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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.




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Ramones is the debut studio album by American punk rock band The Ramones, released on April 23, 1976, by Sire Records. After Hit Parader editor Lisa Robinson saw the band at a gig in New York City, she wrote about them in an article and contacted Danny Fields, insisting that he be their manager. Fields agreed and convinced Craig Leon to produce Ramones, and the band recorded a demo for prospective record labels. Leon persuaded Sire president Seymour Stein to listen to the band perform, and he later offered the band a recording contract. The Ramones began recording in January 1976, needing only seven days and $6,400 to record the album. The album cover, photographed by Punk magazine's Roberta Bayley, features the four members leaning against a brick wall in New York City. The record company paid only $125 for the front photo, which has since become one of the most imitated album covers of all time. The back cover depicts an eagle belt buckle along with the album's liner notes. After its release, Ramones was promoted with two singles, which failed to chart. The Ramones also began touring to help sell records; these tour dates were mostly based in the United States, though two were booked in Britain. Violence, drug use, relationship issues, humor, and Nazism were prominent in the album's lyrics. The album opens with "Blitzkrieg Bop", which is among the band's most recognized songs. Most of the album's tracks are uptempo, with many songs measuring at well over 160 beats per minute. The songs are also rather short; at two-and-a-half minutes, "I Don't Wanna Go Down to the Basement" is the album's longest track. Ramones contains a cover of the Chris Montez song "Let's Dance". Ramones was unsuccessful commercially, peaking at number 111 on the US Billboard 200, though it received glowing reviews from critics. Many later deemed it a highly influential record, and it has since received many accolades, such as the top spot on Spin magazine's list of the "50 Most Essential Punk Records". Ramones is considered an influential punk album in the US and UK, and had a significant impact on other genres of rock music, such as grunge and heavy metal. The album was ranked at number 33 in Rolling Stone's 2003 list of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time, maintaining the ranking in a 2012 revision and dropping to number 47 in the 2020 reboot of the list. It was certified gold by the Recording Industry Association of America in 2014.







  • Punk


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Sep 20 2022
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There's a fine line between genius and stupid. The Ramones sit happily on that line, huffing the marker used to create it.

Oct 11 2021
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The greatest punk album by the greatest punk band. Ever. Full stop. Each track overflows with the sheer, joyful, nihilistic abandon that makes punk so great. Haters gonna hate ... but they're wrong. This is peak punk perfection. Full stop.

Jan 14 2021
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"Ay, oh, let's go!" A great way to start this 1001 album journey. I like the Ramones; their music has a charming simplicity that I'm sure encouraged countless people to pick up their instruments and play. Everything sounds very DIY--basic drum patterns, power chords, nothing fancy. That's the purest nature of punk rock. As an album, this didn't exactly hold my attention, as it starts to blend together very quickly, but its value is very apparent to me. For a debut album, this does a perfect job establishing a signature sound. Favorite tracks: Blitzkrieg Bop, Beat on the Brat, Let's Dance Album art: Pretty badass band photo. The cover looks surprisingly modern. I could see a band doing an album cover like this in the last decade. Also I have to point out that the Ramone on the far right looks exactly like Coconuthead from Ned's Declassified.

Jan 19 2021
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This album flies by. Most songs are less then 2 minutes long, nothing overs stays it's welcomes. It just punches you in the ears for 30 minutes and then stops. Perfection Blitzkrieg Bop is one of the greatest songs ever.

Aug 24 2021
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I mean, it's all the same song. It honestly is. It's fine enough but you'd be hard-pressed to find a lot of differences.

Mar 04 2023
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I do declare! The compositions on this phonograph from this band of young miscreants all sound exceedingly similar! Can you imagine the nerve?!? How audacious! Quick, someone fetch me my fainting couch! I do believe I am having the vapors…Oh, my!

May 29 2021
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Gabba gabba hey! The perfect Friday record. Poppy, upbeat, positive and catchy as hell. Try not having a giant smile on your face while listening.

Jul 22 2021
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Just one of the best rock records ever. That's all.

Apr 06 2021
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That was 14 of exactly the same song for me. If there wasn’t a gap between each song I would have that the album was 1 x 29min 16sec song. 1/5

Nov 15 2023
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It is no coincidence that punk can be defined as "worthless" and "trick" because I feel like I am being duped by anyone who praises this album. Obnoxious singing, tedious rhythms, and nothing of value.

Aug 04 2022
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I mean, to me, this is another prime example of how punk shines best. It is tight and catchy, but still has rough edges and a lack of polish that really digs in to you.

Jan 19 2021
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hey ho! Let's go! hey ho! Let's go!

Jan 13 2021
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One of the most classic songs starts out this album that is more than twice as long as David Bowie’s album the same year. By length I do mean tracks because time wise it is ten minutes shorter. I think back to when Freddie Mercury told the executives when pitching Bohemian Rhapsody: “I pity your wife if you think six minutes is long”. Maybe David Bowie taught Freddie, I’m not sure. But the Ramones certainly are of the philosophy “get in and get out”. As much as I am a fan of shorter songs, can a song that is ninety seconds long be considered a song? It is pretty wild to see how far punk rock has come from the Ramones. Loved the cool use of a chainsaw on the song Chain Saw but then the beat goes right back to their last four songs. At least each song ends before I even have a chance to skip it due to their length. Again, these are great songs to have on in the background of a party or a punk rock type gathering but I wouldn’t listen to it otherwise. Now they want to sniff some glue. I did do a quick play through of three or more songs and they all started with the exact same drums and guitar riffs. I could sing Blitzkrieg Bop during each of these songs and my tempo wouldn’t be off at all. Ok I even tried another two songs and it was the same. I’m laughing as I write this because Listen to My Heart starts out different but quickly goes right back to the beat. They became famous from this so who am I to tell them what success looks like.

Jul 12 2021
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Stone cold classic. Messy, scrappy and as punk as you like. Fun from start to finish

May 18 2021
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It’s hard to not like this band. Great melodies. Easily one of the most influential bands of all time. Idk how much I’d ever listen to them, but they’re undeniable.

May 24 2023
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This album designates the Ramone's signature sound, fundamental punk rock, nothing fancy. While I enjoyed the listen, all of the songs started meshing. I enjoyed it, but I wish there were more originality instead of doing one sound well 14 times.

Oct 09 2023
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first three (EDIT: four) songs are great and set the template for EVERYTHING else, of course. one of those bands for which you appreciate the influence but don't really want to hear again

Jan 14 2021
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Pretty much just the intro track was enjoyable.

Jan 17 2021
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Now we’re talkin. Love the Ramones. Bring it on baby! I mean Blitzkrieg Bop is legendary.

Aug 10 2021
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I fucking love this album. It took me a while to get into the Ramones, but every song on this album is fun. It must have been so awesome to live in New York in the late 70s, apart from the insane levels of senseless violence 5/5

Sep 15 2020
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An absolute classic, been jamming to Blitzkrieg Bop since Pro Skater 2

May 24 2021
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One of the best punk albums of all time

Jan 13 2021
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I love this album. It's short and fast and fun. The Ramones are great.

Jan 13 2021
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Never really listened to the Ramones before but after listening to this album, I may have to start. I'm a huge fan of punk type music (Blink-182, Green Day, Fall Out Boy, *honorary mention* Lil Peep) but I've also not been a huge fan of Rock music. I know that some of the bands I've listed are also considered to be Punk Rock bands, but I see them more as Punk than Rock. But with this album, you can really call it Punk Rock, and I like it, a lot. As soon as I finished listening to it, I listened to it one more time, and then another. It's a perfect blend of Punk and Rock and you can really feel it. Real rocky instrumentals with that great mix of Punky vocals and lyrics. It makes you wanna smoke a cigarette in class and flip the bird at your bloody teacher. Blitzkrieg Bop is a classic (Shout out Jimmy Neutron) and I really like I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend, Havana Affair, and Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue. It's a very fun album to listen to and it's almost like they're just rumbling when they sing sometimes and at this point, I'm rambling but it's because I'm trying to finish this review up so I can go listen to it again and throw rocks at birds while wearing all black. Oops, almost forgot to tear some holes in my jeans, I guess I'll be going now. ……… Are you still here? BUZZ OFF ASSHOLE *Double middle fingers*!

Jul 05 2021
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Pure, unbridled PUNK ROCK This is the most important album in punk easy (not the best mind you, that honour would probably go to the band's third effort Rocket To Russia or London Calling).

Sep 21 2021
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I wasn't excited to see this one come up, but as soon as I listened it was immediately a favorite. Energetic and naughty, humorous and provocative, it fired me up good. I love "I Don't Wanna go Down to the Basement." I love Joey Ramone's articulations.

Sep 23 2021
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My 25th birthday music!!! From Spider-Man was awesome!!

Nov 23 2021
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One trick ponies sure, but what a trick it is.

Mar 24 2022
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Absolutnie widzę się 40 lat temu słuchając tego albumu kilka razy dziennie, odkładającego na ramoneskę wszystkie zarobione pieniądze. Utwory co prawda za krótkie, żeby cokolwiek się w nich rozwinęło - jest mocna, szybka perkusja, są elektryki, głośne wokale i całość razem daje zaskakująco pozytywne brzmienie. I to chyba przepis na dobrą płytę, bo dziś też słucham jej już piąty raz, za każdym razem czerpiąc z tego przyjemność. Nie ma co tu kombinować, zasługują na wysoką notę jak mało kto w tym zestawieniu.

Apr 05 2022
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Perfect bopping with no fat and perfect tunes. What a blitzkrieg of an album - end to end.

Dec 19 2023
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I was doing a pilates class a few year s. It' one of things I need to do as an aging man to maintain some sense of mobility. The instructor complimented me on my Ramones t-shirt. "Oh yeah", I said, "I saw them at the Hordern pavilion in 1989" "Cool", he replied. "I was born in 1994." Suddenly I felt really old. But that did nothing to diminish my love of the Ramones or my memory of being 18 years old, in the mosh pit of that 6000 capacity show. They came out and tore through about 45 songs in a blistering set before an adulating crowd. It wasn't until I saw the documentary End Of the Century years later that I realised that this was a much bigger venue and enthusiastic crowd than the Ramones typically played to in the States, where they never really got bigger than the club circuit. That docu also showed how formative the Ramones were on my taste. This is an all time classic album with some all time classic songs on it. It's fast and loud, but the songs are really catchy, funny, but also gritty and serious. This album is both informed by the past (girl group harmonies, Stooges aggression), but also sets the tone for much music to follow. You hear the influences of the Ramones all over music to this day, and their look and iconography is also everywhere. Charles Shaar-Murray went to New York in 1975 and wrote notes on the nascent punk scene for the NME. he rightly identified the Ramones as the best band on the scene, but bemoaned that they would never put out a record. He was right on the first point, but wrong on the second. They ended up being the longest lived of all the CBGBs bands, and probably the most influential, even if commercial success evaded them. I love the Ramones, and especially this first album where they perfectly reveal their whole vision. Of all the records I have listened to from the 1001 albums list, this truly is one of the few that you really must hear. 5 million stars.

Sep 27 2024
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I never got around to the Ramones back in my can-I-afford-another-REM-or-Talking-Heads-album days. And it looks like this came out same year as the Clash’s first album which is more compelling to me. But, they inspired some of my favorite bands, U2 and as Sleater-Kinney to name just two… so I will round up to make sure they get the credit they deserve.

Sep 27 2023
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The Ramones!!! I know every word (not that there are that many). Jesse Covington took me to see them at the Masquerade. I think it was their last tour, though we didn’t know it at the time. Drivin n Cryin opened. I was 15 or 16, it was summery sunny but not hot. Jesse Covington was in love with me and we could not get enough of that three-chord noise. When I think about how special it was to grow up in Atlanta, this day comes to mind. I would have told you at the time, it was one of the best days of my life.

Aug 14 2023
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I liked the song Ramones off the album Ramones by Ramones where the lead singer said ahh were the Ramones hear us Ramone

Aug 31 2023
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ту ту ру тутут быстренько

Nov 07 2023
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Nr. 29/1001 Blitzkrieg Bop 4/5 Beat on the Brat 3/5 Judy is a Punk 4/5 I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend 4/5 Chain Saw 3/5 Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue 3/5 I Don't Wann Go Down to the Basement 3/5 Loudmouth 2/5 Havana Affair 3/5 Listen to my Heart 3/5 53rd & 3rd 3/5 Let's Dance 3/5 I Don't Wanna Walk Around With You 3/5 Today Your Love, Tomorrow The World 3/5 Average: 3,14 A bit repetitive, but still enjoyable

Mar 19 2024
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"brevity is the soul of wit" - B̶i̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶S̶ Ramones every album should contain 14 songs and a sub-30 minute length

Mar 01 2024
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This is way too boring to be so popular, what the hell is going on. Blitzkrieg Bop is a decent opener right up until you realize that's the only song on the album. A 29 minute runtime is a grace from God. If I was in the 80s and this was the only album I had, I think I'd not give a fuck about music.

Mar 20 2021
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Apr 28 2021
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Un clàssic imprescindible. Imcompresos al seu temps, els Ramones van fer un àlbum per a la història. Ple de temes efectius, directes, sincers i colpidors.

Mar 01 2021
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"Second verse, same as the first" (Judy is a punk) "Well let's dance, well let's dance We'll do the twist, the stomp, the mashed potato too, Any old dance that you wanna do But let's dance, well let's dance" (Let's dance) ¿Le voy a clavar mis primeras cinco estrellas a un disco que tiene sólo dos melodías para las canciones? Ya te digo yo que sí.

Apr 30 2021
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Dit album gaat vooruit als een trein en neemt je direct mee vanaf de eerste halte tot aan het eindstation!

Apr 29 2021
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Hey Ho... Lets Go! Die Urväter des US-Punkrocks mit ihrem Debutalbum! Nur Hits drauf! Großer Klassiker!

Jun 07 2021
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One of the Ramones’ true masterpieces

Jun 05 2021
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I love 70s-80s punk and I know that the Ramones paved a lot of the way for it, but all the songs on this album, albeit good, are so samey the whole way through. They are much better to listen to as singles.

Aug 03 2021
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Obvio este ya lo habia escuchado entero. Discazo. Aguante los Ramones. Beat on the brat, Judy is a punk y Havana Affair lo que mas me gustan.

Aug 06 2021
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Тэк-с, чё там у нас, отцы панка подъехали. Уважаем. Погнали. Blietzkrieg Bop – один из самых знаковых треков в панке и роцке в целом. До сих пор звучит актуально, благодаря чему залетел титры попсового кинца Человек-паук: Возвращение домой. Beat on the Brat, Judy Is A Punk и далее – тоже норм темы: лаконичный яркий саунд, запоминающиеся мотивы, потенциал для напевания. Минимализм идёт об руку с краткостью, благодаря чему надоедать не успевают. Отдаю должное самому подходу к написанию треков: находишь простую яркую фразу, пару раз обыгрваешь, добавляешь пару переходов – трек готов. Никакой духоты, никакой претенциозности, тупо фан. Подобные треки славно приживаются в рандомных подборках: гоняешь Prog Metal трек минут на 7, задумываешься, потом разрядочка – Ramones на пару минут, отдохнул-кайфанул, дём дальше. I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend может показаться сопливым попсом. Но всяко не галимой, звучит довольно искренне. Поверил бы, что это кавер на какой-нибудь олдскульный трек 50-60-х, а не конъюнктурные сопли для бо́льших продаж. Причём кавер на трек 60-х на альбоме действительно есть – Let's Dance. И звучит он так, будто написан для альбома. Havana Affair тоже выделяется. Всратый, психоделический текст, состоящий из вроде бы простых слов, которые клеятся в абсурдные образы. «Там я зарабатывал на жизнь, приятель, Собирая бананы. Теперь я — разведчик в ЦРУ. Меня послали шпионить на кубинский конкурс талантов.» Заменить ЦРУ на КГБ – сошло бы за текст Летова. А без конкретных наименований, ЦРУ и Гаваны – на тексты SOAD. Это постмодерн, построенный не столько на негативе к премодерну и модерну, сколько на своём собственном доступном и искреннем позитиве. Такого порой до сих пор будто не хватает. Это что касается рассмотрения альбома как вещи-в-себе. В контексте истории это вообще настоящий блядоход. Если бы не Рамонес и этот альбом в частности, хз, стало бы панк-движение тем, чем оно стало. Да и как бы роцк развивался в целом. Может, и ваш покорную слуга не ходил бы в косухе. Обычно простая, лаконичная, музыка сразу раскусывается и быстро приедается. Но Ramones как-то удаётся писать настолько лёгкие треки, что их веса не хватает на то, чтобы заебать. Впрочем, и для того, чтобы быть хитовой – зачастую тоже. Но как сопутствующая бытию музыка – нормас.

Sep 02 2021
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Quick album to get through. Classic punk rock, what's not to love about the album? Bunch of known songs on it too. 8/10.

Sep 15 2021
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There are albums that suck. This is the polar opposite of that.

Sep 21 2021
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I’m very familiar with The Ramones greatest hits, having started listening to them in college. So I figured I’d like this album if only for the hits I already love. There are many songs on this album that were new to me that I’m very glad to have heard: Judy Is A Punk, Chain Saw, I Don’t Wanna Go Down To The Basement, Havana Affair, 53rd and 3rd Let’s Dance is an enjoyable cover version of the old 50s song. My favorite new song though is “Today Your Love, Tomorrow The World.” A surprising and concise look at a Nazi soldier that evokes so much more than you might expect. Listened to this twice today. It’s been fun revisiting the Ramones and exploring their music beyond the bigger hits.

Sep 27 2021
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Great listen with a more mellow tone than I would have thought

Sep 28 2021
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Liked it - have done for a while

Oct 17 2021
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Wow - I have always loved The Ramones, but listening to the entire album makes is apparent how commandeered their music is now by commercials and consumerism. Bittersweet success and a dead revolution.

Oct 20 2021
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Class(ic) album, loved it then and love it now but why did anyone remix perfection. Trying to listen to the original is like trying to find hen's teeth and the remix doesn't add anything to the songs.

Nov 01 2021
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Short, loud, fast, iconic and great.

Nov 19 2021
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There was a time when I almost exclusively listened to albums with 12 or more tracks clocking in at around 30 minutes run time or those with maybe 7 that ran for an hour or more; 'Ramones' was firmly in the rotation. Always preferred 'Road to Ruin' but this still has an incredible energy from the iconic intro track all the way to the end. Top tier punk rock

Nov 23 2021
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Fabulous example of punk, really enjoyed, just the right legnth

Nov 23 2021
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Good enough that a 15 year old girl can wear one of their t shirts without knowing who they are I suppose. Rock n Roll High-school.

Dec 02 2021
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What's not to love? Scorching guitars, short songs, fast tempos, good album length, creation of a mf'n genre - it's perfect!

Dec 09 2021
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Classic punk, essential listening.

Dec 17 2021
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Personally I prefer Rocket to Russia. But there's a certain timelessness to this debut. Most of the songs are GREAT! Blitzkrieg Bop, I Wanna be Your Boyfriend, Chain Saw, Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue, I Don't Wanna G to The Basement, there's just no let up. The Ramones were the cause of a musical revolution...and the revolution starts here 5 stars

Dec 21 2021
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Personally I prefer Rocket to Russia. But there's a certain timelessness to this debut. Most of the songs are GREAT! Blitzkrieg Bop, I Wanna be Your Boyfriend, Chain Saw, Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue, I Don't Wanna G to The Basement, there's just no let up. The Ramones were the cause of a musical revolution...and the revolution starts here 5 🌟

Dec 28 2021
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There's something wrong about listening to this album on your phone, or your computer. You need to hear it on a record, or a dubbed tape on a crappy tape player. The Ramones should not be remastered for quality sound. My first encounter with the Ramones was when I was 15 or 16. My sister had two songs of theirs on a mixtape: "Blitzkrieg Bop" and "Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue." The second song made me pause because I wasn't sure if this band was a serious band or not. Even if they weren't, I still liked them. My kid came in and said "Is that the Ramones?" "Yeah," I said. "Every song of theirs sounds the same," he protested. "Not really," I countered. "Once you listen to the album, you start to notice the differences between the songs. Yeah, the songs are all at about 160 beats per minute. But you can still tell." Every song on this album has been covered by someone. I think that tells you something about the album in and of itself. I like this album a lot, but I can see how non-punk fans (like my kid) could be standoffish to it. It is pure energy (Almost every song you can hear the "1-2-3-4!" in the beginning.) and not much else. I understand how progfans can be towards punk (lack of talent and intricacy), but you cannot deny what the Ramones did and how this album really started it all. It is a great album. I did start to listen to the 40th anniversary edition, and it does get a bit repetitive. So steer clear of that one. The Blitzkrieg Bop single version has some weird reverb on it. Never heard it like that before.

Jan 08 2022
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Lo-Fi Hi-Energy punk rock. Makes me want to be a wild eyed teen sweating my tits off at underground gigs again.

Jan 20 2022
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One of the best albums of all time

Jan 28 2022
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Solid 5 star, could and did listen to it all day. Epitome of punk/rock/new wave/whatever.

Feb 08 2022
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Wonderful, just wonderful. I love the Ramones, such a sound and such nostalgia for me. The sound of the Ramones just throws me back to listening to them when I was 13/14. They epitomise so much of the music I love, so much of it can be traced to the Ramones.

Feb 08 2022
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Love this album! Many have copied it but I think it was something really new and fresh about this debut. Such a simple sound. I love his voice, I love the length of the album. I love how the album starts with the classic "Ay oh let's go!" You can't beat that, absolute classic deserves to be on this list!

Mar 23 2022
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Great album. Catchy and fun as fuck, I could (and do) listen to this over and over and never get bored. In fact, I like this sound so much that many of the bands I listen to just straight-up copy it. There's a reason why this album was so influential on punk in general and why an entire subgenre of pop punk formed around it. This is what an album should be like--upbeat, energetic, catchy, under 30 minutes with over 13 songs. The first three Ramones albums are all classics that deserve to be on this list and this one might even be my favorite out of them.

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