I appear to have wandered into a Starbucks.
Come Away with Me is the debut studio album by American recording artist Norah Jones, released on February 26, 2002, by Blue Note Records. Recording sessions took place at Sorcerer Sound Studio in New York City and Allaire Studios in Shokan, New York.Come Away with Me peaked at number one on the US Billboard 200, and received Grammy Awards for Album of the Year and Best Pop Vocal Album. It was later certified Diamond by the RIAA on February 15, 2005, for shipments of over ten million copies in the United States, and has sold over 27 million copies worldwide as of 2016, making it one of the best-selling albums of all time.In April 2022, Blue Note released a 20th anniversary expanded edition of Come Away with Me, with demos from the First Sessions EP, previously unreleased demos, and outtakes.
I appear to have wandered into a Starbucks.
"Come Away With Me" is just not what I desire when I seek out music. Everything is pleasant and agreeable, and it's the competent performances that carry the disc rather than any clever tricks or notable new songs/arrangements from Norah Jones & her team (although Jones' own contributions, as few as they are, were marginally above batting average compared to the rest of the tracklist's assortment of tried-and-true standards and quasi-modern traditional cuts). This album's wide success is certainly some sort of cultural barometer of its time of release, but I can't fully speak as to why it attained the reach and absurd sales numbers that it had. I'm trying real hard not to call this a Starbucks promoted CD of amiable light clap-alongs for enjoyment while waiting in line for your coffee, but I'm fairly confident there is some significant vis-a-vis going on between Norah Jones and this particular manner of minimal commitment music consumption. If you find there's nothing wrong with "just average" or have a stronger appetite for garden variety Vocal Jazz, then you may get more from this than I did. I just prefer when something consciously made to be middle-of-the-road has more bumps and snaking patterns than this ultimately does.
I used to be very harsh about this album and say it was boring middle of the road rubbish but now I’m old I can appreciate that it’s actually really nice and relaxing.
This was fucking huge when it came out, like there had never been a singer songwriter before. It's chuffing boring.
Really silky voice, gorgeous instrumentation, at one point during the title track I saw the moon, big and gold, on my walk, and had a bit of a moment. Speaking of Glastonbury, I imagined lying in the sun early on a Sunday afternoon, as these sweet sounds floated over me from the Pyramid Stage, and it was pleasant. But, yeah, pleasant, sweet, silky, but nothing that really hit me for six. As the album went on I started thinking more about my potential scoring system than the music, which wasn't a good sign. I then started thinking the album was mostly parts that sound like music from The Sims, with parts that would fit the background to a middle class garden party. If I was planning to hand out 3s like social media references to Big Jet TV, then I would to this, but instead it gets a...
Music for baby making!
I’m in such a good mood after the Eagles lost the Super Bowl last night that not even the AOR/Starbucks-pop of Norah Jones can bring me down.
Interesting blend of jazz and pop that feels like a pioneer for modern songwriting. Steady, yet provocative.
Like being stuck on a slow moving train next to a Toby jug full of warm urine that has learned how to sing
Fantastic. I'd forgotten how good this is. Intimate and soulful. Brilliant.
Singer/songwriter meets jazz piano for nice chill background songs
I'm not saying that Norah Jones is personally responsible for the existence of the $5 cup of coffee but this album has a lot to answer for when you think about how many overpriced lattes have been served in countless mediocre cafes while it has been gently lilting in the background. My favorite aspect of this album is the opportunity it gave me to look up the definition of anodyne to ensure I would be using it properly to describe it.
Starbucks created her in a test tube.
Shame this came so soon after Coldplay. Another musical blancmange of nothingness... Again it gets a 2 because it wasn't bad enough for a 1 but this just goes to demonstrate the futility of rating things on a five star scale.
Gorgeous voice. Album is platform for showcasing it. Instruments are just an afterthought. Slow melodies, light piano makes for a lullaby, soothing type of sound throughout. Standouts are "Don't Know Why" and "Come Away With Me"
This album is perfect from the second you hit play. She hits her stride on the jazzier tunes, but I can absolutely appreciate the low-key singer/songwriter tracks. Best album we have been given so far.
Hauntingly beautiful...probably.
This is the perfect album to listen to when it's pouring rain outside on a crisp fall afternoon while drinking tea. Feet propped on the settee and your faithful friend Nico is laying by your feet lounging as you are. You can never go wrong with Norah Jones.
Love this album by Grapevine, TX-bred Norah Jones. She's a north Texas treasure. We went to the same middle school, but she went to a rival high school, but that's forgiven. Such an amazing voice and fantastic musicality. These are classic tunes and amazing that she was only 21 when this was recorded. Sounds like a veteran; a natural. Great listen and so happy this is on the list. Although, this album is not included in my 2018 version of the Book. Still happy to listen to it.
I started off with the idea I'd hate the blandness of the songs, but I had to admit to myself that I actually enjoyed the relaxing vibe the songs bring. Her voice has a great range and the jazzy arrangements give that voice the right podium.
I wish more music was like this music. Such a smooth yet balanced sound between jazz, blues, and acoustic. Listening to this, I feel like I'm personally sharing a cup of hot chocolate with Norah in a cozy café on a snowy winter's night. I almost took away a star for personal music tastes, but then I put it back because, honestly, I don't feel there's much in this arena of music that's coming out on top.
This is the perfect late night headphones album. That voice! Lovely songs that slowly invite you to a place of peaceful joy.
This one is a little subjective, as the title song was my wedding song. So it's a well loved album already. I love Norah Jones' voice, the lovely instrumentation, and the songs are all wonderful.
It’s been a minute since I listened to this album from start to end, but I have done so many times in my life. This is also an album that I recommended to many along the way. It was a perfect soundtrack to my evening walk along the beach.
Sweet, smooth, ooey-gooey mix of pop, jazz, folk, and country. Delicious!
Sweet jazz, blues, pop fusion singing and instrument playing. Lots beautiful o guitar and piano solos and fills.
Este disco es una joya: para empezar, la voz de Norah Jones ya es una garantía, pero encima tiene una calidad en la parte musical y en la instrumentación que ya quisieran muchos discos del estilo. Cortito y variado, que se va rápido. Quizá mi pequeño 'pero' sería que no hay una canción realmente movida, por lo que es un disco ideal para una mañana de domingo, pero no para otro momento.
I don't think I properly appreciated this album when it came out. But now, 20 years later, I understand why Norah Jones was such a phenomenon. Listening to this album just feels so good. Like slipping into cool, clean sheets after a long day. Or like a glass of whiskey, a comfy chair, and a good book. It's such a comfortable listening experience without being boring in the least. I've got absolutely nothing negative to say about this album. What a treasure.
Love it!
Always a classic - I love the strange nostalgia of the early 2000s coffee shop vibe this album has.
absolutely gorgeous voice and songs are so soulful. lovely album and singer/songwriter
A classic!
Alltaf jafn yndisleg.
I love Norah Jones and I love this album. Her vocal performance is incredible and the music is so soothing.
A comfy blanket of an album. It wraps you up and makes you feel at home/loved. Excellent work by Norah Jones. The soft piano on 'Come Away With Me' is enchanting and uplifts her voice and the song so much. 'Painter Song' also stands out as a wonderful song on this album. They're all wonderful!
Incredible. A classic.
Veldig bra album!
za krótka
Come away with me my dear
This was a great way to start off the list! Jones has very fine, detailed control over her voice; I really love how she’s able to demonstrate her range while not going overboard or getting too loud. She has a gentle, soothing voice that suits the material of her songs perfectly. It was entrancing; I like the light use of percussion, and how she wasn’t afraid to use a gentle touch when it came to the instruments to really let her voice shine through. Also, they were the perfect length. Overall, even though I usually don’t care for this type of music, I totally loved the album and will listen to this album and the rest of her music in the future.
Talk about buttery smooth vibes! I dont typically seek out this type of music or Norah specifically, but I really enjoyed this album! Love her voice and her music!
This is a great album. This is the album that pushed me into listening to more jazz which I now love to play while I'm knee deep into working. Such a silky smooth voice. Also, I named my daughter after her :)
Really nice voice
Favorite Tracks: Don’t Know Why Come Away With Me Turn Me On
This is a fine album. Nice easy to like songs with jazzy arrangements. Perfect background music for a dinner party with friends. 3 🌟
If this album was a Pokémon, it would be of normal type.
Fahrstuhlmusik. Gut gemacht, aber doch Fahrstuhlmusik.
I want to tank its gpa or whatever dude. i didnt listen to it but nobody really liked it so a lower number is more comical
Was great then, and it still is.
Fantastic album, great song choices and performances.
Between a four and a five
Lovely relaxing music remimding me of being young :))
smooth jazzy-pop and a great voice
I remember Bill Maher calling this album something like “music to sleep with your trophy wife to” I loved the whole album then and I love it now.
I know it's supposed to be saccharine coffee shop music but I really love the intimate tone and casual feel of this record. Kind of reminds me of Dusty Springfield.
Wow what a voice! She could - as they say ‘make a living singing the menu’. I could listen a good long time.
Extremely poppy jazz. The production quality is insane. Not the kind of thing I bop to, but this is an undeniably good record. 5/5
Really enjoyed this
don’t listen but I need
wow. this was my favourite so far. such a great voice and awesome warm jazzy piano. great
This album is a peaceful Saturday morning watching the rain from your porch.
A beautiful album that has stood the test of time and radio overplay
It's been a long time since I listened to this start to finish and I didn't know how much I had missed it
great voice, nice listen
I remember seeing Norah jones at Glastonbury - it was a lovely sunny day, I was lying in the grass, listening to these songs and was completely smitten. The album takes me back, great stuff
I have such a soft spot for Norah Jones of that era (Come Away With Me, Feels Like Home). My then-girlfriend and I were at a park, sun was shining. We were young and in love. She gave me one of her earbuds and played Sunrise to me. I think of that moment whenever I hear the song and I think of that song whenever I hear Norah Jones. Happy memory!
this is my mood for 2025
Don't Know Why reminds me of sitting on my parents porch in West Texas sipping wine and watching the sun retreat. It's family. Warm. Comforting. She can really take you to another world. An incredible voice...like a bedtime story.
Norah I love you
Oh I know this one, it sounds like home, my mom’s favorite singer and artist ♥️
Lovely album, great musical content
The perfect album to have in the background to chill out or cook to. I spun it a few times to get more acquainted with the tracks because Norah Jones is new to me and is critically acclaimed (especially for this album). Favorites: If I were A Painter, Seven Years, Nightingale I didn’t dislike any tracks, but some weren’t as unique as others. I loved Norahs country like vocals (raspy and twangy). 4.5 stars, rounding up
Timeless. Great album for a Sunday morning lie in. Mellow easy listening jazzy piano songs.
Such a well-imagined and beautifully executed collection of songs that pulls you into a world better than the one you live in.
Love Norah jones
What a voice. Really dig this.
Beautiful album. Her voice is like an instrument in its own right. And recorded so well. An old fashioned, listen to it all the way through type of album. Perfection.
This album was so so so good. It was amazing. I loved it so much and now I want to listen to more of Norah Jones's stuff. This is not an album I would listen to on my own normally and now I am so happy I checked it out. Loved it so much. The instrumentation, her voice, the writing, the lyrics...all great. A few songs felt redundant but otherwise near perfect. Actual rating...a 4.5. Liked Songs: "Don't Know Why" , "Seven Years" , Feelin' The Same Way" , "Shoot The Moon" , "I've Got To See You Again" , "One Flight Down" , "Nightingale" , "The Long Day Is Over"
Vibey. Almost a jam band at points. A few really poignant songs
Lovely way to start the day
This is one of those albums which has a reputation as the musical equivalent of coffee table books; everyone had a copy in the early '00s and it was mostly played low, as background music, at a wine and cheese party... Come Away With Me is actually much better than that. Norah Jones's smoky voice and deceptively simple piano playing are sublime; some of her chord voicings are stunningly good. The backing musicians are excellent, the light jazz/country ballads uniformly good. Don't Know Why is a torch song that can stand with the best of the American Songbook greats.
Mommy loved the most popular song on that album and it comforted me in the morning. Good stuff.
Excellent album!
De simon seit immer norah jones isch mega guet aber me chas nöd lng lose, mol luege. Uuh da kennt mer jo, huere schön. Han vergesse dass sie so singt, scho iconic stimm
aso mol luege was am ravi shankar sini tochter si druff het. ha no nie norah jones glost aber alli schwärmed immer "es isch ebe scho mega guet". und ich will nöd e norah jones person werde. aber scheisse. erste song meeega schön mega cooli klaviersache sie singt super halt huere ruhig aber suuper guet gschriebe und sie (i glaub isch sie) spielt hammer tasty klavier. seven years meeega geili steel gitarre und denn no e hammer bridge. scheisse bin ich e norah jones person? ich hass mich. cold cold heart mega geili bassline. super schön. ich ha s gfühl das isch so musig wo alli musiker:inne würed mache wenns chönted. so effektivi songs mit so wenig mittel so tasty. aber s chas halt niemer, oder fast niemer. ich check wiemers seicht cha finde aber feelin' the same way jetz het trieb geg füre. come away with me chli lamsamer. aber funktioniert immerno. shoot the moon guuet. turn me on seeehr guet. sehr oldschool soul. orgle. lonestar isch au wieder so eine wo de sam cooke scho het chöne singe aber s tönt au alles soo warm und nöch. uhuere schös gitarresolo. ive got to see you again seehr moll und sochli kubanische rhythmus? i like. moler song seehr cheesy "my brush would take me there" meh i dunno norer desch bitz cringe norer. ich lieb de gitarrebueb bi the long day is over au wieder sooo schöne tone mit vibrato dings. ah dasmol ischs de kevin breit (ersch easy breit.) dasch e füfi.
hahaha iwie hett ich mier au en evanescence verschnitt chönne vorstelle aber nei, es isch im winter am cheminée hocke und tee trinke core a hetmi jz au no nüt umghaue idem sinn aber fuck isches schön come away eith me isch fantastisch POAAAHH the long day is over uuuhuere schön he musses nomal lose wenni mi.meh chan achte aber isch scho zwüscheme 4 und 5i
so fun and pretty, classic.
You probably can’t make this genre any better, than Norah Jones does on Come Away With Me. The title track is so hauntingly beautiful that it could carry this entire album alone. Thankfully it doesn’t have to.
One of the best albums of all time. I've listened to it hundreds of times and it got me through so many rough patches in life.
i melt into this one. Pure relaxation
V lovely
I was not expecting to love this album as much as I did, which just shows my ignorance on Norah Jones. Simply fabulous, one of the best things I've discovered in this project. Sultry voice, smooth jazz, simply fantastic
6 out 5. Would listen to this anytime!