nice but all songs seem a little bit repetitive. some good old fashion blues though.
2 or 3 good songs. It feels like the same throughout the whole album. I’m definitely sure that this album removed the spot of a much better one on the lost. or maybe that’s why it’s called 1001 albums. the author just wanted to include this one for shits and giggles
Some good old school rap. I’m sure that album has lots of stories to tell and of its significance but it’s not my main thing.
só fucking good. all types of different rhythm and grooves. Yearnin Learnin drums are fantastic
3 good songs and that’s it. I kinda like the 80s kinda retro wave vibe.
all together it is an amazing album. however the main thing is the full album by itself, I feel like individually some songs would lose its meaningfulness and sort of not as striking. Radiohead is one great band and I can't really criticize this in any way. That being said, ok computer is still their best album
I can’t take french seriously. the only good song was the first one, that was instrumental. To be completely fair, instrumentally wise there were some good parts but otherwise i just felt like i was listening to noise or ads.
Tina turner is just timeless. This album is full of bangers and even if you don’t like it, it’s a must listen for general knowledge.
2-3 good songs nothing remarkable, I like the 80s vibes
really good, extremely underrated as i never heard about it. just gave it a 3 to be consistent. i feel like it deserves a 3.5
ultimate unc music. deep purple is just one of the best rock bands all time. no questions asked
Pretty nice, some songs i’d play on a road trip. i’d def listen again paying more attention
very good. POWER is so fucking good. Def would listen to some songs on a daily basis
classic blues
t surprised me. was not what i expected. some cool instrumentals. would not listen again tho, boring most of the time
Definitely an interesting listen. Nothing remarkable, but I did like the overall sound and progression. Maybe i’d listen to it again. I like the last song called 200 bars. They literally count the 200 bars lol
not remarkable