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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.

Heaven Or Las Vegas

Cocteau Twins


Heaven Or Las Vegas
Album Summary

Heaven or Las Vegas is the sixth studio album by Scottish alternative rock band Cocteau Twins, released on 17 September 1990 by 4AD. Despite 4AD president Ivo Watts-Russell proclaiming it one of the best-ever releases on his label, he released the group from their contract at the end of 1990 because his relationship with the band had soured. Heaven or Las Vegas peaked at number seven on the UK Albums Chart and number 99 on the US Billboard 200, becoming the band's most commercially successful release. It eventually sold 235,000 copies by 1996, according to Billboard. The album was included in the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die, and was voted number 218 in the third edition of Colin Larkin's All Time Top 1000 Albums. In 2020, Rolling Stone listed it at No. 245 in its list of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time.







  • Rock
  • Indie
  • Shoegaze


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Feb 11 2021
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I can't believe I get to listen to this album. The vibes are immaculate, just perfection. It's like floating along warm summer air. Everything feels so purposeful in it's placing, with every sound, word, and visual just lifting the album above levels I didn't know could exist. My only complaint is that it gets a little same-y here and there, but man I can forgive that with how beautiful it all is. Perfection.

Nov 02 2020
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Oh my God. Who let this be such utter perfection? This was really really really good. Wow. The atmosphere. The vocals. 10/10.

May 04 2021
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The mystery of the lost great Cocteau Twins album: What was it on the other side of the recording studio glass that so distracted them when they made this, and what would they have produced if they'd been paying attention? We may never know. I will never care.

Jan 27 2021
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Beautiful ephemeral pop that I could listen to on loop forever.

Nov 01 2021
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A truly unique dream pop album that doesn't have one lackluster song. Fraser's vocals are the highlight of this album, purring with energy and life. Some of her vocals are unintelligible, but that doesn't take away from the ethereal sound. The guitar work and drums are amazing as well, complementing the vocals perfectly and coalescing to provide the unique soundscape. The band complements each other so well yet you get the impression of improv. Not to say it isn't focused, which it is, with songwriting about childbirth and also death. Favorite tracks: Cherry-Coloured Funk, Iceblink Luck, Fifty-Fifty Clown, Frou-Frou Foxes in Midsummer Fires

May 12 2021
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It's not exactly BAD but it sure is super boring. There's nothing–literally nothing–about this album that stands out except for the fact that the vocals are utterly indescipherable which takes the album from a "meh" 3 stars to a "nope" 2 stars.

Feb 05 2021
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I can not tell what language this is

Apr 10 2021
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Great atmospheric album. Definitely worth the listen.

Jan 14 2021
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Cool and dreamy - good drum machine work and the bass in quintessential 80s. Probably the lyrics and vocals are the most memorable. Got me on a shoegaze kick after and I listened to My Bloody Valentine for awhile.

May 10 2022
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Can you believe we wrote this beauty off as “their commercial album” when it cam out? Lush, sensual, prickly in spots and featuring some Elizabeth Fraser’s most aggressive, full-bodied singing and toothsome lyrics. Only the Twins could make this kind of music while “selling out”.

Nov 01 2021
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hypnotic, psychedelic, and poetic. complex rhythms and melodies paired with beautiful tones and reflective lyrics. fav songs = all

Jan 09 2022
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5.0 + It's hard to pinpoint why this album makes me feel like soaking in a hot bath. There's some kind of strange alchemy between the shimmery guitar and vocals that's mesmerizing. It's a gentle swirl of arpeggiated synth lines, thumping bass and soothing vocal wisps. At times, my mind gets lost in the background sounds and I'm put in a smiling trance.

Apr 18 2023
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I'm not sure I'll ever fully understand people who do not love the Cocteau Twins. I'm sure there are some very nice people, we are just different on a fundamental level. This album is like an old jumper you have had forever that you put on when you get sick, a comfort blanket. The Cocteaus at the poppiest they got, and probably the most fully formed. One listen to Fotzepolitic and I could take on the world. Bliss.

Jan 15 2023
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Ethereal but grounded. Incomprehensible but clear in their messages. The Cocteau Twins are one of the most antithetical bands I've come across, and this may just be their masterpiece. Elizabeth Fraser is such a unique talent.

Jan 07 2023
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This is my go-to sleep album along with "Souvlaki" by Slowdive. It makes me feel like I'm levitating. Absolute ethereal perfection. Once the last part of "I Wear Your Ring" hits, I'm instantly teleported into the eighth dimension. Ten out of ten, you already know it.

Mar 15 2021
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If there was a zero I would pick that

Jan 30 2021
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What’s that you’re saying??? Sorry. Can’t hear your words. Is that French? I literally don’t know.

Sep 19 2023
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The dream pop group of all time, its not even my favorite album by them but good god is it good.

Sep 20 2023
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I really like this album. I listen to quite often as background, it's nearly perfect for writing or creating. The songs just drift together with those soft mumbled vocals. I think Treasure is a but better but happy to see this on the list.

Apr 04 2022
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I was most familiar with Elizabeth Fraser on vocals for Massive Attack’s Teardrop and discovered Cocteau Twins (and this album) from there.

Mar 22 2023
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Perfectly listenable but doesn't thrill me. Another "won't turn it off but won't turn it up" album.

Jan 27 2024
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#112. While listening to this album you might find yourself wondering who or what is this for. Well let me paint a picture for you. You have begrudgingly agreed to go to a dinner party at one of your wife's coworker's house. You know the one. The one with the combover and the crooked moustache. The one that always touches your arm when he talks to you. With the crack skinny wife in the wispy dress that doesn't speak loud enough to understand what she's saying ever. Every wall in their house is the same shade of off-white and every room has like one or two pieces of furniture, and maybe some stabby brutalist "art." You keep looking over at your wife to see if you can leave yet, because every minute being here is a minute closer to your insanity. And... this is the music that's playing in the background the whole time. Oh, and the brisket they served was dry. 2/5: please don't make me listen anymore

Jan 14 2021
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All the songs sound the same. Very winy (as most dream pop goes) and lyrics often abandon recognizable language

Nov 09 2023
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Was this album in English? Maybe it was French. The lack of clarity of the vocals did add to the dreamy soundscapes of a kind of relaxing, warm fog. In my mind, this should create some sort of timeless feel, but it still sounds like the 90s. I don't know that if that is a good or a bad thing. It's just an observation. Good day.

Jun 14 2021
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i'm just a sucker for dreamy, ethereal guitars and vocals to match. this was great.

Apr 28 2021
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This sure as hell sent me to Heaven rather than Las Vegas.

Dec 28 2020
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Fairly unique, might come back to it

Jan 25 2021
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Dreamy indie.... what’s not to love? Nothing!

Oct 26 2020
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Headphones on. Sit down in a nice chair. Dream away. Absolutely brilliant and beautiful.

Jul 14 2022
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I love that dreamy sound, and this album absolutely drips with it. Hell, they practically invented it. I just wish there were a few more standout tracks, but overall a great album.

Jul 14 2022
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Really good gothy dream pop. It lays on the 90s sound a little thick, which is probably because the group pioneered the sound to some extent. Still a bit dated in that regard.

Jul 15 2021
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I was on the cusp of giving this a 4, Cherry-Coloured Funk has been a favourite for as long as I care to remember with its haunting synth and contrasting range of vocals, some of which are Kate-Bush-like in nature but ultimately all gel together brilliantly as a song that doesn't go on too long (unlike this sentence). And the rest of the album is, well, alright. But always found myself wishing I was listening to the first track again.

Jan 17 2022
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Listened. Shite. Can't tell what she's saying.

May 24 2021
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Sucked. Can I give 0 stars? Guess we will see what happens. Turns out you cant give zero stars. You have to click at least one to activate the vote button. Consider yourselves lucky Cocteau Twins.

Mar 22 2025
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I still get butterflies within seconds of hearing this album. Lush and dreamy perfection.

Dec 31 2022
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Один из самых красивых пост-панк альбомов, которых я когда-либо слушал. Волшебный и мелодичный вокал успокаивает и вводит в некое состояние сна, выходит за границы языкового барьера и передаёт сущность песен не через тексты, а через пение, ну и просто звучит замечательно. А гитары вписываются не менее гармонично - тонущие в тоннах реверба, они тоже создают некий колыбельный эффект, погружающий в умиротворённое состояние, из которого не хочется выходить никогда. (9 - 9.5)

Sep 24 2024
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Cool 80s vibes, with echoey synths and floaty riffs. There's a good amount of reverb on the vocals, it seems, and I don't know if it's that, but I find the woman incomprehensible. I wondered at several points if she was singing in French. I still don't know. Highlight was the title track, 5, Heaven Or Las Vegas. Also, 8, Wolf In The Breast. Vocals on Cherry-Coloured Funk remind me of Shakespeare's Sister. This album is from 1990. I don't know how I didn't come across it before. I may have seen Cocteau Twins on "Now That's" compilations, but I don't think they would have clicked. I'm not blown away by this. It's good, interesting, but would I listen to it regularly or repeatedly, probably not. Three stars seems harsh, four too generous...

Sep 23 2024
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Spot the fake Cocteau Twins track name is the quiz round we never knew we needed... a) Iceblink Luck b) Fifty-Fifty Clown c) Socketface Grapefruit d) Frou-Frou Foxes in Midsummer Fires Some albums just scream 80s at me from the first few seconds and I immediately fear the worst (despite being released in 1990). In fairness, it has some hooks and the overall sound is richer and less cheesy for the most part than I was worried it could be. I find myself quite enjoying the shoegazy production and her vocals somehow both irritate and intrigue me, at times I swear she's singing in a strange foreign language. Spotify doesn't have the lyrics so I never bothered finding out.

Sep 15 2024
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Gorgeous synth washes over ethereal vocal melodies. With singing this gorgeous, who cares if you can't undersand the words?

Aug 26 2024
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I’m at a 3.5 that I’ll bump up to a 4. Gotta tell you – not used to an album without proper lyrics. I just don’t know that I could personally give a 5 to an album with vocals, but without lyrics, simply because I’m a sucker for storytelling… but I think a 4 means the album was pretty damn good regardless. And this was pretty damn good. Sometimes, soundscapes do make an album, and even though this is a 1990 album, it’s very much the dying gasp of the 1980s in full effect – everything here is a sort of pastiche on every 80s trope and style you could think of musically, and it comes together really well. Vocally, I think she’s got a mesmerizing tone to her voice that usually meshes pretty well with the instrumentals, but occasionally, I think the production blends them together too harshly on some tracks where it just kinda negates the positives of both. That’s not to say there’s any bad tracks here, just some suspect mixing – this is even more of a car album than the last one was, but it’s honestly more of a dreaming album to me (I guess that’s why it’s “dream pop”). I could easily see myself falling asleep to these, or even dreaming up something close to these – good soundscapes with lyrics just out of reach, but the occasionally clear word or two to keep you a little grounded to reality. I just had fun with it – I can’t wax too much about it because the extent of my criticism is “that sounded really good, but sometimes it didn’t,” and that’s kindergarten-level criticism. It’s a very nice listen; it sounds great, it’s relaxing as hell, and while it does go a little bit too long, I think it doesn’t overstay its welcome long enough to be actively annoying. I’m fine with bumping it up to a 4.

Aug 18 2022
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Shimmering, dreamy musical confections. Gorgeous arrangements elevated by Elizabeth Fraser's ethereal vocals and expressionistic lyrical style. Listening to this album is the musical equivalent of floating on a cloud. At its best, this is some of the loveliest music you'll ever hear. The quality of the individual songs is a little uneven, but it's overall still a joy to listen to. Launches me straight back to my sophomore year in college. Fave Songs: Cherry-Coloured Funk, Iceblink Luck, Heaven or Las Vegas, Frou-Frou Foxes in Midsummer Fires, Pitch the Baby, Wolf in the Breast

Mar 17 2022
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True to the mission of this project I am glad this record came up on my list. Although this may already belong to my own personal canon of soul-defining albums thankfully this might have been a backup contingency plan. This made an enormous impact on me decades ago. There was nothing else like it, the world was different after I first heard the Cocteau Twins, and still nothing else compares. This record felt like it was an opening and a big break into a wider audience. It also felt like further slipping from an ideal after Treasure that diluted down the drain awash with new age pathos and intelligible lyrics instead of a cosmic brain transplantation. I only wish I could find a giant poster again of the album cover to pin up on my wall as I improvise the lyrics to Pitch The Baby.

Mar 10 2022
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This is the sound track to my dreams, the nice dreams though, not the dirty ones I wake up from erect.

Sep 21 2020
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Lush, gorgeous. Like a giant blanket. Seems like a great album to get high to. Reminds me of MBV. Favorite tracks are "Pitch the Baby" and "Frou frou Foxes in Midsumner Fires".

Feb 15 2025
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Not my bag at this time. Some songs are fun but the sound is very dated. Not feeling the gibberish.

Jul 31 2024
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Wow, another Cocteau Twins album in my first 130. I had never heard of them before and I continue to be pleasantly surprised. Their ethereal sound and fun harmonies sets it apart. The 80s textures aren’t my favorite, but their creativity overshadows it.

May 02 2024
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Very synthetic, but in the wrong way for me. The instrumentation feels too sharp and brittle. I preferred “Treasure” over this one, which has a bit more meat to its sound, but Heaven or Las Vegas is not a bad record overall.

Jun 12 2021
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Pretty good. Kinda blends together like most Cocteau Twins albums. 7/10

Feb 05 2025
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This whole exercise is so frustrating because I would swear up & down that I like fuzzy dream pop (Beach House, Bat for Lashes, Washed Out, Warpaint, Mazzy Star, etc.) But between these guys and mbv, I'm feeling totally gaslit. Like, this is just...not great. Maybe if the choruses were in English? It all just kind of blends together into a droning nothingburger of a sound landscape that NEVER catches your attention. I guess it's good if you're on a fentanyl bender, but not great if you're actually trying to enjoy what you're listening to. Maybe a low 3 / high 2 kind of scenario - but I'm going with 2 for the fact that this list makes me doubt my own perceptions.

Feb 01 2025
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This was ok. I have been meaning to listen to Cocteau Twins. i have now i guess

Jan 28 2025
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I could not stay interested in this at all. 2 stars or D+.

Apr 16 2021
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Cool ideas, but very one note for every song. Hooks repeat constantly and there always feels like a lack of emotion. The song settle in on one vibe, but what that vibe means is utterly incomprehensible.

Jan 22 2021
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Erm... lovely shoegaze soundscape, but genuinely unintelligible lyrics. Enunciate, woman.

Feb 15 2024
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Not just boring music, but almost painful because of the singer's voice and pronounciation. Not my cup of tea, obviously, but this time I have a really hard time getting how anyone else could stand this let alone consider it a classic.

Oct 12 2023
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I'm not sure how this album ended up on this list. I'm pretty sure I could find a better album not on this list in any used record store in the world. Maybe there's political or historical information I'm lacking that would help change my opinion, but I'm not going to waste any more time on it.

Nov 21 2022
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"The album was voted 18th of Scotland’s 100 Best Rock and Pop Albums in 2003" My heart breaks for Scotland.

Oct 15 2021
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So dreary and uninspiring. Tuneless lift muzak at best. Awful production, tinny with weak drums. With the music being so much of absolutely nothing, at least the lyrics could have been profound, interesting, etc., but no.. might as well be sung in Greek. The inability to pronounce English words correctly is apparently intentional, but just makes the songs frustrating and bizarre to listen to. If I never hear this album again before I die, I will die happy.

Jan 25 2021
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It's good, I just never loved Radiohead

Mar 29 2025
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A (thankfully) highly-influential masterpiece that gets better every listen. 🙏🙏 Highlights: Heaven or Las Vegas, I Wear Your Ring, Wolf in the Breast, Frou-Frou Foxes in Midsummer Fires Lowlight: The silence after the album ends

Mar 27 2025
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This is the 79th album I’m rating. I got very excited when I saw this album. I thought it would take me a while before I found an album I had already listened to and liked but I got one in my first 100. I abandoned talking about every song individually a while back but I want to talk about every song here one by one because it is in my top 10 albums of all time. Adding to my Playlist - Nothing. Not Adding to my Playlist - Nothing. Already Added to my Playlist - Cherry-Coloured Funk, Pitch the Baby, Iceblink Luck, Fifty-Fifty Clown, Heaven or Las Vegas, I Wear Your Ring, Fotzepolitic, Wolf in the Breast, Road, River, and Rail, and Frou-Frou Foxes in Midsummer Fires. Cherry-Coloured Funk - This is one of the best opening tracks of all time and it immediately tells you what kinda of an album you’re getting into. It is just perfect and I’ve probably listened to it a hundred times with how many times I’ve listened to this album. Immediately you are getting introduced to Elizabeth Fraser’s unique vocal style. Interestingly this is one of the few songs where there are official lyrics and they are in my opinion pretty cool. Pitch the Baby - Admittedly the first time I listened to this I didn’t like it but as time has gone on I’ve grown to appreciate this song. This is such a Cocteau Twins song. By that I mean it makes absolutely means no sense. Elizabeth Fraser said that she writes songs that make no sense only thinking about the way it sounds and this song makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. There is something very charming about that though and I’ve grown to appreciate it. Iceblink Luck - Pitch the Baby was very Cocteau Twins but this is in my opinion the most Cocteau Twins song. Iceblink Luck as a phrase makes no sense and I swear I hear her say cherry cola at around the one minute mark. This is probably the group’s most iconic song. Interestingly though in this song you can definitely make out a lot more words than in their other songs. Fifty-Fifty Clown - Elizabeth Fraser’s vocals are really quite unique in the music landscape. Her vocals helps to create this ethereal atmosphere with the way that the words are mostly unintelligible. Most musicians tend to avoid heavy effects and dense production but the band loved it and I think it creates a very unique very good album. Heaven or Las Vegas - I might’ve lied when talking about Iceblink Luck because this song is very iconic. What does Heaven or Las Vegas mean? I’m not sure but despite lyrics that are very hard to decipher Elizabeth Fraser has said that the lyrics in the songs always hold meaning. I don’t think it matters though what Elizabeth Fraser is really saying anyways all that matters is what you think she means and how it feels. Also, Heaven or Las Vegas will always be stuck in my head because it is just so so catchy. I Wear Your Ring - This song is a perfect example of how the band creates this really nice atmospheric vibe that dream pop is known for. Although not my favorite song on the album I think it would do really well as a blueprint for dream pop because it incorporates all of the aspects of the genre really well. Fotzepolitic - When I first heard this song I wasn’t a big fan but I’m not sure what was wrong with me because this is just great. It creates this perfect dreamlike atmospheric vibe and it just feels good. When I listen to this song in my mind I think of spending time with the one you love and I just love it. Wolf in the Breast - This was the very first song I ever listened to by the Cocteau Twins and it really just drew me in. It made me want to listen to more so I did research on the band and when I saw they were dream pop I stopped listening. I don’t know why but for some reason I had this really negative perception of dream pop. There was still a part of me though that couldn’t help but me drawn in and later I went back to listen to the full song. I’m glad I did too because this song is amazing. It is very very good. Road, River, and Rail - I’ve spent a lot of time talking about Elizabeth Fraser but there are two other members of the band so lets talk about Robin Guthrie. He was and probably still is an incredible producer who handled much of the effects and let me just say the effects on this album and especially this song are great. I think that him never having any formal musical training made his guitar and compositions really interesting so thank you Robin Guthrie for not getting any sort of music education. Frou-Frou Foxes in Midsummer Fires - That moment around the 2 minute mark where the song changes is simply incredible. Don’t get me wrong it is a good song before then but that moment makes it one of the best songs of all time. Simon Raymonde describes the way the band got together ad a beautiful accident and I’m glad it happened because Fraser’s vocals, Guthrie’s guitar, and Raymonde’s bass are all perfect. Raymonde is probably one of the best writers of all tile and really the whole band wrote some truly great music together. A perfect way to end the album on a song with what I feel is a very happy vibe. All in all I liked 10/10 songs. There isn’t much to say that I haven’t already so I’ll say this the Cocteau Twins are one of the three best groups or artists or whatever to come out of Europe.

Mar 24 2025
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Heaven or vegas and fotzepolitic are stand outs. Synthy, power balledy. Really good stuff. Reminds me of cranberries. Like if the cranberries, enya, and sythwave had a baby. Surreal, ethereal. Dreampop.

Mar 18 2025
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Underwent a bit of character development in 2022-23, and Cherry-coloured Funk could just about be on the first 5 tracks to the soundtrack of that period. I get misty-eyed and nostalgic at the opening riff of this tune, sometimes even now. What an opener. What a great song to listen to as you've just opened the cafe and the sun's coming up on a crisp early winter morning (as I did many times, fuck off Marko). This album, uninterrupted is going to be an absolute treat this morn- - Nevermind, my work phone's ringing. As for the rest of the album, I've had a couple tracks outside of the big 2 saved, but I can honestly appreciate it even more in sequence. I might grab this as a vinyl. As lame as this come across, this album is what I imagine the 90s did sound like. Heaven or Las Vegas even my Dad liked, and doesn't like anything I show him. Fifty-fifty clown is the only track here I'm not so big on.

Mar 18 2025
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Due to a personal traumatic event I encountered involving a 9 hour overnight Jetstar flight from Osaka Itami to Cairns Airport, alcohol induced delirium, snus, and a hallucinatory apparition of a female passenger next to me; I will be declining to review this one in detail, and instead give a rating accordingly. You know it's a phenomenal listen anyways. Listening to this a year on from that experience has made me had a pavlovian reaction to this album like a 30 years sober person picking up heroin again.

Mar 18 2025
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Wow, not a band I am really familiar with but this was an awesome little trip of an album. The ethereal, dream pop style really just works for me. You could maybe knock the style for being inherently a bit 'samey' but when the resulting quality is this good I can't complain. Big ups to Scotland for doing some heavy lifting while your counterparts fail to keep the British end up with their continuous output of the most irritating music known to man

Mar 18 2025
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Today we’re diving into Heaven or Las Vegas, the seminal 1990 album from the Scottish dream pop pioneers, the Cocteau Twins. Now, when it comes to Heaven or Las Vegas, you’re talking about one of the most defining albums of the dream pop genre. The Cocteau Twins have been shaping ethereal, lush, and deeply atmospheric music for years by this point, but with Heaven or Las Vegas, they hit a high-water mark that’s still influencing artists to this day. Let’s talk about the sound first. This record has this otherworldly, almost celestial quality to it. It feels weightless but in a very immersive, enveloping kind of way. The production, courtesy of the band and their long-time collaborator, Robin Guthrie, is crystal clear, yet it still maintains that dreamlike haze, which is part of what makes this album so mesmerizing. The synths, the guitars, the reverb—it all swirls around like some kind of atmospheric cloud, and it just pulls you into its depths. Then there’s Elizabeth Fraser’s voice. Good grief. If you thought her vocal prowess was impressive before, she takes it to a whole new level here. The vocals on Heaven or Las Vegas are completely untethered from earthly constraints. They can go from serene and gentle to ferocious and emotional in a split second, and she delivers one of the most evocative and haunting performances I’ve ever heard. The way she sings, it almost feels like she’s in a completely different realm, floating above everything, casting these spellbinding vocal melodies over the mix. The songs themselves? Lush, emotive, and transcendental. Tracks like Cherry-Coloured Funk and Pitch the Baby are such perfect representations of the Cocteau Twins' ethereal style—there's a fluidity in the way the guitars weave around Fraser’s voice, and every note feels like it’s carrying some kind of emotion. Then you have a track like Iceblink Luck, which pairs a gorgeous, buoyant melody with Fraser's nearly indecipherable lyrics, creating this sense of ungraspable beauty that is the hallmark of the band’s sound. I mean, sure, a lot of these songs are not easy to pin down in terms of meaning. Elizabeth Fraser's lyrics are often abstract and impressionistic, and that’s kind of the point. It’s not about literal interpretation here—it’s about the emotions and feelings that these sounds evoke. Whether you're drifting through the sublime instrumental waves of Fotzepolitic or getting swept away by the intoxicating, dream-like state of Heaven or Las Vegas itself, the music communicates on a level that words can’t fully express. Now, there’s a slight shift on this album compared to some of the band's earlier works. There’s a poppier edge to the production here—more accessible, maybe—but it never compromises the band's signature atmosphere. The dreamy textures remain intact, but it’s a little more refined, a little more polished, and it feels like the Cocteau Twins are reaching out for something more universal, all while staying true to their unique voice. If there’s any downside to the record, it's that some of the tracks blend into each other a bit, and if you're not fully immersed in the mood, certain parts can feel a tad repetitive. But that’s really a minor issue in the grand scheme of things, especially considering how deeply emotional and immersive this album can be when you let it wash over you. Overall, Heaven or Las Vegas is an absolute classic. It's dream pop at its finest—elegant, atmospheric, haunting, and genuinely transcendent. Whether you’re a longtime Cocteau Twins fan or just getting into their music, this album is a must-listen. 10/10

Mar 18 2025
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I am an unapologetic dream pop fanatic and I will stand for no slander of Cocteau Twins. This album especially is something special to me, my first introduction to the genre. It's said that this is their most accessible and commercially friendly album, which may be true but I still love it both on its own merit and for opening me to albums like The Moon and the Melodies and Blue Bell Knoll. 2:50 and 4:16 during the title track are peak, it's like being carried away by a musical rip tide and peacefully drowning in torrential water. It's a musical triumph and perfectly captures for me the feeling of happily accepting powerlessness. There are no skips on this album, it's a full experience. Cocteau Twins poured their soul into this album, every note feels deliberate in constructing a dreamscape for you to get lost in, even the odd legible word feels like when you see a hyper-realistic familiar face in a dream that you know you've never seen in real life. God help whoever is around my house for the next few weeks because they're going to be hearing more Cocteau Twins than they ever should. Highlights: Cherry-coloured Funk, Pitch the Baby, Iceblink Luck, Heaven or Las Vegas, I Wear Your Ring, Fotzepolitic, Road, River and Rail, Frou-frou Foxes in Midsummer Fires

Mar 17 2025
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Музичний Артефакт

Mar 17 2025
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Якщо ви ніколи не чули Cocteau Twins, то я щиро вам заздрю, бо перший досвід прослуховування їх робіт дарує неймовіре відчуття, що можна порівняти із першою закоханістю. І Heaven or Las Vegas, однозначно, є найкращим і найпростішим альбомом гурту з яким я радив би ознайомитись в першу чергу. Він є більш "повітряним" та теплішим ніж їх попередні роботи, а тексти пісень, майже, можливо розібрати та зрозуміти. (Примітка: Elizabeth Fraser завжди співала спираючись на те як слова звучать один з одним, а не на сенс, тому ви не знайдете текстів пісень - в них немає сенсу) У 1989-у, Elizabeth народила дитину від гітариста Robin Guthrie, та сподівалась, що це допоможе їм у боротьбі із залежністю Робіна від героїну. І відчуття цієї "енергії життя" просочує тут кожну пісню. Ще ніколи музика гурту, зокрема вокал Ліз, не були настільки світлими та сповненими надії. І якщо про якусь музику і можливо сказати "етерна", чи "мрійлива", то Heaven or Las Vegas це і є "етерність" та "мрійливість". Альбом, фактично, уособлює ці поняття, та є квінтесенцією dream pop та ethereal wave звучання. До речі про звучання. На цьому альбомі, як ви вже зрозуміли, гурт вирішив відійти від, звичної для них, концепції "темнуватої" та готичної атмосфери. Так, чисто музично, тут все ще відчувається натхнення Siouxsie and the Banshees та The Cure, але із іншим "емоційним забарвленням", що наче як, прийшло десь з The Dreaming (1982) від відомої Kate Bush. Головним досягненням цього альбому є симбіоз вокалу та гітарних партій. На перший погляд звучить банально, я розумію, але повірте, такого органічного їх поєднання як тут, я не зустрічав, напевно, ніколи. Вокал Ліз завжди був, в першу чергу, "ще одним повноцінним інструментом" і не особливо відокремлювався на рівні інших інструментів. Через це, не обмежуючись "текстовими умовностями", він завжди вдало, та в якійсь мірі, унікально вплітався в композицію. І в цей раз, вокал, ніби як, і бере на себе "головну роль" - гітара вміло під нього підлаштовується, створюючи "мерехтливе" та загадкове, але в той самий час, "турботливе" та "комфортне" звучання, що підкреслює вокал. Саме через свої автентичне звучання та атмосферу, цей альбом і стане джерелом натхнення, якщо не "примірником", для усього майбутнього дрім попу та шугейзу, тоа і в цілому, буде мати колосальний вплив на усю альтернативну музику майбутнього.

Mar 15 2025
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One of my favorites. Best of dream pop and pioneer of shoegaze.

Mar 13 2025
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The best word I can think of that I would use to describe this album is "dreamy", this is a very calm and atmospheric album, the synths, and the guitar all work together in a majestic way, the lead singers vocals were faint and blended into the instrumentation in a way which sounded absolutely amazing. I can hear the inspiration it had on some of my favorite albums ever and I love it. Rating: Fantastic (Decent ☆☆☆☆☆) Favorite Tracks: Iceblink Luck, Heaven or Las Vegas, I Wear Your Ring, and Wolf In The Breast.

Mar 12 2025
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Classic album with an amazing soundscape.

Mar 06 2025
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A really fantastic album. It hit me halfway through that I would believe this album was put out last year, because it just holds up that well. Interesting, creative, dreamy, and perfect for a rainy day.

Mar 03 2025
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Cocteau Twins to me seems to be a group who's all about creating an atmosphere and an aesthetic with their songs. Hypnotic and weird, with psychedelic reverbed non-sense created for a certain vibe. I have listened to the hits on this album many times, though I've never listened to it front to back. This should be a breeze to get through for my musical palatte. Cherry-coloured Funk One of my favourite songs of the era. Fantastic reverb, the repetitiveness of the guitar feels trippy. I think the vocals are really good, I enjoy how they sit differently in the mix. The vocal melodies are super catchy, and the non-sense lyrics add mystery to the track. The bass sound is so soft and comfy. There's also something strangely nostalgic about the song, sounds like a familiar reoccuring dream (probably where the term dream-pop comes from). Just magnificently produced. One of my all-time favourite songs. 5/5. Pitch the Baby Bouncy. Confrontational bass. The heavy reverb sort of makes the song "swirl" in the ear. Great chorus, the faster vocals tightens a very spacious sound grounding it. There's also a really nice energy to the vocal melody which caps off the chorus, releasing the tightness briefly. Unique and interesting. 5/5 Iceblink Luck Post-punky bassline. I think the vocals are mixed a bit too loudly to start. The chorus sounds like if you slowed down an ABBA song and played it backwards. Love the sound of the instrumental break. Is missing a bit of a kick, part of it feels like it never resolves its ideas. Like it. 4/5 Fifty-Fifty Clown Sounds atmospheric. Has very liquid synths. The drum beat is very of the era. I do enjoy how the chorus rises a lot. The singing in the background has a nice tingle to it. Extremely unique. 5/5 Heaven or Las Vegas The title track is probably the most cohesive song on the album structure-wise. Insanely catchy. Iconic bassline, iconic synth line as well. The chorus is so large and reverby, it's extremely warm and stimulating with all the stuff going on at once. I think the drum beat fits the vibe really well. Dreamy and psychedellic. Fantastic song. 5/5 I Wear Your Ring The synths at the start sound a bit dated. The "simlish" is especially noticable here. I think the vocal layering here is so fun. Winds down nicely into the bridge. Decent. 3.5/5 Fotzepolitic Another fantastic bassline. Drowning instrumental, and satisfying vocals. Meditative. Bursts out into some almost triumphant synths. The ending is a bit abrupt. Great. 4.5/5 Wolf in the Breast The guitar is a bit boring. The percussion adds an element of sharpness which contrasts well with the softness of the reverb. That's a cool drone. Not crazy about the vocals on this one, seem a bit unfocused. The "left ear" vocal is really catchy. Good song, warmed more up to it by the end. 4/5 Road, River and Road. The distant and cold guitar and the warm and fuzzy bass work surprisingly well together. Emotional performance even though the lyrics are just random gibberish. Satisfying. 4/5 Frou-Frou Foxes in Midsummer Fires A darker moodier vibe, the eerie guitar drone in the background at the start creates an haunted vibe, only enhanced by the repeating piano. The shoegazy switchup with the ghostly background vocals is fantastic. Builds upon itself. Nice vibe, good closer. 4.5/5 It's a sound I expected to like and a sound I did like. I don't really have much to say about it that I haven't said in my reactions to the individual songs. Produced performed and arranged marvelously. Great to listen to in the dark, vivid and colourful. My only minor gripe with the album is that at times I think having actual lyrics would add a lot more direction to some of the songs, the gibberish does take a bit away from what could be some more powerful moments. It's not a real problem though, just an artistic choice. Really like it, will revisit more than just the hits. Fave song. Cherry-coloured Funk, fave new discovery: Fifty-Fifty Clown Least fave song. I Wear Your Ring

Mar 02 2025
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Every other dream pop album can go home, this is literally the peak of what the genre can do. Every song is so space-y, it makes you feel as though you are constantly hovering slightly above the ground so that you're still in touch with what is happening around you, yet you'll find yourself swaying with each and every track, in a trance like state that does not break until the album finishes with one of the greatest songs of all time. You may not always understand the lyrics, but you know every emotion behind them is real by the intensity of every instrument, along with the amazing, angelic delivery from Elizabeth Fraser. Drugs are not needed to get swept off your feet by the love and just general musicianship, and capturing every season of the year on top of that is truly expert song craftsmanship. In short, I love this album, its dreamy.

Feb 25 2025
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Heaven or Las Vegas is where Cocteau Twins found their sweet spot, blending their signature dream pop sound with something that feels simultaneously ethereal and grounded. Fraser’s voice, more discernible yet as haunting as ever, weaves through lush, shimmering soundscapes, while Guthrie’s production creates an atmosphere that feels like floating through a dream you never want to wake up from. Tracks like "Iceblink Luck" and "Pitch the Baby" encapsulate the album’s delicate balance between personal turmoil and celestial beauty, all wrapped in melodies that somehow manage to be both elusive and instantly captivating. Its influence echoes through the work of artists like M83, Beach House, and Japanese Breakfast. Heaven or Las Vegas is a rare moment where experimentation and accessibility coexist in perfect harmony—proof that sometimes, the best music is the stuff that floats just above the surface, waiting to pull you in.

Feb 23 2025
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Is this the best Cocteau Twins album? It might be. How can you make such clever and intricate and beautiful melodies? I can’t get enough!

Feb 22 2025
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Feb 22 2025
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semmi más nem vált ki olyan érzést belőlem mint amit egy cocteau twins dal. csodás album, nagyon különleges szerintem, hogy nem a dalszövegen van a fókusz, mégis olyan erős érzéseket vált ki. ezt is van szerencsém lemezen hallgatni:))))

Feb 18 2025
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A beautiful, ethereal album. I knew within the first two tracks that this was at least a 4/5. By the time it reached "Frou-frou Foxes in Midsummer," I wasn't ready for it to end. If that doesn't say this is a great album, I don't know what does. This is what this app is for!

Feb 18 2025
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+ Influential to modern pop music I'm drawn to + Production stands out for the time period + No duds + Leaves me wanting more

Feb 17 2025
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Cerramos la semana volviendo con éste bandón, pioneros del shoegaze. Discazo, automáticamente los temones que tiene nos llevan por paisajes soñados, dejándonos durante las diez canciones en ése estado. Más que destacable la preciosa voz de Elizabeth Fraser, que magnifica todo lo anterior. Hasta el lunes.

Feb 15 2025
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10/10. This is such a beautiful album!!! The lyrics are unintelligible, but there is something really mystic about the music. It's gorgeous!!!

Feb 14 2025
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Not sure if this one can be topped - one of my favourite albums of all time. Every time I listen to it I notice something different it never gets boring. Elizabeth Fraser is the absolute GOAT. Wish there were more than 5 stars.

Feb 11 2025
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lovely, lush, dreamy sounds Liz Fraser has an amazing voice

Feb 10 2025
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very chill and i like that it’s jsut the music and their voices making you feel something

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