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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.

Street Life

The Crusaders


Street Life
Album Summary

Street Life is a studio album by the American jazz band The Crusaders. It was a top 20 album on three Billboard charts and represents the peak of the band's commercial popularity. The title track, featuring singer Randy Crawford, was a Top 40 pop single (No. 36) and became the group's most successful entry on the soul chart (No. 17). It was No. 5 on the UK Singles Chart. "Street Life" also hit the disco chart, peaking at No. 75, and was re-recorded by Doc Severinsen with Crawford reprising her vocal for the opening sequence of the noir crime drama Sharky's Machine, directed by Burt Reynolds in 1981. This faster paced version was also featured in Quentin Tarantino's Jackie Brown, released in 1997. The cover photograph was taken at 409 N Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, California.







  • Funk
  • Jazz


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Fri Jul 30 2021

Street Life is a jazz album for people who don't like jazz--makes sense it would appear on a list like this, like the African albums for people who don't like African music. That said, it's not bad. Street Life, the hit from the album, is well written, arranged and performed, in a New York Soul/R&B/Pop crossover type of way, with a standout vocal from Randy Crawford. My Lady benefits from a slightly unusual harmonic sequence in the chorus, which adds a little interest in an otherwise bland soul/jazz crossover track. The rest of the album is flat out bland, if inoffensive. Joe Sample, Barry Finnerty, Wilton Felder, and Stix Hooper, although fine musicians, take absolutely no chances on this album. The solos are tasteful enough in a toothless kind of way, the album is recorded beautifully, etc., but why on earth would this be on a 1001 Albums you have to hear list? It's pleasant but disposable pop, background music for cleaning fish tanks or scrubbing toilets.

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Wed Apr 28 2021

Absolute garbage - elevator music by numbers

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Fri Nov 19 2021

This album actually made me angry because it felt like I was waiting on hold for 40 minutes - this is telephone hold music!!! Only the title track has vocals and is a bit more disco-influenced, but there's a mismatch between the jaunty tune and the lyrics about life on the street.

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Wed Nov 10 2021

pretty exquisite, but doesn't really tingle my pringle

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Fri Mar 03 2023

Your call is important to us

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Thu Jul 08 2021

Elevator disco trash. Utterly pointless.

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Mon Feb 15 2021

One of the best records I’ve ever heard. Jazz, funk, and lead guitar all working together. Smooth as hell and the title track is infectious.

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Sat Sep 11 2021

Oh yeah. This SLAPS. I am all about this.

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Tue Jun 15 2021

C'est avec une curiosité prononcée que je me dirigeais vers cet album des Crusaders en ce mercredi matin, après que mon camarade robvipère m'ait fait part de son attirance pour ce disque. Malheureusement, comme bien souvent, Rob etait complettement a côté de la plaque. Lui, incapable de differencier un bel album d'une daube artistique la faute à une oreille musicale absente, lui critiquant le contenu photographique pourtant fort qualitatif de son partenaire de tablée aux 1001 sushis, lui qui cautionna les insultes emises a l'egard de Ray Charles par l'affreux Elvis Costello, en punissant le pauvre Ray d'un scindant 2/5, lui, qui ferait bien de remettre son tablier de critique, et de se trouver une nouvelle vocation.

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Wed Mar 03 2021

Funky vibes, but nothing that really grabs me. It's not bad per-se, but it's just kind of... bland. Sounds like a watered down version of On the Corner or Head Hunters.

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Fri Jun 25 2021

Ok but sounded like a jam session mixed with elevator music.

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Tue May 24 2022

Very uninteresting jazz. This is the sort of thing you hear in an abandoned mall, perpetually out of time. About as close as you get to muzak without actually being muzak. This is background music.

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Tue Feb 02 2021

Loved it, great for walking downtown

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Sun Feb 14 2021

Wow! Great all the way through. It was hard to pick a favorite.

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Thu May 20 2021

Wishing I would have paid attention to this style of music when it came out. I was in my mid-teens and was exploring other genres

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Wed Sep 29 2021

Not even halfway through and I’m calling it, 5 stars. Awesome funky jazz,m

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Thu Sep 30 2021

Not my usual listening but absolutely loved it. Knew street life but was a slower cooler version. Other jazz instrumentals really great. Love it!

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Tue Jun 15 2021

L'album est incroyable mais recentrons-nous sur l'anecdote de l'étiquette de caleçon.

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Tue Apr 27 2021

Love the title track, but for the rest, I have difficulty enjoying Jazz.

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Mon May 10 2021

Jazz fusion as elevator music. Next.

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Mon Sep 20 2021

Didn't like it - was like elevator music. And had the bad version of 'Street Life'.

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Sat Sep 25 2021

Loved street life. The rest was bland and unchallenging. After the excellent jazz I've had already on the list, this seemed like a hollow version of that after track 1.

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Sun Jan 31 2021

Wat een heerlijke muziek. Fijne melodien en prettige vocals. Goede opname kwaliteit. Will listen again!

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Tue Jan 19 2021

Erstes Lied 11:18, wow. Direkt mal arrogant erwarten, dass Leute so lange dran bleiben würden direkt von Beginn. Aber was soll ich sagen; ich bins und das Lied ist n absoluter geiler Klassiker, bekomme Bock in ner Zappelhalle zu stehen und mit ner feschen Disco-Schnalle mal den Weißen Teufel in den Nasenkanal zu schallern und die ganze Nacht Vodka-Sodas zu peitschen, wenn ich wisst was ich meine ;) Generell verspüre ich bei dem Orgel- und Saxophonsolo geile Fick-Vibes mit Intimbehaarung, Pailletten-Kleidern aber ohne Gummi. In den 80er gabs ja noch kein AIDS, oder?! Ich würd einfach gern mal wieder draußen saufen. :( Street Life Minute 9. – Ich überlege zu skippen. My Lady kommt direkt um die Ecke mit einem – zurecht – tausendfach gesampleten Saxophon-lick man kennt's. Nur gut. Bekomme noch mehr Bock auf legeres Koksen in einer Disco. (Ich sollte mir ein Pastellfarbenes Hemd kaufen.) Rodeo Drive bisschen Uptempo, und schöne Bassline drunter. FONKEYYYY. Gitarrensolo hab ich nicht erwartet, mich trotzdem drüber gefreut. Carnival Of The Night, direkt perkussiver(schreibt man das so?), der Bass wird ge-slapped, so wie der Ass von der Bitch. (Wo bekommt man schnell Kokain her?) The Hustler. (Ich brauche mehr Schmuck und Drogenquellen, außerdem Nutten). Guter Track, bisschen mehr Funk als Discovibes, aber was solls. Night faces, kleines Betthupferl. Ich kann das verdammte Orgel-gebimmel nicht mehr ertragen. Meine kriminelle Energie ist nach dem Album sehr hoch, fühle mich wie ein Zuhälter in Frisco, der aber irgendwie nur so der nette Dude ist und nicht so n Frauenschläger. So 'n netter halt. Deswegen schlafen sowohl \"seine\" Mädels als auch \"normale\" Mädels gerne und oft mit ihm. Dass hinterher immer Geld und Kokain aus seiner Wohnung fehlt, übergeht er und sagt sich: \"Die Mädels brauchen das dringender als Ich\". Er will sich nicht eingestehen, dass er ausgenutzt wird, denn mit Ablehnung kommt er nicht klar (deswegen ja auch Zuhälter). Er weint und raucht eine Cohiba, während Emma Watson(im Hogwarts Schuloutfit) ihm einen bläst. Den Schlüssel zu seinem goldenen Käfig hat er schon vor Jahren im Kokswahn verloren. Ich fand das Album gut 5*. Bis zum Nächsten review! Euer EL Mayo

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Mon Apr 12 2021

Some Saturday night fever kind of jazz, loved it

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Sun Jan 17 2021

Una gran canción de apertura y todo suena bien, como para fiesta elegante o día tranquilo ☺️. 9/10

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Wed Jan 05 2022

Íkonísk plata. Næs fönkjazz með byrjunarnúmeri fyrir allan peninginn!

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Mon Feb 28 2022

This is unreal. Perfect background work music. It's jazz but with funk added in and lots of cool hooks too. Never gets boring. Zero knowledge of them before but this one might be going into rotation.

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Tue Apr 26 2022

Way jazzier and more elevator-music-like than I was expecting! Really liked this, reminds me of the newer "chill" playlists and stations I listen to.

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Fri May 20 2022

Caught myself dancing and enjoying life more than usual during this listen. Top fucking notch

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Tue Jun 14 2022

They're having such a great time and I just want to be there with them.

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Sat Aug 06 2022

fantástico, funky, chill, sonidos muy agradables, excelente para tener de fondo, la calidad es buenísima. lo que sí, es muy corto y no propone cosas nuevas, solo buena música, ja, qué más necesitar? en una palabra: cómoda

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Mon Aug 29 2022

This album is so beautiful and smooth. I love the lounge vibes. Jazz is a very comforting genre for me.

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Fri Sep 16 2022

fire, need it in my collection

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Tue Sep 27 2022

Very smooth and great to listen to while studying. I think in other settings it would also be equally as good. Nice Jazz, would've potentially enjoyed more singing though

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Sat Nov 05 2022

Yeah MAMMA. This had the makings of a five star-er 30 seconds into the opening track. Immediate toe tapper. It's all happening; ride cymbal over piano solo, key changes, big sax, punchy horns. I expected way more vocals after the first track but that sax absolutely sings in its own right. 8 Counts for Rita is a certified screamer - would love to be standing in the front row aggressively pointing for more shred.

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Mon Feb 27 2023

Love the short album format of the old days

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Sun Apr 02 2023

So smooth! Amazing. Would put on again.

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Tue Apr 25 2023

Good dance music. Rhythmic. Easy on the ears.

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Sat May 06 2023

Que discazo, que vibes, que correlacion grafica, visual y sonora. Realmente todo es tal cual se lo imagina y el mundo planteado es coherente con los títulos, se puede llegar a pintar el paisaje visual juntando los diferentes elementos. Simplemente casi excelente, digo casi porque la repeticion en la segunda cancion queda estancada en jn punto y no cuenta nada, pero este discazo es un 9/10.

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Thu May 11 2023

Really good jazzy soul funk, mostly instrumental. Pretty easy listening

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Mon May 15 2023

Oh baby I grew up on this album so that's gonna bias me, my parents generously gave me their vinyl after I moved out. Its just excellent. The title track was the first song that got me to appreciate long songs in general (I was truly just out of toddlerdom, and it gets to the good stuff immediately and then just keeps going) but the whole record is what defined my general sensibility when it comes to both funk and jazz. It's one of the reasons I took up trumpet. A former coworker of mine who mostly just listens to Radiohead says he cant stand jazz funk and I truly don't understand him as a person. That's the kind of derangement that happens if all you've ever heard are Joe Sample's imitators and not the real thing. Besides the OG Trio I also need to shoutout David T Walker on guitar, who has gotten some overdue recognition from my generation thanks to Vulfpeck. Randy's vocal is insane. I love that they started with Street Life instead of ending with it. Give the people what they came for and them wow them on your own merit. Kind of insane also they started playing with each other in the 50s as literal teens and they didn't achieve commercial success until this album, 30 years and as many record later. A jazz record at 18 on the pop charts? This is definitely the one to pick for this endeavor. If I have to be critical I would say Night Faces is a bit sleepier but it's also the last track and what an easy feeling send off. I'm so pleasantly surprised to see it here. Next time you're driving at night throw this on and tell me you don't feel like a million bucks.

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Wed May 31 2023

Somehow the Crusaders perfectly captured the feeling on record of wandering rain-soaked city streets, cigarette dangling from your lips, wondering what the hell it’s all for. The ultimate vibes album.

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Fri Jul 21 2023

Favorite album in the series so far!

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Thu Aug 31 2023

I loved the album. I knew the homonym song which really liked it, but the rest of the album is just as good and funky.

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Wed Sep 13 2023

"The Crusaders" were a renowned jazz-funk and soul jazz group formed in 1960, and they released numerous albums throughout their career. One of their standout albums is "Street Life," which was released in 1979. This album is often considered a classic in the fusion jazz genre and is notable for its smooth and groovy sound. Let's review and provide some commentary on "Street Life" by The Crusaders. Title Track, "Street Life": The album's title track is arguably the most famous and distinctive. Featuring the soulful vocals of Randy Crawford, this song encapsulates the essence of urban life with its infectious melody and rhythm. The blending of Crawford's vocals with the band's tight instrumentation creates an irresistible groove that's instantly recognizable. "My Lady": This track, instrumental in nature, showcases the exceptional musicianship of The Crusaders. The saxophone and keyboard solos are particularly noteworthy. "My Lady" is smooth and jazzy, a perfect example of the group's ability to create a mellow yet captivating atmosphere. "Rodeo Drive (High Steppin’)": This uptempo track infuses a sense of energy into the album. It's a testament to The Crusaders' versatility, as they seamlessly transition from the smoother tracks to more upbeat and funky compositions. The guitar work here stands out, and the rhythm section keeps the groove alive. "Carnival of the Night": This song has an exotic and mysterious vibe, with its use of percussion and brass instruments. It adds a unique flavor to the album, demonstrating the group's willingness to experiment with different musical elements. "The Hustler": Another instrumental gem on the album, "The Hustler" is a showcase of the group's superb musicianship. The saxophone and keyboard interplay is particularly impressive, and the composition has a slightly more progressive and dynamic feel compared to some of the other tracks. "Night Faces": Closing out the album on a serene note, "Night Faces" is a beautiful and contemplative piece. It's an excellent example of The Crusaders' ability to evoke emotion through their music. The saxophone melody here is both haunting and soothing. In summary, "Street Life" by The Crusaders is a classic jazz-funk album that encapsulates the essence of urban life in its music. The standout title track, featuring Randy Crawford's vocals, remains a timeless hit. The album as a whole is a testament to the group's exceptional musicianship and their ability to blend different musical elements to create a cohesive and engaging listening experience. Whether you're a fan of jazz, funk, or soul, "Street Life" is an album that deserves a place in your collection. It continues to be a celebrated work in the world of fusion jazz and a testament to The Crusaders' enduring legacy in music.

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Thu Oct 05 2023

Really enjoyed listening to it. The fusion of jazz and disco goes really well together. I wanted the vocalist of the title track to come back, but I was still jamming to every song.

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Sun Oct 22 2023

Fun groovy jazz album. Something I noticed was the audio space, how direction/space was used with instruments

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Thu Oct 26 2023

Beautiful jazz album, brings me into a jazz bar late at night

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Thu Nov 02 2023

Totally missed that this was a jazz band in the wiki section somehow and was very pleasantly surprised. Loved that shit

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Mon Dec 11 2023

one of my favourite albums of all time

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Fri Dec 15 2023

20ish albums deep in the project, this was the best one so far. Every single track was an absolute banger.

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Fri Jan 05 2024

Loved this album! Jazzy and fun. Very pleasant to listen to.

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Tue Jan 09 2024

Toller Sound mit Anklängen an Bigband-Sax!

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Wed Mar 06 2024

Das Fusion Album, eine Kreuzung aus Jazz, R&B, Soul und Funk. Mit dem von der wunderbaren Dionne Warwick gesungenen Aufmacher, womit sie ihren späteren Weltruhm begründete, war dem Keyboarder Joe Sample, dem Kopf der Crusaders, ein bemerkenswertes Album gelungen, gehört zu Recht zu den "1001 Albums you must hear before you..."

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Fri Apr 12 2024

These are the albums I'm here for!

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Sun Apr 14 2024

I fell in love with the song “Street Life” from the soundtrack of the film Jackie Brown. This album started off on a good note. The rest did not disappoint. Love me some smooth, sexy, 70s jazz.

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Sun Apr 14 2024

Very smooth and jazzy. Normally I might complain about all the sax but Street Life is such a good song, I felt ready to enjoy the rest.

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Mon Apr 15 2024

Loved listening to this. Keep showing me albums like this and I'll groove to them for weeks.

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Thu May 30 2024

Incredible music, makes you smile and move

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Mon Jun 21 2021

Jazz-funk, groovy, lange numre, soul/rnb-vibes, sax-soloer

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Thu Dec 31 2020

Brings back memories of listening to crusaders and George benson on tape in the car. A lovely funky jazzy Motown album that was a joy to listen to

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Thu Jan 14 2021

Street Life is a great song. Relaxing album

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Thu Jan 14 2021

Right outta the gates this is smooooth. There are some pretty tasty licks on this album. Definitely a nice choice when feeling like a fresh jazz groove.

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Fri Jul 09 2021

Pretty great album. A handful of tracks, but they all work it. If I didn't know better, I'd swear this was a live jazz album recording... 4 stars.

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Mon Jan 18 2021

Relaxing to have on in the background - driving, cooking, doing stuff round the house.

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Fri Jan 22 2021

The jazz caught me by surprise, but it was a very welcome surprise. Super chill, great vibe, will definitely listen again.

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Thu Jan 14 2021

First track carries, but good jazz overall.

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Thu May 20 2021

Yeah! Love the title track, and the rest of the album followed suit. Not much else to say.

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Fri Jan 15 2021

A bit flat due to drum machine and other electronic techniques of the 80s, but some good highs as well. Good singing and nice catchy tunes

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Tue Feb 02 2021

Super album de Jazz avec des gros classiques. J'ai reconnu de samples de NTM et j'imagine qu'il y a en plus!

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