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Beautiful Freak



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Beautiful Freak
Album Summary

Beautiful Freak is the debut album by American rock band Eels. It was released on 13 August 1996 and is the first album released by record label DreamWorks.







  • Rock
  • Indie


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Sep 18 2021
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It's got the Shrek song on it, extra star.

Jan 28 2021
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This album suprised me. I almost didn't expect to like it given the god-awful album art, but I can't judge a book by it's cover. This album is musically rich and intriguing. Right off the bat I got flaming lips vibes, which is good because I love the flaming lips. The artsy-grunge type songs were great, but I wish there were more jazzy songs like "Susans House" with its spoken word sections and beautiful piano and bass instrumentation. Sometimes the lyrics were a bit edgy, but not in the cool "rage againts the machine" way, but in the cringy "middle school kid that was bullied for wearing an anime t-shirt" kind of way. The lyrics make me think of someone who heard Radiohead's "Creep" and was like "damn, I could make a whole album like this". These lyrics seem like they'd be memorized by Jared Leto's Joker. Even so, this album had some beautiful and freaky baroque-grung songs that really impressed me, especially in the last half of the album. I'll definitely be listening to it again. Favorite track: Guest List - although this is tied with "Mental", purely for the amazing synth solo at the end. - Least Favorite: Rags to Rags

Nov 09 2020
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Eclectic alt-rock at it's finest. Thought provoking lyrics and surprising instrumentation. Each song, unique in their own right, blends together forming a flowing soundscape through the project. Stand-Outs: Susan's House (interestingly crafted piece; the sample from Gladys Knight works so well), My Beloved Monster, Flower (country vibes with angelic background vocals), Manchild.

Jul 08 2021
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Nothing wrong with this record, it a decent indie offering but is it 1001 essential album list material -- most definitely not, I have heard albums that I hated on this list whose placement I can definitely justify but this is probably the first one for which I cant do that. 1/5

Sep 21 2021
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wow i really loved that maybe it’s just late and my heads a little fucky but that really felt like a magical experience listening to that such beautiful, unique, diverse compositions with every track like every time a song would be near the end I would get very excited wondering what fun surprise I would get next he often mixed together genres that shouldn’t work but HOLY SHIT do they work well i’ll give it a 9/10, it’s almost perfect, I have two minor complaints: firstly his vocals aren’t very diverse, I don’t hate his voice but I don’t necessarily love it, he regularly uses effects to spice it up and compensate for the lack of diversity but still i’d like a little more effort from his voice I guess and second isn’t really a flaw, more just preference but the rock genre isn’t really my favorite, it’s not bad but it’s not really something i like listening to normally still this is such a great album, i’m very glad I listened to this, such amazing song writing and surreal story telling with the lyrics, just awesome I’ll definitely be looking into more of Eels’ discography

Jan 28 2021
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Probably the most modern-sounding album we've heard so far. I like the style, a bit jazzy, a bit indie rock. And the band is American, there's a change of pace! Altogether though, it isn't very engaging. Background music in a good way, but still background music for me. ALSO, I must note that there is a sound of children cheering on "Susan's House" that is 100% without a doubt the same sample used for the Grunt birthday party sound effect in Halo. Favorite tracks: Susan's House, Spunky, Manchild Album art: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH 3/5

Mar 27 2024
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I found this by turns, Dull, irritating and condescending (he saw a 17 yr old pushing a pram and thought it must be her sister, Really? That great poignant sadness moved you deeply? Come visit a UK council estate sometime bud, or really anywhere else in the world). Still, I guess that is his experience and he's entitled to voice his feelings. Just because there are worse things under the sun, doesn't mean that I need to invalidate his experience I guess. Shame on me for shame shaming. Also strangely depressing, the music wasn't particularly sad or evocative of deep emotion, it's just, I felt kind of down listening to it. Would not recommend, although, it's all well and good. For someone else this was obviously a world changing album, I hope it is for you, fine reader. If not, you can just listen to that one song that got all the radio play for years on end and call it good.

Dec 25 2021
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I was too busy listening to Leonard Cohen in 1996 that I never gave this album a proper listen, but was excited to explore it. I came into the Eels late, being introduced through the song, "I like the way this is going" a few years ago and then digging into some of their older stuff (but not this album). I loved that song for it's tentative and nervous sweetness, a feeling that carries through so much of their work. I'm sure that "Beautiful Freak" was the song that I had always wanted a boy to sing to me in 1996. I love the juxtaposition of the sweet & gloomy moments with the angsty moments on this album. I love the grainy quality of the vocals on "Not Ready Yet." I haven't had such unprepared delight ever in a song as when the harmonicas came on in "Guest List." I think that this band stands out for its unique mix of grunge and emo that gives them a unique sense of vulnerability. Plus, I want a cat named Lolita with a violent past and their use of "mint chocolate chip ice cream" was brilliant. What a great listen.

Jan 01 2022
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Wow, never heard of this guys, but after a couple of listens, I'm hooked. Beautiful and quirky songwriting, I'm going to download and dive into the whole catalog!

Oct 06 2023
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His picture on spotify is of him playing chess against himself, which made me spiral into a homicidal rage. Pretty good music though. 4 stars.

Aug 16 2021
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First listen to anything by Eels. I'm not sure that I liked this one. The lyrics are pained, but musically there is very little catharsis, and the vocal delivery is often overwrought in its expression of self-pity. It's a sad little wilting flower of an album, and on first pass it didn't do much for me. There were a few songs where it came together, namely the saccharine "My Beloved Monster," the withering "Manchild," and lone rocker "Mental."

Apr 30 2023
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Eels (the animal) are a lot cooler than Eels (the band), and probably more musically talented.

Feb 01 2024
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I wouldn’t have liked this album back in the 1990s either. Too much manly angst.

Apr 17 2021
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The album cover sums it up - wide eyed & legless. Not my kind of music

Dec 21 2023
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First track Novocaine for the soul took me straight back to the mid 90s. the rest of the album would benefit from a few more listens as it rather washed over me

Jun 10 2024
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There is a certain sub-sect of people my age who treat the dude from Eels like he's one of the great underrecognized musical geniuses of our time. I'm very proud to call none of them my close, personal friend.

Jan 03 2024
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When I was 17 my high school crush loved this shit, and not even blind teenage puppy love could force me to like this - no matter how hard I tried! "Life is hard and so am I" .... gurl

Jul 23 2023
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I'm a huge fan of Eels, but for some reason I'm not as familiar with this, their debut album, as I am the rest of their discography. Every one of Eels' next five albums after this is a 5/5 album. What's more, each has a distinct and different style and sound to the record that came before it. If I had paid Beautiful Freak more attention I would have realised that it is like a microcosm of the next five Eels albums all squeezed into one record: -The dark, bass-driven, 'Susans House' and 'Your Lucky Day in Hell' would fit well on 'Electro-Shock Blues'; -'My Beloved Monster' has a similar innocent sentiment to 'I Like Birds' and wouldn't be out of place on 'Daisies of the Galaxy'; -The musically diverse 'Novocaine For The Soul', 'Flower' and 'Mental' could be from the more experimental 'Souljacker'; -The lyrically and musically straightforward, but endlessly catchy, 'Rags to Rags' and 'Guest List' are reminiscent of 'Shootenanny'; and -The sadly personal and dreamlike 'Beautiful Freak' and 'Spunky' share some DNA with tracks from 'Blinking Lights and Other Revelations'. Despite the diversity in this record it flows beautifully and comes across as a single piece. It is excellent and a great introduction to a brilliant artist with an outstanding discography. Rating: 5/5 Playlist track: Novocaine For The Soul Date listened: 22/07/23

Nov 15 2023
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Can hear a fair bit of car Seat Headrest in this. Didn't recognise the Shrek song.

Jan 25 2024
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I have a huge soft spot for 90s Alternative Rock and I can’t believe I hadn’t come across this album before. This one is great for background music with its mellow vibes that can be played from beginning to end (maybe skip Susan’s House every now and then if you don’t want to be a buzzkill). There also seems to be some influence from Beck and artists like him. Definitely something I’ll be coming back to and a discography I'm excited to explore.

Apr 21 2024
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good start, strong ending. soggy middle though, bit same-y, mopey and has a bit suburban-kid-who-just learned-that-bad-things-exist-doing-grunge smell (especially on that Susan song). I like 90s rock though so the self-similarity doesn't bother me that much. the Shrek song was unexpected but great and might've given it the few emotional attachment points to bump this up to a 4.

Jun 15 2024
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This is like the American version of Elvis Costello. Not spectacular, but it's good. Very popular with the 90s alt rock scene. Favorite song: Novocaine for the soul.

Dec 11 2023
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It’s a nice by the numbers indie rock album. Good lyrics, good instrumentation. Nothing really mind blowing. Just a solid bag of songs. Lyrics specially are great - relatable and sad, about loneliness, depression, not fitting in etc. also has a nice winter feel to it. It’s a strong 3 for me.

Dec 15 2023
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C'était du Radiohead en extrêmement flingué, un grand bravo à Eels pour cette performance absolument passable.

Dec 21 2023
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Was excited to hear this again as I played it a lot when it was out. It now feels of it’s time, possibly as I’m no longer an angst ridden 28 year old in a bad marriage. Standout track was and still is Flower.

Jan 02 2024
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I had a few of friends who liked Eels back in the in 90’s, but it never really worked for me. Listening now, it kind of reminds me of Beck, which I didn’t pick up on back then, but it still doesn’t really work for me. An indifferent 3 stars.

Apr 05 2024
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Besides maybe a few highlights, this is a serviceable 90s alt-rock album with some rather flat ballads and lyrical content (e.g. Beautiful Freak). The most noteworthy things I can say about this record is that it has a song that was used in the Shrek film and the cover for this might be one of the worst things I've ever seen. Also starting your album with the lyric "Life is hard, and so am I" is crazy

Apr 07 2024
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Well, this really was some background-listening worthy alternative rock. There really isn’t much to write home about, other than that I am not averse to any of the tracks, and would most definitely warm to most on re-listen. With the exception of Susan’s House and perhaps Mental, these are some bang-average alt-rock tunes.

Jun 06 2024
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Soft confessionals and gentle music make this album ultimately listenable. Nothing stands out as particularly special or weak.

Jun 10 2024
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Fun listen, it’s got a shrek song on it lol so that bumps it up a star

Jun 19 2024
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This was enjoyable, but not stellar. Found some of the songs a bit boring ...but great sound & vocals throughout. And what about Dobby's cousin on the artwork?

Dec 25 2023
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Not a bad album but not a top 1001 album. If you want to listen to an average indie album just pick one at random.

Jan 15 2024
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I hate this album cover, and I've made fun of it before. I do like the music I've heard from The Eels (though I don't remember much) so this should be interesting. WOW these are some 90s lyrics. Which I'm here for. This first track is pretty fun and creative. Glad to see a Shrek song made it on the list on the off chance Smashmouth isn't on here. This feels like such a distillation of 90s music. The sound, lyrics, themes, attitude, and of course the album cover. I'm into, but not as much as I maybe would expect to be? We'll see. Just finished Mental. Fun album, but don't know if I'll go back to it soon. Maybe the art made a bad impression and maybe I've listened to too many 90s albums, but it seems like the most 1996 album I've ever heard and that's both a good and a bad thing.

Mar 29 2024
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Life is hard. And so am I. Takes some balls to start a song like that and then jump right into the chorus. That was really the only song I recognized from these guys and felt like there was a reason for that.

Apr 05 2024
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favourite: novocaine for the soul least favourite: not ready yet, guest list wahhhhhhhhhhh wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is one of the whiniest albums I have ever heard. complaining from start to finish for 43 minutes and 52 seconds susan's house is one of the worst offenders, trying to be deep without really saying anything at all the instrumentals are pretty good though, save me from completely writing it off + the cover sucks ass mayb 4-5/10

Jul 11 2024
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no i understand why I never heard of eels

Aug 02 2024
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Hard to get through an Eels album. It's both the hygienic post alternative sound and the lyrics, as well as the weak samples. Sputter Out I've heard so many times it doesn't have any gas left in the tank. This album is one you want to like, but the elements of the raspy vocals and the off-putting beats with those post alt guitars don't mesh well.

Aug 07 2024
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I'm not really feeling this one. It's not that it's bad, but the choice of melodies is kind of annoying and cheesy to me. 2.5

Apr 22 2024
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Simply not appealing to me! Found it from time to time boring. 1/5

May 22 2024
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Track 4- beautiful Couldn't get behind this one at all. Sadly forgot about it immediately after listening

Mar 29 2021
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This was an absolutely beautiful album! First time listening, but it’s gonna be my go-to-album this whole weekend

Apr 30 2021
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Great, unique style. I had not heard this album fully, and it is great

May 21 2021
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I love this album, the lyrics, the music, the Gladys knight sample on 'susan's house', the distorted riff on 'not ready yet', all of it

Jun 07 2021
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First time listening to an Eels album front to back. I liked it a lot! Great flow, great overall production. Thumbs up!

Jul 20 2021
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I love this album. Beautiful melodies and lyrics to match.

Aug 01 2021
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Unusual and beautiful. Plenty more albums to discover.

Sep 14 2021
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Если вы думаете, что ни разу не слышали эту группу, то вы ошибаетесь: их песни звучали в первых трех частях Шрека. Но ни в этом их главная заслуга. Уже на данном дебюте 1996-го года Eels показали как должен звучать альтернативный рок. Песни разнообразны и держат ваше внимание на протяжении всего альбома. Звучание опередило свое время и при слепом прослушивании будет сложно понять в каком году выпущен альбом. Рекомендую всем поклонникам The Smashing Pumpkins и The Flaming Lips

Oct 05 2021
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smart, artsy, and enjoyable back to front.

Oct 07 2021
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Not listened to this in years. Still as haunting, melancholy, and beautiful as it ever was.

Nov 24 2021
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Muy indie noventero. Además, como me gusta bastante la portada, le pongo un 5.

Dec 02 2021
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Great album. I listened to it multiple times that day.

Dec 13 2021
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Eels are a band I often forget about and then I remember them and I say "how come this isn't my favorite band?" I like Hombre Lobo and End Times both more than this, but this is still such a GREAT album.

Dec 25 2021
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I have liked eels since Novocaine for the Soul - I had the single on cassette. I love the off kilter ness, the humour and the depths of misery it plumbs, without ever being po faced. And they're all singable pop songs too. Their first 3 or 4 albums are all essential imho.

Jan 18 2022
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Love this album. Great at the time and still sounds great.

Jan 29 2022
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Classic Eels here, with the lovely "Novocaine For The Soul." opening. So reminiscent of REM (No Pun Intended) this is a delightful, funny, scary and intriguing album. I want it on Vinyl Now! Highlights "Susans House" which is Velvety if you know what I mean. "Rags to Rags" another glorious eant from E himself. Love it all, rightfully in this list for all the right reasons!

Feb 04 2022
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A+ stand out tracks: -Novocaine For The Soul -Susan's House -Beautiful Freak -Mental -Spunky (one of my favorite, lyrically) -Manchild (loved the instrumentals)

Feb 28 2022
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Este disco me costó conseguirlo. Sonaba mucho en Radio3 pero en las tiendas habituales no lo tenían. Un disco que desde el principio enamora y suena diferente. Años después leyendo el libro de Mr. E le cogí aún más cariño al este trabajo. Libro por cierto 100% recomendable: "Cosas que los nietos deberían saber" de Oliver Everett, Mark. ► Imprescindibles: "Novocaine for the Soul", "Susan's House", "Rags to Rags", "Beautiful Freak", "My Beloved Monster", "Flower", "Guest List" y para terminar "Your Lucky Day in Hell".

Mar 14 2022
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It is really important to kick off an album strongly, and Beautiful Freak understands this very well. From the very first second I am totally hooked! This is exactly what I expect from a pop record: quirky, versatile, surprising, filled with twists and turns, off-kilter. I had heard the following album to this one and the first thing that came to my mind was Beck; but when was that a bad thing? Also, I am reading that Mark Oliver Everett (the brain behind Eels) is from Virginia, USA, while I was convinced that he/they were British. They somehow sound British though, think of bands like Super Furry Animals or Gorky's Zygotic Mynci. No surprise then that opening track Novocaine For The Soul was a hit in UK).  Track 2 features an upright bass while Mr E walks us over Susan's House all while taking a heartbreaking polaroid of a cruel, everyday suburban reality (There's a crazy old woman smashing bottles on the side walk/where her house burnt two years ago/people says that back then she really wasn't that crazy... Here comes a girl with long brown hair who can't be more than 17/she sucks on a red popsicle while she pushes a baby girl in a pink carriage/and I'm thinking that must be her sister, right?).  Yup. I too have seen things while going over to Susan's house.  The title track brings together Beach Boys arrangements, accordions, a spooky piano coda, and a lament about loving people when they are "different".  My Beloved Monster instead is about that (beautiful) freak we all carry inside, begins with a banjo, that is soon left aside and adds some noisy flourishes.  Flower is a nice update on American folk with a processed choir that points out at how we get slapped since day one and so on forever and ever.  I really don't know weather someone else has ever sung the words "this could be your lucky day in hell" over such moving, lush melodies, and then go back to some distorted parts with such nonchalant elegance, but it works brilliantly.  I wish I had more than 24 hours to spend with this album and write more about it, but I guess that is part of the challenge. Without any doubt, another essential that I surely need to add to my collection. On to the next one, but, hey, Beautiful Freak, see you soon, I hope. 

Mar 24 2022
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Löytyy tämäkin hyllystä. Ehdottomasti 5*

Apr 17 2022
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Tuttu bändi aikojen takaa. Beatiful Freak ei itselleni koskaan ollut se läheisin tai tärkein Eels-levy, jota ihmettelenkin suuresti nyt jälkikäteen. Tämä levy nimittäin on juuri sitä rauhallista Eelsiä jota olen aina arvostanut. Mark Oliver Everettin kitarointi on soundiltaan jumalaista. Levyltä ei löydy suuria huteja. Hittejä sen sijaan enemmänkin. 4,5 joka nousee ylöspäin.

May 18 2022
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I enjoyed this so much, I listened to it again immediately after my first play. Lyrically & melodically unique and adventurous. Totally enjoyed it, and have added this and two additional Eels albums (so far).

Jun 13 2022
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What a cracking album. Not a bad track on it.

Jun 29 2022
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Great album. Wonderful production. The opener is a (25 year old) modern classic.

Aug 10 2022
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One of the more interesting alternative albums. I was very impressed with the musicality. Especially with the drums. Great listen

Aug 29 2022
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Unique, funky and grungy and emo. Loved all but a couple tracks!

Aug 30 2022
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In 1996 I heard Novocaine For The Soul and hurried that afternoon to my local record store to listen, and buy, the album. The album with its weird cover, parental advisory sticker and emotional, quirky indie-rock music became one of my most loved albums of that year. And it has not lost any of its power over the years. The clever lyrics, the many beautiful tributes to his mentally ill sister, the wide array of techniques, samples, instrumentation and inspired production makes 'Beautiful Freak' one of the most interesting, and at times haunting, debut albums I've heard in my life. The songs go between samply dreamy to guitar grungy and the tracklist makes it you're never bored by alternating between styles throughout. And to think that this the prelude to Electro-Shock Blues, which might be even a better album.

Sep 07 2022
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This album to represents the 90’s perfectly.

Oct 07 2022
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4.5/5 pretty fucking goooooooooood

Oct 20 2022
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It’s the Eels so of course I love it

Nov 01 2022
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TBz 1. Novocaine For The Soul 2. Your Lucky Day In Hell 3. Guest List 4. Not Ready Yet 5. Mental I can keep going with top bangerz. I immediately connected with this album. It’s beautiful, dark at times, and deep. Solid 5!

Nov 08 2022
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очень очень хорошо!!! есть немного/много от нирваны, но в более чилловом режиме и еще реденько, местами марс вольта теперь один из любимых

Nov 16 2022
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Love this album, I used to listen to it a lot when I first got my car. I have great memories of it, but I'm drawing a blank at some of the titles on the second half. Looking forward to giving it another listen! Listening back to this, it's about as flawless as I remember. Love "Novocaine For the Soul", the piano and hip hop influences on "Susan's House", and the weird bee-guitar solo on "My Beloved Monster". Very weird and innovative, and that's just the big singles! Of the titles I didn't recognize, I knew them all and remembered most of the lyrics even. I love the melancholy and the weird humor on these tracks. Great bassline on "Your Lucky Day in Hell" too.

Nov 24 2022
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I went into this one cold. I may have heard something from it before, but I don’t think so. Really appreciated what felt like experimentation and creativity with restraint — every song had a spine of some sort. A hook/refrain/chorus that you were excited for it to get back to. Felt like someone with a degree in musical theory, but I say that as someone with nothing close to a degree in musical theory.m Also enjoyed that the lyrics had something to say, the use of spoken word, degree to which a lot of it seemed to be a subversion of something that initially seemed positive, etc.

Dec 08 2022
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Incredible album. I had heard novocaine in the 90s and liked it, but never bought the album. I wish I had. The whole thing comes together in thoughtful and unusual ways. Great songs and song variety.

Dec 21 2022
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Was my fourth or fifth favourite Eels album... but better than I remember it being

Jan 07 2023
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This ticks all of my alternative boxes. Mr Es autobiography is particularly good too.

Feb 08 2023
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Amazing album, I can't believe I didn't know this band existed, especially since I recognized one of the songs from Shrek! Best tracks: Novocaine For the Soul, Susan's House, Guest List, Spunky, and Manchild.

Feb 16 2023
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If you like this, I’d recommend A Man Called (E) and Broken Toy Shop by E. Broken Toy Shop is definitely the precursor to Beautiful Freak.

Feb 23 2023
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Depressed people make beautiful music. My favorite Eels album.

Mar 04 2023
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Awww, YISS! I remember buying this album. I would have been 16 years old, and this would have been the first album I ever bought on CD. I loved it. I listened to it a couple of weeks back, actually, inspired by another album in the 1,001 - and am very pleased to see it come up in its own right. This album is great. I'm not speaking from a history of nostalgic whatever - there are some supberb lyrics here "Looking out with an ugly face, Winston Churchill in drag"

Mar 08 2023
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Another great 90s album. I especially liked Susan's House but lots of good selections and it all followed a theme

Mar 27 2023
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Having known Eels solely from Shrek and Shrek 2 I didn't know what to expect. I honestly thought it'd be a cheap Beck rip off with repeating beats and samples. That's not inspiring because I reaaaalllly don't like Beck. Beck can get fucked because this is everything he wishes he could be. Beautiful Freak is one of those rare albums that had me interested in a challenge like this. I knew the odds of find more music that I love than I don't were against me. This is one that I loved. It captures my specific suburban fears and insecurities and ironic hope that feels like it was written only for me. The music was not nearly as repetitive as I was expecting having melodies in places I'm not used to finding them, like bass, for example. The genre experimentation was cool because it never felt like a mish mash of shit. It's like a little flirt with experimentation, like the songwriter is almost afraid to let loose lest he sputter out. Where has this album been all my life? 5

Apr 26 2023
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Absolutely the perfect mix of melancholic depression and 1998.

May 20 2023
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Novacaine for the soul: a little weird, but that hasn't hurt anybody! I'm still enjoying it :D I like this! It's weird, it's vibey, it's dynamic, it's good. between 4 and 5 stars. My Beloved Monster would have been a good song to end the album on. Flowers- Interesting use of instruments, with angel choirs, beach guitars, and synths XD I thought there were a lot of good songs in this album, a lot of dynamic and interesting things going on. It maybe could have leaned a little bit more on the "weird" aspect of it, or maybe have made it a little heavier, but otherwise I liked it! 5/5

May 24 2023
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Wasn't expecting to like this so much. Not sure why it resonated with me so much, but I loved it. Great songwriting and overall sound.

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