Not bad for a pedo.
Live at the Star Club is a 1964 live album by rock and roll pianist and singer Jerry Lee Lewis, accompanied by the Nashville Teens. The album was recorded at the Star-Club in Hamburg, West Germany on April 5, 1964. It is regarded by many music journalists as one of the greatest rock and roll albums ever, noted for its hard-hitting energy and Lewis' wild stage presence.
Not bad for a pedo.
Dude played for 25 mins barely coherent, stole half his set from little Richard, and then went home and slept with his cousin? Wack
He's a piece of shit who, to this day, claims there was "no real rock and roll before him." what horse shit. Did you know he married his 13 year old cousin? He refused to shake hands with black people. Other musicians could play rockabilly loud and fast and werent racist pices of shit one trick ponies like this perverted loser. I'll just listen to them instead.
He may have been a horrible racist pedophilic suspected murderer, but damn he could perform. Rest in pieces of shit, Jerry.
The man is a deranged lunatic who probably killed one of his wives and wanted to kill Elvis but damn he can put on a show. It's not music I listen to often but this is insanely good.
Is this proto-proto-punk? Chaotic, passionate, joyful, the dream of the post-war world. Another fantastic live album that captures what is best about live music.
Ah yes, the racist, pedophillic, incestual, music stealing piece of shit. That being said, for 1964 this is a fairly well recorded live album. That doesn't mean it's recorded well, just not bad for the time. I'm not quite sure why half the album is missing but I am also not complaining. The two songs he is credited as a songwriter on are the two weakest on the album and the others are about half as good as their originals. Live albums in general just do not have a place as an album that I MUST hear before I die. There are very few worth listening to and this just isn't one of them.
I don't think I ever listened to this before but know all the songs. It defines ass kicking. I scored it a 5 but automatic 1 point deduction for liking 13 year olds. What a creep.
Ok fine you got me this time, website. Yesterday, I rated A Hard Day's Night and claimed not a single rock album came close to them this early in the 60s. And here we have a bombastic live album that came out the very same summer. First of all, I wanted to note that the Spotify version is softer and doesn't even include all the songs, so stick to the Youtube playlist... even though the pause between songs is annoying. This was a time when rock n roll artists had just a couple well-known songs and then they would just do covers of other rock n roll stars. And when those ran out, they would seek out the R&B songs. The Beatles are also a victim of this, just look at Beatles for Sale which is mostly covers. But at this point, 1964, rock n roll is about over and rock has already begun evolving from dance-craze madness to taking inspiration from blues (Rolling Stones, Clapton), pop or folk tunes (Beatles, Beach Boys, Dylan), or raw garage style (Kinks). The classics have already been established by the rock n roll legends. And here we have Lewis, one of the former legends himself known for "Great Balls of Fire" and "Whole Lot of Shakin Going On," taking people's classics and spiraling them out of control. These songs are wild that go beyond any studio effort you see in classic rock n roll. They're fast-paced. The instruments are loud. The vocals screech are raw and screech with passion. You can hear the audience go wild in each song, and Lewis engages them between each song, encouraging them to get loud or dance. Even the way he talks to his band member, "play it right," is just hilarious and gets the audience excited for what's to come. Remember these are classic songs everyone knows, and Lewis is putting his crazy spin on them. Just take "Money That's What I Want" for instance. I love the twist he put on those last two minutes between his vocal sounds and the improved instrumentals. But all the songs have this insane wailing or grunts that carry the spirit of rock n roll. I've got to be honest, I didn't think I would ever give a live album 5 stars. But the weaknesses I typically face in live albums isn't here. There aren't any long tracks that make for unpleasant listening exercises (looking at you, Allman Brothers' At Filmore East). And the lofi sound works really well with Lewis's rawness. Meanwhile, it's full of classic hits and has energy and power that you couldn't possibly find in a studio album. Other albums like Frampton Comes Alive and Thin Lizzy's Live and Dangerous were full of fillers and suffered from lack of engagement. This is everything I'd want in a live album, and I'm happy to say it is so far my favorite.
Today's album is by Jerry Lee Lewis, a rock and roll pioneer from way back in the 50's in the time of Elvis. Before we delve into this album review, here is a hilarious story about Jerry: So he's in a bar, driving liquor into himself after he unsuccessfully tried to get his dad out of jail for drunk driving. Elvis calls him up and tells him to come over. Jerry grabs a bottle of champagne, gets into his brand new Lincoln Continental, drives to Elvis's place drunk as fuck, and slams into the gates of Graceland. Elvis watches on closed circuit TV as Jerry finishes his bottle of champagne, and tries to throw the empty out the window but the window was up so he ends up covering himself in broken glass. Elvis's security guard was apparently also his cousin, so he calls up to Elvis after all this horseshit goes down, and Elvis tells him to call the police. The police come and arrest Jerry Lee and put him in jail with his dad. Now, onto the album review. It is well documented that Jerry Lee may not have been the nicest human being, having married his 13 year old cousin, shot his bass player while drunkenly shooting at a door on his birthday, and being a huge racist, but we are here to listen to the music. This album is phenomenal! Jerry enters the performance hall, seemingly strung out on pills, and puts on a non stop white knuckle performance! He played the shit out of that piano, so much so that they probably needed to re-tune it afterwards. Jerry's belted lyrics, and fast paced playing style were amazing, and this was some of the earliest signs of what was to come with future rock bands of the 60's and 70's. Overall, just a pleasure to listen to! His performance was so captivating! Easy music to swing to. Imagine being there, that would have been crazy!! I will 100% listen again!! Oddly, Spotify only has 8 of the 13 songs on this record. I did, however, find a full album playlist on YouTube. Do yourself a favor, and listen to the full album as intended. It's all gold!! Favourite songs: Hound Dog, "Good Golly, Miss Molly", Great Balls of Fire, "Long, Tall Sally", Matchbox, Mean Woman Blues, Money (That's What I Want), Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On, High School Confidential, What'd I Say (Parts 1&2), Lewis' Boogie Least favorite songs: Your Cheating Heart 5/5
This is 22 minutes of damn near perfection. Wow. How good is that version of "Money"??? That thing STOMPS. Holy shit. What a freaking set. If I were a greaseball teen in the 1950s Jerry Lee would have been my grindcore. Reeeeally wish he hadn't married his 13 year old cousin... Also, holy crap - he's still alive! That seems impossible. This record is impossible. I'm done.
Just incredible. Absolutely essential rock and roll and genuinely an album to hear before you die. A brilliant record that captures this electrifying live concert. Absolute thrill.
Can't overlook the fact that this dude was all kinds of fucked up
pretty sure this dude was a flagrant racist. remembering a story about him refusing to shake jimi hendrix’s hand. totally checks, because he stole his entire bit from Black people. i am not stunned. meh
nonce 0/10
Uhhhh don't think I can really do death of the author on this one, sorry
Imagine living in the 60s and showing up to Club Hamburg and seeing this man jam out on the piano and and sing his heart out. Not to mention he has such a commanding voice that the band is a mere suggestion behind him. This was exceptional. I feel transported. I have a new appreciation for him as an artist and for all of his songs. For gosh sakes I even want to dance! And I hate dancing! It’s a shame that nowadays at concerts you’re expected to pack into an open field like sardines, jump up and down until you inevitably crush someone’s lungs with your dirty Air Force Ones, and yell nonsensical words set to a shitty electronic beat. Don’t know why but Travis Scott’s Astroworld performance comes to mind. Specifically the Houston, Texas one. Getting back to this album: it is cohesive. It flows perfectly. There’s a true performance aspect to it. Overall, it was just fun. A fantastic 22 minutes, made even more impressive when considering it was done live. Ya know what I’m gonna send it, I loved everything about this album. 5 stars!
Now THAT's a live album. Even if you don't like his music, that's a concert that you would feel like you got your money's worth. Tons of energy, tight playing, and did I mention the energy? Way to blow the roof off the joint, Jerry.
DAMN. So that’s what rock and roll is all about. Ridiculous in all the good ways.
That's a lot of music for 22 minutes. Reminds me of Henry Rollins talking about the sonic assault of a Ramones show.
This guy must have blisters on his fingers. He is a madman on the piano. I loved every minute of this 22 minute live show. I have a real soft spot for this kind of bluesy jazzy show, and I wish I could go back in time and see this in person. In the meantime, while we wait for the delorean to be built, this album does the job. Anyone else looking for some retro live bluesy vibes: check out BB King's Live at Cook County Jail, one of my favs.
Listenable, not sure if I would listen again
Wish I was there, glad I wasn’t a tween girl there.
Was prepared to dislike this, since Jerry Lee Lewis was a creep who married his 13-year-old cousin and abused seemingly every woman he ever met. But damn this actually really, really rocks. After just a couple of songs I'm thinking this has to be one of the best live recordings of all time (I originally said "best live rock-'n'-roll recordings" but you know what, I don't think it needs that qualifier). It feels like you're right there, and the energy is off the charts. The piano is obviously insane - Lewis famously would just *pound* on the keys with every part of his body - but I'm incredibly impressed by the guitar, bass, and drums as well. Also, this recording! It's just ridiculous how clear everything is, for a nearly 60-year-old live recording. Warning: the versions on Apple Music/Spotify only have 8 tracks and are 22 minutes, which is not the full album. Listened to the version that's on Youtube instead, which is not as good because the songs aren't seamless the way they'd be on the album.
nice hearing jerry Live, Short album! All the hits.
Early rock n roll woogy boogey
This kind of early 60s rock and roll just doesn't do anything for me really. I appreciate the cultural significance but I wouldn't ever seek out listening to it.
This is a short performance, but perhaps one of the few times I will prefer a live album to a studio album. It is a particularly electric performance heightened by the feel of the room. It’s the perfect type of music for a live album as well, very little processing and a lot of room to ham it up and wail.
There is something poetic about Jerry Lee Lewis letting it rip in 1964 at same club where the Beatles cut their chops. This is one of the best pure rock and roll live albums ever. It is hard to believe that this did not make the rounds among punk bands in the 70s. Simply awesome.
Surprisingly, this is the best live album I've ever heard. Although Jerry Lee is a disgusting human being, this show was fun and exciting for the entire 22 minutes. I felt like I was in the room with him. Best Songs: Money Worst Songs: NA
First Listen. Holy Crap! I am not worthy! I feel like I've just been hit over the head with a sledgehammer. The most intense, chaotic, fastest, relentless and best live performance I ever heard, live or recorded. This is punk ten years before punk was. Every song is great. It sounds like Jerry is jumping on his piano for the entire concert. His band, The Nashville Teens, are just intense with a wicked pace and some searing guitar solos. The album is 13 songs with his songs "Whole Lotta Shakin", Money", "Great Balls if Fire" mixed with some covers "Long Tall Sally", "Hound Dog." Incredible!
Jerry Lee Lewis is an excellent showman and musician. Jerry Lee Lewis is also a pedophile.
I haven't had this much fun since I got snowed in at the Elks Convention! Exuberance and exultation! Jerry Lee Lewis makes the piano sound like his own unique instrument. I loved hearing him perform live and hearing all these amazing classics with his own twist. This is one time where I think being live made it all the more spectacular, and I appreciate him even more than I did before. It was a sad discovery that the Apple Music version of this cut out 5 great songs out of 13, but I'm happy to have found the whole album elsewhere. It was well worth finding. Infectious joy! Love this lots!
This track list is basically a “best of” compilation for early rock and roll.
The best part of the album is when the crowd is chanting “Jerry Jerry Jerry” and I get to pretend it was recorded at a taping of The Jerry Springer Show
I'm surprised to see Jerry Lee Lewis on a list that emphasizes singer-songwriters. I suppose that in Jerry Lee's mind, he wrote everything he played, even though he can legitimately claim authorship to maybe a song and a half over his entire career. The covers are good, the piano is solid, but really hard to get past his personal issues.
Fuck Jerry Lee Lewis.
Mega paedo. If I didn't know anything about him, this would be a 2, but I do.
Today I learned that Jerry Lee Lewis was a nonce. Fuck him.
So, with a little of reading, it turns out that Ol' Jerry was an incestuous, paedophilic, (allegedly) wife murdering, racist. He could perform, no doubt, but bloody hell! There are dodgy tickets on the list and he might have just taken top spot.
I'm sure this was exciting to see in person. On record I'm less impressed. These performances are mush-mouthed and overly loose. I'm glad I don't like this, because JLL was also an awful person. Hearing people cheer his name between numbers makes my teeth hurt. Nothing leaves a bad taste in my mouth quite like hearing a racist co-opt songs (and a fucking genre) created by Black people. Or hearing a pedophile and abuser sing about love and attraction, for that matter. Man, fuck this guy. Highlights: not having to justify enjoying this album
Jerry Lee Lewis, accompanied by the Nashville Teens ... are we talking about his backing band or his 13-year-old cousin who he married?
In 1956, Jerry moved in with his cousin Jay's family and started raping Jay's twelve year old daughter. Jerry and Jay thus began a successful career on stages around the country where no-one had the sense or decency to boo them out of town.
A wild burst of energy that gave me an admiration for this genre which I otherwise would not have listened to. I went down a YouTube rabbit hole watching this guy's old performances the night I found this album
fucking PRESENCE fav track: long tall sally
Ignoring the fact Jerry Lee Lewis was an Incestious Pedophile. This is an outstanding live rock n roll album, one of the very best. I normally moan that albums are too long, this is one of the very few albums Iv got to say is just too short. It only has 8 songs, which is 1 number less than the unfortunate women who were married to Jerry Lee Lewis. And is only 22 mins long, 22 was the age Jerry Lee Lewis was when he bigamously married his 13 year old first cousin. 4 stars
This is possibly the most chaotic thing I've ever listened to. It's very early rock n' roll which is already a little chaotic, and this live album is just fast-paced piano and clashing drums and Jerry Lee Lewis yelling a lot. It does kind of work though, it would have definitely been fun to be there. This is also recorded like 6 years after Lewis fell out of the spotlight after marrying his teenage cousin, so there's a lot to unpack with this one. I'm rating this given the context of its time (though really hard to believe that The Velvet Underground & Nico came out only 3 years after this, this feels ancient compared to that) and it being a live recording. (Note: the Spotify version only includes 8 of the 13 tracks, full version available on Youtube). Favorite song: Money (That's All I Want) Others: Great Balls of Fire, Hound Dog, Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On
High octane pure rock and roll from a Jerry Lee Lewis at the top of his game. His vocals and piano playing truly are exceptional on this recording, so much that you almost pity the piano for being put through this kind of relentless treatment.
Vote is for the album, not the guy. Not all original either, but I enjoyed it. Should probably give it fewer stars for the first two points...
Nothing more rock n roll than marrying your 13 year old cousin at the age of 22
Seems like what they have up on Spotify doesn't have all the tracks from the original album which is kinda disappointing. Its funny cause I'm reading a book about krautrock right now and there's a whole chapter about the Hamburg red light district scene from this era and the Star Club in particular. Didn't realize such an iconic live album came from their efforts to put out records. I was pretty into all the big Sun Records artists back in high school. Even had a Sun Records t-shirt. Probably liked Jerry Lee the most of all for his unique phrasing and sheer energy. He never seemed to be able to really break out much beyond his initial success like Elvis or Johnny Cash but he really seemed to embody the real spirit of rock and roll more to me. And that is very much in evidence on this recording. Kinda like that it is very simply recorded and retains a sort of rawness that sounds very honest and accurate to the live experience.
There's no doubt that this performance is full of energy and that the crowd was having a great time. Nobody could bring it on with a piano like Jerry Lee could and this album captures that energy. For me, the album tends to wear out by the time it gets to the end because I prefer more variety, however, the fun level pumps this album all the way through and is effective in demonstrating for the listener, the amount of energy present in a Jerry Lee concert.
On the plus side, these songs are rock and roll standards played with skill and energy. On the negative, the man stole his act from little richard and was a paedo and a horrible person
3.5★. A boisterous 22-minutes. Feels longer than it is, which I say as a good thing (mostly). A little samey (like all early, loud rock-and-roll) but rather fun and energetic.
1. This is a two-gear, headlong exhibition of a style that was his: this rush cannot be mistaken for anyone else, regardless of whose songs he’s covering. He rocked fast and uniquely. 2. The Didjits: “ Then we went over to Jerry's house Everybody did a little bit of acid We watched him kill one of his wives We didn't care because we were so high”
Man, when not fucking his cousin, killing his wife or defrauding the good ol' American taxpayer, Jerry Lee sure could play piano eh? They'd make him president nowadays
classic, original live rock, piano, bad boy rocker
The energy on this is wild and it is just a non-stop rock and roll rip roar. However this does kind of come at the expense of the songs, as all of the solos are just vamping on the blues chords - there’s nothing actually inventive or interesting going on and it gets very repetitive very fast.
Only 13? What a letdown
Kuin juna tämä levy puksuttaa eteenpäin! Juuri sopivan pitkä. Livealbumina toimii aivan erinomaisesti, ja tunnelma on räikeä! Rock-klassikko, piano on kovilla.
Great @ cheerful rock n roll !
Great balls of fire.
Opgevoerde Rock & Roll. Het is even zoeken. Spotify laat de helft weg (internet leert dat er nogal wat rechten problemen waren/zijn). De U-buis geeft een (nog) sneller afgespeelde versie en vervolgens een album met een andere volgorde (zoals uitgevoerd in Hamburg). Maar ik denk uiteindelijk de juiste versie gevonden te hebben. Het album zit al snel op een makkelijke 4 sterren. Dan volgen wat bekende nummers, die in Hamburg zo uitgevoerd lijken zoals ze bedoeld zijn. Great Balls of Fire en Hound Dog zijn niet voor niets opgepakt door anderen. De teller voor deze jaren '50 nummers komt op 4,5 ster. Wel jammer dat de statistieken die meetellen voor de jaren '60.
i'll admit, i'm biased. i went into this thinking "oh boy, another live album from the 60s" and expected to give it three stars and move on, but boy was i wrong. jerry fuckin ROCKS these eight tracks and just absolutely gives it his all. though they're all more or less the same 12-bar blues song, he really cranks up the tempo, resulting in an album that's beautifully and mercifully short, barely scraping 22 minutes total. no one correct me but i assume he just showed up on stage in hamburg, played for half an hour, and told the crowd "welp that's it for me, it's past my bedtime. deuces!" *mic drop* and the hamburgers went fuckin nuts. that's tight. i respect that. favorites: high school confidential, money, great balls of fire, good golly miss molly, whole lotta shakin goin on
this has anything you would want in a live album… both hits and covers, the crowd going crazy during and between songs, and most of all intensity and passion from the musical act. in short, “the killer” was a bad, bad man. R.I.P.
Honestly, was gonna skip this but I’m glad I didn’t. This is pretty heavy given the context of when it came out.
First album in the series I listened two twice back to back. 5 stars all the way.
This is great! 5???
Setting aside his personal life which would would be a definite 0 stars, I found the raw power of this performance to be outstanding. I doubt there are many live acts who could compete with this. The Nashville Teens are on fire and JLS pounds each piano key with the force and drive that would put to shame Led Zep, the Who or any other hard rock act you would care to mention. 5 stars from me
Very energizing ⚡️
очень понравился: во первых это лайв, во вторых дико энергично, пианинка очень хорошо вписывается
Wild. Wish i could time travel w todays Blue Dream to this club for this show. Hot dawg
A rocking good time!
[Note: the album linked here is not the album referenced in Wikipedia, for the full show/album search for the French titled "Au Star-Club De Hambourg" 🤷] Live at the Star Club, Hamburg is a testament to Jerry Lee Lewis's raw talent and a stark reminder of his deeply problematic past. Marrying his 13-year-old cousin, holding despicable views, and allegedly being involved in multiple suspicious deaths, Lewis is a prime example of an artist whose art and life are irreconcilable. (For a detailed exploration of the murder allegations, check out the Disgraceland podcast episode on Jerry Lee Lewis.) Despite his troubling legacy, Lewis's performance on this album is undeniable. His playing is a furious, almost unhinged display of power, showcasing his absolute piano mastery. The Nashville Teens, his British backing band, struggle to keep up with his relentless tempo shifts and impromptu choices. From the opening note, Lewis is on the attack, pounding the keys with a ferocity that's both thrilling and terrifying. Normally, live albums fall short of capturing the thrill of a show. But this is the exception. Listening to it feels like you’re right there, sweating in the room, as Jerry Lee delivers his intense, near-demonic sermon. Few live albums from any era match the unhinged rock-and-roll ferocity of Live at the Star Club
Pænt pisse sej live performance! JEG fik tævet mit skygge klaver i en god bokse kamp. 🥊
This live recording is a lot of fun and full of crazed energy. It offers a great sampling of the Jerry Lee Lewis ‘Killer’ experience.
SOLID GOLD. That's Rock-N-Roll.
This is awesome - great live album and it's short too which I appreciate. Would've been a hop!
Day286 - jerry lee lewis is early rock and roll royalty and this is fun stuff. if the rock hall went back and threw out every piece of crap artist who lived it would empty the place out so i’ll separate the artist from the person
Very short album, but I definitely see the influence on Rock & Roll and Elvis. It's not something I would listen to on repeat, but definitely starts for influence.
Tamest bit of trivia about Jerry Lee Lewis is that he had Chas Hodges of Chas n Dave on bass in a pick up group for him a few years after this. Chas watching him every night on the piano inspired him to switch to piano and go on to team up with Dave. Chas also played bass for Jo Meek's in-house band alongside Ritchie Blackmore. I could rabbit on and on. Anyway, phew rock n roll.
This album just fucking plain flat out rocks it's fucking arse off from start to finish. An absolutely blistering set from Jerry Lee and band.
Barn burning rock and roll. Jerry was a great singer and songwriter and guitarist. Love all his stuff. Live or studio doesn’t matter.
16/7/24 Never had so much fun listening to an album.
That's a hell of a way to start a Monday!! The lendary Rock n' Roll Star: Jerry Lee Lewis! Hell Yeah! That's my type of music, no mistakes here. 5 stars!
Best rock & roll album out there. The playing is really energetic and are some of the best renditions of said songs.
Haver, második számnál repült az öt csillag.
Following up on my Little Richard sentiment from a few reviews back: this is 1000x more punk than the trash ass Germs record I had to listen to last month This legit might be the best live record I've ever heard. It's fast, it's hard, it's nasty, it's performed by an absolute derelict. If I was at this show I would've punched a minimum of two southern cops in the mouth. Five fucking stars, bravo to you, you depraved pervert
Fuck apathy and ennui. Fuck stasis and complacency. Fuck big bands and the music of white America. Fuck slow time. Fuck our parents. Fuck quiet technique. Fuck traditions and classical sensibilities. This music is about movement, sensuality, ecstasy, joy, spontaneity, and energy. It's punk. It's ignorant and disrespectful (in overt and subtle ways). It's a conduit for unspent and repressed energies. It's cathartic and liberating. It's madness. It's unethical. It's disturbing... In 2024, though, this (and Jerry Lee Lewis) are quaint. They've been surpassed by more extremity, more experimentation, more intensity. But this heartbeat of energetic disruption can still be heard and felt. Even as you frown at biographical shortcomings and cultural appropriations, your toes still tap, and a smile infects your face. If not, you're a corpse. This isn't music. It's a stimulant. Amphetamine. I shouldn't take it, but it makes me feel so fucking good.
Unreal- immediately put a smile on my face and the energy and attitude was so unexpected. I would have immediately dismissed a Jerry Lee Lewis album before this and so glad I have it a chance. Such a great time capsule of rock. Just have to forget that he married his 13 year old cousin. But I’m reviewing the music not the man…
This is metal as all hell. I'd never heard a JLL live recording. I knew his hits, of course, but never really understood that whole "The Killer" thing. Until now. He just brings the fire from start to finish. I'm really not a big live album person. But this one's an exception, because he really does show the flash and flair that made him what he is. Good listening -- and only 22 minutes!
Handgemachte Musik, die einfach Spaß macht. Die Begeisterung von Jerry Lee Lewis kann man richtig spüren und das in hoher Qualität. Ich habe es in einem Rutsch gehört und die Freude an dieser Scheibe konnte man an meinem Lächeln und Staunen vor Begeisterung in meinem Gesicht erkennen. Die Musiker in Top Form. Hammer.
Bad dude but man this album brings it.
(rating the album, not the person) This is a spectacular, energetic performance. It's electrifying, exciting, and truly rocking.
OMG. imagine seeing this live...
I need to learn to play the piano like that