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Hounds Of Love

Kate Bush


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Hounds Of Love
Album Summary

Hounds of Love is the fifth studio album by English singer Kate Bush, released on 16 September 1985 by EMI Records. It was a commercial success and marked a return to the public eye for Bush after the relatively low sales of her previous album, 1982's The Dreaming. The album's lead single, "Running Up That Hill (A Deal with God)", became one of Bush's biggest hits, giving Bush her second number 1 UK single in June 2022. The album's first side produced three further singles, "Cloudbusting", "Hounds of Love", and "The Big Sky". The second side, subtitled The Ninth Wave, forms a conceptual suite about a woman drifting alone in the sea at night. Hounds of Love received critical acclaim both on its release and in retrospective reviews. It is considered by many fans and music critics to be Bush's best album, and has been regularly voted one of the greatest albums of all time. It was Bush's second album to top the UK Albums Chart and in the US, it reached the top 40 on the Billboard 200. It is her best-selling studio album, having been certified double platinum for 600,000 sales in the UK, and by 1998 it had sold 1.1 million copies worldwide. The album was nominated at the 1986 Brit Awards for Best British Album, at which Bush was also nominated for Best British Female and Best British Single for "Running Up That Hill". In 2022, the album re-entered various charts, including reaching number one on the Billboard Top Alternative Albums, due to the appearance of "Running Up That Hill" in the Netflix series Stranger Things.







  • Pop
  • Rock
  • New Wave
  • Singer Songwriter


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Jul 29 2021
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Kate Bush isn’t really a songwriter. She’s an author of strange, literary fiction. Wisps of magic (the magic of nature, especially), bizarre imagery and metaphor entwine with the usual anxieties: love; motherhood; death; making deals with God. It just so happens that rather than write her baroque, gothic literature in text, she writes it in sound. These are not songs, they’re stories, and her lyrics tell the inner lives of her characters: Cloudbusting is the yearning, revolutionary youth marching through her life (“The sun coming out… I just know that something good is going to happen… Your sun’s coming out…”); The dreamer, pushing away modernity and their companions in Big Sky (“We pause for the jet… [jet noises] What was the question? I was looking at the big sky.”). But why does she not just write stories in text then? Bush’s genius is in making the music perform the other roles in her stories - antagonist, chorus, mood-generator, weather, scene-setter - it is the canvas (to further mix the mediums) on which she paints her characters. So it seems to me she’s not all that interested in what makes a song a song, rather what makes a song a story. Every element is put towards that purpose - what will best tell this story? Your mileage may vary on how much of that you can stomach, but to me I see genius in her particular brand of storytelling. There’s no-one like her.

Mar 27 2021
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Man, nothing sounds quite like this. Shame she never really caught on in the US and it always amazes me that something so experimental was able to be so popular in the UK/Europe. She definitely paved the way for other iconoclasts like Bjork, etc. Gotta respect the unbridled vision and the genreless expression. Love when artists build their own studios and go into their own little worlds.

Oct 24 2021
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How wonderful to listen to two women in a row! (Björk was yesterday. These two make a nice pair.) I've not listened to this one and didn't know anything beyond Running Up That Hill. I'm sorry I waited so long. Or maybe not. Maybe it needed to be now for me to appreciate it. Big Sky and Jig of Life were my favorites. I'm quite well taken with her voice, especially how it drops on the word "God" in Running Up That Hill. I sense a particular kind of authenticity in her music, that she's making exactly the kind of record she wants and needs to make and that makes me want to listen more. Excellent.

Feb 16 2021
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I believe Kate Bush was ahead of her time in '85. Minus some obvious keyboard parts here and there, Hounds of Love presents as something that could have dropped anytime in the last decade even though it's 35+ years old. Other than epic single, Running Up That Hill, I hadn't heard any of this record before today but it is really interesting and diverse. The power of her voice, songwriting, and experimentation is inspirational. Kate's experimentation and sound has obviously echoed into the hearts of artists such as Enya, St. Vincent and Florence & the Machine. Cloudbusting and Under Ice are cool dark favs of mine. What's up with Waking the Witch? Nasty. And I'm a sucker for a jig, so Jig Of Life was a really cool addition for me. Nice ending with 6-minute Hello Earth. Hounds Of Love really sounded like a soundtrack to a twisted indie film. This album wasn't major for me, but definitely triggered an urge to sample some more Bush! ;)

Jun 09 2023
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Progressive pop - can something like that even exist? Pop, by definition, is just not very innovative. It relies on the familiar. In my humble opinion, there can just be very few progress pop albums. Kate Bush's Hounds of Love is one of those very few examples. Instrumentation, lyrics, pure weirdness ('Waking the Witch'!) go hand in hand to create something very unique. This is indeed a classic that is really timeless.

Jan 20 2021
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An absolute dream! Kate Bush's piano drives you into a dreamland that's equal parts dream and nightmare. The subtlety and variety of the vocal production really stands out.

Sep 01 2021
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She literally arfs like a dog during Hounds of Love and it's like the fifth worst thing that happens on this album. Best track: I honestly don't know, and I'm not going to listen again to figure it out

Jul 10 2022
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This album is phenomenal. People will (finally) listen to Kate Bush again due to Stranger Things and it's inclusion of Running Up That Hill. And that's OK, because it is an excellent song. But the rest of the album is no less fascinating. It defies genre definitions: Pop meets Art Rock meets Folk meets Chorale .... (I could go on.) Among the twelve tracks on this album nearly every single one is different, and each has something new just waiting to be discovered. The first side (which includes Running Up That Hill) is slightly more pop oriented. Running... , Hounds Of Love, The Big Sky and Cloudbusting are real standouts. The second side is more of a concept album. The listener needs to pay more attention here, but is rewarded with excellent music. Forget everything you thought you knew about 80s music, this album is something else. 5/5

Apr 05 2021
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This is one of my favourite albums of all-time. It's worthy of a full user review, as it's a true classic. For those who have lived under a rock, or are born this millennium, Kate Bush is considered a true genius and this is viewed my many, as her seminal album. Side 1 has a collection of "hits", including; Running up that Road, Hounds of Love, The Big Sky and Cloudbusting. The subject matter is varied, including a mother's love for her son, who has committed murder, and exploration of dreams, with inspiration take from the Peter Reich memoir A Book of Dreams. It is Side Two that in my opinion the album flourishes. A suite of seven songs based on the same theme, under the heading, "The ninth wave". The story is of a woman/mother who has fallen through the ice on a frozen lake and is trapped, thinking of those left behind, as she fights to stay afloat and alive. Highlights for me are, "And dream of sheep" and "Hello Earth". There's even a Celtic Jig in there (Jig of Life). What an album! 46 minutes of perfection. Impossible to fault.

Feb 05 2021
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When you get an early morning message declaring excitement at the day’s album, you know it’s a good ‘un. So good, I played it over and over.

Mar 21 2023
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The only album with proven anti-Vecna properties. Rating: 4/5 Playlist track: Running Up That Hill (A Deal with God) Date listened: 20/03/23

Jul 29 2021
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After keeping its head above water for so long I kept thinking this had started to sink. But nearly (nearly) every time, it kept those little arms and legs paddling. The Big Sky chorus was kinda bland, I thought, but then realised the chorus was the whole song, and that it had become its own coda less than halfway through, opening the door for some spectacular drums at 1:31. Mother Stands For Comfort sounded like it couldn't figure out what to do with itself, until some imperceptible moment when not figuring out what to do with itself became its purpose. "Those strings are nowhere near enough to keep my ears awake," I said at the start of Cloudbursting. Only then it stole a march on me, celebrating its victory (and rewarding my patience) with the bass and chanting at the end. When Bush repeated the same trick for Under Ice, I concluded it was all part of the design. I still think she's limited, but now I'm satisfied that if she doesn't have the chops to pull off all her ideas, she's at least able to communicate the scale at which she's dreaming. Not only that, she works with her limitations to make it sound like she's exceeding them. I can get behind that.

May 21 2024
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To quote the first 5 star review I came to here: “Kate Bush isn’t really a songwriter. She’s an author of strange, literary fiction. Wisps of magic (the magic of nature, especially), bizarre imagery and metaphor entwine with the usual anxieties: love; motherhood; death; making deals with God. It just so happens that rather than write her baroque, gothic literature in text, she writes it in sound. These are not songs…” Exactly. That, and the fact that her music causes people to write like that about it, is why it’s awful.

Nov 03 2024
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All the magic you believed in as a child is real, and this music is the proof.

Jan 16 2024
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Mesmerising, cloudbusting a highlight but there were many others

Oct 24 2021
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This is one of the most listened to albums of my life. It’s been in heavy rotation since I discovered it in 1987. I cherish every note. I very rarely listen to single songs off this album. I feel incomplete hearing these songs out of context. Throughout my life, artists come and go and return again as my tastes drift. But Kate Bush has been at the core of my listening without pause for over 30 years regardless of what other musical interests I may be pursuing. This album helped me navigate some of the most challenging times in my life. I am hopelessly in debt to Kate Bush. There isn’t no score high enough to reflect that.

Apr 21 2021
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Kate Bush's strongest album to date also marked her breakthrough into the American charts, and yielded a set of dazzling videos as well as an enviable body of hits, spearheaded by "Running Up That Hill," her biggest single since "Wuthering Heights." Strangely enough, Hounds of Love was no less complicated in its structure, imagery, and extra-musical references (even lifting a line of dialogue from Jacques Tourneur's Curse of the Demon for the intro of the title song) than The Dreaming, which had been roundly criticized for being too ambitious and complex. But Hounds of Love was more carefully crafted as a pop record, and it abounded in memorable melodies and arrangements, the latter reflecting idioms ranging from orchestrated progressive pop to high-wattage traditional folk; and at the center of it all was Bush in the best album-length vocal performance of her career, extending her range and also drawing expressiveness from deep inside of herself, so much so that one almost feels as though he's eavesdropping at moments during "Running Up That Hill." Hounds of Love is actually a two-part album (the two sides of the original LP release being the now-lost natural dividing line), consisting of the suites "Hounds of Love" and "The Ninth Wave." The former is steeped in lyrical and sonic sensuality that tends to wash over the listener, while the latter is about the experiences of birth and rebirth. If this sounds like heady stuff, it could be, but Bush never lets the material get too far from its pop trappings and purpose. In some respects, this was also Bush's first fully realized album, done completely on her own terms, made entirely at her own 48-track home studio, to her schedule and preferences, and delivered whole to EMI as a finished work; that history is important, helping to explain the sheer presence of the album's most striking element -- the spirit of experimentation at every turn, in the little details of the sound. That vastly divergent grasp, from the minutiae of each song to the broad sweeping arc of the two suites, all heavily ornamented with layered instrumentation, makes this record wonderfully overpowering as a piece of pop music. Indeed, this reviewer hadn't had so much fun and such a challenge listening to a new album from the U.K. since Abbey Road, and it's pretty plain that Bush listened to (and learned from) a lot of the Beatles' output in her youth.

May 18 2024
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It takes a few listens to really get a grasp of it. It’s so unique and I never know where the song is going to go. Rating: 4.7

Oct 24 2021
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I had never listened to a Kate Bush album before now. I knew a couple of her hits from radio play, but I didn't ever really have an interest in her beyond that. I am glad that this project has brought her back to my attention. I enjoyed the album. It seemed full of drama to me...almost theatrical with the variety of sounds.

Aug 21 2021
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A genuine masterpiece. Incredible vocals and orchestration, few albums achieve this level of power, beauty, emotion and passion and remain popular and even catchy. The first five tracks have to be one of the best sequences on any album ever: The haunting synths on Running Up That Hill; the snapping, urgent drums on Hounds of Love; the luscious orchestral arrangements on The Big Sky; the peculiar melodies on Mother Stands for Comfort; and that incredible violin riff on the immortal Cloudbustin’. Amazing, amazing, amazing. These opening tracks alone would earn five stars. And whilst I find the rest of the album elusive and intangible, these tracks reward repeat listening and immersion. Nobody makes music quite like Kate Bush. Iconic. What an artist.

Apr 05 2021
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Well this is one of the great pop albums, it is difficult to think of a pop album that is resonated with me as much is this one. It is a record that still holds its weight 35 years after its release,There is a time is quality that makes this album still sound young and fresh on each listen. Despite the success of this project Kate this remains an artist it was quite an enigma keeping public appearances minimal. There is something very certain about this record coming out in 1985 as I believe if this was a modern classic album Kate Bush would’ve been pushed in every angle to sell commercially and the genius buying this project would’ve been lost behind horrible chart remixes.This is one of Kate Bush strongest albums to date in my opinion and this album broke the name of Kate Bush across the world making her not only a British popstar but topping the American charts. It is a sound that was much before its time with no popstars creating a sonic landscape like this. Each of the 12 tracks and a purpose and strong identity. It is an album where I feel there is genuinely no fillers, also including one of the greatest intros of all time. The album sound light and airy like a fever dream whilst having roots of electronic music played again. There’s also something crazy about this record being a fifth album but it still self produced sounding DIY but embracing the possibilities of digital sampling synthesisers and marrying that sound with something that is technical genius and a step into the exploration of sound. Not only is it a technical step of genius that it is a project that has incredible song structures and is underpinned by voice of lyrical genius. Capers having vocals that are truly impeccable both sweet dreamy and light whilst being full of emotion and passion. When comparing the content of this records to any modern day pop record you would think the content is cheesy and cringing but there is a genius much more before its time in this project, these lyrics are now what shaped what we listen to today in popular culture. With some of the most beautiful metaphors of love. Each song is written like a poem both beautiful and definitive. The cover for this project is also work about being something truly remarkable, and Like the quality of this project the cover is something that really is up there with the greats being synonymous with Kate Bush. It is a cover which is both simplistic yes affective and you can almost hear the sounds of a spear-headed “running up that hill” bleeding through the cover. To conclude for this project there is little else that’s all I can say, Kate Bush is one of the great popstars and her work is almost on matchable in quality. It is a shame she did so few live shows and she’s not a popstar this is still going but maybe that is part of a genius – always leave the audience wanting more. No words can do this album justice, put it on for five minutes and I promise you you’ll be there for entire track list.

Sep 28 2020
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A perfect album that I have written just... so much about. Top 10

Mar 17 2022
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This is it. This is the album praised as the pinnacle of pop. Kate Bush, through her passionate songwriting and dreamy production, has gifted us the Hounds of Love in 1985. As far as anyone is concerned, Kate Bush is in her own league with this album. To just call it a "pop album" would be underselling how truly unique, how damn great it is. Some of it is cheesy, sure, but I think it's easily backed up by the incredible high moments of the album. I will say I find side B noticeably weaker than side A, making me lose interest. Incredible songs otherwise.

Oct 12 2024
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Like if a witch from the 80s adapted her grimoire into a pop album. Wow

Jun 06 2024
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I love Kate bush and this is her at her best

Jul 15 2022
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A conveniently timed album to receive thanks to Running Up That Hill's resurgence on the charts from its feature in Stranger Things. And although that song definitely hooked me into Kate Bush's work, I didn't really gain a great appreciation for her until listening to this album two years ago. It was COVID time and stuck in lockdown, Running came up a lot on song radios and decided to check Hounds Of Love out. The thing that stood out the most then was The Ninth Wave suite. After some decent to great pop songs, you got a soft lullaby which after a somber gathering of clouds, bursts over Waking Up The Witch which scared the shit out of me. It was so dark and sinister after the first side being joyous and a bit happy with songs like Cloudbusting, The Big Sky and the title track. The Ninth Wave then goes to a calm state before going Celtic in Jig Of Life, a resurgence in Hello Earth and then the curtain call in Morning Fog. It was such an interesting listen as you have a pop artist whose prime was the 70s/80s and they could do both great singles, and weird as hell concepts and suites. Since then I have gotten the album on vinyl and listened to a bunch of Kate Bush's albums and though she isn't in my top 3 artists, have gained a massive amount of respect and love for her. And post Stranger Things, I am very pleased her work is in the limelight again, and hopefully some of those who came for Running, will like this album and some of her other works.

Jan 19 2022
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Kate Bush is able to pave a whimsically emotional journey for the listener. Her haunting voice, the complex poetic songwriting, the dreamlike synths and romantic piano transports you to the depths of a different world. Bush’s lyrics are spilling over with feeling and she has a natural ability to paint vivid dreamscapes with her words. Every track feels so full with expression and experimentation yet never feel crowded or too jarring. You can tell a lot of artists have drawn inspiration from her, from then and til today, and specifically her contribution to the 80’s goth and darkwave scene is definitely felt on Hounds of Love. Top tracks: Running Up That Hill/Cloudbusting Least favourite track: Watching You Without Me

Jan 07 2022
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I'd never really seen it before, but I think you can really clearly see the influence of Kate Bush on St Vincent on this record.

Nov 29 2021
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4.5/5. Almost every track slaps, and it’s the Wall for Women. Can’t go wrong 👍.

Nov 23 2021
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Did not expect to love this as much as I did. Kate bush rocks and has such a unique voice with some great songs to carry it

Nov 17 2021
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By 1986 Kate Bush was eight years into a highly successful career which had seen her rise to be the preeminent British female pop musician of the age which an international reputation. The Hounds of Love was her fifth studio album, all her previous collections had seen remarkable changes in style. Hounds of Love continued in that vein. It benefits the listener to approach Hounds of Love as two separate collection of songs (the two sides as originally released) bound together by similar themes. Side one represents a more traditional approach to song writing with some very strong and compelling pop songs (Running Up That Hill and Cloudbusting stand out). Side two- often referred to as The Ninth Wave- represents a rich journey through musical experimentation and the lyrical exploration of life, death, and rebirth. Deliberately bold, the tracks have both a dramatic and dream like feel. Despite all of its experimentation, the female challenges to the idea of ‘progressive’ rock and the standout song writing, Hounds of Love is a reflection of some very traditional themes: love, loss and the challenges and comforts of childhood memory. It’s impossible to overstate its musical and lyrical pull. It stands at the head of the pantheon of what can be prosaically described as rock or pop music. Score: 5/5

Sep 30 2021
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kate bush is an icon, love her so much!! one of my favourite albums everrrr

Jul 13 2021
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What a weird, cool, beautiful album

Jun 26 2021
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One of Kate’s very best and also of the 80s IMO. Her voice has never been more powerful, crystalline, clear and pure. And her writing is simply in a class of its own. The brilliant singles from this album speak for themselves but the experimental Side B is also a revelation. I’d give this a 4.5 but since I was so hard on Pet Sounds yesterday I’ll round this up to a 5

Oct 14 2024
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Eerie and ethereal. Though I admit that I was one of the millions who made their way into Kate Bush's catalogue due to "Stranger Things," "Running Up That Hill" is still the best track on this album. "Cloudbursting" was also good.

May 21 2024
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Really fun album. First song was instantly recognizeable considering how many tik tok videos I've seen using it. I never really listened to Kate Bush, so I didn't even know that was her song.

May 18 2024
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Pretty solid album. I remember seeing her albums in the 80's but this was the first time I've ever listened to her. The songs are well crafted and you can tell she is talented. I probably won't revisit but I enjoyed it.

Apr 15 2024
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This album entertained me throughout! She creates an unique atmosphere and the well known "Running up that hill (a deal with God)" is the highlight of the entire album. "Cloudbusting", but "Jig of life " gives the Irish/folk touch that is always appreciated. To re-listen it again. 3.5/5

Jan 23 2024
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I love kate bush and I love this album. Some of the tracks and the ‘cutting edge’ audio treatments have not aged too well but it still makes for an interesting listen. Bold, beautiful and probably a little crazy, she is a beautiful songwriter. It’s a 3 star album but a 4 star artist! Discovered by the legendary David Gilmour (Pink Floyd)

Jul 11 2023
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Somebody should really use this “Running Up That Hill” song in a film…very cinematic feel. Nah, who am I kidding? It would probably work better in a TV show.

Feb 06 2025
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Opening track transporting me back to OG TikTok vibes. Her vocals complement the synths heard throughout the record very well. But what the hell does “I found a fox caught by dogs” mean. As the record progresses, we see Kate starts to get repetitive in her lyrics. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but there doesn’t seem to be any purpose or reason behind her doing so. Her repetition is welcomed in the beginning, but gets pretty tiresome at the end. The random electric guitar riffs that get thrown into songs was definitely a high point for me. Whether or not it fit with her album as a whole can be up for debate, but it was a nice change of pace. The whole album had me feeling like I was floating on a cloud. Absolutely loved the beat switch on “Waking the Witch” but then the track starts getting colluded by the church bells and random menacing voice. “Jig of Life” was probably my favorite track of the entire record. Not sure, what an irish jig is doing on a “Pop” album, but I was vibing. At the end of the day, I did not like or dislike this album. But will I go listen to it again, probably not. 3.2/10

May 24 2024
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Very unique sound. Tracks like Running Up That Hill have taken on a second life which is what this album will likely be most known for. Want to give it another listen at some point.

May 20 2024
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Not really my cup of tea, but nice songs still

May 18 2024
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This was an interesting album with a lot of variety, and by interesting I mean weird. I used to really dislike Kate Bush but I have to say she is growing on me over time and I didn’t mind this. Listens: 1 Fave Track: The Big Sky Rating: 3

Jan 23 2021
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Is this album a bit over produced? Yes Is it a bit all over the place? Yes Do the bangers make up for it? Yes Can I forgive her for Jig of Life? I’m just not sure

Sep 16 2024
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It was more annoying than good. And I think Placebo's cover of Running Up That Hill is much more superior.

Feb 06 2024
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This album was so hard for me to get through for some reason. It wasn't necessarily bad, I just don't know if I was ever in the mood for this style of music. I think, unfortunately because its actually a great song, starting with Running Up That Hill really killed it for me because that song has been played into the ground recently. If that were in the middle or maybe not on this record at all I might have enjoyed it more.

Nov 11 2022
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Kate Bush has a nice voice, but this is a little slow, light, and basic for my taste. Only the first song is a real standout, and it's even kind of slow. There's too many songs that are just total start-to-finish duds, like "Mother Stands for Comfort" and "Under Ice", neither of which really does anything. There's not a lot of diversity, and even some of the stronger tracks, like "Cloudbusting" and "Running Up That Hill" sound exactly the same throughout, they just don't develop their main idea at all. This CD seems like it's supposed to function as a vocal showcase for Bush, but she's not quite a good enough singer to make that work well, and on some of the songs most devoted to that concept, like "And Dream of Sheep", she never really takes over and fully opens her voice up, she's content to be just another background instrument. That leaves the overall sounds kind of rudderless and drifting - so fine background music, but not something I'd put on again.

Feb 13 2025
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This record is great. There’s something magical and transporting about Kate’s sound. Yes it’s an 80s record, but feels fresh today.

Feb 09 2025
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stunning. so glad this generator had me revisit this. hard to choose favorite songs but highlights include: "Running Up That Hill" "Hounds of Love" "Mother Stands For Comfort" "Cloudbusting" "Jig of Life"

Feb 08 2025
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When we talk about the brilliance of artists like Gabriel or Bowie, Kate Bush should be part of that conversation. Amazing.

Feb 03 2025
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What an album! Hauntingly eerie at times. I really liked the different instruments present throughout. Great vocal work too! 'Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)' is such a fun track!

Jan 31 2025
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A continuously magical eruption of creativity.

Jan 31 2025
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Always gotta give Kate Bush 5 stars. Can't match the beautiful blend of artistry and bonkerstry.

Jan 31 2025
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Upea levy! Sopivassa suhteessa popimpaa ja artsympaa kamaa. Todella hieno! 5/5

Jan 31 2025
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Paljon saanut viime vuosina soittoa, mutta onhan tämä sekä upea pop-levy ja samaan aikaan monella tapaa konventiosta poikkeava. Nelosen ja vitosen välillä pallottelen, mutta kyllä tälle nyt femman sit antaa.

Jan 28 2025
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OVERALL: Consistently good production and vocals (with the exception of Waking The Witch and some weird vocal effects). Almost every single song on this album is absolutely incredible, especially Hello Earth. After looking it up, the first 5 songs and the last 7 songs are split into separate discs, which makes so much sense. Kate Bush almost dies in the second disc and has a pretty nice time with most of the first disc. Very fun and ethereal. Waking The Witch and maybe Jig Of Life bring this down, but I can deal with both of them and Jig Of Life is just okay. SONG AVG: 8.125/10 PERSONAL RATING: 9.25/10 Running Up That Hill: Everybody knows this song, especially that one part. Incredible production, and the vocals are pretty good. It is a bit annoying because of how much I've heard it, but I still like it. 9.25/10 Hounds of Love: I like the vocals during the chorus, outro, and pre-chorus, but other than that, Kate Bush's voice is kinda annoying. Pretty solid production. 7.5/10 The Big Sky: Very good production, sounds absolutely incredible. The vocals are also pretty good for the most part, but the weird yodel-like yeahs bring this down a bit. 8/10 Mother Stands For Comfort: Great, surreal production. I guess the glass breaking is a bit weird, but it works. Very good vocal performance. I can't really understand what she's saying, but the lyrics on genius are pretty interesting and have a pretty dark meaning. The moaning noises are kinda weird though. 9/10 Cloudbusting: Pretty solid overall. The production and vocals are pretty good, but nothing too memorable. Just a pretty nice song. Kinda drags on a bit. Also apparently this is based on a book? 7/10 And Dream Of Sheep: Pretty beautiful. Very good production, and the vocals are absolutely outstanding. Pretty short, unfortunately. 9.5/10 Under Ice: The production sounds like a panic attack, but in a good way. The vocals seem very frantic, but are kinda corny for a good portion of the song. Clearly I missed something from the last song, because why is Kate Bush drowning? 9.25/10 Waking The Witch: I have no idea what is happening here. The singular note transition into this song and the people saying wake up are kinda funny. The production is very good, but the demon(?) voice is very jarring. That's probably the point, but it doesn't make it any better. Also, there are lots of weird details that I don't really want to type out, so I'm not going to. Just know that it sounds bad but is probably supposed to. 3/10 Watching You Without Me: Is Kate Bush officially dead now? Anyways, fantastic production and some of the best vocals on this album. Absolutely incredible song in almost every aspect. The double reversed bridge and the lagging chorus make it much worse, but it's still very good. 8.5/10 Jig Of Life: SCOTTISH??????????????????? Anyways, NOW Kate Bush has to be dead or at least hallucinating. I've never been much of a fan of Irish-Gaelic type songs, but this isn't as bad. I still don't like it, but the production accomplishes it's job pretty well, and the vocals are pretty solid. 6/10 Hello Earth: This is one of the greatest songs ever made. Perfect production, incredible vocals, pretty good lyrics, just insanely good. It even has heavenly choir parts in between the absolutely fantastic choruses. This song does probably mean that she gets found, but I STILL THINK SHE'S DEAD. 11/10 The Morning Fog: Shit, she's alive. (Or reincarnated) Anyways, pretty big tone shift from basically the rest of the songs since, like, And Dream Of Sheep. Very good production and backing vocals, as well as fantastic lyrics and vocal performance. Works pretty good as an epilogue, but not as well as an outro after Kate Bush almost dying. Still really good. 9.5/10

Jan 26 2025
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Kate Bush - Hounds Of Love One of the best pop albums out there. In a time where everyone was trying to follow the same trend that, while it did sound fresh and good, it started to become repetitive overtime, Kate was one of those few artists that not only experimented into what pop can become, but was able to become popular doing so. It's unfortunate it never got too popular outside of Europe back then, but thanks to the internet, now i know about her music and it's really great! If you like to listen to pop, give yourself a favor and listen to this album. It's a magical first listen, and you'll enjoy it for sure! Overall, this is amazing. 1.- Running Up That Hill (A Deal with God) = 10/10 2.- Hounds Of Love = 10/10 3.- The Big Sky = 10/10 4.- Mother Stands for Comfort = 8/10 5.- Cloudbusting = 10/10 6.- And Dream of Sheep = 9/10 7.- Under Ice = 8/10 8.- Waking the Witch = 8/10 9.- Watching You Without Me = 8/10 10.- Jig of Life = 9/10 11.- Hello Earth = 10/10 12.- The Morning Fog = 9/10 FINAL SCORE: 9.1/10

Jan 21 2025
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A revelation. Having never really listened to her work, just based upon a whole host of things, I would have thought it would have been kind of…twee…? But I was really engrossed by her voice and her artistic VOICE. Despite my attempts to dismiss this album as pretentious and posturing, I just kept getting, I guess…charmed by it. By the earnestness of the whole thing. And you can hear so much of the good part of the future 80s in this music (digital instrumentation applied smartly and with heart, instead of cold and icy). The Morning Fog was an amazing first-time listen. A classic. Brava!

Jan 15 2025
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Goose Cover's running up that hill!

Jan 14 2025
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Honestly I don’t need to explain why it’s a 5/5

Jan 14 2025
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Incredible instrumentation range. One the truly all-time greatest albums.

Jan 11 2025
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# Album Name: Hounds of Love # Artist: Kate Bush # Rating: 5/5 # Comments: Kate's vocals on this album are absolutely fantastic. Top drawer! The albums opens with the fantastic running up at hill and hounds of love. Both are great tracks. Thats a big test for the rest of the album to stand up too. The bass, vocals and guitar are wicked in Big sky. The use of strings dotted around the album are rather empowering and give the album a dark undertone in certain areas. I like it. The second half of the album takes a dark turn. Starting with under ice. Waking the witch is a bit of a mind fuck. I could imagine it backing a horror scene. I have to say for a first listen this album was POWERFUL. i really enjoyed the sounds, vocal and overall music. Great album. It kicks you in the balls. Nice finish with morning fog. # Top Tunes: Running up that hill / HOL / Big Sky / Cloudbusting / Jig of life / waking the witch / morning fog # Would I listen to it again? I will definitely come back to this one.

Jan 11 2025
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I was just cloudbursting while running up that hill ❤️

Jan 11 2025
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Just a phenomenal album. Opening with one of the best songs of all time and there's tests and turns galore after that. Adore

Jan 10 2025
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This album was so ahead of its time. An influence on many of my favorite artists. We had actually listened to this on the turntable just a few days ago - in regular rotation at our house. Great album.

Jan 09 2025
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stranger things will never be able to ruin running up that hill for me (although the best song on the album is actually cloudbusting)

Jan 07 2025
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Schwer zu beschreiben, laut Wikipedia post-progressive Rock. Klingt powervoll flehend? Teils everybody wants to rule, teils mittelalterlich, teils Stranger Things Exorzismus. Alles andere als langweilig. Die Art zu singen ist nicht so meins, etwas überdramatisch-Helene-Fischer-esk. Gutes Album! 4,5/5

Jan 07 2025
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Ummmmm I didn’t know they fucked this hard in the 80’s??? Wow this album was a roller coaster for me. Staring off strong with RUTH, I of course know and love due to Stranger Things. However, idk if it was because I was distracted or what but the next few songs didn’t really stand out. I was starting to think this album may be a one hit wonder. Then the B side!! Omg. I was stopped in my tracks. Pulled into a story that I didn’t quite understand but i didn’t care because it sounded so cool. I can’t wait to go back and listen again, with lyrics pulled up!! Overall 5/5 album. Some big hits and weird mind fuckery. Perfect.

Jan 03 2025
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As a mid 20's person, my instinct on seeing this, was of course, thinking about how Running Up That Hill absolutely blew back up in 2022, to the point where you couldn't be on any sort of social media without hearing the song within 10 minutes. (Not that it's a bad thing, just making a point) This didn't give me a negative or positive bias going in, as I don't know much about her besides that, just I knew to expect a heavy hitter. I was pleasantly surprised as a fan of prog rock, and as someone who sometimes needs 2nd listens to certain pop (Heaven or Las Vegas comes to mind) to truly understand it, how well both these elements shined, on the first listen. The aforementioned track deserves it's flowers as the most infamous song, because it stands out from the rest. That doesn't mean the rest of the album disappoints. Kate seems to have been experimenting (especially in the backhalf) in ways that feels 20+ years ahead of her time. Things you see modern artists try to do with their albums. Through 3 of her albums generated, she is the one of the original pop blueprints for maximizing sound to instantly punch through and grant you a vision beyond the lush, purple cover, on what the album is supposed to sound and feel like. I can understand this album not hitting for others, since I've had a few albums similar to this (including one her other albums) that I just couldn't get right away, but you can't deny the artistic talent, and influence to come from it afterwards.

Jan 01 2025
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Kate Bush is great. The album gets a bit weird and very 80s in the middle, but I'm here for it.

Dec 31 2024
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She had my attention all those years ago. Beautiful voice with original songs. Inspiration to many. Mucho talent.

Dec 25 2024
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Ah! I love Hounds of Love! It's one I already own on vinyl, and I'm excited to revisit it today. I rarely actually listen to Side B, so that was nice!

Dec 25 2024
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Felt a huge rush of excitement hearing the opening synth whoosh of "Running Up That Hill", an excitement that never relents at any point afterwards. The drums sound so big and propulsive, Kate wails for her life on this album, and the songwriting remains as unique as ever. It's more than a little ridiculous that I don't listen to this all the time.

Dec 24 2024
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listening to this gave me an appreciation for the back half of this album that i didnt have before. 'waking the witch', 'watching you without me' - bangers. I obvs already knew about the first half which is pretty flawless, but glad to have a new appreciation for the rest of it. Cloudbusting is one of the best songs of all time.

Dec 20 2024
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just good Running Up That Hill часто в эдитах встречается

Dec 19 2024
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Awesome album. Unique pop that stands from it's peers from the era. Running Up That Hill is a monster of a song that deserves all of the recent revitalization it has received. I like several songs from here, I think the one I'll add to my list is Jig of Life. It's a nice Irish jig with Kates dominating voice still present.

Dec 19 2024
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This was wonderful. So much cool music and great singing and writing from Kate Bush. So good I listened to it twice. Five stars.

Dec 11 2024
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Easily one of the most creative and interesting pop album ever made. Kate Bush was never afraid to push boundaries and always challenge what popular music should sound like, and this right her is her masterpiece. Side A while still fantastic definitely is the more "radio friendly" half of the album, and side B is full of uniqueness and innovation.

Dec 10 2024
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9/10 Kocham Tori Amos. Kocham Bjork. Więc to oczywiste, że kocham też Kate Bush. Eksperymentalny pop. Jednostka wybitna i skrajnie oryginalna. Śpiewa to co chce i tak jak chce. Zostawiam kawałek mojej duszy przy tej płycie

Dec 10 2024
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This I often do not do. Generally I hold very tightly to my ratings and find it important overall not to be haphazard and just throw out random ratings. yet at the same time this is NOT a random rating. The more I hear Kate Bush, of which I have always been a fan (being a child of the 80's and all), the more she grows on me as a songwriter and a storyteller. This album is not homogenized and overproduced and predictable. It is still as fresh as it was the day it was released and is brave and open and emotional. Really what else is there for music to be?

Dec 03 2024
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I'd be amazed if there's another record as weird as this one on the list, and I really appreciate how singular and unique it is. A true one off.

Dec 02 2024
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The sudden success of "Running Up That Hill" reminded us that Kate Bush is a truly great artist and reminded us how timeless "Hounds Of Love" sounds regardless of the era with its ethereal sound yet so powerful in its emotional charge. It was good to revisit this album because it reminds us that Kate Bush is a legend and will always be in our hearts.

Nov 30 2024
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An absolute classic. So many textures and musical ideas but so truly reflected in the concept. A truly original sound and a truly original artist.

Nov 29 2024
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phenomenal. Thanks Kate for everything

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