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In Rainbows



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In Rainbows
Album Summary

In Rainbows is the seventh studio album by the English rock band Radiohead. It was self-released on 10 October 2007 as a pay-what-you-want download, followed by a physical release internationally through XL Recordings and in North America through TBD Records. It was Radiohead's first release after their recording contract with EMI ended with their album Hail to the Thief (2003). Radiohead began work on In Rainbows in early 2005. In 2006, after initial recording sessions with new producer Spike Stent proved fruitless, the band toured Europe and North America, performing the new material. After re-enlisting longtime producer Nigel Godrich, Radiohead recorded in the country houses Halswell House and Tottenham House, the Hospital Club in London, and their studio in Oxfordshire. They incorporated a variety of styles, using conventional rock instrumentation plus electronic instruments, strings, piano and the ondes Martenot. The lyrics are less political and more personal than previous Radiohead albums. EMI, which had been recently acquired by Terra Firma, hoped to sign Radiohead to a new record contract; however, Radiohead did not trust the new management and negotiations collapsed over ownership of their back catalogue. Instead, they self-released In Rainbows online and allowed fans to set their own price, saying this liberated them from conventional promotional formats and removed barriers to audiences. The pay-what-you-want release, the first for a major act, drew international media attention and created debate about the implications for the music industry; many praised Radiohead for challenging old models and finding new ways to connect with fans, while others felt it set a dangerous precedent at the expense of less successful artists. Radiohead promoted In Rainbows with webcasts, music videos, remix and music video competitions, and a worldwide tour. "Jigsaw Falling into Place" and "Nude" were released as singles; "Nude" became Radiohead's first US top-40 song since their debut single "Creep" (1992). The retail release of In Rainbows topped the UK Albums Chart and the US Billboard 200, and by October 2008 it had sold over three million copies worldwide; it is certified platinum in the UK and Canada and gold in the US, Belgium and Japan. In Rainbows received critical acclaim, winning Grammy Awards for Best Alternative Music Album and Best Boxed or Special Limited Edition Package, and was ranked one of the best albums of the year and the decade by various publications. Rolling Stone included In Rainbows on its updated lists of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time at number 336 in 2012 and number 387 in 2020.







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May 20 2021
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If you told me this was the same song ten times, I'd believe you.

May 07 2021
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Radiohead is one of the bands I've always wanted to love but still haven't quite embraced to their fullest. Their originality, musicality, expressiveness, talent, the undeniable influence on so many others; it's all there. I don't really understand why I haven't connected more strongly with this band. Kind of a "perfect match on paper but for some reason, no chemistry" story for me. Giving 5 stars to show the respect they deserve.

Feb 15 2021
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Excellent. It doesn't get more Radiohead than a song about a video recording you'll leave behind after you die

Feb 11 2021
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Listening conditions - home theatre, without distraction. Albums First Rodeo? - No way Stand out tracks 15 Step - wonderful guitar, sick drum and bass style beat - that time signature!!!!! Bodysnatchers - classic Radiohead track. Like something from the early era. Turn it up! All I Need - moody electro and unsettling lyrics carry this track to it’s perfect crescendo. Jigsaw Falling Into Place - I was close to awarding a stand out to the track before, House of Cards for its attempt at a striped back track. Then JFIP hits with the perfect balance of simplicity and production. One of the best tracks outside of the powerhouse duo up front. Videotape - Play is out boys, play us out No misses to note what a phenomenal album.

May 14 2021
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A generous 2 here, difficult to score as it’s hard to hear the tunes over the sound of Thom Yorke sniffing his own rose scented flatulence while peddling the latest incarnation of the musical equivalent of the emperors new clothes.

Jan 19 2021
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“If Thom Yorke fucking shit into a light bulb … it’d get 9/10” -Noel Gallagher Jeg skulle ønske jeg klarte å like Radiohead.

Feb 13 2021
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This album did not let me cold. Firstly when I listened to it I would certainly rate it a 4. Fortunately I kept thinking about it the whole day and suddenly I listened to it two more times. First 5 of this list

Jun 18 2021
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Amazing. A fucking masterpiece of worldclass. The motifs they use in their songs can be described as intriguing, intense and insidious. They perfectly combine dark tones with dark lyrics in their more oppressive songs. They know when to rattle you with some upbeat melodies with harsh vocals and accompanying instruments. I have had a deep respect for Radiohead for experimenting, but damn I don't think I've ever heard this album before.

Nov 01 2023
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Gloomy and mellow, with plenty of imaginative ideas to keep the listener intrigued. "No matter what happens now, you shouldn't be afraid because I know today has been the most perfect day I've ever seen" Lovely lyrics on the closing track! A pleasant way to end the album.

Mar 11 2021
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An hour of the sound you make when for an hour you have been making an amazing curry but at the last moment realise you have no rice!

Aug 06 2023
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Radiohead's current description on Spotify starts with "At some point in the early 21st century, Radiohead became something more than a band." Ugh. What in the self-righteous pretentiousness. These guys really came together to make yet another self-indulgent piece of work. Sure, there were moments where the music was actually a bit catchy. But then it would by drowned out by another stretch of random nonsense, or Thom Yorke's whining. Enough with the Radiohead records please 😩

Apr 01 2022
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I really tried to give this a listen with an open mind, honestly I did. Unfortunately it's the same unfinished-sounding noodly background music with whining on top that I've come to expect from these Emperor's New Clothes incarnate. Horrible

Feb 02 2021
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Probably one of the worst albums I’ve ever heard

Jan 25 2021
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Another classic. It's super complex and experimental but extremely well mixed. Would have to listen for a while for it to really like, click, but has one of my favorite songs on there - Videotape

May 04 2021
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Beautiful songs and instrumentation. Everything flows - feels very cohesive. Not even my favourite Radiohead album, but still a masterpiece.

Feb 15 2021
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My first experience with Radiohead. I want to hear more, but I think I did them. This album wasn't distinctive enough to really capture my attention the whole time, but the music was good. I'll be back for more

Feb 05 2022
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Gross. This is my "being contrarian" musical opinion: I just can't fucking stand Radiohead. They're in the same class as Coldplay for me, pretentious music for pseudo intellectuals who think they have taste. Can we get a Muse album up in here instead please?

Nov 24 2023
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My favourite Radiohead album. The songs have such an energy that hasn't been recaptured in their work before or since. I'd say it's their most accessible album. Every instrument and note has a purpose and every time I listen to it I hear new elements. It's recorded beautiful and every element can be heard clearly. An incredible album that has aged beautifully.

Nov 18 2023
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I love this album. Every song hits. It’s full of emotion, the lyrics are great, thom’s vocals are pristine and angelic. The drums on this thing are hypnotic, the pattern on weird fishes is so good. Nude is devastating. The distortion and rage of body snatchers is cathartic. Videotape sounds like I’m dying alone in a dungeon. All I need is what took me to that dungeon. Perfect album.

May 04 2021
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The androids find life, love, and oblivion all at once.

Jun 03 2024
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Radiohead will always be the band that a generation of people who wanted others to think they were 'deep intellectuals' and 'get music' said was their favorite. If you tell me Radiohead is your favorite band, I don't need to know anything else - I know exactly what type of person you are. I don't dislike Radiohead but I'm sort of indifferent about them. They have some good songs but if I never heard them again I wouldn't really count it as a loss. This album is fine. It's a good listen but it doesn't really stand out from any other album of the time to me. And I get the hate for Thom Yorke, he does seem like a super pretentious dude and that totally carries over into his band. I actually like his voice which is a sticking point with a lot of people. I can't really pick a favorite song, or even one to highlight, from this album. They all run together but in sort of a good way. The songs are structured well although they never really take off but I think that's kind of the point. 3/5

Dec 06 2021
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I know this is a 5, so I'm attempting to review without recently listening to the album. The details are fuzzy, but when I think about In Rainbows I think relaxed. I think about their performance of the album from the basement more than the studio version. They seem like a real band - just the 5 (6?) middle aged dudes standing in a round, facing each other, listening to each other, jamming. It also sounds exactly like the studio album. Flawless but jammy. Thom sounds less uptight when he has a guitar strapped on instead of sitting in front of a MIDI controller and Pro Tools. Did the subject matter change as well? I can't think of a single track that has the classic Radiohead isolation-by-dehumanizing-corporate-technology vibe. The standout memory of In Rainbows is the end of the song (Nude?) where the vocals finish with that ascending major "ahhhh". It's so uncharacteristicly angelic and unironic. I picture Thom's cranky ass rising into the clouds, naked as a hairless cat, yellow-toothed smile, and a halo. A+

Feb 19 2021
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Maybe not as popular as the their earlier works, but a true masterpiece of song crafting and sound dynamics.

Jan 31 2021
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Hunting guitars and vocals combine to create an incredible album.

Jan 14 2024
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Terrible. Couldn’t get through it. Tried a couple times.

Aug 20 2021
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Wow. You either have to be a huge nerd or high on god knows what drug to like this

Nov 03 2023
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10/10. my early adolescence. this is in my all time top 10, maybe 5

Nov 02 2023
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Most Radiohead albums I can only appreciate like a beast observed in the wilderness: I can see and hear the beauty and power, but I don’t feel invited to go up and snuggle. I love In Rainbows. This and Moon Shaped Pool are the only two Radiohead albums that I truly love. Radiohead have always been an enigma to me: why do people love this complicated, somewhat whiny band with a lead singer you can’t understand, and obtuse music that is nether especially rocking or especially spacey: caught in the Twilight Zone. Lyrics and vocals have always been central to my love of music, but since my older brother loved Radiohead and would anticipate each new release with excitement, I tried my best to find something to love. In Rainbows cracked the code. Here was an album with grooving, energetic, rocking music that nonetheless maintained that complex core, while also inviting the listener to enjoy and partake in their musical joy. It offered me a greater appreciation for their other work. Bonus props to them for the unique release strategy.

Sep 17 2024
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Not great, didn’t really do anything for me.

May 04 2021
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PLEASE give me a decent album to listen to instead of more garbage

May 03 2021
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Radiohead again? Convinced this is the only way they will be heard is on a required listen list. Not me cup of tea💂🏻

Feb 17 2025
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Soundtrack to a fever dream. This is exactly what it sounds like every time you find yourself hurtling down the highway crazy fast late at night and then rolling over into an empty dawn at the very bottom of Monument Valley, just you and the sun and the towering rocks, and then the sand in your hand turns into the change you are desperately counting for train fare before it leaves the station. I guess what I'm trying to say is that early am solo wake-n-bake with this on headphones is a real trip...if you want it to be. I think people who aren't infatuated with this band might be confused about why this album they maybe never heard of with no songs they recognize is even on this list. But the mood it creates and the way the sounds are almost thematically organized - not the melodies but the tones and techniques - and builds its own self-contained world. This is possibly the only rock album that I would be interested to hear a symphony orchestra perform. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi is the standout track for me that kinda summarizes the whole thing, but this entire album is best heard as a single piece of music if you can. And stoned alone with headphones is a good approach. I paid $0.01 when this came out because they offered it as a pay what you wish and I still feel a little guilty about it. Sorry, fellas. Ya done good with this one!

Feb 08 2025
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Nude это очень красивая песенка.. словно разговор наедине с собой в пустой комнате. Наверное это моя любимая песня с альбома. У неё меланхоличный текст, но музыка словно наполнена чем-то светлым.

Dec 16 2024
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MAN, I HATE BEING DEPRESSED! Favourite Songs: YES Least Favourite Songs: NO

Dec 05 2024
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Et af de helt store mesterværker! Radiohead formår at skabe en fusion af en legende lydkulisse og dystopisk selvsmertende stemning. 15 Steps lægger ud med sin hektisk svingende trommerytmer. De er så komplekse at der skal to trommesæt og to trommeslagere til for at fremføre nummeret live. Så går vi lige over i Bodysnatchers, et klassisk Radiohead guitarnummer. Det intense riff skubbe, sammen med Yorks lige så intense vokal, sangen frem. Man bliver nærmest væltet bagover. Herefter sættes tempoet med, men Radiohead byder nu på en anden form for intensitet på nummeret Nude. Yorks vokal rummer menneskelig smerte, sorg og fortvivelse som få andres. Han indkapsler essentiel tvivl og angst og sende det ud gennem højtaleren. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi genbesøger de rastløse trommer mens et firnurligt guitar riff danser omkring Yorks vokal og strygere lægger en dyster tone. Flere dystre toner er der på All I Need hvor bassen ligger som en brummen først i lydbilleder inden det hele smelter sammen i et cresendo af infernalsk lyd. Faust Arp er fingerspillet akustisk guitar over et styger arrangement mens York synger hvad der umiddelbart lyder som lidt for stærkt i versene. Deg bidrager til en følelse af at der ligger ham noget så meget på hjertet at ordene næsten snubler ud af munden på ham. Albummets højdepunkt indtræffer på skæring nummer 8. Guitar figureren kombineret med de hypnotiserende trommer, er så fængende at jeg hørte nummeret på repeat i månederne efter jeg opdagede albummet. House of Cards er en på én gang vuggende og deprimende fortælling om et forhold mellem to mennesker der er ved at indlede en affære. Jiggsaw Falling Into Place er en rigtig headbopper der stiger i intensitet som den skrider frem. Albummet lukker med en smuk klaverballade hvor fortælleren optager sine sidste ord på videobånd. Men så stærk en diskografi som Radioheads er det nærmest umuligt at udpege et bedste album. Men hvis man alligevel vil prøve, så er In Rainbows umulig ikke at tage med i diskussionen. Et kæmpe udspil af (måske) verdens bedst band.

Nov 25 2024
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In Rainbows I can’t remember what I paid for the download, but looking back the pay-what-you-want mechanism is the least interesting thing about the album, as the music is absolutely fantastic; jittery and dense punctuated by moments of clarity and beauty, fusing the electronica and dislocation of Kid A onwards with some of the instrumentation and feel, if not the sounds of OK Computer. I don’t think it feels like a deliberate retrospective agglomeration of those albums though, it feels much more forward looking than that, that they are more comfortable with themselves and how they write and record their music, which probably reveals itself in some of the more personal and intimate lyrics, especially the opening lines of House of Cards. Each song is great, and each one has so many great moments or elements; the quintuple meter of 15 Step hinting at the rhythmic and percussive weight of the rest of album, the scuzzy riff of Bodysnatchers, the harmonies of Nude, the overall oddity of Weird Fishes, the elegant strings and percussion and ominous synth tones of All I Need, when the strings come in on Faust Arp, the cymbals high on the right channel and the bass underneath on Reckoner, the contrast of ‘infrastructure will collapse’ with the opening lines and beauty of House of Cards, the clarity of Thom’s voice on Jigsaw as it builds, the stateliness and lyrical conceit of Videotape. Similar to the Beatles, my favourite album depends on the day, but this is always up there, it’s an exceptionally good album, with no weak tracks. Easy 5. 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 Playlist submission: House of Cards

Sep 16 2024
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One of my fave albums of all time. I think it’s because most tracks weave that that classic Radiohead pervasive uncertainty and slightly tense harmonic state into such a listenable mellifluous composition. Everything makes sense, but in a way you’d never compose yourself. This is true in the harsh programmatic drums in 15 step, the bass/guitar interplay in nude, the wandering fuzzy bass in all I need. This album sounds like an introspective moment which leaves you feeling at once uncomfortable but peaceful under the newfound clarity.

Mar 27 2024
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Honestly it's like my 4th or 5th favorite Radiohead album, but still fire and I listen to it pretty regularly. I don't really think I can give any of their albums from OK Computer through In Rainbows anything other than a 5 because they were all formative as hell. This one was a grower though, I definitely didn't like it in 2007 as much as I do now. So it goes.

Dec 04 2023
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I love Radiohead. And this album is no exception. Haunting and beautiful. Perfect way to close out the work week.

Dec 03 2023
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Love love this album. Lyrics, music, Thom's voice. Arpegios

Nov 27 2023
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This might be my 4th favourite Radiohead album. Easy 5 :D

Nov 24 2023
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The first album in this project that I own on vinyl. Radiohead are my Beatles and this is one of their best. They do what other bands can't which is evolve, stay ahead of their fanbases and maintain an incredible level of quality. This album has some of the best Radiohead tracks ever, but I can pick anything out as the album is so good. I'm giving this 5 stars but it's also made me wish I'd not given previous 5 stars out as this is a cut above.

Nov 16 2023
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This is Radiohead at the peak of their powers. What's remarkable is I'm not sure any of these songs would be in anyone's top five radiohead songs. But half of them are probably in my top 10. This is one of the few LPs where you are compelled to listen end to end. The sequence and transitions from song to song are brilliant. Just like a jigsaws falling into place.

Nov 16 2023
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I would have said this is my second favorite Radiohead album after "Kid A", but you know what? It might tie for first place. It doesn't hurt that it came out while I was living in Japan, deep in the honeymoon phase, where everything was groovy. Love the atmosphere of this album, blending urgency with otherworldly - exactly my jam. Fave tracks - "Videotape" is such a badass closer. Most of the other tracks could get individual mentions, too. And if we're expanding things to disc 2, "Last Flowers" is stunning...

Jun 27 2023
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I don’t know what I expected, but not this? I’ve admittedly haven’t listened to Radiohead much outside of Creep. I think I’ve been missing out. This album is interesting musically and lyrically. Kind of like rock, jazz, and EDM mixed into one.

Feb 22 2023
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I’ve been a Radiohead fan for many years, but it’s taken me a long time to believe all the hype heaped upon “In Rainbows” (or the revolutionary “pay-what-you-want” album, in music critic shorthand). I’ve always enjoyed it just fine, but have never found it to quite match up to the band’s best (“OK Computer”, “Kid A”, “A Moon Shaped Pool”). When it was generated for me here, and I finally had to condense my feelings into a 1-5 rating, everything changed. At this stage in their career, Radiohead were billed as coming back down to earth from their most outlandish sonic experimentation and politically charged material. The story goes that they set out to make warmer, more intimate, indeed sensual songs than their last few albums. And “In Rainbows” pulls it off against all odds. Ten years on from everybody’s favourite social-intellectual-outcast album “OK Computer”, how have we arrived at a record where Thom Yorke can sing “I don’t wanna be your friend / I just wanna be your lover” and it doesn’t feel remotely unnatural? The answer is that “In Rainbows” walks a fascinating line. It’s mostly calm and serene at a surface level, brimming with melancholia, but a raging storm is barely concealing itself beneath. The opening track, “15 Step”, encapsulates the sonic palette of the record: Yorke gliding from calm and collected to manic and paranoid, a warm and intimate Greenwood guitar figure that slowly develops into something more unhinged, an electronically treated drum pattern, bursts of children cheering. Then, we’re hit with “Bodysnatchers”: an explosive rocker showcasing Radiohead really letting loose: no pretensions, no fat, all surprises. And just as we might be figuring out the shape of the record, in comes “Nude”, a song first rehearsed for the OK Computer sessions. It’s an absolutely gorgeous ballad, with a classic existential Yorke lyric: “Don’t get any big ideas; they’re not gonna happen”. The rest of the songs break through casually at first, like pretty shells washing up on a beach, but each of them contain multitudes. Even though I’ve never understood the outpouring of love for “Weird Fishes/Arpeggi”, I can’t deny it’s an impressive composition, weaving cascading arpeggios into a powerful climax. “All I Need” is a love song as much as they’ve ever written, but still has all the gravitas of a funeral march: that’s versatility. Finally, “Reckoner” and “Videotape” are truly haunting, heavy with a sadness to overpower most of Radiohead’s own catalogue. “In Rainbows” still might not be my favourite Radiohead record, but having spent more time with it I can no longer argue that it deserves less than five stars. A comfort listen as much as a challenging one, mature but still exciting, this one exemplifies the art of aging gracefully.

Oct 24 2022
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Like the hypomanic brother to Kid A's depression. Fantastic stuff, through and through.

Aug 30 2021
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Not listened to this for years but still sounds great to me. Kind of the mid point of old Radiohead and new, it's got the classic song structures but no guitar solos (unfortunately)

May 02 2021
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Nunca entendí el mame por Radiohead, solo escuchaba algunas canciones (incluida Creep porque basic). De este álbum conocía solo “House of cards” que sí me gustaba bien. La verdad debo admitir que este disco me pareció bastante ok, a mi lista de canciones de Radiohead que aguanto ahora agrego “Bodysnatchers” y “Reckoner”. Aunque no sé bien cómo evaluarlos, voy a ser benévola porque cuando vi que tocaba un disco de ellos sentí mucha hueva pero escucharlos fue una bonita sorpresa.

May 02 2021
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Con Radiohead tengo una relación bastante cordial, jaja, porque me gustan los discos que he escuchado, aunque no me clavo con ellos. Son pocas ocasiones en las que me dan muchas ganas de escucharlos y bueno, ahora tras reescuchar el In Rainbows con intención de evaluarlo, quiero decir que es un disco sin skips para mí. Hay muchas cosa acá, mezclas, con cuerdas, percusiones, que su rock, que sus sonidos electrónicos, etc. Me gusta todo, desde lo más "rockero", como "Bodysnatchers" o "Jigsaw Falling Into Pieces", hasta lo que son casi baladas, como "Nude" o "Videotape" con su pianito. "Weird Fishes / Arpeggi" me gusta mucho también. Un sonido que pues yo digo que sí ha dejado huella para muchas bandas. También muy padre eso de haberlo lanzado en línea y que pagaras lo que gustaras por él. 9.5/10

Feb 01 2021
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A fave of mine :) Listened on Vinyl!

Jul 22 2024
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This is better than I remember it. I'm still nostalgic for OK Computer Radiohead, but some of that is here. I start to lose touch with it, though.

Jun 03 2024
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I loved this album when it came out, and I saw Radiohead play it at Victoria Park. It’s interesting that this has become the preferred Radiohead record for Gen Z (Austin Butler referred to it as his old faithful - cringe) as when it came out it was considered their most accessible and therefore un-Radiohead album yet. My tastes have shifted away from Radiohead in the intervening years but this album still brings back happy memories of a great band coming back with a great record.

Dec 02 2023
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Liked it, a couple of really great songs. My favorite is still OK Computer.

Nov 30 2023
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This is a really neat album. Some Alice in Wonderland meets Post Punk vibes. A lot of neat experimentation and very satisfying as a whole. Fav tracks: Bodysnatchers, Weird Fishes / Arpeggi, All I Need

Nov 16 2023
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I really need to spend some more time with Radiohead. It was raining while listening to this and House Of Cards and Videotape stole the show for the vibe.

Nov 02 2023
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Solid album but definitely had some obscurity to it. I’m not familiar with radioheads game so not sure where this falls on their discography, but I’d dint hate it. And I’d probably listen to some of these songs again.

Oct 31 2023
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I've listened to this before. I wanted to give it a 3 before re-listening. Then I listened again. It's so good. Minimum a 4.

Feb 17 2025
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So if you like being depressed and even find good things kind of depressing, then this is the album for you. It has everything: warbling vocals drifting nowhere, childhood sayings whispered nonsensically, creepy counting, and inexplicably soaring sounds. NME named it the 157th best album of those released in some time period somewhere and Rolling Stone calls it "your favorite album's favorite album."

Dec 15 2024
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I bought this as a digital copy back when the band offered it for “free”. I never really listened to it though. But I have listened later on in life - and it’s pretty good actually. Easier to get into than Kid A.

Sep 08 2024
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I have a hard time looking past the influences that Radiohead draws from on their latter day records. Sure, I see the Can and Neu! influence, some Brian Eno, a little Sonic Youth and maybe some Velvet Underground sprinkled in, but I don’t really see Radiohead taking that influence and making it into something more interesting than what their influences have already done. As an example, I really liked “Bodysnatchers”, but that’s because it kind of felt like Can by way of Sonic Youth, at least musically, and if forced to choose, I’d pick anything by those bands over that song. This is a very pretty and well produced record, without a doubt. It’s just that despite their influences, Radiohead is, to me, kind of a boring band.

Jul 19 2024
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Enjoyed this, but can't explicitly say why. None of the songs particularly stuck out, but as a whole a pleasant listen.

Nov 02 2023
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not in my top 3 radiohead albums. Took me a while to come around to the very punchy avant-garde sounds throughout many of the tracks. All I need is in my top 7 radiohead songs though so gets a bump for that.

Nov 19 2021
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I remember what a big deal this one was. I think they sold it online and anyone could pay whatever amount they wanted to pay for it. Everyone lost their shit over it too, but I never really thought it was that great. I still don't. OK Computer is the quintessential Radiohead album as far as I'm concerned. This is fine, and Reckoner and Jigsaw Falling into Place are great. And I know they have a huge following and they're geniuses at melding instruments with tech music, but it's still a "meh" for me.

Oct 24 2024
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Boring, couldn't understand lyrics Excellent production

Oct 05 2024
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Weird. And I am not sure it’s in a fun way lol

Oct 01 2024
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I think I miss the hype a little bit

Sep 30 2024
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Onks radiohead emojen coldplay? Ei sinänsä mitään vikaa mut kyllästyin jo neljännen biisin kohdalla ja kynsin hampain kuuntelin loppuun. Ehkä tää on albumi johonkin toiseen elämänvaiheeseen.

Sep 25 2024
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This was really all background music for me. 2.5

Sep 18 2024
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Eerlijk gezegd kijk ik niet zo uit naar dit album van Radiohead. Ik ben zoals eerder vermeld fan van de eerste albums en op een gegeven moment afgehaakt, omdat het mij allemaal te experimenteel werd. Op zich zullen er altijd wel een paar interessante nummers bij zitten, maar ik verwacht weer veel te veel moeilijkdoenerij en net niet lekker in het gehoor liggende snobmuziek. En dat is soms vermoeiend, daar heb je simpelweg niet altijd zin in. Nu ook weer, het begint al gelijk met een gemaakt beatje, wat niet lekker klinkt. Geen drummer die lekker los mag gaan op de drums of een funky sound neer mag zetten. Nee, het moet weer klinken alsof ze wat emmers op zijn kop hebben gezet en de drumstok vervangen is door een bezem. En was dat maar zo, dan zat er nog iets origineels in, maar het komt natuurlijk uit een computer. Ik hoor wel dat er verder best een paar aardige nummers op staan, maar ik heb hier vandaag gewoon allemaal geen zin in, in die interessantdoenerij. Ik heb vaak genoeg allerlei bonuspt uitgedeeld, maar vandaag ben ik een zure man. Radiohead is gestopt na OK Computer en de rest hadden we wat mij betreft allemaal niet hoeven horen.

Sep 14 2024
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Not as good as the bends and honestly nothing stuck with me

Jul 28 2024
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Wow, this album is boring! 2 stars or D- because I always need sleep.

Jul 19 2024
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Meandering and self-indulgent. I hated this slightly less than other Radiohead albums post OK Computer, but I would still never willingly listen to this for fun.

Jun 11 2024
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I don't understand the Radiohead love to be honest.

Jun 08 2024
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I still think Radiohead is perhaps the most overrated band of all time. Not terrible but like how is this anything special? I don't see it

May 07 2024
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I think I've heard enough Radiohead to determine this isn't a band I enjoy. There may have been a song or 2 I thought was decent, but the more I keep hearing these guys, the more I'm even despising the song Creep. Thought this album slow, boring with zero drive to be entertaining to whatever audience they are seeking. That basically sums up every album I've listened to from this list and it seems we've had too many. No more Radiohead, please. It wasn't offensive to the ears, so I'll go with a 2. But damn, even a 2 was a stretch. 2

May 07 2024
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2 Noel Gallagher once said, “I reckon if Thom Yorke fucking shit into a light bulb and started blowing it like an empty beer bottle it’d probably get 9 out of 10 in fucking Mojo”. After having now listened to five Radiohead albums on this list (out of their nine total), I couldn’t agree with Noel more, though I think none have epitomized the spirit of that quote quite as well as this album right here. Look, I don’t outright hate the evolution of Radiohead’s sound - in some ways I even have a sense of respect for it - but it’s at a point here where Thom Yorke’s head is fully up his own ass. This isn’t nearly as deep or insightful as it pretends to be, nor is it even entertaining for that matter - it’s just the dude whining over a bunch of ambient stuff. I honestly have nothing else to say on this - at least they didn’t make people pay for this shit. While a large part of me wants to give this a 1, I can’t quite convince myself it’s objectively one of the worst things I’ve heard - but it’s far from what it’s made out to be.

Apr 01 2024
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quieter and whinier than I thought radiohead would be. less rock. more emo

Mar 19 2024
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Good background music if I'm ok being bummed out.

Feb 12 2024
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What is my generation's obsession with this droning, incoherent noise factory? Am I not being pretentious enough? I've tried, I REALLY have, but I just. Don't. Get it. I love Creep, but it turns out that's because it's just an old goddamn Hollies song! Could not tell one track from the other on this collection of nonsense. Gets a 2 instead of 1 bc it has a few decent beats, and I was on occasion interested in some of the instrumentation, but those were the sad bits of passable sausage in am exceptionally weak gravy.

Jan 29 2024
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Man, I wish I could suck myself off the way Radiohead do after making the MOST boring music that gets constant universal critical acclaim.

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