Van HalenIrgendwie schon nice, aber vor allem hat Spotify danach im autoplay "Right Now" gespielt und das Lied ist ja mal hammer.
Irgendwie schon nice, aber vor allem hat Spotify danach im autoplay "Right Now" gespielt und das Lied ist ja mal hammer.
Didn't realize how sexual some songs were and even more how creepy Alabama song is
Irgendwie schon nice, aber vor allem hat Spotify danach im autoplay "Right Now" gespielt und das Lied ist ja mal hammer.
So dreamy :)
sehr nice energy. Das drum solo war der hammer.
Schon nice
manchmal sehr cool, manchmal nervig, und manchmal langweilig
Ich hatte das Gefühl das Album litt ein bisschen unter dem Seinfeld Effekt. Kann mir vorstellen dass es extrem wegweisend war aber für mich klang es so Basic und abgedroschen dass ich es nicht ernst nehmen konnte
This guys sometimes sounds like he's either dying or already undead. I actually really liked War in Peace though. Probably because it was so psychedelic
Interessant. Bisschen hit or miss
surprisingly cool and modern sounding
I loved the song Grace already but the rest of the album is just as phenomenal
How could I sleep on Megadeth if I like Iron Maiden? I didn't like all of the songs but it definitely send me down a rabbit hole!
This was not from their thrash metal era, right? This is really nice for work. I also really liked the slower Songs
Most of the songs I knew but still nice to hear in its entirety. Sometimes surprisingly similar sounding to coldplay
cool, aber nichts davon hat mich so abgeholt wie "Runnin, Down a Dream" was bisher der einzige Song war, den ich von Tom Petty kannte.
Good stuff, but I don't know in which context or mood I would listen to this
I liked it. Nineteen Hundred and eighty five was cool on the first listen
I listened to it in the background so i didn't pay great attention but the album itself and the resulting spotify radio was amazing
I have to get used to the inbetween tracks but in general this is the shit I like
I was so surprised that I didn't really know a single song from this album. Some of them I liked but overall there is a reason why I don't know them
I like most music, but Punk ist just not my thing. This was Punk I can tolerate. But honestly every song sounds the same
a little too much noise for my taste
solid but did not blow me away