SantanaThis is a solid album for sure. Great one to start my 1001 albums journey on. Obviously fantastic guitar, but the variety of styles and percussion is really fun. Near jam band, but a lot more structured.
This is a solid album for sure. Great one to start my 1001 albums journey on. Obviously fantastic guitar, but the variety of styles and percussion is really fun. Near jam band, but a lot more structured.
Not bad if you're into that style of music. Good production, and allowing space to breathe. It's just not my vibe.
It was a pretty solid album. I would like to go back and give it a second listen to see if there are any songs that really jump out to me. On first listen it was good, just not my favorite or one that I would listen to regularly.
This is the epitome of punk music. It's raw but has a great rebellious energy and message, as well as solid melodies. It's not for everyone, but if you're into punk music then this is a great one to put on.
I really liked the first few songs, but the longer jam songs started giving me anxiety lol.
Loved this one! I hadn't heard of this artist before, and was instantly hooked with the first song.
Not my favorite album, but I can appreciate the art of it. Well recorded, and it seems like the product is what they were going for, just not my vibe.
I've never really listen to The Smiths before, so this was a good introduction. Not really my style, but it definitely sounds familiar and iconic for the 80s. Good knowledge, but probably not one I'll return to very often.
This was a fun album. It has a really good artistic vibe, but just enough weirdness to be concerning haha. I like that this album or band definitely have their own identity and it's something I could see listening to again.
I really liked this one. I might already have heard this one before, but it's just really solid songwriting.
I like this one. It's definitely Aerosmith, but more leaning into rock rather than ballads. Overall solid music.
This was a fun album, definitely not a ton of variety but for classic punk it's definitely a winner.
This was a fun one. I liked the mix of electronic music and acoustic players, made it sound much more "goal of the future" sounds.
I really liked this one. It felt like an early pop/punk album mixed with some 80s hair metal. The cover of War Pigs and the last blues tune really sealed the deal for me.
This was a great one! I have never really listened to Thin Lizzy specifically, so I wasn't expecting to recognize so many of their songs. This is great nostalgia music and just solid performance overall.
This was a decent one, nice old rockabilly sound but not something that really stuck out to me a ton. There was nothing that I thought was bad on the album, just not something that I typically seek out.
I liked this one. It has a lot of classics that I've known my whole life, but haven't really sat down and listened to the original album. Morning very different than what I expected, but it was pretty solid. Definitely more single hits than a full-scope album experience.
Did not love. I could see this album having more of a cult following, and there were definitely moments of solid musicianship, but overall it didn't feel up to par. It was an interesting experience, but not one I'm planning to revisit.
Meh. It was a little bit out there, but never really caught my attention. Definitely felt more art focused, which can be great, but not one that I'll likely be returning to.