A bit dull all the songs kind of blended together into a boring miasma
A Northern Soul is the second studio album by English alternative rock band The Verve. The album was released in the United Kingdom on 20 June 1995 on the Hut label and in the United States on 3 July 1995 on Vernon Yard Records. The title is a reference to Northern Soul, a popular soul movement in Britain during the 1970s. A Northern Soul was a moderate success upon release, charting at number 13 in the UK, and has since received critical acclaim, as well as being ranked high in readers polls in popular music publications. This is the final album to feature the band's original line-up until 2008's Forth. In 2013, NME ranked it at number 390 in its list of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time.
A bit dull all the songs kind of blended together into a boring miasma
Watching Paint Dry, the soundtrack. I’d almost respect it, if the Verve had intended to make me feel like my brain folds were being smoothed from boredom. I’m still not entirely convinced they didn’t just put a saltine cracker on a record player and let the needle drop.
The verve are far too average to have more than one album on this list. Frankly, this can be set for most artists with more than one album listed.
Before listening I didn't really know The Verve for anything other than Bitter Sweet Symphony, and after listening I can see why. I'm definitely not a fan, and will not be listening to this album again. Nothing really stands out about this album, it just feels a bit empty.
Not a fan. Can't quite put my finger on it but the singing seems off trying to be melodic(inside a tunnel- some kind of distracting echo) over weird screeching guitars. Like the the band each recorded something on their own and then they mashed together whatever they came up with. No harmony in the music and just seems disconnected to the singing.
No notes
Never realized how in-the-same toy box The Verve and Radiohead were at this time
This album kicks ass. Right from the opening bass and drums this was exactly what I needed. Dig the guitars, lots of swagger in the vocals. I enjoyed this album a lot.
It was really good. TIL I like the Verve.
Ahh here we go ladies. Finally some music with more prowess than my hand. Superb all the way through
Possibly their finest moment.
Ok, this was pretty rocking - did not fit my preconception of what The Verve sounded like. It pairs pretty well with Spiritualized's "Ladies & Gentlemen..." which came up on here recently, for being a bit droney wall-of-sound-style rock. Fave track - "A New Decade". I'm definitely up for more listens to pick out other faves though...
well, i am definitely a sucker for dreamy guitars, as i believe i've mentioned in other reviews. this album delivers those in heaps, which i super appreciate. closing track is easily my favorite, though i found i liked a surprising number of others on this album. i of course only knew of them through their massive late-90s hit, which i did actually love, but please don't tell anyone that. i ended up feeling like this album gave me permission to love that track, and probably a lot more by them. i think the real takeaway here is that i'm a fan of northern england in general. that seems to be a running theme.
Not as polished as Urban Hymns, but a solid album nonetheless. Not really in the best place while listening, but it seemed to compliment where I was well.
Awesome neo-psychedelic album, definitely inspired some Radiohead vibes.
I don’t understand why the verve were not more popular in the 90s
Sounds a U2 cover band. Not great
For an album that has a lot going on sonically, this was really boring.
The goat.
I'm mostly only familiar with The Verve because of bittersweet symphony, a song that I really love. I'm sure I've listened to the album that song was on before but I haven't listened to their other music much. It's right up my ally.
Nothing happens for 54 minutes. This band has never done anything worthwhile. Their hit isn't on this record but even that is a ripoff where the verse and chorus are the exact same.
I typically find that drug-fueled albums highlight why I believe artists should abstain during writing and recording... Regardless of the hype and fan-mania that many works borne from narcotics abuse seem to attract, I usually find one listen enough to convince me that I'd need to partake of some illicit substances myself to enjoy them. A Northern Soul, then, surprised me immensely and has earned its place as a new personal favourite. I gave four stars to Urban Hymns, and as that album seems generally considered to be The Verve's magnum opus, I was expecting to deliver a lower rating for A Northern Soul, but how wrong I was. It's definitely one album that I am glad I took time to listen to. I love the energy of it along with the musicianship in general. The only track I didn't really like was "Drive You Home"... It's a bit whiney, goes on too long, and just seems to be at odds with the rest of the album. Still, it doesn't detract enough to lower my appreciation of the album as a whole. I will certainly be adding this one to my Tidal library, and giving it five stars. While The Verve are famous for their proclamation that "The Drugs Don't Work", I think that in the creation of A Northern Soul, the drugs worked very well indeed. In fact, the album probably makes a very good job of promoting the mind-altering benefits of Ecstasy. If I was a few years younger, it might even have inspired me to give it a try.
another masterpiece by a band who only made em..
I have always loved this album and listened to it often. As I get older, I do struggle to listen to it too frequently as the backend is very good but a bit mellow. I like pretty much every song, yet find myself having difficulty adding it to my collection. Still, there isn't a misfire on this album even if some of the songs go too long. This is the kind of music that requires repeat listenings and eventually it creeps into your soul and you find yourself singing "Stormy Clouds" randomly. The instrumentals are probably not necessary but all the songs with words are great. Highly recommend this listen as this is the more interesting and prog-rock version (not really) of brit-pop. "History" foreshadows where the group would go next and is just a great song.
A very nearly lost classic of britpop, since they split up shortly after it was released. They went on to be massive, and rightly so, but this album slhas an innocence and naivety that their later work slightly lacked. 'History' is probably my favourite song by the verve, and one of my favourite tracks of the 90s in general
This album is brought to you in part by… drugs. Most people probably know The Verve through Bittersweet Symphony and their psychedelic pop masterpiece Urban Hymns, for good reason. And while the follow-up to A Northern Soul is almost inarguably their magnum opus, this album is far from a write off. It’s pretty wild and trippy, paranoid and hazy from the drugs that the band openly consumed during its creation. It’s probably one of the better drug albums ever made, up there with Station to Station and Maggot Brain in terms of albums that drugs played a key part per the artists who made them. The guitar work is great and Richard Ashcroft’s voice is perfect for the atmosphere created by the music. It’s not an every day listen, but every time I've listened to this album I come way thinking “damn this is good”.
I'm only familiar with Bittersweet Symphony so I was curious what their other stuff sounds like. I would listen to this again and again.
Never really listened to The Verve outside of that one hit they had in the 90s but I really liked this album. One of the best so far.
I love this album. Apart from brainstorm interlude and drive you home, which I tend to skip each song has something which always makes me want to listen again. Nick McCabes guitar work is outstanding. Checkout the acoustic version of On Your Own. Brilliant version which is good to play along to.
The instrumental tracks were v good and atmospheric - I would defo listen to these again.
Brilliant choice to include this 5 star album and not Urban Hymns. Best of Britpop, forget Blur/Oasis. The First two albums of the Verve are brilliant, as is the sampler No Come Down. Butterfly, and of this album On Your Own and A New Decade and the amazing History, and of No Come Down the live version of Gravity's grave all make me bloody annoyed that I never some them live! What was I thinking?
I was really into this about 15 years ago; I loved its combination of Spacemen 3 psych, shoegazey rock, and baggy tunes. Not a fan of The Verve's later work ("History" feels like a dry run for "Bittersweet Symphony"), but this is great.
Awesome album. It’s just a little long and could do without a few of the slower songs to help the pace. As a whole this is one of my favorites from this list so far. 5
Less a collection of songs than a landscape of sound This blew me away Only knew them from Urban Hymns really (which is both as brilliant as this and more accessible) but this was a fantastically immersive listen
Biased again. Such a great, deep, atmosphericly but still pop-relatable sound. Ashcroft helped this ambitious Psych-Rockers to be digestible on a larger scale without selling out and - even more important - being forgotten like most of the 1 in a million Britpop outfits at that time. 4.7
Great album.
Excellent stuff
Love it, great music
I've become quite reasonably wary when a Britpop album shows up on this list, since that has been one of the main avenues the author of the list used to shovel garbage in my direction (though I have benefited immensely from his musical selections in other sub-genres). This album was a very pleasant surprise. I liked it better than the previous Verve album. It sounds great for a mid-90s album, both of it's time and yet very much its own thing. The song-writing and the production come together really well. You could have told me that this album came out 10 years after it did, and I still would have been impressed with it 4/5
Objectively, this album should probably get 3 stars, however, I found it so unremarkable and forgettable that I felt appalled it should be included on this list, and for that reason lower my score to 2.
I recently reviewed Urban Hymns by The Verve, and (spoiler alert) found it to be a load of boring, over-produced todge. But Urban Hymns at least had two pretty strong songs in Bittersweet Symphony and The Drugs Don't Work. A Northern Soul does not benefit from _any_ songs nearly that strong. Nothing on A Northern Soul is worthy to touch the hem of Bittersweet Symphony or The Drugs Don't Work. I find the songs amorphous, vague, unmemorable with turgid lyrics. A record company rep visited them in the studio, stating that he realized "that here was a band that were in the throes of excess. They were on the brink of collapsing or damaging themselves but at the same time hearing songs like 'A New Decade' or 'History' – you just heard that tension, almost darkness that was there. There were the classic highs and lows of a really drugged-up session and that was reflected in the music." Not a good thing, guys. The resulting album is an unfocussed, meandering, pretentious, rambling miasma. Andy Gill at The Independent lambasted the album, saying it was the audio "equivalent of crushed velvet flares sagging over scuffed plimsoles", adding that hearing the album was "undoubtedly the longest hour of my life so far." He said the band incorporated the "worst aspects of both the progressive guitar rock that is their clearest historical precedent, and the baggy scene that was current at their inception: sluggish and preposterously self-indulgent" There is bloat on this album; songs are too long and the meandering instrumentals remind me of incessant Jimi Hendrix jam sessions, slathered in delay and reverb, but with no discernable point or direction. 1.5 stars
группа одного хуесосного хита
old favorite
Waited too late and was pretty tired, but really liked this one. Nothing stood out specifically better than other tracks, but i thought all were equally solid. 4.5/5
Oh it's good
4, but bonus point for History, so 5
A lot more raw than Urban Hymns, but stil a cracker nonetheless
This does feel a little samey after a while but the overall sound is supercool. I really hate bittersweet symphony so it's nice to finally have an intro to the verve actually sound like this shits great
С первых двух треков слушается необычно круто и атмосферно, надеюсь дальше также будет очень нравится
Loved it. Reminds me of Iasis and Toad the Wet Sprocket.
Surpreendente. Ouvir mais vezes
I'm just amazed that one of these guys managed to look like all 4 Beatles at the same time
The Verve was a British band that had a short but very successful career. A Northern Soul was their second album, which met with significant critical success, but limited commercial success. Their third album included the single "Bittersweet Symphony," which was incredibly successful, and unfortunately led to the band's demise. Their fame has led to renewed interest in their earlier work, and A Northern Soul got a "second look," both from critical and commercial audiences. The Verve were one of the bands to dominate Brit pop in the 90s. They made a guitar-driven, psychedelic version of alt rock. This is an interest collection of songs that was fortunate enough to get a re-evaluation.
One of the things about britpop is that a lot of these bands over here are known for the one song. Blur is known for "Song 2" (a billion streams). Oasis is known for "Wonderwall" (a billion streams). And The Verve is known for "Bitter Sweet Symphony" (a billion streams). But this album came BEFORE their big hit. Having said that, there is a lot to like here, but some of the songs do overstay their welcome ("A Northern Soul," for example). And really, we didn't need the falsetto on "On Your Own". The instrumentals felt a little jammy, like you had to be there to "get it". But the music as a whole had a very psychedelic to it. I dug it. Top tracks: "A New Decade," "Brainstorm Interlude," "Life's An Ocean"
This album left with me mixed emotions. Initially, I was annoyed to even see a second album by The Verve. Their big breakthrough Urban Hymns wasn't that special in my opinion - good but not great. And it was very well-regarded by critics so it's not as if it was commercially successful but not musically accomplished. Upon listening to this album, I was struck by the first bunch of songs and wondered if I might like it more than their big follow-up. It's sort of trippy and Brit-grungy, with higher tone distortion (not low fuzzy distortion of American grunge). A New Decade, This is Music, So It Goes, the title track, and Brainstorm Interlude (5 of the first 6) all have that sort of slow-building and brooding buzz that is captivating. And except for the last one, they have a crooning from Richard Ashcroft that you can hang on. That was my one knock on the other song of the first 6, On Your Own. Ashcroft's vocals are a bit different and the high pitched stuff toward the end isn't as good. The second half of the album kept it up for the first few songs - I quite enjoyed Drive You Home, History, and No Knock on My Door. The last 3 songs sort of dropped off; too decadent, long, boring, aimless. Still, we're talking at least two-thirds of the album that I thought was pretty good. Does that mean this album is better than Urban Hymns? I had to go back to it to listen again and compare. Yeah, it's better. I'd say half of the songs on Urban Hymns are too decadent, long, boring, aimless and they come about every other song. It has some great singles but the rest is pedestrian. This album is more consistent, and it gets on a real roll before it runs out of steam. It should be their only entry on this list.
Really good!
Good 90’s album
To me, this is the real "The Verve." "Bittersweet Symphony" is a good song, and that album is also incredible, but "A Northern Soul" is really what they were as younger lads putting their own sound out into the world. The sound is a mix of "shoegaze" and the same Manchester sound that led Oasis in the direction they went. It really is a sound that has to wash over you, and I think Ashcroft has his own unique voice and lyrics that help separate them from what could have ended up as much more niche (as many shoegaze bands are).
The Verve's second album is more psychedelic than their debut and less commercial than their third one. I love the intensity and the hypnotic sound of 'A Northern Soul', it's also quite dark and mellow. 'History' is one of, if not *the* finest moment in the band's career. I love their music, it's my kind of thing an I think they were one of the best in the mid-90s UK alter rock/psychedelic rock scene (I don't consider them britpop, because they were vastly different from Blur/Oasis). It's one of those times I wished we could give half stars as well, because this album is better than most of my 4 star albums, but a bit worse than my 5 star albums. I rounded up Bittersweet Symphony, so I round down this one, but it's a strong 4.5 star album.
Will definitely revisit, could be a 5 in time.
I would have given it a 5, but some of the songs got kind of whiny.
I liked it but it’s different
I liked it but not a lot
i checked out my other review for this band on this site and it talked about nostalgia. that’s honestly the best descriptor of this band for whatever reason. it’s not REAL nostalgia because i’ve only heard of them from this site but it’s just baked into their music. it’s very cool every time
The vocals are all that very familiar sound of Bittersweet Symphony with a harmonious, lilting, musical side.
Northern Soul was always a genre me and Len wanted to really get into. Something we both had a real affinity towards. We told Ashcroft that this was a misleading title if it wasn’t packed with Northern Soul. He simple replied ‘where’s the houmous and chutney then lads?’….alright soft lad. Pipe down. Over the moon that it was only downhill for him from here. Only idiots think Urban Hymns is better than this. 4.1
Meestal niet van de britpop maar vind dit wel vet, zit wel diepgang in. Favo liedjes: title track, history
Славный альбом. Славный предшественник Urban Hymns. Многие стилистические приколы из будущего альбома можно уже услышать на этом. Лично для меня не хватило не много разнообразия. Да и есть ощущение, что работу оценят лишь фанаты The Verve или Urban Hymns
I'd never heard any of these songs before, but I enjoyed it more than I expected! History in particular is a great song.
Liked this a lot. Very easy listening
History is pretty epic, kind of forgotten how huge The Verve were for a year or so
4.5 rounded down very nice! a little meandering but its ok cuz they were apparently zonked out of their gourds highlights: a new decade, this is music, a northern soul, drive you home (nov 1 2024)
Not heard this in a while. It probably is better than Urban Hymns to be honest, and History is definitely their best song. Fair play, it's stands up. Something of a midway point between decent shoegaze and half decent britpop/baggy, which it basically is. There are much fewer 'standout' tracks than on the poppier accessible Urban Hymns, which you could read as this being 'boring', or just a very chill vibe to drift off into, depending on your perspective. I'm in the latter camp. Definitely grow into this as it goes along. Really takes me back, I don't think I've listened to it in 20 years. Enjoyed.
Shades of U2, the Replacements,
I totally missed this era of music. Nice to revist
first few songs were actually pretty unbearable and then i suddenly was sat. fav tracks drive you home (i think its called), history and the closing track
Instrumentals are excellent but I feel the singing is give or take. Songs are not so memorable for me but sound good in the moment.
Dopo un album dei the Verve uscitomi tempo fa avevo poche aspettative ma questo mi è piaciuto di più, mi ha ricordato i Radiohead
Really enjoyed this album! I will have to return to the 3 hour deluxe version some other time, but this album sounds like more. 4/5
Great album!
I really liked this album! Kind of gave me a Music Festival vibe, lots of variety!
This was a nice Brainstorm Interlude to my day.
its a 4?! Not my usual music type at all but I was glad to listen to it last week.
Some of it feels bland, but sOME of it👀👀Tracks 3 through 6 were a wonderful journey of noise! Excellent ending too. Also, 'living is for other men' was such a raw line for me
A cup of Radiohead, a pinch of U2, and dash of Oasis. This is a good shoegaze rock album that was much better than I expected. Killer guitar sound.
This was so good. Very alternative 90s, very Verve. The lead singer has some early U2 Bono sound quality to him that I really liked, and the sonic timbre was very nice. Four stars.
Atmospheric and a chiller vibe than what I know of their other albums. Good background working music.
This is very good indie. I have listened to urban hymms before but not this. Its a good and easy listen and I will listen to it again. There are some great songs on this that you just dont hear very often. Favourite song: So it goes, On your own and history Least favourite: All good Album artwork: Great cover
Dopo un album dei the Verve uscitomi tempo fa avevo poche aspettative ma questo mi è piaciuto di più, mi ha ricordato i Radiohead
Good but not their best
A stylish and meditative alternative album. Four stars since they kind of just put down some bass rhythms and turned up the reverb on the guitars.
Nice mix of mellow ballads and energetic rock
This was pretty cool! It did begin to feel a little repetitive (but then again, I listened to this near the end of my work day), but I generally enjoyed this style of music. I don't think I'd ever heard anything by them before.
Spotify said that it couldn't play "A New Decade" or "Life's an Ocean" for some reason? Several tracks sound very much like Oasis songs from the same period, which isn't surprising as they used the same producer, Owen Morris, but other tracks hint more at what was to be the style of their next album "Urban Hymns".
Not bad. Missing songs on spotify link, but there is a Remastered version with the missing songs. Got caught up working with this on repeat... and it didn't outwear it's welcome.