XTCGeneric ‘80s music. Not horrendous, but I’ve heard way better versions.
Generic ‘80s music. Not horrendous, but I’ve heard way better versions.
A few standout tracks, but mostly background music. Nowhere near his pinnacle.
Interesting album. Feels like a mixture of Muse, Smashing Pumpkins, and jam band. Musically intriguing, but nothing that overly grabs your attention.
One of the greatest debut albums in rock history. Unique, fun, and new.
Ridiculous fun. This album almost cured my arthritis.
A good album. A little bland at times. Good. Not great.
Not my thing, but good elevator music.
Great album. Paul Simon continuing to prove who the genius behind Simon and Garfunkel is.
Superstition, alone, makes the album 3 stars. The rest of the album is good, not great.
Generic ‘80s music. Not horrendous, but I’ve heard way better versions.
First time listen besides the single “Bang A Gong”, which isn’t my favorite song. The album was a pleasant surprise. The album has a good mix of ‘70s rock sounds. It felt like Bowie lite at times.
Incredible album from top to bottom. An all-time great.
Fun album. Some weird ass lyrics. Some songs drag.
Absolute banger. It banged me.
Hot Eats. Cool treats. Dairy Queen.
Couldn’t get through the whole album.
Someone thinks they are cooler than they are.
I could go without the confederate flag bullshit.
It’s an album.
You aren’t the Beatles.
I don’t care.