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Red Hot Chili Peppers


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Album Summary

Californication is the seventh studio album by the American rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers. It was released on June 8, 1999, on Warner Bros. Records and was produced by Rick Rubin. Californication marked the return of John Frusciante, who had previously appeared on Mother's Milk and Blood Sugar Sex Magik, to replace Dave Navarro as the band's guitarist. Frusciante's return was credited with changing the band's sound altogether, producing a notable shift in style from the music recorded with Navarro. The album's subject material incorporated various sexual innuendos commonly associated with the band, but also contained more varied themes than previous outings, including death, contemplations of suicide, California, drugs, globalization, and travel. Californication is the Chili Peppers' most commercially successful studio release internationally, with over 15 million copies sold worldwide, and more than 6 million in the United States alone. As of 2002, the album had sold over 4 million copies in Europe. The record produced several hits for the band, including "Otherside", "Californication" and the Grammy Award-winning "Scar Tissue". Californication peaked at number three on the US Billboard 200. The record marked a significant change in style for the band: Rolling Stone's Greg Tate noted that "while all previous Chili Peppers projects have been highly spirited, Californication dares to be spiritual and epiphanic". Another critic, Billboard's Paul Verna, mentioned that the album brought out "the group's softer, melodic side", as opposed to their previous six albums.







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Nov 25 2020
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This is the soundtrack to going to a house party hosted by a friend of a friend of a friend who just wants to put on some background music that "everyone likes". It has 2 billion plays on Spotify overall, and you know at least half of those plays happened in a VW Golf with a road bike on the roof racks, while the driver sat there in lycra drinking a long black. 2/5 - I'd give it 1 just for being so fucking safe, but truth is it IS kinda catchy. I hate myself for saying that.

Dec 16 2021
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First side is full of good singles. Second side is meh. The highlight is the musical relationship between Frusciante, Flea, and Chad. I just don't vibe with Anthony Keidis' vocal style personally.

Jul 28 2021
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listening to this album on a proper pair of headphones is both a revelation and a form of torture. hearing songs like Scar Tissue on literally anything better than an aftermarket stereo FM broadcast in a honda from the 80s reveals a lot of nuance and neat performance details by a band of incredibly talented people. the downsides of course are that a) the mix/master is atrocious, and b) the fact that it's RHCP. Louder tracks reduce audiophile grade equipment to sounding like you're using a 5 pack of skull candy earbuds from 2003, quieter tracks are exhausting in the way that only brick wall mixes are. Excusing that, not that you should, the larger problem is that RHCP are consistently one of the biggest misuses of musical talent in recorded history but that's almost neither here nor there. at its best it's got earworms that are still living 20 years later. when it's not, it's Anthony Kiedis literally jiving (poorly) over aimless wanking. it's almost a shame that the good parts, while few and far between, are as good as they are. would be easier to just ignore entirely.

Nov 26 2020
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It's been a hot minute since I last listened to this record and... Well, I don't know that it's aged all that well, to be honest. I really liked Californication when it came out so I was surprised to find that I didn't feel the same this time. Turns out, while the music is fun, most of these lyrics are really dumb. Like... Really stupid. On top of that, aside from the hits that everyone knows, the majority of the tracks are really dated sounding. I expected to give this a five-star review. Sadly, it only gets a 3. The years take their toll on everything.

Jan 15 2021
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Playful and rhythmic, this bass guitar heavy album feels like the backdrop for a summer day playing beach volleyball on the Pacific or a sweaty dance floor at a rock club. With some of the most catchy tunes every to hit the radio, the diversity of vocal tones and lyrical themes (of resistance and freedom) complete the prescription of joy and release that cause so many embrace the entire album.

Sep 13 2021
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I started at a 3 but it continued slipping down to a 2. I found myself waiting for it to be over numerous times. I'm not a fan of his vocal style; apparently I can deal with it when hearing a track come on randomly, but over and over on an album... yea no. Scar Tissue is pretty good though.

Jun 02 2022
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Kiedis is simply too embarrassing for this band to work. His affected drawl is a bore, his syrupy croon hopelessly pretty boy, his rapping unmentionable, the lyrics a vacuum. As for the funk they're lauded for, lumpen and predictable. Totally in love with themselves. Totally uninteresting.

Oct 07 2020
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Pure Chili Peppers. Nearly every song is a hit. Flea is an absolute mammoth, Fruscinte is amazing, and even Keidis is great minus his weird white-boy rapping. Chad Smith's snare is god tier. Favorite tracks: "Parallel Universe", "I Like Dirt", "Californication"

Sep 13 2021
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No thanks. Typical RHCP and not even one of their "good" albums. Anything that isn't a single is typically bad and the singles only pass because they're generally catchy and "hey it's a chili peppers single so we have to play it on the radio." But the more you listen the worse it gets. Their generation's maroon 5.

May 16 2021
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Haven't listened to this album in years. First thing I noticed is it's a causality of the Loudness Wars. The fidelity was just awful. First half of the album is good, but then everything between Californication and Road Trippin is garbage. If you picked just the highlights of the album it'd be a 4 star album, if you fixed the audio, it'd be 5. As it stands, it's a 2.5.

Oct 23 2024
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Probably the most equal-opportunity album ever recorded - because no matter what device you listen to it on, it will always sound like it's being played through a McDonald's Drive-Thru speaker. The 'unmastered' version floating around the web makes no difference. The master tracks have all been brickwalled. Other than that, it's a post-Navarro Chili Peppers album, and probably the best of them. Pop-rock with a tight, funky rhythm section, well played but uninteresting Hendrixesque guitar work, and some sleazy guy who raps sometimes and strains to sing in tune while you wish the backing guy led. The more laid back tracks like Scar Tissue, Porcelain and Road Trippin' show that they've learned how to reflect on themselves a bit, but on the whole the lyrics are still shallow. If it sounds like I'm being reductive... I am. But sometimes it needs to be said. RHCP's legendary status far outshines their material. They had a classic album in '91 and an interesting album either side of it, and that's OK.

Nov 10 2022
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I've got a lot say about this album because I used to work in the concert industry and I got into many, many arguments about how bad this album is. Everyone around me argued it was great. I am clearly the odd man out on this opinion. I used to love RHCP. I wore out my BSSM cassette. But this album, in my opinion, feels like they had a contractual obligation to meet. They took everything they had recorded that wasn't fit for an album and laid this turd. I hate it so much it makes me dislike their other music because it reminds me of this album. It's like their Coda. To be fair most of my complaint is not with the music. The writing is decent, the musicianship is decent to amazing. It's the vocal melodies and the lyrics. The melodies are repetitive and the lyrics are half-assed at best. Kiedis mailed this one in. Around the World ruins this whole album for me from the git. It reminds me of some old, white politician trying to appeal to POC voters. It's a terrible rap, and the lyrics are fucking awful. "Fox hole love Pie in your face Living in and out of a big fat suitcase." Or this classic - "Ding ding, dong dong, ding ding, dong dong, ding ding." I just can't. Much of this album has the same elementary vocal cadence of Scar Tissue combined with a monotonous vocal melody. It does the same thing over and over and over and over. Same cadence, same melody, on repeat. Doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot, dooo. Now do it on the 4th. Now the 5th. And now the root. Repeat. Or like Emit Remus, let's not change chords at all. Most of my disappointment with this album is that RHCP are better than this.

May 31 2023
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Around the world - jel može bolji intro u album? Parallel universe - groove Scar Tissue - savršen uvod, ringtone zadnjih 10 godina Otherside - banger Get on Top - garenje i prženje, ali na loop Californication - pjesma zbog koje kreneš slušat rock, pure classic Easily - odličan tekst Porcelain - nekarakteristična za rhcp, ali moraš imat takve pjesme na albumu Emmit Remmus - znaš tko pjeva, ali ne bi je se sjetio I Like Dirt - filler This Velvet Glove - jako kvalitetna pjesma, nije namijenjena da bude jako popularna Savior - voice heavy pjesma Purple Stain - sick outro Right on Time - kratka i nepotpuna Road Trippin' - jako chill pjesma Fat Dance - za koncerte Over Funk - funky groove Quixoticelixer - nije popularna jer malo ljudi presluša cijeli album

Mar 30 2023
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Parallel Universe - Scar Tissue - Otherside is one of the great 1-2-3 combos. It could’ve been one of the great 1-2-3-4 combos but they had to stick the very mediocre Get on Top in before Californication. Their penchant for punctuating the good stuff with throwaway funk filler is what stops this album (and a lot of the Chilis’ catalogue) being truly first-rate. By The Way is probably the RHCP that avoids this most successfully, hence it’s their real masterpiece. Still, for all their faults, these guys do subtle melancholia and gorgeous Californian harmonies as well as anyone, and are capable of some genuinely interesting left-turns too (like the bridge in Saviour). Every band member brings a distinctive style to the table and the chemistry between them is excellent. They get it right enough times on Californication to warrant a 4.5, and (as is customary) my nostalgic connection to the band means I have to round up.

Nov 05 2021
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Let's go oOoOO o RHCPs fucking rock. I always had one of their songs in my little folder when I first started playing guitar. They were almost always the most fun. They are so playful, never afraid to do something they think is fun, and it just shines through in their music. It's really a step-up from Blood Sugar Sex Magik. Frusciante has some of the most memorable riffs ever on this album, Smith makes every song a Bop to listen to, Kiedis is as crazy as always and Flea always fucking delivers haha. I grew up with this album, and some songs like "Parrallel Universe" and "Easily" made me surprised that I'd never really heard them before, and now it's impossible for me to choose a favorite song to put on my playlist so it's an undeniable 5 for me.

Mar 03 2021
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Play that funky music, white boys? RHCP is an American heritage band at this point, a staple. C'mon, you've got a bassist named Flea, a drummer that looks like Will Ferrell, what more do you want? I've encountered people in life who say the only music they like is RHCP, which is mystifying. But these guys are pretty great. Plenty of hits on here, and it's produced by the legend Rick Rubin! Part of the bassline on "Around the World" sounds indebted to Herbie Hancock's "Chameleon," I liked that. I liked a lot of this album, it's great. Maybe not super red hot, but there's plenty of chili peppers to go around. Favorite songs: Around the World, Scar Tissue, Road Trippin', Otherside. Album art: I'd say this is iconic. I've seen it a million times over, but today for the first time I'm noticing the swap of the water and the sky, that's crazy. I guess I always thought the background was the ocean. Very cool picture, Pepps. 4/5

Jan 18 2021
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Talk about an album that fizzles... The first half is pure fire, but the last half lingers way too long. Still a great rock album.

May 14 2021
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I soured on RHCP awhile back for no real reason, and upon revisiting this album, I feel like I was both right and wrong. The hits are still solid, but most of the deeper cuts leave a lot to be desired. It's really hard to listen to Anthony Kiedis slur his words for an hour. Best track: Easily

Dec 14 2022
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Honestly the mixture of the sounds was so unappealing and gross to listen to. I really tried to give each song a chance but overall I didn’t like. I think the voice was meh and music was meh and together they were no.

Apr 05 2022
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I used to be sort of into the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I bought Blood Sugar Sex Magik on CD like everyone else, and saw them in concert at Lollapalooza at least once, maybe twice (my memory is a bit hazy from those days, haha). However, it didn't take long before I bored of them, and my appreciation for them turned into a strong dislike. They definitely established a unique style, and I give them credit for that, but then they never evolved after that. It was just the same thing, over and over. Not really a fan and this album didn't do anything to change that. 2 stars.

May 20 2023
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I’ve previously said that the Grateful Dead are the most overrated band in American history. It’s possible I was wrong. At the least, the Red Hot Chili Peppers are hot on the Dead’s heels in second place. If you like this, it’s fine…you do you. But know this: You’re better than this and, frankly, you deserve better than this. …You know, I was going to leave it at that, but I got more to say. First off, are we just going to ignore the “Asian voice” stereotype in “Around the World”? “Bing-dang-dong-ding-ding-bing-bing-bing-bong”…get the fuck outta here with that. Second, and this is general consensus, but it bears repeating: if Anthony Keidas wasn’t in this band and someone who could sing was, they’d be much more enjoyable. The actual musicians in this band are all fantastic to incredible. When he’s not singing, this is pretty good music. His vocals and unbelievably stupid lyrics drag this band so far down that any goodwill garnered by the musicianship is overshadowed. Finally, this thing is so front loaded with hits, it’s a miracle that copies weren’t falling forward off the shelves due to the lack of weight on the b-side. If there was ever a case to be made for records being a maximum of 20-25 minutes long, the Red Hot Chili Peppers would be Exhibit A. Seriously. After the song Californication, this record really blows.

Jan 31 2023
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i think the mind-numbing vapidity of Red Hot Chili Peppers’ Californication is well captured in its eye-rolling title: a tongue-in-cheek, silly portmanteau that would blow the mind of a failing ninth grader in the 90s because its innuendo sounds clever, when it’s really just plain stupid. all of Californication plays exactly like that — an overwhelmingly inane, juvenile collection of cheeky songs that pride themselves in their clever innuendos and double meanings, when really those lyrics are just “Ding ding, dong dong, ding ding, dong dong, ding ding” (a direct quote). there’s nothing of real substance to grab onto here, and despite being described as Red Hot Chili Peppers’ introspective and personal album, the music is as personal as a teenager scribbling on the walls of the stall at school as he ditches class (you can see the recurring theme i guess. give the band an A for consistency). the songs are fairly popular — the title track, as well as “Otherside” ended up being songs i recognized — but they’re stuck in their own time, never transcending over into timelessness. like a severe case of arrested development, RHCP’s Californication is the sound of a pubescent kid suddenly discovering his new found concupiscence. naturally it’s all aged like milk.

Jun 26 2023
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Not my very favourite RHCP album, but almost is. I do believe this is their magnum opus. A moment when they reached their maturity. Carved out a new sound that was still very much Chili Peppers. How sad it is for me though to think about the albums that came after this. Californication is surely the template the band used to build everything that has come after. And what came after was a lot of Triple M dad rock.

Nov 16 2021
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All time classic. Brought me back to my middle school days.

Nov 12 2021
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Such an excellent album. Starts off well and tapers off a bit in the second half but still a great listen. 9/10.

Nov 11 2021
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Can’t believe this is the first album I got xD

Nov 10 2021
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Great start already one of my favorite albums from high school

Sep 24 2021
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Great album would listen any time

Oct 29 2021
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Awesome album second only to BSSM

Oct 18 2021
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Peppers' 7th and the most successful album. Frusciante is back! Billboard's critic Paul Verna, mentioned that the album brought out "the group's softer, melodic side", as opposed to their previous six albums. I have underestimated RHCP previously because of their popularity. Their songs were everywhere on tv and radio. Now I understand that I was wrong. This album's sound is technically perfect and melodic!

Oct 17 2021
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Flea met de fantastische baslijnen. Heel wat topnummers op deze plaat. In mijn ogen hun allerbeste album!

Sep 21 2021
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This album highlights the quite spectacular impact Frusciante has on this band. Coming off the back of serious heroin addiction, Flea got him back into the fold, he cleaned up and they let him loose on this. Everything he does on this album brings out the best in the other members. His chemistry with Flea and Chad are just a joy to the ears and his background harmonies just lift Kiedis sometimes nonsensical lyrics somewhere else. Too many great tracks too sit and list but it rarely flags for a moment, ignoring the huge singles, songs like Saviour, Emit Remmus and This Velvet Glove just highlight not only how strong this whole album is but also the direction in which they were heading for By The Way (which doesn’t come close to touching this album despite its huge success) A joy. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Sep 15 2021
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When I was in middle school and high school, whenever I rode the bus to school I would be listening to music on my Sony Walkman portable CD player. Inevitably, people would usually ask me what I was listening to. Whenever I was listening to something that I knew most people my age wouldn’t have heard of or liked (most of the time) I would say I was listening to Red Hot Chili Peppers. They were popular enough and seemingly acceptable enough for most people not to question me after I gave that answer. Now, more often than not, it feels like I have to defend liking this band for any number of reasons. Truth be told, from about 2000-2006, I was obsessed with RHCP. After hearing this album, I decided that I wanted to one day make music that sounded like them. Even though I never really did that exactly, they were the first band I remember making me feel that way. What’s undeniable about this band is immense talent of John Frusciante, Flea, and Chad Smith. What’s also undeniable is the chemistry that these 4 people have together. Anthony Kiedis can very often be a ridiculous and embarrassing singer and lyricist, but he never sounds insincere, for better or worse. What’s always apparent with RHCP is that these 4 people need each and need this band. This is a band that’s forged through trauma, grief, and addiction that always sounds like they love each other and love making music, even after almost 40 years together. Californication is the album that got me into them. I’m not sure if it’s their best or my favorite, but it’s definitely one where it felt they were able to tap into some form of magic. As with any RHCP album, there are some notably groan-inducing lyrics, but there also a whole bunch of bangers.

Aug 29 2021
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Awesome album. Tons of hits, the B-sides are bangers too. One of their best.

Aug 10 2021
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Nice one. Loved the sounds. Very nice easy pop. 4,5 stars

Jul 20 2021
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One of the great classic albums of it's times, and it's not even necessarily considered to be the best RHCP album. It's amazing how many hits came off of just this album. Almost every song on it is super recognizable and is still commonly heard now over 20 years later. Favorite Songs: Scar Tissue, Otherside, Road Trippin'

Jun 24 2021
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Rating: 9/10 Best songs: Californication, Scar tissue, Otherside, Riad trippin’, Around the world

Jul 21 2021
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This album starts off strong with 'Around the World' and then just keeps it rolling with 'Parallel Universe' and 'Scar Tissue'. It's hard to find a song on this album that isn't a banger; even the softer songs hit hard. This is arguably the Red Hot Chili Peppers at their best.

May 27 2021
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I was amazed how many hits were on this album

Jun 14 2021
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Every so often an album of genius comes along. This time it was the chili peppers turn to prove the perfect album does exist.

May 12 2021
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Amazing album, pretty much all bangers and hits. Can get you riled up and then calm you down again. Fantastic

May 28 2021
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Solid chilli peppers, can't go wrong

Apr 30 2021
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This is the apex of RHCP. Memories of just finishing high school and first road trip.

Mar 13 2021
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An instant 5 for me. Not my favorite RHCP album overall but it has some absolute classics and the whole album is solid.

Mar 16 2021
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Unx siempre regresa a los lugares en los que fue feliz (?)y los RHCP son ese lugar para mí. Este disco suele ser considerado el mejor de la banda, tengo mis reservas pero sí creo que al menos sí presenta ya un sonido consolidado, maduro. 5/5 solo por existir

Mar 19 2021
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my second favourite chili peppers album even though its mastered way too loud.

Feb 04 2021
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.... not going to pretend to do an unbiased review.

Mar 15 2021
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Another deep drag of nostalgia and a trip down memory lane. I think no matter what decade this would be released in it would still be a great album. I prefer Californiacation to the later stadium Arcadium album and I would go so far as to say this is RHCP best collection of music.

Jun 29 2021
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This is a strong Chilli Peppers albums - really liked it. The hits are good, and it was fun to hear the lesser known cuts - especially “Get on Top”. Another Rick Rubin success, and having John Fruscienti back didn’t hurt either. 4.5 stars and rounding up. Good+

Mar 16 2021
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Muy agradable escuchar siempre a RHCP, la voz del vocalista muy distintiva y me remonta de inmediato a los noventa cuando el rock era de lo más popular en MTV. Canciones que más me gustaron (además de Otherside y Californication por la nostalgia): Parallel Universe y Purple Stain. Mood: un top 10 en MTV a inicios de los 2000

Jan 18 2021
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Magnífico álbum de pop alternativo.

Feb 27 2021
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Pues si. Un disco cojonudo que te levanta de la cama

Mar 16 2021
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Estaba pensando en que es muy difícil escoger una canción preferida que tenga de los RHCP. No puedo llamarme fan de ellos ya que no he escuchado todos sus discos y de hecho los conocí más allá de "Californication" por su Greatest Hits. En fin, ahora que escucho este álbum completo, además de las (re)conocidas "Otherside" (en mi top), "Scar Tissue" y la ya mencionada, descubrí que "Parallel Universe", "I Like Dirt" y "Purple Stain" me gustaron mucho, mucho. La canción final ("Road Trippin'") me parece muy de despedida, ad hoc, y "Get on Top" me recuerda a "Give It Away", como same energy. En fin, que los RHCP lo que hacen, lo hacen muy bien y este es un disco muy buenazo. 9.5/10

Mar 12 2021
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YES! what can i say about this album, except it was a part of my musical life, and still is, damn near a perfect album.

Jan 24 2021
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Another one I already know well. This band has always been about the bass guitar for me. Obviously the other stuff too whatever lol

Apr 05 2021
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Modern classic. This album hit hard when it came out, and has stuck around.

Jun 25 2021
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I was not initially a fan of this album when it came out but it grew on me. All these years later it really holds up!

Feb 11 2021
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A classic album and always a fun time

Jan 27 2021
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One of my favorite bands, anything with John Frusciante is great!

Jan 18 2021
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Classic. Was my favorite when I was a teenager.

Mar 15 2021
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Pure nostalgia. One of the first albums I would listen to on repeat on my CD Walkman in the car.

Jan 17 2021
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9.5/10 One of my favourites. Californication >>> And that's not even covering scar tissue, otherside, etc All the riffs

Jun 09 2021
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Their best album! Awesome. Scar tissue is a top song! John F. is one of the best guitarists ever.

Jan 14 2021
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Total classic. Love this album. Haven't listened to it top to bottom for a while though.

Nov 05 2020
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In my collection. Fantastic album with many standout tracks and a great overall sound to it.

Jul 19 2021
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My first RHCP album, so my rating might be a bit biased. Still enjoy listening to this one every now and then. Gotta love the beautiful guitar and bass going on. Extra funky, then extra soulful.

Nov 14 2020
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Strong Start First Quarter is good First Half is good 3/4 Through is good All good. Very good album, I like.

Nov 05 2020
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Great album with lots of variety. Full of high energy and quirky rhythms.

Dec 23 2020
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i think ive unconsciously grew up listening to these songs bc of ninong ewang. like a lot are familiar even tho i haven't intentionally listened to them before this (aside from the famous ones ofc).

Jan 08 2025
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Full of bangers. Aside from the obvious hits, This Velvet Glove and Emit Remmus both rocked hard. Little bit of filler in the mid section.

Dec 19 2024
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I would rate this 5 stars based on the first half of the album, but the second half is just so plain, bland and full of filler-material that this album does not deserve such praise. Very good still!

Aug 05 2024
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The hits from this album have been in the ether to such an extent that it's easy to take for granted its place in the elder-mid millennial pop culture canon. Front-loaded with big hits, it drags in the second half. For better or worse, RHCP certainly have a distinct sound and vibe.

Aug 11 2023
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A fine but not great rock album from a good rock band that's a tad past its peak. Some great tracks, some less so, but overall I enjoy listening to Californication from time to time. Most importantly, Californication will forever lie in the shadows of Blood Sugar Sex Magik. And very rightly so.

Nov 14 2022
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Would have preferred Stadium Arcadium but this is solid. Anthony has kind of an annoying affectation imo and I've heard some parodies I cannot unhear so this is docked a bit for that lol. Would go 3.5

Jan 30 2021
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With the instrumentalists' interplay at an all-time telepathic high and Kiedis peaking as a vocalist, Californication is a bona fide Chili Peppers classic.

Jan 02 2025
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Nostalgic, but underwhelming now that I'm not 16.

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