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From the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die.

Nighthawks At The Diner

Tom Waits


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Nighthawks At The Diner
Album Summary

Nighthawks at the Diner is the third studio album by singer and songwriter Tom Waits, released on October 21, 1975 on Asylum Records. It was recorded over four sessions in July in the Los Angeles Record Plant studio in front of a small invited audience set up to recreate the atmosphere of a jazz club. The album peaked at 164 on the Billboard 200, the highest place Waits had held at the time, and is currently certified silver by the BPI. It has received critical acclaim for its successful mood-setting, capturing of the jazz-club atmosphere and characterization.







  • Folk
  • Singer Songwriter


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Nov 04 2021
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I do not understand the appeal of Tom Waits in general or this album in particular. Every track is essentially the same. Tom says, "Weeell. Mumble mumble grumble mumble, vague rhyme, mumble mumble, vague rhyme, grumble mumble. Yeah." And then the crowd applauds his pretentious, pseudo-intellectual bullshit. The real star of the show isn't Tom. It's the bass player who's working his fingers off trying to carry the whole album on his back. Jim Hughart is a beast of a player. He's the only person doing any significant amount of work and is the only reason this album got two stars from me. I almost gave the album an indifferent three stars but then Tom had a nice long monologue about masturbation and, well, he sort of lost me there. I spent the rest of the album just waiting for the damn thing to be over.

Dec 07 2020
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This album was recorded over the course of two nights in a studio made up like a jazz club, complete with an invitation-only crowd. Tom Waits works the room, introducing almost every number with a story, then easing into the song, sometimes singing, sometimes merely pontificating while the crowd encourages him. It's a format that might not work for any other artist, but it's perfect for Waits' neo-noir hangdog vagabond persona. There are parts of Tom Waits' discography that I don't completely get, but not this. This works. Best track: Eggs and Sausage (In a Cadillac with Susan Michelson)

Jul 22 2021
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The sort of atmosphere being evoked here (smoke filled club, moody lighting, disheveled raconteur-crooner, audience tittering as glasses chink) doesn’t actually exist in the real world. It exists only in fiction. In trying to recreate the natural rambling flow of a night in a no-good joint, Waits cannot escape the artifice of his creation. He gets so caught up in evoking the mood, and creating a “reality” that he forgets to imbue it with any actual songs.

May 31 2023
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Can someone explain why this guy has at least 5 albums on this list? It’s all garbage.

Jul 22 2021
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Waits pulls off as his rambler in the corner concept brilliantly as far sonic textures and plausible performance goes. The audience banter, the desultory storytelling, the 'Oh yeah, I'm supposed to actually be playing this instrument' moments, the recording quality. It's a great atmosphere. But atmosphere is only half the egg--for arguement's sake, let's say the yolk. You've still got to bind it together, and at points this is so loose you can feel the yellow goo dripping down your arm and on to the floor (does this egg metaphor even work?) Basically, the weighting is wrong and however much I love the clever phrase-making, vocabularly showboating and cute aesthetics, those things are never gonna balance it. You simply don't feel compelled to hear enougg of these songs again, a bad sign for any album but especially one with so many. Worth saying that while the songs might not lure you back in, this does deepen the longer it goes on. I guess that's atmosphere for you.

Jan 15 2021
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Brilliant jazz spoken word/ sung style. Relaxing and hilarious, Tom Waits nails his characterization. Would have loved to hear the recording with those in the audience.

Aug 29 2024
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Imagine Johnny Cash's Live at Folsom/San Quentin albums. Now swap the legitimate and interesting setting of a concert in prison with a fake TV studio-esqe Jazz club set with a small group invited studio audience. Now remember Johnny's little gaffs and jokes he usually has to segue between songs? They are going to take up half the runtime of the album. Also, they aren't going to be funny. Also, instead of Johnny Cash we are going to get some mumbling dolt who is trying his hardest to sound like an old black soul musician, only to end up sounding like the love child of Chris Rock and Randy Newman. Now take that down a point or two from your expectations. The music that you can even make out over Tom's mumbling is perfectly adequate, unfortunately with how much the guy is rambling on you can't even enjoy it as simple background music. I think this was the first time in this list that I was checking to see how much longer I had to listen to this shit.

Jan 16 2021
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Absolutely delightful, young Tom live. Laughs, jokes, and so many jazz. Maybe all you need to listen this is a pack of cigarettes and a bourbon, maybe not.

May 15 2023
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Oh my god, make it fucking stop. How about that? 1/5

Jun 20 2024
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I never want to hear this man again in my life Terrible. Absolutely terrible It was like bad stand up comedy over a jazz band. But he wasnt funny, and even his talking voice grated on me. And the audience laughing made it even worse, because his ramblings weren't even funny I was begging for this one to end 1 ⭐️

Jul 03 2024
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If only they shut off Tom Waits' mic it'd be much better. Good musicians; terrible "singer". It's shocking that one of Waits' albums made it on the list, two is crazy, but this is now the third one! How!? 2/10.

Jun 25 2021
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I love you Grandpa Tom. Not my favourite of his albums, but still contains enough mercurial magic to keep me delighted from start to finish. Lovely jazz-stand-up meanderings that show off his sharp mind. Still, wish it had a few more actual songs.

Jul 22 2021
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Absolute mastery of the piano and the audience. They are absolutely gagging for it and they get every bit of it and more. God it would be so great to be there. For what this is and for this perfect moment in time, for me it’s perfect. Turns out it was actually recorded in a studio, not in a real jazz club, which makes a helluva lotta sense as to why it sounds so liquid smoooth. This album has everything I love about TW within, the bukowski style turn of phrase storytelling and the soaring vocal melodies that bring a tear to my eye.

May 23 2021
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Kind of a turning point for me within Tom Waits discography. This is the performance when he turns into the type of performer you hear from here onwards. This is as much of a mood-place as you can get. Instant smoky-jazz club. I want to live here. Every time I see a plate of eggs and sausage I think of Tom Waits now. I will say it's not an album I listen to much though, none of the songs are really best listened to in isolation, if I listen to this it's the entire album.

Jan 26 2021
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When I started doing these, I thought about have a "will I look for it on vinyl," as part of my ratings. This one will for sure be one that I would love have in the background while hangout out with friends. I kind of rushed the Bob Dylan review (I was really trying not to skip a day with these, but I realize I will get more of out them if I don't rush) so I didn't mention that I found his lyrics to be strange to the point of opacity. Tom's lyrics, however, manage to be both brilliant, and understandable, which to me was a lot more enjoyable. As for the music itself, I remember someone mentioned to me years ago that Tom's early recordings were "lounge singer stuff," and I see now what they meant. This isn't something I would listen to in my car, but as the cover art suggests, it's the perfect soundtrack to midnight "eggs and sausage and a side of toast." My personal enjoyment: 4/5 Did it belong on this list: 5/5

Dec 12 2022
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Not my usual thing but clearly fantastic. Like sitting with the most interesting stranger you've met in a bar of late night cafe. A collection of stories really.

Feb 08 2023
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I'm so horny the crack of dawn better watch out. Great album. One of my favorites

Nov 05 2023
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I’ve never felt so conflicted about an album before. I feel like critically this album is terrible, but I just can’t help loving it.

Jan 14 2021
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i only know of Tom Waits because of a TFOT song. is this a live album? his voice is so gravely. perfect for this kind of music. real jazzy intro. very much a story telling method of vocals/lyrics. exactly what you expect at a late night jazz club. tom waits is definitely a storyteller. enjoyed listening to this album, though it's probably not something i'll come back to often.

Feb 22 2021
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Just a man telling his stories and some jazz in the background. But I love it. It couldn't be bad with that voice and that jazz. A studio recorded album that tried to recreate the feel of a small jazz club and succeeded.

Aug 10 2021
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Like the concept and loose feel of the album. Although I did not love this album, i respect it and admired the musicality of Waits and the jazz band. Will save for late night listens

Dec 01 2021
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Well this is an annoying gimmick. I didn't really like Tom Waits to start with, but this whole world-weary jazzman in a smoky bar telling stories interspersed with the occasional song shtick... spare me. And the "audience" laughing at every little quip? please. either they're as pompous and artsy-fartsy as he is, or this is all fake. Oh, and it goes for 75min. 2/5.

Dec 22 2022
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I learned from this album that I really don't like Tom Waits' laugh.

Apr 18 2024
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The bassist is playing like rent is due, and I love me some bass. Otherwise, I have to admit this isn't my cup of tea. It's not grating; just boring, indulgent, and quite long. I'm a simple person who likes hooks I guess. I'd consider putting it on for background music while I'm working so I'd feel like I'm in a club instead of the office, so at least it's immersive. I kept checking to see how much time was left, which usually results in me slapping a one-star rating on an album; the most unforgivable thing an album can do is bore me. But again, the bass playing is so good that I can't insult it like that. Shout out to fellow Minnesotan Jim Hughart. I love to see a hometown hero winning. Highlights: On a Foggy Night, Eggs and Sausage, Better Off Without a Wife, Nobody

Jul 24 2024
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Not for me but appreciate how it was viewed at the time.

Aug 03 2024
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No. 224/1001 Opening Intro 3/5 Emotional Weather Report 3/5 Intro To On A Foggy Night 2/5 On A Foggy Night 3/5 Intro To Eggs And Sausage 2/5 Eggs And Sausage 3/5 Intro To Better Off Without A Wife 2/5 Better Off Without A Wife 3/5 Nighthawk Postcard 2/5 (2x) Intro To Warm Beer And Cold Women NR Warm Beer And Cold Women 3/5 Intro to Putnam County NR Putnam County 2/5 Spare Parts I 2/5 Nobody 2/5 Intro To Big Joe And Phantom 309NR Big Joe And Phantom 309 2/5 Spare Parts II And Closing 2/5 Average: 2,38 Didn't really like him trying to be a comedian. Also wasn't that good musically.

Sep 20 2024
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Everybody’s got to have a hook: Frank Zappa wrote songs about toilets, the Captain and Tenneille wrote songs about rodents, Tom Waits woke up one day, decided to he wanted to be Charles Bukowski and started writing songs about being a derelict. Such is life.

Oct 20 2022
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This was really pretty bad. The song “Warm Beer and Cold Women” didn’t live up to its title, but was the best track on the album. Still not enough to pull it from the dumpster it lives in.

Apr 19 2024
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Can we be fucking done with this theatre kid? Sick of gravely woe-is-me singing with look-at-how-weird-I-think-I-am clang rhythms.

Jun 26 2024
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If I went to this show in real life I would be bored as hell. Instead I listened to a fake show, by myself, so I was somehow even more bored than bored as hell.

Apr 01 2021
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I always thought this album was a live recording. But reading the wiki taught me something.

Apr 27 2021
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One of my fav Tom Waits records. Brilliant.

Jul 19 2021
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Tämä oli hauska ja tunnelmallinen levy, joka piti otteessaan pitkästä kestostaan huolimatta. Tässä pystyi hyvin kuvittelemaan klubin ja näkemään raspikurkkuisen viihdyttäjän kertomassa tarinoitaan yleisölle. Huumoriakin oli mukana. Ei hittibiisejä, mutta kokonaisuutena loistava!

Mar 23 2021
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Приятная болтовня под музычку

Aug 24 2021
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This is the Apoclypse Now of ablums you need to hear! Maybe it was the rain coinciding with one of the opening tracks being a weather report but I was immediately hooked on the vibe of this album. Mostly amazing poetry but it was also funnier than most other comedy albums I've heard over the past few years. And the fact that it's all live was the icing on the cake. Someone once told me that Apocylpse Now is such a good movie but it's a shame you can't put it on all the time... You have to SET aside time to really soak it in, and that's how I feel about this album. Definately time well spent. A real treat from a geniuine and honest artist.

Sep 12 2021
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I actually already have listened to this one. In fact, I have it on vinyl. Its really a special album, and my introduction into Tom Waitts. The atmosphere of this album really makes you feel like your in some dingy diner late at night listening to the wise advice of some traveled troubadour. Truly a phenomenal album.

Oct 03 2021
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Stand-up & blues concert at one time? It’s Tom Waits!

Nov 26 2021
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I’ve never really liked Tom Waits, but this album is wonderful. Quite a joy to listen to, he really shines here.

Dec 31 2021
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Aw man, I fucking love Tom Waits. The playful banter on the album, the smooth delivery, the humor sprinkled's the perfect calming soundtrack for a Sunday. A crappy college friend of mine loved this album, but I won't hold that against Tom Waits. Though now, of course, I regret waiting on Waits. Unlike that friend, Tom Waits is a compelling personality and genuine talent. Fave track: Warm Beer, Cold Women. Bonus points to thi album for being funny and witty as hell. Felt like having a conversation with a cool whiskey-drinking bachelor uncle.

Dec 31 2021
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First time listening to Tom Waits on purpose. Did not disappoint and I will definitely listen to more

Jan 09 2022
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I think there is definitely something about the street level storytelling and mumbling delivery that does it for me.. I'm easily a Tom Waits fan now.

Jan 09 2022
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I completely understand why someone may not like this album. If that someone is you, I just want to reassure you: It is okay to be wrong.

Feb 16 2022
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Caught me by surprise. I love easy jazz, and great lyrics. His distinctive voice fits the music well...

Mar 11 2022
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Tom Waits is such a crazy cat that I genuinely can't be certain whether there is a real audience or if it's a recording of an audience throughout the album. I'm about halfway through at this point and I'm enjoying it, it's very jazzy, spoken-word with "intros" to every song that are basically as long as the songs themselves and just Tom rambling about drinking, life, women, the weather, breakfast foods, drinking bleach, and whatever else comes to mind. I love this.

Mar 23 2022
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This was the first Tom Waits album to do well. It captures the feel of a smoky jazz club with its live audience. Waits is a natural performer and certainly knows how to work a crowd. As always, his lyrics find themselves with the overlooked of society and the music is loose but well arranged. He has a unique ability to capture the profundity in the profane and this album hints at his best work yet to come.

Apr 29 2022
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Everybody who hated this listened before 11pm

Jul 01 2022
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Intro tem um monólogo interessante (ver tradução). On a Foggy Night também. Basicamente monólogos.

Aug 04 2022
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Tom Waits always gets a 5. A legend. This album is fun and stands out with its pseudo-club setting. As I always say with Waits: if you get it you'll love it, if you don't you may well hate it. I get why he isn't going to appeal to everyone. No snobbery intended.

Aug 05 2022
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Incredible piece of mood setting

Aug 28 2022
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This is the kind of gem I started this 1001 Albums thing to find. I’ve come across Tom Waits a few times and knew he was some sort of eccentric, folk-bluesy, spoken word type of artist. I hadn’t heard of this album however, and the concept is wonderful - recorded in a studio made up like a late night jazz spot, Waits becomes this sleazy master of ceremonies character, delivering lengthy rambling intros to each song, slur-singing his way through, lapsing into a sort of standup comedy. The faux-audience whoops and applauds and laughs along, and you’d be forgiven if you thought the whole thing was impeccably recorded fly on the wall audio from an actual jazz bar. The music is clichéd in an achingly endearing way, Waits’ lyrics are lewd and poetic. I read a few negative reviews complaining that Waits keeps almost forgetting that an album needs songs. To that I’d argue that you need to expand your conception of what an album can be.

Sep 29 2022
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Excellent! felt similar to a jazz club atmosphere on an album.

Nov 09 2022
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This is the first Tom Waits album I had. I didn't buy it - since I had no clue what a Tom Waits was - and don't remember who gave it to me. I need to find out and thank them since it is one of my ATF albums. The first words Tom slurs are " An inebriated good evening to y'all". This  perfectly sets the stage for what is to come. There are some classic songs like "Better off Without a Wife" with the timeless lyrics "she's been married so many times she has rice marks all over her face". As good as the song is, it plays second fiddle to the intro which has such classic lines as: "maybe you whistled it but ya lost the sheet music!"; "by about 2:30 in the morning you end up taking advantage of yourself";and "makin the scene with a magazine". I can't think of a better album about drunken debauchery.  I expect the songs came to him without much effort and were simply songs about what happened last week. "Eggs and Sausage" and "Warm Beer and Cold Woman" are two other classics both of which also have excellent intros.  Warm Beer . . . includes the line: "I kinda reached the end of an emotional cul de sac one evening." and also includes the moniker "Last Ditch Attempt Saloon" that I've borrowed umpteen times to describe watering holes around the world. The line " . . . getting a lot of verbal and visual insubordination  . . ." is another one I've  borrowed repeatedly.  The best song on the album is Putnam County. This bad boy would never make it onto any respectable list of all time greatest  songs, but it's at the top of my list. With lines like "swizzle stick legs jackknifed over naugahyde stools" and  "mixed feelings over mixed drinks" it should be on everyone's GOAT list.

Jan 05 2023
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It’s just Tom waits talking with jazz in the background 5/5

Jan 08 2023
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I listened to this without reading the wikipedia article and thought I was listening to a live album at some cool nightclub wishing I was there. It was a real surprise to discover this is a studio album with a small invited audience designed to simulate a jazz club. No wonder it sounds so good. Really fantastic. The band sounds amazing. The recording crystal-clear. Tom sounds perfect. The audience interaction perfect and natural. They really succeeded at setting the mood for this recording. It’s quite a feat. I love listening to this. There are laugh-out-loud moments, arresting moments, and a lot of near-perfect moments. And a jazz remake of Phantom 309? I’m stunned.

Jan 08 2023
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Well, I was apprehensive about what could possibly follow the perfection that is Lou Reed's Berlin, and seeing our fourth Tom Waits album had me wondering how this one was going to stand out from the others. I shouldn't have worried. The 1001 Generator had my back. Nighthawks at the Diner is an intimate night in mid 70s Los Angeles with a performer who is doing precisely what he was meant to do. The songs themselves are wonderful but so is the interstitial patter, poetic and musical enough that it was likely scripted and rehearsed but seemed completely spontaneous. Waits often laughs at his own jokes and had me laughing out loud, when I wasn't tearing up. Really fantastic, start to finish.

Jan 08 2023
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I wasn't expecting an album like this from Tom Waits. It was delightful. I very much appreciated his laugh (when he amused himself). I do hope that this is his natural laugh and not the laugh of some character he was playing...

Jan 08 2023
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Listening to this, I kept reaching for the non-existent drink and cigarette that were conjured up on the imaginary table in front of me by the atmosphere this album created. Even when I didn't get the 1975 Los Angeles references, the audience's delighted reactions made me share in the enjoyment. I loved the storytelling feeling of this, with Tom Waits' always amazing turns of phrases, e.g. "Just like a bastard amber Velveeta yellow cab on a rainy corner." His piano and guitar, and the rest of the jazz ensemble were wonderful. For being a longer album, and a live album, this held my rapt attention as I enjoyed the whole show.

Jan 19 2023
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I love Tom Waits. The 70's Tom Wait was a development of Tom Waits the persona, while his later work was more musically creative and incredibly eclectic. Both are equally compelling to me. Because this is live, we get to meet the burgeoning persona with a live audience to play off. His backing band is superb and helps to flesh out the character that inhabit his songs. Yes, the small audience were invited rather than paying customers, but that doesn't change the power of the set. Essential listening for me.

Feb 06 2023
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This is the album that got me into Tom Waits. And I love Tom Waits. 50% sleazy jazz, 50% musical stand up comedy. If this doesn't tickle and intrigue you I don't know what you get out of life, honestly. It's not his best album - ask any different fan and you'll get a different answer (the correct answers are Small Change and Swordfishtrombones) but still well worth five stars.

Feb 08 2023
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I absolutely love this. I can smell the smoke, taste the whiskey, and feel the dank air in the dingy basement lounge. His charisma is palpable. Love the jazzy arrangements, and the players on this are impeccable. The stories and jokes make it feel like he is the resident musician at this divey jazz club. I don't really have any criticisms of this album, but it's still not a perfect 10 for me. 9/10 rounded to 5 stars.

Mar 15 2023
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Love it! This is like going to a dive bar and seeing the greatest show you've ever seen and wondering how this is happening here and why can't I stay here for the rest of my life! Witty poetry from a master of words I can't get enough of these stories and songs!

Mar 17 2023
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Amazing blues by the genius Tom Waits

Apr 09 2023
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Wow, I am truly growing to love this artist. This is my third album of his and each one that comes I rate it a lil higher. Tom really set the atmospheric mood on this one. 1975, but I felt like I was there at that diner with him and other people. Laughing at the jokes moving my head, just feeling relaxed and chill. Sets up his stories and built interest. Comedic relief and great jazzy blues. This album was a FUN experience. As a whole it was amazing. Don’t really have a top banger list, but I am gonna add “Eggs And Sausage” to my playlist as a token of a perfect listen. Easy 5!

Apr 14 2023
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A tough one to listen to while working as, like hip-hop, much of the appeal lies with paying close attention to what's being said. I prefer Waits' later, weirder stuff, on the whole, but this banter heavy nightclub replication is awesome. I want to go to there. Fave track - "Spare Parts I (A Nocturnal Emission)" made me laugh out loud!

Apr 26 2023
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Waits ability to drill down to the most excruciating detail is what takes this from artifice to a painting with sound that comes alive. Putnam County kills. Thoroughly great beat proto rap jazz club quintessential Tom.

Apr 28 2023
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This album is an amazing fit for Tom Wait’s voice. After the first two albums we had of his, I had minuscule hope. Boy oy boy was I surprised. Tom’s growling, low voice is fantastic with the underground, seedy jazz club feel. The jazz players are great. And Tom is fucking hilarious with his joking banter. Home run!

Apr 28 2023
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Makin' a scene with a magazine ... filled with pics of Tom Waits. ... When I say 'I Love this album,' it takes on a new meaning. I saw Short Cuts before I knew who Tom Waits even was and then I discovered him and realized Altman wrote that role based on TW, the musician. They are one-in-the same, (tho I do feel the need to throw in a little Ron Pearlman and Bukowski for good measure). There's something poetic about the loneliness that drips out of this album as he performs in front of a live audience. Tom Waits is an average musician, subpar comedian and slightly above average lyricist which is why it's so easy to appreciate and relate to him. Great album to listen to while riding a bike on the dark, dimly lit streets at the edge of town in the middle of the night.

Apr 28 2023
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Classic Tom Waits, surely America's greatest lyricist with his esophagus full of gravel and whiskey surrounded by a cloud of unfiltered nicotine. Easily one of the most important musicians of the 20th-21st centuries. I grew up to his vinyls spinning quite often, usually late at night, and usually turned up loud. He was there for the hard times and he still is. Hold On is my go to when everything comes apart at the seams. Mockin Bird was the one I sang to my babies. Those songs aren't on this album, and this album isn't one I know as well as much of his catalogue. But asking me if I want to hear a Tom Waits album is sort of like hey do you like chocolate? Well f**k yes I do! Fun fact. He uses it now, but for like FOREVER YEARS, just loaded a black page with nothing. I thought that was genius and just so HIM!!!

May 01 2023
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One thing I love that this list has done for me is expose me to live jazz albums, live recordings turned into albums that are full of heart, soul and everything in between, and that’s exactly what ‘Nighthawks At The Diner” is all about. There are so many great things about this album so firstly I have to say how authentic it feels. This is not trying to be a studio album, there is a lot of dialogue by Tom before and in between tracks telling the audience about how a certain song came about or giving a little story. You can immediately tell the setting is very intimate and Tom is taking his time with this set, hence the 1 hr+ run time, but it all works out to be this enjoyable set of live jazz music. You also have to recognise Waits’ unique cadence throughout, he has this somewhat gravelly voice that perfectly suits the band's style, it’s also some how quite nostalgic as the album has some certain themes such as love and storytelling but it’s an album about life, so it’s very easy to relate to. The accompanying band has this great instinct to just sit nicely in the back but jumps forward every now and again for some particularly soulful moments such as at the end of the 11 minute masterpiece that is ‘Nighthawk Postcards’. Another particular standout is ‘Warm Beer And Cold Women’ where the saxophonist makes a beautiful appearance whilst Tom sits so relaxed on the beat, it’s such a great song. As seen above there are many things I like about this album but what I really love about it is that it’s an album so effortlessly. Artists will try their best to make a concept/storytelling album in a studio setting and it can come off so artificially whereas you take this where Waits isn’t afraid to talk for 2 songs opening up the album whilst the band plays in the back because it’s how the set was, there’s no need to cut it or change it. There are songs I really like on here but as a whole this is such a fantastic listen and really makes me feel like I’ve just walked in on the show mid set. There’s nothing negative I have to say about this, go give it a listen. 5/5

Jul 31 2023
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He's such a creative song writer. Unique style, voice, and composition.

Aug 07 2023
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- nice lyrics - nice lyricism - i love the creative decision to perform this in front of a live crowd - kinda simple instrumentally - love the sax tho - love the humour - feels very authentic - i understand how the vocals can throw some off but like Danny brown for some it kills the music personally it’s what makes him so great these lines probably wouldn’t be as funny with regular vocals - the storytelling is incredible - this shit is jokes lmao - I feel like when the lyrics start to lose me the record can get a little stale as it’s simple instrumentally and the songwriting is the main focus - incredible closer - what a brilliantly cohesive record one of the most album feeling albums I’ve heard - amazing record

Aug 18 2023
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Tom Waits is an all time favorite of mine. I love his bluesy melodies, easily recognizable bass, vivid lyrics and stories. This album has pent of that.

Aug 23 2023
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That was an adventure. I could just picture that whole performance being in a dimly light room that absolutely reeked of cigarettes. I didn't think I was going to enjoy listening to that while working from the start. But then I got completely sucked in. The changing between story telling and songs was perfect

Aug 24 2023
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heard before: nope! This album is weirdly comforting to me, even though I don't think I've ever heard it. Waits really understands his instrument and has an uncanny ability to draw the listener in. His way of telling his stories is captivating - Bruce Springsteen wants what Tom Waits has. Putnam County has the beginnings of Tom Traubert's Blues which made me weirdly emotional? Maybe it's the nostalgia of hearing my dad play Tom Waits in the background of my childhood, but I greatly enjoyed sitting down and listening to this all the way through. Fave songs: Better off Without a Wife, Eggs and Sausage Honorable mention: not a song, but whoever played the upright bass on this album was going OFF

Sep 15 2023
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I have been all in for Tom Waits for over 20 years, which makes me feel very old, but it is good to have an old faithful to return to so I can remember the other times.

Sep 15 2023
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Oh so good. It doesn't get better than "...get more tail than a toilet seat." Tom Waits is an underappreciated savant and the general public should really become more familiar with him.

Sep 22 2023
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If I had to pick a single artist to listen to it would be Mr. Waits. This, his third album, was recorded live in a club where he invited all his friends to come. He had a stripper open for him. Some absolutely classic songs on here.

Oct 06 2023
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What a ride! Love Tom Waits (and his wife who is the George Martin to his career).

Oct 06 2023
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I loved this album. I can't remember hearing a live recording that made me feel like I was actually in the room for the performance as much as this album did — I could picture the scene and smell the cigarettes. This is Tom Waits at his best — or at least I can't remember him being more endearing and captivating and funny, and damn, the track about Big Joe and Phantom 309 hit me on an emotional level I wasn't expecting. The only critical thing I can say is the crowd was sometimes overenthusiastic, but that's not Wait's fault, he had the room riled up. One of my favorite lines was almost a throwaway, when he was talking about going to Ohio or somewhere, "Maybe I'll get a tattoo. My brother-in-law lives there." That struck me as hilarious. Anyway. This was excellent.

Oct 20 2023
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I'm a massive Tom Waits fan, so it's always nice when an album of his pops up on this list. The atmosphere created in this album is arguably better than the songs themselves, as it's not his best collection in pure music terms. No one can paint a scene quite like Tom Waits, and this holds true here.

Oct 26 2023
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Some of the wittiest lyrics I've ever heard. A great live album that makes me wish I was there in person.

Oct 26 2023
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5 Had my attention more than 100 minutes. Does not happen often on this list.

Oct 30 2023
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Oh Tom waits, I love it! It feels like you are really sitting in a club.

Nov 17 2023
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My strictness against live albums was seriously challenged for the first time. Challenged? Defeated! What an amazing performance. I am not a Waits fan but I bow my head towards his great show.

Nov 17 2023
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Tom is really funny and the music reminds me of things long ago

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