Dusty In Memphis
Dusty SpringfieldI love the hard-pans of the instruments. Really a thing of the time. Beatles obv did it. Straddles that weird era of chamber pop and 60’s am radio friendly stringy. Great closing track
I love the hard-pans of the instruments. Really a thing of the time. Beatles obv did it. Straddles that weird era of chamber pop and 60’s am radio friendly stringy. Great closing track
My favourite part of this album is the cover. Put your thumb over Paul’s face, Art gets a funky-ass ‘stache. The hard-pans are incredible, especially when it gets to “Baby Driver” and you get that stereo panning of the hot rod. I don’t like the live Everly Bros song jammed on there. Just feels so out of place.
Production sound is fantastic. Production as far as restraint is another story. Many of the songs feel way too long. Many of the songs feel too packed full of extraneous elements.
So sleepy. So lush. So uneventful. Could have done without a lot of the strings on here. At some point, and maybe I missed it… Beck started sounding like his tongue was too big for his mouth.
I’ve never listened to this one before. The sleepy jazz thing is just not me. Still isn’t. Might not even get to the end of this one before it puts me to slee…zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Ok, so I probably listened to this in 1995 when it came out. And, of course I recognize and remember all the singles from the album. But, aside from the singles, it’s a very bland album. Not sure if it was just the remaster version, but the vocals seem very dry and up front more than I remember even the singles being.
It’s like a cold and sterile version of a Van Morison album. Synth tones are boring and plastered everywhere. Like a lawyer blues band in a restaurant while you’re trying to eat. Yuck
This album really set the bar for this genre. And really, it doesn’t start showing hints of “pop” until the last couple songs of the album
This isn’t even in Bowie’s top 5 albums I would think, and still a solid album start to finish. Warts and all, you can tell in some of the songs that mistakes were made by the musicians, but they just ran with them. Love the drum sound of this era Bowie too
It’s been a while since I listened to this one. In 1995 though, this was in constant rotation. Production holds up for being 30 years old. Not a bad tracks on the album. They would only continue to get better with each album over the next few!
Dinosaur jr from their classic lineup era. This one still has the raw and loose charm of their self titled first album, but with slightly better recording. I still prefer the debut album for some reason. This one IS all killer and no filler though.
There were a lot of hits on here. Some of them I never realized were over 4min long, which seems crazy to me for a pop-punk hit. The production holds up, but pop-punk has still got to be “your thing” I think for this album to hit right
The flow on this is incredible. Could do without some of them “skits” but, that was the time! Some of the vocal recordings are not fantastic, plosives all over the place. You can tell this was “compact disc times” an hour and 13 minutes! This could have been trimmed down to a tight 45, which would have made it a perfect album.
Bob’s playing back then was so loose. It’s a wonder that when he final did go electric that he could find people to follow what he was playing. This album though sounds sonically fantastic for being 60 years old. It’s so bare and simply unproduced. The songs do all start sounding similar to each other as a result of this. But, I do realize it was a game changer of an album.
These jams are way too long. A product of the CD era though. “We must fill the entirety of a 74 minute CD!” Just gets boring after a while. Everything is of a similar tempo. I wonder how many club kids from that time still enjoy this album. I feel like it probably doesn’t hold up