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The Visitors



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The Visitors
Album Summary

The Visitors is the eighth studio album by Swedish pop group ABBA. It was released on 30 November 1981. With The Visitors, ABBA took several steps away from the "lighter" pop music they had recorded previously and the album is often regarded as a more complex and mature effort. The opening track, "The Visitors", with its ominous synthesizer sounds and the distinctive lead vocal by Frida, announced a change in musical style. With Benny and Frida going their separate ways, the pain of splitting up was explored yet again in "When All Is Said and Done". The major hit single on the album, "One of Us", also depicted the end of a love story. Elsewhere there were Cold War themes—highly topical at the time—and further songs of isolation and regret. The Visitors was one of the first records ever to be digitally recorded and mixed, as well as one of the earliest in history to be pressed on the CD format in 1982 as, in terms of commercial release dates, it was predated by the Japanese release of Billy Joel's 52nd Street. The Visitors has been reissued in digitally remastered form four times—first in 1997, then in 2001, again in 2005 as part of The Complete Studio Recordings box set and most recently in 2012. The Visitors Deluxe Edition was released on 23 April 2012. As with previous releases in the Deluxe Edition series, this version offered a DVD of archive material along with CD bonus tracks – including the demo medley "From a Twinkling Star to a Passing Angel", the first previously-unreleased ABBA recordings since 1994.For four decades, The Visitors stood as ABBA's last studio album, until the release of their 2021 album, Voyage.







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Fri Sep 24 2021

There are two types of people in the world. Those who love ABBA, and those who pretend they don’t love ABBA. I thought I was in the latter category, but this album makes me think I’m in the former. This is the first album of theirs that I listened to fully, not just the hits. I have to say it’s fantastic. I would love to listen to this again at some point.

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Wed Jun 23 2021

“The Visitors” by ABBA (1981)   This one stopped me in my tracks. I was predisposed to dismiss ABBA as mindless pop (which is not to say I haven’t listened to “ABBA Gold” countless times). But this album is much better than I expected.  Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty of silliness in the arranging. It’s still ABBA. But this collection demonstrates a maturity in their musical sense that is more fitting for their undeniable vocal talents. Here we have pioneering digital recording with tasteful backing instrumentals, making good use of ‘instants of silence’ that have now become commonplace in recorded music. Full use of 32-track mixing.  And the vocal arrangements for which ABBA became famous (or infamous) now display a willingness to step outside the conventional. Moreover, the lyrics reflect depth, cultural sensitivity, and insight into horrifying geopolitical realities—from a Swedish [!] perspective. It gets better the more I listen.  For an example of ABBA’s insight into the international scene: “The album's title track [“The Visitors”], according to [ABBA songwriter] Ulvaeus, refers to the ‘secret meetings’ held against the approval of totalitarian governments in Soviet-dominated states.”  [Wikipedia, “ABBA”] Poland? East Germany? Czechoslovakia? Hungary? Puppets of the Soviet KGB were ”The Visitors”. And they were not amused by your ‘secret meetings’. So musically, is this how it felt in 1981 when the Stasi came around?  (Or the FBI after you used a credit card to make a 1/6/21 trip to D.C.?) And the fourth track, “Soldiers” gives evidence of a political awareness that is apt for 1981–a moment in time when the less powerful western European nations began to tell the bullying Soviet Union “Enough is enough”. With the 1989 destruction of the Berlin Wall, this crisis had a temporarily good outcome before it got screwed up again in the early 21st century, but it’s inspiring nostalgia nonetheless. “‘Cause if the bugler starts to play, we too must dance.”  NATO was not then a paper tiger, even if it seems to be today. I wonder if Taiwan has a ‘pop’ group like ABBA . . . [Full disclosure: This reviewer is a veteran of the Cold War.] Less politically, the verses in “I Let the Music Speak” have melodic lines with difficult vocal intervals, skillfully executed by lead singer Anni-Frid Lyngstad, with extraordinarily creative orchestral arrangement.  Theatrical, transcendent, sweeping.  “One of Us” is a well developed song of sadness, anticipating and executing the end of a failed relationship. The third listen brought a tear. Is the “us” the man and the woman, or the two persons within the woman?  You tell me.  “Two for the Price of One” is back to more gimmicky ABBA silliness, with a hilarious ending that can be taken in more ways than one, which adds to the humor.  And anyone who’s raised a child will be drawn in to “Slipping Through My Fingers”.  “Like an Angel Passing Through My Room” is simply beautiful—melancholic, evocative, poetic, symphonic, expansive. It is reportedly the inspiration for the cover art.  I’m going to stop writing now, and just listen.  5/5

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Mon Nov 01 2021

I think I managed 4 songs before the wave of pop nausea overcame me. Like aural Kendal Mint Cake.

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Wed Apr 28 2021

I like this less than Arrival, but I really love Abba so I'm having a great time.

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Fri Sep 18 2020

My favorite ABBA album thank youuuuu

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Thu Feb 11 2021

ABBA bringing me all the feels.

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Sun Jul 11 2021

One of the better ABBA albums, but it may be because I just like ABBA. I might be biased because I'm gay, but it's just one of those things. I love how the album comes together and her voice is something that I can never turn down. The orchestral touches to this album are also quite nice. Highlights: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8.

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Sun Jul 11 2021

It's just more ABBA. Which is a great thing in of itself. There's really not much to complain about in this album as it's a fantastic pop album. It's got a nice, powerful bass and synth chords that'll make you swoon. In addition, classic ABBA chorus is there. Favorite track: The Visitors

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Fri Nov 18 2022

Wow I have been missing out with ABBA! What's up with these moody synths on the title track? Head Over Heels blew me away with its spooky, plucky synths! One of Us is a soaring, emotional masterpiece. I keep being struck by what sounds to my untrained ear like some truly inspired chord changes. What is happening! What a joy to discover this band and why did I never make an attempt to find them out before. I feel like when I watched the Ken Burns Country music documentary and heard a whole genre open up before me. As good as so many of these songs are, one stands a cut above the rest. The Day Before You Came. Sweet Jesus this is a lyrical masterpiece. Listening absentmindedly to this song the first time it is just a list of mundane everyday tasks and activities with some anecdotes atypical enough in pop songwriting to catch your attention: "I stopped along the way to buy some Chinese food to go." This Chinese food line piqued my interest, and looking up the lyrics my immediate impression was oh ok, this woman was living a boring existence before this man showed up in her life, transforming her days of watching Dallas and reading the morning paper into something unbelievably beautiful. Since the man plays such a small and mysterious role in the song, this would be an interesting enough concept on its own. But it's not the whole story, and there is more written between the lines. Why? Because if that's where it ended this would be a happy song. Instead, the vocals are tinged with sadness and there is a soft wailing over minor chords after every chorus. The narrator wouldn't be so fixated on what she used to do before the man showed up if he was still around. But he's left, and she is confronted with the lonely life she had before. For me, the saddest part of this is that she was once content with the things she used to do, but after this love, it all just seems like filler. Listening to the song with this interpretation, you hear a broken-hearted woman who is wracking her brain, retracing the steps of her life to how things ended up here, trying to piece together how she ever made it through the day at all. So much is left unsaid in this song but conveyed through Agnethaʻs gorgeous and evocative vocals. So much is left up to interpretation and speculation. It is a haunting, spellbinding song. I will cherish this song and this record. 4.6/5.

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Thu Feb 16 2023

Score: 85 Almost every song on this album is an upbeat turn about being invaded, the inevitability of war, being on the brink of a breakup, the guilt of not spending time with a daughter, feeling alone, domestic abuse, the regret of not helping someone more after they commit suicide.. And the one song with a dark and atmospheric tone is one about how life was a miserable routine before they met someone, which you think would be a happy song, but the lyrics never once mention life after meeting the person and it's implied their life got worse instead. The music on this album isn't the absolute greatest thing but a lot of it is catchy or memorable, but you wouldn't call them hit songs. The lyricism and storytelling is what makes this album for me as it's fantastic

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Tue Feb 23 2021

I never give ABBA enough credit and dismissed them because they are so popular. But they are popular for a reason.

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Tue May 18 2021

ABBA write some of the best pop songs out there

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Mon Feb 01 2021

Opzich wel een goed album van ABBA, maar toch wel een hoog boomer gehalte

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Tue Sep 28 2021

It was pretty much over for ABBA by 1981, and this album doesn't do anything to dispute that fact. They seem to just be going through the motions at times. The magic of "Dancing Queen" is but a memory. "One Of Us" is the only real standout here, and it just underlines the fact that both couples, along with the band, were no more.

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Tue Oct 26 2021

ABBA is definitely not in my wheelhouse. Was kind of dreading this. Then I heard the synths at the beginning of the first song and started reading the wiki article that this was a change in direction for them. That gave me some hope that it might be more interesting... but no, it's still syrupy sweet pop music. I mean, it's not unlistenable and I can appreciate that it might be perfect pop music for some people. It's just really not for me. "I Let the Music Speak" was particularly difficult to get through. So slick and overproduced. At least it was only 37 minutes long. But this isn't offensive to me. ABBA are what they are and they have no pretensions about being a pure pop group. A 1 for me personally but bumping up to a 2 in recognition that this is really just not my type of music and it's probably not that bad.

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Mon Feb 14 2022

One stand out track. Poor album. Not worthy of the list.

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Tue Mar 02 2021

Definitely not what I expected, much sweeter and passionate tone than a lot of abba stuff because it feels more personal

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Thu Jan 28 2021

Una ópera pop en donde todo te suena, porque los has escuchado por todas partes sin darte ni cuenta. Qué sería de todos nosotros sin ABBA...

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Fri Oct 01 2021

This would've been the perfect swan song had ABBA not made a comeback this year. Easily their best album

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Sat Oct 30 2021

I'm so happy this is on the list! Anyone who thinks they know ABBA and haven't heard THE VISITORS have missed a major part of the ABBA story. This was their last album before their long hiatus. It was crafted as their group and their relationships were coming apart. Through it all every song sparkles with incredible craftsmanship, creativity and variety. The cover art shows the group dramatically shadowed entirely separate staring in different directions. It's a dramatic cover and a clear signal that this album will be a bit different... and maybe signaled their breakup to come. From the first notes breaking into pulsing synthesizers and Frida's dramatic delivery there is a clear change in tone over previous ABBA releases. I still get chills hearing it. "The Visitors" is a driving, paranoid opening with a great beat. ABBA can paint detailed, interesting images and tell such vivid stories in their songs, and “Head Over Heels” is one of many examples of this. "When All Is Said And Done" brings the breakups the group were navigating at the time to the surface. It's a great song that captures a level of maturity we should all strive for when our relationships end. "Soldiers" addresses the seriousness of war and is one of my favorite songs on the album. "Soldiers write the songs that soldiers sing the songs that you and I don't sing." This remains a bit too applicable to the 21st century filled with war that went on for decades while most of us paid little attention. "I Let The Music Speak" is a tribute that shows the appreciation of music itself, a subject ABBA visits often. This song clearly foreshadows later work Benny and Bjorn would do writing the musical Chess. "One Of Us" is a heartbreaking song of the ambivalence that accompanies breakups made even more impactful when considering the circumstances of the group performing it. Such a powerful expression of regret. Things get a little lighter with "Two for the Price of One" where ABBA shows off their cheekier side in the story of a lonely man who answers an ad and gets more than he bargained for. Another exceptionally crafted song that tells a fun, delightful story. "Slipping Through My Fingers" beautifully captures the feelings of a parent seeing their daughter grow up. Really amazing song. "Like an Angel Passing Through My Room" is the last song on the original album and is a beautiful, meditative, wistful ending to the album. I love this song so much. The extra tracks released over the years have been a treat, some of them better than others. "Should I Laugh Or Cry", "Cassandra", "Under Attack", and "The Day Before You Came" are among my favorites of the new tracks. They've been some sustenance over the years... I also enjoyed the inclusion of "From A Twinkling Star To A Passing Angel" on the Deluxe Edition that gives a peek into the evolution of a song. For newcomers, though, the album has more impact with its original ending. I have loved Abba since buying the Super Trouper album back in 1981 and remained a huge fan even as most of the world moved on. Abba has created some of the greatest pop music ever so it is a great relief that they are represented on this list. There are still plenty of music snobs who ignorantly dismiss ABBA without ever considering the intricacy of their arrangements or the emotional depth in these songs. I'm glad to see much of that has faded away. For me personally this is a particularly special opportunity to opine on THE VISITORS as part of this project a week before the release of their next new studio album - 40 years later! I am thrilled to share my deep feelings for this album knowing that this isn't their last and that ABBA will continue to enrich us with new music.

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Sat Oct 30 2021

I am a fan of ABBA, and I wasn't actually familiar with this album. I loved it...A LOT!

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Sun Nov 14 2021

Pop de Abba. A veces parece un músical.

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Thu Oct 26 2023

Enjoyable - not their most popular but man, they do have talent. Voices like angels!

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Sat Feb 20 2021

Don't think I've heard a whole ABBA album before, only heard the singles. The first track is very different from what I'm used to from them and I really like it. Almost like a Gary Numan feel to it at points. Second track kinda breaks the mood and is closer to what I'd expect. The slight Swedish accent is kinda endearing. Very clean and spacious sounding. As this is goes on, nothing is living up to the promise of the first track and it kinda goes downhill for me. "Two for the price of one" is a runner up though. Listening to the deluxe edition and I definitely like some of the b-side bonus tracks more than most of the album tracks, especially "I am the city" and "you owe me one" - way more fun and infectious.

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Mon Sep 20 2021

Tried listening to this objectively rather than just dismissing as int'l pop. First, the synths for 1981 are excellent! It's hard to put in context that synths didn't really penetrate pop music until the very late 70s and early 80s. Even then, they were mainly reserved for Prog Rock and Punk/New Wave. ABBA's earlier albums were more BeeGees disco, while this sounds more like Ultravox's Vienna. So, credit goes to ABBA for bringing 70s soft rock together with disco beats and polyphonic synths. Some experimentation with genres here and there. Harmonies are strong. Melodies and lyrics are often cheeky, but let's give them the benefit of singing in a second-language. Never heard "One of Us," which is the most played song on Spotify. I'll chalk that up to the continental listeners. Only song I recognized was "Cassandra," and that's fairly complex with almost a waltz beat. So this one doesn't have all the popular hits, but maybe that's why I liked it a bit more than I had expected.

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Sat Oct 30 2021

The ABBA album that didn't get hammered into the Australian psyche. Beautiful in parts it heralds Benny & Björn's shift to musicals. The album is hampered by some of sameness between some songs and feels flat in places

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Fri Apr 19 2024

What else can there be said about ABBA...

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Fri May 10 2024

Some great songs and amazing synth work, but “The Visitors” was a little too upbeat for the shit day I had.

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Wed Jun 23 2021

Perfect album if you discount 'One of Us'

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Fri Oct 01 2021

Already listened to this album in full before. I enjoyed it a lot but there are some tracks that I don't revisit as much. My favourites are Head Over Heels, One Of Us, When All Is Said and Done, Slipping Through My Fingers and The Day Before You Came. 4.5/5 stars but will bump it up to a 5.

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Sat Oct 30 2021

The first cassette I ever bought for my new tape recorder was ABBA Greatest Hits Vol. 2 with money from Christmas 1979 in 6th grade. My mom helped me pick it out. I listened to it a billion times as I couldn't afford many other tapes and thus ABBA was my jam. When "The Visitors" came out in 1981 no expense was spared and I excitedly bought the new album (on cassette, of course). I remember being taken aback somewhat by the different tone of this music, which was a little less infectious than the compilation. The opening title track had a long, moody introduction, for example...but then 2 minutes in...oh yeah! Like a number of the songs on this album it has a cool build-up and transition. "When All is Said and Done" is a favorite and is the song that sounds the most classic ABBA, maybe, despite its theme of maturity (they were more than 15 years younger than I am now when they recorded it. Dang.) For forty years I've thought the voice on the phone in "Two for the Price of One" said "Al is waiting." It's still a fun song, nevertheless. Having listened to this album over and over in my youth, there's no way I can't love the whole thing to this day.

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Sat Oct 30 2021

holy shit, it’s been a while since I’ve heard an album where EVERY song slaps like a mother fucker this is a 12 out of 10, it’s honestly beyond perfect, good fucking golly

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Fri Nov 19 2021

I think I only knew ABBA's hits, so I thought of them as super poppy, sing-along band, but still very talented. This was unexpected and such an enjoyable listen.

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Sun Nov 21 2021

What a vibe. So many great songs on here with a good variety of moods.

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Wed Jan 05 2022

Great album, full of hidden gems.

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Mon Jan 10 2022

look, i wore out my parents' CD copy of Gold like any obliviously queer teenager, but damn, i've been missing out on a whole discography!

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Mon Feb 14 2022

A ABBA album that, despite lacking huge hits and being less light in terms of lyrical content, still entertains massively and doesn't have a bad song over a great runtime of just shy of 40 minutes They never fail to bring good mood and cheer up

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Wed Feb 16 2022

This was surprisingly really good. I've never been a big fan of ABBA but this a major departure from their previous work.

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Tue Feb 22 2022

Pop perfection. I simply did not want this album to end. I'm a sucker for a good melody, and boy did this record deliver that in spades.

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Tue Feb 22 2022

This album is incredible. Very layered and catchy. I highly recommend it.

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Wed Feb 23 2022

ABBA seems only capable of doing one type of sound but that sound is wonderful.

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Tue Mar 15 2022

This album is so great! It really holds up!

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Fri Mar 25 2022

If there's one thing I know about music, it's that I fucking love Abba.

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Fri Apr 22 2022

abba's music is beautiful! i suppose this album isn't considered as good as their other albums, but i fell deeply in love with this album. it has everything from tender songs to their signature fun, pop-y songs. "one of us," a deeply autobiographical track, hurts me even as i sing along. "head over heels" is such a standout that it's shocking it flopped as a single. with every listen, i loved this more and more. easily five stars, with the hope more abba is on this list of albums.

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Wed May 04 2022

I love this album. For four decades it was ABBA's swan song and it is fantastic. Such great tunes. When All Is Said And Done is my favourite ABBA song.

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Sat May 21 2022

When All Is Said And Done, Cassandra, . The Day Before You Came

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Thu Jun 09 2022

Was sceptical about late model ABBA but this was an easy five stars. Would love to see a theatrical adaptation of this, seems very well suited to the stage. Moody and eccentric with some interesting song concepts

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Mon Jul 25 2022

Man, I was not familiar with ABBA's post-disco sound. This was fun!

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Mon Aug 01 2022

Going into this I thought this would be some shitty juvenile stereotypical synth pop, I've already heard all the praise for ABBA, but this is actually quite mature. Though this spotify link sends you to a quieter version of the song, so idk which version to listen, I went with the quieter version. I HATE IT SO MUCH IF THERE ARE MULTIPLE VERSIONS. Ok actually this is really good, idk if I should give it a 5/5 or a 4/5, maybe I'll be generous. Fuck it I'm generous. 5/5, it's a very mature and sad album. It shows the band breaking up and is a fitting end. Sike, most fans said in 2021. Yeah, 5/5.

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Mon Aug 29 2022

I literally grew up on Mama Mia. I have loved ABBA since I was a tiny child. There are very few songs that make me shiver and Head Over Heels has now been added to that list.

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Tue Nov 01 2022

Rating: 9/10 Best songs: The visitors, Soldiers, I let the music speak, One of us, Two for the price of one, The day before you came, Cassandra

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Fri Nov 18 2022

Fantastic album, will definitely be diving back in frequently. Incredible musicality, melodies, and lyrics

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Thu Dec 08 2022

Banger after banger. Very well aged. Had so many musical components

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Sat Dec 10 2022

If Disco died in 1979, this feels like the elegy for the day Disco died. I honestly am baffled by how much I liked it too.

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Sun Dec 11 2022

Two ABBA albums almost one after the other? Love it! There's a lot of songs I've never heard on this album, so let's see. Didn't particularly like the titled song. Loads of really good songs, but some serious misses as well imo (You Owe Me One). Saved tracks: Head Over Heels, Soldiers, One Of Us, Two For The Price Of One, Should I Laugh Or Should I Cry, Under Attack, The Day Before You Came

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Tue Dec 13 2022

This is wonderful. From the incredible title track to One of Us to best song The Day Before You Came, this is a brilliant singles band making a brilliant album. And the holograms are great too.

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Thu Feb 02 2023

My partner has listened to all of ABBA's discography and didn't seem to think too much of this album compared to their other albums, so my expectations weren't super high. I expected to give it a 3 or a 4, but I really enjoyed almost every song on this album. Other than the first song, I liked everything. Some of the themes are interesting and I appreciate the tonal shifts on the album. I assume I'm going to give their other album on here a 5 as well, but I guess we'll see. My favourite songs were Head Over Heels, The Day Before You Came, and Under Attack.

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Wed Feb 15 2023

Love love love! I mean, I thought Abba Gold was where it was at, but this little gem was hiding! (FYI, I have not, nor am I inclined to watch Mama Mia, so there).

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Sat Mar 04 2023

I love ABBA! Mamma mia is a classic fun movie I love to watch when I’m down. There music is so lighthearted and fun- even when dealing with more serious topics like breakups.

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Mon Mar 27 2023

i can’t believe i’ve never listened to a full abba album before. this is just excellent, i’m going to listen to more now

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Mon Mar 27 2023

ABBA rocks. Both infinitely nostalgic and infinitely fresh. Their production is always unparalleled and their band cohesion is top notch, a great album on all fronts

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Mon Apr 03 2023

If you don't fuck with Abba then I don't fuck with you

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Tue May 02 2023

Contains my favourite Abba song

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Wed Jun 28 2023

This album just hits different

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Wed Jun 28 2023

Вы не слушали ABBA такими. Но такими вы будете рады услышать их ещё раз. Не с первого раза меня пробрало, скажу честно. Но в какой-то момент наконец-то ты можешь сконцентрироваться на текстах и таки понять, о чём они и в какой момент были написаны. А, точно: это более текстоцентричный альбом, чем все остальные.

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Thu Jul 20 2023

I really love ABBA. This started off alright and just got better and better. Slipping Through my Fingers and Like An Angel Passing Through My Room were the best. I love that they have a sound that’s so uniquely their own. Would def listen again

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Thu Jul 20 2023

Wow. What a journey. Never listened to ABBA much before but this is a definite masterpiece. The songwriting, harmony, layering, everything is just perfect. What a ride

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Thu Jul 20 2023

The first 4 songs blew me away. I love how the chorus hits in head over heels. Cool drum groove in soldiers. “I let the music speak” is so theatrical. I feel like it’s whole story in 4 minutes. The phone call sounds in 2 for price if one is great. So smart and well done. I feel like it’s one of those perfect albums where every note in every part is exactly where it needs to be and you could listen and notice something new to appreciate everytime. It has a lot of what I love from the Beatles best recordings but in a totally different direction/ context. I don’t know what to call their style “post prog synth pop”, but they do it so well. Great sounding record it has the best of the 80’s punchyness and crispness but with the 70’s warmth. The rhythm section is so great- every time a groove comes in it feels so good. Such a unique sound with their songwriting and harmonies . Love all the instrument and synth sounds . Also really nice to listen to following “Scum” by Napalm Death.

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Sat Sep 09 2023

naïve moi qui pensais qu'ils avaient peak sur gimme gimme

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Mon Oct 16 2023

I unashamedly love Abba. The greatest pop songs ever recorded. This album is less poppy though (better produced and musically deeper) with more adult themes. I would have marked it down slightly but it has my favourite Abba song (The day before you came) so it has to be 5/5

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Mon Oct 16 2023

When ABBA does their swan song, the swans do sing. Great stuff.

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Thu Nov 02 2023

You know, even an album of lesser known Abba is pretty damn good. I wasn't sure about the Bjorn vocals on "Two for the Price of One", but when it hit the chorus it really worked. Judging by play count, this is the least popular track on the album, but I loved it. The bassline in "Should I Laugh or Cry" is amazing. The only song that lost my interest a bit was "An Angel..."

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Fri Nov 10 2023

Pretty much perfect grown-up pop.

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Sat Dec 16 2023

This is, hands down, ABBA's best album. It was also meant to be their last - that is until their 2021 reunion. Musically, this is pure pop, but of the good kind. There are plenty of remarkable hooks that will stay with you for the forseeable future. But ABBA are not only masters of writing songs; on here they have also matured as producers and arrangers. All the instruments are played very tastefully - just listen to the bass on One of Us. The title track is pure late 70s, early 80s synth goodness. Like An Angel Passing Through My Room is sublime. The production of this album is also top notch and innovative for its time. With this album ABBA managed to go out with a bang - before being reborn 40 yeas later, also in top form. 5/5

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Thu Dec 21 2023

This album is a masterpiece. Right up my alley. It’s like a genre that I’ve never heard, but always knew I wanted to hear. ABBA stands for Always Been a Banger Artist. The first song “The Visitors” was a good choice for the title of the album because it is the best. However, every subsequent song was unique and unexpectedly good. I’m going to listening to this album again and again. 9/10

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Fri Jan 19 2024

5/5 great songwriting and a good change from the big fluffy pop hits. the songs develop and take interesting turns. the vocals are darkly emotive.

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Thu Feb 01 2024

They sure can pump out the hits

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Thu Mar 07 2024

Deras bästa album. Låten The Visitors är fantastisk.

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Thu Mar 07 2024

This was an amazing discovery!

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Thu Mar 21 2024

truly an excellent, underrated album. didn't fully love a couple of the slower songs, but the singing and the synth sounds always worked well together. high energy with deep lyrics, maybe a little too pop heavy for some but definitely a hidden gem

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Thu Apr 04 2024

I saw the album and thought it was a shame that we didn’t get one with any hits on it. What an idiot I was. I listened, loved it and then listened again. This was such a great album.

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Tue Apr 09 2024

So good! The production is 2nd to none.

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Wed Apr 10 2024

This one stopped me in my tracks. I was predisposed to dismiss ABBA as mindless pop (which is not to say I haven’t listened to “ABBA Gold” countless times). But this album is much better than I expected.

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Thu Apr 25 2024

ABBA is just wondrous. Good for the soul.

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Wed May 01 2024

sure there are some songs I don't love (namely Two For The Price Of One which is terrible) but on the whole this is just very fun, very well made and actually fairly interesting pop music. Arrival is more fun, but this is the better album

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