Jan 16 2025
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Mothership Connection
P-Funk: I like the funky instruments and the hook, but I think the talking is a bit weird and it goes on for way too long. 6.5/10
Mothership Connection: The talking segments are kinda weird, but I like the rest of it. Also a bit long. 8.25/10
Unfunky UFO: The production is really good, and there are less (or none) spoken word sections. Super groovy. 8.75/10
Supergroovalisticprosifunkstication: Some weirdass percussion instruments take up a good portion of the song (i am pretty damn sure that i heard a vibraslap for like half of it). Despite that, this is insanely groovy (outside of the vibraslap). 7/10
Handcuffs: I want to have a child with the production. Super funky, super groovy, super good. I guess some lyrics are kinda weird. 9.5/10
Give Up The Funk: I don't know how, but this is a big step up from Handcuffs. I guess it drags on a bit?????? 9.8/10
Night Of The Thumpasorus Peoples: What are these diarrhea noises. Also, did they put like, autotune on a trumpet 2/3s of the way through? The production is great outside of that, but this is not how this album should end. 5/10
OVERALL: Every song ends with a fade out, something I can handle but find a bit annoying. This is really damn funky, and I love it. Most of these songs are absolutely incredible, but P-Funk and Thumpasorus are pretty weak compared to everything else on this.
SONG AVG: 7.8/10
Jan 17 2025
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Black Holes and Revelations
OVERALL: Fantastic. It kinda reminds me of Radiohead. Every single song I could listen to, however it isn't absolutely perfect. Exo-Politics's weird conspiracy lyrics are a bit corny, Invincible and Hoodoo can be forgettable at times, and Soldier's Poem is way too short. Everything else is pretty good. Map of the Problematique and City of Delusion are absolutely incredible, many songs (like Starlight or Soldier's Poem) are very beautiful, and Knights of Cydonia still goes hard.
SONG AVG: 8.85/10
Take a Bow: I love the synth arpeggios and the guitar is pretty nice. Also, the buildup and overall crescendo is executed very well. The only thing I don't really like is the weird ending, and also I can't figure out what they are saying without focusing on the vocals or looking up the lyrics. 8.75/10
Starlight: Very good production, and the guitar and arpeggios are great. The vocals are very good. I guess the drums are kinda basic and repetitive (doesn't take away from it that much). 9.8/10
Supermassive Black Hole: Idk why, but the guitar sounds familiar for some reason. Anyways, the guitar goes hard. The drums are also pretty good, but the vocals are a bit weaker than Starlight (still very good). 9/10
Map of the Problematique: This slaps. I love everything about this that isn't the weird ass intro, and I still like that. Very good texture, great melodies, and the only thing I don't like about it is that it ends. 10/10
Soldier's Poem: Pretty short. Very beautiful, and the chord progression + harmonies are very good. 8.5/10
Invincible: That guitar solo goes absolutely insane. Great atmosphere, but some parts were a bit forgettable. 7.75/10
Assassin: The intro is kinda weird. The drums are absolutely incredible. This feels like a song you play when you're running. Goes pretty hard. 8/10
Exo-Politics: What is pee candle? Anyways, the guitar is very good, and the bass is even better. The lyrics being conspiracy theory stuff is kinda weird, but I think it's executed pretty well. 8/10
City of Delusion: Banger. Absolute banger. It has so much going on, but it's never too much. Masterful instrumentation, the bass solo is incredible and the fact that this has a TRUMPET and a VIOLIN is insane, and they are both performed very well. 10/10
Hoodoo: PIANO DROP INSANELY BASED. Very dramatic. The lyrics apparently won lyrics of the decade? Outside of the insane drop, especially after it, the song is pretty weak compared to everything else. 8.2/10
Knights of Cydonia: This was the only song by Muse (I think) that I've heard before this album. Goes unbelievably hard for no reason, but the western theme is a bit weird. The guitar riff is incredibly iconic, and for good reason. 9.25/10
Glorious: This song is... glorious (hahahahahhahahahahah). I think the beginning is weird, but the rest of the song more than makes up for it. Quite literally everything else about this song feels like something that everybody can at least like. My biggest problem with it is that it doesn't feel like an outro, or at least a better outro than Knights of Cydonia. 9/10
Jan 20 2025
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Curtis Mayfield
OVERALL: Extremely fly. This funk, jazz, and soul album has probably gotten me into the genres as a whole. Little Child Runnin', Eddie You Should Know Better, Think, and Freddie's Dead are absolute masterpieces, and the jazz elements, especially in Superfly, are incredible and extremely well utilized. I guess I don't like Pusherman or Give Me Your love that much, but they aren't that bad. Also, this feels a lot longer than just 9 songs.
SONG AVG: 8.83/10
Little Child Runnin' Wild: Fantastic, so unbelievably funky. I have never heard a song by this man before, and I am very impressed. He used every single instrument that he could, and he did it so incredibly well. Also, that saxophone is NNN ending. 10/10
Pusherman: I really like this, it sounds exactly like how I imagine a drug dealer's theme song would sound like, but why do the percussion instruments sound like that? I don't hate it, but it is a bit weird when paired with the melodic stuff. Speaking of which, the instruments (not percussion) sound more boring, but they are still very well performed. This is the song that made me realize that this album was for a movie. 6.5/10
Freddie's Dead: The intro was a bit boring, but it got so much better. The bassline is great, and Curtis Mayfield continues to use his massive array of instruments to their full capability. The only things I don't like about it are the intro and outro for being boring, but the rest of the song is fantastic. 9.5/10
Junkie Chase: The weird ass percussion is back at around 0:15, but it actually works really well this time. It sounds like a Cowboy Bebop chase. The instruments are, once again, played incredibly, and the drummer goes insane. The only problem is the length and the weird ass percussion. 8.75/10
Give Me Your Love: Was this played during a sex scene? It kinda sounds like it was, and I refuse to elaborate. As per usual, the entirety of the instruments are done very well, especially those strings, but I feel like this song drags on a bit. Also, Curtis Mayfield sounds out of place due to the general lack of vocals. 7/10
Eddie You Should Know Better: I need more of this. I cannot name a single thing wrong with this, and I really tried. It sounds great, it's lyrically great, and its absolutely incredible. There just is no producer tag (we depressed music) 11/10
No Thing on Me: Sung beautifully and sounds pretty good, but it does the fade out outro :(. The speaking in the intro brings this song down, and the song kinda drags on. With that being said, this is one of, if not the best instrumental in this album. 8.75/10
Think: The oboe and the French horn have the best dialogue in this whole album. It's so beautiful, I can't put it into words. Listen to this right now. I guess it's not lyrically impressive, probably because it doesn't have any lyrics. 9.5/10
Superfly: This is more what I was expecting from a movie soundtrack. Such a mood switch between this and think. Incredibly funky, and it is definitively fly. I guess as an album outro, it works, but it just so happened to be right after Think. 8.5/10
Jan 21 2025
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Out Of The Blue
Electric Light Orchestra
OVERALL: I like this style of super grand and theatrical rock music in moderation, but this is a bit much. I do like a lot of the stuff here, but I struggle to remember what some of the songs sound like (I rate as I'm listening). Regardless, there are some notable standouts. Turn To Stone, Sweet Talkin' Woman, and Mr. Blue Sky are all pretty good, catchy songs. Big Wheels, Summer And Lightning, and most of Wild West Hero are very beautiful with fantastic instrumentation.The Whale is an excellent instrumental, feeling very dreamy and trippy. Almost everything else I cannot remember most of the song. I do remember Jungle, and I am so unbelievably confused with whatever is going on with that song. It's very charming, but someone needs to put it down.
SONG AVG: 8.7/10
Turn To Stone: Very fun and catchy, especially for a song about a break up. Very good production and vocal performance. The strings are kinda goofy but in a good way. It does do the fade out outro though. 9/10
It's Over: Pretty good vocals and strings. I'm pretty surprised that this isn't a more popular standalone song. 9/10
Sweet Talkin' Woman: Very upbeat and catchy, great strings. Surprisingly groovy. So far, the album is very consistent in both sound and quality. 9/10
Across The Border: Now it starts to sound different. I love the strings and the intro, and it continues to be fun and catchy with pretty good vocals. Very energetic and a pretty interesting melody. 9.25/10
Night In The City: Feels more intense while keeping many of the fun and catchy aspects of earlier songs. They definitely did more different stuff in this song than the ones before it, and I love it. I can kinda hear the gummy bear song in the "I'll get you" part, which stops this from being a 9.5. 9/10
Starlight: Very dreamy, with great production and smooth vocals. Although it sounds pretty good, it drags on a bit and does a fade out outro. 8.5/10
Jungle: What is that cursed intro. This is really charming because it's really stupid. It has some pretty good percussion, but what the fuck is chooka chooka hoo la ley supposed to mean. It has lots of detail, but I don't think I like all of it. It also kinda has a fade out outro. 5.5/10
Believe Me Now: Why is this as dramatic as it is? It's mostly instrumental, and it probably should've stayed like that since the autotune(?) orgasms (that I forgot to mention earlier) are not that good. The instrumental is pretty good though. 6.5/10
Steppin' Out: Very nice string arrangements, and the vocals are not that bad either. The transitions into the choruses are the best parts of the song, and the instrumental during the chorus is actually really good. Not that much autotune orgasm in this one. Also, no fade out outro! 9.75/10
Standin' In The Rain: Very energetic. I think I like this? Some things here are pretty weird, but not that bad. I can see arguments for liking this and hating this. Pretty good atmosphere and is an extremely good song after like a minute but the intro is really bad. Also the screams near the beginning are corny and there are some pretty weird details. I'm leaning towards liking this, but it could definitely be rated higher or much lower. 8/10
Big Wheels: Love this. No weird details, no weird intro, no fade out outro. Fantastic instrumentation, really good vocals, and a pretty good meaning. My only complaint is the short autotune orgasm section, but it's pretty easy to ignore it. 9.85/10
Summer And Lightning: I can give this the same review that I gave Big Wheels. Very beautiful and they do their style very well. This is a bit better because of the lack of autotune orgasm. 10/10
Mr. Blue Sky: mister blue sky :DDDDDD Did some research, apparently this and the last three songs are a 4 part concerto. Pretty cool ig. Anyways, we all know this song. I have always thought that the autotune orgasm was weird, but loved everything else about it. Obviously it has gotten a bit old, but that doesn't mean it isn't good. 9/10
Sweet Is The Night: Very romantic and dreamy. Pretty good overall, great melodies, instrumentation, writing, and vocals. I guess it might be a bit boring? Idk man, I'm really tired. Good song. 9.25/10
The Whale: Very nice and atmospheric. I love the strings and synths here, this is a great representation of a song without vocals. The theme is very well executed, and sounds very trippy. 9.75/10
Birmingham Blues: A bit messy, but not bad at all. It's above average, but compared to the other songs, it isn't anything too special and kinda forgettable. 7.5/10
Wild West Hero: That guitar feels so unbelievably out of place. It's an incredible outro and a fantastic, beautiful song outside of that, but that guitar should have been strings. It would've been so much better, but the guitar's existence makes the song worse. Still a great song though. 9/10
Jan 22 2025
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Hunky Dory
David Bowie
OVERALL: There were some pretty damn good songs here. Changes, Oh! You Pretty Things, Life On Mars, Quicksand, and Queen Bitch are all extremely good songs, and have pretty much nothing wrong with them. They have very good instrumentation, vocals, and writing. Eight Line Poem, Kooks, Fill Your Heart, Song for Bob Dylan, and The Bewlay Brothers are fine songs, but they have something about them that I just don't like. The only "bad" song here is Andy Warhol, but it might just be not for me. It sounds too weird and experimental, and can be pretty annoying at times.
SONG AVG: 7.77/10
Changes: Very catchy, I like the piano and David Bowie's vocal performance. The instrumentation is good, but is a little bit basic. 9/10
Oh! You Pretty Things: The chorus hits harder than a 4 wheeler. Pretty good piano and message. 9.25/10
Eight Line Poem: Pretty good instrumentation, but it doesn't really stand out to me or have anything that interesting in it. I don't hate it, but it's a bit mid. 6/10
Life On Mars?: Fantastic. The piano, vocals, guitar, lyrics, everything is very well executed. 10/10
Kooks: Overall pretty solid. I guess it's pretty fun and a bit silly, but other than that it's fine. Also, fade out outro. 7/10
Quicksand: Pretty good piano and guitar, especially when the song picks up. It can get a little boring, but it doesn't stay that way for too long. Unfortunately, it has a fade out outro. 9.5/10
Fill Your Heart: Pretty fun and upbeat, the instruments are played very well, but David Bowie's singing can be annoying at times, why does that man sound like a fly. The piano is played extremely well, and the harmonica(?) transitions well into the next song. 7/10
Andy Warhol: Very experimental and weird, especially the intro. This song sounds like a dumpster fire accompanied by David Bowie's weird yodeling. Also, it ends with claps? I guess the guitar is nice and it's kinda catchy, but that's about it. 3.75/10
Song for Bob Dylan: I like the guitar and the melody is pretty nice, but it's just okay. 6.5/10
Queen Bitch: Really fun and the guitar is pretty good. Nice energy and the lyrics are pretty good. Nothing too bad about it, but the intro is kinda weird I guess. 9.75/10
The Bewlay Brothers: This can be so unbelievably boring, but the chorus is so very good. I don't understand what this song is about, or what the ending is supposed to be. Apparently it's about David Bowie's brother? Anyways, the song is carried by the chorus pretty heavily. 7.75/10
Jan 23 2025
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White Blood Cells
The White Stripes
OVERALL: I think only 4-5 instruments were used. Very strong opening and ending, but some songs in the middle aren't too memorable. I don't really like Jack's voice on most of the songs, and I find myself preferring the instrumental much more than the vocals or lyrics on basically every song except for Little Room and whatever Aluminum was. Speaking of which, Aluminum is so unbelievably awful that it forbids me from giving this anything higher than a 3. There are some pretty good songs on here, but when this album gets bad it gets really bad. Fell In Love With A Girl, We're Going To Be Friends, and I Can Learn are probably my favorites.
SONG AVG: 7.08/10
Dead Leaves And The Dirty Ground: Pretty solid lyrics and guitar riffs, and it can get stuck in your head pretty easily. This is more "noise" than song, but it's still pretty good. 8.25/10
Hotel Yorba: I do not like Jack's voice on this. Other than that, it's very okay overall. Pretty catchy with above average storytelling. The drums are pretty nice. 6.5/10
I'm Finding It Harder To Be a Gentleman: Pretty good instruments and a nice message, everything else is just okay. 7.25/10
Fell In Love With A Girl: This is such a jump in quality. Absolutely a classic, great drums, guitar, and vocals (usually). I don't really like it when the instruments cut out and it's just Jack's singing, but it isn't that bad. Incredible music video. 9.75/10
Expecting: Pretty interesting guitar, but it gets a little repetitive. Not much to say about this, pretty similar to other songs vocally. Some interesting lyrics I guess. 7/10
Little Room: Interlude (I think). It sounds like it was made by a 13 year old. Why is he yodeling? The drums aren't anything special. I think this is supposed to be about how they started? Thank god this is so short. 3.25/10
The Union Forever: Nice guitar. Interesting concept for the lyrics (literally just lines from Citizen Kane), I don't think I like it that much. The lack of an instrumental during verse 3 is very weird. I guess the instruments sound good. 7.25/10
The Same Boy You've Always Known: I actually like Jack White's voice here, and the instruments are very good. Sometimes Jack's voice sounds kinda weird, but that's my only complaint. 9.75/10
We're Going To Be Friends: Is this the "No Surprises" of the album? Sounds very different from basically everything else so far. Really sweet and an above average story, not much wrong with it. I guess it might be boring sometimes? 9.75/10
Offend In Every Way: Nice guitar riffs, also just overall great instrumental. Pretty interesting message that connects with the album cover. 8.5/10
I Think I Smell A Rat: Pretty good intro, but I don't really like Jack's voice here. The guitar can be a little annoying and repetitive, but it's not too bad. 6.75/10
Aluminum: What happened. Very experimental, which I don't mind if done well, but this is actually abhorrent. This plays in every circle of hell. I guess it's kinda interesting, the guitar is sometimes bearable, and the drums aren't horrible. Still, I would never want to listen to this again. 1.9/10
I Can't Wait: Fantastic guitar and drums, also pretty good vocal performance. The only thing is that the lyrics aren't good, but they don't need to be. This just has to sounds good, and it does. 9/10
Now Mary: Very good, overall great performance. Much better vocal performance than before. Why is this less than 2 minutes long. 9.5/10
I Can Learn: Same as Now Mary but longer. Good overall, with pretty good vocal performance, could honestly work as the ending to the album. 9.75/10
This Protector: The only instrument here is piano, and I like piano. Nice little duet and works well as an outro. 9/10
Jan 24 2025
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The Bones Of What You Believe
OVERALL: I like this a lot. This album cover is also really good. I am very biased towards this genre because my music taste has been corrupted by Geometry Dash, so I tried to be more critical when rating (still ended up giving high scores). I don't really dislike any song here, and can rate most of the songs here between 7-10/10. The only thing I disliked was the intro to Lungs, but that's about it. I guess it can be boring sometimes and the girl's voice can be annoying? Anyways, I really like synths, which is something that this album does very well. I also like the girl's vocals on the songs. It can be a little basic, but it gets the job done and sounds really good. This is something that I really like but is probably not that good objectively. But it's here, so maybe I'm wrong. There is an extended version for the 10-year anniversary, but I'm not reviewing that right now. Also, the scores added up are exactly 100. Not intentional, just something cool ig.
SONG AVG: 8.3/10
The Mother We Share: Very surprised that something like this was included, especially after getting basically only rock and soul. I guess it's a little basic, and also kinda sounds like a Kidz Bop or 2012 copyright free background music, but I like the synths, and I think it sounds pretty good. 8.75/10
We Sink: The synths are very good and pretty catchy. I like the vocals here, but she sounds awkward when she says fuck, and there is a weird noise that sounds like someone saying "uh" pitched extremely down (same criticisms for the last song, didn't want to make the review too long). I like this a lot, but there are some weird crackling noises that bring this down. 8/10
Gun: Great but simple synths, and the vocals sound fantastic, but it does a fade out outro and the lyrics aren't the greatest. Still sounds amazing. 9/10
Tether: Everything sounds great, but it's overall very simple. The synths during the drop are absolutely incredible. Obviously it sucks lyrically, but that doesn't matter in this genre. Pretty good vocal performance. 9.25/10
Lies: It doesn't do anything special, but it still sounds great. The synths aren't doing anything that interesting, but it still sounds good. The vocal performance isn't that impressive this time. The drop sounds great. 7.75/10
Under the Tide: Pretty nice synths, and a very classic buildup style for this genre. Sounds pretty generic, but there are some pretty nice synths sometimes. Fairly weak vocal performance, still not bad. 7/10
Recover: As much as I like synths, this is pretty basic. Same with the vocal performance, just a little bit above average. It still sounds good, but it also just sounds very boring/generic. 5.75/10
Night Sky: Really good. Still suffers from being simple, but this just sounds really great. It does some weird stuff at the end, but I think I like it. Very catchy, just great overall. 9.8/10
Science/Visions: I have nothing bad to say about this other than that it is maybe a bit basic. Very good overall, a bit chaotic, and sounds incredible. 10/10
Lungs: Why does that intro have to come right after Science/Visions. There is a weird noise that serves as the main percussion, but it isn't that bad. It sounds pretty good when it wants to, which is when the girl is singing. Pretty fun. 6.75/10
By The Throat: The chorus sounds like that one Imogen Heap song that I forgot the name of, and I really like that Imogen Heap song. This is overall really good, there isn't really anything I don't like about it other than the fact that it's slightly basic and the lyrics are just okay. 8.75/10
You Caught the Light: Very slow. When it gets interesting, it sounds really good, but it does the thing where it sounds like the guitar peaked the microphone. I still like it, as it sounds very good and I think the guy's singing is his best on this album. 9.2/10
Jan 27 2025
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More Songs About Buildings And Food
Talking Heads
OVERALL: I dislike the first song, and I find the most of the vocals to be pretty annoying. With that being said, the production on this album is pretty good, and definitely elevates most if not all of the songs. The vocals later on in the album are much better, and aren't nearly as annoying as Thank You for Sending Me an Angel. Despite this, I cannot physically rate this anything higher than a 3 due to the abhorrent singing. It is mostly good, sometimes great, but the singing makes me hate this even though there are some really good songs. This is just to justify the high song avg compared to the low personal rating.
SONG AVG: 8/10
Thank You for Sending Me an Angel: The voice sounds very annoying, I despise almost everything about it. The production is pretty repetitive, but isn't that bad. The production singlehandedly saves this from being a 2. 3.75/10
With Our Love: The voice still sounds annoying, but is a little better. Much better production, sounds very aggressive and great overall. Would've been much better if I didn't find the vocals to be absolute dogshit. 6.5/10
The Good Thing: I actually kinda like the vocals on this one, especially the choir. Great production, I have no complaints about it. 9.25/10
Warning Sign: Pretty good vocals, except for when they do the weird mosquito noises. The production is pretty solid, and the key jingling noises(?) are pretty interesting and unique. 7.75/10
The Girl Wants to Be with the Girls: Really good ending. Other than that, everything is decent to above average, nothing incredibly interesting. 6.75/10
Found a Job: Pretty good production, and the ending is very good. I slightly dislike the vocals here, but I guess the lyrics are pretty above average. Pretty good bassline. 8.5/10
Artists Only: The vocals are a lot quieter than they should be, but that's probably a good thing. The second "I don't have to prove that I am creative" is very jarring. This is mostly instrumental, and it certainly sounds great. Fantastic production. 9.25/10
I'm Not in Love: Pretty good outro, and is pretty similar to Artists Only in the sense that it's mostly instrumental and the vocals are surprisingly quiet. 8.75/10
Stay Hungry: Incredible instrumentals, and the vocals aren't that bad either. It does use a fade out outro though. 9/10
Take Me to the River: Overall pretty good. The vocals sound probably the best so far, and the instrumentals, while being a bit basic, are very good. 9/10
The Big Country: Just a really good song. Works as a great outro. I guess it's kinda weird that this is a country-ish song, but I don't mind it that much. I will say that goo goo ga ga ga is weird as hell, but it works pretty well. 9.5/10
Jan 28 2025
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Hounds Of Love
Kate Bush
OVERALL: Consistently good production and vocals (with the exception of Waking The Witch and some weird vocal effects). Almost every single song on this album is absolutely incredible, especially Hello Earth. After looking it up, the first 5 songs and the last 7 songs are split into separate discs, which makes so much sense. Kate Bush almost dies in the second disc and has a pretty nice time with most of the first disc. Very fun and ethereal. Waking The Witch and maybe Jig Of Life bring this down, but I can deal with both of them and Jig Of Life is just okay.
SONG AVG: 8.125/10
Running Up That Hill: Everybody knows this song, especially that one part. Incredible production, and the vocals are pretty good. It is a bit annoying because of how much I've heard it, but I still like it. 9.25/10
Hounds of Love: I like the vocals during the chorus, outro, and pre-chorus, but other than that, Kate Bush's voice is kinda annoying. Pretty solid production. 7.5/10
The Big Sky: Very good production, sounds absolutely incredible. The vocals are also pretty good for the most part, but the weird yodel-like yeahs bring this down a bit. 8/10
Mother Stands For Comfort: Great, surreal production. I guess the glass breaking is a bit weird, but it works. Very good vocal performance. I can't really understand what she's saying, but the lyrics on genius are pretty interesting and have a pretty dark meaning. The moaning noises are kinda weird though. 9/10
Cloudbusting: Pretty solid overall. The production and vocals are pretty good, but nothing too memorable. Just a pretty nice song. Kinda drags on a bit. Also apparently this is based on a book? 7/10
And Dream Of Sheep: Pretty beautiful. Very good production, and the vocals are absolutely outstanding. Pretty short, unfortunately. 9.5/10
Under Ice: The production sounds like a panic attack, but in a good way. The vocals seem very frantic, but are kinda corny for a good portion of the song. Clearly I missed something from the last song, because why is Kate Bush drowning? 9.25/10
Waking The Witch: I have no idea what is happening here. The singular note transition into this song and the people saying wake up are kinda funny. The production is very good, but the demon(?) voice is very jarring. That's probably the point, but it doesn't make it any better. Also, there are lots of weird details that I don't really want to type out, so I'm not going to. Just know that it sounds bad but is probably supposed to. 3/10
Watching You Without Me: Is Kate Bush officially dead now? Anyways, fantastic production and some of the best vocals on this album. Absolutely incredible song in almost every aspect. The double reversed bridge and the lagging chorus make it much worse, but it's still very good. 8.5/10
Jig Of Life: SCOTTISH??????????????????? Anyways, NOW Kate Bush has to be dead or at least hallucinating. I've never been much of a fan of Irish-Gaelic type songs, but this isn't as bad. I still don't like it, but the production accomplishes it's job pretty well, and the vocals are pretty solid. 6/10
Hello Earth: This is one of the greatest songs ever made. Perfect production, incredible vocals, pretty good lyrics, just insanely good. It even has heavenly choir parts in between the absolutely fantastic choruses. This song does probably mean that she gets found, but I STILL THINK SHE'S DEAD. 11/10
The Morning Fog: Shit, she's alive. (Or reincarnated) Anyways, pretty big tone shift from basically the rest of the songs since, like, And Dream Of Sheep. Very good production and backing vocals, as well as fantastic lyrics and vocal performance. Works pretty good as an epilogue, but not as well as an outro after Kate Bush almost dying. Still really good. 9.5/10
Jan 29 2025
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Electric Prunes
The Electric Prunes
OVERALL: I have never heard of these people, but they seem to be very weak in terms of lyrics. The lyrics were written by actual elementary school children. Besides that, the production can be pretty basic and boring sometimes, however can be really good when it needs to. Especially on Try Me On For Size and Onie, where the pretty good production is forced to carry horrible lyrics. If you can get past the horrible lyrics, this album is probably okay or even good. For me, I am unfortunately able to hear the lyrics and look up the lyrics, which makes it much worse. The absolutely horrendous, abhorrent, ghastly, scandalous, dreadful outro was so bad I considered giving it a 0/10, but since the piano was sometimes good and was great in the outro, it got 1.28 points of extra credit. Also, every song here is like 2 or 3 minutes long, so I don't really remember how a lot of them sound like.
SONG AVG: 5.89/10
I Had Too Much To Dream (Last Night): Pretty weird effect, but I think I like it? It sounds very good and exciting, and is overall just a really good intro track. The lyrics kinda suck though. 9/10
Bangles: Some pretty standard rock stuff, and the topic is pretty old and overused. Sounds fine. 7.5/10
Onie: Sounds very beautiful. Unfortunately the lyrics could be written by a 7-8 year old. It sounds good, just try to ignore how bad the lyrics are. 6.75/10
Are You Lovin' Me More, But Enjoin' It Less: The ending seemingly peaks the microphone and there is a loud gunshot(?) noise randomly placed in the song like 7 times. Pretty corny lyrics. It mostly sounds pretty good I guess, but it's overall pretty not good. Especially when the lyrics come back in. 4.25/10
Train For Tomorrow: Pretty solid overall. The singing is mostly good, and the production is basic but works well enough. The long outro is pretty nice. 7.5/10
Sold To The Highest Bidder: Massive outburst of energy, especially after Train For Tomorrow's ending. It seems to be inspired by arabic(?) songs, and that combined with the weird effect doesn't really work that well in my opinion. It's about gold diggers, but it doesn't sound like one that would be about gold diggers. I don't think it works very well. 2.25/10
Get Me To The World On Time: Pretty rowdy vocal performance. It tries really hard to be a good rock song, and it does an okay job at that. Pretty solid use of instruments. The only major issues are the awful intro and the lyrics written by either a 9 year old or a lyric generator. Just try to focus on anything that isn't the lyrics. 6.75/10
About A Quarter To Nine: I think looking up the lyrics for this album was a mistake. The production is pretty boring most of the time, unless the chorus starts. Fairly mediocre vocal performance, nothing very notable. The lyrics sound like a child is trying to finish an english assignment and desperately finding things that would work. 1.75/10
The King Is In The Counting House: This sounds like something in a piano book that has corny ass lyrics, especially the broken chord accompaniment. If anyone reading this has played piano, then you might know what I'm talking about. Anyways, extremely forgettable. I just listened to it twice and I can't name much. It uses a lot of instruments, but not very interestingly. I think it sounds passable. 4.75/10
Luvin: Actually pretty good production. It does use a fade out outro though. Mediocre lyrics, but the song actually sounds alright. That's it, these songs are really short. 8/10
Try Me On For Size: Once again, pretty good production. It actually sounds pretty good. The piano could've been used so much better, but that's just my opinion. The lyrics, on the other hand, are awful. I quote; "I'm not a dreamer, I'm a do'er, your hopes for escape are gettin' fewer" and "Stop your lookin' baby what you want is standin' right in front of your eyes, try me on for size." That actually sounds like it was written by a person who's age has less than two digits. Carried by production so unbelievably hard. 5/10
Toonerville Trolley: Someone please help me. Why was this on here. Why was this the goddamn OUTRO to this. The song was sung by goofy on drugs, also I swear it said daddy's dead instead of "in daddy's day". The only good part of this is the piano, which varies from basic to really good. The good piano parts are more than balanced out by the unbelievably horrendous singing and the really bad lyrics. I kid you not, the words "Oh by gee, by gosh, by golly" are actual words sung on this song to serve as the outro, the last thing you hear on the album. 1.28/10
Jan 30 2025
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The Yes Album
OVERALL: Very good for only 6 songs, although 41 minutes is a lot for 6 songs. There were some pretty good vocals throughout, and the production was really good most of the time. The back to back multi part songs were both really good, and the only part I didn't really like was Disillusion. Not counting Disillusion, The Clap is easily the worst song here, as it's maybe a little above average, and there are no lyrics or vocals to help it. With that being said, the album definitely gets really good after the first two songs. Certified bangers all the way through, and the outro track is really good.
SONG AVG: 8.2/10
Yours Is No Disgrace: Great but long intro. I'm a massive fan of the production, but the song goes on for almost 10 minutes. Pretty good bassline. The vocals are okay, sometimes pretty good usually okay. Very good outro. I probably missed a lot of details since I'm pretty tired atm, but I thought it was pretty nice. It's just way too long. 8.25/10
The Clap: Basically no lyrics. It sounds fine, it works as a pretty above average guitar piece. The audience claps at the end are kinda weird but it isn't too bad. 6/10
Starship Trooper: This is a three part song, so I'll review each individually and the song as a whole.
Life Seeker: Pretty good production and very good vocal performance. I don't really see anything I don't like about it. The vocals work with the production very well. 9/10
Disillusion: I don't like the production during the main verse, and the vocals during it could be better, but once it ends the production becomes very good. I don't think that was supposed to be part of Disillusion though, so it won't count towards the score as much. 6/10
Würm: Serves as a great instrumental and a fantastic outro for this song. Just overall really good, especially the guitar near the end. 7.75/10
Overall, a three part song with a strong first part, a comparatively weak second part, and a good outro. I like the chorus, and Life Seeker is really good. Würm is pretty nice, but Disillusion is not nearly as good as them. I would personally give this an 8.75/10, but the song average is around 7.6. Anyways, the parts will not count towards the song average. 8.75/10
I've Seen All Good People: This is a two part song, so I'll review each individually and the song as a whole.
Your Move: Wow, another multi part song. Very good production and fantastic vocals throughout the song, however I find the diddits to be particularly annoying. 8/10
All Good People: Very good guitar solo in this one. I love how this sounds. The lyrics are just the same thing over and over again for the most part, but the vocals make it sound
interesting enough to the point where it's not noticeable if you're playing it in the background. 8/10
Overall, very consistent in quality despite two parts that sound very different. Very good production and mostly great vocal performance in both parts. I would personally give this an 8 or maybe even an 8.25, but I'm leaning more towards the number that looks better. 8/10
A Venture: I like the intro, and I really like the production. The vocals are perfomed very well, especially the hide aways. I love piano. The lyrics do kinda suck, but I don't really care unless they are at a certain level of bad, and this song hasn't reached it. Overall, very good. Short and sweet. 9/10
Perpetual Change: Nice riffs in the intro. I love the chords in the production, and the buildup is incredible. Sounds very good during the chorus. The production can sometimes sound kinda weird, but it definitely redeems itself with how much detail and texture there is. Works as a great, grand outro. My biggest problem with it is the fade out outro. 9.25/10
Jan 31 2025
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OVERALL: I was kinda putting this album off because I was really sick, but after listening I realize that I had to have listened to this earlier. Every single song is absolutely phenomenal, and I have to nitpick in order to find something slightly bad about them. Björk has some of the best vocals I have ever heard, and her production is basically perfect if you ignore the occasional worm tunneling. The only thing that I might not like is that it is very much about sex, which is pretty weird but is used surprisingly well. This album is maybe the most beautiful one I've ever listened to, except for maybe blond.
SONG AVG: 9.485/10
Hidden Place: I like the sounds at the beginning, but the melody that follows is pretty weird. I find Björk's voice to be pretty bad at the start, but it quickly becomes very good. Absolutely incredible production, I cannot describe how incredible it sounds. Absolutely incredible choirs. I can't really understand what Björk is saying, but it sounds pretty good. I will say that the music video is weird as hell. 9.5/10
Cocoon: I have no idea what is happening. It sounds very unsettling, but the vocals are pretty good. The production is overall pretty good. Nice percussion, and the mystery instrument is pretty good. I don't really like the ASMR whispering. 8.65/10
It's Not up to You: Absolutely incredible chorus. I love the production when it isn't playing a worm tunneling-like noise in my ears. Excellent vocals and choirs, quite literally the only thing I don't love about this song is that I sometimes don't really know what she's saying and the worm tunneling noises are kinda weird. Also the outro is pretty weird. 9.87/10
Undo: Once again, the production is amazing in every single aspect with the exception of the worm tunneling. The last half of this song is absolutely angelic. Love it. Also the vocals are pretty good. I guess the ooh-wahs might be a little annoying and the outro is kinda weird, but that's it. 9.92/10
Pagan Poetry: This is just overall perfect. I can only nitpick so hard, and I can only come up with: the lyrics are kinda hard to make out. That's it. Listen to this immediately. 10/10
Frosti: The intro is kinda weird, but I really like it. The instrument (most likely a music box or glockenspiel) is used incredibly. I love how well it transitions into the next song, but it does kinda end abruptly. Also, no vocals. 8.75/10
Aurora: Fantastic vocals, maybe my second favorite on this album in terms of vocals. The production compliments the vocals very well, and they are really well excecuted. The only thing I don't really like are the worm tunneling, which is (unfortunately) brought back. Also snow crunching is here, but that is actually used really well. 9.88/10
An Echo, a Stain: Had to go to genius to confirm something, this is about sexual assault. So other than that, the vocal performance is absolutely incredible. It sounds very ominous and unsettling, which matches the theme of the song. The production matches and makes the song much more intense, and is overall just really good. I guess the only "bad" thing is that it's very ambient and uncomfortable, but I find that to be a good thing about it. 10/10
Sun in My Mouth: Apparently this is an excerpt from a poem, which perfectly matches the theme of this album. Fantastic vocals and incredible production, but it is the second shortest song on this album. It does lose some points since the lyrics are just from a poem, but it's still really good. 8.75/10
Heirloom: The percussion at the start made me think this would sound much different. Anyways, the vocals are just as good as everything else on this album. The production is very nice, although it can sound pretty weird at some sections. As much as I like this, I will say that the lyrics are kinda basic and aren't anything too special. I guess the metaphor and the recurring dream have nice imagery. The outro, although I think it sounds good, is definitely weird and is not for everyone. 8.25/10
Harm of Will: It sounds absolutely incredible, and the vocals are unbelivably good, but I cannot figure out what Björk is saying. The production is incredible, especially the massive orchestral build up. Anyways, I do not know what the lyrics mean. I know it means something about sex, but I am super confused. Just know that it sounds good. 9.25/10
Unison: Potentially a perfect song. I am struggling to come up with anything I thought was mediocre. I guess it's really long and there are sometimes some weird synths, but that's about it. Björk has her best vocal performance on this album (imo), and everything in the production are worked perfectly. Everything from the choirs to the percussion to the strings are not only used perfectly, but are also used in a great way that perfectly captures what makes this album special. It does end abruptly, but that works and adds to the overall atmosphere of the album. Fantastic example of both a perfect song and a fantastic album ending. 11/10
Feb 03 2025
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Band On The Run
Paul McCartney and Wings
OVERALL: I think I understand why people went insane for the Beatles. Nineteen Hundred And Eighty Five is probably one of the best songs ever made, and Paul knows exactly how to make catchy songs. The only real problem I might have is that there are not much lyrics, and some of the lyrics aren't anything notable. Despite that, Jet, Bluebird, Picasso's Last Words, and Nineteen Hundred And Eighty Five are incredible and are pretty high moments for me. Even some of the "weak" songs on here aren't bad at all, just aren't anything special. Pretty nice after a week break from albums.
SONG AVG: 8.25
Band On The Run: I think this is really good? I had to relisten to this because I could not remember any of it. Pretty solid instruments, and it's overall very theatrical. The vocals and lyrics are above average. This is separated into three sections, and they fit together pretty well. Very catchy. 7.75/10
Jet: I love the intro, and the instrumental is fantastic. Lyrically, basically nothing is happening. There are like 2 verses that are each 10ish seconds long. It still sounds good, and the vocals are great and compliment the instrumental very well. 9/10
Bluebird: Just a nice, catchy tune with a fantastic saxophone solo. Nice instrumental, I like the percussion and the laid-back feel of it. Awesome saxophone. Very good vocals, and the lyrics are catchy but very average. 9/10
Mrs. Vandebilt: Misspelled lmao. Great use of sax, and the instrumental is really good. The chorus is (obviously) lyrically dogshit, but it's very catchy and kinda fun. The vocals are above average, except for the goofy ass laughing at the end, which takes away a few points. Very catchy. 7.5/10
Let Me Roll It: The start reminds me of a Plastic Beach song but I forgot which one. Pretty slow, and the guitar sounds a bit awkward. Outside of the guitar and the drums, pretty much nothing is happening in the instrumental. The vocals are pretty good I guess. 6/10
Mamunia: What is does mamunia even mean. Very peaceful, and the vocals are very good. The ending is easily the best part, but outside of that it's pretty good. Nice lyrics, and the singing is very good. The instrumental is average I guess. 7.75/10
No Words: Incredible instrumental, but it's way too short. The vocals are pretty similar to the rest of this album, and the lyrics aren't anything special. The instrumental is just great overall, and my only complaint is the fade out outro. 8/10
Picasso's Last Words (Drink to Me): I think this is just Band On The Run but better. The instrumental is maybe perfect, and the Jet callback is pretty good. The Mrs. Vandebilt chorus at the end sucks though, and definitely brings it down. Very good vocals, and the lyrics are above average. 8.25/10
Nineteen Hundred And Eighty Five: Amazing. I love it when pianos are used well, and it is used greatly here. Everything is is also great, and the guitar is absolutely perfect. Perfect outro, and the synths at the end make it feel very futuristic despite being about 1985. The Band On The Run at the end works really well here, and ties up the album perfectly (it's still a fade out outro). I think the only thing that might be bad is the fact that there aren't many lyrics, but it just makes the instrumental stand out more and sound better. Paul's voice is also a little weird, but it works well. 11/10
Feb 04 2025
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Rock 'N Soul
Solomon Burke
OVERALL: Very good, but a lot of the songs just aren't memorable. Every song here is incredible in some way, and Solomon Burke's voice is absolutely stunning. The biggest problem with this is the microphone peaking, which is kinda distracting and definitely takes away from it. It also doesn't really work as an album, more as a collection of singles, but that's fine. The lyrics are definitely basic, but his voice more than makes up for it. Also fade out outros are extremely common, but that's more of a personal vendetta. Just Out Of Reach, Beautiful Brown Eyes, Cry To Me, Someone To Love Me, and You're Good For Me are absolutely incredible songs and bring this up to a 4, their instrumental and vocals are just way too good to give the album anything lower.
SONG AVG: 8.625/10
Goodbye Baby: He has a great voice. The instrumental is very simple but also very nice, and works very well with his voice. Pretty good backing vocals. It does use a fade out outro though. 7.75/10
Cry To Me: Fantastic instrumental, and the vocals are, once again, incredible. It does sound like something that would play in a retirement home, but that is kinda given with music from this time. Sounds really good, but it still uses a fade out outro. 9.25/10
Won't You Give Him (One More Chance): I have a feeling that every song here will end in a fade out outro. Anyways, the backing vocals have more of a focus on this, and they are pretty good. Obviously, his voice is fantastic, and the instrumental is pretty nice but a little basic. Also the lyrics are very basic so far, but I guess I was kinda expecting it. 8/10
If You Need Me: I have nothing different to say about this one, great voice, instrumental, and backing vocals. Uses a fade out outro. 7.75/10
Hard, Ain't It Hard: See above. The instrumental and backing vocals are really good here. 8/10
Can't Nobody Love You: Same rating as If You Need Me, but everything is better. His vocals are really good here, and the instrumental is more interesting. 8.5/10
Just Out Of Reach: I listened to this right after watching the Kendrick halftime show, so uhhhhhhh. The instrumental is incredible, and works very well with his voice. Speaking of which, this song probably has the best vocals so far. For some reason it reminds me of a Christmas song. Also, it doesn't use a fade out outro. 10/10
You're Good For Me: See above, but it uses a fade out outro. His vocal performance is maybe a bit worse, but the instrumental more than makes up for it. 9.25/10
You Can't Love Them All: Pretty solid, but the microphone peaking is especially noticeable here. The backing vocals are sometimes corny, but they're usually fine. 7/10
Someone To Love Me: Just really good overall, and the guitar is weird but works well. Probably the best lyrics so far. 9.25/10
Beautiful Brown Eyes: Very beautiful, the instrumental is basically just Just Out Of Reach 2. His vocals here are my favorite on the album, and the only complaint is the fade out outro. There isn't really anything I don't like about this except for the fade out outro. 9.9/10
He'll Have To Go: Possibly the best instrumental on this album, beautiful strings that work very well. Works fairly well as the outro. 8.85/10
Feb 05 2025
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Celebrity Skin
OVERALL: I think that most if not all of the songs here are pretty basic songs for the radio, but some of these do a much better job at this than others. The guitar is consistently basic for a lot of the songs, but when it isn't it's either really good or horrible. I can't help but feel like basically every single song is about Kurt Cobain in some way, shape, or form. Anyways, nothing was really too memorable, but that doesn't mean they don't sound good. I like Celebrity Skin, Dying, Use Once & Destroy, most of Playing Your Song, and Petals, but I can't really remember what some of them sound like after a while. Overall, I don't think this was anything that special. Good songs were pretty forgettable after a while, but were good nonetheless. The lyrics and vocals were either good or nothing special, and sometimes the vocals were kinda bad. I probably wouldn't listen to this as an album again, but there are some standalone songs that I would definitely add to my playlist.
SONG AVG: 7.65/10
Celebrity Skin: Banger. This is probably the whitest, most basic rock song to ever exist, but I like it. I guess the chorus could be a bit annoying and is a bit bad, but I kinda like it. Very catchy. 8/10
Awful: Pretty solid vocals, and the lyrics sound very personal to Courtney Love. The guitar is pretty good, and is overall really nice. I guess it's a little basic. 7.75/10
Hit So Hard: It sounds good, but it's kinda boring. The instrumental is pretty solid and sounds fine, but it's a little boring and basic. The lyrics are pretty good I guess, and I think it's about either Kurt Cobain, an orgasm, or domestic abuse. Everything else is fine. 6.5/10
Malibu: Same review as the last song, but the lyrics are about drugs and the vocals are pretty good. I guess the chorus is good. Nothing else is too interesting, overall pretty average. Works well as a song for the radio 7/10
Reasons To Be Beautiful: The lyrics are pretty good, but the vocals go from being pretty good to kinda bad. Although the vocals ruin some of the song, basically every other part of it is really good. I dislike the ending for the vocals, but everything else about it sounds good I guess. 8/10
Dying: Pretty good, but I don't like Courtney Love's vocals in some parts of the chorus. Other than that, basically everything is incredible, especially after the second chorus. I think the guitar may be just on a loop for like 30 seconds, but I don't really mind it too much. Very good overall. 9/10
Use Once & Destroy: Actually really good. I don't have anything negative to say about it. Very good lyrics, very good vocals, and very good instrumental. I guess it drags on a bit? 9.75/10
Northern Star: I don't like the vocals or most of the instrumental that much. I guess the lyrics are good. After each chorus, the instrumental becomes much better, which is pretty good if it weren't ass for the first minuteish, and after the first chorus the instrumental is slightly improved. 3.5/10
Boys On The Radio: Nice little pop song. It sounds as good as basic gets, and the tribute to dead people is pretty good. I can't really hear the lyrics over the instrumental, but I think the vocals are good from what I can hear. The lyrics aren't too interesting or deep, but since I can't really hear them it doesn't make too much of a difference. 7.75/10
Heaven Tonight: Once again, a nice little pop song. I guess the lyrics are good, pretty standard stuff. Overall above average, sounds like a song designed to be popular. 6/10
Playing Your Song: I don't like the guitar riff, which is a shame because everything else is basically perfect. Incredible instrumental and the vocals have lots of emotion. The guitar riff singlehandedly prevents this from being the best song on the album. 8.75/10
Petals: THIS is the best song on the album. As an album outro, it's not the best but it gets the job done. The instrumental is probably my favorite on the album, just really good overall and the string section at the end is perfection. The lyrics are just really good. The thing I don't like is when Courtney Love says whore, it sounds awkward and doesn't really flow well. Other than that the vocals are great. 9.8/10
Feb 06 2025
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Daydream Nation
Sonic Youth
OVERALL: Pretty good, but there are lots of noise that I'm not a fan of. The vocals here aren't that good either, especially on The Sprawl and Eliminator Jr. The vocals there sound like absolute dogshit, which singlehandedly prevents me from giving it a 4 or 5. Other than that, though, the instrumentals are usually really good. For most of the songs, the instrumental was easily the best part and carried it so much. I think they knew this, because in a lot of the songs there would be very long sections with just instrumental. It probably contributed to the length of these songs, as 3 songs are over 7 minutes, one is 6:58, and the three part song is over 14 minutes long. The amount of good stuff is almost always in the instrumental, which is by far the best part, but as good as it is, it doesn't completely outweigh the unreasonably long length and/or the horrible vocals.
SONG AVG: 7.98
Teen Age Riot: The intro is a little weird, but I really like it, and the instrumental break after it is very good. After that, the instrumental is very repetitive but still sounds good. The lyrics are pretty good, and they work well with the vocals. My main complaint is the length, it does not need to be 7 minutes long, and the instrumental doesn't really do anything interesting. It sounds good, but if it were shorter I would probably like it more. 8/10
Silver Rocket: After the intro, this song goes absolutely insane. It goes absolutely crazy, and the verses work well with the first instrumental. After like a minute and a half, the song decides to kill itself for a minute, before picking back up and going crazy. The biggest negative about this is the weird carcrash like part that lasts over a minute. It's not for me, but I guess I can understand it if you like it. Sounds way too messy and noise-like for me. Basically everything else is incredible. 9.25/10
The Sprawl: I don't like the vocals, I find them annoying and the chorus sounds like a little child in a musical that can barely sing. I guess the lyrics are good. I like it when it's just instrumental, which both sounds really good and isn't too repetitive, despite the long length. Speaking of which, this is over seven and a half minutes long. I love some songs that are longer, but the lyrics being around for like a minute and a half make the rest feel empty despite sounding great. As good as it sounds, it definitely drags on. 7/10
'Cross the Breeze: Why is there another 7 minute song. Great instrumental. The intro is great, but takes way too long. I think the vocals work with the instrumental, but they are pretty annoying and I don't like them. There's also a long ass outro, which I like but doesn't need to be as long as it is. It still sounds incredible. The lyrics are good I guess. The instrumental carries so unbelievably hard. 8.75/10
Eric's Trip: I like the vocals more than the last two longs, but he sounds so conversational and casual while this insane instrumental is playing. Speaking of which, the instrumental is, once again, incredible. Also, it's much shorter than 7 minutes. 8.25/10
Total Trash: Another 7 minute song, this time it has an extra 33 seconds. This is more what I was expecting from this. The instrumental is more basic, but still hits hard and sounds pretty good. The vocals sound actually normal this time, and work well with the instrumental. The break is way too long, but has lots of interesting moments and is very good. The lyrics are fine. 8.5/10
Hey Joni: Same review as Total Trash, but it's much shorter and has the weird, overly conversational vocals sometimes. Really good instrumental. 7.25/10
The Providence: This is 2:42 long, but it feels like an instrumental with how long the other songs on this are. I really like the piano, but everything else is mid or bad. I don't like the weird high pitched noise, and the vocals/lyrics (if you could call them that) are mid and have lots of unused potential. Piano carries. 5/10
Candle: I really like this. The instrumental is, in my opinion, perfect. The only thing I don't love is that it's a little boring at times, but it still sounds good regardless. Definitely stands out from the other, more intense songs. It also isn't 7 minutes long. It's much more calm and less intense, but still manages to capture the rawness of the other songs. Also the vocals are pretty good. Lyrics are fine. 9.75/10
Rain King: The intro is very interesting. I don't know if I like it or hate it, but I'm leaning towards like for now. The instrumental sounds very good, I don't really know how to describe it, but it fits the vocals and lyrics very well. It does suck when it sounds like they are either drowning or strangling a cat. It's good when it's not doing that. The vocals here are pretty average. I don't really know what the lyrics mean, but I guess it works? 8.25/10
Kissabililty: The instrumental is probably my third favorite, and it doesn't do anything wrong and serves its purpose very well. The lyrics are pretty good I guess. The vocals are the same ones in The Sprawl and 'Cross the Breeze, but I find them less annoying. They are still pretty bad, but they aren't nearly as annoying and are a massive improvement. 8.75/10
Trilogy: This is a three part song, so I'll review each individually and the song as a whole.
a) The Wonder: The vocals suck outside of the choruses and the bridge. Great instrumental, until it does the weird thing at 2:45. Other than that, the instrumental is very raw and very well done. The vocals bring this down by about 2 points, but that's fine I guess. Pretty good outro. 7.25/10
b) Hyperstation: IT SAID THE NAME OF THE ALBUM. Nice transition. Also, this part takes up over half of the song. Anyways, this is a slower song, and sounds very good overall. There aren't many lyrics here, but the vocals sound pretty good. The instrumental really shines here, and it sounds incredible for the entire part. Unfortunately, it does use a fade out outro. 9.82/10
z) Eliminator Jr.: That was a jumpscare. This part is also shorter than the interlude. Anyways, very intense instrumental that is pretty repetitive. The vocals here are dogshit. The "Take a walk in the park? Shit yeah!" sounds very bad. I guess other than that the instrumental is fine, but it's nothing too interesting. This probably would go so much harder if the woman was better at singing, or if there weren't any vocals at all. This is also the outro to the entire album that is way too long, and this doesn't feel like it should be on the album, much less the last thing you hear. 3/10
Overall, a three part song with a good first part, a fantastic second part, and a horrible third part. The instrumental is easily the best part of each of the parts, with the vocals being a detriment to The Wonder and Eliminator Jr. Hyperstation is easily the best part. It has a fantastic transition, a fantastic instrumental, and pretty good vocals. My biggest problem with the song is that Eliminator Jr. should not be here, it doesn't deserve to be the outro to both this song and the entire album. The song average is 6.69/10, but I'll give it a 7/10. The parts will not count towards the song avg. 7/10
Feb 07 2025
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OVERALL: I've been purposely putting this one off because I do not like death metal at all. After listening, my mind has barely changed. Every single song has vocals that I don't like, I really can't think of anything good other than that they aren't too annoying. I guess the intrumental is usually not that bad, but it consistently sounds the same almost every single time. The lyrics are honestly probably the most consistent and possibly the best part of this album, they are almost always good or decent, but always talk about death or something. Overall, I don't like the overly aggressive and chaotic sound and I think the lyrics could probably have more variation in topics. I really wish I gave Electric Prunes a 1, because I think I like that album as much as this one, but this being my first 1 is fine with me.
SONG AVG: 4.47
Arise: I'm definitely gonna need genius for this album. This genre is not something that I listen to often or particularly like, so I'm not expecting to like many songs here. The vocals are very aggressive, but I don't really like how they sound and I feel like it doesn't match up with the instrumental sometimes. I do enjoy some parts of the instrumental, but it is overall pretty bad. The drums are good by themselves, but sometimes they don't line up with the guitar that well. The guitar is good I guess. 4/10
Dead Embryonic Cells: I like this song when the vocals are not in it. The instrumental is an improvement from the last song, the guitar is pretty good and the drums are incredible, and I don't really dislike anything about it. I guess it's probably pretty generic, but it's still good. I don't like the vocals, and I don't really know how to explain it other than that I just really don't like the harsher style, probably because I can't understand them. 6.75/10
Desperate Cry: I really like the instrumental, lots of interesting details used and the constant switching is actually pretty good. Vocals are consistent in quality with the other songs, the last "cry" is kinda funny. The instrumental absolutely carries this song, although it does use a fade out outro. I guess the lyrics are above average??? Nothing so far has stood out lyrically to me. 8/10
Murder: The instrumental is fine, although the weird guitar that gets introduced at like 2:30 is kinda weird. The vocals are consistent with the other songs, but the lyrics are better than the other songs so that's good I guess. 3.5/10
Subtraction: The intro does not need to be 10 seconds long, but it is pretty good. I swear the drums are on a loop or something. The guitar is alternating between being the same thing as the other songs and having a decently interesting melody. The vocals are, once again, not that good. The lyrics are good I guess. 5/10
Altered State: I really like the intro, and the rest of the instrumental is pretty good but gets worse overall as the song goes on. The vocals are under average, which is a slight improvement. I don't know if I like this or hate it, but I think there are more flaws overall despite the instrumental being really creative. 7/10
Under Seige (Regnum Irae): The instrumental is the best part of this song, and it's slightly above average. I guess the lyrics are good, but I can't really hear them with the dogshit vocals. The vocals are easily the worst on this song, the weird reversed sounding vocals are horrible and don't really work well with any part of the song. I guess the outro is good. The song in the ad I got after this was better than this. 1.25/10
Meaningless Movements: Probably one of the more forgettable songs here. The instrumental is fine, I like the drums and the guitar does some interesting stuff, but most of the time it does the same measure on a loop for a while. The vocals have really weird inflection, even with the lyrics pulled up I cannot really make out some of the words. Right after listening to this, I cannot really tell you anything about it that I remember. 2/10
Infected Voice: Same comment about instrumental in Meaningless Movements here. Literally just the same review as Meaningless Movements but the vocals are better. 2.75/10