At Newport 1960
Muddy WatersSounds good, but just ain't what I tend to dig. Would never deliberately listen to it in my spare time, but also wouldn't fuss if I heard it playing for whatever reason. An average of 3 stars.
Sounds good, but just ain't what I tend to dig. Would never deliberately listen to it in my spare time, but also wouldn't fuss if I heard it playing for whatever reason. An average of 3 stars.
The music here sounded great, but there was no part of me that found it relatable, nor that interesting. Mostly comprised of bluesy songs about love, love, love and more love (not surprising given the album's name). Some of the more upbeat songs, like the empowering "Respect", were more to my liking, but not even those escaped my general dislike for the genre. Because it's not my preferred style of music, I'm unable to rate it higher than 3 stars. Because there was nothing technically wrong with the music, I feel like I shouldn't rate it anything less than 3 stars. I wouldn't listen to it in my downtime, but I also wouldn't mind bobbing my head to it if I heard it for whatever reason. Middle of the road enjoyment.
Cool album! Shame that many of the songs just meld into each other and I can't remember which song is which. Once you've listen to a few of the tracks, you've practically listened to them all. Still, while very similar, the tracks distinguish themselves enough to provide variety, and I otherwise enjoyed it! 4/5 "Above average enjoyment" and "Would happily listen to it again."
Too fuckboyish for me. Isn't he like 40 or something?? He definitely looks older than he is I'm just saying grow up dude pussy ain't everything
It's a fun album! I think any rating I give to a Beatles album will be weighed down, ironically, by their own success. Their sound, as good as it is, becomes (and is becoming) ever more ubiquitous, played out ad infinitum across all matter of media productions. They're engraved on the vast face of western culture, famous, immortal, but relegated to a sort of beautiful "background noise". To give you an example, I listened to this whole album, only to remember I was listening to an album. It felt like skimming through a million advertisements, thousands of movie montages and the congealment of every radio station, all simultaneously in the quiet subconscious of my brain. A surreal experience. Anyway. 4/5 -- "It sounds great and there's a decent chance I'll give it another listen in the future."
You came home from high school and thought "man, society, right?", so you hit up a few of your myspace friends to sing about plausibly profound topics, except you've never written anything more complex than a 5th grade poem and your balls haven't dropped yet. It's what happens when you improvise lyrics and make your message "kind of fit" in the framework of a song. Or in this case most of the album. "The Youth" and "Electric Feel" actually follow a kind of groove. Everything else is essentially slam poetry performed by a very bored / depressed / self-conscious kid. Those two songs raise it just above a 1 star album for me. 2/5 "A couple of tracks aside, would definitely not listen to again."
Man steals your song Man steals your horse Man steals your regrets Then dies. Fuck you. 5/5 - "We'll meet again, Johnny"
Marge Simpson hollerin up some sweet grooves. 4/5 -- "I'll enjoy listening to this again, probably on a road trip. To Hell."
It's sometimes funny to hear country dude-bros come up with a million metaphors for open roads, cars, hills, cops and the military. Though, to be fair, this album did not contain any mention of fishing with the boys. 2/5 - "Ain't nothing wrong with it, I'm just never gonna listen to it on my own again."
I kind of dug it ngl "4/5 - I wouldn't mind listening to it again!"
I'm pretty happy with this one! 4/5 "Would enjoy listening to it again!"
I'm not diggin' the vibe on this one. It has this uplifting "Come on everyone, let's all sing some effin' songs together! WOO! Come on, baby gurl!" vibe -- it gets seriously grating after a bit. I'm also sensitive to treble, trumpets, symbols and groovy ass piano/synth/organs. Some voices felt a bit shrill to me, too. That being said, I did recognize "You Can Make It If You Try", "Stand!" and "Everyday People", and recognize they're really nice songs. I just can't Stand! them for long periods of time. Ha. Super personal rating: 2/5 - "Nothing wrong with it, I'm just never going to listen to this album ever again."
I'm sure the lyrics are straight up fire and all that, but who in the Hells produced these boring-ass beats for him to drone monotonously to? Take any given track on this album. Listen to the first 20 seconds of it. That's essentially it. That's the flow. You'll have another 3 minutes of it. I'm listening to European mayonnaise. There's the occasional interlude between verses, maybe the loop of a woman saying "yeahh", maybe a guitar or a trumpet show up in a heroic attempt to keep me awake -- all in vain. 1/5 - "No. I hope I never hear it again."
Good album to put on for a bit of fun. Maybe it's just me, but by today's standards this just sounds "quaint". I think such is the fate of many classics. 3/5 -- "I'll bang my head to this, but it's just short of something I'd 'want' to listen to on the regular"
Hey, it's fun. "Shabadabadingdong" vibe. You know the kind. Keeps me bobbing. 4/5 - "Just slightly above my '3' average, I think I really wouldn't mind listening to it again.
Passionate vocals and surprisingly unique grooves combine into a genuinely stellar performance. Every track keeps me on my toes, toying with my expectations and not failing to deliver. Well worth their full 40 minutes of runtime. 5/5 -- "Will undoubtedly dip into it again!"
Oooo baby what a banger of an album, full of interesting tracks to spruce up an afternoon. Someone cooked up some groovy flows and I'm eatin' them up. 5/5 - "So good I listened to it twice."
I can appreciate the passion with which these lads play and rock out for the ladies, but the squeal of an orgasming electric guitar starts to grate on the ears after a while. 3/5 -- "It's good, just a bit uncomfortable to listen to."
Eh, I was a bit bored. 3/5 -- "Not really interested in an encore for this one."
I'd accept this album as an outro ending track for a show -- nothing else. Edgy slam poetry for guys who like beer and westerns. 1/5 - "Not listening to this again."
Edgy slam poetry, but the mixing is good! It's inoffensive on the ears, thus pleasant to listen to, unlike Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds. That was the last thing I listened to, so the contrast is (perhaps) unfairly bumping this album's score. 4/5 - "Groovy chill-edge. I'll be listening to some of these tracks."
1. I don't want to listen to y'all fuckin' around with your darn skits get that shit outta my face. 2. Half the word count on this album is capital letter references to things/people/locations/events I do not know about. And while I do enjoy me a mind expanding exercise, it gets progressively more annoying listening to these tracks and having absolutely no clue what the fuck they're saying. Doesn't help that I didn't live the life, and didn't walk the walk, and don't talk the talk. These tracks highlight their lyrical flow very well, but leave something to be desired on the instrumental side. Some of these tracks are 4-5 minutes long, and a lot of the time no matter where you skip the bar too, you'll hear the same beat throughout. So I'm left to judge this thing by lyrics alone (which as I previously said -- are too cerebral for a plebeian like me to understand). "3/5 - Some of these tracks pumped, but I ain't listening to 'em again."