I was definitely not in the mood to enjoy this album at its fullest, but short i focused the most on how well it captured Janis voice! I cannot give it more than three cuz i didn’t feel it moved it at the time, however, i recognise it’s potential for the year it was recorded
Top tier jazz album. However, i am not this type of jazz listener. The musicianship and expression is tremendous, but not what gets me excited for a full album.
I understand TS hype in some ways, but i think she has better albums to be on the list. This is a great album, but not necessarily to listen before we die :)
Easy good-feeling album. Top production thinking about this in the 1975. The voice of The Boss is always for me a two feeling thing. I both like it and don’t fully enjoy it for long periods. However, this album have many other great melodies along with pianos and brass, makes it even better.
The album felt like one big mood and it is very enjoyable, but didn’t feel further creative for what it expresses.
I can understand the relevance of this album. However, it does not hit me to enjoy it fully. Great production for the era.
I loved this album! A bit raw, but well… 77s Iggy and David, who knows what was going one in their bloodstreams! The compositions sound somehow timeless, the sound definitely not… but the overall vibe was great. Will come back to this album later.
This album is an easy 5/5 thinking of it on its time. But of course sound wise maybe it loses half star compared to Synchronicity which is an easy 5/5 from all perspectives. Music wise, this is just genius. All instruments sound so much fun to listen or to play! The voice and armonies on point, and the music very touching. Also impressive the amount of influences from different styles. 4,5/5
Not their best, but the intent of this album was mixing it with more modern (at that time) compositions and sounds. For that, it was extremely successful. A fun to listen album, with a pleasant mix.
Didn’t resonate with me much. Some songs were enjoyable and “trippy”. I could feel lots of 70s ifluence with what was going on in the 90s, extremely pleasant. But it is one of these albums i might never get back to. Maybe some songs i would. All in all? I love the master, so chill and pleasant to the ear.
This music is so different to what i listen to, that it almost felt like new to me. The melodies captivated me on a Monday morning. Charming, dreamy and it felt like a story all along. By the half of the album, i felt the vibrato was a bit tiresome, it is his signature, but it quite not stuck with me. Great album overall, i enjoyed it. I might come back when i eun out of ideas on what to play with friends around!
Solid album. Didn’t click with me, but i would for sure enjoy later.
This is gold. Never heard of Gil before, neither read his name. I was missing a lot. So much feeling, musicianship, control, and beautiful lyrics. I would give a 5, this could be 4.75/5. I just wanna save that 5th star for what really blows my mind (if any) Annoying that the album is not on Spotify, at least for me…
Hot. Classic. It just sounds a bit old these days, but the theme and punch is there. So many classics. I am hesitant to give 4stars just considering the amount of other similar music like this album is also out there that i would have personally chosen instead of this one. But this is a solid 3.75/5
What can i say? Majestic, perfection, a perfect album. Sound engineering of it, complex melodies, fun changes, the guitar sound rocks hard… I better stop writing, you get the point. 5/5
I have never paid attention to The Cars until last year. But it happened one song at a time, due to references, movies, and so on... slowly, i have ended up with several of this album's songs added to many different of my playlists. I think it became obvious that i love the album!! It is one of these albums that have some sort of "overall vibe" that it is undeniably fun to go through. The sound of the guitar is incredibly great, easy to hook on. The melodies, riffs... all. Perfect album i would say.
Super biased here, i love Black Sabbath. This was never my favourite Ozzy’s Sabbath era’s album, but the riffage is massive, the sound one of their best and compositions are quite different. I would chose 4.5/5
Good album to be on the list! Classic rock n roll with attitude and even sassiness. The only thing i would have asked is a bit of variation, it felt very monotonous… but it was part of the times. I love the so contained and nead guitar sound, so tight and right. I do not think it’s a
Another album i feel biased because i love it, but it is not a coincidence i have many in this list!! It must mean something, a pattern ;) Yes, this album is pop, but it is one side of pop i love, which is genuine voice talent (seems rare for my ears these days), great r&b feeling, and this old school kind of vibes overall. The sound quality is great, easy to listen. The only thing that this album misses to get further from 4 stars i would say is some more edginess, meaning, some completely different structure/sounds to make your ear go like "what is that?! Interesting". However, isn't this was Pop is made for? To be predictable and easily digestable? Yet to confirm... Solid album from Christina and it's the last i could hear from here. Solid 4/5
This album has been so different, that i am unsure if i would be able to rate it fairly. Sound wise i am surprised, so solid and modern considering when it was released. Also a very fresh sound. Composition is diverse, which make it easy to hook on. I would love to give a 4 but i didn’t understand it fully. Will review it later.
I feel The Smiths as The Cure, are bands you either need to be in the mood for them or you like them that much. There’s a limit of how much The Smiths i can listen. And as much as i understand their importance, i would not even consider this album in this list. However, it is a solid one, displaying who are they and being them all the time. Well done, well written, but nothing special to me. It felt always like a long song.
I feel this album started solid. I even got the “something new i might get hooked on” feeling. But the last half was way weaker and less creative than i thought. Good to listen, i added a couple of songs to my favs, but that’s it.
Not my cup of tea, but i understand the efforts. This kind of music is rather on the “safe” side and i would get why many people would rather listen to this. I enjoy the sound tho.