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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.

The Bends



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The Bends
Album Summary

The Bends is the second studio album by the English rock band Radiohead, released on 13 March 1995 by Parlophone. Most tracks were produced by John Leckie, with extra production by Radiohead, Nigel Godrich and Jim Warren. The Bends was the first Radiohead album with cover art by Stanley Donwood, who, with singer Thom Yorke, has produced all of Radiohead's artwork since; it was also Radiohead's first collaboration with Godrich, who has produced all their subsequent albums. The Bends moved away from Radiohead's earlier grunge style, incorporating cryptic lyrics, greater use of keyboards, more abrasive guitar tracks and more restrained arrangements. Radiohead began work at RAK Studios, London, in February 1994. Tensions were high, with pressure from EMI to match sales of their debut single "Creep", and progress was slow. After an international tour in May and June, recording resumed at Abbey Road in London and the Manor in Oxfordshire; recording took around four months in total. The album was mixed by Leckie and by Sean Slade and Paul Q. Kolderie, who had produced Radiohead's debut album, Pablo Honey (1993). The Bends produced several singles, backed by music videos: "My Iron Lung" (released as an EP in 1994), the double A-side "Planet Telex / High and Dry", "Fake Plastic Trees", "Just", and "Street Spirit (Fade Out)", which became Radiohead's first top-five UK single. "The Bends" was also released as a single in Ireland. A live video, Live at the Astoria, was released on VHS on the same day as the album. Radiohead toured extensively in support of The Bends, including US tours supporting R.E.M. and Alanis Morissette. Though it reached number four on the UK Albums Chart, The Bends failed to build on the success of "Creep" outside the UK, reaching number 88 on the US Billboard 200. It has since been certified platinum in the UK and the US. The Bends received greater acclaim than Pablo Honey, including a nomination for Best British Album at the Brit Awards 1996; it elevated Radiohead from one-hit-wonders to one of the most recognised British bands. It is credited for influencing a generation of post-Britpop acts, such as Coldplay, Muse and Travis, and is frequently named one of the greatest albums of all time; it was included in Colin Larkin's All Time Top 1000 Albums 3rd Edition (2000) and all three editions of Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Albums of All Time.







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Jul 02 2021
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I could crywank all night to this behemoth. Blisters on me fingers and on me dick. So much blood and so many tears. Like a recently widowed hedgehog trying to escape from a blender. Welp.

Apr 01 2021
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I've been secretly dreading the day we'd get a Radiohead album. Not because I think they're bad, but because I've put them off for so long. Well it's time to pay the piper. I'm enjoying this quite a bit. It's a lot less experimental than I was expecting, and I mean that in a good way. I assumed they would be pretentious artsy music but it's just good solid alt-rock. This album is on countless "best ever" lists, and I don't quite see that, but maybe if I heard it in the '90s when I was barely 2 years old I would see it. It's still great though, plenty to love. Favorite tracks: Fake Plastic Trees, High and Dry, Bullet Proof, The Bends. Album art: I'd say it's iconic. One of those "have you dreamed this man" sort of ubiquitous images. Which mannequin is getting the best (radio)head? 4/5

Jul 09 2021
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No, sorry, don't like Radiohead. Don't understand all the hype at all. Media darling, whiney college kids. Kid A and OK Computer are always in the 'best albums ever' lists but I hate them and think they're shit.

Aug 20 2021
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Their best album and the purists can go fuck themselves 🙃 It’s actually a brilliant guitar album and there’s a reason fans still clamour for these songs live - it was before Radiohead got lost up their own arse. It came perfectly after the grunge hangover and was an anecdote to the Brit Pop bullshit

May 07 2021
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Sounded like whiny shit then, sounds like whiny shit now.

Sep 18 2020
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Everything is broken, am I really sinking this low? I bet you think that's pretty clever, don't you boy? My fake plastic love, I don't want to be crippled and cracked. The sea would electrocute us all and that's what really hurts; a total waste of time. I wish that I was bulletproof, sometimes you sulk, sometimes you burn. Immerse yourself in love.

Sep 09 2021
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Sorry. I realize a 2 star rating will upset many people, but Radiohead has always been a snooze fest for me.

Dec 08 2020
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The whole album is great from start to finish. A true classic in that it has indefinite replay desire.

Apr 13 2021
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This incarnation of Radiohead is great songwriting before they started to branch out with more experimentation. The songwriting is rock solid and Street Spirit is one of my favourite tracks of theirs

Jan 14 2021
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This one was something else. I loved it. Great!

Apr 06 2021
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BABY'S GOT THE BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENDS alright, in all seriousness, The Bends is a very very very good album. as the album that kicks off Radiohead's inhuman 26-year streak of exceptionally good albums, it contains all the nascent elements that make them arguably the best group to ever do it. unfortunately for this album - that position means that it is constantly compared to the albums that followed it, especially its older brother and greatest album of all time (in my Opinion) OK Computer. this tends to be an unfavorable comparison because - while all the things that make Radiohead Radiohead are present in this album, it's still very much bogged down in *genre*. while all the records following itare unique enough in their construction that you basically have to throw in the towel and say something like 'experimental rock' if asked about their genre - for about half of The Bends' tracklist, Radiohead are basically just doing Alternative Rock. to be fair though, The Bends is Radiohead doing alt-rock very very well - the title track is an exemplary britpop tune, with sneering verses and a soaring, anthemic chorus, fake plastic trees still stands as one of the band's best ballads which is *really* saying something, and even less pivotal tracks like bones or black star are still pretty good on the virtue of the instrumentation and vocals alone. the best songs on here however are the ones where radiohead is beginning to do their own thing - the strange, airy atmospheres of planet telex or bulletproof, and the moments on both of these tracks where thom's falsetto really PROPELY comes out. the best song on this entire album though is the closer however, where Radiohead's greatest strength as a band first becomes apparent - the ability to rip a specific feeling out of your psyche and then blast it back at you with twice the strength. street spirit (fade out) embodies the eldritch, existential horror of death & death anxiety so well that it is harrowing and genuinely hard to listen to. i never listen to this album on its own because hearing the end of street spirit fade into complete silence still leaves a pit in my stomach even after god knows how many listens. i'd give this album a 9/10, its closer to a 10 than an 8

Sep 01 2021
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I first heard a song from this album, Fake Plastic Trees, in the movie Clueless staring Paul Rudd and some other people. This movie, and the Baz Luhrmann version of Romeo and Juliet (starring Paul Rudd!) which also featured a Radiohead song (Talk Show Host), introduced me to Radiohead and led me to an album that has become one of my top 5 favorite albums of all time. The album starts with a woosh like something is blowing in, then hits you with the guitars, and honestly this might be my second favorite opening to an album (behind the base line for Seven Nation Army). I get excited every time I hear that woosh because I know what is coming next. The layers of sound! The guitars get loud like an arena rock show, then soft again, always layered in a way that is indicative of how experimental they are/will continue to be. At times you get flavors of U2, Oasis, REM, and yet they have a sound that is uniquely their own. The music is always vulnerable, eerie at times, angry at times, and broken in the most hauntingly amazing way. I am a lyric person but despite the fact that I can't tell what Thom Yorke is saying 80% of the time, the combination of his voice and the music transcend the often unintelligible lyrics. The snippets of what come through can be devastating. The rejection of the fame/attention, the futility of life, and the intense longing to belong. The optimism and positivity is cut with cynicism (Nice Dream) but you are quickly brought back up from the nihilism of Fake Plastic Trees by the reverb-y guitars of Bones. They achieve a balance in this album that I can't find in many other works. Case in point is the fade out of Street Spirit which is a perfect contrast to the way the album wooshed in with Planet Telex The Bends would be in my desert island 5-disc CD changer. It perfectly encapsulated my 90s angst while managing, like Paul Rudd himself, to never age.

Sep 01 2021
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It's kind of hard to put into words how amazing "The Bends" is. Radiohead, particularly the later stuff post-"OK Computer," can be pretty polarizing. Many are put off by Thom Yorke's wailing or the samples and computer blips or whatever. (I am not in this group.) But on "The Bends" what you get is peak Radiohead. A band that moved past a really solid but not groundbreaking debut to deliver a sophomore album that was a mature and unique example of a band finding their sound. (And then they continued to play with and tweak that sound relentlessly for the next decade. To subvert expectations? Who knows what's in the mind of these guys.) While Yorke's moaning and wailing are more exaggerated on later albums (while still working for me most of the time), on this album the vocals are a perfect instrument to complement the guitars (which do some wailing themselves, in a good way) and percussion. There are some songs where you can actually understand a bunch of the words(!), and Yorke writes some powerful lyrics. There are too many stellar songs to single them all out. It is a complete package, without a dud, from start to finish. I was curious for another perspective on the 1000 greatest albums one day when I was frustrated by another middling English band that never made it big across the pond, and found a list created by Colin Larkin in the late 90s, last updated in 2000. Unlike "1001 Albums You Must Listen to Before You Die," Larkin's list allowed fan voting from around the world. The top 10 is heavy with Beatles, as expected, but #2 is "The Bends." That's how good and influential this album is. While "Pablo Honey" feels fairly 90s, "The Bends" feels timeless. I think I like it even more every time I listen.

Mar 29 2022
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This is maybe the 4th or 5th best Radiohead album and it’s still perfect. That’s how great they are.

Aug 20 2024
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“The Bends is one of the best guitar albums of the 90’s” -People who have yet to hear The Flaming Lips’ “Clouds Taste Metallic”

Sep 01 2021
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Baby’s got the bends. You don’t have any real friends. This is TOTALLY how I feel as we try to re-enter somehow into the world. Our kids have to deal with very metaphorical decompression of going from lockdown or podding or significant isolation to freaking public school, crammed hallways, cramped school buses. But I like what the album conjures for me more. Another album that transports me to college. This one is glued to the membranes of my curious and trepidatious cells. It coaxed the leery adult from the grips of my apprehensive adolescence. It doesn’t hurt that I could figure out how to play most of these on the guitar—back when Radiohead’s simplicity matched my skill. I love the explosiveness of the Bends and Thom Yorke’s unbridled bellows. To playing on the upbeat in the chorus in Bones. “I used to fly like Peter Pan! All the children flew when I touched their hands.” (Nice Dream) sounds just like one to me. The melodic descent of the partial barre chords at the beginning contrasts with the whining riffs toward the end. Just has a cool rock-out start. I often quote this song (and not just nowadays): “You do it to yourself, you do, and that’s why it really hurts.” Ain’t it the truth. #maskupassholes #getthefuckingshot I love the cliffhanger chord that Black Star ends on. But I think my most favorite song is Sulk. I’m a sucker for slow builds. Simple single note motif on the guitar that leads to a more complex and interesting variation in the bass line that descends down the scale as he declares a holiday, falls asleep, drifts away. Radiohead and I kinda parted ways sometime around Kid A. We grew apart. Maybe my grown ass self should revisit the newer stuff and find something new about myself. We’ll see. Solid 5 from me.

Oct 10 2021
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With screeching guitars and poignant lyrics, sung beautifully by Thom Yorke, Radiohead improve on every single aspect of Pablo Honey. The Bends is an incredibly engaging record with a good variety of rock bangers and blisfully melancholic ballads, and it makes you feel like the world is caving in on you, just when you need it's structure most to support your desperate and delicate mind. It's a masterpiece, and easily worth a 5/5.

Dec 22 2021
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Radioheads classic 2nd Album. great set of songs from Thom and the boys. I must admit I personally prefer "OK Computer" if I had to chose a favourite Radiohead album. This is great though and justifiably in this list. "High & Dry" "The Bends" "Fake Plastic Trees" and "My Iron Lung" are my favourites on this album. A good choice.

Jan 26 2021
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there are some pretty cool moments on here but I think they kind of get lost in an overall muddled/aimless feeling album. it's quite mopey (which worked okay on some of the tracks) and the vocals didn't grab my attention. probably would be a 2.5 there's some good stuff but none of it was really compelling or interesting to me.

Nov 13 2020
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One of my favorite Radiohead albums. Solid rock and catchy hooks.

Jan 28 2021
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An all time great. I'm always amazed that this is their second album. When many bands load up their first with songs they've been writing since they formed and the second suffers, this is the opposite. Where "Pablo Honey" had "Creep" and not much else, this is all great to classic songs. Is it their best album? Maybe not. But within the scope of what it sets out to accomplish, it's entirely successful. I know I listen to it much more than "OK Computer" and is in my pantheon of favourite albums.

Jan 17 2021
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Already loved the album. Great sound such a classic.

Jul 09 2021
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Fantastic Radiohead...I live High and Dry

Jan 20 2021
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Missed this album the first time around, a Radiohead album I can dance to! Bloody hell - I might start liking them!

Jul 02 2021
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Radiohead's first step beyond being "the Creep band". A stone cold classic. A stone cold classic made even better by having what looks like an Easter Island head in the final flings of ejaculation on the cover.

Apr 20 2021
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Classic Radiohead. Songwriting is amazing.

Jul 30 2021
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It may not be their best album, but it is Radiohead's perfect, "no skip" album.

Aug 20 2021
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A perfect rock album and the one that introduced me properly to the genre. I know and love every song. Absolutely untouchable (well, apart from the other fantastic Radiohead albums).

Sep 09 2021
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The album that got me into Radiohead. So many amazing songs, even deep into the album. I could listen to it every day.

Sep 24 2021
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I don’t think I can honestly give this anything lower than a 5. It was an atmospheric, melodic experience that I got lost in and didn’t want to find my way out of.

Nov 22 2021
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Brilliant! Can’t fault any of the tracks. One of the best albums ever.

Feb 19 2022
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Radiohead - The Bends (1995) Just Put a little pressure on a string down or up in a way to make that note go higher, that's a bend. Welcome to another place where you are the instrument and all of the notes will sound like bends across your whole body, each feeling better than the previous one highly and softly, when even the pain you can control by the gain you receive. But the release is the way back home, they just don't want you to know that so soon in your journey when we all know that the path is greater than the arrival at the finish line or the next station. Hitch the gear up, let the pedal loose and grip the gas out of your tank, racing with your fears, tearing up your ears, as in a radio station your head is way too much tall than you can hardly believe in your own eyes. A

Feb 25 2022
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One of the best alternative albums of all time.

Apr 09 2022
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About as straightforward as Radiohead ever got and it’s very good indeed- the boys sure can play and make excellent rock tracks. The production is extraordinarily good; the blend is great- the guitars sound almost like a Co vocalist alongside Yorker’s impulsive yelps and screams. There are hints throughout of the experimentation that was to follow. Here the building blocks.

May 14 2022
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Do you have to British and of a certain age for this to really make sense? It's full of angst and relevance. Come on now kids of the 90's..."don't leave me high"

Jun 02 2022
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I think this is absolutely stunning. It's laden with beauty and emotion and meaning. It's even so melodic in certain parts and extremely catchy. A dreamscape kaleidoscope of sounds. However, I wouldn't be able to listen to this full album on a hangover or a sad day because that would be a bit much and I would be spiralling down v quickly. Not exactly cheery is it now.

Jun 21 2024
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Late to the party. Worth the hype.

Jul 01 2024
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This is a 5. One of the greatest albums ever recorded.

Jul 01 2024
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Extraordinarily strong rock album, probably my favourite Radiohead.

Jul 04 2024
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I always knew that Radiohead made some good stuff but i was legitimately shocked when i found out just how good The Bends really was. The guitar work was just out of this world as was the work with all the other instruments to the point where these songs nearly moved me to tears due to their amazing instrumentation. Thom's singing was also great as were the lyrics just being about embracing your imperfections and learning that its okay to not be okay. While Amnesiac and Hail To The Thief are good albums in their own right and have arguably more interesting elements. I still feel that The Bends is my favorite Radiohead album so far because of just how good it sounds. Best Song: Just Worst Song: My Iron Lung

May 26 2022
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I had no idea what I was getting into, as I've not really listened to much Radiohead before, but I was pleasantly surprised with this album! Planet Telex's atmosphere was an interesting introduction to this album. I don't have much to say besides that, and that it had a really fun atmosphere - loved the keyboard parts. The Bends is ok. Not a favorite track, just sort of there, reminding me of a lot of other classic rock tracks. High and Dry is another song that reminds me of stuff I'd listen to on the radio as a kid driving through Saskatchewan with my uncle. It's a nice chill song, but I don't see myself revisiting it too much after this. I love the vocals on Fake Plastic Trees. It's got some really interesting stuff happening underneath the vocals too at some points! Bones is a lot more in line with the music I find myself gravitating towards, and as such it's been my favorite so far. I'm a big fan of (Nice Dream), it's really nice and chill with good atmosphere. Which all sound like buzzwords now, but oh well. I'm pretty tired and all I know is that this song is fun and I like the guitar on it. It sounds like a dream, which I assume is the point. Just is fun, but sort of blends into the rest of the album for me? Not sure why. It might be because I'm a tad tired writing this! The funky little guitar bit around 2 minutes in is wonderful. My Iron Lung bangs harder than it has any right to and I have no idea why. It's just fantastic. Bullet Proof ... I Wish I Was has some really cool vocal moments, I love Thom Yorke's voice. Black Star is something I could see myself appreciating more at like 3AM. It's a good song, but I'm just not in love at this moment in time. I feel the same about Sulk. Maybe listening to this album in the middle of the day isn't the right time for it! Love the guitar so much on Street Spirit (Fade Out). This song is such a good closer to the album. I really love it. This and My Iron Lung are the highlights of the album for me by far.

Oct 15 2023
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Nr. 7/1001 Planet Telex 3/5 The Bends 4/5 High And Dry 3/5 Fake Plastic Trees 4/5 Bones 3/5 (Nice Dream) 3/5 Just 2/5 My Iron Lung 2/5 Bulletproof... I Wish I Was 3/5 Black Star 3/5 Sulk 3/5 Street Spirit (Fade Out) 3/5 Average: 3 I really wish to be able to get into Radiohead, since they are so universally acclaimed. I just can't...

Jun 23 2024
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I feel like it's basic. Don't know why? I mean, it's good don't get me right but it didn't really pop out.

Jul 22 2024
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While Radiohead (in retrospect) had very humble beginnings with their debut, the following album 'The Bends' was not only more ambitious but even better recieved by the public and also the critics. Of course their extreme critical acclaim wouldn't come until 'OK Computer' but 'The Bends' showed the potential they had. By blending a more timeless Alternative Rock style with elements of Post-Britpop, they created a cohesive album with highlights that tower above nearly everything they created at that point. Compared to their later albums, this is much more conventional and not as artistic and experimental as for example 'Kid A' or 'In Rainbows'. And while I do love some radiohead albums a lot (In Rainbows stands as one of my all time favourites ever and is a 10 for me) 'The Bends' is in my eyes very overrated. It has its moments but it hasn't aged as well as their later albums. The album opens with 'Planet Telex', one of the few songs to use a synthesizer, here mainly present in the intro and outro. I think it's a pretty good song: I like the structure and the chorus but for my personal enjoyment it doesn't have a real highlight that makes it stick out among other alt-rock songs. It feels a little too basic to be a truely great song. The following title track 'The Bends' is compared worse. I'm not sure why they named the album after that song as it isn't really a highlight or important to the album. Thom Yorke's sometimes very unclear vocals that sound like they were recorded throw a wall seem very unfitting and weird without adding. The song isn't bad, mainly because of the instrumentation but even that lacks any sort of hook. 'High and Dry' is a really good song and one of my favourites of the album. It feels much more focused and thought out. The chorus is incredible and builds up in very little time which makes it really rewarding. My main criticism with this track is mainly Thom's lyricism which I really don't care for on the album in general and combined with the performance he puts on, it just feels like trying but not being able to fulfill that to the full potential. 'Fake Plastic Trees' is loved among the Radiohead fans but it does click with me as much. I like how its structured and it builds up with more and more instruments but it does not give anything rewarding except being the song with the best lyricism on the album. It's just there and I don't care for it much. It is also way too long. The next song 'Bones' does pick it up with a much louder sound and a surprising chorus that kind of comes out of nowhere. And that very noisy part is actually really good. I actually might prefer this song over FPT. The first half closes with '(Nice Dream)' which has some really nice strings that add a lot to the more melancholic and lonely sounding song. A very beautiful but sad song to end that first bunch of tracks off with. Unlike the last track, 'Just', which starts the first half, is much more up-beat and easily my favourite song here (I know that that's a basic take). A great intro, bridge and chorus all with some very nice songwriting and lyrics. It's the best song on the album although it is not a perfect song in my opinion. 'My Iron Lung' is really chaotic at times and then slows for the hook and I do enjoy both of these parts on their own, I am just not really a fan of how they're connected. It's still a nice song but nothing more than that. A very strong contrast gives 'Bullet Proof..I Wish I Was' which has more acoustic guitar and clean sound but it also lacks the highlight. It moves past me in a way that some moments actually become a little bit annoying. 'Black Star' is a much better song. It has a great and emotional high but outside of the very good chorus, the song does not interest me much. 'Sulk' also isn't as strong as other songs. The intro is good with the very weird and fast guitar that nearly sounds like a synth but I do not care much about this song. I think I just like Radiohead more when they experiment and try more interesting things. The album closes with one of its best songs: 'Street Spirit (Fade Out)' has a very emotional build up and I love the performance Thom gives. The lead guitar is also very adding to the emotional weight of this track. Easily one of my favourites. favourites: Just, Street Spirit (Fade Out), High and Dry, (Nice Dream) least favourites: Bullet Proof..I Wish I Was, Sulk, The Bends Rating: very strong 6 for more ratings, reviews and takes

Nov 28 2020
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ok so I don't like radiohead much at all, but I can at least stomach the first two albums in that "I don't like it but at least time doesn't slow to a crawl while it plays" way. there's still a TINY bit of rockin edge to this and htey hadn't gone into full goes-nowhere-rock territory just yet. 2/5 - 1 point because that's the lowest mark, and 1 extra point just because it wasn't as mind-numbingly "fuuuuucking hell, is this over yet?!" boring as radiohead got later on.

Jan 13 2021
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High and Dry, Fake Plastic Trees poznate; Street spirit jedino super

Jan 22 2021
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The vocals are hard to understand. It honestly all sounds the same. But maybe I'm too smoothbrained to understand.

Apr 06 2021
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I hate to disappoint louis but i kinda didnt like this. It seemed pretty limp to me, like they were just being radiohead and nothing else, no tracks stood out and none stuck in my head, except for just but id heard that before. I dunno, i find all the other radiohead ive heard just a ton more interesting. Not offensive though so it gets a 2

Sep 16 2021
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4. The Bends - Radiohead. 12 Tracks Fake Plastic Trees is 1 of the most beautiful songs written by anyone, ever, but with the exception of that & High & Dry, the album is filled with melancholy overrated rubbish.

Nov 15 2021
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Well, that was cringetastic. I‘m probably through with that thing. I used to really love the band, though. Ages ago…

Dec 08 2021
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This falls into the category of most Radiohead I've heard - a little whiney, a little uncanny--musically interesting but not in a way that pulls it up out of just 'meh' for me.

Oct 27 2021
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It's downright frustrating how this album gets no love in the shadow of Radiohead's later, more experimental work. This is an album which exemplifies guitar-driven brit-rock, full of incendiary licks and inward-looking lyrics. It's almost as though the sheer consistency of this album is held against it compared to the zigs and zags of the following albums, even the zigs and zags within the tracks of those albums.

Feb 28 2022
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Alternative rock at its best. Strong and catchy songwriting. I love Radiohead. Bye.

Mar 28 2022
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I had never heard the whole album- I see why so many of my friends had it

Apr 04 2022
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A nearly perfect album. One great song after another. The guitar playing throughout is amazing and that includes some of the best accoustic guitar strumming anywhere. This was my introduction to Radiohead and it remains my favorite. OK Computer and Kid A are more ambitious and perhaps greater accomplishments, but for me this is where Radiohead hit their sweet spot 5 🌟

Apr 09 2022
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Great, never listened to them, can see why they are popular.

Apr 26 2022
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One of the first alt-rock albums in a long time I’ve listened top to bottom. It’s great if you’re feeling a bit under the weather.

May 10 2022
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One of my most-listened-to albums of all times. Classic.

May 31 2022
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I've never listened to much Radiohead, so I was very interested going into this. I was not disappointed! This album felt incredibly well crafted, from the production to the music to the lyrics. The album had an overall "sound" to it, but each song stood on its own and was interesting and unique. Thom Yorke's vocals on this album are nothing short of ethereal. His lyrics are not always understandable, but I didn't care; his stylings really lend something extra to the songs, and he knows just what style(s) and vocalizations to use in a given musical scenario to take the track to the next level. I found myself waiting to hear what he was going to do from track to track. Based on what I know about 90s music, I could quickly tell upon hearing this that there was not anyone else quite like Radiohead at the time. Though I was not really aware of who Radiohead had influenced in the music world, it is incredibly obvious upon hearing this album that it was setting standards for where alt rock would go for years to come following the grunge era. Bands like Muse, The Killers, and Coldplay were clearly influenced by this album in their own works, 10+ years after this album came out. This album was a definite win for me!

Jun 09 2022
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I really do enjoy their first two albums, it really goes to show that even just starting out, they were really damn good but of course their best material is literally everything after from No Surprises and Exit Music for a Film, to the flawless perfection that is the whole Kid A album, to the rest of their neat electronic albums I don’t think they ever had a low point in their career despite being diverse as fuck, it’s all consistently enjoyable I think that’s why I like Swans, King Crimson, etc. Radiohead is right there with them as one of my favorite bands 10/10

Jun 13 2022
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Dang, I forgot how good this album is. Haven't listened to it in years and just played it on repeat for a while. Great stuff.

Jun 13 2022
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I'm incapable of separating this from my nostalgia, so...I won't try. 5/5

Aug 17 2024
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i love this album i wish british people were real

Feb 14 2023
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I used to listen to this one a lot as a kid. It's a great album, although it'll always be eclipsed a little by OK computer.

Feb 21 2023
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Just a brilliant album, forgot how good

Mar 05 2023
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My second Radiohead album on this journey. I like Radiohead but have really only listened to the hits and Kid A. I liked In Rainbows when I got it 6 months ago but now totally forget what it sounded like. Anyway, I liked this. Most of it was a little too slow and dreary for me to listen to regularly, but it's good stuff regardless. "Just" was the highlight for me.

Feb 24 2024
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It is a noisy, grim album that will leave an impression.

Apr 29 2024
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Dude I've been missing out. I thought Radiohead was annoying like how Nirvana is annoying to me but they aren't. Oh my god my eyes are opened.

Jan 26 2021
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It was fine? I didn't love it and it got a bit samey but the sounds were nice. I can't decide if it gets points or loses points for the terrifying album art

Apr 02 2024
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I haven't listened to much of Radiohead, so I'm not sure whether this album is typical or not for them (or at least typical for them in the mid-90s), but it's an interesting combination of very familiar-sounding mid-90s indie/alt-rock sort of stuff, yet without being at all distinctive beyond a song or two that might have made some air-time (like "High and Dry" or "My Iron Lung", I think, but then again it might just be very similar to some *other* mid-90s indie/alt-rock tune). I *was* a bit surprised that some of the songs were a little harder-edged (and a teensy bit less falsetto) than I expected of Radiohead. It kind of feels like this isn't really a great Radiohead album to include in the 1001 album collection, frankly, but maybe it was more influential than I appreciate, and certainly the "Influence" and "Legacy" sections of the Wikipedia article suggest I'm just ignorant of this album's majesty. Either way, entertaining enough, in a somewhat disappointingly generic way.

Apr 22 2024
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Another one that's a perfectly nice vibe and not much else.

Jan 18 2022
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Every song sounded identical and I don't think I could remember a single bit about any song.

Apr 28 2022
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Dreary, meat and potatoes rock music. Liked it but didn't love it as a 16/17 year old but as a man turning 30 in 6 weeks, I wanted to skip most songs. Dated britpop guitar tones, awful whiney vocals ripped off by the likes of Muse, Travis and Coldplay. Gets a 2/5 for not being terrible but I never want to listen to this again. Best songs: Street Spirit... The rest is pretty forgettable.

May 10 2022
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05/09/2022 It's nice, but I've never understood the hype and raves.

Sep 28 2022
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I'd heard of Radiohead, i had never heard Radiohead. Because I'd heard of Radiohead, I assumed Radiohead was good, great, awesome even. Radiohead - Bends isnt any of those, to me. It tried to captivate me with good intruments and mix but as soon as the vocals hit, no, abhor, I strongly disliked the monotony, singing like an edgar alan poe poem without the drugs to make it clear. It's a 2.5 for me. (Marking as 2 as I would navigate lower than higher on the scale)

Oct 05 2022
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Radiohead - the act of giving a blowjob while humming a song as illustrated by a recipient of "radiohead" on the cover. Radiohead - a band which makes dreary music for millions of pretentious, humorless college kids, who think discovering this band somehow elevates their music tastes above the rest. The latter are unlikely to experience the former. Jokes aside, My Iron Lung was a good song. The rest? The way the singer moans he might as well have a dick in his mouth.

Jan 09 2023
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not more Radiohead.. this is just one dull indie tune after another, although the shitty whine vocals suit these better perhaps e.g. Bones than their try-hard wanna be avant garde later crap

Jan 18 2023
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Egentligen ganska bra rock men man tål ju cirka 1 min av den gnälliga rösten.

Jan 20 2023
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Sorry folks, I just plain don't get the fuss around this mob. Not awful, but where's the juice?

Jan 31 2023
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It might grow on me if I listen to it a bunch but I'm not generally a Radiohead fan.

Feb 08 2023
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Meh, honestly kinda boring to listen to

Feb 14 2023
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hot take: radiohead is overrated

Mar 05 2023
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boring, every song sounds the same. some good bits, but not enough

Mar 11 2023
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I never have liked the vocals of Radiohead. They have killer instrumentals though.

Mar 28 2023
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More straight forward then some of the later albums we've listened to. It's just not my thing. Fake plastic trees bugs me as much as when i first heard it. Thom Yorke's voice is still weird.

Mar 28 2023
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Few tolerable tracks but yeah I have no idea what's the appeal. I mean it could have been worse, at least it's not a Coldplay album.

Mar 18 2024
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Not as bad as I was bracing for, but not something I'm going back to anytime soon.

Mar 29 2024
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I get why people may like this album, but after listening to all tracks, it just didn't grab me. Maybe Radiohead take themselves too seriously and think they're better than they actually are. It's all a bit too pretentious

Apr 26 2024
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A few ok songs early on but goddamn is this boring as fuck.

Jun 23 2021
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Met frisse tegenzin mijn grootste allergie aangegaan. Ok, ik heb niet de hele nummers beluisterd maar echt mijn best gedaan. Wat een zemelaars...

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