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Histoire De Melody Nelson

Serge Gainsbourg


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Histoire De Melody Nelson
Album Summary

Histoire de Melody Nelson is a 1971 concept album by French songwriter Serge Gainsbourg. Produced by Jean-Claude Desmarty, the album was released on March 24, 1971 through Philips Records. Its Lolita-esque pseudo-autobiographical narrative follows the illicit romance that develops between the middle-aged Gainsbourg and 15-year old girl Melody Nelson. Histoire de Melody Nelson is considered by many critics and fans to be Gainsbourg's most influential and accomplished work, as well as one of the greatest French-language albums in popular music.







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Feb 01 2021
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Before I talk about the album itself, let me share about the rabbit hole I fell down. I was about halfway through the first track, Melody, when I thought, “Man, this song *really* sounds like Beck’s song Paper Tiger. Then I remembered that Beck once produced an album for a French Singer named Charlotte Gainsbourg… I look it up, and sure enough, Charlotte is Serge’s daughter. Just an interesting couple of facts (I think this is what happens when an INTP is a big fan of music) . By the way, I looked it up and Beck actually sampled the Serge Gainsbourg track on Paper Tiger, which explains their startling similarity. The article in which I found that information about Beck sampling Serge pointed something out that hit home for me. It said that the two are rare amongst singer-songwriters in that they are as attracted to sound as they are to song. That really spells out why I don’t like most singer-songwriter music, it seems like for many of them the music is merely a vehicle for them to present their lyrics. One could say they are just poets masquerading as musicians. But there is an album of the day to talk about! To borrow a word from the succeeding generation, this album slaps. I didn’t know I needed an album that sounds like George Baker’s Little Green Bag overlaid with whispered, French, spoken-word vocals and orchestral blasts, but here I am. Serge is apparently considered the greatest musician France ever produced, and has influenced many that came after him, so he definitely belongs on the list My personal enjoyment: 4/5 Did it belong on this list: 5/5

Aug 20 2021
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I would say that I enjoyed the music behind this one. But knowing my history of the nation of France, I decided to look up what this album is about and boy did I find another reason to not like the french. This album is about a man hitting a 15ish year old girl on her bike with his Rolls Royce, who he then promptly falls in love with and seduces. I don’t care about the artistic intent and all that when the subject is pedophilia. Not a fan

Oct 09 2020
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wtf, this is absolute crap. like an even less interesting, less musical version of that moby turd. singer just whispers in french with the mic INSIDE his mouth, music is just sporadic jazzy numbers. I'm sure artists think it's cool, but i think it fucken sucks.

Jul 14 2021
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Non-content de nous proposer une ribambelle d'albums rock de merde. Robert Dimery, l'emminent créateur de cette liste scandaleuse n'a selectionné que deux albums français au sein des 1001. Parmi eux donc, cet album de Serge Gainsbourg, figure emblématique de la chanson française. Mais là encore, Robert avait tout faux. En effet, malgré la ribambelle d'albums comprennant au moins un titre classique de Serge Gainsbourg, Robert a trouvé le moyen de choisir un album experimental racontant une histoire dont tout le monde se fout, d'autant plus que les décérébrés votants du générateurs ne pipent pas un mot de français (ce qui vous en conviendrait, démontre une fois de plus leur manque flagrant de culture). La France est donc representee par cet album ridicule ou le Serge s'amuse a nous susurrer des mots a l'oreille, ce qui me plaça dans un inconfort palpable. Le pire dans tout ça, c'est que celui sur qui nos derniers espoirs reposent n'est autre que le hautement surcoté MC Solaar, que je me devrai de sanctionner d'une note assassine pour l'ensemble de son oeuvre. Ce mercredi matin ne démarre clairement pas de la meilleure des manières, d'autant plus que comme vous le savez, il semblerait que je n'ai plus d'eau chaude a mon domicile.

Jun 23 2022
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no, no, no. absolutely not. i don't care if many music critics and personnel find this influential and life changing. this album is about statutory rape! i was going to give it 2 stars because musically, it wasn't too bad of an album, but that was until i got to the sex noises in "en melody". what on earth is this album? i wish i could give 0 stars.

Oct 08 2021
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I saw a documentary about Serge Gainsbourg maybe a dozen years ago, and that made me a fan. Fascinating person and artist. This album is great. It's very, well, Serge Gainsboug. Weirdly accessible, even in the 2020's, and even though I don't understand any of the lyrics because I know maybe a dozen words in French (nearly all food, my fellow fromage-heads). The musical arrangements are fantastic, and, wow, that guitarist can play! Somehow, with the music playing underneath the spoke French dialogue, it just works. This is one I'll listen to again.

Jun 02 2021
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Who is ̶K̶e̶y̶s̶e̶r̶ ̶S̶o̶z̶e̶ Melody Nelson? Had I the fluency required to understand this album I might have enjoyed it more (the Wikipedia certainly didn't help), but it's just not something I'd ever want to return to. It wasn't half bad, and I actually enjoyed the background music and chords that played throughout, but by god it sounded like this man was recording post mic-consumption, and I just couldn't get past that.

Jan 28 2021
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No thanks. I actually hear the air from his mouth. Grosses me out

Jun 02 2021
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Sauvegarder Avant: Rien Dès Le Début: Melody, Ballade De Melody Nelson, Valse de Melody, Ah Melody, L'hôtel particulier, En Melody, Cargo culte (c'est à dire tout l'album) Presque Sauvegarder: Rien Notes Générales: As someone who speaks French, I figure my two-cents is valid here. In terms of the "Lolita" part of the wikipedia page, that's really not a big part of the narrative and the whole narrative is clearly not meant to be taken seriously as the guy meets her after hitting her with his Rolls Royce as he's driving on the sidewalk. The music is the most important part, and once you let Gainsbourg's mic-swallowing exist in the atmosphere of the tracks it's not so jarring. Would've been a 5 if it was longer, I just wish it had more time to develop some of those songs. But I guess that's the point of the album, it's a short fling from car crash to plane crash. 4.5 that gets rounded to a 4 for length.

Apr 30 2021
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the instrumentation and production are impressive, but the concept is cringey AF

May 19 2022
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I thought his voice sounded so creepy so I looked up what the album was actually about: “Its Lolita-esque pseudo-autobiographical narrative follows the illicit romance that develops between the middle-aged Gainsbourg and 15-year old girl Melody Nelson.” Yeah, no. This was gonna be a 2 based off what I initially heard and now it’s a 1.

Nov 20 2021
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Pretty groovy. Really dope precision bass tone. Sexy French lyrics I don’t understand at all. Super simple drums. And a throaty blues guitar. Kind of a perfect 70’s rock album

Oct 07 2022
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How come I didn't even know about this album before? I've heard of Serge Gainsbourg, but never in context of music. And now I know what a mistake that was. Histoire De Melody Nelson is a really well crafted album (although very short, just 27 minutes), that combines four main pillars, that could stand on their own anywhere else: - a funky bass line, that welcomes us to the album and doesn't leave us until the last notes - guitar with incredibly psychedelic solos, you could easily mistake it for a Pink Floyd part - orchestral elements added by Jean-Claude Vannier, adding another dimension to the album - and finally the vocal of Gainsbourg, soft and very deep voice, mostly just talking, is like a perfect topping for this musical cake. The whole album feels like a jam session of four musicians playing different genres of music, but somehow not only it works well, but is absolutely amazing. One of the easiest 5 stars on this list, especially among the albums I have never heard of.

Jul 14 2021
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C'est en lisant dans le livre des 1001 la critique d'un certain JiH dans le grimoire de Robert que j'ai enfin ouvert les yeux ; cette compilation des 1001 albums ne s'adresse qu'à la communauté hipster. Pas question pour l'éditeur et ses complices de sélectionner un album à succès, non, jamais. Il est ici question de choisir l'un des albums les moins connus de l'artiste afin de jouer au connaisseur et pisser sur le mainstream. Une bien triste vision des choses que je dénoncerai en message privé à l'intéressé, puisque je le connais.

Dec 03 2021
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While I would not go back and listen again, I definitely felt cool while listening 😆

Aug 24 2022
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French music is already way overrepresented in this list, but now you want me to listen to an album about a lecherous old pedophile "romancing" an underage girl? FUCK NO! "Oh this album is so influential" say sexual predators, creepy old bastard men and rape apologists because it gives their sick and disturbed predilections validation. This album is garbage and should be wiped from the cultural landscape.

Oct 20 2021
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1971 concept album by French songwriter Serge Gainsbourg. Histoire de Melody Nelson is considered by many critics and fans to be Gainsbourg's most influential and accomplished work, as well as one of the greatest French-language albums in popular music. Its Lolita-esque pseudo-autobiographical narrative follows the illicit romance that develops between the middle-aged Gainsbourg and 15-year old girl Melody Nelson. While it became a pivotal album of the 1970s and was instrumental in the development of French rock music and trip hop genre... Thanks, Wiki! I was surprised by the sound of this album. Spoken word "whispering" vocal... The funky bassline is cool! Since I like trip-hop it was interesting to hear the music that influenced some representatives of this genre... French female voice pronouncing "Melodie Nelson" is sitting in my head all the day :)))

Feb 05 2021
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The french lyrics and slow melody is reminiscent to beatnik spoken word sessions in a cafe shrouded in cigerette smoke. Overall, a mysterious and alluring mix of rock and jazz.

Mar 08 2021
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Not the masterpiece it is usually hailed as, but very original and atmospheric. An album where to come back from time to time.

Jun 02 2021
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Really enjoyed this! Epic orchestral moments along with some good ol’ rock music that felt like a bit of a jam session. Felt really modern too. Maybe lots of people have been influenced by him but it all just felt really familiar. A couple of tracks properly sounded so much like Nick Cave & Kylie’s ‘Wild Rose’ track, I’d be shocked if they weren’t straight up trying to make a Serge Gainsbourg track when they made it. Will defo revisit this album.

Jul 06 2021
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Just an effortlessly cool album, you can hear how much it influenced another great French artist, AIR. I will be digging through his catalog. Love the jazz influence and just really solid guitar and bass.

Jul 28 2024
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Histoire de Melody Nelson I have listened to this before, it’s one of those cult albums that is always on lists as being hugely influential, which is very clear as this seems the stepping off point for Portishead in particular. I love the bass, drums and guitar, particularly the bass though - what a great tone, with great melodicism and it’s perfectly placed in the mix, anchoring as well as moving the songs forward. The string arrangements are excellent too, cinematic and widescreen, but also slightly unsettling, kind of familiar but unsettling at the same time. Thematically it's kind of interesting to try and pick apart, and it’s kind of hard to discern whether it's pederastic fantasy, or a Lolita-esque treatise on obsession. He certainly had a tendency for relationships with women much younger than him, and this album could quite easily be seen as a pervy endorsement of relationships with teenage children, but equally seen as narrative fantasy, with any paedophillic readings telling you more about the listener than him. I guess it probably falls somewhere between the two, and the openness to interpretation is deliberate and what makes it such a fascinating piece of art. Musically I do love this, as I say the bass is excellent, the production is superb and as a 30 minute narrative sing cycle it is excellent. The marriage of funk with cinematic strings with atonal tendencies, and the occasional French folk element gives it a propulsive yet slightly off kilter atmosphere, which feeds into the whole narrative theme of it. I’ll go 4, I can’t quite work out whether the ick is central to it’s quality or detracts from it slightly. 🧅🧅🧅🧅 Playlist submission: Melody

Sep 09 2024
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When I think of Serge Gainsbourg, I’m immediately reminded of the surreal TV tribute by Les Petits Chanteurs d’Asnières—a children’s choir dressed in dark shades, each holding a fake cigarette and a glass of "whiskey," belting out one of Gainsbourg's hits. Meanwhile, a teary-eyed Gainsbourg chain-smokes real cigarettes as he watches. Bizarre barely begins to describe it. This odd tribute captures Gainsbourg’s world—one that feels completely culturally, ideologically, and musically alien to me. Histoire de Melody Nelson treads a similarly mystifying line, presenting the unsettling story of a middle-aged man (played by Gainsbourg) infatuated with a 15-year-old girl (played by the very much of-age Jane Birkin). Even by the standards of the '60s and '70s, this was a taboo subject. Viewed through today’s lens, it can provoke strong repulsion, a reaction that is entirely understandable- and even justified. Yet, this perspective risks conflating the art with its disturbing themes. Much like Anthony Hopkins' chilling portrayal of Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs, the protagonist of Histoire de Melody Nelson is not meant to be sympathetic, yet his story remains compelling. The Silence of the Lambs excels through its taut storytelling, masterful pacing, and relentless psychological tension, rendering Lecter’s monstrous nature both horrifying and fascinating. Similarly, Histoire de Melody Nelson captivates with its seductive orchestration and avant-garde arrangements, even as the narrative unfolds in a morally troubling manner. Musically, the album is a tour de force, with Jean-Claude Vannier’s brilliant arrangements at the forefront. The lush string sections, combined with funky basslines and jazzy percussion, create an intoxicating contrast between elegance and raw emotion. Each track transitions seamlessly into the next, crafting a cinematic experience that feels like a fever dream—unsettling yet beautiful. Vannier’s orchestration is both grand and minimal, featuring moments of baroque splendour that draw the listener deeper into the album’s strange world. Jane Birkin’s voice, with its suitably lustful and breathy delivery, perfectly embodies the naive yet seductive character of Melody. The synergy of Gainsbourg’s murky storytelling, Vannier’s lush instrumentation, and Birkin’s ethereal performance make Histoire de Melody Nelson an album where the music itself is as compelling and provocative as the story it tells. The album’s innovative use of strings and its brooding, cinematic quality can be heard in the work of Trip Hop acts like Portishead and fellow Frenchmen Air, who similarly blend melancholic orchestration with moody, atmospheric textures. Gainsbourg’s fusion of orchestral grandeur with modern sounds laid the groundwork, making Histoire de Melody Nelson not just a product of its time but a lasting influence on the evolution of experimental and genre-blending music. Does this album belong on the list in my opinion: Yes Would this album make my own list: No Will I be listening to it again: Infrequently

Jan 29 2024
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If soft core porn were an album. This would be it. The male voice trying to be sultry gave me a bit of cringe thinking that he was talking to the 15 year old girl on the album cover. It's the kind of album you listen to at night after your wife has gone to bed. All that aside, the music had nice get high and relax feel to it. It seemed almost timeless considering it's from 1971. It could easily have fit into any decade. Scale: 5 - My absolute favorites. 4 - Albums I like. 3 - It was ok to listen to but I wouldn't seek it out. 2 - Didn't like. 1 - Absolute shit.

Oct 26 2023
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lost one star for perving on a minor, and another for being french. if you perv on minors, you deserve to suffer. if you’re french, fucking kill yourself. music was ok though.

Jun 01 2021
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Total revelation, never knew of this album’s existence and yet it has influenced so much music that I love!

May 18 2021
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I would have never listened to this album if It weren't for this project. This is why I'm doing it. What a vibe this thing has.

May 10 2021
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It's like opera... I don't understand it, but it sounds amazing.

Sep 05 2021
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There are flaws, to be sure, but I adore this.

Sep 29 2021
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I really liked this album. I had never heard it before, but I listened to it like 4 times. and I didn't understand a word of the lyrics.

Mar 18 2022
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the instrumentals are fucking phenomenal, tho I don’t really care for the vocals feels like i’m in a Ghirardelli commercial with some of these songs still super impressive that an album like this came out in 1971 - 9/10

Apr 28 2022
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Clairement un chef d'oeuvre cet album Un peu cringe par le propos et cet éternelle obsession des français pour les filles de 15 ans🙄 mettons ça sur le dos de l'époque ... Cela dit, La bass est juste malade sur cet album ! Le tone, les grooves. Fondateur du trip hop bien évidemment. Les arrangements de cordes sont sublimes

Aug 18 2022
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Tre cool. I've not listened to a lot of French music (outside of rap and whatever they play on Lupin) but this was good.

Aug 31 2022
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This was a great listen, and surprising that it was made in 1971.

Sep 11 2022
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This was a fascinating album. Loved the ebbed and flow of it.

Oct 21 2022
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In an alternative, dystopian world, I could have lived and died without ever having heard this 28 minutes of sublime music. Fortunately, I do not live in such a world, so I have heard it, and my life is enhanced by having done so.

Nov 02 2022
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This is a really fascinating album and piece of art. It's disturbing, perverted, poetic and sonically unique. I really enjoyed it.

Jan 01 2023
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This is a great album; you can hear how Jean-Claude Desmarty has inspired producers like Nigel Godrich (check out "Paper Tiger" by Beck to hear what I'm talking about).

Jan 04 2023
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I have always wanted to learn French, and after hearing this album for the first time, I enrolled so that I could understand the lyrics on my own. I love this album so much!

Jan 05 2023
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Gainsbourg is the epitome of cool. This album is rocking and sexy and suave, and doesn't outstay its welcome.

Jan 13 2023
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Banger after banger after banger. The only downside is it is a short album at 30 minutes.

Jan 02 2023
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oh, yeah, smooo-ooth, lush and pure 1970s. Quelle Poesie decontracte, esprit de reves. This is so different & new to me. I do like a concept album from time to time.... (But if I had to guess, the its Francoise Hardy, (but I'm wrong, its Jane Birkin) and yes zeh eenglish weeel be geluwss that a french man can spend an album in admiring contemplation of a single, fascinating woman while sustaining our rapt attention.

Mar 24 2023
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Serge! You sexy man! Ooo lala. His voice is like liquid chocolate... I'm loving this ganache of sweet tunes, littered with the sweet voice of an angel. Influential and sampled by many and reviled by an army of angry liberals I just yearn for his yellow stained fingers to stroke the nape of my neck.

Apr 07 2023
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Gillar Serge. Har lyssnat mycket på honom de senaste 10 åren men inte så mycket på just denna platta. Klart som fan att det är bra.

Apr 19 2023
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5 stars, and I’m only on the first song.

Apr 29 2023
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Well, my years of high school French weren’t enough for me to follow the details of this story, but the music was sure groovy. I can very much appreciate its influence. Now reading about the theme creeps me out, so I am going to try to ignore that…

Apr 29 2023
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It's a classic story. Man runs over teenage girl with a Rolls Royce, has an illicit affair with her in a sketchy hotel, and then she dies in a plane crash. I've been a fan of Serge Gainsbourg's songs for a long time, including "Ballade de Melody Nelson," but I'd never listened to this concept album of his. I quite enjoyed the progression of movements, incorporating orchestra and chorus along with sultry bass and funky guitar. It's a unique and compelling sound.

Jun 09 2023
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This is what this whole 1001 greatest albums process is all about. Completely left-field choice, something I'd never even heard of before, a concept album in a different language - and it's a real, genuine hidden gem. What an atmosphere this album has. It's quite dark and dangerous and sexy and seductive. The music and production is incredible. I love the violins, the sudden explosion of drums, that deep driving bass. Very very good. I've given it about 3-4 listens now, and it'll definitely be one I go back to a fair bit. There's something really compelling about this. Album 192 and I've finally found my first 5 star album from an artist who was completely unknown to me beforehand - thank you!

Jul 10 2023
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Close to being perfect in my mind. A bizarre mix of rocky riffs, orchestral bites, jazzy interludes and almost spoken word lyricism. It's clearly an inspiration for some of my favourite artists, beck, Alex Turner, and so on, but the overall theme leaves a gross taste in my mouth. It's so incredibly French, the sound of a cigarette and adultery in a bohemian hotel room. 09/07/23

Aug 09 2023
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Who knew French music could be so fascinating? Fun album that holds up remarkably well for 50+ years.

Aug 17 2023
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The mixture of overdrive guitar funk sound with the orchestra/choir, as well as that smooth ass french voice (I have no idea what they're saying). Makes this one of the most unique albums I've listened to.

Aug 19 2023
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French concept album, which was to be expected to be included in the 1001 list. Apart from a (great) compilation album, it is the only Serge Gainsbourg album in my cd collection. The plot is pretty stupid, but I am not able to understand the lyrics anyway, and the music is great, especially the final song, Cargo Culte. Score: 5 stars (9/10)

Nov 03 2023
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With Histoire de Melody Nelson, Gainsbourg creates the first true (and perhaps only) concept album. Precursors first linked tracks thematically, then sonically, then historically, but the tracks were always separable from the whole; the music stood up by itself. Later attempts at concept albums have culminated in epic feats of navel-gazing. Histoire de Melody Nelson is the first album where the music is incidental to the story, and the story is incidental to a deeper philosophy of life. Gainsbourg wields rock music to pose us questions on sex and violence, to challenge us to confront the ideas posed by Nabakov, Ballard and Bataille. And before we know it, the music boils over, leaving us more stranded than we were before.

Nov 20 2023
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Musically this is just astonishing, like nothing else really. You can query the narrative, but it's clearly a character - like the musical equivalent of Lolita

Dec 20 2023
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I don’t like the concept for this concept album, but this is by far the best concept album I’ve heard. Maybe if I was French and understood the nuance of the lyrics I could take a better stance. But musically it’s phenomenal.

Dec 29 2023
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Un grand grand classique, orchestral, drôle et sensuel.

Jan 10 2024
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Between a four and a five. Leant the generous side due to its influence on Tranquility Hotel. And to mildly irk Myfanwy.

Feb 01 2024
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This was a surprise, I love this. That last track really hits. Cinematic, those cellos absolutely ripp

Feb 11 2024
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It's rare to get a 5 star album from an artist you've never heard of. The bass playing on this is killer, especially the first track. The music on this album is a pleasant surprise. I don't understand anything that's being said, I almost prefer it. Most lyrics are pretty droll to me.

Feb 14 2024
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A mí en particular me a encantado, un adelantado a su tiempo.

Feb 16 2024
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Well. What a conflicting album this is. On the one hand, it's brilliant. Musically, lyrically, stylistically it is genuinely one of the most compelling, captivating and consuming albums I think I've ever heard. The production of it is great. On the other - the subject matter is a bit icky. I guess it's meant to be. Brilliant album. And L'hotel Particulier is absolutely stand-out. Can clearly see how it influenced Jarvis Cocker for F.E.E.L.I.N.G.C.A.L.L.E.D.L.O.V.E.

Mar 14 2024
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This album exceeded all my expectations. What a concept album! An album with a theme that could almost no longer be made these days; social media would explode. Now it was also quite provocative in 1971, but 2 years earlier the big hit "je 't aime, non plus" was released by this Serge Gainsbourg and his muse and partner Jane Birkin, which already caused quite a stir. Now Serge liked provocations and the more reactions that generated, the better. Much later he managed to shock half of France with 'Lemon Incest' sung by him and his very young daughter Charlotte, accompanied by a clip that again caused quite a stir. In any case, the story of 'Histoire de Melody Nelson' is not complicated. A 40-year-old man drives a Rolls Royce in a somewhat seedy neighborhood and muses about his life. Not paying attention, he runs over a young, doll-like girl on her bicycle. He seduces her and after a short passionate relationship (a cooing Jane Birkin in L'Hotel Particulaire) Melody leaves back for England, but her plane crashes. The record is first and foremost an ode to Serge's muse and long term partner Jane Birkin: Melody is a conjugation of Jane Birkin's middle name and Nelson was a national war hero and also a hero of Jane's father. You will of course also recognize 'Lolita' by Nabakov, a book that immediately appealed to Serge Gainsbourg. The music, especially the first song of 7.5 minutes, is particularly sultry with the languid, lazy bass, the organ and the unruly guitar. It's easy to imagine why this record was such a source of inspiration for the trip hop movement from the 90s (Tricky, Portishead et al). Serge talks sometimes, then sings, and musically it is almost impossible to imagine what comes next. It's a complete musical spectrum of funk, soul, jazz rock, but also strings and a whole choir. The music was not written by Serge, but by his friend Jean Claude Vannier who might've made his best work of a lifetime. Superb

Mar 14 2024
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Getting mad at the story presented here is a bit like getting upset over Nabakov’s Lolita. By dismissing it totally, you kind of miss the point. It is a work of art, from the viewpoint of the bad guy. Nobody likes a pedo. Doesn’t mean you can’t tell a good story about one. And, at the time of its release, the subject of middle aged men having a mid-life crisis and chasing after ridiculously young women, was kind of the zeitgeist. Context helps when it comes to art. Musically, this is really lovely. It’s even better if you don’t understand French. The twanging guitar and rhythmic drums of En Melody can be heard decades later in bands like Stone Roses and Ride. The low driving sound of Cargo Culte could have come from a Soundgarden song. The influence of this record is everywhere.

Mar 21 2024
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I have the joy of appreciating both the lyrics and the music. The orchestration is great, he's a master lyricist, and has a masterful delivery

Apr 17 2024
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This one is for the pervs and the rhythm section! Gorgeous and lush, the production of this record has been imitated many times, but this is kind of singular. My only complaint is that the record is a little short.

Apr 17 2024
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Narratively, this album is a strange, transgressive Lolita-esque tragedy. It is purposefully repulsive and obsessive. Musically, it is phenomenal. It is delivered via spoken word and sung portions. The music features lush orchestration and great funk guitar work. It sounds very much ahead of its time and I feel like Serge Gainsbourg’s discography could be a rabbit hole for me. This album has also been incredibly influential among Beck, Portishead and others.

May 17 2024
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Sensational album, first track is where Portishead got its sound from, the Jane Birkin lolita-like singing, beautiful and werird and big variety in type of music, 9 out of 10 French albums I find at best "okay", this is the 10th

Jun 03 2024
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I don’t know what he’s saying, but it sounds sexy. Great drums, heavy basslines, and generally just a cool album.

Jun 14 2024
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Can't believe it took this long to get to a Gainsbourg album. It's short and sweet and there should probably be about three more of his albums on this list. Perfectment

Aug 14 2024
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Firstly, this is a tight half hour. No filler, no need to stretch the album out to 40-60 minutes. While this isn't what I'd consider driving music and I can't really see myself sitting down to jam with this, it's very good. It's evocative of its time without falling into a caricature of its time. And it's sexy, man. I mean, wow. I don't know anything about Serge but I'm guessing this is a time in his life where we never had to suffer a full day without someone offering him sexual favors. I have no trouble believing that this album was the soundtrack to many an intimate evening.

Sep 04 2024
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I listened to this while making a quiche and it made the entire activity seem like such a sexy endeavour.

Sep 12 2024
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La critique va être difficile, tellement je suis fan... Mais je vais, tout de même, essayer de faire preuve d'un peu d'objectivité. 1971, le génie d'un art mineur sort un album abouti, sulfureux, voire scandaleux pour certains. Taillé dans le son anglais de l’époque, l'album est un ovni sonore. Et comme beaucoup d’albums avant-gardistes, il a eu bien du mal à trouver son public Et d'ailleurs, l'album sera un flop commercial qui attendra 12 ans pour être certifié disque d'or. Le grand Serge Gainsbourg sort en 1971 l'album "Histoire de Melody Nelson", album-concept imprégné du rock anglais et des écrits de Vladimir Nabokov. L'Histoire de Melody Nelson est un chef d'oeuvre dans la longue et quasi-irréprochable discographie de Serge Gainsbourg. C'est un album mythique, un album culte qui sera N°1 au pays de Jane. Un beau 5/5 soit une note méritée au vu de l'oeuvre et une note donnée sans aucune objectivité.

Sep 18 2024
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utterly french, in every aspect. and absolutely brilliant

Oct 11 2024
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My only interaction with this man before now was seeing footage of a room full of children dressed up to look like him with fake beards, whisky, and cigarettes, all singing to him as he wept. One of the funniest things I've ever watched and also this album was pretty good

Oct 20 2024
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I’ve known about Serge Gainsbourg for about 25 years now, but this is my first time listening to one of his albums from start to finish. He’s truly incredible. This album has such a strong mellotron presence, giving it lush orchestral arrangements that bring out that baroque and chamber pop vibe. You also get some psychedelic rock touches and these raw, gritty guitar riffs that even flirt with a proto punk sound. The entire album is sung in French, and all those musical elements I mentioned are layered on a French pop foundation. The production is fantastic, with the bass especially standing out. This is definitely one of those albums you want to listen to with headphones to really appreciate all the sound layers. If the rest of his catalog is as solid as this, Serge Gainsbourg might just work his way into being one of my favoritesi.

Oct 23 2024
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The influence of this record is everywhere. 5/5

Jul 13 2021
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quite nice even if i cant understand the lyrics much nothing much like it

Feb 18 2021
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Very sultry music about an underage romance. Very evocative.

Jan 27 2021
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This was pretty good. Definitely a different kind of album for the time it was released.

May 19 2021
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got into the guitar riffs on some of the track, also following along with the english translation was an interesting story

Apr 16 2021
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Definite headphone album, love how forward the vocals and bass are. Wish I spoke french. Girl on the cover reminds me of Lor. Melody - Prise Complete is my highlight.

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