Way too much middle school nostalgia to be objective.
I just don't gel with Queen. I hadn't heard most of these songs before though, and did enjoy "The Loser in the End" I would rather listen to Zeppelin
The music was actually somewhat interesting (especially the first 2 songs), but the lyrical content is beyond fucked. So French.
The sound profile is cool and diverse, if quite disjointed. Typical of 80s. Not something I would ever choose to listen to (the vocals are not for me), but worth checking out if you're into well-crafted lyrics.
I HATED the first two songs, but Nile Rodgers is a legend. While a little too straightforward disco for me, there are a few bangers mixed in with the blandness. (Savior Faire, At Last I am Free
Come on now. Easy 5.
I feel like I just missed the boat on Beck. Maybe earlier in life it could have worked for me, but it feels basic, boring, and flat.
I'm more into the synthwave elements than the glam rock. The quality kind of fizzles out for me as the album goes on
I don't think it's possible to be anything close to objective on this album with so many evergreen songs heard in department stores and public spaces for a decade+. One extra star for the earworm of it all.
I must be missing some context or something, but as a raw listen, this is pretty trash. One hit wonder and even the hit is only recognizable for the sample (shoutout Return of the Mack!)
All timer.
Not something I listen to regularly, but I can't deny the creativity
Legendary, timeless album. It's a feat that this even exists, and it's something that has a magic to it that has not yet been replicated. Every song is stellar and unique.