Feels like a 3*; some good tunes and a good vibe but nothing outstanding.
I'm not quite sure why people rave about this album. It seems OK to me and is perfectly listenable, but nothing exceptional. Solid 3* but not worth 4*. Rehab is OK and Back to Black is a good song.
Nice enough background rock 'n' roll, but unremarkable. Another 3*, I think.
I think this was quite forgettable. Not bad, but I'm going to give it 2* - I think I feel similarly to underwhelmed as with the PJ Harvey album.
I quite like it. Wavering between 3* and 4* three tracks in. I'm giving it a 4*, but a low 4*.
It's not bad, but is sucking the energy out of me to a certain extent. It has some merit, not just dreary, but still only a 3*, I think, and a low one.
A bit more interesting, but not amazing. Solid 3*.
Maybe I'm just in the wrong mood, but I'm not feeling it. Another 3*. Some good tracks, though - maybe this is a harsh rating.
Quite enjoyable, but no tracks to love straight away, so 3*.
I've never listened to this as an album before (as opposed to individual songs off it). It's great! Still only 4* - more an 8/10 than a 9/10.
It was pleasant enough, but unremarkable.
Never got through this because it always felt like a bit of a chore, so I don't think I found it amazing. Giving it 3* and moving on.
It wasn't bad, but not amazing - maybe just didn't get me in the right mood. I'll give it 3*, but it could have been 4* on another day.
I know and love this album. 5*.
This was fun!
I can't remember listening to this now. I think there were some nice songs but it wasn't amazing.
This was a great discovery. There's a risk of over-reacting after a run of slightly disappointing albums, and from the joy of discovering something new, so I'll only give it 4* to be safe.