Moon Safari
AirReally cool instrumental vibes! Loved this, looking forward to more.
Really cool instrumental vibes! Loved this, looking forward to more.
I have a hard time distinguishing between most Britpop bands, but this was pretty cool on its own.
look I can appreciate its importance in the history of popular music but there is no situation I can imagine where I would choose to listen to this album again.
Lovely but somewhat repetitive
A perfect ten tracks. Her voice is one of the coolest-sounding instruments ever. I didn’t realize the album was released posthumously, what a sadness.
Might be the craziest sounding album I’ve ever heard. Fascinating and catchy AF. I never knew Björk had a band before she went solo.
Hell yea, mothafuckasssss
Maybe it would hit different if I paid closer attention to the lyrics, but I’ve never been a huge fan of Neil Young’s entire thing. His voice is annoying, and the entire “a guitar and a harmonica” folk vibe is too much for an entire album. Where are the bangers?! Where is the passion?! Why can’t he have dynamism in his voice?! My parents will be so disappointed in this rating but IDC bc I’m just bored.
Yes yes yes yes YES Short and funky and full of life!
Woahhhh this is great. Never heard of this group/ duo before, and half of the album isn’t available on Spotify, but what I was able to hear was excellent. Socially conscious rap that isn’t Macklemore-coded bullshit is so refreshing. The 90’s were where it’s at!
I honestly don’t remember a single track from this album and I listened to it yesterday.
Strong Tracey Chapman vibes, and I mean that as the highest compliment possible.
I have difficulty knowing how to respond to jazz albums. They’ve never been something I’ve responded to, I have a hard time differentiating the classics from the elevator music standards. This was cool, though! Maybe I’ll get more into them.
I think this is my introduction to the concept of “industrial music” and honestly it’s great. Huge Animal from The Muppets vibes. “DRUMS! More DRUMS!”
Throw back to my Junior High days!!
Back half felt repetitive