Aimee MannThis is way too dense and too 90s. The melodies are boring and same-y, with lyrics that are way too verbose. Maybe it’s a product of the time but every song feels like it needed an edit pass.
This is way too dense and too 90s. The melodies are boring and same-y, with lyrics that are way too verbose. Maybe it’s a product of the time but every song feels like it needed an edit pass.
https://i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExNjUyMDlhcjNldWV6NjNneDVkODJ2Nnc2Y3F2YzE1Y3d2czRxNXNjMyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/oiJ0Yf3sLucp2/giphy.gif There are some real earworms on this album, but as a whole it felt like a bunch of computer-generated filler. Really shallow lyrics, a race to get to the hook in every song, some really cringey 15-year-old ideas about romance. Honestly, this sounds like a more polished Rebecca Black. I have no idea how this album is held in such high regard--it feels like this was assembled in a corporate boardroom.
The third track of the album is a seven minute “don’t kill yourself” song. The 80s were weird.
Music to listen to while holding a mug of tea with both hands. Sweet enough to give you diabetes.
This album is fine, but is what I assume they play in the background of episodes of Gilmore Girls. Nothing objectionable but also completely forgettable.
This is the worst one so far. So dated and just a cacophony of sound. The lyrics are on par with Kirk van Houten's "Can I Borrow a Feeling?" I hated every second I had to listen to this.
Sunshine Superman and Season of the Witch are total bops. However, a huge part of this album is just 60s weirdness.
From knowing this band only from their biggest hit, this was far more listenable than I expected. Not the greatest, but “Been It”, “Never Recover”, and “Your New Cuckoo” were all pretty catchy.
This is way too dense and too 90s. The melodies are boring and same-y, with lyrics that are way too verbose. Maybe it’s a product of the time but every song feels like it needed an edit pass.