Michael JacksonI mean cmon, it's thriller.
I mean cmon, it's thriller.
The overall theme of the album is incredible, but unfortunately suffers from the songs all repeating the same pattern and they kind of start blending together at the halfway point. But honestly really pleasant album to listen to.
It's just Midwest emo before Midwest emo was a thing. That's the only thing that makes it impressive, is the fact that this was never done before this album. After everyone figured out how to terribly sing over terrible instrumentals, though, it became just the same as every other. I couldn't even tell when one song started and another ended. But ya know what? When I don't listen too closely and just jam the music, it's not too bad.
Revolutionary and really fun album. Unfortunately it suffers from too many interludes and a few misses.
after listening to one song on the album you've listened to them all. It lacks any heart or soul. It's perfect advertisement music, I was getting visons of Toyota's and Nissan's booking it through remote desert landscapes.
really fun album, especially with nice headphones. Just some good ol' jazz. I was consistently a fan of songs where the piano takes the lead rather than the bass, but all the songs were consistent bangers.
Situational album, I gotta be in the mood for it, but when I am it hits SO hard.
Super powerful album. Crazy Production style too.
Crazy Production for the 60's, and above that the songs are ridiculously catchy and powerful.
i get the hate, the album strokes its own ego so hard and it has tons of filler. But the songs that hit, hit like a truck. Good ass guitar.
I try not to be too negative on albums because I believe that all music is art, but this was shit. Maybe I don't understand a certain message or theme that it's trying to convey, and I don't really care. I know for damn sure that I'm not listening to this album any more than I have just to find some, "meaning." My ears need a break and a few tissues to stop the bleeding.
I don't get the hate. It's inconsistent, but a fun rock album.
Super good rock album. Does so many new things and does them right. not a single miss.
One of the best rock albums I've listened to. Def coming back to this one
its not as bad as everyone says, but its also not nearly as good as any other rock album. Its Nickleback but if Nickleback was never catchy or sounded that good or had a crazy guitar riff or had any pazaz. Nickleback is good. This isn't very good.