AC/DC is like a delicious plain chocolate ice cream. Every bite is going to be basically the same, but you aren't gonna be all that mad about it.
Highway to Hell is the sixth studio album by Australian hard rock band AC/DC, released on 27 July 1979. It was the last album featuring lead singer Bon Scott, who would die early the following year on 19 February 1980.
AC/DC is like a delicious plain chocolate ice cream. Every bite is going to be basically the same, but you aren't gonna be all that mad about it.
Popped the first song on out of respect for the project but as the second started I remembered that all AC/DC songs sound the same and are average at best.
Touch too much is ACDCs best song and I’ll fight anyone that says differently
unclear if the album would be better if it were just "Highway to Hell" 10 times. definitely prefer Back in Black over this one. 4/5
Man, listen. When I was learning how to play guitar in high school, it was all classic rock for me, and I’ll never forget when we hooked up Dad’s turntable and I put this on for the first time. I instantly fell in love with this album. So many killer riffs, some great, memorable (and easy) lyrics. It’s pure rock, plain and simple. And there are even a couple songs on here to deflect the claim that every AC/DC song sounds the same (I’m thinking “Walk All Over You” and “Night Prowler”). Of course, a lot of it does sound the same, and if you don’t like that sound, this probably won’t work for you. But if you do, this is undeniably one of AC/DC’s best. The last album with Bon Scott, which was followed THE NEXT YEAR with Back in Black. Talk about a one-two punch. This is a certified classic for me, and one I just recently picked up on vinyl. I’m writing this review in bed before I even get up to listen to the album. I feel electrified. Favorite tracks: Every track really, but Highway to Hell, Night Prowler, Love Hungry Man, Touch Too Much, Beating Around the Bush. Album cover: Iconic. Stone cold classic. Bloody legendary. I have a poster of this stashed under my bed. Angus with the devil horns and tail to distract from the fact that Bon Scott is wearing a pentagram. Guy in the middle with the “fluoride stare.” Rock and roll is most certainly the devil’s music. Nobody talk to me. 5/5
Other than the title song, the music’s rather mundane
5 I’m going to try to avoid echoing what I think my Dad’s review will sound like as much as I can here, but I do have to validate one thing that I know he’ll say - that being, AC/DC with Bon Scott is true AC/DC, and there wasn’t a bad album released by the group while he was a part of it. Meanwhile, Back in Black is kinda meh and everything after that mostly sucks. I don’t have anything outright against Brian Johnson, but I don’t really care for his vocals, and more importantly, the sound of the group as a whole changed with his involvement - the heavy, raw AC/DC sound that we know and love came to an end with this album, and Back in Black ushered in a new era of overproduced, polished radio rock music. Anyway, that’s my segue to Highway to Hell - it’s probably the group’s best, though as I said before, you really can’t go wrong with any Bon Scott AC/DC album. Either way, what a note to go out on. I know a lot of people accuse every AC/DC song of sounding the same, and I can admit a lot of them do have a similar sound. If you don’t like one song on this album, you’re most likely not going to enjoy the rest, but if you do enjoy the sound of one song, there’s a good chance you’re going to enjoy the bulk of this album. For me in particular, it would be really hard to pick a favorite, though I can probably point to the title track Highway to Hell as probably being my least (most likely due to it being overplayed). However, I will say Girls Got Rhythm, Touch Too Much, and Shot Down in Flames are highlights - though nothing here is bad. I know I normally make fun of cock rock bands for their macho, oversexualized lyrics, but AC/DC somehow is able to do so in a way that just feels naturally cool. I think it helps that they seem to have a degree of self-awareness and humor in their music, and hell, even a dose of humility with Shot Down in Flames. How often do you hear a rock track literally being about striking out with women? I also really like the closer Night Prowler, which involves a really cool buildup of the music that sends the album off on a high note. It’s admittedly a little creepy (and more so in hindsight because of the whole Richard Ramirez thing), but I think its intentions are mostly grounded. Also, I always thought it was kind of funny that Bon Scott’s last words on an album are “Shazbot. Nanu nanu.” I probably haven’t listened to this album all the way through since high school, but as I was doing so for this review, I realized I have just about every song here saved to a master Spotify playlist. So, while I really didn’t set out to give this a 5, I think I’d be lying if I didn’t put it there - this is a truly enjoyable album that has played a big part in my life and musical development. I realize rating this higher than Zeppelin IV is probably insane and deserving of getting my music nerd card taken away, and yes, I’m aware that that album is objectionably better from probably a number of perspectives, but at the end of the day, I have fonder memories of AC/DC and find myself coming back to them a bit more. So, we’re gonna pull the trigger on the 5 - Hell ain’t a bad place to be after all. Sorry I missed the cover band, Dad!
We salute you back!
Classic album. Great send-off for Bon
i shouldn't have to comment on this album. i've been regularly listening to it for 40 years. it's amazing.
I mean, it's Highway to Hell. It's good, classic rock. Enjoy it.
Hell yesss!
Sure. Why not?
One of the best blues based rock albums ever made.
Epic :) Really a classic
If You Want Songs About Fucking That Are Barely Couched In Metaphor (You’ve Got It).
Yep, that was AC/DC.
While the music is pretty dull and doofy, this is lyrical poetry of the highest order, no? She had the face of an angel Smiling with sin A body of Venus with arms Dealing with danger Stroking my skin Let the thunder and lightening start It wasn't the first It wasn't the last It wasn't that she didn't care She wanted it hard And wanted it fast She liked it done medium rare I mean, these guys must be scholars of the pre-Renaissance Italian troubadours of the 12th-century – the golden age of the sestina (which “Touch Too Much” clearly is, with only the slightest modernizing modifications) – to write such refined verse.
🟦 98 🥇 Highway to Hell 🥈 Night Prowler 🥉 Girls Got Rhythm
Classic, high energy, feel good
lol I almost shouldn't listen, I've heard this album a kazillion times. I'll admit I prefer their 80s stuff but this is my fav of the Bon era. A lot more oomph than the albums before it, and imo where sooo many 80s metal bands got their ideas... and Airbourne too haha. 5/5.
Good album, doesn't feel like there are any low points.
Good album however none of the songs really really stands out which prevents it from getting a 5
Music that everyone’s dad listens to.
this is a good album but i literally don’t care
it was ok. you're average AC/DC
The most vanilla "hard rock" ever. Definitely the saltine cracker of rock. And people love this shit. Sure the songs are catchy but they're boring to me. I just don't get it.
What an uninteresting, boring, waste of time. The songs on this album sound like 1) a knock off of the song highway to hell, 2) a car commercial, and/or 3) a diary excerpt of a very horny gremlin. The average guitar solos are NOT enough to redeem this album. Not a good listen. 1/5
Sólo por la canción de Highway to Hell se merece un 5...
Their best album imo, Bon's best work and one the truly great rock albums of all time.
One of the top 10 greatest rock albums ever. Pure rock. No BS.
My friends are gonna be there too...
Discazo. Aunque de cierto modo sucede algo como con Motörhead, en donde hay una fórmula que aplican a lo largo de toda su carrera, AC/DC tiene la ventaja de tener más variación dentro de esa misma fórmula y hacer algo como este disco, con canciones como Highway To Hell, perfectamente apegada a la estructura que siempre usan o Love Hungry Man que está bastante fuera del esquema y deja lucir al bajo con un ritmo que casi tiene funk. Más puntos por pensar que este es su sexto disco, pero en los 5 anteriores se pueden encontrar muchas joyas, y que los que le siguen (ya incluso con otro vocal) están también llenos de cosas buenas.
This thing kicks so much ass. Just a blood pumping, testosterone fest. A lot of the tracks sound the same, but I don’t even care. It is an adrenaline ride
This is not as good as Back in Black, though there aren't many hard rock albums that are as good as Back in Black. I always thought the association of Night Prowler with Richard Ramirez, as if AC/DC had anything to do with his crimes by inspiring him, was tenuous. Not sure if psychopaths need inspiration and attributing music that is otherwise normal to a serial killer's intentions seems like a foolhardy task. Highway to Hell Girls Got Rhythm Touch Too Much Shot Down in Flames If You Want Blood (You've Got It) Night Prowler 6 great songs on this album and it's the peak of the Bon Scott era with the band. I recognize this is presumptuous, but I would bet this album would have been the peak of the Bon Scott era no matter whether he lived to make more albums or not. There is a certain bluesy feel to this album that is welcome but the Brian Johnson era of AC/DC felt like an invigoration for a band whose music all can sound similar. Not a perfect album but a great listen for those who want to know what pre-Brian Johnson AC/DC sounded like.
No. 272/1001 …Highway To Hell 5/5 Girls Got Rythm 4/5 Walk All Over You 4/5 Touch Too Much 4/5 Beating Around The Bush 4/5 Shot Down in Flames 4/5 Get it Hot 4/5 If You Want Blood 4/5 Love Hungry Man 4/5 Night Prowler 4/5 Average: 4,1 Just an all-around great rock album. There's not a lot of diversity, but all the songs just slap.
Repetitive but fun!
Nothing really stood out to me other than the vocals, the pure pomposity of rock-and-roll, the catchy tunes, and the guitar.
My conscious knowledge of this band boils down to this album's title track and Hell's Bells and hitting Play, I expected an affirmation that I don't need to know anything else. I stand corrected. I did have some proper fun realizing how AC/DC is stunningly good at what AC/DC is doing. But ultimately, beyond my appreciation for them being that, it's still not quite for me.
Turns out I didn't hate AC/DC, I just hated Highway to Hell.
Very solid rock. Should be played as loud as possible, the chien would say.
The album should be retitled Highway to Hell and a waste of time.
I listened to this album whilst barreling down a literal highway, and while my destination wasn't “Hell,” it might as well have been.
AC/DC has never been a terribly complicated band. They make rock n' roll — in fact, all they do is make rock n' roll. It's not something they're unaware of, nor ashamed of. You might've seen a quote floating around: "I'm sick to death of people saying we've made 11 albums that sound exactly the same. In fact, we've made 12 albums that sound exactly the same." To some people — heck, to a lot of people, really — this is a huge issue. Like, why would a band do that, just make the same music over and over again? Why would anyone need to listen to more than one album from this group? Heck, more than a small handful of songs, if it's really true all the albums sound alike. Here's the thing, though: AC/DC are good at what they do. They're **really** good at what they do. Regardless of what song or album you're listening to, this hard and fast rock and blues stuff kicks so, so, **so** much ass. That's what's kept them around and as popular as they have been for so many years. It's that you know exactly what you're getting into when you put on an AC/DC album: badass rock music and a good time — no more, no less. It being so simple is the point. In fact, I'd smack down the line that they're repetitive and say that they're more **incredible consistent**. Like, sure, some albums do the sound and formula better than others, but you'd hardly go wrong picking one over the other. In that regard, I've always compared them to Motörhead, another band who makes badass rock n' roll and could be accused of making the same album 20 times. (And for real, like you don't get a kick out of this album's title track, or BACK IN BLACK's title track, or LET THERE BE ROCK's title track, or FOR THOSE ABOUT TO ROCK WE SALUTE YOU's title track, or "Thunderstruck", or "It's A Long Way To The Top", or T.N.T.'s title track... A lot of their title tracks are very popular.) But anyway, that's enough a defense of AC/DC as a group and their sound. What about this album specifically? What makes it so notable it ends up on a list like this, and even 200 on the 2012 Rolling Stone 500? I mean, jeez, it's ranked one spot better than THE DOWNWARD SPIRAL. What's it got goin' for it? Well, of course there's the unfortunate historical context: that this was Bon Scott's last AC/DC album before he passed away tragically young. Seriously, he was only 33 at the time. Just tragic. And while, yes, in a literal sense he was replaceable; AC/DC would soldier on with Brian Johnson... Let's not kid ourselves: Bon Scott was one of a kind. AC/DC would never again sound exactly the same without him, even as much as I do love Brian Johnson and his goblin voice. I mean, I'm not gonna like I've always been a #1 Bon Scott believer; like most other people, I was introduced to Brian Johnson-led hits first. Plus, don't mistake me, I'd never wanna nudge too close to people who're really obnoxious about Paul Di'Anno being a better singer than Bruce Dickinson. That's an annoying realm to exist in. But all the same, y'know, it's an undeniable fact. Johnson's great, but Scott's voice is just way more "hard rock party good times," and, y'know, that's what AC/DC is, at its core. And to that end, the other reason why HIGHWAY TO HELL is here is that it's simply the best the band would ever sound with Bon Scott fronting it. No disrespect to the albums that came before this, particularly LET THERE BE ROCK, but it's like I said: some albums do their sound and formula better than others. And goodness me, does this one ever. Like, there's not even anything I can particularly say that you can't gather just listening to the music. You can hear Angus Young's wild solos. You can hear Malcolm Young keeping the riff's consistent. You can hear Cliff Williams's bass grooving along. You can hear Phil Rudd's locksteady drums keeping it all in place. This is the kind of music where you turn your stereo up to 11 and just rock the hell out. And if you're lookin' for deep cuts beyond the title track, well, I think "Love Hungry Man" is really good. Reminds me of KISS, actually (and I mean that in the best way; I do like KISS a lot). Angus says it's their worst record, and,'ey, I'm gonna say it's their best, but "worst?" Even "bad?" No way. Well, that was a lot more words about AC/DC than I think I was expecting to say — and at this point, I don't think I have any left that wouldn't just be repeating myself. That's gonna make it real fun when my group gets around to covering BACK IN BLACK, but let's not get ahead of ourselves and just close shop on this one. It's a 5, and it's not purely an uncritical one. It's AC/DC at the top of their game, and it's a game I'm more than happy to see them keep replaying. Like, this album was never meant to be Bon Scott's last — in fact, they were working on BACK IN BLACK material right before they passed. I hear it's a hot debate topic whether he should be credited for lyrics or not. But with a few exceptions, no one gets to choose their last work, and as one... Well, I can't think of a better record for him to leave us with. I say this for you, Bon: "Shazbot. Nanu nanu." BWAMP.
AC/DC: The best to play the same song for over 50 years and counting. But in all seriousness, this is some killer hard rock from start to finish, so it's getting Solid 5 Stars from me.
I’m at a 10. Going into this, I knew Highway to Hell (and who doesn’t, let’s be honest), but my knowledge of AC/DC, besides some of the obvious super hits (TNT, Back in Black, For Those About To Rock, You Shook Me All Night Long, Thunderstruck, Shoot to Thrill), is rather limited. I imagine that’s the case for most people, but I’ve always wanted to take a little bit of a deeper dive. I was definitely expecting that most songs were gonna be similar, but hopefully, they would kick ass. They kicked ass, alright, and they blew me away in the process – normally, I might complain about repetition or whatever, but I’m willing to ignore it when the quality of every track is just that damn strong. It’s much easier to type about it when you’re in the flow state of listening to the album, but like… I dunno, I’ve never really felt more in sync with a band while listening to a rock album. I’ve hit similar states a handful of times (i.e. Nirvana, Black Sabbath, Bon Jovi, Led Zeppelin), but even then, this one felt different. Someone else may chalk that up to “well, it’s just Highway to Hell 10 times, of course you could predict it,” and maybe that’s true, to some degree. I just… it’s hard to put into words, but it felt sort of ethereal to me. This is my first time listening to a lot of these tracks, and there’s some insane standouts here that are criminally underplayed on Spotify, even if every track on the album has 13 million plays – “Touch Too Much” is fantastic, as is “If You Want Blood (You’ve Got It)”, but I think the most underrated one here is “Beating Around the Bush”. It has the second lowest plays on the album, but I thought it fucking ruled, especially with the Ram Jam-style back & forth call/response structure. I’m just a sucker for that sort of thing. I’d love to keep waxing poetic, but I’d just be circling the bases with praise – it’s an unbelievable album, and while the appeal may wear off over time, I think a lot of these tracks are gonna hit like a truck when they come on in shuffle, and I’ll appreciate them all over again. For now, I’m at a 10, and I’ve got no shame in that.
6 albums in and the lads are starting to perfect their no nonsense, ballsy rock. The songs are unapologetically tongue in cheek and fairly simple in structure, but they certainly do rock! There is little deviation but some more than hint at the blues influence going on. Probably a 4.5, but I am giving it 5! Tragic that this was Bon Scott’s last album. Whenever I think of Bon Scott, I can’t help but think of Spinal Tap: Derek Smalls: Its not very pleasant story…but uh, he died, uh he choked on uh, the official explanation was he choked on vomit… Nigel Tufnel: It was actually – it was actually someone else’s vomit…you know there’s no real… Derek Smalls: Well they can’t prove whose vomit it was…they don’t have the ability…there’s no way of… Nigel Tufnel: You can’t really dust for vomit… Too track: If you want blood….
There was only one hit here but who cares, this album ROCKS! AC/DC has a hard-driving formula that works and I was headbanging in approval! I enjoyed this album from front to back. 4.5/5
One of my all time favorites!
Awesome album, every song is great.
Absolute banger
Yes to this!!!! Best way to walk in to work way too early. A Rosie album :)
Didn't need to listen because I have listened to this more times than I can count. Great record!!
classic but one hit
good album
Pure unadulterated rock god bliss.
Take me there
Straight good old rock and roll. An absolute banger.
This was so good I listened to it twice. Five stars.
Echt super nice
Hyped up riff frenzy Screeched and wailed at high volume Rock n roll attack
10/10. It's AC bloody DC!!! This album is one of the most important hard rock albums of all time! It is repetitive, but that doesn't matter, since it slaps so bloody hard! Hell, yeah! :)
I was a young Record Store Manager When this LP came out and we hosted an In-Store appearance by the band before their concert that evening! They were just a bunch of rowdy kids having a great time! What fun! I’ve got photos and autographs to prove it! This is a great Rock n Roll record!
I know a lot of AC/DC songs sound the same but, honestly, this still slaps.
The kings of simplicity. I loved this album as a kid and it’s still great after some time away. The title track might be the best rock and roll song of all time. RIP Bon
Highway to Hell. It's good, classic rock. Enjoy it.
Really good!
This rules. Everything you think ACDC sounds like is in here. A powerful voice, combined with absolutely shredding instrumentals. 10/10.
Gran disco
very noice
I'm gonna do 2 reviews of this, one personal and one more critical but the personal will be what i will put down. I grew up on classic rock, highway to hell is one of the first songs i learned on guitar. So yeah... this will be a personal 5. A no-brainer and this 1001 list really shows that personal attachment is how people usually grade these albums. So onto the more detached and critical review! The cultural impact: if you say classic rock AC/DC is probably the first band that comes to mind. Most people have at least heard highway to hell and seen the logo whether they want or not. So it deserves a spot here i would say. Music wise i will say it lacks in variety and when they stray to much from high pulsed rock n roll they kind of fall flat (i feel night prowler and love hungry man are not the greatest on here). But when they do what they do best, it's great and catchy. It don't really challenge you musically more than having impressive solos. So it's main driving point is energy and easy listening. My detached score would probably be between 3 or 4 so say 3.5. it has a important place and reached allot of people but it don't challenge listeners which can be good in a sense, but i think bands like Pink Floyd is challenging while still inviting.
RIP Bon Scott. Legend. Also possibly AC/DC's best album. Yes, I said possibly. I know you're reading this Jeff.
If Kiss was my gateway drug into hard rock and metal, AC/DC was the hook that kept me there. It was also nice to hear a record free of ballads. I actually heard this before “Back in Black” came out. It sucked that Bon Scott died so soon after this came out, but that only added to the band’s hard rocking/hard living reputation.
First AC/DC album I bought on CD. A classic album. No filler in this one. All grunt.
Can this album take less than five stars?
Love this album. Have enjoyed acdc since I was a kid
Explodes like a bomb
A some cold classic. It feels like some of these songs have always existed. They are part of my DNA and it is hard to listen to them critically. Overall this might be one of their best balanced albums. Highway to Hell, Touch Too Much, If You Want Blood, Night Prowler and Girl’s Got Rhythm are the standouts. Basically all hits.
Classic album. This is AC DC at the height of their powers. Massively influential album, too.
Love this. Takes me back to 6th grade
Ready to run through a wall after listening to this. If you ever need an endorphin kick, just put this on and crank it.
Very nice classic rock album. Listening to it is like driving home from work on a Friday on a cool fall day with the windows down and no responsibilities and no cares in the world but just vibes
fun und fetzig!
Do you like songs with unique vocals? The album 'highway to hell'' by AC/DC might be the one for you! I think this album was one of the first Rock albums I ever heard it caught my attention mainly for the vocals, he has a raspy, low voice and it seems as if he had lost his voice the night before. It also caught my attention because of how Angus young played the guitar, its something about how his guitar sounds that I like and I still can't figure it out. In conclusion its a very good album and It's unique in its own ways. I would recommend this to literally anyone since its a good album you can listen in the background, if you like rock music of course.
have you ever been on a road trip and wanted to listen to something good or would make the trip more exciting well in my opinion highway to hell is good because when your on a road trip and makes it more exciting like when they put it on movies where the character could be on the road driving or is letting someone else drive it fits perfectly and makes me excited on what's next cause when the trip ends the either cut to it or show it which is great and makes me interested in the music and the movie this song always fits with cool scenes that happens in movies to like when a fight happens in the movie also the instruments used are pretty sick sounding and really makes the song better and my favorite part of it is when it says "I'm on a highway to hell." highway to hell is good and I would recommend listing to this because it makes trips exciting or any movie exciting
Did you know one of the songs is called Highway to hell and that is what their song's name is? I like the song Highway to Hell because I've heard it in a few movies so I know a lot of the words. I like the songs because I like the lyrics, and I like the singers voice. Also good to play in the background.
It's AC/DC what else is there to say
Pure rock and roll
A bag of known tracks with some great deep cuts.