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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.

Crime Of The Century



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Crime Of The Century
Album Summary

Crime of the Century is the third studio album by the English rock band Supertramp, released in September 1974 on A&M Records. Crime of the Century was Supertramp's commercial breakthrough in many countries, most notably in the UK, Canada and Germany where it peaked in the Top 5 while also making the Top 20 in Australia and France. It was an improvement over their previous sales in the US, but still only peaked at No. 38, with the US hit being "Bloody Well Right". "School" was another popular track, particularly at album rock-oriented radio stations. The album was eventually certified Gold in the US in 1977 after the release of Even in the Quietest Moments.... In Canada, it was eventually certified Diamond (sales of one million copies). The album was Supertramp's first to feature drummer Bob Siebenberg (at the time credited as Bob C. Benberg), saxophone and clarinet player and vocalist John Helliwell, bassist Dougie Thomson, and co-producer Ken Scott. The album has received critical acclaim, including its inclusion in Rolling Stone's "50 Greatest Prog Rock Albums of All Time".The album's dedication reads "To Sam", which is a nickname for Stanley August Miesegaes, the Dutch millionaire who supported the band financially from 1969 to 1972.







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May 30 2021
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Possibly the most 70s sounding album of all time

Sep 06 2022
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Prog for people who think Billy Joel “rocks”.

Nov 11 2021
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The intersection of prog and yacht rock, with Pink Floyd influences doing the heavy lifting. Couple of hits; indulgent.

Mar 10 2022
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What an introduction. Davies' wailing harmonica was so good, they used that instrument as the main intro to side two of Breakfast. "School" shows us exactly where they were in '74 - bridging the gap between prog and pop. What follows is a great album, showing us some serious rock, those Wurlitzer pianos, some thumping good rhythm, and a balance between art, rock and pop that few bands have managed. Somehow Hodgson's voice doesn't annoy, while Davies always has that extra bit of bite that makes him one of my favourites. Then it finishes with those piano chords! Simple, unadorned, powerful, memorable. So what do you do? Turn it over and listen again. Oh yes.... probably the best cover of any album, ever.

Apr 24 2022
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Fucking great. Fuck everyone else's opinion.

Jan 18 2021
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Some really great, fun tracks on here, especially Asylum - very up my street. I can't decide, either I really like Supertramp, or I hate Iron Maiden so much I was just relieved not to have to sit through another one.

Nov 10 2021
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This album makes a case for two of my pet theories: 1) bands thrive when they have at least two songwriters with widely different sensibilities in the group, and 2) bands tend to produce their best work when they spend alot of time together in a remote location in the country/woods. This album is a wonderful balance of melodic pop sheen and just the right amount of rock umph. All packaged in sophisticated prog structures with some really nice atmospheric touches throughout. Sure sounds like a concept album even though it may not be one.

Jan 29 2021
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This is the reason I started doing this 1001 albums thing in the first place. I feel like my music exposure is very limited and I'm sure there are lots of artists out there that I'd never actually give a chance. I'm worried a bit that I like this one BECAUSE I've panned the others so hard but I do feel like FINALLY we have an album I'd listen to again of my own free will. I especially liked "Dreamer" and "Rudy" but I bet on after a couple more playthroughs I'd like a few others too. I don't know that I loved this album but I do feel like this is something that I could enjoy while partaking. I think I'm gonna go listen to Supertramp greatest hits.

Apr 27 2021
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I acknowledge that Supertramp can come off as kind of cheesy sometimes do to the production, but I have always really enjoyed them. Some really excellent musicianship and honestly the have some really unique ideas. Really fun to listen to an album of theirs I had never heard before. Favorite tracks: “If Everyone Was Listening” and “Crime of the Century”

Feb 03 2022
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I tried. I promise I tried, but couldn’t find any that interest me in this album

May 17 2022
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Take the blandest thing about most popular '70s bands, like Pink Floyd, Steely Dan, Rush, 10cc, Eagles, and Led Zeppelin. Mix it all together and now you have a hit-and-miss album, most of which are misses.

Jul 02 2021
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A comprehensive lesson that no matter how many pro forma riffs, piano tinklings and horns you squash together, they're still pro forma. But a lesson no one needed.

Oct 21 2021
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Supertramp is a pretty weird band to me. They keep getting suggested to me on Spotify playlist because Spotify believes I should really like them. Sometimes I do, but sometimes their songs really annoy me and I skip them. Anyway, first time I'm listening to an entire album by them and it still feels sort of weird to me. Like I almost like them really much and they're almost exactly my cup of tea, but then something is slightly off and it makes them simply OK instead of awesome. I think this is a 3.5 for me. I'll round it up because I really like the ambitiousness of this album, which I didn't get as much of a sense of on the individual tracks I've heard by them.

Jan 15 2022
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It was ok. Kind of boring and dragged.

Jan 14 2021
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Yeah that was an album that happened

Jan 18 2021
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If you were to say this album kills I’d say “you’re bloody well right”.

Mar 21 2023
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When I was young, I was convinced this epitomised American MOR. So I was pretty gobsmacked when I found out they were English. I still think they sound like American MOR. I also feel like some of the songs would have fit right into an episode of Glee. Even though, turns out, not one Supertramp song turned up in the show. A couple of songs are iconic. And really easy to listen to. I knew the singles but some songs drag a bit. Although I love that harmonica intro. Decent album - Bloody Well Right!

Nov 13 2021
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Supertramp is always a good choice

Jan 18 2021
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I wish I was high on a very comfortable sofa with my eyes closed soaring through imaginary galaxies riding on the space waves of supertramp. I've just realised the album cover is very appropriate for this dream. Maybe I'm onto something?

Mar 05 2024
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Absolutely incredible. Cannot believe I haven’t listened to more of their music until this album.

Mar 14 2022
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Classic Supertramp here, wonderful mild MOR Prog Rock with some excellent tunes my Favourite being "School" "Rudy" "Hide In Your Shell" but there isn't a bad track on this Album. I remember the first time I heard this album, it was 1975 in a friends bedroom and we sat pondering on what the words to Rudy and "Bloody Well Right" were all about... Ah twas such a simpler time! Now the lyrics of songs need no debate!

Feb 26 2023
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If you put everything 70s in a blender, this is what you get. Maybe with an extra touch of Steely Dan and Chicago. It's all played, recorded and arranged very well. Almost too well. Most of the songs are good, but longer than they should have been (especially Rudy). You keep listening, because they have so many changes and something interesting might come up. Despite all the changes it sounds coherent, unlike a lot of their contemporaries. They have two singers. The one who sings the most and the best songs has an annoying voice. Favorite song: dreamer

Apr 10 2022
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4.4 - This is a rare prog rock record I really enjoyed and could see myself revisiting. Similar to other records in the genre, there's loads of production but despite the bombast, Supertramp exhibits something that eludes many other prog rock acts: restraint. Movements within songs feel cohesive to the whole. Relative to other prog rock records, instrument layers aren't crammed on top of one another. Rather, they are arranged strategically to accentuate melodies against a relatively spare background. I use the word "relative" frequently here because, again, there's still plenty of prog rock excess. Still, the record comes together nicely as a continuous 45 minute listen.

Jun 06 2021
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Really? See, there’s this thing I don’t like in Canadian culture where thoroughly mediocre things become culture touchstones and are celebrated far more than they deserve just because they’re Canadian. This list is that, but British. And I like Supertramp. Not bad, not something you need to hear before you die. Favourite track: “Bloody Well Right”

Dec 02 2021
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Come on guys! I mean seriously! Some tracks are nearly interesting prog, then bland soft rock moments kick in. I don’t think there’s a single track that I find good start to finish. And some of the longer tracks are really boring. Dreamer is OK if a touch longer than needed. Not a super album.

Nov 10 2021
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This is the kind of stuff I associate with bad Prog-Rock. Really don't care for any of it, not my thing.

Oct 25 2023
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I would almost rather listen to a bad album than a boring one. It just felt like an album of background music - prog rock meets muzak with some royalty free piano mixed in.

Apr 07 2021
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Астрологи объявили неделю максимализма, так что ставлю 5. Возможно, возник сильный контраст с прошлым альбомом, но даже и без него чуется, что тут мы слышим то, что именуется настоящей музыкой. Насыщенной, комплексной, гармоничной, эмоциональной, разнообразной, цепляющей... вот это вот всё. Конечно, несколько прослушиваний для оценки прог- альбома обычно маловато. Но тут осознаю, что как минимум первый и последний трек прям залипалово годное. Да ёбаный в рот, в списке это пока первый исполнитель вне моего жёсткого диска, с кем бы хотелось ознакомиться поближе. Возможно, с неоправданными ожиданиями, возможно, с разочарованием, но это уже не так важно.

Jan 11 2022
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These guys are doing things that are uncommon even nowadays. The melodies and rhythms are often odd but in a surprisingly pleasant way.

Jun 24 2021
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This isn't your "Breakfast In America" Supertramp! This is your prog rock, big sound Supertramp. Still theatrical and fun, but it takes a slightly more nuanced sound here. Admittedly not familiar with their older stuff, but happy to have listened to it. Songwriting is the real standout. Check out "Bloody Well Right"

Jan 20 2021
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Massively enjoyable album. I felt a lot of emotion throughout. I don’t know for sure what story the album was telling, but it was well told that’s for sure.

Jan 16 2024
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Space Cowboy furniture music (7.67/10)

Sep 13 2022
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Was very surprised to see this one described as a commercial success 70s synth music hahaha Prog rock is always so absurd Feels like it was written for Broadway None of these songs have any sort of normal structure Dreamer almost smacks

Feb 07 2022
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p325. 1974. 2 stars Straight up I have to say I have always hated Roger Hodgson's voice. Every time he opens his mouth I just want to punch him to make him shut it. It's like chalk being drawn down a board. I also don't like electric piano, which is a major part of the band sound. And somehow the cheesy sax makes things 10 times worse. So, this album starts at a major disadvantage. Shame really as musically its OK, tight clean production, but suffers badly from prog-rock wank solo pretentions. And as usual with mid 70s albums, a lot of the songs outstay their welcome. Well done of its kind, and some good tunes, but that voice and tinkly piano... ffs. 2 stars.

Dec 02 2021
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A couple of decent tracks but the rest is a meandering mess of self-indulgence. Not a patch on their later masterpiece: Breakfast in America.

Mar 07 2021
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The easiest album to find in the vinyl section at hock shops. Some, catchy tunes, but I find a lot of them annoying and pedestrian.

May 20 2024
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This album should be up for crime of the century. Dreadful.

Apr 06 2024
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The crime of the century is making me listen to this nonsense. I'm issuing a restraining order to the members of Supertramp to remain at a distance of no less than 500 m from any and all musical instruments. Especially saxophones. 📑

Mar 04 2025
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It doesn't quite have the same range and edge as «Breakfast in America» but in addition it has a atmospheric prog sound that I quite enjoy. In terms of playing, writing and production, this is solid.

Mar 04 2025
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Lot of people dont even know this album exist. Crime of the Century.

Feb 17 2025
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"School" is awesome. I love the keyboard section. "Bloody Well Right" is also awesome. The saxophone is sweet. This isn't what I thought Supertramp would sound like. I am realizing that in my head I thought Supertramp and Soundgarden were the same band. "Dreamer" is also hitting. This album rocks, they have a lot of ELO energy. I loved basically this whole album. Sorry for mistaking you with Soundgarden for a decade and a half. 9/10

Feb 08 2025
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I did not get these guys when I was younger but have grown to totally love their Prog Pop sound.

Feb 06 2025
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This is the 30th album I’m rating. I just realized I said Rio was the 27th album I rated but I don’t care enough to edit it. I’ve heard of the album before but I’ve never listened to a song. Also, I’m done talking about the songs unless they are interesting because it’s too much work. Adding to my Playlist - School, Bloody Well Right, Hide in Your Shell, Asylum, Dreamer, Rudy, If Everyone Was Listening, and Crime of the Century. Not Adding to my Playlist - Nothing. Bloody Well Right - This unbelievably good. This is amazing. That intro just sounds so good. That intro genuinely made me smile listening to it for the first time. Crime of the Century - Fantastic way to end an album. Great all around. All in all I liked 8/8 songs. I wasn’t expecting much going into this but it was fantastic. Every single song was great and this could potentially enter my top 5 but I’ll keep it top 10 for now.

Feb 04 2025
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5 This, paired with Breakfast In America, is so good.

Jan 31 2025
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This album is already in my rotation. Great harmonies, horns, and piano.

Jan 30 2025
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Just amazing!! These dudes literally could do anything... I think is the perfect combination between trippy, energetic, sentimental and still complex but understandable if you are not a music nerd. And the beginning is so good just as the ending. An album filled with intention.

Jan 30 2025
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Supertramp is voor mij de ontdekking van de vorige eeuw. Ik had er nog nooit van gehoord, maar kon al meteen alle liedjes meezingen. Heerlijke muziek! Ik heb Roger Hodgson live mogen aanschouwen op BosPop, en dat was een geweldige ervaring. Topmuziek, maar vooral ook dit album is met verschillende hits is top!!

Jan 28 2025
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Very good album. From Now On is a banger!

Jan 27 2025
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supertramp lives immortal in my head

Jan 18 2025
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First listen. Wow! Enjoyed this one.

Jan 10 2025
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Just found a new favorite song in "Hide in your shell"!

Jan 07 2025
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Already loved this album, so this listen did not disappoint. Standout songs include: School, Hide in Your Shell, Crime of the Century

Jan 04 2025
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Love this. I already knew all but one of the tracks, and they're all great.

Jan 04 2025
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From the very first notes, it is clear that Supertramp has taken a different approach with this album compared to their first two. It feels as if every note has been meticulously considered, and much more attention has been paid to the overall sound. And even more, the lyrics are outstanding! "Crime Of The Century" comes close to a perfect album. Every composition is strong, and Davies and Hodgson complement each other lyrically well in terms of seriousness and lightness. The arrangements are beautiful—complete with saxophone and strings—and the overall sound is nearly flawless. While it is not a concept album, it feels like a cohesive piece from the first note to the last. The only criticism is that the album doesn’t feel very spontaneous. Every note seems predetermined, leaving little room for deviation. This is evident in the live performances and bonus tracks as well.

Jan 02 2025
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One of my favorite albums of all time. Great musicality, original lyrics and an overall very polished production.

Dec 24 2024
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Oh my god the instrumentals are awesome! The vibes are great, the lyrics are great. This is a very good album.

Dec 17 2024
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## In-Depth Review of *Crime of the Century* by Supertramp *Crime of the Century*, released in 1974, marks a significant milestone in the evolution of progressive rock and pop music. This album not only solidified Supertramp's identity but also showcased their unique sound, characterized by intricate melodies, philosophical lyrics, and a blend of rock and jazz influences. Below is a comprehensive analysis focusing on the lyrics, music, production, themes, and influence of this iconic album. ### **Lyrics** The lyrical content of *Crime of the Century* is rich with introspection and social commentary. The album features eight tracks that explore various themes such as isolation, societal pressures, mental health, and the quest for identity. - **"School"** opens the album with a critique of educational systems, portraying the pressures faced by students. The lyrics convey feelings of frustration and disillusionment with societal expectations. - **"Bloody Well Right"** serves as a response to the previous track, showcasing a more defiant attitude. The interplay between Hodgson's and Davies' perspectives throughout the album highlights contrasting views on similar themes. - **"Hide in Your Shell"** delves into personal struggles with loneliness and the desire for connection. Its poignant lyrics resonate with listeners who have faced similar emotional battles. - **"Asylum"** presents a more abstract narrative about mental instability, using metaphorical language to depict feelings of entrapment and confusion. - **"Dreamer,"** arguably one of the most accessible tracks, reflects on escapism and hope amidst despair. Its catchy chorus contrasts with deeper themes present in other songs. Overall, the lyrics are notable for their depth and complexity, inviting listeners to reflect on their own experiences while engaging with broader societal issues. ### **Music** Musically, *Crime of the Century* is a masterpiece that blends elements of progressive rock with pop sensibilities. The album features: - **Instrumentation:** The use of varied instruments, including piano, saxophone, harmonica, and guitar, creates a rich soundscape. The Wurlitzer electric piano plays a pivotal role in defining Supertramp's sound during this period. - **Song Structure:** Each track exhibits sophisticated arrangements that combine melodic hooks with intricate instrumental passages. For instance, "Asylum" builds tension through dynamic shifts and rhythmic variations. - **Vocal Harmonies:** The dual lead vocals from Roger Hodgson and Rick Davies add depth to the songs. Their contrasting vocal styles enhance the lyrical dialogues present throughout the album. - **Production Quality:** Produced by Ken Scott, the album showcases exceptional sound quality. The meticulous attention to detail in recording techniques allows for a dynamic listening experience that captures both subtle nuances and grand crescendos. ### **Production** The production of *Crime of the Century* is often cited as one of its strengths. Ken Scott's expertise brought out the best in Supertramp's sound: - **Recording Techniques:** The band recorded at various studios in England, methodically selecting the best takes from numerous sessions. This approach ensured that only the most polished performances made it onto the final cut. - **Sound Design:** The incorporation of sound effects—such as schoolyard noises in "School" and train sounds in "Rudy"—adds a cinematic quality to the album. These elements create an immersive experience that enhances thematic depth. - **Mixing:** The mix balances vocals and instruments effectively, allowing each element to shine without overshadowing others. This clarity contributes to the album's overall impact. ### **Themes** The overarching themes present in *Crime of the Century* resonate with listeners on multiple levels: - **Isolation and Loneliness:** Many tracks explore feelings of alienation in modern society. Songs like "Hide in Your Shell" poignantly express these sentiments. - **Societal Critique:** The album critiques various societal structures—education ("School"), mental health ("Asylum"), and materialism ("Bloody Well Right"). This critique remains relevant today. - **Escapism vs. Reality:** Tracks like "Dreamer" highlight the tension between seeking escape from harsh realities versus confronting them head-on. ### **Influence** *Crime of the Century* had a profound impact on both Supertramp's career and the broader music landscape: - **Commercial Success:** The album was Supertramp's commercial breakthrough, reaching high chart positions across multiple countries. Its success laid the groundwork for future albums like *Breakfast in America*. - **Critical Acclaim:** Critics often regard it as one of the defining albums of progressive rock. Its intricate compositions and thoughtful lyrics have influenced countless artists across genres. - **Cultural Resonance:** Themes explored in *Crime of the Century* continue to resonate with contemporary audiences, making it a timeless piece that invites new interpretations with each generation. ### **Pros and Cons** While *Crime of the Century* is widely celebrated, it is not without its criticisms: #### Pros - **Lyrical Depth:** The thought-provoking lyrics invite listeners to engage deeply with personal and societal issues. - **Musical Complexity:** The blend of genres and sophisticated arrangements showcase Supertramp's musical prowess. - **Production Excellence:** High-quality production enhances listening experience and showcases each instrument effectively. - **Cohesive Sound:** Despite varying themes, there is a strong sense of unity throughout the album due to recurring motifs and instrumentation. #### Cons - **Pacing Issues:** Some tracks may feel drawn out or overly complex for casual listeners seeking straightforward pop music. - **Divergence from Mainstream Appeal:** While songs like "Dreamer" gained popularity, other tracks may not resonate as strongly with broader audiences. - **Perceived Filler Tracks:** Certain songs may be viewed as less impactful compared to standout tracks like "Bloody Well Right" or "Dreamer." ### Conclusion In summary, *Crime of the Century* stands as a landmark achievement for Supertramp and progressive rock as a whole. Its intricate lyrics, innovative music production, and exploration of timeless themes contribute to its enduring legacy. Despite some criticisms regarding pacing or mainstream appeal, its strengths far outweigh its weaknesses. This album not only reflects a pivotal moment in Supertramp's career but also continues to inspire new generations of musicians and listeners alike.

Nov 26 2024
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Seria o melhor supertramp ? Ou ao vivo em Paris ? Acho que este, tem pelo menos 4 ou 5 megahits! 5 estrelas fácil.

Nov 25 2024
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Super creative progressive pop full of unexpected moments that fit the music perfectly. Probably Supertramp's best album - which is saying a lot for band that pretty much only made good music.

Nov 25 2024
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I really enjoyed this. Not sure if it's a concept album but felt like one. Lots of range. Big scope. Catchy. Soulful. Supertramp fan!

Nov 22 2024
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LOVED THIS ALBUM. Huge fan of the loud bombastic orchestra sounds.

Oct 27 2024
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Loved this. Very 70s. Like a manic, less introspective Pink Floyd.

Oct 25 2024
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The crime of the century is that I’m just now hearing this cinematic masterpiece in audio form.

Oct 21 2024
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amazing. every song has such interest and depth. i've always though of supertramp as bland 70s dad rock, but this album is so fun and unique

Oct 21 2024
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Zanimljivo, nisam nikad ovo slušala, samo Breakfast in America. Možda znam neke pjesme ovako rendom, bumo vidli. Cover vrh, izgleda da je to postala norma dobrih albuma na ovoj listi 😜 U jbt dobro mi je ovo!! Baš fina peglica, drži mi pažnju cijelo vrijeme, dosta fino iznenađenje. Treća stvar, i dalje dosta vajbam na ovo, nije mi nimalo teško slušati, naprotiv. Ovaj album bi mi mogao biti jedan od velikih otkrića s liste kojim sam se nadala kad smo krenuli s projektom. Prekul! Nisu mi sve pjesme u cjelosti dobre, ali overall baš zabavno i zanimljivo - puno zvukova, efekata, jako spacey isto, a nije psihodelično, što mi je baš refreshing za to dobra. Lajkam! Par puta već mi se dogodilo da pomislim kao okej, možda mi je malo splasnulo oduševljenje, početak albuma mi je bolji itd., ali onda dođe Crime of the Century i odlijepiš. Realno ovo će morati biti visoka ocjena: 5/5 ili 9/10. Premišljala sam se za 4, ali brate samo Crime of the Century zaslužuje peticu ko kuću, uz sve druge odlične stvari. Baš dobro iskustvo! 🙏🏻

Oct 21 2024
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Ma ovaj album je baš dobar. Sjeo mi je lijepo nakon ovih zadnjih par koji baš i nisu Bloody well right mi je top Pick za sad. Inače, preslušali smo ovaj album za vikend, ali nisam mogao prosuditi, pa slušam opet na slušalice i baš je dobra odluka. Sve pjesme za sad mi krenu isto, onak britansko prepričavanje situacije, ali onda to tako lijepo razviju Zadnje dvije pjesme kidaju Baš dobro, nekako sam znao da je ovo super bend, ali sad sam se uvjerio na svoje uši

Oct 16 2024
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Supertramp hat hier kein Verbrechen begangen. Im Gegenteil: das ist ein Geniestreich. Hier sind keine Mainstreamnummern (Ausnahme vielleicht Dreamer) drauf, sondern wohl durchdachte kleine Symphonien. Es beginnt mit "School" eine unglaublich komponierte Nummer mit einem spannenden Aufbau, der zum Höhepunkt führt. Aber das ist grundsätzlich die Struktur auf diesem Album, die so verspielt und genial umgesetzt sind. Natürlich wechseln die beiden musikalischen Kopfe ab, die dadurch verschiedene Musikstile einbringen. Und das auf allerhöchsten Niveau. Das Album flacht nie ab, besitzt keinen Lückenfüller und lässt den Hörer Staunen und jubeln. Wer das Album bereits kennt, kriegt sich wegen der Vorfreude auf bestimmte Soli, gekonnten Spannungsaufbau und explodierenden Höhepunkten nicht mehr ein. Davon gibt es unzählige.

Oct 11 2024
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Totally unique, wonderful, and vibrant rock album. Very pleasantly surprised by this one. Love the harmonica, piano, guitar, lyrics; all of it. Just hits right. I don’t know how the replay value will be. Standouts: everything but Dreamer.

Oct 03 2024
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p much every part of this is engineered for maximum front to back Delight from myself! sparkling, soaring, winding proggy pop rock with a ton of big color and drama, synths and saxophones, hyper-melodic at all turns. plays at turns like a less glammy more dreamy ziggy stardust, a less monochromatic pink floyd, or a harder-edged moody blues, but i think this created whole new itches i dont even know how to articulate yet. tons of theatrical imagination without ever being overbearing, which i wouldnt have minded but which would have compromised the surprisingly cozy and warm quality this has too. a real gem for me, deffo time to stop overlooking this band!

Sep 25 2024
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Quando essa recomendação apareceu para mim, eu fiquei automaticamente empolgado. Por influência do meu pai, que tem frequentemente algumas músicas de Supertramp na sua playlist para cozinhar (como as próprias "Bloody Well Right" e "Dreamer", deste álbum inclusive) eu já gostava e sabia da qualidade da banda, mas nunca tinha dado a oportunidade de ouvir por completo algum disco deles, e que começo é "Crime Of the Century"! Em sua lenta introdução com "School", a banda convida o ouvinte para a jornada que terá a frente, com a música aos poucos crescendo e fazendo você ansiar por mais logo nos primeiros minutos, até que a explosão vem e ela não decepciona. Com sequências de músicas que utilizam do jazz, folk, blues e outras vertentes do rock, de teclado a guitarras e trompetes, eles conseguem criar um palco para cada uma das histórias que contam nas letras, com alguns momentos parecendo que você está ouvindo a um espetáculo teatral extremamente bem produzido ("Asylum" sendo um grande exemplo disso). Enquanto escrevo essa "review", estou escutando pela 4⁰ vez e cada vez mais convencido de que esse álbum que tem 50 anos não envelheceu um dia sequer. Destaque bônus para a capa, que é simplesmente belíssima. Se esse álbum é impecável e meu pai tem um excelente gosto musical? "You're bloody well right!"

Sep 21 2024
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Damn close to a masterpiece. 4.75

Sep 20 2024
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Kinda feel like I gotta give this a 5 because I just enjoyed it the whole way through! Didn’t really know what to expect bc I only know the big big hits but i was so pleasantly surprised! It’s just fun.

Sep 11 2024
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But Breakfast in America is Better

Sep 08 2024
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I was surprised at how many of these songs I knew so I investigated and I had an album called The Very Best of Supertramp which I listened to a ton. 6 of the 8 songs on this album are on that compilation. So naturally, really loved it.

Sep 07 2024
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This is an easy 5/5 for me. An album I know well and play constantly (according to my Roon count) Whilst I am (obviously) an out and out prog rock guy I only consider Supertramp to be on the fringes of prog. If you dig deep into their albums there are some great prog cuts but also some great toe tapping pop songs. This album probably has more of them than most. But by the fact that I keep spinning this album and never tire of it is testament to how much I rate it. 5/5 6/9/24

Sep 07 2024
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Dude I love Supertramp. They’re so creatively different. Ok, maybe they’re not the first to do what they do, but still, they do it SO WELL. When I found out a long time ago that Breakfast In America and Logical Song were by the same band I was dumbfounded. How could a band make two of my favorite songs? Preposterous! Anyways, since then I’ve really dived in to their discography, and every bit of it is incredible. Not as incredible as Breakfast In America but still. It’s all good. Ok enough swooning. This album is just as great. It’s filled with tunes that’ll make you jump and lyrics that’ll make you laugh and cry. Well I may be exaggerating there. But School, Bloody Well Right, Asylum, Dreamer, ugh! Every song on this record is incredible I can’t gush anymore. Review over.

Sep 03 2024
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Är det kanske lite cheesy? Jaa, men det här ett album som blandar, prog, pop och rock perfekt

Aug 31 2024
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Groupe et album connu. J'ai découvert cet album pendant les vacances en 1980, alors qu'à la radio Supertramp connaissait un fort succès avec l'album 'Breakfast in America'. Crime of the Century m'a fait découvrir le rock progressif, j'ai été conquis par les longues plages instrumentales, les structures de morceaux très différentes de ce qui passait à la radio à l'époque, les chorus de sax, l'utilisation de l'harmonica, le son de piano, les interventions parfois musclées de la guitare électrique ... une vrai révélation. Cet intérêt pour le rock prog ne m'a jamais quitté. Album mythique donc qui mérite largement la note maximale ! =>5/5

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