The PoliceDiverse style in first few songs before The Police sound I knew of. All time great song Every Breath You Take but only 'O My God' did I also want to add to my library.
Diverse style in first few songs before The Police sound I knew of. All time great song Every Breath You Take but only 'O My God' did I also want to add to my library.
Songs in easy to listen order, has a couple songs that scream the 70s, you've heard in countless movies. Love the insrtumental and the blues song. Added 6+ songs to lib. Solid, nothing made me want to skip to the next song, good variety but still sounds like JA.
Funky groove to open, followed by a 60s spy song? Living For The City is good but the mid interupt will grow on me, already loved higher ground. Good sound overall, enjoyed it even though its not what I would normally pick. Nice and short, doesn't overstay itself.
Classic Xmas songs, plenty you times you heard these versions growing up. Sound like they should with some motown swing.
Discordant intro that makes me want a bit more. Like the sound, songs feel slightly drawn out at times. Artsy to be artsy, like it was made as an itunes exclusive for Ipod launch. Chill vibe despite the discordance liked how it all came together, sum is better than the parts, not sure how replayable just one song is, what do I add to my lib?
Chill, dreamy vibe. Can't understand a bunch of lyrics but don't care. Just want to close my eyes and sway. Makes me want to put it on loud in the house and get lost cleaning. Are they hypnotists?
Slightly earlier version of sound I grew up on once branching out from what siblings played. Early alternative rock. Light, goes by quick.
I hate live albums. I really hate live albums. I love JC, and really enjoy his interactions with the crowd, and some songs just sound right with him infront of inmates. I want to like this more than I do :(
Quirky, funky, poppy, always themselves. I am biased though, I think Talking Heads is the best "80s" band. Fun songs, makes you want to move. Simple constructed lyrics but not shallow. Not a sound replicated by other bands, like they are their own style. Not their best album though :P
First album I don't know if I've ever heard a song from. Digging it, first few songs have good sound and flow well. Middle piano songs are ok but just changed the mood too much and songs started to just sound formulaic before switching back to better development in Hard To Say Goodbye thru the finish. Can't stop thinking it reminds me of Black Keys if they had more diversity in sound, with clean and solid vocals instead of distorted.
Floyd doesn't produce songs, they make albums that are a whole experience and just the songs never sound right without that context as amazing as they are. Making albums like this is a lost art.
Overproduced pop, a genre I normally steer clear of with some exceptions. This isn't one of them. Human is ok, rest is uninteresting noises with some good singing. Then the good singing gets weird just to be weird. Reminds me of college and the "I'm gunna be a pah-du-cah" crew.
I don't mind it. Got some bop and jazzy funk, I don't hate saxs so digging those solos. Sounds standard late 70s, liked the mid tracks the most. I'd almost rather just hear the band jam for 40 mins.
Takes me back to high school, had some friends who would always play this or Godsmack, and I remember watching the debut on Conan. Scream metal isn't usually my thing, even with my taste in music expanding greatly. It can be hard to recognize bands or albums that are great at what they are but not in your wheelhouse. Raw energy that is contagious this whole album but exhausting by the end. Something that I would still only listen to situationally or as a part of another media (songs in video games) not casually on my own.