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Sonic Youth


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Album Summary

Dirty is the seventh full-length studio album and second double album by American rock band Sonic Youth, released on July 21, 1992 by DGC Records. The band recorded and co-produced the album with Butch Vig in early 1992 at the Magic Shop studios. The sound on Dirty was inspired by the popularity of grunge music at the time, and has been described by Billboard magazine as avant-rock. Some songs on the album mark the first appearance of three guitars in a few Sonic Youth songs. Dirty reached number 83 on the US Billboard 200 and number six on the UK Albums Chart. The album spawned four singles: the lead single "100%" charted well, but was not the crossover hit the label anticipated, followed by "Youth Against Fascism", which did not chart as well. The last two were "Sugar Kane" and "Drunken Butterfly", with the former performing better commercially than the latter. In support of the album, Sonic Youth embarked on the "Pretty Fucking Dirty" tour of 1992 and 1993, where they played most of the album during sets. In late 1992, they toured North America, and in early 1993, they toured New Zealand and Australia and released the Whores Moaning EP, which featured most of the "Sugar Kane" B-sides.







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Jun 22 2021
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Sonic Youth are, and always will be, better than your band.

Apr 14 2022
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Hey, no one ever went to a Georgia O’ Keeffe exhibit to gaze at realistic reproductions of flowers and landscapes. Nor did anyone view a Terry Gilliam film with the understanding that actual events were being depicted. So don’t approach Sonic Youth with the expectation that you’re going to hear songs with sustained, consistent tempos or beautiful harmonies, or even instruments in tune! If so, you’re going to be sorely disappointed. If, however, you can listen beyond the norm, and adjust your tuning frequency to that of the band’s, then you’re in for a uniquely good experience. I have a friend who happens to be a priest in the Eastern Orthodox Church. The liturgy chanted in their worship is lengthy, to say the least. They are just warming up on Sunday morning while most Protestant and even Catholic congregations are closing shop. The sheer amount of words emanating from the priest(s), the reader(s), and the choir is overwhelming. It’s simply too much to consider in real time. I asked my priest friend about this once and his suggestion was to allow the liturgy to just wash over you, and release the need to reflect upon what’s being communicated. It’s not really a didactic exercise for the congregant anyway. It’s more of a spiritual communion between the Divine and human, a foretaste of heaven on earth. (This isn’t his exact quote, just my general memory.) While an aural experience of Sonic Youth is hardly religious, I think a similar practice may be helpful. It’s not really a didactic exercise either, although the lyrics are mostly decipherable: bassist and vocalist Kim Gordon comments on cultural issues from a feministic perspective on songs like ‘Swimsuit Issue’ and ‘Shoot.’ Same with guitarists and fellow vocalists Thurston Moore and Lee Ranaldo, weighing in with pretty harsh condemnation (emphasis on the 'Youth' part of Sonic) regarding still more cultural issues on ‘Youth Against Facism’ and ‘Sugar Kane.’ And then there’s a handful of surreal offerings like ‘Drunken Butterfly,’ for example, which contains nothing more than lyrics and titles of songs from the classic rock band, Heart. But lyrics aren’t really the heart of Sonic Youth. Music is, or more accurately, the mood created by the music. I don’t know of a lot of other bands that create a more potent ambience than Sonic Youth. And while Dirty is a good LP, it’s not their best, nor the best representation of the typical volume of glorious dissonance found on most of their other recordings. In fact, as I understand it, producer and engineer Butch Fig wanted to tighten the arrangements up a bit, and I think it’s to the detriment of what Sonic Youth does best. It’s like asking the Grateful Dead to not jam so much. Again, don’t get me wrong, 'Dirty' is still a fine recording. Just take the bridge on ‘On the Strip,’ starting at about the three minute mark and extending for about 70 seconds with it’s A piacere, dissonant feedback (like the end of many of the live Who or Hendrix concerts back in the day), and imagine that extending for several more minutes sometimes as an intro, other times as a middle, often as a conclusion- that’s Sonic Youth. These fellas (and lady) have the patience to give the song time to breath, like a uncorked bottle of wine before its poured. They also understand the value of ritardando in a song, which is a word most rock bands wouldn’t even be able to define. And, as would be expected, their utilization of dynamics emphasizes the emotional effect each song is aiming at. The interplay of guitar work between Moore and Ranaldo, the notes often rubbing up so close together they almost become one, is jarring while at the same time surprisingly agreeable. Then, when they do finally sync up or harmonize together It’s like the feeling of health you always get (but often take for granted) following a bout with the flu. You find yourself exhaling a breath of air out of your lungs before you even realized you had been holding it in. And Steve Shelly’s steady drumming remarkably manages to hold this whole thing together, while even delivering a flourish of his own. This guy loves a shuffle beat, and it’s to Sonic Youth’s betterment. Finally, no one’s ever going to invite Kim Gordon to sing the National Anthem at a ball game, but her fierce growling of the lyrics at the end of ‘Shoot’ are convincing enough to make the hair on any man’s neck rise. She’s perfect for Sonic Youth. The golden tones of Karen Carpenter would be quite out of place here. Sonic Youth has long been one of my favorite bands. And years ago, when I read that Neil Young loved ‘em too, it made my heart skip a beat. Turn this one up loud, and cinch your seat belt tight. And toss your habitually conditioned clean ears and expectations right out the window. It’s about to get 'Dirty.'

Dec 10 2020
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There's very little to dislike about this album. Sure, Kim Gordon's vocals wander around looking for the key like a drunk in the dark trying to unlock their front door. But, other than that, it's a pretty good post-punk, post-grunge, alt-rock album. The issue is that there's not really a whole lot that amazing about it either. The lyrics are culturally relevant but stop short of being pointed commentary. The musicality has an edge to it (that's often missing in a lot of grunge-adjacent rock) but it's stops short of kicking anyone in the nuts. The album is good but it's just not great. Guitar tones are on point though and it was fun background rock.

Apr 22 2021
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Noise rock perfected. Crazy, wailing guitar lines, pop-punk sensibilities, dirty drums, interesting vocals and lyrics. Favorite song: Wish Fufillment

Jan 28 2021
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No. I can't understand why you would learn how to play an instrument to turn around and make shit like this. I want to sue them.

Jul 01 2021
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Really surprised I haven't come across this sooner because it's totally up my street. I usually hear people talk about Daydream Nation or Goo when it comes to Sonic Youth, which I like a lot - but this feels more polished, more direct, and influenced by the grunge scene which was exploding at the time, while not losing sight of their own experimental edge. Superb

Jun 30 2023
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There’s a damn fine case to be made for Sonic Youth as the greatest American rock band. At the least, they are the band that exemplifies what I consider to be “the American spirit” more than almost any other. Let’s review: Ambitious? Check. Adventurous? Check. Aggressive? Check. Rebellious? Check. Forward thinking? Check. Politically savvy? Check. Innovative? Check. Experimental? Check. Influential? Check. Unorthodox? Check. Unique? Check. Willing to carve out their own path? Check. Most importantly, they fucking rock. Dirty might be Sonic Youth at their most aggressive. It’s exceptionally loud, chaotic and noisy. If you want to scare the shit out of your neighbors at 3 am, pick up an original pressing of this record on vinyl (it’s mastered *so* hot) and crank it up. But it’s not without songs and melody. Sugar Kane is one of the greatest 90’s alt-rock songs - that it’s relatively unknown, outside of Sonic Youth fans, is a crime. The twists, turns and breakneck speed of “Purr”…the ethereal grandeur of “Theresa’s Sound World”…the blunt teardown of America’s sexual harassment problem on “Swimsuit Issue”…and the gorgeous, chiming, opening strains of “Chapel Hill”: These are the heights that hacks like William Corgan and the majority of your alt-rock heroes could only dream of attaining. Dirty isn’t the best Sonic Youth record and it’s not even my favorite - they made better records before and since - but it is the record that turned me into a Sonic Youth obsessive. For that, it will forever get high marks in book.

Feb 16 2022
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Yknow that scene in a recording studio where there’s some terrible band making noise and the friend/producer/lead is pronouncing that what they’re creating is art but it’s it’s actually just shit? That’s what this album sounds like.

Aug 25 2021
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Probably the most accessible Sonic Youth album I've heard so far, but that doesn't make the Kim and Thurston duo any less tasty.

Jan 14 2022
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I was a casual Sonic Youth fan before listening to this. Like, loved pretty much everything I've heard and always intended to dive in deeper, but hadn't gotten around to it yet. This album assignment was the push I needed to finally do that. Now. In my defense, I was very stoned before i hit the play button. But I immediately purchased a Dirty vinyl after one listen. Anyway, to sum up my thoughts, I'm an alt-rock girl at heart (maybe tied with pop at this point for my favorite genre), and listening to this was like letting my angsty soul have a nice long rest at home. Oh, also, as an avid crocheter, I will definitely be creating my own little orange alien to sit on the shelf next to the album.

Jan 18 2023
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This was always my favourite Sonic Youth album, and it still sounds great today.

Jan 18 2023
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My favourite Sonic Youth album after Sister: non-stop 5* rock songs, highly accessible without doing any concessions to their sound.

Mar 14 2021
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This is the album where I became aware of Sonic Youth (after the Nirvana explosion) so these songs are burned a little deeper into my memory. Liked listening to the rehearsal tapes on the deluxe edition.

Apr 01 2024
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Is this Sonic Youth at their most accessible? Most mainstream? They're still doing their own crazy thing but maybe the rest of the world finally caught up with them? Maybe they were still streets ahead of the curve?

Jun 20 2024
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Sounds 5/5 at times and some cool riffs sprinkled throughout but I couldn’t tell you many actual tracks that stood out.. also feels very lacking vocally for extended stretches. Missed potential IMO! Incinerate >

Jan 20 2022
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The albums on this site have brought me to love Sonic Youth. This album is not exception.

Mar 17 2023
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“I’ve been around the world a million times and all you men are slime.” Love love love this album. I have listened to plenty of Sonic Youth over the years but never sat to listen to an entire album. Nothing but love for this one.

May 14 2023
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Really influential album and sound. All of the instrumentals are dope and have a lot of cool dynamic changes. I also like the very straight forward lyrics in some of these songs. A lot of the noise/shoegaze bands usually have very cryptic lyrics but songs like swimsuit issue are almost like punk lyrics. I didn’t love Kim Gordon’s vocals at first but they grew on me and the music is just so good. JC has a haunting kinda sound that I really like and stuck with me. A lot of the songs have great riffs and/or melodies under the layers of noise and distortion which I feel like takes the songs to another level and conveys the energy of the writing really well. Whether it’s adding to a fast song to take it another level or destroying the more soft songs like JC. So many cool dynamic and tempo changes in this one too that draw you in and makes the album fly by. Sick album and I’m looking forward to listening to this and more sonic youth in general. 👍: JC, chapel hill, purr, sugar kane

Feb 23 2024
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This was my Sonic Youth. This weaned me (but not completely) off hardcore punk with its crunchy guitar and throwaway lyrics. I might be rating this higher out of nostalgia, but at the very least I believe it to be one of the best Sonic Youth albums.

Mar 18 2024
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Every time I listen to Sonic Youth I think I should really listen to more Sonic Youth

Apr 08 2024
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Another SY album that might be my favorite of theirs! Listen to this one regularly, it's got like 5 songs that could be my favorite SY song. Anyway, easy 5. I believe Anita Hill.

Apr 17 2024
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Surprisingly I have never listened to Sonic Youth, but I am glad to rectify that now. Very solid outing and I look forward to more.

Apr 18 2024
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This is a really good album. I didn’t listen to much Sonic Youth growing up, which is a shame because they are definitely one of the best alternative grunge bands of all time, and this album showcases that perfectly. While it dips a little for me in the middle, there really isn’t a bad song on here. “100%,” “Youth Against Fascism,” and “Purr” are probably my favorite songs, but I was captivated from beginning to end.

Apr 28 2024
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Wonderful rock album. Powerful, loud, noisy and interesting.

May 26 2024
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Goddamn I love this band so much. That signature thing where they start with a spacious slow groove and detached flat affect vocals, then build up layers and layers of guitar lines, dissonance distortion and feedback, filling in the space until it's super saturated as the vocals get more and more angst and it eventually bursts and a clean guitar arpeggio comes in like the cool feeling after a quick dew point drop and a downpour have taken all the oppressive humidity out of the air. Masters of tension and relief, of the hard-earned explosive climax, of time and texture. The two-three guitars going back and forth, interweaving lines, bouncing ideas off each other, extending each others openings, or just layering give this such an dense exciting feel - like Television re-invented for the grunge era. This album is packed with so many riffs, melodies, turns of phrase, powerful sounds, and they come across so forcefully and precisely and with such control even as they're pushing every meter deep red.

Feb 15 2021
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I enjoyed this album. Coming from not knowing too much of their work, I think this opened me up to their style of music. Their music has uses heavy distortion but it's controlled and fits with the singing(like in "drunken butterfly" and "orange rolls, angel spit"). The sound is heavy and sometimes melodic which is what I like to listen to and I enjoyed some of the 'softer songs like "chapel hill". Their a great mix of hard rock, 'grunge' and punk.

Jun 06 2021
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Ne vous faites pas avoir par cette note de 4/5, il s'agit en réalité d'un 3,6/5.

May 19 2021
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your favorite band's favorite band. I can definitely see why. Intuitive guitar sounds, powerful vocals. Pretty hectic and fast paced throughout, but also has some more relaxed songs to break it up a bit. However, not an album I feel the need to listen to over and over again. Not that many memorable songs.

Jun 23 2023
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Yeah, this is really cementing for me that I shoulda got into Sonic Youth decades ago. It's well badass. I could see more listens pushing this to a 5 easily enough. Fave track - "Youth Against Fascism" is delightfully catchy and off-kilter. Also really liked the vibe of "JC"...

Mar 04 2024
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Sonic Youth's second record on a major label. When Nirvana's Nevermind burst onto the scene in 1991, grunge was suddenly everywhere. It would be downright dishonest not to admit that they were the biggest influence on '90s rock. In the wake of this storm of grunge, Sonic Youth released Dirty in 1992. Some people have claimed that this is their grunge record, but I think the influence is only slight. Concretely, Sonic Youth has still made alternative and noise rock bangers on Dirty. We get the most from Kim Gordon on this record and she's a fantastic vocalist. Compared to Goo, I'd say Dirty is the better record. Perhaps Sonic Youth had to adjust to major label expectations but this album shows that they could still turn out great songs like they did on the indie labels. Sonic Youth is one of the best sounds of the 20th century, and I'd consider us lucky that we got to hear so much of their stuff.

Mar 13 2024
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Well, shame on me for never listening to Sonic Youth before. This was awesome. Noisy and agressive instrumentals, but not grating. The music perfectly matched the vocals, too. It was cool to have alternating singers, each adding a different flavor to the music. Kim Gordon was the definite highlight but I also enjoyed how Thurston Moore and Lee Ranaldo complemented the abrasive sound. Putting these guys on regular rotation from now on, that's for sure. Standout tracks are Purr, Chapel Hill, Sugar Kane, Wish Fulfillment, Shoot, and 100%.

Apr 17 2024
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It's impressive how it can be both pure noise and melodic at the same time. I have owned this album since it first came out but I rarely come back to it. But when I do, I enjoy it.

Apr 17 2024
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I've still yet to really appreciate these guys (and gal) but I get their authenticity.

Jun 07 2024
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I always get Sonic Youth mixed with Smashing Pumpkins because of that Simpsons episode, and this album has not helped Cool sound though, would listen again.

Jun 16 2024
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this album went all over the place for me. i didnt really see much consistency and there were a lot more duds than hits. i am also not a fan of kims vocal delivery in this album. i like the mixing for the album though; drums sound nice. towards the second half, it got a little tiring and boring to listen to. the highs are good at least. 3 personal favs: sugar kane, chapel hill

Jun 20 2024
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I love noisy guitar bands, Mary Chain, Pixies, Ride etc but somehow I never really got into Sonic Youth. Cool guitar sounds but where are the tunes? 'Sugar Kane' is fantastic, if the whole album was that good it would be 5 🌟 but sadly it is not.

Jun 22 2024
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No. 203/1001 100% 3/5 Swimsuit Issue 2/5 Theresa's Sound World 3/5 Drunken Butterfly 2/5 Shoot 2/5 Wish Fulfillment 3/5 Sugar Kane 4/5 Orange Rolls, Angel's Spit 2/5 Youth Against Facism 2/5 Nic Fit 2/5 On the Strip 3/5 Chapel Hill 3/5 JC 3/5 Purr 3/5 Creme Brulee 2/5 Average: 2,6 The experimental parts didn't click with me.

Oct 15 2023
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I don't get it. This is apparently revered by some, and I really wish someone could explain why. It is muddy, flaccid and noisy. The vocals are flat and seemly deliberately off-key. The only track on here I can suggest I "like" (and I use the term in a very loose sense) is Sugar Kane, which goes on a minute too long. I guess if you grew up with Nirvana and were tired of grunge, this represents and a nice little change of direction, but jeebus it's a not a fun album to listen to.

Jan 20 2021
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Pretty sure I've only heard Sugar Cane from this album. I'm surprised I hadn't heard the whole thing before, it is right up my ally. This is early alternative/grunge from 1992. It was before I really got into music as a teenager, I was only 13 when this came out. I don't think I really "got into" music until I was 16, especially alternative rock.

Feb 05 2021
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Much harder than I remember it being

May 23 2021
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Ja, dit is er wel eentje voor mij! voor de liefhebbers van 100%, luister eens naar het coveralbum van Mantar "Grungetown hooligans",

Jul 01 2021
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Ну че, пацаны, 5 альбомов Соник Юф в подборке? Что тут скажешь, одно из самых простых для понимания, но при этом не теряющее своего шарма творение. Запилено было после того, как пацаны из СЮ расхайпили Кобейна, взяли парнягу к себе на лейбл, а тот возьми да и скажи (лейбл): мол, ребят, походу в тренде щас гранж, давайте че-то похожее сообразите. Ну а хули тут соображать, как бы, когда они прямое влияние на него и оказали. Ну и сделали песни попсовее и помелодичнее, чем обычно. Когда составлял топ-100 любимых альбомов (там с условностями, но всё же), то его включил тоже, вместе с шедевральным Goo. Щас так подумал, а может всё же что-то другое стоило? Но, переслушав, пришёл к выводу, что пусть будет. Главной проблемой пластинки остаётся доминация песен Ким Гордон, которые проигрываю пацанским темам по всем фронтам. Но всё же при этом здесь собраны одни из лучших песен Гордон, поэтому ну хуй с ним, видно шо старалась. Ну а остальное — это ж праздник вообще. Theresa's Sound-World, Sugar Kane, Youth Against Fascism (где кстати отметился игрой на гитарке сам Ян Маккей из Фугази), Chapel Hill и Purr (последние две войдут, вероятно, в десятку любимых песен СЮ) — всё заебись, в меру экспериментально, в меру шумно (ну этож нойз-рок в конце концов), в меру мелодично и попсово. Не идеальный альбом, но очень крепкий и обладающий потенциалом на переслушку. 9/10

May 23 2021
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An excellent noise record. Sonic Youth is one of the great noise bands without a doubt

Aug 25 2021
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Not as strong as Goo, but the second strongest from them so far, far surpassing Daydream Nation. It is good, if a little overrated.

Nov 19 2021
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This is the sound Ive needing for a while. I like the energy and the power that comes form almost every single song.

Dec 01 2021
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<3 top 3: "Sugar Kane", "Creme Brulee" y "Drunken Butterfly" <3 <3 10/10

Jul 08 2022
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Pretty dang solid 90s sonic youth

Jul 28 2022
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One of the best Sonic Youth albums

Aug 04 2022
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Loved this, missed til now, sonic excellence.

Oct 10 2022
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I like it. The alternating singers and the great variety of riffs and sounds make this a great listen. Didn't listen too closely to the lyrics, but they all felt very centered towards an idea, and I like that a lot.

Nov 10 2022
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bello punkettone e rumoroso come piace a me, nonostante questo melodico. belle le voci e creativi i motivi. Elettronica e chitarra con effetti. molto vario (diverso da varissimo) anche come emozioni anche se tutte sfumature di greve

Nov 16 2022
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I love this album. A great mix of noise aggression and melody - lots of crazy experimentation but also very accessible and some lovely dreamscape tracks.

Dec 29 2022
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Goo sounds like the OG great sellout record to me, then here they proved they could still sellout without compromising their noisy proclivities, Dirty is my favourite SY record and one of my favourite albums to play in the car.

Apr 21 2023
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15 doses para uso consciente de ruídos, distorções e efeitos sonoros. Para experimentar continuamente o rock dissonante e punk envolvente.

May 18 2023
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This album is so damn good that it is still going to get 5 stars even with the amount of screechy elements that made me recoil. Favorite track: Theresa's Sound-World

Jun 12 2023
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Sonic Youth go (sort of) commercial. But stay true to themselves. I've never listened to this despite being VERY familiar with the cover, saw it everywhere but least my brother's record collection. recognise a few tracks, the straight up bangers of 100% and Sugar Kane, but they sound the least like themselves. Was slow to get into it but it gets really in my skin a few tracks in and doesn't let up.

Jun 23 2023
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This album brings back a lot of fond memories for me and I found this time around to be quite enjoyable. 100% is still great, as is Sugar Kane, Creme Brulee just leaves me wanting more so let's go again!

Jul 31 2023
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Brilliantly brash and aggressive, the alternating male/female vocal leads showcasing a breadth of emotions

Sep 11 2023
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Sonic Youth just delivers every time. Though the album peaks early on with the perfect “Theresa’s Sound-World”, where Moore delivers an incredible performance, the entirety of Dirty (not including “Nic Fit”) is just brilliant. There’s no denying what an incredible drummer Steve Shelley is, but on this album he shows up to become one of the greatest alive. His playing is so varied, expressive and explosive that I find myself in awe every time he hits just anything.

Sep 16 2023
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Early grungy, punk kinda feel. Loved it.

Nov 12 2023
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I've been familiar with Sonic Youth songs for a very long time, but hardly have paid attention to the albums. This is a welcomed selection as all of these songs are new to me. I feel there is a shift in their sound due to the peak of grunge... which I don't mind at all. The only downside to this record is some of Kim's vocals on songs such as Orange Rolls and Swimsuit Issue. But I really enjoyed the rest of the album. If we could grade with half stars it would be a 4.5, but I'll bump it up to a 5 because I enjoy songs like Theresa's Sound World, On the Strip, and JC that much.

Jan 05 2024
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I write this at the end of a 7am drunken bender, and I feel like I just needed this. I've listened to a few Sonic Youth records, but staved off their 90's material because I wanted to listen to it in order, but there's a lot of albums, and that's a lot of work. What is the best Sonic Youth album? It's always up for a very pointless discussion, it's every rym user's wet dream to get into a stupid debate about it. I'm not even sure what Sonic Youth would think about the way their music is spread around these days. Like Sonic Youth has somehow been relatively underground for so many years, because not everyone loves noise rock, and their fan base is the worst. I mean I got into their music because I saw their infamous interview with Nardwuar where they broke some nice gift he was sharing with them. And somehow watching that stemmed into my deep obsession with this band and their music. I don't know what that says about me but I'm too scared to know the answer. Wait I'm still talking? Oh yea this album is sick!

Jan 25 2024
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This has been a favorite since its release. Listened to this on my discman so many times on the bus to/from class and work before streaming came along. I can still anticipate the next song as one ends. The production and conciseness of the songs are an obvious attempt to get some mainstream success in the age of grunge but they still kept their sound. The sequencing is great to balance the louder and quieter songs. This has some of the best Kim Gordon songs (Shoot, Swimsuit Issue, Drunken Butterfly) - all influenced 90s riot grrrl. Youth Against Fascism is a great time capsule of the H.W. Bush era. The guitarists always get the praise but Steve Shelley should get just as much - the drum sound on Sonic Youth albums always rocks and this one is no different. His drums always sound like live drums - like a good bar band. For some reason - too few bands have that normal live drum sound.

Jan 31 2024
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This album is great. Great great great. It was so great that, upon hearing it, I bought other Sonic Youth albums and came to learn that this was their big stab at commercial success, which makes sense. I do like other songs of theirs, but I don't love another whole album of theirs. This thing is just good, through and through.

Feb 29 2024
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If Velvet Underground was a grunge band.

Mar 13 2024
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it’s kinda hard to get into Sonic Youth, but when you do, weird shit like this really hits - 9/10

May 03 2024
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Støj og melodi i en helt perfekt afbalanceret enhed. Jeg har hørt en del SY og kendte nogle af numrene. Men dette deep dive ind i et helt album var en ny oplevelse. Det er hverken sidste gang jeg har hørt Dirty eller andre SY albums.

May 27 2024
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The very definition of punk ethos with pop sensibilities. Peak experimental noise punk at the peak moment of alternative rock. This is where uncool circles back around to cool and starts turning the corner back around to uncool again. Drunken Butterfly, Sugar Cane, Youth Against Fascism. This is mosh pit in a Denny's on a Tuesday kind of stuff. It's all down hill from here.

May 31 2024
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My entry point into the world of that great American band, back in the day. This and *Sister* and *Daydream Nation* and *EVOL* and *Goo* and *Washing Machine* are surely "essential" albums. And they're also mandatory listens for anyone who can enjoy dissonant yet ultimately catchy (alt-)rock that blows your socks off. For the ones who *can't* enjoy such wonders, consider this: by 1992, Sonic Youth had toiled for a decade in the underground, from their no-wave and noise roots to the more melodic, streamlined, and yet equally gritty, intense and adventurous alt-rock of their EVOL - Sister - Daydream Nation "trilogy". And the early nineties were where the mainstream then caught up at last on them, when it was high time most of the overblown and cheesy aesthetics of the eighties went to the bins of music history (helped by the success of  Nirvana's *Nevermind*--and also, admittedly, by the band's signature on the same major label, Geffen, a few years earlier). So in that context, *Dirty* feels like a triumph. Sonic Youth had pointed to the way forward all these years, and now came the time to reap what they had sowed, gaining a younger audience as they did so. Another reason why that 1992 album is still *100%* "essential" today. Of course, it does help that this record is one of Sonic Youth's best albums, equally aggressive and catchy, and that its 60-minute runtime is filled to the brim with rough gems and epic cuts. "100%" is the perfect dry and tight opener, "Drunken Buttefly" is a hectic and wild ride, "Wish Fullfilment" is a romantic scorcher that's equally dreamy and hardcore, "Sugar Kane" is an indie-rock anthem for the ages, and "Theresa's Sound World" and "JC" (about the murder of the band's roadie and friend) are moody, mesmerizing cuts. Also don't miss "Chapel Hill* and *Youth Against Fascism*, which are rocking out like hell while bringing burning topical issues on the table. Many reviewers up there have already rightly pointed out how Sonic Youth's guitar work aptly plays with tension and relief, disonance and consonance. Since those reviewers have used far better choices of words that I ever could come up with, I invite you to read those reviews again. I also can't help noticing the number of folks who were not familiar with this record and ended up loving it. And that crocheter explaining that she was about to create the creature seen in the album's cover (or a similar one) brought a big stupid grin to my face, by the way. I hope she did create it and put it on her album shelves. So maybe indeed this record is indeed the best entry point for SY's oeuvre (as it was for me at the time it came out). So don't hesitate to get *dirty* with it. Because it still feels as vital and dynamic decades later as it was in 1992. Number of albums left to review: less than 200, approximately - I've temporarily lost count here. Number of albums I'll include in my own list: half so far, approximately (including this one) Number of albums I *might*  include: a quarter, approximately Number of albums I'll never include: another quarter, or just a little more (many other albums are more important to me)

Jun 05 2024
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I enjoyed this album way more than I thought I would. I'd heard 100% and liked it but I've always found Sonic Youth to be too abrasive for my taste. I like metal. I like Screamo. But Sonic Youth is always heavier than everything. But listening to this album in full gave me a chance to see through the grit. Dirty is real fucking dirty. Kim Gordon sends out the most gutteral screaming grunts. The guitar work is all fucking over the place, but it somehow works. It's like they put a ton of practice into making it sound like they didn't give a fuck. The lyrics are obscure and hard to hear but they are very socially conscious while also being very personal to the band. This album is incredible. There wasn't a single song I didn't want to hear again. And thank you 1001 for finally making me listen to an entire Sonic Youth album and for helping me understand their rightful place in music history.

Jun 22 2024
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Love me some Sonic Youth. They have a couple albums that I enjoy more that didn't make this list but I do like this one. I think this is my last SY album on the list. Thanks for giving me a trip down memory lane as I was once quite obsessed with this band.

Jul 25 2024
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Funnily enough, I was just listening to this a few days ago. It's always been my favourite Sonic Youth album, maybe because it is more direct and less psychedelic than some of their earlier ones. The only songs on here I'm not really into are Drunken Butterfly, Shoot, and Nic Fit. The rest are pretty great; especially Theresa's, Sugar Cane, Youth Against Racism, and JC. 9/10

Aug 08 2024
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Seattle got a lot of credit for something New York had already been doing for a long time! Dirty is beautiful, and always with the full-range Sonic palette to prove it. Messier and less perfect than Daydream Nation, but arguably more fun?

Aug 26 2024
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Man the 90s were too good, I had this on heavy rotation during my teens. Might be one of my favourite albums that I forget is so good, revisiting this is such a treat. Sonic Youth brought it so well on this record!

Aug 27 2024
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Probably the high Point of Sonic Youth's career. Commercially palatable without being the sell outs they never aimed to be. Plus this came out at a great time - right when grunge was riding high on people's minds and Sonic Youth were seen as one of the progenitors of that musical style. Plus it is a great noise fest of an album. No one was cooler than Kim Gordon. I was lucky to see them touring this album, playing the Big Day Out in '93 and a triple bill with Mudhoney and Helmet. A gig with so much feedback I thought my insides had been rendered into jelly.

Sep 11 2024
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I forgot (but not completely) how kick ass this album is! I revisited it a few months ago when Kim turned 70 (!!!) I love them - their power, their dissonance, their talent - they were always cooler than everybody else and it seems that is still true.

Oct 09 2024
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El disco más accesible y disfrutable de Sonic Youth, una institución en la música. Su influencia es enorme, paralela a la calidad de cualquiera de su abundante producción. En dirty se nota la mano de Butch Vig (productor de nevermind, entre otros muchos discos y cabeza pensante de Garbage) Para mi gusto es mucho mejor que Goo, y está al nivel de sus obras reconocidas como Daydream Nation o Sister. 100% es una apertura perfecta, del primer sencillo del álbum. Swimsuit Issue sube el ritmo y la energía para pasar al tenso y emotivo Theresa's Sound-World. Si Jimi Hendrix hubiera hecho algo en los 90 sonaría así. Drunken Butterfly y Shoot, con la voz de Gordon recuerdan a la época Sister pero actualizadas y dando pistas a las bandas Grunge de cómo hacer buenos temas. Wish Fulfillment, el único tema cantado por Ranaldo, una joya. Sugar Kane es otra de sus gemas. Orange Rolls, Angel's Spit- Fiereza punk que conduce a Youth Against Fascism, segundo y perfecto single (con guitarra de Ian McKaye ). Nic Fit es una versión de Untouchables (la banda del hermano de Ian McKaye ) es un meneo de aquí te espero hasta que On the Strip, retorna a esos nebulosos medios tiempos de Sister... Chapel Hill es otra de mis favoritas JC, dedicada a Joe Cole (asesinado en un asalto a su casa junto con Henrry Rollins) como también 100% (o Live Through This de Hole y The End of Silence de la Rollins band) inicia la triada final. Una estupenda canción que ha pasad más desapercibida de lo que merece. Purr, otro temazo, y van infinidad de ellos. Increíble el nivel que demostraron en este disco. Créme Brûlèe, cierre con la más experimental del lote. Un disco que no envejece y no da un respiro. Imprescindible. 1992 también fue el año de: R.E.M. - Automatic for the People , Arrested Development - 3 Years, 5 Months, and 2 Days in the Life of…, Los Fabulosos Cadillacs - El león, Sugar - Copper Blue , Barry Adamson - Soul Murder , Lou Reed - Magic and Loss, Beat Happening - You Turn Me On, Pale Saints- In Ribbons, Red House Painters- Down Colorful Hill, Lush- Spooky, Mr. Fingers - Introduction, Leonard Cohen - The Future, Tom Waits - Bone Machine, Inner City - Praise, The Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy - Hypocrisy Is the Greatest Luxury , , Dr. Dre - The Chronic , Wish- The Cure, Dirt- Alice in chains, Angel dust- Faith no more, Harvest Moon- Neil Young, Dry- PJ Harvey, Sweet Oblivion- Screeming Trees, Palomine- Bettie Serveert, Slanted and enchanted- Pavement, Erotica- Madonna, The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion- The Black Crowes, Bigger, Better, Faster, More!- 4 Non Blondes, Check Your Head - Beastie Boys, RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE- RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE, Tourism- Roxette, MANÁ: ¿DÓNDE JUGARÁN LOS NIÑOS?, GUN: GALLUS, Love symbol- Prince, Joaquín Sabina- Física o química, Kitchens of Distinction- The Death of Cool, Albert Pla- No sólo de rumba vive el hombre, Surfin' Bichos- Hermanos carnales, Kiko Veneno- Échate un cantecito, Balas blancas- Barricada, Sangre española- Manolo Tena, Khaled- Khaled, Morphine - Good, THE JAYHAWKS - Hollywood town hall, LOS DEL-TONOS - Bien, mejor, LEMONHEADS - It's a shame about ray, WILLY DEVILLE - Backstreets of desire, BUFFALO TOM - Let me come over, SOUL ASYLUM - Grave dancers union, LUNA - Lunapark, Nick Cave: Henry's Dream, RIDE- GOING BLACK AGAIN, AFGHAN WHIGS- CONGREGATION, MORRISSEY- YOUR ARSENAL, Lovedeluxe- Sade, Diva- Annie Lennox, El Guardaespaldas...

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