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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.

My Generation

The Who


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My Generation
Album Summary

My Generation is the debut studio album by English rock band the Who, released on 3 December 1965 by Brunswick Records in the United Kingdom, and Festival Records in Australia. In the United States, it was released on 25 April 1966 by Decca Records as The Who Sings My Generation, with a different cover and a slightly altered track listing. Besides the members of the Who, being Roger Daltrey (vocals), Pete Townshend (guitar), John Entwistle (bass) and Keith Moon (drums), the album features contributions by session musician Nicky Hopkins (piano). The album was made immediately after the Who got their first singles on the charts and, according to the booklet in the Deluxe Edition, it was later dismissed by the band as something of a rush job that did not accurately represent their stage performance of the time. While it didn't sell as well as later albums, peaking at #5 on the UK charts and failing to chart in the US, critics have since retrospectively rated it as one of the best rock albums of all time, especially noting its hard sound unusual for the time, and presaging various hard rock styles such as punk and heavy metal.







  • Rock
  • Hard Rock
  • Psychedelic Rock


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Thu Jun 17 2021

I really thought we were out of the woods. Are we being punished? Why is our list haunted? Here we are, the fifth (and, God willing, final) Who album on the list at a rate of one every 22 albums. I keep having this recurring nightmare where I wake up to find this project called 1001 The Who Albums You Must Hear Before You Die. Not a single Beatles album yet, but five from these wankers. How's the music you ask? It's fine, a strong debut that I'd enjoy more if it didn't follow four albums of diminishing returns. I actually have this one on vinyl but I'm just so tired. If I give this a 4-star rating will you chaps please leave me alone??? I'm sick to bastard death of you!! Favorite tracks: My (list is trapped in an endless loop of Who album) Generation, Please Please Please (stop), I Don't Mind (if I never hear another Who album again) Album art: It's fine, whatever. Stop staring at me, pricks.

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Tue Apr 06 2021

I really liked this album more than expected. I’ve always considered myself a fan of The Who (my HS freshman year go to band), but I had always focused on their later work and greatest hits. This album seems transitional for the era - bridging late 50s/early and early 60s pop-rock/ crooning / doo wop with the harder and more experimental sounds coming later in the decade. “My Generation” and “The Kids are Allright” were radio staples from my youth. I also really liked the James Brown cover “Please, Please, Please” and Bo Diddly’s “I’m a Man”. The closing track “The Ox” was a really pleasant surprise! Phenomenal drumming, and I’m thinking that John Bonham picked up some style cues from Kieth Moon here. Overall great, and a solid 4 1/2 stars. Rounding up because it’s The Who.

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Sun Sep 26 2021

The kids are alright, but only because this is The Who's generation and not mine. No, had it been mine, the kids would be in the back of SHACK's van and definitely not alright. Footballer = Leighton Baines

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Wed Jun 16 2021

2 If the Beatles didn’t exist, this would still just be ‘ok’. Genre-wise, it’s all over the place. Never been a Who fan. Still am not.

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Tue Feb 22 2022

I’m rapidly learning that I’m a much bigger Who fan that I thought, and it’s not like my collection is insignificant. After Who’s Next, this sounded exhilarating in ways it never has before. So I say praise be to this little game for forcing me to listen harder. In brief, this album sounds like war. And not just 60’s war—war from the future and war from the past. The guitars in ‘Good’s Gone’ are laser warfare, the drums in ‘La La Lies’ a battle tattoo. Calamity, carnage, and violence runs deep and throughout. Daltrey rips his voice in two on ‘Please, Please, Please’, ‘My Generation’ ends with a near collapse. And ‘The Ox’ is pure metal, no? Virtuosic, fast, and noisy as hell. The drums are a constant pound, but everything else is wiry and erratic. Distortion, feedback—it’s all there. But none of this album is remotely murky or sludgy. The sound is clear as a bell, and the harmonies are often sweet if not soulful. As ever, The Who are thespians, and once Daltrey starts playing dress-up he comes alive, dragging his voice long and wide to match the frequency of the guitar in ‘Good’s Gone’, playing a wrongly accused man in ‘It’s Not True’. As for the title track, it’s hard to overstate its genius. The claps, the stuttering, the ffffff-uck you fake out. So pleased to listen to this afresh.

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Sat Oct 01 2022

This band sucks a hot bag of ass. I clicked the email again and thought, "FUCK the who!"

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Tue Apr 06 2021

I apparently had no idea who The Who were my entire life. Like obviously I knew of THE WHO but outside of Pinball Wizard and some other hits in the '70s I guess I couldn't have told you one song. If you had put on My Generation without telling me who it was I would scratched my head confused about why it sounded like the Beatles but wasn't the Beatles. I had a lot of fun with this one. It was definitely a piece of music history that helps make sense of everything else. For instance—the bridge from Blues to Rock is plain as day. Also, they were Mods?! Still some missing pieces there. It's funny b/c they don't sound threatening at all from a contemporary perspective. However, I get the threat when considering their live performances (they popularized smashing their instruments? Really not the music I thought would have set off that trend). Highly recommend watching the Smothers Brothers My Generation performance if you haven't done so already. Generally, this album just works on a lot of levels for me.

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Wed Oct 11 2023

What often makes the music called proto-punk different from its evolved form is the blend of 60's rock, by then frequently called pop music, and aggressive, distorted instrumentals that, while exciting and innovating, somehow fit in seamlessly with the styles of the era. This album has pretty good examples of that.

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Mon May 20 2024

Okay, it's The Who. Its a classic. I get it. But I do not feel changed, nor do I feel I absolutely needed to listen to that.

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Fri May 06 2022

Always ranked The Who as one of my least favorite classic rock bands of all time. This just further cemented that. Just can’t get into them, no matter how hard I try.

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Tue Mar 30 2021

I’ve always thought The Who were a brash in your face 60’s British rock band who stuck it to the establishment. Instead I was served up an offering of syrupy rock pop singles straight out of Top Of The Pops. Sappy pre-boy band tracks which if you were to change the bands title to ‘The Beatles’ on this album no one would notice. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out I was severely disappointed. If this is an example of the best of The Who, then I’m very much left wondering ‘The Why’? 1 Star!

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Thu Sep 09 2021

As good as it was the first time I heard it!

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Sat Aug 13 2022

I can really appreciate classic rock now. Two genres of music I listen to a lot when I was younger metal/grunge from my father. Classic rock from my Grandpa. Just makes me think of being in the car with him. I’m biased but I love it

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Wed Jan 18 2023

I would say this is the freshest sounding who album as some of the later ones get bogged down in 'concepts'. On display here is a group with a tough, meaty sound, some great songs and loads of energy. Obviously the title track is the most well known but equally great are the opening 'Out in the Street', and 'The Kids Are Alright'. Also noteworthy is 'A Legal Matter' (a song about divorce was highly unusual for a pop song in 1965) and the powerful crunchy instrumental 'The Ox'. Great stuff.

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Tue May 28 2024

It might not be the best album ever from the point of view of a modern lense, but it is clear that The Who have a great impact on the development of music. The album has some fun songs, with My Generation being the standout track on the album it shares a name with. However, I will admit that some songs did grate on me a bit because they were repetitive.

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Wed May 29 2024

Love this collection of early recordings from one of my favorite bands of all time. So many hints of great things yet to come from the group and its individual powerhouse musicians. Makes me smile, end to end.

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Mon Jul 05 2021

I like a lot of The Who’s music, and really love a handful of their tunes. I think Pete Townshend is one of the best guitarists and songwriters in rock history. Love his voice, too. Roger, John, and their drummers and keyboardists, are all excellent. That being said, this is not an album I've listened to a lot. I do get its importance in rock history, and it has some fun mid-60’s “mod rock” songs, but overall I like their later stuff a lot better.

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Mon Jul 05 2021

Inutile de vous rappeler que je connais personnellement Robert, l'homme sans qui ce générateur n'aurait jamais vu le jour. Celui que j'appelle familièrement Rob fait d'ailleurs lui-même partie du classement des 1001 contacts à ajouter sur les réseaux avant de mourir. Quand il ne choisit pas un énième album de Costello ou de Morrissey à rajouter à sa liste, il peut nous proposer par exemple un album des Who. Et qu'est-ce que ça donne ? J'ai envie de dire ouais, pas mal. Le morceau My Generation a fait secouer ma tête pleine de savoir, et ça c'est déjà une victoire.

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Fri Apr 05 2024

1965. Still hangover from the doo wop era and some of that leaks through unpleasantly. Well, I suppose pleasantly if you are into that saccharine sweetness, but music was changing and The Who snuck in a few more innovative songs here. Keith Moon is a machine, and without his driving beat this would be mostly a collection of forgettable 3 chord pop songs. The Ox and My Generation are both fantastic, but the rest is just filler.

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Tue Apr 16 2024

More a collection of tracks than an albums. Rocks sits nexts to some fairly decent soul crooning. It sounds a little plodding at times. A decent debut, with a hint of what was to come.

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Sat May 11 2024

You ever look at a record cover and think, “yep, that’s gonna be a 3”?

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Thu May 23 2024

My Generation was a shotgun blast to my chest the first time I heard it, it is one of undeniably perfect songs of early rock n roll eras. I love the who’s early r n b influence and their approach to some classics stands apart from their contemporaries but I feel like this album does not represent them the best and some songs seem rather phoned in. Perhaps capturing more of their manic stage performance of these songs would have suited them better but hey I won’t argue with the resulting career.

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Tue Jun 04 2024

No. 194/1001 Out In The Street 4/5 I Don't Mind 4/5 The Good's Gone 3/5 La-La-La Lies 4/5 Much Too Much 3/5 My Generation 3/5 The Kids Are Alright 4/5 Please, Please, Please 3/5 It's Not True 4/5 I'm A Man Now 3/5 A Legal Matter 3/5 The Ox 3/5 Average: 3,42 Nice debut album. The fundamentals are all there. Ready to achive higher heights in their later releases.

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Thu Jun 06 2024

The who is one of my favorite bands but I never listened to this album much. It's ok but not as good as their later stuff, in my opinion.

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Wed Dec 20 2023

Alright I’m officially tilted at how many boomer rock albums we’ve pulled. I would like to use this album to bring to light the 2010 remix of My Generation featuring Slash and, in which he sings about the war in Iraq and the recession

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Tue Apr 06 2021

It was fun listening to My Generation in full. An iconic song on a great album. This was really enjoyable all the way through.

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Tue Apr 06 2021

Very enjoyable, lots of new Who for me here.

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Fri Jan 15 2021

Classic. I love The Who and this is a great example of what made them popular and also a window into London at that time. I wish I had a time machine. I’d go straight to 1965.

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Mon Apr 12 2021

Rock & Roll. Contiene una de las mejores canciones de todos los tiempos.

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Sun Jan 24 2021

debut album... look at that fucking hair. An overall solid album. I wasn’t a huge fan of the soul covers because they didn’t really sound like The Who, but the original songs were great.

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Fri Feb 05 2021

No mentiré, nunca había escuchado un disco de the Who, tampoco mentiré sobre el hecho de que me prendió bastante. Lo increíblemente digerible y directo que es me hizo escucharlo sin interrupciones. Lo que seguro pasó por rebelde en su época parece ahora mainstream con retazos de sonidos necios y no hay nada malo con ello supongo porque apela a mi búsqueda de lo catchy y de la fácil escucha, lel. Percusiones divertidas, guitarras proto-pesadas (me lo acabo de inventar jaja). Track favorito: The Ox. Mención honorífica: The kids are alright, por el corito pegajoso. Mood: contento y conflictuado después de tomar ácido y una tacita de té negro con leche en la mañana (porque pues no saber si rechazar o no lo inglés) sobre un pastito de Glastonbury o lo que existiera en dicha época en el Reino Unido.

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Mon Feb 01 2021

classic who. listened to it in mono. very good while woodworking on chase's shelf commission. will go back in the future to see if there is a stereo recording.

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Thu Apr 22 2021

Stereo version is incredible. Later songs added to the special version should be excluded, but first 10 songs are almost perfect. Surprised this is a 5 for me

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Thu Sep 09 2021

Classic with much more blues than I realized.

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Wed Nov 03 2021

Klassiker men flere fede numre og god rock. Dog lidt tynd lyd

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Wed Nov 10 2021

Legends. Amazing debut album. Hard Rock at it’s finest.

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Fri Nov 12 2021

Keith Moon and good vocal harmony make for an incredible album. 5/5

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Sun Dec 12 2021

My Generation is probably one of the best of the mid-British invasion era albums that wasn't recorded by the Beatles. It’s so good, and I imagine as fresh sounding today as it ever was. The tight, punchy arrangements, the attitude, the crunchy sonic assault of Townshend, Moon and Entwistle. That’s a great rock band, and they’re just getting started here. I love how well the band works together and around each other, each with his own specific set of musical skills. It’s not their best album, but wow what a start. Roger Daltrey is an engaging and unusual front man. He's not a conventional singer of that time, but not delivering at full rock star intensity yet either. He's got a sneering delivery that probably launched a hundred punk bands. His pissy, stuttering vocal in "My Generation" is singularly awesome and like nothing else I can even think of in music. It's like he's so mad he can't get the words out. Daltrey’s style of delivery paired with Townshend’s lyrics in a song like “The Good’s Gone” is some sort of special chemistry that no other band ever had. It’s a moment of emotional honesty, but delivered with a meanness and intensity that’s rather unsettling. Songs like that speak to a youthful frustration and anger that long made this music a touchstone for what it means to be young. On the subject of vocals, I have always loved the alternating leads of intense-Daltrey and sensitive-Townshend, which vary depending on the mood of the particular song. I also love how when they go for harmonies, it comes off sometimes as slightly off-kilter. Lennon and McCartney they are not even trying to be, but it works. Townshend's guitar on the album is, of course, brilliant. It's grinding, jangly, crunchy and even distorted at times. John Entwistle is the steady backbone of the band who holds everything together. And if you ever wondered for a second why Keith Moon is such a beloved drummer and why the band lost its mojo after he died, check out “The Ox.” “My Generation" is full stop the best song of the album and a strong contender for best rock song ever. It's the Ur-anthem of youthful rebellion and captures a mood that no other artist has ever been able to fully duplicate. That song deserves five stars all on its own (ten stars actually). The next best tracks would be the hooky, more pop leaning “The Kids are Alright” and “A Legal Matter.” Calling these songs classics feels insufficient. Take your five stars, sirs. Fave Songs: My Generation, The Kids Are Alright, A Legal Matter, The Ox, Out in the Street

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Tue Dec 21 2021

Clearly I am partial to Rock n Roll.

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Thu Dec 23 2021

I started this album with 4 stars in my mind. "My generation" deserves 5 stars for its existence and the rest of the album looks like an excellent classic rock album. I finished it with the certainty that the whole album deserves 5 stars. This is not only classical, but it's also raw and it preserves its force even after some decades. Listening to this album as a whole is a real experience to understand the mindset of the 60/70's in a way that just a few cultural products are able to do.

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Thu Jan 20 2022

The who is present in my life always from now on after I have had listened to this entire album. Absolutely amazing.

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Thu Feb 17 2022

bezveze od mene sta mi je tolko trebalo da napokon poslušam vise od dvije pjesme, oduševljena sam

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Thu Feb 17 2022

excuse-moi, zašto ja dosad nisan ovo nikad slušala?!! odličan bend, super pisme. sigurno cu poslusat i druge albume

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Sat Jul 09 2022

Rock & Roll. Contiene una de las mejores canciones de todos los tiempos.

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Mon Jul 11 2022

Annoyingly but probably unsurprisingly I let my momentum slip over the past couple of weeks which has resulted in me missing the opportunity to give my 500th Album the fanfare it truly deserves. This journey has been truly joyous to date, and I've discovered some incredible music, genres and artists that I would never have paid attention to if it weren't for Mr Dimery and his list (not to mention the absolute genius who created and maintains this amazing website - for this I thank you dearly). Listened to this on the plane back from Melbourne, and while not wholly overwhelmed I am happy that my halfway point was at least a band with some hefty 60/70s street cred. Five stars for five hundred (obviously).

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Fri Sep 09 2022

An album I've already heard, and definitely enjoy. Outstanding sound, especially for the time, and absolutely iconic.

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Sun Oct 16 2022

This album provides a telling historical perspective of where The Who came from and also provides a glimpse into where they were to go. They were the original punks and the raw energy and attitude shows why the punk bands to come in the latter half of the 70s viewed The Who as their inspiration and the OGs. There are a few onslaughts of drums, bass and feedback that is their signature.  It's one thing to have this onslaught in The Ox, but to have this in the last minutes of My Generation, their single, shows they wanted the message of who they really were to be LOUD and clear. The more extreme onslaught of noise is in The Ox which was the inspiration for Jimi's experimentations with feedback and also led other OG's, such as Velvet Underground  to experiment with noise on White Light / White Heat. Loud and insane was what The Who was about and this album gives a glimpse into the insanity that would have been a Who concert at the time. Their subsequent albums were toned down as Pete's writing became more sophisticated but their live shows remained more like this album. Live at Leeds was ultimately released to show that their live concerts remained true to their roots. To put this LP in perspective, at the time this album was released, The Beatles released Eight Days a Week. The Who clearly had a different brand. The James Brown covers highlight their branding at the time which was "Maximum R&B. Pete's solo on Please, Please, Please shows his original and underrated abilities. The Kids are Alright was always an enigma. It’s a great song and a lot of Who fans love it. As a single it did well but the band never played it live until at least the 90s (probably their fifth tour after their final tour -  lol) The song was the title of the movie about their live concerts but the song wasn’t played in the movie. I guess the tune was a little too user friendly and not consistent with the loud guitars and sloppy drums attitude that they wanted to be known for.  The modus operandi of the day was to release singles that were never included on albums. From a historical perspective this dilutes the quality of the albums. In this regard The Who released two singles I Can't Explain and Substitute just before and just after the LP. These were the first two songs to start their live shows for decades.

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Tue Oct 18 2022

Haven’t listened to this since high school, but man, Keith Moon is a monster in this one. Great energy for the whole thing with a few really excellent songs outside of the titular one.

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Mon Dec 12 2022

It’s been a long time since I’ve listened to the whole album. You always hear the songs that were hits. But listening to it in context of where they were in their career and the time, you can hear a connection between what they used as their inspiration, the style they developed, and how they influenced others. Many of the the songs clearly build off of rockabilly and blues sounds. But then there are the songs that begin to reveal their own style and the style of the 60’s. Songs like Much Too Much, My Generation, and The Kids Are Alright. The big surprise was The Good’s Gone. It could have easily been a grudge era song and sounds surprisingly modern. All in all, the album has quite a mix of Who sounds without a theme that later albums had. .

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Tue Dec 13 2022

Spectacular classic! The song that made clear the discontent of a generation that was fed up with the past.

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Sat Dec 17 2022

You can hear the Greaser in the Rocker on the expanded singles

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Sat Dec 17 2022

Maximum R&B. Surprising number of great covers.

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Sat Dec 31 2022

The original content and the covers are great!

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Tue Jan 03 2023

Just great!! They were so much ahead of their time that they are still on the wave. A classic!

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Fri Jan 27 2023

Much prefer this to latter stuff

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Tue Feb 07 2023

Incredible great debut album by The Who

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Fri Feb 24 2023

Much more of the blues sound (that the Brit bands were allowed to appropriate) and stuff I love from The Who. It was a long album, but I was never bored.

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Mon Apr 24 2023

It's deffinetely my generation. Now the Who is one of my favorite band. Guys played music of the future.

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Tue Jun 06 2023

Every song is great. Top songs are: Out in the Streets, I Don’t Mind, The Good’s Gone, My Generation, The Kids Are Alright (best song), It’s Not True, A Legal Matter, and The Ox. Everyone is amazing here. Alfa drums. Keith Moon is still top 3 drummers ever. The Who are amazing. Idc.

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Fri Jun 09 2023

WOW - several memories an many new listens - a great first work of incredibly talented members of a oft forgotten British Invasion band - the covers of black, blues works are phenomenal!!

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Sun Jun 11 2023

Fantastic. I think this is my favorite phase of The Who.

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Fri Jul 07 2023

9/10. I like the Who. Never actually listened to this album, The Kids Are Alright actually confused me so much when it came on because I am more used to hearing the little snippet of it in Quadrophenia then I am just hearing it as a song.

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Tue Aug 01 2023

A classic. Standouts include Out In The Street, I Don't Mind, My Generation, I'm a Man, and The Ox.

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Tue Aug 08 2023

очень ыстро пролетело

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Fri Aug 11 2023

great album; you can hear the influences of the blues in the album, just like many of the albums of the time period.

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Wed Aug 23 2023

Up through La-La-La-Lies, it felt like they were shoehorning them into The Beatles sound box. However, from there, it very quickly becomes The Who we all know and love. Man, they really hit their stride from that point on. The drumwork on The Kids Are Alright in particular really stands out in this sense, and the whole band really came together strongly for It's Not True. The Ox is pure chaos that also works together almost counterintuitively, which is about the best explanation I can come up with for The Who. Awesome album from an awesome band.

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Mon Sep 11 2023

"My Generation" by The Who is a timeless rock classic that captures the rebellious spirit of the 1960s. Released in 1965, this album defined a generation with its raw energy and anthems of youth. The title track, "My Generation," remains an iconic anthem of youthful defiance. The album's relentless guitar riffs and Roger Daltrey's powerful vocals are electrifying, while tracks like "The Kids Are Alright" and "A Legal Matter" showcase the band's songwriting prowess. With its rebellious attitude and groundbreaking sound, "My Generation" laid the foundation for The Who's legendary career and remains an essential listen for anyone craving a dose of rock 'n' roll nostalgia.

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Tue Sep 26 2023

I like this album a lot, reminds me a bit of the clash

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Fri Nov 24 2023

That's a long time again that I listen to that album. Perhaps worth to relisten

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Tue Dec 05 2023

Such a great rock album — three R&B covers, and the rest Townshend originals. Being of a certain age (heard "My Generation" the single played on AM radio when it first came out), this really takes me back to a different time, with all four Who members alive and young, and on this album, foreshadowing greater things to come, plus Nicky Hopkins (the fifth Who member, as it were) throughout, as well as a 21-year-old Jimmy Paige on one track. In some sense, this album marks the birth of "hard rock."

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Tue Dec 12 2023

Wow, interesting mix of 60's rock songs, some Beatles like, some rolling stones like. I didn't realize the range of idea they had into properly listening to this album.

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