Pera when I listen to this
I feel like anything I would have to say about this album would be woefully insufficient. I mean, this is the epitome of a 5 star album. Best thing the Who ever made. There's a reason why we know so many of these songs, to the point where some have become overfamiliar. Don't let that get in the way of your enjoyment. There are literally some of the best rock songs ever made on this album, including the monumental "Baba O'Riley," the blistering "Won't get Fooled Again," and the deeply intense "Behind Blue Eyes." This is the Who musically at their best and going for broke on every song. Fave Songs: Baba O'Riley, Bargain, Behind Blue Eyes, Won't Get Fooled Again, Going Mobile
America's dads all agree: This album rocks.
Man this is classic Who. Loved it.
You Won’t Get Fooled Again if you listen to this and that’s a Bargain that I can guarantee.
Crazy how the Who went forward in time so they could learn Behind Blue Eyes by Limp Bizkit.
As I’ve written elsewhere, The Who formed my primal conception of rock when I was a kid, which has left me conflicted by their wild troughs and peaks. I love “Live at Leeds” despite the songs. This album appears to be the one where they stashed most of their great tracks. Even the Ox’s “My Wife”, a mostly-nothing of the song, is elevated by a brilliant outro that makes me want to listen to the rest of the song again as just build-up to those few seconds at the end. The rest of the album is banger pressed to banger, no weakness. The promise of “Tommy” groping its way towards us on this list still makes me shudder uncontrollably, mind.
Never understood why The Who are held up as one of the all-time greats. This album makes a good case, however. Enjoyed it a lot, to my surprise! [EDIT - yeah, it's a 5]
No. 191/1001 Baba O'Reily 5/5 Bargain 5/5 Love Ain't For Keeping 5/5 My Wife 4/5 The Song is Over 5/5 Getting in Tune 4/5 Going Mobile 4/5 Behind Blue Eyes 5/5 Won't Get Fooled Again 5/5 Average: 4,67 Just a great classic rock album from start to finish. No bad songs and a lot of "highlight" songs. This is now my best rated album, taking over from Listen Without Prejudice - George Michael (4,56)
This album is expertly bookended with two of The Who's (and rock & roll's) most iconic songs. Opening with the anthemic "Baba O'Riley" and those mesmerizing synthesizer-like notes which act as a motif all throughout. "Won't Get Fooled Again" is one of those timeless rock ballads that reels you out and hooks you back in with its buildups. Among the lesser known tracks, I enjoyed "This Song Is Over", as that had more of that operatic rock sound heard throughout the album. This might be The Who's best work, maybe rivaled by "Tommy" from a few years prior, but I'd argue that this is more expressive and grand. Just an epic in its own right. Also I just now noticed that the album cover art is the band after taking a leak? Learn something new everyday I guess.
Well, it's just brilliant. Some of the best songs ever are on this album.
Classic. The Who was my first Rock concert shortly after Keith Moon passed and they’re in my pantheon. Ox’s “My Wife” hit home and always brings a smile.
An amazing album which has stood the test of time.
70s rock does not get much better than this. Front to back great. Peak Who. They’re all WASTED.
Yeah, that’s a 5. I knew this was the album that had Baba O’Riley, but I never made the connection that Won’t Get Fooled Again was that fucking song. Those are the two standouts, obviously, but everything in between so perfectly compliments each other in terms of the instrumentation and the vocal performance, probably most deeply anchored together by the fantastic percussion throughout this album that really makes each song pop that much harder, especially on The Song Is Over and Getting in Tune. It’s just a really fucking good album, man. Even its weakest points where the sound lulls a bit or repetition starts to seep in, which are few and far between, are still great to listen to. Very deserving of a 5, and highly recommended.
Yes - "Who's Next" is one of the truly all-time classics in rock no doubt... With "Baba O'Reilly" opening the album, and "Won't Get Fooled Again" closing it - you have 2 of the greatest anthems in the history of rock... Add in "Behind Blue Eyes", "Bargain", and "Going Mobile" as couple of more amazing tracks - and you have a stunningly exceptional album... Always enjoyed the less popular songs from this album as well, including "The Song Is Over", "Getting In Tune", and "Love Ain't For Keeping" - as those are quintessential Who hands down... Only weak track on the album is "My Wife" - but 9 out of 10 absolutely stellar songs is really remarkable... Definitely a 5 all the way for me...
What a ride. This is probably the best album that’s going to be on this list. And to think this was leftovers from their previous record. Absolute legends.
What kind of crazy, fucked-up world do we live in where this album isn't one of the top 20 highest rated on this sites list? This is the sound of a band at the absolute peak of their powers. It's the epitome of a classic album. There's a reason the best songs from the album have been overplayed everywhere: they're simply that good. I even like the track John Entwistle sings lead on.
This is one of my all-time favorites. With some devastating lyrics and incredible musicianship, it's got so many great songs that it feels like a "Best of..." record. (Though there are many, many more of The Who's bests not on this album.) It is grandly exuberant, theatrical, cinematic. (There is a reason Baba O'Riley is the soundtrack to so many movie trailers.) Listening to this album just feels HUGE. Like I need to expand to fit the music in. It's exhilarating. lovelovelovelovelove
A masterpiece rock classic. I don’t think any band makes such a dramatic change in their career as The Who, Beatles aside. The album is packed with 3 mega iconic songs, great musicianship that well produced, all packaged in a great runtime. The album is a must and truly belongs on the list.
What a great album! Compared to earlier Who albums, this is a marvel. "Bookended" by three mega hits, the rest of the album is studded with everything, fast paced songs, power ballads, guitars, synthesisers
After the success of Tommy, Pete Townsend embarked on another ambitious rock opera project titled Lifehouse. This project was eventually abandoned but some of the elements made their way onto Who's Next. This album is surely one of the Who's best. It is concise and coherent and features some of their greatest hits. Many of the lesser known songs come from Lifehouse and concern themselves with the relationship between music and its audience. This is truly a great album.
5/5 - Duh. Excellent.
Much of Who's Next derives from Lifehouse, an ambitious sci-fi rock opera Pete Townshend abandoned after suffering a nervous breakdown, caused in part from working on the sequel to Tommy. There's no discernable theme behind these songs, yet this album is stronger than Tommy, falling just behind Who Sell Out as the finest record the Who ever cut. Townshend developed an infatuation with synthesizers during the recording of the album, and they're all over this album, adding texture where needed and amplifying the force, which is already at a fever pitch. Apart from Live at Leeds, the Who have never sounded as LOUD and unhinged as they do here, yet that's balanced by ballads, both lovely ("The Song Is Over") and scathing ("Behind Blue Eyes"). That's the key to Who's Next -- there's anger and sorrow, humor and regret, passion and tumult, all wrapped up in a blistering package where the rage is as affecting as the heartbreak. This is a retreat from the '60s, as Townshend declares the "Song Is Over," scorns the teenage wasteland, and bitterly declares that we "Won't Get Fooled Again." For all the sorrow and heartbreak that runs beneath the surface, this is an invigorating record, not just because Keith Moon runs rampant or because Roger Daltrey has never sung better or because John Entwistle spins out manic basslines that are as captivating as his "My Wife" is funny. This is invigorating because it has all of that, plus Townshend laying his soul bare in ways that are funny, painful, and utterly life-affirming. That is what the Who was about, not the rock operas, and that's why Who's Next is truer than Tommy or the abandoned Lifehouse. Those were art -- this, even with its pretensions, is rock & roll.
Classic album. Second favorite Who album behind Quadrophenia. 9-10/10 1. Baba O'Riley 2. Won't Get Fooled Again 3. My Wife
This is an all-time classic, one of the best albums ever in my opinion. There really isn't a bad song in the bunch. Lately I've really been appreciating My Wife (the song, although I do appreciate my real-life wife as well). Listen to the drumming in that song, and then the horns kick in. And of course, Won't Get Fooled Again is epic. 5 stars easy.
Definitely the Who's best.
A Who album I liked! Woo-who!
Incredibly impressive performances by the artists here only to be bogged down by their own success. Baba O'Riley, Behind Blue Eyes, and Won't Get Fooled Again are so over played and cemented as "dad rock" that it can be hard to appreciate the drums, piano, and guitars that rock all over this album. I really liked some of the lesser known songs here, like My Wife and The Song is Over, but there is no denying that the hits here really are hits.
Great rock album, liked it a lot more than I expected. Top tracks for me are Baba O'Riley, Behind Blue Eyes and Won't Get Fooled Again.
Easily the best known The Who album. It is THE album that people will point to if you ask them about the best album to start with The Who and even I, who isn't a big fan of them at all, have to agree that there are some pretty nice tracks on this album especially at the start and the end. The middle parts of the album do feel a bit less extraordinary but it's not like it's totally tasteless. I bet for someone who's really into Hard Rock, this is close to a holy grail but as I either prefer softer or heavier music and in total don't really care for Hard Rock and also a lot of Blues Rock, this seems rather overhyped. The legendary ‘Baba O'Riley’ starts off the album with a Hard Rock and Art Rock song that includes both Prog-Rock as well as Prog-Electronic stlyes and create a really interesting sound that you’d not really expect The Who to go into. It’s certainly a fun song that plays around the repetetive electronics enough to create a diverse and interesting song that even though I am not as big of a fan as others, have to agree that it is a great song and easily one of the best in the entire discography of theirs. Especially the end with the groovy classic dance rhythm is a really fun thing and easily my favourite part on the song. On ‘Bargain’ they bring in more Blues Rock but still keep the obvious Hard Rock and Prog Rock ideas. It’s a really energetic and loud piece that certainly has it’s qualitites, mainly with the chorus and its vocal performance towards the end of said chorus. The bridges are a bit to sudden and too big of a change to really keep the energy going but they manage to pull it back after letting the guitar and the drums shine for a while. I really like the song and think it’s even a great one. ’Love Ain't for Keeping’ does a whole 180 on their sound and turns to Roots Rock and Acoustic Folk that plays with Country here and there. It’s definitely not an uninteresting song but I do find that it does much less to me than it might could’ve. It sounds a lot like something Led Zeppelin did on their fourth album and I also think that that album is just boring at many moments and this short song just doesn’t do it to me. It’s okay and I can listen to it but there’s not much more for me in it. They return to their Mod origins on ’My Wife’ but still do the Hard Rock and bits of Art Rock that definied their later career. I do like some of the interesting production choices and weird additions that they did add but again, most of it seems rather uninteresting to me and if it wasn’t for the brass instruments, this would’ve not been as good as it is. At least that they did succeed in. 'Song Is Over’ fittingly ends the albums first side piano driven Art Pop Rock track that features some more Hard Rock guitar at parts but it spans out over 6 minutes and plays a lot of Prog structures and therefore doesn’t always go into said play style. It just seamlessly transitions between the softer Piano parts and the slightly heavier guitar parts in which also the vocal style changes to fit with the songs sound. It’s pretty ingeniously written if you really look at it and although I really appreaciate what they did or tried to do, I personally don’t stay as interested with it for much longer as it does feel a bit repetitive after a while. It’s still really good. Side B opens with ‘Getting in Tune’ which although it starts quite soft and sentimental has well enough Blues & Hard Rock in it after it really gets going. It’s a pretty fun Art Rock song that not only plays around with ideas and sounds but actually succeeds in it by having both some really groovy and sentimental moments that both seem to do exactly what they tried to do with it. It does strech a bit towards the end but it doesn’t feel too boring or repetitive and I think that even though it could’ve been better especially with the outro, it still is a pretty great song overall. They not only go Pop on ‘Going Mobile’ with some added hints of Folk, Country and Hard Rock but they also make the easily weakest song on the album. It sounds like a gone wrong Britpop song with an absolutely stupid chorus that not only lyrically but vocally hits deeps that they didn’t get to since after their Mod phase. It’s definitely not terrible but oh god, it’s pretty bad. Easily, the worst song on the entire album. Stupid songwriting, bad vocal delivery and just absolutely foolish. Luckily, ‘Behind Blue Eyes’ follows with one of the best known and generally best tracks on the album. It’s an Acoustic Art Rock song that not only has some of the best lyrics as well as a great execution in terms of songwriting, vocals, backing vocals and instrumentation. And it gets even better after the song drops into the Hard Rock part of the song. It’s a really lovely song and I like everything about it but it isn’t perfect, mainly because they sometimes don’t know how or when to stretch certain parts but it is incredible nontheless. The epic closing track ‘Won't Get Fooled Again’ returns to the Prog-Electronic style they already did on the opening song and therefore close to album in a fitting circle. I think that it sounds a lot like some Rolling Stones songs the way they wrote it and play with the guitar and the backing vocals. On top, it’s the longest song on the album with over 8 minutes which is spread out into certain sections that are repeated but don’t give us a full on chorus but only a tension building hook that builds and builds more tension. Around the halfway mark they hint to the legendary finale but return to the Stones style song that keeps going and builds with a hypnotic Psychedelic Rock style more and more tension that also lets you drift away as they mix repeating guitar with the Electronic parts to create a really well made hypnotic atmosphere in which one can go lost. It then turns to a section that is only driven by the Electronic parts before slowly adding drums that build a lot of tension in a short time before releasing with the iconic scream that finally releases all of the tension that was build over 8 minutes of playing and closes to song in absolute perfection. Easily the best song on the album. favourites: Won't Get Fooled Again, Behind Blue Eyes, Baba O'Riley, Getting in Tune, Bargain least favourites: Going Mobile, Love Ain’t for Keeping Rating: strong 7 for more ratings, reviews and takes
It's hard to think of many bands (other than the Beatles) who underwent such ambitious growth in such a short period of time. Their first album (just over five years previous) was a relatively unremarkable mod-pop album, and here they are practically inventing 70s stadium rock, having moved through concept albums and rock operas to... this gargantuan beast of a record. Thank god they kept it to a lean single album. I am not generally a fan of concept albums or rock operas; they are pompous, pretentious, overly complicated and nonsensical. I think the "failure" of Townshend's Lifehouse concept helps them here. Not that the record doesn't lean towards pompous and pretentious, but by jettisoning attempts to link a narrative thread, they could concentrate on making the album sound good. And teaming up with Glyn Johns (responsible for a slew of great sounding records in the late 60s and 70s) really helps. The playing is sophisticated without becoming overly complex, muscular and powerful. And there are probably more really iconic tunes here than on any other record the Who ever released; Baba O'Riley, Going Mobile, Behind Blue Eyes and Won't Get Fooled Again are all dad-rock classics, and the rest of the material is of a high standard. Pound for pound, this is the best they ever played, the best they were ever recorded, with the best tunes they ever had. And they manage to reign in the worst tendencies towards over-playing (I'm looking at you, Moon, and you too, Ox). Do I love The Who? More admire than love, and, truth be told, if I was going to spin one of their records, it would most likely be Live at Leeds. But this is a dead set classic record, deserving to be on the list. It probably deserves a five, but I just can't quite get there. Perhaps 4.5, rounding down because I'm ornery. I do, however, really love the cover photo. Mwah, chef's kiss.
The high points on this album are among the highest of 70’s rock and more than make up for some of the less memorable tracks in the middle of the record. It’s actually kind of ridiculous how great a couple of the songs on this record are. Keith Moon, without a doubt, steals the show on this record, his frenetic drumming leads the way, charting the course these songs as much as the arpeggiated synth lines on the the tracks bookend this record or Pete Townsend’s guitar. He is practically a hurricane turned drummer, and I think in the hands of any other drummer most of these songs would not have the same impact - especially towards the end of “Won’t Get Fooled Again”, where his drum fills interrupt the organ/synth arpeggio and clear the way for Roger Daltry to deliver what is probably the greatest scream in the history of rock and roll as the band returns to the songs iconic riff for the last time. The ending of that song is quite literally perfect and I’m not sure The Who reached that level again before or since in their career, at least to my ears - though they often came close.
Very strong start and finish but lags in the middle, much like me having a shag.
No doubt this album is a rock classic. Super influential album with a lot of fans, however I may not be one. My favorite songs are the first track and then the last 3 tracks. All 4 of those songs are awesome and super memorable. That’s the problem, the meat of this album the middle three albums are just so meh. Sadly forgettable, I do think this album is worth listening to in its entirety. I just don’t think I personally care for anything other than those few songs.
Can definitely tell that it was once part of a concept album, or rock opera as there is a lot of story structure in the songs. I was also glad to know that making meta-commentary in music was popular in the early 70s as well. I will say that Keith Moon is one hell of a drummer.
solid record opening is huge, closer is also huge. everything in between pretty consistently rocks hard. ballads aren’t too corny. not CRAZY about the pete led songs, but they’re still pretty decent. 7.5/10
There are some attention grabbers for everyone!
As I've mentioned in my reviews of the other Who albums, never been a big fan. At least those albums ("Tommy" and "My Generation") I wasn't as familiar with. This record is not so lucky. Classic rock radio has beaten at least four of these to absolute death, so much so that when I saw the last two songs were "Behind Blue Eyes" and "Won't Get Fooled Again", I decided to spare myself. If I had known "Bargain" by the title, I would've skipped that one as well. Two of these songs both have similar enough melodies, albeit differing intensities, and to have them back to back is just poor design ("The Song is Over" and "Getting In Tune"). The other three songs are absolutely forgettable. The Who are a classic rock band that I've never understood why every radio station in America is required to play their music. I just wish they'd go away. Favorite track: "Won't Get Fooled Again"
I fucking hate The Who.
Beyond a couple of early singles, I have never understood the interest in The Who. This album is far from a classic, and sounds like a really bad hangover from the Sixties. Lumpen rock with no soul or even meaningful lyrics. There is nothing ‘mod'ern about this, even for the time. Even Townshend’s guitar playing - so often discussed and admired - doesn’t really stand out as being either virtuosic or particularly original, to these ears. Next!
Sometimes, a review isn't needed. This is my top 3 albuns of all time, I grew up listening to this and I won't waste much of my time (and yours) writing about how great this album are! - Meet the new review - Same as the old review
This is an excellent album. It has three of The Who's best songs: Baba O'Riley, Behind Blue Eyes, and Won't Get Fooled Again, but really there's not a bad track on here. This will stay in heavy rotation.
The bass is bassing here, the drums banging, the guitar fully rocking, and the voice? YEEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHH!
I've heard these songs so many times on the radio that I typically don't seek them out anymore, but listening to this whole from start to finish made me feel like this was a masterpiece.
Just an awesome album, starting and ending with its best tracks.
This album was so good that I listened to the whole stupid deluxe edition, which was 2+ hours of what was supposed to be a 30-40 minute album, essentially repeating every track 4 times.
Excellent album. I don't really know what else to say.
I love this album's music. TEENAGE WASTELAAAAAAAAAAAAAND!!!!!
great album, one of the greatest
I'm surprising myself by giving this a 5, but it's undeniable. Dad rock in its purest form.
This is the forty sixth album I’m rating. I’ve heard some good things about the band. I think that I’ve listened to one song but I might’ve listened to none. Adding to my Playlist - Baba O’Riley, Bargain, Love Ain’t For Keeping, My Wife, The Song Is Over, Getting In Tune, Going Mobile, Behind Blue Eyes, and Won’t Get Fooled Again. Not Adding to my Playlist - Nothing. All in all I liked 9/9 songs. This was a great classic rock albums but below Can’t Buy a Thrill by Steely Dan for me.
When the keyboards come in....hell yeah
Really liked this one, especially Baba O'Reilly
A great album filled with absolute monster songs!
Really enjoyed that- would love to be in their gig :) thx!
3 geniuses and Roger
Can't go wrong with The Who. Baba O'Riley, Behind Blue Eyes and Won't Get Fooled Again are very good entry level tracks to The Who and can be found on this album.
Probably my favorite Who album. Daltrey's vocals are killer, Moon's drums are more reserved, but still hit like a truck, and not a single song feels like filler. Favorites are Bargain and Won't Get Fooled Again. I don't think I'd ever listened to this full album before.
I've owned this one longer than perhaps any of the other albums I've already owned on this list. Figured out embarrassingly late that they peed on the monolith. Amazing stuff - some of the best Daltrey hollers, and he sings most of it. A very silly but hard rocking entwhistle bit. Staggering drums from Mr. Moon in all senses. Mr Townsends songwriting can border on silly but its only cause he's reaching for something. Some filler (really only love ain't for keeping). Am I mistaken or does Daltrey affect a bit of an american twang on won't get fooled again? Apropos - feels like we are getting fooled pretty hard right now. Anyway Baba and Fooled could be the entire album but you've got Behind Blue Eyes too, adn the other stuff's nice.
Yep. Absolutely top quality rock music. IMO the only great album The Who made. No filler.
My favorite album of all time. Only took 930 albums in this generator to find me. I had to suffer through multiple Bjorks but it was worth it.
bangers. moon's drums sound great, not overplaying baba o is an all timer side two opens with "getting in tune". a nice quieter ballad, every great band has at least one. followed by a nice little acoustic banger "going mobile". side two's simpler instrumentation is a nice refreshing ale before the big finish on "wont get fooled again"
Rigtig godt album ikke rigtig nogle misses, kan bare rigtig godt lide lyden af det. Kunne sige alle sange var gode. Det er klassisk rock tror jeg. De bruger meget klaver, hvad kunne dette betyde for genren? Gør det det lidt mere blues agtig eller mere pop rock?
C’mon, it’s The Classic.
And I thought Tommy was good. This was even better, wow! I’d never much of the Who outside the two big songs on this album (Baba O’Reilly and Won’t Get Fooled Again) but the rest of the album is so good! A truly great album!
Great album
My first year doing this project is up today. Started on 3/1/24 but as 2024 was leap year this is number 366. And what an album this is to round off year one. It perfectly bookends year one. My first selection was Radiohead’s OK Computer. I said that was one of my all time favourite albums and I put Who’s Next in the same bracket. Like OK Computer no need to listen to this album as I know it so well and not many days go by without any one of the brilliant tracks coming up on a playlist. Not my favourite Who album. Quadrophenia occupies that accolade but a fantastic album in its own right. A classic to celebrate the achievement of one year done. Looking forward to the start of Year two tomorrow. For future reference my average rating for year one is 2.58 which I guess is pretty low. But suppose it shows I have liked just over half the albums served up. Interesting to see year two score next January. 5/5 2/1/25
One of my favorite Who albums - probably not my #1 Who album but it's close!
Legendary album despite some repetitive melodies. Baba O’Reily and Won’t Be Fooled Again are still fresh like they were recorded this year.
Iconic. Great songwriting, production, execution. And the most ironic cover ever.
My husband’s favourite song is Behind Blue Eyes and I love my husband a lot :)
Always been one of my favorites
I’ve always found it pretty easy to slot the Who at third place in the imaginary contest between the Big Three British Bands of the 60s (the Beatles being 1st and the Stones being 2nd, naturally), but I will always give them their respect for this album, a towering and majestic peak if any artist ever had one. Possibly my favorite opener-closer pair of any album, and everything in between is pretty awesome to boot. Best song: Won’t Get Fooled Again
One of the greatest album of all time. I love the Who
Plays like a greatest hits compilation because it’s so full of crazy good songs. Excellent record.
All of the non-singles are awesome.
amazing. makes me feel things.
Soft 5. I think this album has one of the best combos of opening/closing songs ever, but suffers from fairly lackluster tracks filling in everything inbetween. Overall though, I did enjoy the experience! 'Baba O'Riley' takes the cake for me (but 'Won't Get Fooled Again' is a close second!)
Great album!!
Stunningly good even 50 years out. Two of the all-time rock anthems, plus "Behind Blue Eyes," "Getting In Tune" and "Going Mobile." Just classic. One of one's first favorite records and it sounds as good today as it did when one got the vinyl for 7th grade Xmas (one thinks). Because of hanging around too long and putting out some middling stuff, the Who became too easy to underestimate, but this is just about as good as it gets on this list or by any other measure.
Listen to it a few days ago. Masterpiece!!
I hadn’t realized just how many classics there are on this album.
Incredible one of the best albums of all time
what the heck just actually insane maybe one of the best openings and closings in album??? just what the heck man the who
Pre-listening thoughts: yup. That’s me. Now you might be wondering how I got into this situation. Well, let’s start from the beginning. Post/during listening thoughts: you can totally hear the “My Generation” of it all on this album but it’s not as cookie cutter as that album is. There are interesting melodic choices, songs that move and shift, and instrumentation keeps these songs from falling into cliche traps. There are a few well known hits on this album but the album tracks also shine through on this album. This is a really good album. Struggling between a 4 or 5 just based on personal enjoyment so please know that when you see my rating. In all honesty I probably should’ve given My Generation a 4 and this a 5. But whatever I was in a good mood that day and it was hitting. 9/10 DID I NEED TO HEAR THIS BEFORE I DIE: I dont think so? Fav tracks: all of it but my one critique is that Bargain was too long Least fav tracks: none