The Clash
The ClashPretty good album. Still finding the vocal melodies. Good guitar tones, but the drums sound is lack luster. Multiple interesting bass lines.
Pretty good album. Still finding the vocal melodies. Good guitar tones, but the drums sound is lack luster. Multiple interesting bass lines.
Pretty good album. Still finding the vocal melodies. Good guitar tones, but the drums sound is lack luster. Multiple interesting bass lines.
Really liked this album. Intro and first track are fantastic. Benny and the jets is a horrible song.
Really liked this one. The album as a whole felt stitched together.
I understand why this album was so popular, but it's just not for me. The songs are good and funky, but end up sounding the same. Some cool bass lines and good melodies.
Really enjoyed this album. Classic hip hop. Great samples. Sounded great in headphones.
I don't care for the smashing pumpkins. Billy Corgan sounds like a moped that's struggling up a hill. The album is pretty classic early 90s rock. I like this album even though the vocals are distracting.
Not digging this one. Has a college rock feel. Not very memorable. Lyrics and vocal line feel made up on the fly. America snoring is a highlight. Apparently front man grant compares himself to Neil Young. There's a very thick line between inspiration and imitation, and he's on the wrong side of it.
Love this album. Perfect example of classic rock. This album could be a greatest hits collection. Creative song writing, amazing musicianship, catchy everything. The only disappointing thing about this album is the lack of accents.
It's an OK album. It's hard to get anyone to be honest about the Beatles. It's definitely the beginning of their transition out of the brit pop and into more experimental albums. It feels much less single oriented, but the album doesn't feel like a full concept to me. Also, John Lennon is a piece of shit and caps the album off with a song warning an ex that if he sees her with another man he will kill her. That's the end, little girl.
Really love this album. I understand why people complain about the wailing, it is pretty intense, but I love it. It's funny to hear people call them pretentious. Isn't ratting someone's art with your anonymous internet opinion a tad on the pretentious side? Either way this album screams. Songs are interesting and engaging. Peaks and valleys. Light and dark. Enjoy with an open mind.
This album comes out of the gate hot, but kind of looses steam for me throughout. Still a great album with amazing musicians. Any chance to listen to steely Dan is a good time.
This one is a pretty hard listen. The production is pretty bare, the songs are simple. The vocals are pitchy but emotional. I get the feel of the album, and honestly would have like it a lot more if it wasn't for that stupid jaw harp through the whole damn album. If you're not familiar with a jaw harp, also called a jew harp for some reason, you fucking are now after getting through this album. Everyone who actually listened to this knows what I'm talking about too. It's the weird thing that sounds like the spring door stop in the bathroom that for some reason gets a 35 minute solo over the course of this record.
Not too bad. Leading with American pie definitely leaves the rest of the album hanging. Enjoyed it in headphones. Heard a lot of new things I never noticed.
This one is a turd of that just won't flush. The first track is almost unbearable. It's 8 minutes of a slightly changing bass line the guy made up about 10 minutes before recording while what I assume is a 1 handed guitar player switching between strumming and slapping. While all this is taking place john lydon is screaming lines he's reading off the wall in a middle school bathroom. Track 2 is a spoken word poem so angsty he had to put it to music in track 3. From then on its hit or miss until fodderstompf. This is weapons grade terrible. Only track I've ever skipped while doing this whole project. Sounds like a couple of stoned friends dicking around on someone else's gear.
This guy wants to have sex with your ear holes. Vocals get pretty pitchy. The lyrics sound like they're supposed to be funny but I can barely understand him, and when I can, I don't get the references. Music is good and tight but pretty straight forward. Not bad. Not great.
Good pop album. Really borrows from mj, but still a really enjoyable listen.
Pretty mellow for beck. Good.
Not a huge fan of the vocals. Music is good. Kind of sounds like rock and roll Bob Dylan.
White guy reggea.
A really interesting listen. I've always loved how unique his albums sound, unfortunately has never really clicked for me.
Don't like the sound of the album. Snare drum sounds papery and the guitar tone sounds like a cheap crate.
Really good album. Went in not liking Lamar. Total 180. Incredibly interesting listen.
Amazing album.
Not for me.