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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.

Highly Evolved

The Vines


Highly Evolved
Album Summary

Highly Evolved is the debut studio album by Australian alternative rock band The Vines. It was released on 14 July 2002 on Capitol Records. Produced by Rob Schnapf, known for his collaboration with Tom Rothrock on Elliott Smith's albums Either/Or, XO, and Figure 8, Highly Evolved was an immensely popular debut, part of a trend towards garage rock revival bands known as much for the relentless hype from the UK music press as for their music; The Vines were frequently compared to Nirvana. The debut single, "Highly Evolved", was chosen as Single of the Week by influential British music magazine NME. The magazine also voted it the 2nd best album of the year in 2002. The album was also included in the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.







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May 28 2023
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Not bad, but the British press might have gotten just a wee tiny bit ahead of themselves when they hailed the Vines as 'the second coming of Nirvana'.

Jun 29 2023
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An absolutely nothing special alt rock/ light punk record

Mar 07 2024
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I mean, it's fine, but doesn't belong on this list.

Jun 05 2023
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Garage rock for Britpop fans. 5/10

Jan 31 2024
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Meh. Could have gone my whole life without hearing it

Jan 21 2024
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Not my favorite album. The melodies are great and have a distinctive late 90s/early 2000s sound. There's an awful screamo vocalist in this band. I don't know why he's add angst? Anyway, I hate him.

Mar 27 2024
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This has no place here. It's derivative and so devoid of originality. What a joke to include it in the 1001 best albums.

Mar 20 2024
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“The next Nirvana” my ass. This is one of the most flaccid, soulless rock albums I’ve ever listened too.

Jul 05 2023
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Really love the sound that is somehow distinctively early 2000s and also evokes an earlier time. Good stuff. Best track: Get Free

Jun 27 2023
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I really like their sound. A bit Brit-pop but not quite so pop-sounding - a bit rougher around the edges like garage rock. Sort of like Oasis with a touch of grunge. Very nice. 4 stars.

Jul 22 2023
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Suck my massive yellow dong. A mega record that smacks you round the chops and buries its dick in your cheek. My bum is twitching and it's not even time for breakfast. Fire a dog into a lamppost and watch it wee it's pants.

Nov 09 2023
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Nr. 31/1001 Highly Evolved 3/5 Autumn Shade 4/5 Outtathaway 3/5 Sunshinin 3/5 Homesick 5/5 Get Free 3/5 Country Yard 4/5 Factory 3/5 In The Jungle 3/5 Mary Jane 4/5 Ain't No Room 3/5 1969 4/5 Aberage: 3,5 The influence of Nirvana on this Album could easily be heard. All around enjoyable

Jun 10 2024
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Great album - maybe? I had it on at work, listing to I, but... cannot recall a single song or tune.

Nov 11 2023
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Am I losing it, or does this kind of sound like a hair metal record in a bunch of spots?

Jun 12 2023
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This was a strong contender for a 5 from the first track and it was solidified as a 5 for me as soon as I heard get free, song I’ve always heard but never really knew where it came from. I love early 2000s alternative rock like this and this was 50 pure minutes of it with 90s grunge influences galore (I don’t think this is “the second coming of nirvana” but it’s definitely heavily inspired by them). Another favorite of mine was outtathaway.

Jan 10 2025
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⭐⭐⭐⭐ 8/10 Did not expect an album I grew up with on this list. I was actually surprised that this album made the list. If I wouldve made a book with influential bands from the 00s garage rock/postpunk revival this wouldnt be on the list. Don't get me wrong, I love this album. I would say the band is just a bit too niche for this album. I know the Strokes and Arctic Monkeys made the list, which I totally agree. But including the vines? Nahh. If the listmakers really wanted to include an influential niche 00s garage band the Hives shouldve been chosen. (This could be foreshadowing). Not gonna lie, I love this band especially Ride, which is not on this album. Would definitely listen to this album again. But would not call it legendary. Ps: its an Australian band, not British 🇦🇺 Favourite tracks: Outtatheway Get Free 1969 Country yard Least favourite: Factory Mary Jane 8/10

Oct 16 2024
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I enjoyed this more than I thought I would/remembered. I think I probably lumped it in with all the other indie albums that were around at the time when it was released but listening now it sounds a lot stronger (or I just forgot about it). Some real bangers and a bit of early 2000s nostalgia.

Nov 30 2023
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Really enjoyed this, a generous 4 as I reckon repeat listens would make it grow on me more as well

Nov 29 2023
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Fun, high-energy rock that plays with a variety of sounds and does them all well. Really enjoyed this!

May 24 2023
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A proper year 9 staple this! Surprised it made the list but glad it did, must be about 20 years since I heard this. Doesnt quite sound as dated as I expected, and it’s easy to forget how decent the early 00s were for garage rock! Couple of tracks tht passed by without notice which detracts a little, but a nostalgic gem nonetheless

Dec 13 2024
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This is about as good as you were going to get for post 2001 radio rock, that weird time between the grunge bands and the indie rock re-do. Some of these songs, usually the more aggressive ones, are pretty great. "Get Free" and "1969" are good rock songs, if lyrically pretty dumb. The album kinda falls apart when they try to get introspective. "Autumn Shade" and "Country Yard" are just filler. "Factory" serves to remind you that, yes, they listened to and liked the Beatles. The rest of this is pretty generic to be honest. It's not that memorable but it's fine.

Apr 30 2024
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Highly Evolved is good in places, average in others, never bad or annoying, but frustratingly inconsistent. You get a meh track followed by a good one and back and forth; Autumn Shade, Sunshinin, Get Free and Factory are good, the tracks between less so. There's strong lead guitar work on most tracks but the vocals miss more than they hit throughout, probably a low 3 overall.

Dec 12 2024
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This is OK. I think I like a couple of songs by these guys, maybe they’ll be on here. All fine… nothing very memorable. What are those songs I like? Hate to Say I Told You So and Tick Tick Boom, not on here though, not much of interest on this album. Oh. It’s The Hives that I don’t mind. Who the fuck are The Vines? Why the fuck are they on this list?

Jun 12 2024
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I don't recognize any of these song titles. I don't like it. Too screamy/yell-y. I can see why Get Free is most played. It's probably the best, but I still don't like it much.

Jun 08 2024
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What a bonkers track sequence in this album. I had to back and double check I didn’t have shuffle on. This is The Vines. It should be 1. Slow song is acceptable 2. Increasing intensity track 3. Lead single 4. Slower but harder rocking song 5. Quick song 6. Slower song 7. 2nd single 8. Experimental track 9. Song that starts slow and comes back around quick. Overall I was disappointed after knowing the singles for 20 years.

Jul 05 2024
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I only made I through half this album before giving up.

Feb 02 2025
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The best albums come to you at the worst times, don't they?

Jan 14 2025
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I love this album; I owned it when it came out. Just a peak of the Aughts garage rock. When The Arctic Monkeys, The Killers, and Tame Impala all indicate your band was a reason that they sound like they do, then you know you’re doing something correct. So sad that they only managed a small amount of music at the peak of their powers.

Jan 12 2025
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I am a massive fan of this album.

Dec 12 2024
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Yup it’s definitely the vines.

Dec 02 2024
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Oh this rocks. Greatly enjoyed it. Never heard them before, but will be listening again for sure.

Sep 18 2024
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Forgotten how amazing this is. It’s aged well.

Aug 26 2024
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Hadn’t heard of the Vines before but I loved this album! Another one introduced by the 1001 challenge that I may not have found 4.5/5

Aug 23 2024
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The Vines and the Hives make up the twin bastions of perfectly honed Chaos channeled into emotive magic. Perfection.

Jul 21 2024
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An album I loved at the time, and still do!

Jul 11 2024
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I hadn't listened to much of the Vines music, but always remembered liking it. I'm happy to say this album didn't disappoint. It's great from start to finish. On the one hand, it's unoriginal in the sense that you can hear bits of Blur, Nirvana, the Clash, Oasis, and a few others. However, they seem to have blended it all together in a unique way. Impressive debut album and one that I'll definitely come back to.

Jul 02 2024
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I haven’t ever heard of The Vines. This is a great album though… really strong debut. I noted that this is one of the “demoted” albums that are no longer on the 1001 list. Has the influence or lasting impact of The Vines not played out over the last 22 years? Then again who knows how this album may be influencing artists and music in ways we will never comprehend. Regardless of these meta-questions, I loved this album’s varied styles and great solid rock performances. It’s a great album demoted or not, and I could certainly come up with a list of albums still on the 1001 list that I think could easily be displaced for Highly Evolved.

Mar 25 2024
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suprisingly awesome. lotta range. 5/5

Mar 07 2024
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I could hear some Weezer in them but like current Weezer. I really liked the creepy changing tempos

Mar 07 2024
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Yes they sound like Oasis, however unlike Oasis, they are not (to my knowledge) a bunch of pretentious jerks who think they're God's gift to music. Also I don't think they're the second coming of Nirvana. You can definitely hear Nirvana's influence on them, but they are not in the same league. That being said I thoroughly enjoyed this album. It honestly reminded me a bit of Cage the Elephant on their debut and Thank You Happy Birthday. They had nice variety on their stuff so it wasn't just 45 minutes of garage band rock. Really liked the fast hard hitting songs, they sounded great on them, but then they also sounded really good on the slower more melodic songs which was really cool to hear because normally bands on this list (at least recently) have been really good at one or the other but not both. Really liked this one a lot.

Feb 28 2024
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Highly Evolved by The Vines. I originally was going to decirbe this as Nivana but from Califonia and less suicidal. I have no just discovered they are Australian which is like Cali...but better. This is great, its fun, hits in the right places and is right up my ally

Dec 29 2023
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hell yeah, I liked that one 🤘🏼

Dec 26 2023
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One of my favorite albums of all time. Every song on here is just an absolute banger, and there’s an exceptional amount of variety too. Such an underrated band.

Dec 10 2023
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9/10 crazy good rock album absolutely adored the diversity

Dec 08 2023
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I hadn't heard of The Vines before listening to this, and that's a shame

Nov 29 2023
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Excellent live album. Not only could Nirvana make great original songs, but they could make covers better than the originals, while live.

Nov 28 2023
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Gritty. Distorted. Energetic. Engaging. A great debut album from The Vines. I need to explore more of their catalogue.

Nov 10 2023
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Really enjoyed this one. Loved the energy of Highly Evolved and the harmonies in Sunshinin. There's a nice mix of fun/energetic and some tamer songs. Added to my main playlist.

Nov 03 2023
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My favorite discovery so far!! They are like psychicadelic Beatles meet Nirvana and I am here for it!

Oct 15 2023
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Grungy garage rock fused with angry punk. Awesome album.

Jul 22 2023
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this album was weirdly pivotal to me in that it was one of the first albums i got really in to that was 'heavier' than my usual musical fare. That synopsis puts this album weirdly into the category of gateway music.

Jun 22 2023
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Man, that was a delight. I didn't really know what to expect from this one. I was aware of the band but wasn't familiar with their catalog. Turns out, this was my jam. I loved the "modern garage throwback" vibe so much. It was such a groove and I was digging it already but when "Get Free" hit, I was all-in. What a freaking great track. I got nothing negative to say here. Full marks. Immediate replay.

May 24 2023
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Great album, somehow I have about 3/4 of this in my library but enjoyed the whole thing. Get free in particular is timeless, amazing riff, sounds huge, always puts me in a good mood. Love this sort of garage rock and even though as the Vines' careers shows it does get a bit samey, one album's worth is spot on.

May 19 2023
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primeiros trinta segundos já vê que o bgl é kentucky

Feb 15 2025
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Brought to you by the era of "The <noun>s" bands. First exposure to the vines outside "get free", actually really enjoyed the album overall, had to give it another listen. Just up my street, but nothing super noteworthy, 4* Comparing to Nirvana is bit much. Highlights: get free, outtathaway, country yard

Feb 14 2025
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Enjoyed this, a mix of indie, grunge, britpop and psychadelica. It comes together nicely with some good variety between the heavier tracks and ballads. Probably not a 5* album because The Vines wear their influences very heavily on their sleeves. Factory sounds like The Beatles, In The Jungle sounds like Don't Fear The Reaper, etc. Could easily go on but those were the last two tracks as I write this. Still an enjoyable album though

Feb 12 2025
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This album is very much a time and place for me as I listened to it often during my senior year of high school. It doesn’t hit as hard as I remember and given distance and more musical awareness, it’s a bit of an oasis ripoff in places, but still great.

Feb 07 2025
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Fun listen, classic garage rock.

Feb 07 2025
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Fun rock and roll. Could get a little over the top noisy and screamish, but never to the point where it was annoying. I'd throw this one on again in the future.

Jan 26 2025
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The Vines - Highly Evolved Album Review The Vines’ 2002 debut, Highly Evolved, is a raw, energetic blend of garage rock, grunge, and Britpop swagger. Bursting with aggressive guitars, pounding drums, and snarling vocals, tracks like “Get Free” and “Outtathaway!” deliver catchy anthems that embody early 2000s rock revival. The band’s frenetic energy and unpolished charm make these highlights impossible to ignore. What sets the album apart is its versatility. While fast-paced, hard-hitting tracks dominate, songs like “Autumn Shade” show The Vines’ ability to slow things down and embrace melody. However, this variety also exposes the album’s inconsistency, with standout moments frequently interrupted by less compelling filler, preventing it from achieving a cohesive flow. Despite its unevenness, Highly Evolved captures the rebellious spirit of its era and helped bring guitar-driven rock back into the mainstream. It’s a thrilling, if flawed, debut that showcases a band full of potential and leaves a lasting impression with its best tracks.

Jan 20 2025
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Aussie band - garage rock. Their songs can be very hard and screamy, but there are also some ballads. Nice range of different songs.

Jan 19 2025
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Enjoyable alternative album that feels familiar but I didn't recognize anything on it. Was I in love? No. But it was a good album.

Jan 15 2025
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The year is 2002, I just graduated high school. I'm in San Francisco at a small music club called Slim's. The Vines are the headliner but I'm not familiar with them, not yet at least. I'm there for the 2 opening acts that make this one of the more interesting lineups I've seen live and I'm still not sure what the connecting through line is over 20 years later. Opening the night is SoCal pop rock of Rooney, then it's the bouncy power pop of OK Go on tour for their debut album. And then, the wild, seemingly drunk and/or high punch in the face of The Vines on their first North American tour riding the high of Rolling Stone's claim that they're "the next Nirvana". Of course they didn't survive the hype, mostly due to self-destruction and it's impossible to live up to the expectations of being a new Nirvana. This was an interesting era in modern rock where every band was supposed to be "the next ____", and so many albums were released in the same year that that became so legendary that it was all too easy to be forgotten to the sands of time (You Forget It In People, Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots, Songs For The Deaf, and Yankee Hotel Foxtrot to name a few). In the end, this is a great album with some great rock songs (don't know what they were thinking with "Factory"), and it takes me right back to probably one of my favorite years in music. 4/5

Jan 13 2025
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I had this on CD back in '02. That's 1802, because I was born in 1780 and I have discovered the secrets of both immortality and sending CDs back in time. I cannot review this album because it is part of my secret formula.

Jan 03 2025
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surprising mix of all that has gone before. will def give another listen

Dec 25 2024
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Somewhere between STP, Green Day and mid 90s Radiohead grew the Vines. I loved how the first song Highly Evolved drops you right smack in the center of the song so it feels like you missed an intro but didn’t. There’s so many great songs in this album. I’m surprised I hadn’t heard from them earlier. Craig Nichols guitar work is incendiary and his solos kind of remind me of David Gilmour while his vocals definitely have a tinge of Scott Whelan in there. Key songs for me were Sunshinin’, the poppy Factory, and the groove heavy 1969. This is this is a good listen again.

Dec 02 2024
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I keep getting the Vines mixed up with the Hives. Not sure why people think this is the second coming of Nirvana; there are some mild similarities, but only in a few songs. Anyway, I rather liked this.

Nov 15 2024
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Liked this more than I thought I would

Nov 13 2024
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really good early 2000s rock. never heard of this band or album

Nov 10 2024
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The comparison with Nirvana are obvious, but The Vines are a tad more accessible and the tracks are much shorter. The track "Sunshinin" reminded me a bit of The Teardrop Explodes. An album of contrasts - the harmonious melodic "Homesick" is followed by the heavy metal grunge "Get Free".

Oct 25 2024
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Good music, I wish the blog description did more to explain why it's on the list. It's pretty modern, it's by an Australian artist, and I'm always happy to hear what I think are ska influences. Solid rock album.

Oct 25 2024
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pretty good. kinda grungy, kinda garage rock-y, VERY noisy. not something i'd listen to all the way through very often but it's got its high points. i know some of these from Rock Band and of course, Get Free from Weird Al's "Angry White Boy Polka"... classic. favorites: highly evolved, outtathaway, get free, factory

Oct 20 2024
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It's 2002 and unbeknownst to us at the time, print-music-media has just about peaked and will soon decline rapidly. So how is the NME spending its prime-to-twilight years? Well, these are the days before rage bait and 'engagement'. In this simpler, less cynical age, engagement = sales. You don't actually want or need your readers to feel the need to argue with you. You want them to feel excited enough to keep paying money to read your pages every week or month. So how do you excite your readers? You tell them on a regular basis that THIS IS YOUR NEW FAVOURITE BAND! This is a SCENE and you want to be part of it! Every few weeks something else was ESSENTIAL listening according to the NME. It published a COOL list and a ROCK'N'ROLL list. And so we bought the magazines and CDs and gig tickets with our precious student loan money and loved them for a few months. Then we grew up, got mortgages, had kids and put our old CDs in boxes in the loft. And so with a little trepidation I'm here, rediscovering these LPs and realising I've not listened to them for 15-20 years and I'm really not sure how they've held up. Did The Hives do anything after Your New Favourite Band? (Insane fact: they actually did loads BEFORE it and it wasn't even really a proper album. Who knew?!) Did Bloc Party simply run out of ideas after their brilliant debut? (Yes.) And whatever became of The Vines? Like many of their garage rock revival peers, it seems from memory that they rode the hype train to decent sales of their debut, made a patchy follow-up then disappeared into oblivion. So I was actually pleasantly surprised to give this a spin after two clear decades of the CD gathering dust in the loft and discover that it was... really good. They didn't cling too stubbornly to the garage rock template, veering into some fairly successful experiments with slower songs, piano numbers and acoustic flavours while still peppering you with some great 3-minute rockers (Get Free, Outtathaway, Sunshinin'...) at regular intervals. There's a decent chance I'll wait another few years before busting Highly Evolved out of the loft box again, but I'm quite satisfied that in spite of the fact I will have bought it on the strength of one article, one glowing review and a couple of solid singles, I did have some sense of what made for a good debut album. And I might even dig into the six (SIX!) Vines albums that have come out in the meantime, as it turns out. Good for them.

Oct 11 2024
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Seattle grunge meets British rock. Great grunge song!

Oct 03 2024
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A kind of forgotten about old favourite, but it still stacks up

Sep 28 2024
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Oh what fun. An album that never would have gained any sort of popularity if it hadn’t been released in the early 2000s. Good energy on here. Good writing, fair lyrics. I enjoyed this very much. 4/5

Sep 27 2024
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The Good: actual fun rock to listen to. The Bad: too much forced usage of feedback. The Ugly: at times too poppy. Really enjoyed the album, but could not shake the feeling that they are trying harder instead of actually being... You know what I mean? 3 1/2* which will translate to 4

Sep 13 2024
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Fun. Definitely kinda the next step into the 200s for the rock genre.

Sep 09 2024
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Good variety of rock styles kept my interest. A nice surprise.

Sep 09 2024
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Solid album. I would listen again.

Aug 30 2024
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Highly Evolved is an impressive debut that masterfully blends grunge's raw edge with melodic sophistication. The album kicks off with a gritty intensity reminiscent of 90s grunge, driven by powerful guitars and driving drums. What sets it apart is the seamless integration of catchy melodies and lush harmonies that soften the rough edges, creating a unique sound. Tracks like Eclipse of Yesterday highlight this fusion perfectly, offering both angst and anthemic hooks. The songwriting is sharp, mixing introspective lyrics with memorable choruses that stick with you long after listening. The production maintains a gritty, lo-fi quality, paying homage to classic grunge while embracing modern sensibilities. Overall, Highly Evolved delivers a fresh take on familiar genres, offering a compelling listen for fans of both grunge and melodic music. NUMBER OF BANGERS - 7 STAND OUT TRACK - Ain't No Room

Aug 23 2024
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### **In-Depth Review of *Highly Evolved* by The Vines** Released in July 2002, *Highly Evolved* is the debut album by The Vines, an Australian alternative rock band that burst onto the global scene with an explosive mix of garage rock, grunge, and punk influences. The album was a commercial success, hailed by some as one of the most promising debuts of the early 2000s, while others were more critical of its derivative nature. In this review, we will delve into the album's lyrics, music, production, themes, and influence, providing a comprehensive analysis of its strengths and weaknesses. ### **1. Music and Composition** Musically, *Highly Evolved* is a dynamic album that traverses several rock sub-genres, often within a single track. The opening title track, "Highly Evolved," sets the tone with its raw, distorted guitars, aggressive vocals, and a succinct runtime of just under two minutes. This brevity is a hallmark of several tracks on the album, creating an urgency that echoes the punk ethos of bands like The Stooges and The Ramones. Tracks like "Get Free" and "Outtathaway!" are standout examples of the band’s ability to craft infectious, anthemic rock songs. "Get Free," in particular, features a powerful riff, tight structure, and a chorus that captures the rebellious energy of youth. This song, along with "Outtathaway!," showcases Craig Nicholls' knack for writing straightforward, yet impactful, rock songs that are both catchy and full of attitude. On the other hand, songs like "Autumn Shade" and "Homesick" reveal a softer, more introspective side of the band. "Homesick," with its melancholic melody and slower tempo, contrasts sharply with the faster, more aggressive tracks, showcasing the band’s versatility. The acoustic guitar and subdued vocals on "Country Yard" further emphasize this range, adding a layer of folk-rock influence reminiscent of The Beatles and Nirvana’s unplugged sessions. However, this eclecticism can also be seen as a double-edged sword. While the variety of sounds makes for an engaging listen, it also contributes to a somewhat disjointed album experience. The rapid shifts in tone—from the ferocious energy of "Outtathaway!" to the languid melancholy of "Homesick"—can feel abrupt, preventing the album from achieving a cohesive flow. ### **2. Lyrics and Themes** Lyrically, *Highly Evolved* doesn’t venture far from the themes typical of rock music: alienation, rebellion, love, and introspection. Craig Nicholls' lyrics are often abstract, with a focus on mood and emotion rather than narrative. This approach creates a dreamlike quality in some tracks, while others feel more like primal outbursts of emotion. "Get Free" is a prime example of this lyrical style, with its repetitive declaration of independence: "I'm gonna get free, right into the sun." The lyrics are simple and direct, perfectly complementing the song's visceral energy. Similarly, "Outtathaway!" expresses a frustration with societal norms and a desire to break free, with Nicholls screaming, "Outtathaway! I’m running out of room!" In contrast, tracks like "Homesick" and "Autumn Shade" delve into more introspective territory. "Homesick" features lines like "I’m feelin' down about this love," expressing a sense of melancholy and longing. "Autumn Shade" is more abstract, with lyrics like "No life, no time, it’s all a dream" evoking a sense of existential ennui. Despite the emotional resonance of these lyrics, they sometimes lack depth and complexity. Nicholls' tendency to prioritize emotion over clarity can result in vague or ambiguous lyrics that leave the listener searching for meaning. While this works in favor of some tracks, creating a sense of mystery, it can also feel like a missed opportunity to explore deeper themes. ### **3. Production** The production on *Highly Evolved* was handled by Rob Schnapf, known for his work with Elliott Smith and Beck. The album’s production strikes a balance between polished and raw, capturing the band’s energetic live sound while also adding enough studio sheen to make the album radio-friendly. The guitars are front and center throughout the album, with a gritty, distorted tone that harks back to the grunge era. This is particularly evident on tracks like "Highly Evolved" and "Get Free," where the guitars drive the songs with a relentless intensity. The drums and bass are also well-mixed, providing a solid backbone that complements the chaotic energy of the guitars and vocals. However, the production is not without its flaws. Some critics have argued that the album's sound is overly derivative, borrowing too heavily from 90s grunge and 60s garage rock without adding much innovation. While the production does a great job of capturing the band’s raw energy, it occasionally feels too polished, especially considering the chaotic and rebellious nature of the music. This polish can sometimes smooth out the rough edges that give garage rock its character, making the album feel more controlled than it perhaps should. ### **4. Themes and Artistic Direction** Thematically, *Highly Evolved* is an exploration of youthful angst and rebellion, set against a backdrop of existential questioning. The album captures a moment in time when rock music was beginning to re-emerge as a force in mainstream culture, with bands like The Strokes, The White Stripes, and The Hives leading the charge. The Vines fit neatly into this revival, with *Highly Evolved* serving as a statement of intent. The album’s themes of rebellion ("Get Free," "Outtathaway!") and alienation ("Homesick," "In the Jungle") resonate with a generation looking for authenticity and raw emotion in their music. The band’s blend of grunge, punk, and garage rock influences speaks to a desire to reconnect with the raw, unfiltered energy of rock music, which had been largely absent from mainstream charts in the late 90s. However, the album’s thematic exploration is not particularly deep. While it touches on issues of alienation and existentialism, it does so in a way that feels more stylistic than substantive. The lyrics often prioritize attitude and mood over narrative or thematic development, which can leave some listeners wanting more depth and insight. This is particularly noticeable when compared to some of the band's contemporaries, who were able to explore similar themes with more nuance and complexity. ### **5. Influence and Legacy** *Highly Evolved* was released during a period when rock music was experiencing a resurgence, with a new wave of bands drawing inspiration from the raw energy of garage rock and the introspection of grunge. The Vines were often lumped in with this so-called "rock revival," alongside bands like The Strokes, The White Stripes, and The Hives. However, while The Vines shared some stylistic similarities with these bands, they also brought a distinctly Australian perspective to the genre. The album’s success helped to put Australian rock music back on the global map, and The Vines became one of the most prominent Australian bands of the early 2000s. Their success also paved the way for other Australian acts, contributing to a broader recognition of the country’s vibrant music scene. In terms of influence, *Highly Evolved* had a significant impact on the early 2000s rock landscape. Its blend of grunge, punk, and garage rock resonated with listeners who were looking for something rawer and more visceral than the polished pop and nu-metal that dominated the charts at the time. The album’s success also helped to legitimize the rock revival movement, proving that there was still a significant audience for guitar-driven rock music. However, the album’s influence was somewhat limited by the band’s subsequent struggles. Following the release of *Highly Evolved*, The Vines were plagued by internal conflicts, erratic behavior from frontman Craig Nicholls, and diminishing returns on their subsequent albums. As a result, their influence on the broader rock landscape was not as lasting as that of some of their contemporaries. ### **6. Pros and Cons** **Pros:** 1. **Energetic and Raw Sound:** The album captures the raw energy of garage rock, with driving guitars, pounding drums, and aggressive vocals that evoke the spirit of 60s and 90s rock. 2. **Variety of Styles:** The Vines showcase their versatility by blending elements of grunge, punk, and folk, creating a dynamic and varied listening experience. 3. **Memorable Tracks:** Songs like "Get Free," "Outtathaway!," and "Highly Evolved" are standout tracks that exemplify the band’s ability to craft catchy, anthemic rock songs. 4. **Nostalgic Appeal:** The album taps into a sense of nostalgia for the grunge era, appealing to listeners who grew up with bands like Nirvana and Pearl Jam. 5. **Cultural Impact:** The album helped to reintroduce raw, guitar-driven rock into the mainstream at a time when it was largely absent from the charts. **Cons:** 1. **Lack of Cohesion:** The album’s eclectic mix of styles can sometimes feel disjointed, with abrupt shifts in tone and mood that disrupt the flow of the album. 2. **Derivative Sound:** While the album successfully blends various influences, it can sometimes feel overly derivative, lacking the innovation needed to distinguish itself from its predecessors. 3. **Shallow Lyrics:** The lyrics often prioritize mood and attitude over depth and narrative, which can leave some listeners wanting more substance and insight. 4. **Inconsistent Quality:** While the album features several standout tracks, some songs feel less developed, serving as filler rather than fully realized compositions. 5. **Production Over-Polish:** The production, while polished and radio-friendly, sometimes smooths out the rough edges that give the band’s music its character, potentially diluting the raw energy that defines garage rock. ### **Conclusion** *Highly Evolved* is a compelling debut album that captures the raw energy and rebellious spirit of early 2000s rock music. The Vines succeeded in creating a sound that blends the ferocity of punk, the angst of grunge, and the simplicity of garage rock, delivering an album that is both nostalgic and contemporary. While the album has its flaws—most notably a lack of cohesion and depth—it remains an important artifact of its time, representing both the potential and the limitations of the rock revival movement. The album’s influence, though not as enduring as some of its contemporaries, helped to reinvigorate the rock genre and bring attention to the Australian music scene. For fans of raw, guitar-driven rock, *Highly Evolved* offers a snapshot of a moment when rock music was poised for a comeback, capturing the excitement and energy of a band on the cusp of greatness, even if that greatness was never fully realized.

Aug 23 2024
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8/22/24. Very good 2000s rock album! It's a shame it's not more popular and included on more playlists, each song brings the heat. Will definitely be playing this one again and again.

Aug 22 2024
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A great, active and lively album to headbang to.

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