David Bowiehard for its reputation to not proceed it; I’ve loved this album since I was 16. while not as essential as “low”, it’s a clear graduation in the direction bowie was headed.
hard for its reputation to not proceed it; I’ve loved this album since I was 16. while not as essential as “low”, it’s a clear graduation in the direction bowie was headed.
I survived the singer-songwriter deluge of the 2002s, and this album took me back. norah jones has a beautiful voice, but I found myself wishing I was listening to fiona apple, joni mitchell, chet baker, rufus wainwright, pretty much anything similar but so much weightier and with personality!
my scrotum imposin sooooo nostalgic. I’m smoking weed at the park in high school in 2015. charming in its scrappiness but still a masterful album deftly executed. kendrick’s preachy shtick is definitely less affecting with the benefit of time and hindsight and his following albums, but man it’s so good! m.a.a.d. city followed by swimming pool made me drive unwisely in the snow
all timer…..I bought this cd from the electric fetus when I was 14 bc it had been recommended and sited by so many of my favorite musicians. I would play it over and over while I worked on homework or stared at the ceiling or any of the stuff I did when I was 14. perfect!
I didnt relisten but I lived through the 2010s so I have heard this more times than anyone should before I die.
yuuuuup. best beats of any tribe album? mixed so well. kind of their most fiendish
rascal music
never listened to this all the way through; so beautiful, well produced, poignant, and maaaaan marvin gaye voice. yup
the song will be called “goober” and the lyrics will be goober every day goober now my way goober goober you’re such a bloody goober
a masterclass in sampling……my dad has loved dj shadow for his experimental take on his medium, somewhere between trip hop and ambient. listening on headphones rly highlighted the weirdness this time.
where to begin? my 3rd favorite monkees album. the one that changed everything and was perhaps the beginning of the end. the album they played (almost) all their own instruments on. does anybody know about their beards? the beginning of you told me brings me total ecstasy.
it’s superfly!
first 2 songs rip. this guy has a great voice, I would like it/enjoy more if many inferior vocalists jacked his style in the ensuing years. good, sometime great instrumentation! the hits r the weakest links…
so much like this, yet nothing ever came close. would metalheads be gay if they heard this before wasp, et al??
medium rock music. found myself wishing I was listening to msp…..some catchy hooks and melodies and fun tunes, but nothing especially good to me
effortlessly perfect……happiness and tranquility enducing
was pleasantly surprised to find out this was an andy weatherall joint. perfect album for playing cards to, a delicious mix of dancehall, ambient, and electronica weirdness
super inventive uses of orchestration and choir. far less of a heartbreaker than his other albums; perfect sunny morning in spring
I think its great that he got to make this but it is a private dance
more medium ass rock that has me asking once again, why do I need to hear this before I die?
more medium ass rock that has me asking once again, why do I need to hear this before I die? - copied from my last review. AAAAAAAAA WHEN WILL THESE STOP BEING ASSIGNED
all timer for me - I listen to this at work pretty often. surprised by how a closer listen emphasised how weak the middle-end part was…..like generic trip hop rather than the iconic tunes on side A. also did not realise the fidelity on the sampled parts was so low sometimes, which is kind of charming but also really clashes with the modern synths and drum machines they employ. still love it tho!
is this a joke?
so many bangers, way too long. esp the late 80s slow anthems
the xx did so much for the white british ppl pretending to be r&b singers combined with ableton stock beats-core
they lezzed the hell out on this
I’m sure he has much better stuff, and his once in a lifetime talent shines through. liked this a lot more than I thought I would bc of my history with listening to a LOT of mediocre blues
YUP! one of the best pieces of american music ever produced. I would shit myself if I saw bruce live
it’s kind of messy and too long but I simply do not care it’s soooo god damn funky!
so beautiful and effortless……reminds me of a lot of contemporaneous british folk but also stuff like early brian eno! happy to have this in my rotation now
goofy asl…..prog lite
not an album about drugs or for doing drugs to per se, but an album whose sounds evokes probably the kind of casual use and destitution of being in your 20s. also strange that shoegaze and art rock dont come up in what I’ve read abt this album; I got sugarcubes vibes from idiots rules, ted just admit it was like a fine tuned butthole surfers track
another middle of the road british indie album I had never heard of; better than the others of its ilk I’ve heard so far, but I have to ask that question again: did I need to hear this before I die?
WOW!!!!! I’ve probably heard this whole thing before, and I’m certainly familiar with many of the tracks; listening to skylarking in its entirety was a sublime privilege!
here’s my 1 disc version: dear prudence glass onion the continuing story of bungalow bill while my guitar gently weeps happiness is a warm gun I’m so tired don’t pass me by why don’t we do it in the road I will julia yer blues helter skelter revolution 1 cry baby cry
loved listening to this on headphones while riding in the car when I was a teen
it sure is.