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Arise is the fourth studio album by Brazilian heavy metal band Sepultura, released in 1991 by Roadrunner Records. Upon its release, the album received top reviews from heavy metal magazines such as Rock Hard, Kerrang! and Metal Forces. Arise is considered Sepultura's finest hour among longtime fans. While the music on Arise was mostly in the same death/thrash style as their previous album, Beneath the Remains, it was clear that the Sepultura sound was acquiring an experimental edge. The album presented their first incursions with industrial music, hardcore punk and Latin percussion. The tour (1991–1992) that supported the album was the group's longest at that time, totalling 220 shows in 39 countries. During this trek, the album went gold in Indonesia—the band's first music industry certification. By the tour's end, Arise had achieved platinum sales worldwide. Although lead guitarist Andreas Kisser stated that Arise "took a lot of the same direction" as their previous album, Beneath the Remains, it was clear that their music had somehow changed. Sepultura's usual breakneck pace became toned down a bit; drummer Igor Cavalera started using groove-laden rhythms. According to metal specialist Don Kaye, the album "represented the band taking their initial death/thrash sound to its logical conclusion." Arise also found the band opening up to non-metal influences. Bands such as Einstürzende Neubauten, Nine Inch Nails, The Young Gods, and Ministry were already part of Sepultura's listening habits, and slight touches of industrial music can be traced through the use of samples and sound effects. A trademark of a later phase—Latin percussion and "tribal" drumming—made its first appearance on the song "Altered State". The band's old love for hardcore punk is evident on "Subtraction" and "Desperate Cry".







  • Metal


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Sun May 09 2021

I listen to this album a few times a week, have done since I was about 12 (I'm 37 now lol). It's metal perfection, simple as that. I couldn't think of anything I'd change - everything is exactly as it should be. Scott Burns deserves a fucking award for the production, too. 5/5.

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Fri Apr 09 2021

I was taken aback by this record. Can't say that I expected to be listening to 90s Brazilian death metal today! While it's hard to imagine what it would take for me to love a metal album, I actually enjoyed this a lot more than I expected to. Still better than John Martyn. Perhaps it was just the Friday afternoon productivity boost I needed. Maybe I'm on to something here... Join me next week for my TED talk on "death metal in the workplace." Rating 2.5/5 Favourite song: Desperate Cry has got some serious twists and turns

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Mon Oct 11 2021

What an odd choice to include this album - which is pretty by-the-numbers thrash metal - when the following Sepultura album, Chaos A.D., would see them making a genre-defining groove metal album incorporating elements of traditional Brazilian tribal music. At least Roots made the list... but Arise over Chaos A.D.? Weird. Very weird. Still good... but not the album that should be on the list.

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Thu Dec 23 2021

I have a sore knee, a toothache, and I didn't sleep well last night due to a roof full of squirrells that I paid to have removed in November. To avoid further irritation, I bailed after 2 songs .

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Thu Oct 07 2021

Even though I'm on record as a fan of metal, I've often skipped Sepultura because they just always seemed so try-hard. They seem to work so hard to come across extra shocking and creepy. But this, friends, is why you shouldn't judge an album by its cover. This record is straight up fire. It lives in that liminal zone between thrash and death metal that lends itself to really tasty grooves which practically spark with high-voltage current. It's super energetic without being frantic or chaotic, controlled without being robotic, and switches from face-melting guitar licks to heavy, pounding groves without missing a beat or losing an ounce of power. It's a damn good example of the genre.

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Fri Jun 25 2021

Perfect croissant making music

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Wed Jan 27 2021

It might be the most brilliant Ablum of it's genere of all times but I can't listen to it. They seem to be capable though

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Mon Jul 18 2022

I once heard this described as a 'riff Bible'. It is such an incredible album and it does surprise me that it is on this list, even if it is my favourite Sepultura album.

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Fri Dec 10 2021

More musical value than Napalm Death. Less comedy value though.

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Fri Mar 12 2021

Arise is a solid ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Lyrically it’s a bit silly at times but still holds up in terms of their playing

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Sun Aug 01 2021

Compared to what I thought this was gonna to sound like starting off, this album was actually really badass. Every time I thought they were about to lose me they hit a guitar solo or breakdown that was hitting the spot. Definitely will go back to this when I’m in the mood

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Fri Dec 23 2022

Yessss. 4 Not very creative though 2 I like it. But its sooo boring 1 It's definitely so much fun to run around and mush into other people to. But then again, it's those metal songs that are just never inviting an actual wall to diverge, or a mosh to even begin. You just kind of wait in anticipation for a thing that never comes. It only invites circles pits, and even they just can't even start if a breakdown never even pretends to show itself. In the end you're left feeling incomplete and questioning if the sweat, broken bones and moshing was even worth it.

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Mon Dec 06 2021

Thrash Metal with an experimental edge, the rare non-Scandinavian metal band really blows it out of the park with this

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Wed Feb 10 2021

Good metal enjoyed it a lot. Crazy guitar solos and riffs. Nasty drums and grimy vocals, loved it. Favorite song, Dead Embryonic Cells. Will definitely be returning to the project when I'm in the mood, 6/8.

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Wed May 26 2021

Ok this thing RIPS. I love the ambient sections between songs it really gives a sense of space

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Sun Jul 11 2021

I'll admit it: I am a big metalhead. The music here even overrides the vocals (which are growly but not terrible). I'm all about this. I can't call it perfect but it's absolutely a high level.

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Thu Dec 23 2021

Äntligen lite METAL Alltså det är cool beans men också uppenbart att de vill låta maximalt som Slayer, ibland kanske nästan för mycket? Äh jag gillade!

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Fri Mar 04 2022

I previously reviewed the album Roots by Sepultura. Although that album was in some ways more creative than this one, I think Arise is the better album of the two, with more tonal consistency and arrangements that are a little more ear friendly (as far as Sepultura albums go LOL). This is high energy, thrashy music that burns. Musically it's really good, with magnificent guitars by Andreas Kisser and wicked drumming by Igor Cavalera. It's a top notch metal album. Fave Songs: Murder, Meaningless Movements, Altered State, Under Siege (Regnum Irae), Desperate Cry

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Mon Jun 13 2022

Surprisingly good! As a teenager, I was into punk and thought metal was cheesy. Now I think they're both pretty cheesy but occasionally great. I love the energy of this style of thrash metal. I like the dystopian atmosphere of despair paired with some killer grooves. For this style of music, I find 30-35 mins makes the perfect album. This is about ten minutes too long - but it's a small complaint. 4*

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Sun Jul 03 2022

I have heard of this band but I am not familiar with any of their albums or songs. Another band that I was very psyched to check out. Sounds like classic thrash metal which I love and is one of my favorite genres. This album came out around the golden age of Thrash metal and its very apparent how much they are influenced by bands like Slayer and to a lesser extent Metallica. I can hear similarities in their riffs and the singer sounds a lot like the singer from Slayer to me. Also very similar lyrical themes that Slayer sang about. I loved this album a lot and I will be doing a deep dive of their discography to see what else they have produced over the years. \m/

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Wed Jul 27 2022

very good no where near as good as roots but it's also hard to compare as they sound completely different

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Wed Sep 14 2022

The influences from Master of Puppets are obvious, but Sepultura's fourth record is more brutal and experimenting in nature. And the drumming is just slightly more tight, as heard on 'Subtraction'. A monster of a track with a brutality in the higher end of the thrash metal spectrum. The legendary title track is equally as brutal and sets the tone for this entire tour de force of industrial-inspired thrash.

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Thu Oct 27 2022

A pretty thrilling, high adrenaline ride, with a thrash metal band who can actually play and an ear for melody, structure and tone absent from similar band's efforts. The production is uniformly excellent and even though the subject matter is the usual tread through, er, death and facism and crushing uniformity (alright, I'm guessing mostly because I can't really tell), it doesn't mar the great soundscape and mode. Immerse, bang your head or just get some work done - smash the system whilst working for it.

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Sun Nov 08 2020

There are moments when this thrash metal band uses its incredible technical ability to allow the speed with which they play to generate some forward momentum, but mostly they're happy to mindlessly assault the senses. What disappoints me most is they show flashes of something approaching interesting, but won't commit to it. Best track: Desperate Cry

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Thu Sep 09 2021

Alles drin, was damals für mich an Sepultura neu und aufregend war (Metal war nicht mein Ding): Blast Beats, Brutalität, Ambient Sounds aber gleichzeitig so konzentriert, kompakt, ohne die (ich kannte und kenne mich im Metal nicht aus) damals üblichen Leder- und Gore-Klischees zu bedienen. Die Indie-Variante von Thrashmetal sozusagen. Gut zum Autofahren, gut für die Arbeit im Home Office.

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Tue Oct 11 2022

It can be that they are one of the bands responsible for defining the formula, but this album is absolutely formulaic. I have never been a fan of growled vocals - I prefer vocalists who can sing, and the absence of this weighs heavily against Sepultura. The rhythm section is solid as is to be expected. The lead guitar is uninspiring however. After three or four tracks it gets rather boring - all too much the same.

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Thu Oct 27 2022

Arise - its one of these albums.. Dead embryonic cells - points just for the little Tbh👍 Desperate cry - some nice differentiation here between two sections Murder- cheery titles.. Cute👍 All other songs much the same Altered state👍 I guess this is good for what it is but it just doesn't appeal to me 3/5

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Thu Nov 24 2022

Wow I am thoroughly surprised and elated that Sepultura have an album on this list. I bet if you polled death metal bands/players today, 99% of them would mention Sepultura as being an influence to them. I personally have several old band members that have Sepultura tattoos! They are great. Really amazing. Brazilian trailblazers that brought tribal rhythms to thrashy guitars and guttural, animalistic vocals. This album is the start of a 3-record span of albums that really blew open death/thrash metal- "Arise" "Chaos AD" and "Roots". While I'm REALLY glad there is a Sepultura album on here, I think that "Chaos AD" or "Roots" would have been better choices. Both of those are more refined (in a good way- you can make an argument that says "why would I want "refined" when I'm looking for animalistic thrash music?", but I promise it's better) and I think would have been better picks. SDA- if you never heard of Sepultura, listen to the track "Territory" on Chaos AD- specifically the drum solo intro. To me that captures everything about Sepultura in about 60 seconds of music. Actually listen to the whole track, it's got great lyrics (about tyranny and oppression ofc), guitar solos, everything. Speaking of guitar solos and performances, it's so funny to say but in the realm of heavy metal, this band is so tasteful. None of the members step on eachother's toes, none of them overdo anything and none of them under do (if overdo is a word then why isn't underdo) anything. They understand when there should be breaths in music- something that is the bane of many metal bands. With all of that being said, I think this album is a 3/5, and the two following albums are 4/5's. I would love if "Chaos AD" was on this list in place of "Arise".

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Fri Feb 12 2021

Not a huge fan of the genre. Very hit or miss for me. I didn’t hate it, but to me, a song without melodies and vocals that incorporate a scale is more performance art than music.

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Thu Sep 09 2021

Chaos A.D. war zu Metal-Schulzeit mega wichtig, elegisch, aufrüttelnd. Arise legt nach wie vor eine politische Messlatte an jeden Song, auf dass diese niemals unterschritten wird, aber ansonsten muss ich konstatieren, a) rausgewachsen zu sein und b) hier wirklich keine Neuerfindung des Rades vorzufinden geschweige denn c) überhaupt ein rundes Ding vorzufinden, das keine Ähnlichkeit mit einer stets vorwärts preschenden Kreissäge aufweist. Abgetrennte 1,4

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Sun Apr 03 2022

pourtant j'adore la musique brésilienne

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Thu Nov 05 2020

wow awesome thrash metal band. Never heard of them but a big fan

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Fri Apr 16 2021

No había escuchado este pedo. Me atrevo a decir que está en el top 3 de mejores disco de trash de la historia. Tiene todo lo que necesitas: riffs veloces, solos increíbles, gruñidos, letras sobre el fin del mundo, coros gritados. Fabuloso. Le doy 420 estrellas.

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Fri Apr 16 2021

Amazing trash metal I miss Max Calavera

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Thu Jul 29 2021

Steengoed Sepultura album, iets meer death dan het Chaos A.D. album

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Thu Aug 05 2021

In my top 5 favourite metal records of all time, easily. Maybe top 3.

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Sat Oct 09 2021

Fucking old school Sepultura. Enough said.

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Mon Nov 08 2021

I enjoyed this album way harder than I thought I would. I normally don't enjoy death metal too much. But the vocals are brutal and raw. Just some really solid stuff. Add in the artwork too, it feels so classic. Overall do I think this album is a 5/5? Maybe not in a Objective but from my personal perspective? this feels really good honestly.

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Fri Jan 07 2022

sweet, just what I expected, can't wait to hear it in my car

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Fri Feb 18 2022

O começo da confirmação da poder do metal brasileiro.

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Thu Apr 07 2022

Yeah, with a couple of exceptions, this is a bloody good album.

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Fri Jun 17 2022

An all time banger. Peak form between this and Chaos AD

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Fri Sep 16 2022

Classic trash metal album. Not a big fan of the genre but knew this album and it is perfect of course.

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Wed Oct 19 2022

A Thrash classic, raw energy and power in every single track already heard it but gladly gave it a spin, still as good as I remember

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Sun Apr 02 2023

fuck yes. Rocking so goddamn hard. Drums like machine guns. Guitars rip. Loved this

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Thu Apr 27 2023

This album is perfect. Absolutely perfect. Like when I have an enemy that I've captured and tied up in the basement and needs to be interrogated and they need to be softened up. Or if I have some houseguests who need to leave, like my parents. Oh yeah! At an hour long, it doesn't have the repetition that, say, re-runs of Gilligan's island might have.

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Mon Apr 10 2023

Amazing. Desperate Cry is insanely good. Probably one of my favorite metal songs now. The drums and guitar fucks. I’m definitely going to check the rest of their albums out.

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Tue May 30 2023

Heavy as hell and twice as loud

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Wed Jun 07 2023

SOOO pleasantly surprised to see Sepultura listed here. AND it's an album I'm actually not too familiar with. The global score on this one is notably lower than average, and I completely understand why. Sorry, y'all, I know that dirty, grimy, oldschool death metal isn't everybody's jam, but this is a pretty fuckin good day for me.

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Mon Jul 10 2023

Great big riffs or something. Really nice albom

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Wed Jul 19 2023

I'm surprised that this is here, not because it's bad but because this list isn't great with metal. This is a killer album. Throw up the horns, bang your head, etc. Enjoy it. This isn't that Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, Hanoi Rocks weak tea.

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Fri Sep 22 2023

This album shows a lot of growth for the band and it's a legit banger of a record. But in two albums, they will perfect their sound and become one of the best metal bands of all time. This record is awesome. But the next two are even better.

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Mon Nov 06 2023

This is the album that reminded me (not that I ever need to remember this) that electric guitar goes hard as fuck.

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Thu Nov 09 2023

I used to this album years ago as an angry teenager. Classic Sepultura!

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Thu Nov 23 2023

Arise" by Sepultura, released in 1991, stands as a pivotal album in the realm of heavy metal. It combines aggressive guitar riffs, rhythmic complexity, and politically charged lyrics, showcasing the band's evolution from thrash to a more diverse sound. Lyrics The album's lyrics delve into social and political issues. Tracks like "Dead Embryonic Cells" address societal decay, while "Altered State" explores altered mental states. The lyrics are thought-provoking, reflecting the band's engagement with the world around them. Music "Arise" is a sonic assault with a blend of thrash, death metal, and tribal influences. Andreas Kisser's guitar work is outstanding, with powerful riffs and intricate solos. The rhythm section, featuring Igor Cavalera's drumming, contributes to the album's intense energy. The title track, "Arise," exemplifies the band's musical prowess and ability to create a heavy atmosphere. Production The album's production, helmed by Scott Burns, captures the raw intensity of Sepultura's sound. The mix allows each instrument to shine while maintaining a cohesive and aggressive sound. The production quality was a leap forward for the band, contributing to the album's lasting impact. Themes "Arise" revolves around themes of societal upheaval, inner turmoil, and resistance. The album's cover art, featuring a monstrous figure emerging from the earth, symbolizes the chaos depicted in the lyrics. The thematic coherence adds depth to the overall listening experience. Influence "Arise" has left an indelible mark on the metal genre. Its fusion of genres influenced a generation of bands, contributing to the development of death metal. The album's impact is evident in the subsequent work of Sepultura and the broader metal landscape. Pros Musical Diversity: The album showcases Sepultura's ability to seamlessly blend diverse musical elements. Lyrical Depth: Thought-provoking lyrics elevate the album beyond typical thrash metal themes. Influential Impact: "Arise" played a crucial role in shaping the direction of heavy metal. Cons Limited Sonic Variation: While cohesive, some critics argue that the album could have explored more sonic diversity. Intense Atmosphere: The relentless intensity may be overwhelming for listeners seeking more melodic elements. In conclusion, "Arise" is a landmark album that transcends the boundaries of thrash metal. Its impactful lyrics, powerful music, and lasting influence make it a crucial addition to the metal canon.

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Tue Jan 09 2024

I knew I was in for a loud Monday listen but I wasn’t fully prepared for how relentless it would be. Mechanical, thundering drums accompanied by wailing guitars all the way thru. This was a blast, great energy and a welcomed surprise hit. So fucking good 5 stars

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Wed May 15 2024

i knew my day would be hashtag blessed with this sepultura album. i first heard another album of theirs, roots, on this list, and arise is no less thrash metal. i even enjoy this album more! the drums are absolutely killer throughout and are what controls the beat and how hard sepultura goes! don't get me wrong, because the guitar is on fire, too. i firmly believe that metal cannot sound good period without solid musical grounding, and sepultura has that in spades. even if the vocals are harsh (and they are), the instruments are doing their part and making the music sound so, so good. i loved "c.i.u. (criminals in uniform)", even if it was a bonus track as part of a remastered version. usually only black american artists were talking about the corrupt police at this time, so it's awesome to see brazilian musicians speaking out early. as i've mentioned in my previous sepultura review, i noticed multiple similarities with system of a down, and one similarity is that social consciousness.

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Mon Jun 03 2024

While the thrash purists may disagree, I always felt Sepultura shined the brightest with more tribal instrumentation. Chaos A.D. and Roots will always beat out their earliest stuff for me, but the Cavalera brothers seemingly could do no wrong in the 80s and 90s. Arise is a nice transition spot in the discography that still mostly holds onto a thrash sound but begins to introduce lower BPMs and a more groove oriented rhythm, which becomes much more apparent in the subsequent albums. If I were just rating metal albums, I might give this album a 4. Compared to the rest of this album list, Arise is a question.

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Tue Jun 25 2024

Whoa! Didn’t know I loved Sepultura! I can’t remember what I didn’t love about Roots, but this was SO GOOD!

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Wed Jan 06 2021

Sometimes a bit too unmeldodic/hard, overall quite nice.

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Fri Feb 19 2021

Best thrash metal I've ever heard

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Thu Apr 01 2021

great band sound, singing can be a little grating but overall powers hard

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Fri Apr 16 2021

A pesar de que el metal y el heavy metal no son mi hit, ya lo he dicho, pues no la pasé mal con este disco, aunque si no supiera de antes que Sepultura es una banda brasileña, jamás lo imaginaría (???). En fin, espero que los fans del género si lo aprecien o a mí hasta me gustó a veces por ignorante. Las canciones que me gustaron sobre todo: "Desperate Cry" y "Meaningless Movements". 7.5/10

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Wed Mar 17 2021

'Dead Embryonic Cells' is a very strong track. Not a fan of the formulaic thrash metal sections, but the slower parts are more interesting and nuanced. 7/10, groovy

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Fri Apr 16 2021

Is this la batucada death metal? jaja, No, pues ya en serio, me gustó bastante la batería en este disco, una velocidad chidita dentro de los límites humanos, sin el vicio de loopear con computadora al x1000 las percusiones pa que suene echo la madre y sonar malitos malotes (tal vez sí lo hicieron, jaja, pero no suena a una magnitud tan surreal como lo que ya en el black se estaba produciendo). Un sonido pesado a gusto dentro del death noventero, aunque algo anticuado para mi gusto porque me suena de repente a las producciones del trash. Substracction tiene un ritmito bouncy que me tuvo haciendo un bailecito, creo que esa fue la que más me gustó. Altered State también me inspiró un instinto asesino :v Mood: Muéranse todos, muéranse todos, al bailar, al bailar, come on, come on, baby.

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Fri Apr 16 2021

De los pocos grupos de metal que sí me gustan

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Thu Apr 08 2021

Definitely a head banger. Surprised I've never listened to these guys, especially in my youth

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Thu Jul 01 2021

Great energy for an early shift.

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Wed Jul 14 2021

Not their BEST album but still one of their best. 🤘🤘

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Wed Sep 15 2021

The first few songs sound like a pretty basic hardcore/thrash record, but it does get a little more experimental as it progresses. It's enough to separate it from the big four. Favorite tracks: "Altered State", "Subtraction", "Under Seige"

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Fri Oct 29 2021

Definitely some solid thrash here. It doesn't hit quite as high as Roots for me, but it proves that early Sepultura was no slouch at all.

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Sun Nov 28 2021

Pretty samey but thrash metal is up there as one of my preferred metal subgenres. 7/10

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Sun Nov 28 2021

7/10 solid metal album but didn't really stand out

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Wed Jan 19 2022

I don't know who thought this was death metal but sure Jan okay. Either way, a very solid album with some great riffs and strong vibes throughout.

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Thu Feb 03 2022

Fucking awesome metal album! I would listen to this when I was young and forgot about it. I enjoyed to everloving shit out of this.... 5. I slept on it and will give it a 4.4

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Fri Mar 04 2022

A solid thrash metal album that is quite similar to Slayer's 80s albums from Reign in Blood and onwards with some Megadeth thrown into the mix. It doesn't have the same uniqueness as Sepultura's later 90s album which has stronger influences from Latin rhythm and percussion (although I am not a massive fan of the groove metal approach they take, so I prefer this), but is however still a very good album.

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Sun Apr 03 2022

A very dark album . They created an apocalyptic mood throughout the whole album . Particularly loved the title track and the Motörhead cover of Orgasmatron.

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Thu Jun 30 2022

I don't even like thrash metal that much, but I enjoyed this quite a bit. I'd definitely listen to it again and I plan on checking out their other records. Pretty good stuff!

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Thu Aug 25 2022

Rightly brutal and helped me work off the bad mood I was in when I listened to it. Not as much of an impact for me as Roots is which came up for me to listen to a couple of weeks ago

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Wed Sep 14 2022

First; Igor is an absolute beast behind the kit. Few combines the incredible speed and sheer power that he puts behind every hit. Arise is where I really start paying attention to the Sepultura discography. Venturing further away from their death metal roots (get it? lol) and experimenting with latin instrumentation and industrial really suits their take on thrash metal. I say this with absolute no knowledge of the subject whatsoever, but this is one of the greatest records to come out of Brazil in the early 90’s.

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